General Information

HeinOnline ( is a revolutionary online product available from William S. Hein & Co., Inc. (, an American legal publisher with more than 80 years of experience in serving the academic law library market throughout the world. At the present time, HeinOnline has two online library collections: an image-based Law Journal Library collection, which contains nearly 370 of the top academic legal periodicals, as well as the Federal Register Library, which is also image-based and contains pre-1981 coverage of the United States Federal Register.

This ever-expanding online database, which was awarded the 2002 Best Commercial Website Award from the International Association of Law Libraries and the 2001 Best New Product Award from the American Association of Law Libraries, offers a number of search and browse features that make it a very useful legal research tool.

One of the most advantageous features of HeinOnline is that, being image-based, it provides exact page images, enabling the researcher to view all 7.5 million pages currently available in HeinOnline as they originally appeared in hardcopy (All charts, graphs, and photographs are included in HeinOnline, as well). Other online legal periodical databases do not currently deliver articles in an image-based format, leaving doubt as to whether the text is identical to the original article; charts, graphs, and photographs are not included in these other online databases, either.

Also, unlike other legal periodical databases that only supply post-1980 coverage, HeinOnline provides each journal from inception to the most current volume allowed under contract between Hein and the journal. This provides easy access to some of the most influential law review articles ever written.

In addition to the 370+ journal titles available, HeinOnline is also the ONLY online source containing image-based, pre-1981 Federal Register coverage. Currently, the Federal Register Library provides comprehensive coverage of the Federal Register from the years 1962-1980. By then end of 2003, HeinOnline will provide coverage all the way back to the inception of the Federal Register in 1936, and additional releases will include post-1980 coverage.

William S. Hein & Co., Inc will also be adding two more libraries to HeinOnline in the very near future: the Treaties and Agreements Library and the Supreme Court Library. Other libraries to be added in the future include a Criminal Justice Library and an International Law Library.

At this time, there are nearly 700 legal institutions in 40 countries that subscribe to HeinOnline. This includes more than 95% of ABA-accredited U.S. law schools and 75% of the 50 largest U.S. law firms.

For complete information on the development and philosophy behind HeinOnline, please see the Overview.

Getting Help

Feature Summary

Multiple Browse Options

Browse by Journal Title.  Browse the entire HeinOnline collection by journal title, including the current coverage for each journal.

Browse by Author.  Browse the entire HeinOnline collection by article the author's name.

Browse by Article Title. 
Browse the entire HeinOnline collection by article Title.

For complete information on HeinOnline browsing options, see the Collection Navigation Panel Help by clicking here.

Multiple Searching Options

Author/Title Search.  Search for articles by author and title. For more information on Author/Title Searching, click here.

Full-Text Search. 
Do full-text word and phrase searches by year ranges and for specific journals. For more information on Full-Text Searching, click here.

Searching by Official Citation. 
If you have the official citation to an article, you can go directly to the article. For more information on Searching by Official Citation, see the Collection Navigation Panel Help by clicking here.

Multiple Print Options
Print individual pages or sections (articles) of HeinOnline documents in PDF format or by using the HeinOnline HPrint utility.  You can even e-mail smaller articles using the PDF format. For more information on Printing, click here.

A Word About Images
The articles in HeinOnline are stored, displayed, and printed as high-resolution images.  We use images to faithfully reproduce the page content and layout of the original document, meaning that you can view the page as it originally appeared in hardcopy (footnotes are where they belong!)  Page image files tend to be much larger than text files and, therefore, present some unique issues for viewing and printing, as compared to text files.  You will have much better success using HeinOnline if your workstation and printer conform to the HeinOnline system requirements, which can be viewed by clicking here .

Please keep in mind, you cannot cut and paste text from image pages or search for text strings in an image page.  We do provide uncorrected OCR text for each page in HeinOnline, which we use to perform full-text searches within a volume and across the entire collection.  In addition, you can use this text for cutting and pasting portion