Collection Navigation Panel

The Collection Navigation Panel appears on the left portion of your display.  This panel contains tools to help you navigate through the Hein-On-Line  collection. You can use the Collection Navigation Panel to browse the collection by Journal Title, Article Title or Article Author, and to perform Author/Title Searches, Text Searches and many other functions in the collection.  The Collection Navigation Panel appears as follows:

The Modern Link to Legal History

Browse Journal Title

Browse Article Author
Browse Article Title
Search Article Author/Title
Full Text Search
Help Index
E-mail Feedback

            Citation Navigator
Volume Number -- Journal Name -- Page


Guest account



The components of the Collection Navigation Panel and their uses are as follows:

The Modern Link to Legal History
This is the Hein-On-Line logo, which is also a link back to the Hein-On-Line start page. 


Browse Journal Title

Browse Journal Title provides a complete, alphabetical list of the titles available in Hein-On-Line. This feature also provides an overview of the coverage periods of each title. By selecting a title from this location, the researcher is then directed to the complete collection within the title selected.


Browse Article Author

Browse by Author provides a list from A to Z by an author's last name, along with the title and official citation.  Legal researchers may find this feature beneficial when they are unsure of the exact spelling of a particular author's last name.  Selecting this method of browsing will yield all authors in the entire Hein-On-Line collection whose last names begin with the letter requested.


Browse Article Title

Browse by Article Title is similar to browse by Author.  Browsing by article title provides an alphabetical list of article titles within the Hein-On-Line collection, along with the author of the article and the official citation.  This can be a valuable feature when only the beginning of a title is known, rather then the complete title of a work.  Helpful hint: The articles A, An, and The are not considered when browsing by title.

Search Article Author/Title

Search Article Author/Title allows you to search the collection by author and/or title across the entire collection or for a single journal.  Click here for expanded Author/Title Search Help.

Full Text Search

Full-Text Search allows you to perform Full-Text Word and Phrase searches across the entire collection or for particular years and/or journals.  Click here for expanded Full-Text Word and Phrase Search Help.

Help Index

Help Index.  A full range of help text is available from this button. 

E-mail Feedback

E-mail Feedback.  If you have a peculiar problem not answered here, e-mail us to get it resolved.



           Citation Navigator
Volume Number -- Journal Name -- Page


Citation Navigator. For the legal researcher who has an official citation to a particular article, Hein-On-Line offers a unique, efficient searching technique. By entering the volume number, selecting the journal from the menu pull-down, and entering a page number, the researcher will quickly locate the exact page within the collection.  Please note:  Currently, this search feature follows Bluebook rule 16.3 (17th ed., page 119) for consecutively paginated journals.  In the event your cite is to a non-consecutively paginated journal, it is best to use the Author/Title search or the browse by journal title features of Hein-On-Line.


Guest account

Account Identification and Logoff Button.  The Account Identification and Logoff Button only appears when you are using Hein-On-Line with a password.