Volume Navigation Panel

The Volume Navigation Panel appears on the right portion of your display above the page you are viewing.  This panel contains information about the volume you are viewing and tools to help you navigate through it.  You can use the Volume Navigation Panel to view the electronic Table of Contents, flip pages, print sections and pages and perform many other functions on the volume you are viewing.  The Volume Navigation Panel appears as follows:

Harvard Law Review Volume 4, 1890-1891    Citations on this Page
Display Volume Table of Contents
Display previous section (article, note, etc.)Display next section (article, note, etc.)
Display previous pageDisplay next page
Display images of pages Display text generated from images of journal pages



The components of this tool and their uses are as follows:

Harvard Law Review Volume 4, 1890-1891    

The Journal Title, the volume number and year(s) of the volume you are viewing will be displayed.



This is the Page Number Pull-Down component.  Use it to quickly jump to any page in the volume you are viewing. 


Citations on this Page

This is the Citations on This Page component.  Use it to view  all the citations that are present on the page you are viewing. Citations are generated automatically from uncorrected OCR text. Due to OCR errors, some citations may not be listed or may be listed incorrectly. Citations which are identifiable in Hein-On-Line are presented as links.  If you follow a citation link from the Citations on This Page window, you can always return to the original page by using the return link at the top of the window. 


Display Volume Table of Contents

Use this component to display the Electronic Table of Contents for the volume you are viewing.  The Electronic Table of Contents will show the structure and contents including the volume front matter, issues, articles and all other elements of the volume. All sections listed in the Electronic Table of Contents are hot links to the section.  You can use this feature to quickly review the contents of a volume and jump directly to the section you are looking for.


Display previous section (article, note, etc.)Display next section (article, note, etc.)

Use this component while viewing pages in a volume to move forward or backward section by section.  Press the Display next section (article, note, etc.) button to move forward one section.  Press the Display previous section (article, note, etc.) button to move backward one section.  Section breaks are denoted in the table of contents. 


Display previous pageDisplay next page

Use this component while viewing pages in a volume to move forward or backward page by page.  Press the Display next page button to move forward one page.  Press the Display previous page button to move backward one page.


Display images of pages Display text generated from images of journal pages

This component is used to display the volume pages in either image or text format.  Press the Display images of pages  button to view the pages of the volume  in image format, which is the default.   Press the Display text generated from images of journal pages button to view the pages of the volume in text format.  The text that is displayed is uncorrected OCR text, which was generated from the image page.  You can use this text for cutting and pasting into word processing and other programs. The uncorrected OCR text is also used for Full-Text Searches within a volume and across the entire collection. The format you have chosen will remain in effect until you select another format or view a different volume.



This component is used to adjust the size of pages displayed in image format. The image size selections are Small, Medium and Large, respectively.  The default image size is medium and should allow a 7 x 10 image page to be fully displayed on a monitor set at a resolution of 1024 X 768.   The size you have chosen will remain in effect until you select another size or view a different volume.



This component is used to print pages and articles in Hein-On-Line.  Click here for detailed Printing Help.