publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume mongraph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id Preceding_publication_title_id access_type frequency "Art Antiquity and Law" 1362-2331 1996 artniqul fulltext "Institute of Art & Law" serial P 4 "Art Treasures and War: A Study of the Restitution of Looted Cultural Property, Pursuant to Public International Law" 9780953169610 atresuw fulltext "London: Institute of Art and Law," monograph 1998 Kowalski P "Authenticity in the Art Market: A Comparative Study of Swiss, French and English Contract Law" 9781903987186 Olsburgh authemkt fulltext "Leicester: Institute of Art Law," monograph 2005 P "Commentary on the 2003 UNESCO Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage" 9781903987094 Blake cunescoh fulltext "Leicester: Institute of Art and Law," monograph 2006 P "Commentary on the UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen and Illegally Exported Cultural Objects 1995" 9780953169603 Prott cmundsie fulltext "Leicester: Institute of Art Law," monograph 1997 P "Cultural Heritage Conventions and Other Instruments: A Compendium with Commentaries" 9781903987124 O'Keefe cuhertvoi fulltext "Builth Wells: Institute of Art and Law," monograph 2011 P "Exploring Cultural Rights and Cultural Diversity: An Introduction with Selected Legal Materials" 9781903987346 Blake excurdv fulltext "London: Institute of Art and Law," monograph 2014 P "Museums and the Holocaust: Law, Principles and Practice" 9780953169665 Palmer musholc fulltext "London: Institute of Art and Law," monograph 2000 P "Neglected Witnesses: The Fate of Jewish Ceremonial Objects during the Second World War and after" 9781903987216 nglectws fulltext "Builth Wells: Institute of Art and Law," monograph 2011 Cohen P "Realising Cultural Heritage Law: Festschrift for Patrick Joseph O'Keefe" 9781903987308 realchtpjk fulltext "Builth Wells: Institute of Art and Law," monograph 2013 P "Returned from Russia: Nazi Archival Plunder in Western Europe and Recent Restitution Issues" 1903987113 retussia fulltext "Builth Wells: Institute of Art and Law," monograph 2007 Grimsted P "Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: Challenges and Approaches: A Collection of Essays" 1903987105 sfgintcuh fulltext "Builth Wells: Institute of Art and Law," monograph 2007 Blake P "Shipwrecked Heritage: A Commentary on the UNESCO Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage" 1903987016 O'Keefe shipwkht fulltext "Leicester: Institute of Art Law," monograph 2002 P "Taking It Personally: The Individual Liability of Museum Personnel" 9781903987254 takipers fulltext "Builth Wells: Institute of Art and Law," monograph 2011 Redmond-Cooper P "War and Cultural Heritage: An Analysis of the 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and Its Two Protocols" 1903987059 Chamberlain warcuhg fulltext "Leicester: Institute of Art and Law," monograph 2004 P