publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type frequency "1 Verizon UK Limited 2 Vodafone Limited V Office of Communication - Determination (No Number)" "Competition Commission" knpptiaaaee fulltext monograph 2013 "No Number" P "100% Business Rates Retention: Further consultation on the design of the reformed system. A Summary of Responses to the Business Rates Retention Further Consultation (No Number)" 9781409851677 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaabzt fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "100% Business Rates Retention: Further Consultation on the Design of the Reformed System February 2017 (No Number)" 9781409850090 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaabuc fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "10th Delegated Legislation Committee 14 March 2024: Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (14/03/2024)" 464300023860 piovolbaedtb fulltext 2024 14/03/2024 P "10th Delegated Legislation Committee 29 November 2023: Draft Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019 (Port Examination Code of Practice) Regulations 2023. Draft National Security Act 2023 (Video Recording with Sound of Interviews and Associated Code of Practice) Regulations 2023. Draft National Security Act 2023 (Consequential Amendments of Primary Legislation) Regulations 2023 (29/11/2023)" 464300022634 piovolbaaiar fulltext monograph 2023 29/11/2023 P "10th Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of Session 2010-12. Piracy off the Coast of Somalia: Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 8324)" 9780101832427 Foreign cmdpapcmaalia fulltext monograph 2012 "CM 8324" P "10th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Direct Applicability of Directives (HL 85)" 9780100408555 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafno fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 85" P "10th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/1900/73 & R/1957/74 - Future sugar policy of the communities (HL 140)" 9780104140758 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaacwk fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 140" P "10th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Third Sift: 30th December 1975 (HL 44)" 9780104044766 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaaftb fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 44" P "10th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords (HL 103)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaepl fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 103" P "10th report of session 2006-07: drawing special attention to: draft Post Office Network Subsidy Scheme Order 2007 (HL 53)" 9780104851494 "Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (Formerly Merits of Statutory Instruments Committee)" hlpapaanmb fulltext monograph 2007 "HL 53" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 157)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaebw fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 157" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 137)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaedz fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 137" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 95)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaefp fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 95" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1957-58 (HL 152)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaehl fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 152" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1958-59 (HL 150)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaejj fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 150" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1959-60 (HL 124)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaelj fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 124" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 93)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaemr fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 93" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1961-62 (HL 109)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeod fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 109" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 124)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaerj fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 124" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1964-65 (HL 127)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaetj fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 127" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 114)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaevz fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 114" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 139)" 9780104139684 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaezp fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 139" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1968-69 (HL 145)" 9780104145692 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafbm fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 145" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1969-70 (HL 118)" 9780104118702 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafcw fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 118" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 132)" 9780104132715 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafee fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 132" P "10th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 121)" 9780104121726 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafgy fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 121" P "11 Million led by The Children's Commissioner for England Annual Report and Accounts 2007/08. (HC 912)" 9780102956221 "Children's Commissioner for England (Formerly 11 Million)" hcpapaampg fulltext monograph 2008 "HC 912" P "11 Million led by The Children's Commissioner for England: Annual Report and Financial Statements 2008-2009 from the Children's Commissioner for England (HC 734)" 9780102960785 "Children's Commissioner for England (Formerly 11 Million)" hcpapaaogd fulltext monograph 2009 "HC 734" P "11 Million (Office of the Children's Commissioner) Annual Report 2006-2007 (HC 918)" 9780102946512 "Children's Commissioner for England (Formerly 11 Million)" hcpapaaezv fulltext monograph 2007 "HC 918" P "11th Delegated Legislation Committee 29 November 2023: Draft Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023 (Consequential Amendment) Regulations 2023 (29/11/2023)" 464300022641 piovolbaaias fulltext monograph 2023 29/11/2023 P "11th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. Co-Option. 2. Sifting of EEC Proposals. 3. R/2795/74-Limiting Pollution on Seas and Waterways. 4. General Applicability of Directives and Regulations to the Crown (HL 88)" 9780100408852 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafnp fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 88" P "11th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities (HL 141)" 9780104141755 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaacwl fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 141" P "11th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2133/75 - Freedom of lawyers to provide services (HL 49)" 9780104049761 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaaftd fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 49" P "11th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords (HL 122)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaepp fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 122" P "11th report of session 2006-07: drawing special attention to: Draft Housing (Tenancy Deposit Schemes) Order 2007; Education (Prohibition from Teaching or Working with Children) (Amendment) Regulations 2007; Day Care and Child Minding (Disqualification) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (HL 57)" 9780104851500 "Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (Formerly Merits of Statutory Instruments Committee)" hlpapaanme fulltext monograph 2007 "HL 57" P "11th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the period April 2007 to March 2008. (HC 705; NIA Paper 167; SG paper 95)" 9780102955491 "Financial Reporting Advisory Board; Financial Reporting Advisory Board; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" niapapaaaaf fulltext monograph 2008 "HC 705; NIA Paper 167; SG paper 95" P "11th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the period April 2007 to March 2008. (HC 705; NIA Paper 167; SG paper 95)" 9780102955491 "Financial Reporting Advisory Board; Financial Reporting Advisory Board; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" hcpapaamio fulltext monograph 2008 "HC 705; NIA Paper 167; SG paper 95" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 162)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaebx fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 162" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 150)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeeb fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 150" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 121)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaefu fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 121" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1957-58 (HL 160)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaehm fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 160" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1958-59 (HL 171)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaejn fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 171" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1959-60 (HL 138)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaell fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 138" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 109)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaemv fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 109" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1961-62 (HL 120)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeoh fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 120" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 145)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaern fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 145" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1964-65 (HL 188)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaetw fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 188" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 115)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaewa fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 115" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 145)" 9780104145685 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaezq fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 145" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1968-69 (HL 169)" 9780104169698 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafbs fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 169" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1969-70 (HL 124)" 9780104124703 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafcx fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 124" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 142)" 9780104142714 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafeg fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 142" P "11th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 143)" 9780104143728 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafhc fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 143" P "1+2 Languages Implementation. Findings from the 2019 local authority survey (No Number)" 9781839606267 "The Scottish Government" sgldaaace fulltext monograph 2020 "No Number" P "1+2 Languages Policy: Findings From the 2021 Survey of Local Authorities (No Number)" 9781804352342 "The Scottish Government" sgldaaaha fulltext monograph 2022 "No Number" P "12th Delegated Legislation Committee 30 November 2023: Draft Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Codes of Practice) (Revision of Codes A, B, C, D and H and New Code I) Order 2023 (30/11/2023)" 464300022658 piovolbaaiat fulltext monograph 2023 30/11/2023 P "12th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on European Communities. R/2055/73, R/2454/73 and COM(71)500- Proposed Regional Development Fund and Related Proposals (HL 101)" 9780100410152 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafnu fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 101" P "12th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/1746/73 - Harmonisation of V.A.T. 2. R/1361/73 - Award of Public Supply Contracts. 3. R/1811/71 - Regulation of Joint Undertakings. 4. R/32/73 - Arbitration of Public Works Contracts Financed by E.D.F. (HL 142)" 9780104142752 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaacwm fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 142" P "12th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities together with the minutes of evidence. R/2103/75 - Draft directive on the harmonisation of systems of company taxation and of withholding taxes on dividends (HL 50)" 9780104050767 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafte fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 50" P "12th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1962-63 (HL 142)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeps fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 142" P "12th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board: Report for the period April 2008 to March 2009 (HC 671; NIA Paper 138; SG Paper 95 2009)" 9780102959000 "Financial Reporting Advisory Board; Financial Reporting Advisory Board; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" niapapaaaat fulltext monograph 2009 "HC 671; NIA Paper 138; SG Paper 95 2009" P "12th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board: Report for the period April 2008 to March 2009 (HC 671; NIA Paper 138; SG Paper 95 2009)" 9780102959000 "Financial Reporting Advisory Board; Financial Reporting Advisory Board; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" hcpapaaoec fulltext monograph 2009 "HC 671; NIA Paper 138; SG Paper 95 2009" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 170)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaebz fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 170" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 164)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeec fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 164" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 130)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaefx fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 130" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1957-58 (HL 165)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaehn fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 165" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1958-59 (HL 175)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaejq fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 175" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1959-60 (HL 145A)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaelq fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 145A" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 124)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaemx fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 124" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1961-62 (HL 124)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeoj fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 124" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 173)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaerr fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 173" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1964-65 (HL 208)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeua fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 208" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 126)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaewc fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 126" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 151)" 9780104151686 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaezr fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 151" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 166)" 9780104166710 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafen fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 166" P "12th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 156)" 9780104156728 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafhf fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 156" P "13th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. Sifting of EEC Proposals. 2. R/340/75 on the Unacceptable Situation - A Correcting Mechanism for the European Budget. 3. Amendment to Statutes by EEC Regulations 4. European Proposals: Consequential Legislation in the United Kingdom. 5. Annexes A and B (HL 115)" 9780100411555 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafnx fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 115" P "13th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Fourth Sift: 13th January 1976 (HL 51)" 9780104051764 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaaftf fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 51" P "13th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board: Report for the period April 2009 to March 2010 (HC 101; SG Paper 100 2010)" 9780102966541 "Financial Reporting Advisory Board; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" hcpapaaaak fulltext monograph 2010 "HC 101; SG Paper 100 2010" P "13th Report of the Independent Monitoring Commission (HC 260)" 9780102944310 "Independent Monitoring Commission" hcpapaabae fulltext monograph 2007 "HC 260" P "13th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 178)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeca fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 178" P "13th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 169)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeed fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 169" P "13th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 136)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaefy fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 136" P "13th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 133)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaenb fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 133" P "13th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 189)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeru fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 189" P "13th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 142)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaewg fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 142" P "13th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 171)" 9780104171684 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaezt fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 171" P "13th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 178)" 9780104178713 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafer fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 178" P "13th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 163)" 9780104163726 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafhj fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 163" P "14-19 Education and Skills (CM 6476)" 9780101647625 "Department for Education and Skills" cmdpapcmaaisa fulltext monograph 2005 "CM 6476" P "14-19: Extending Opportunities, Raising Standards. Consultation Document (CM 5342)" 9780101534222 "Department for Education and Skills" cmdpapcmaahez fulltext monograph 2002 "CM 5342" P "1452-1492 MHz and 3400-3800 MHz Frequency Bands (Management) Regulations 2016 (SI 495 2016)" piovolbaassj fulltext monograph 2016 "SI 495 2016" P "14th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Fifth Sift: 27th January 1976 (HL 63)" 9780104063767 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaaftk fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 63" P "14th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/1927/72 - Harmonising Safety Glass Fitted in Motor Vehicle Windscreens (HL 116)" 9780100411654 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafny fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 116" P "14th Report Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (HC 82-xiv; HL 86)" 9780104010488 "Statutory Instruments Joint Committee" hcpapaalcb fulltext monograph 2007 "HC 82-xiv; HL 86" P "14th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board: Report for the period April 2010 to March 2011 (HC 1076; SG Paper 111 2011)" 9780102971729 "Financial Reporting Advisory Board" hcpapaaabr fulltext monograph 2011 "HC 1076; SG Paper 111 2011" P "14th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 185)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeei fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 185" P "14th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 202)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaerx fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 202" P "14th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 150)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaewh fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 150" P "14th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 188)" 9780104188682 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaezx fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 188" P "14th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 198)" 9780104198711 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafev fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 198" P "14th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 166)" 9780104166727 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafhk fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 166" P "15-24 Learner Journey Review (No Number)" 9781788518741 "The Scottish Government" sgedtaaajp fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "15th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. Co-Options. 2. Selection of EEC Proposals. 3. EEC Treaty: Direct Applicability of Articles 48, 52 and 59. 4. Freedom of Establishment: Nursing: Accountancy. 5. R/1523/74 - Gas Meters. 6. COM(71)288 - Health Requirements in Meat Products. 7. COM(68)835 and R/89/75 - Pesticides. 8. Annexes A and B (HL 147)" 9780100414754 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafoj fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 147" P "15th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/3166/75: EEC Farm Prices Proposals 1976-77. 2. R7157/75: Marketing of Agricultural Products. 3. R/2020/75 R2021/75: High Yielding Wheats (HL 64)" 9780104064764 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaaftl fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 64" P "15th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the period April 2011 to March 2012 (HC 1940; SG Paper 76 2012)" 9780102977523 "Financial Reporting Advisory Board; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" hcpapaaslu fulltext monograph 2012 "HC 1940; SG Paper 76 2012" P "15th Report of the Independent Monitoring Commission. (HC 478)" 9780102945058 "Independent Monitoring Commission" hcpapaabgq fulltext monograph 2007 "HC 478" P "15th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 208)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaesb fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 208" P "15th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 160)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaewj fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 160" P "15th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 200)" 9780104200681 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafab fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 200" P "15th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 221)" 9780104221716 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaffa fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 221" P "15th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 174)" 9780104174722 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafhm fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 174" P "16th report from the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities session 1994-95. Environmental issues in central and eastern Europe: The PHARE Programme observations by the Government (CM 3011)" 9780101301121 Foreign cmdpapcmaaeep fulltext monograph 1995 "CM 3011" P "16th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. Lomb Convention. 2. Co-ordination of Regional aid Policies (R/650/75). 3. Renegotiation and the Common Agricultural Policy (HL 160)" 9780100416055 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafoq fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 160" P "16th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. S/755/75 - Oct (Rules of origin). 2. R/2282/75 - Direct insurance. 3. Co-options and changes in subcommittees (HL 75)" 9780104075760 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaaftp fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 75" P "16th report of session 2006-07: drawing special attention to: Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007; Electricity Generating Stations and Overhead Lines (Inquiries Procedure) (England and Wales) Rules 2007 correspondence: draft Gambling (Geographical Distribution of Casino Premises Licences) Order 2007 (HL 84)" 9780104851579 "Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (Formerly Merits of Statutory Instruments Committee)" hlpapaanmr fulltext monograph 2007 "HL 84" P "16th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the period April 2012 to March 2013 (HC 55; SG Paper 75 2013)" 9780102983159 "Financial Reporting Advisory Board; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" hcpapaasyo fulltext monograph 2013 "HC 55; SG Paper 75 2013" P "16th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 170)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaewm fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 170" P "16th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 203)" 9780104203682 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafac fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 203" P "16th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 231)" 9780104231715 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafff fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 231" P "16th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 186)" 9780104186725 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafhs fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 186" P "17th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. Sifting of EEC. Proposals. 2. R/731/75: Economic Guidelines. 3. R/3544/74 and R/3592/74: Credit Institutions. 4. R/2195/74 and R/162/75: Energy Research and Development (HL 161)" 9780100416154 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafor fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 161" P "17th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Sixth Sift: 10th February 1976 (HL 83)" 9780104083765 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaaftt fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 83" P "17th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the period April 2013 to March 2014 (HC 1264; SG Paper 56 2014)" 9781474102513 "Financial Reporting Advisory Board" hcpapaavrj fulltext monograph 2014 "HC 1264; SG Paper 56 2014" P "17th Report of the Independent Monitoring Commission (HC 18)" 9780102948301 "Independent Monitoring Commission" hcpapaalpl fulltext monograph 2007 "HC 18" P "17th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 183)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaewp fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 183" P "17th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 192)" 9780104192726 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafhu fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 192" P "18th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2713/73: Harmonisations of National Aids to Sea Fishing (HL 183)" 9780100418356 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafox fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 183" P "18th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Seventh Sift: 24th February 1976 (HL 97)" 9780104097762 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafty fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 97" P "18th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the period April 2014 to March 2015 (HC 304; SG Paper 104 2015)" 9781474123037 "H.M. Treasury; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" hcpapaaaie fulltext monograph 2015 "HC 304; SG Paper 104 2015" P "18th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 194)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaewt fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 194" P "18th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 196)" 9780104196724 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafhw fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 196" P "1902 Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendixes (CD 960)" "War Office" piovolabikg fulltext monograph 1902 "CD 960" P "1902 Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Schedules and Appendices (CD 1072)" "Board of Education" piovolabffn fulltext monograph 1902 "CD 1072" P "1903 Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendixes (CD 1492)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolabfuz fulltext monograph 1903 "CD 1492" P "1903 Provisional Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools and Training Colleges, with Schedules (CD 1509)" "Board of Education" piovolabfvm fulltext monograph 1903 "CD 1509" P "1904-05 Approximate Estimate of Expenditure under the Military Works Acts of 1897, 1899 and 1901 (CD 2255)" "War Office" piovolabdry fulltext monograph 1905 "CD 2255" P "1904 Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendixes (CD 1969)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolabgps fulltext monograph 1904 "CD 1969" P "1904 Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools, with Schedules (CD 2074)" "Board of Education" piovolabdci fulltext monograph 1904 "CD 2074" P "1905-06 Approximate Estimate of Expenditure under the Military Works Acts of 1897, 1899, 1901 and 1903 (CD 2691)" "War Office" piovolabesx fulltext monograph 1906 "CD 2691" P "1905 Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendixes (CD 2429)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolabdxc fulltext monograph 1905 "CD 2429" P "1905 Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools, with Schedules (CD 2579)" "Board of Education" piovolabecp fulltext monograph 1905 "CD 2579" P "1906-07 Approximate Estimate of Expenditure under the Military Works Acts of 1897, 1899, 1901 and 1903 (CD 2994)" "War Office" piovolabfdh fulltext monograph 1906 "CD 2994" P "1906 Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendixes (CD 2866)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolabeyt fulltext monograph 1906 "CD 2866" P "1906 Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools, with Schedules (CD 3043)" "Board of Education" piovolacuar fulltext monograph 1906 "CD 3043" P "1907-08 Approximate Estimate of Expenditure under the Military Works Acts of 1897, 1899, 1901 and 1903 (CD 3362)" "War Office" piovolacukc fulltext monograph 1907 "CD 3362" P "1907 Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendixes (CD 3388)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacuky fulltext monograph 1907 "CD 3388" P "1907 Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools in England (exclusive of Wales and Monmouthshire), with Schedules (CD 3594)" "Board of Education" piovolacurv fulltext monograph 1907 "CD 3594" P "1907 Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools in Wales (including Monmouthshire), with Schedules (CD 3604)" "Welsh Department of the Board of Education" piovolacusf fulltext monograph 1907 "CD 3604" P "1907 Regulations as to grants to Secondary Schools (CD 3600)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacusb fulltext monograph 1907 "CD 3600" P "1907 Regulations for the Preliminary Education, Training and Certification of Teachers for various grades of Schools (CD 3390)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacula fulltext monograph 1907 "CD 3390" P "1908-09 Approximate Estimate of Expenditure under the Military Works Acts of 1897, 1899, 1901 and 1903 (CD 3931)" "War Office" piovolacvom fulltext monograph 1908 "CD 3931" P "1908 Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendices, by the Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council on Education in Scotland (CD 3948)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacvoz fulltext monograph 1908 "CD 3948" P "1908 Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools in England only, with Schedules (CD 4158)" "Board of Education" piovolacsmh fulltext monograph 1908 "CD 4158" P "1908 Regulations as to grants to Secondary Schools (CD 4040)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacshx fulltext monograph 1908 "CD 4040" P "1908 Regulations for the Preliminary Education, Training, and Certification of Teachers for various grades of Schools (CD 4034)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacshr fulltext monograph 1908 "CD 4034" P "1909 Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools in England only, with Schedules (CD 4735)" "Board of Education" piovolacton fulltext monograph 1909 "CD 4735" P "1909 Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools in Wales (including Monmouthshire), with Schedules (CD 4743)" "Board of Education" piovolactou fulltext monograph 1909 "CD 4743" P "1909 Regulations for the Preliminary Education, Training, and Certification of Teachers for various grades of Schools (CD 4859)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolactse fulltext monograph 1909 "CD 4859" P "1909 Supplement to Vols. I. and II. Abstract and Detailed Tables showing the Trade between the United Kingdom and each Foreign Country and British Possession according to the system of classification in force in 1908 and previous years, with a prefatory memorandum. (CD 5305)" "H.M. Customs and Excise" piovolacrhd fulltext monograph 1910 "CD 5305" P "1910 Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendixes (CD 5090)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacqzu fulltext monograph 1910 "CD 5090" P "1910 Regulations for the Preliminary Education, Training, and Certification of Teachers for various grades of Schools (CD 5411)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacrkt fulltext monograph 1910 "CD 5411" P "1910 Supplement to Vols. I. and II. Abstract and Detailed Tables showing the Trade between the United Kingdom and each Foreign Country and British Possession according to the system of classification in force in 1908 and previous years, with a prefatory memorandum. (CD 5853)" "H.M. Customs and Excise" piovolacsbn fulltext monograph 1911 "CD 5853" P "1911 Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendixes (CD 5562)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacrqe fulltext monograph 1911 "CD 5562" P "1911 Regulations for the Preliminary Education, Training, and Certification of Teachers for various grades of Schools (CD 5815)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacsac fulltext monograph 1911 "CD 5815" P "1912 Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendices (CD 6122)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacouv fulltext monograph 1912 "CD 6122" P "1912 Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools in England (Excluding Wales and Monmouthshire) (CD 6262)" "Board of Education" piovolacoyy fulltext monograph 1912 "CD 6262" P "1912 Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools in Wales and Monmouthshire (CD 6289)" "Welsh Department of the Board of Education" piovolacozt fulltext monograph 1912 "CD 6289" P "1912 Regulations for the Preliminary Education, Training, and Certification of Teachers for various grades of Schools (CD 6302)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacpao fulltext monograph 1912 "CD 6302" P "1913 Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendix (CD 6741)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacljc fulltext monograph 1913 "CD 6741" P "1913 Regulations for the Preliminary Education, Training, and Certification of Teachers for various grades of Schools (CD 6892)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolaclqm fulltext monograph 1913 "CD 6892" P "1914. Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendixes (CD 7303)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacmlg fulltext monograph 1914 "CD 7303" P "1914 Regulations for the preliminary education, training and certification of Teachers for various grades of schools (CD 7521)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacmxj fulltext monograph 1914 "CD 7521" P "1915. Code of Regulations for Day Schools, with Appendixes (CD 7788)" "Scottish Education Department" piovolacpvf fulltext monograph 1915 "CD 7788" P "1915 Regulations for the Preliminary Education, Training, and Certification of Teachers for various grades of Schools (CD 8061)" "Board of Education" piovolacqhl fulltext monograph 1915 "CD 8061" P "1971 Increases and other Changes in Social Security Benefits (CMND 4652)" 9780101465205 "Department of Health and Social Security" cmdpapcmndaafsl fulltext monograph 1971 "CMND 4652" P "1973 Review of Social Security Benefits and Associated Changes (CMND 5288)" 9780101528801 "Department of Health and Social Security" cmdpapcmndaahpk fulltext monograph 1973 "CMND 5288" P "1976 Census of Population (CMND 5906)" 9780101590600 "Department of Health and Social Security" cmdpapcmndaailm fulltext monograph 1975 "CMND 5906" P "1981 Census of Population (CMND 7146)" 9780101714600 "Scottish Office; Department of Health and Social Security" cmdpapcmndaaken fulltext monograph 1978 "CMND 7146" P "1981 Census of Population: Confidentiality and Computing (CMND 8201)" 9780101820103 "Scottish Office; Department of Health and Social Security" cmdpapcmndaalqp fulltext monograph 1981 "CMND 8201" P "1983 protocols for the further extension of the Wheat Trade Convention, 1971 and the Food Aid Convention, 1980 constituting the International Wheat Agreement, 1971 Washington, Apr. 4-May 10, 1983 (CMND 9703)" 9780101970303 Foreign cmdpapcmndaantp fulltext monograph 1986 "CMND 9703" P "1983 Review of European Assembly Constituencies. Arolwg o Etholaethau Cynulliad Ewrop 1983 (CMND 9172)" 9780101917209 "Boundary Commission for Wales" cmdpapcmndaamzi fulltext monograph 1984 "CMND 9172" P "1991 Census of Population (CM 430)" 9780101043021 "Scottish Office; Department of Health and Social Security" cmdpapcmaaaqq fulltext monograph 1988 "CM 430" P "1991 census of population: Confidentiality and computing (CM 1447)" 9780101144728 "Department of Health & Social Care (Formerly Department of Health); Scottish Office" cmdpapcmaacan fulltext monograph 1991 "CM 1447" P "1992: Health Controls and the Internal Market. Response of the Government to the 9th Report from the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities (CM 815)" 9780101081528 "Ministry of Agriculture" cmdpapcmaabfj fulltext monograph 1989 "CM 815" P "1999 child support White Paper reply by the Government to the 10th report of the Select Committee on Social Security, session 1998-99 [HC 798] (CM 4536)" 9780101453622 "Department of Social Security" cmdpapcmaagds fulltext monograph 1999 "CM 4536" P "19th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities: 1. Co-Options. 2. Sifting of EEC Proposals. 3. EEC Treaties, Conventions and Agreements. 4. Treaty Notices: (i) EEC, ECSE-Israel Agreements (S/451/75). (ii) Athens Agreement - Additional Protocol (S/448/75). (iii) Commercial Co-Operation Agreement EEC - Sri Lanka (S/456/75) (HL 193)" 9780100419353 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafpc fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 193" P "19th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities together with minutes of evidence. 1. Co-options. 2. Water for human consumption (R/2098/75). 3. Waste from the titanium dioxide industry (R/2003/75) (HL 111)" 9780104111765 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafue fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 111" P "19th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the Period April 2015 to March 2016 (HC 558; SG Paper 236 2016)" 9781474139199 "H.M. Treasury; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" sgpapaacvt fulltext monograph 2016 "HC 558; SG Paper 236 2016" P "19th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the period April 2015 to March 2016 (HC 558; SG Paper 236 2016)" 9781474139199 "H.M. Treasury; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" hcpapaaain fulltext monograph 2016 "HC 558; SG Paper 236 2016" P "19th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 201)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeww fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 201" P "1st and 2nd Reports from the Joint Committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons on Consolidation Bills Which Are Not Private Bills, Being Reports upon the Government Annuities Bill [H.L.] and Companies Bill [H.L.], Together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence and Appendices (HL 67, 99, 68, 100)" "Consolidation Bills Joint Committee" hlpapaadgx fulltext monograph 1929 "HL 67, 99, 68, 100" P "1st Annual Report of The Ethics Group: National DNA Database 2008 (No Number)" "Biometrics and Forensics Ethics Group (Formerly National DNA Database Ethics Group)" knppcgaaaii fulltext monograph 2008 "No Number" P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 10 July 2023: Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2023 (10/07/2023)" 464300021842 piovolaaccy fulltext monograph 2023 10/07/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 11 December 2023: Draft Judicial Pensions (Remediable Service etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (11/12/2023)" 464300022788 piovolbaaibg fulltext monograph 2023 11/12/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 11 March 2024: Draft Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Suitability for Fixed Term Recall) Order 2024 (11/03/2024)" 464300023761 piovolbaedrh fulltext 2024 11/03/2024 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 11 September 2023: Northern Ireland (Ministerial Appointment Functions) Regulations 2023 (11/09/2023)" 464300022085 piovolaacys fulltext monograph 2023 11/09/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 12 June 2023: Draft Judicial Appointments (Amendment) Order 2023 (12/06/2023)" 464300021286 piovolaabql fulltext monograph 2023 12/06/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 13 November 2023: Draft Representation of the People (Postal Vote Handling and Secrecy) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (13/11/2023)" 464300022269 piovolbaahzg fulltext monograph 2023 13/11/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 15 January 2024: Draft Immigration Act 2014 (Residential Accommodation) (Maximum Penalty) Order 2023. Draft Immigration (Employment of Adults Subject to Immigration Control) (Maximum Penalty) (Amendment) Order 2023 (15/01/2024)" 464300022986 piovolbaaica fulltext monograph 2024 15/01/2024 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 15 May 2023: Non-Domestic Alternative Fuel Payment Application Scheme Pass-through Requirement Regulations 2023 (15/05/2023)" 464300020951 piovolaabiz fulltext monograph 2023 15/05/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 17 July 2023: Draft Building Safety (Leaseholder Protections etc.) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (17/07/2023)" 464300021958 piovolaachn fulltext monograph 2023 17/07/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 18 March 2024: Financial Assistance to Industry (18/03/2024)" 464300023877 piovolbaedtr fulltext 2024 18/03/2024 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 18 September 2023: Draft Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023 (Revocation and Sunset Disapplication) Regulations 2023 (18/09/2023)" 464300022153 piovolaadat fulltext monograph 2023 18/09/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 19 February 2024: Draft Mesothelioma Lump Sum Payments (Conditions and Amounts) (Amendment) Regulations 2024. Draft Pneumoconiosis etc. (Workers' Compensation) (Specified Diseases and Prescribed Occupations) (Amendment) Regulations 2024. Draft Pneumoconiosis etc. (Workers' Compensation) (Payment of Claims) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (19/02/2024)" 464300023501 piovolbaedli fulltext 2024 19/02/2024 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 2 May 2023: Draft Flags (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (02/05/2023)" 464300020852 piovolaabfu fulltext monograph 2023 02/05/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 20 November 2023: Draft Justification Decision (Scientific Age Imaging) Regulations 2023 (20/11/2023)" 464300022399 piovolbaahzt fulltext monograph 2023 20/11/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 21 June 2023: Draft Armed Forces Act 2006 (Continuation) Order 2023 (21/06/2023)" 464300021484 piovolaabui fulltext monograph 2023 21/06/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 22 January 2024: Iran (Sanctions) Regulations 2023 (22/01/2024)" 464300023167 piovolbaaics fulltext monograph 2024 22/01/2024 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 22 May 2023: Draft Register of Overseas Entities (Penalties and Northern Ireland Dispositions) Regulations 2023 (22/05/2023)" 464300021101 piovolaablg fulltext monograph 2023 22/05/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 23 October 2023: Draft Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (23/09/2023)" 464300022184 piovolaadff fulltext monograph 2023 23/09/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 24 April 2023: Draft Register of Overseas Entities (Definition of Foreign Limited Partner, Protection and Rectification) Regulations 2023 (24/04/2023)" 464300020838 piovolaabdw fulltext monograph 2023 24/04/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 26 February 2024: Draft West Midlands Combined Authority (Transfer of Police and Crime Commissioner Functions) Order 2024 (26/02/2024)" 464300023594 piovolbaednv fulltext 2024 26/02/2024 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 26 June 2023: Draft Building Safety (Responsible Actors Scheme and Prohibitions) Regulations 2023 (26/06/2023)" 464300021552 piovolaabvw fulltext monograph 2023 26/06/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 27 November 2023: Draft Code of Practice on Reasonable Steps to be taken by a Trade Union (Minimum Service Levels) (27/11/2023)" 464300022528 piovolbaaiag fulltext monograph 2023 27/11/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 29 January 2024: Draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Order 2024 (29/01/2024)" 464300023327 piovolbaaidi fulltext monograph 2024 29/01/2024 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 3 July 2023: Draft Pensions Dashboards (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (03/07/2023)" 464300021743 piovolaacad fulltext monograph 2023 03/07/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 4 December 2023: Draft Wine (Revocation and Consequential Provision) Regulations 2023 (04/12/2023)" 464300022665 piovolbaaiau fulltext monograph 2023 04/12/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 4 March 2024: Draft Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023 (Consequential and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2024 (04/03/2024)" 464300023662 piovolbaedpp fulltext 2024 04/03/2024 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 4 September 2023: Draft Police Act 1997 (Criminal Record Certificates: Relevant Matter) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Order 2023 (04/09/2023)" 464300022023 piovolaacwe fulltext monograph 2023 04/09/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 5 February 2024: Draft European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere and the European Space Agency (Immunities and Privileges) (Amendment) Order 2023 (05/02/2024)" 464300023433 piovolbaaidt fulltext monograph 2024 05/02/2024 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 6 June 2023: Draft Animal By-Products, Pet Passport and Animal Health (Fees) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (06/06/2023)" 464300021248 piovolaabos fulltext monograph 2023 06/06/2023 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 8 January 2024: Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (High-Risk Countries) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2023 (08/01/2024)" 464300022900 piovolbaaibs fulltext monograph 2024 08/01/2024 P "1st Delegated Legislation Committee 9 May 2023: Draft Insider Dealing (Securities and Regulated Markets) Order 2023 (09/05/2023)" 464300020890 piovolaabhe fulltext monograph 2023 09/05/2023 P "1st Joint Report of Session 2007/08. Scrutiny of Arms Export Control (2008): UK Strategic Export Controls Annual Report 2006, Quarterly Reports for 2007, Licensing policy and review of export control legislation. 8th Report from the Business and Enterprise Committee. 12th Report from the Defence Committee. 8th Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee. 8th Report from the International Development (HC 254)" 9780215521866 "Defence Committee; Foreign Affairs Committee; International Development Committee" hcpapaaluw fulltext monograph 2008 "HC 254" P "1st Joint Report of the Business, Innovation and Skills and Scottish Affairs Committees. Impact of the closure of City Link on Employment Volume 1. Report (HC 928)" 9780215084507 "Scottish Affairs Committee" hcpapaaxbh fulltext monograph 2015 "HC 928" P "1st July 2007 to 31st March 2008 28th (Regulatory) Impact Assessment Command Paper (CM 7358)" 9780101735827 "Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform" cmdpapcmaajxf fulltext monograph 2008 "CM 7358" P "1st Report by the Select Committee of the House of Lords appointed to join with a Select Committee of The House of Commons to consider all Consolidation Bills in the present Session. Being a report on the Children And Young Persons Bill [H.L.], together with the Proceedings of the Committee and Minutes of Evidence (HL 41, 42, 43)" "Consolidation Bills Joint Committee" hlpapaadks fulltext monograph 1933 "HL 41, 42, 43" P "1st report by the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sound Broadcasting. Televising the House of Lords (HL 299)" 9780104299845 "Select Committee on Sound Broadcasting" hlpapaahtf fulltext monograph 1984 "HL 299" P "1st Report by the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sound Broadcasting, Together with Minutes of Evidence Yesterday in Parliament (HL 98)" 9780104098837 "Select Committee on Sound Broadcasting" hlpapaahmn fulltext monograph 1983 "HL 98" P "1st Report by the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sport and Leisure together with the proceedings of the committee (HL 84)" 9780104084731 "Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sport and Leisure" hlpapaafjo fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 84" P "1st report by the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Televising the Proceedings of the House (HL 213)" 9780104213858 "House of Lords" hlpapaahzl fulltext monograph 1985 "HL 213" P "1st report by the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Televising the Proceedings of the House together with the proceedings of the committee and minutes of evidence (HL 190)" "House of Lords" hlpapaaews fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 190" P "1st Report by the Select Committee on Broadcasting the proceedings of the House of Lords together with the proceedings of the Committee and Minutes of Evidence. (HL 27)" "Select Committee on Broadcasting the proceedings of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeyw fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 27" P "1st Report by the Select Committee on Procedures for Scrutiny of Proposals for European Instruments together with the proceedings of the committee and minutes of evidence (HL 67)" 9780104067734 "Select Committee on Procedures for Scrutiny of Proposals for European Instruments" hlpapaafjg fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 67" P "1st Report by the Standing Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (HL 35)" "Indian Affairs Joint Committee" hlpapaaboa fulltext monograph 1921 "HL 35" P "1st Report by the Standing Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (Session 1922) (HL 92)" "Indian Affairs Joint Committee" hlpapaacdg fulltext monograph 1922 "HL 92" P "1st Report form the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1987-88. Famine in the Horn of Africa: Observations by the Government (CM 432)" 9780101043229 Foreign cmdpapcmaaaqs fulltext monograph 1988 "CM 432" P "1st Report from the Committee for Privileges of Session 1963-64 (HL 11)" "Privileges Committee" hlpapaaeqd fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 11" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1973-74 (HL 5)" "Selection Committee" hlpapaaflh fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 5" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1974-75 (HL 6)" 9780100400658 "Selection Committee" hlpapaafmf fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 6" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1974 (HL 7)" "Selection Committee" hlpapaacuj fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 7" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1975-76 (HL 7)" "Selection Committee" hlpapaafsj fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 7" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1976-77 (HL 6)" 9780104006771 "Selection Committee" hlpapaagal fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 6" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1977-78 (HL 4)" "Selection Committee" hlpapaaggi fulltext monograph 1977 "HL 4" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1978-79 (HL 6)" 9780104006795 "Selection Committee" hlpapaagmi fulltext monograph 1978 "HL 6" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1979-80 (HL 4)" "Selection Committee" hlpapaagox fulltext monograph 1979 "HL 4" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1985-86 (HL 4)" 9780104004869 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaidj fulltext monograph 1985 "HL 4" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1986-87 (HL 5)" 9780104005873 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaijx fulltext monograph 1986 "HL 5" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1987-88 (HL 2)" 9780104002889 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaioc fulltext monograph 1987 "HL 2" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1988-89 (HL 2)" 9780104002896 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaivv fulltext monograph 1988 "HL 2" P "1st Report from the Committee of Selection 1989-90 (HL 5)" 9780104801901 "Selection Committee" hlpapaajcg fulltext monograph 1989 "HL 5" P "1st Report from the Defence Committee Allied Forces In Germany. Observations presented by the Secretary of State For Defence. House of Commons Paper 93 Session 1981-82 (CMND 8571)" 9780101857109 "Ministry of Defence" cmdpapcmndaamet fulltext monograph 1982 "CMND 8571" P "1st Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1986-87. South East Asia: Observations by the Government (CM 119)" 9780101011921 Foreign cmdpapcmaaaep fulltext monograph 1987 "CM 119" P "1st report from the Foreign Affairs Committee, session 1991-92 central and eastern Europe; problems of the post-Communist era (CM 1969)" 9780101196925 Foreign cmdpapcmaacrs fulltext monograph 1992 "CM 1969" P "1st report from the Foreign Affairs Committee, session 1993-94 relations between the United Kingdom and China in the period up to and beyond 1997 observations by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 2608)" 9780101260824 Foreign cmdpapcmaadpi fulltext monograph 1994 "CM 2608" P "1st report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1994-95. Monitoring of the European Community aid programme; observations by the Government (CM 2870)" 9780101287029 Foreign cmdpapcmaadzf fulltext monograph 1995 "CM 2870" P "1st report from the Foreign Affairs Committee, session 1995-96 the future role of the Commonwealth observations by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 3303)" 9780101330329 Foreign cmdpapcmaaeow fulltext monograph 1996 "CM 3303" P "1st report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1998-99. Foreign policy and human rights; Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4299)" 9780101429924 Foreign cmdpapcmaafvz fulltext monograph 1999 "CM 4299" P "1st report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1999-2000; Annual report on human rights 1999. Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4687)" 9780101468725 Foreign cmdpapcmaagjk fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4687" P "1st Report from the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology Session 1989-90. Overseas Aid Observations by the Government (CM 1061)" 9780101106122 Foreign cmdpapcmaabnn fulltext monograph 1990 "CM 1061" P "1st Report from the Joint Committee on Delegated Legislation together with the proceedings of the Committee minutes of evidence appendices and index (HL 188)" 9780102407730 "Delegated Legislation Joint Committee" hlpapaafkh fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 188" P "1st Report from the Joint Committee on Sound Broadcasting (HL 214)" 9780102921762 "Select Committee on Sound Broadcasting" hlpapaafwc fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 214" P "1st Report from the Joint Committee on Sound Broadcasting (HL 48)" 9780102136777 "Select Committee on Sound Broadcasting" hlpapaagbk fulltext monograph 1977 "HL 48" P "1st Report from the Joint Select Committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons on the Licensing (Consolidation) Bill and the Perjury Bill [H.L.] (HL 89)" "Licensing (Consolidation) Bill and the Perjury Bill Joint Committee" hlpapaaauk fulltext monograph 1910 "HL 89" P "1st Report from the Joint Select Committee on the Government of India Act, 1919 (Draft Rules) (HL 111)" "Government of India Act" hlpapaabls fulltext monograph 1920 "HL 111" P "1st Report from the Joint Select Committee on the Shops Regulation Acts Consolidation Bill (HL 20)" "Shops Regulation Acts Consolidation Bill Joint Committee" hlpapaacxr fulltext monograph 1912 "HL 20" P "1st Report from the Select Committee appointed to consider the Road Traffic (Compensation for Accidents) Bill [H.L.] and the Road Traffic (Emergency Treatment) Bill [H.L.] being a Report on the Road Traffic (Compensation for Accidents) Bill [H.L.] (HL 134)" "Road Traffic (Compensation For Accidents) Bill and Road Traffic (Emergency Treatment) Bill Select Committee" hlpapaadki fulltext monograph 1933 "HL 134" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on European Communities (HL 16)" 9780100401655 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafmj fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 16" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on leave of absence (HL 23)" 9780104023754 "Select Committee of the House of Lords on leave of absence" hlpapaacus fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 23" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Leave of Absence of Session 1957-58 (HL 151)" "House of Lords on Leave of Absence Select Committee" hlpapaaehk fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 151" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Leave of Absence of Session 1959-60 (HL 11)" "House of Lords on Leave of Absence Select Committee" hlpapaaekl fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 11" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Matters Affecting the Church in Wales; Together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendices (HL 238)" "The Church in Wales Select Committee" hlpapaabdt fulltext monograph 1914 "HL 238" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Practice and Procedure (HL 141)" 9780104141779 "Select Committee of the Practice and Procedure" hlpapaagdl fulltext monograph 1977 "HL 141" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Practice and Procedure (HL 155)" 9780104155783 "Select Committee of the Practice and Procedure" hlpapaagjh fulltext monograph 1978 "HL 155" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Practice and Procedure (HL 299)" 9780104299760 "Select Committee of the Practice and Procedure" hlpapaafxv fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 299" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Procedure of the House (HL 123)" "Select Committee on Procedure of the House" hlpapaaepq fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 123" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sport and Leisure (HL 72)" 9780104072721 "Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sport and Leisure" hlpapaafgn fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 72" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. Sub-committees. 2. Sifting of EEC proposals. 3. Annexes A and B (HL 11)" "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafsk fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 11" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities (HL 55)" 9780104055755 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaacvf fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 55" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the House of Lords Refreshment Rooms (HL 42)" "Select Committee on the House of Lords Refreshment Rooms" hlpapaabim fulltext monograph 1916 "HL 42" P "1st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on The Trial of the Earl Russell (HL 143)" "The Trial of the Earl Russell Select Committee" hlpapaaaau fulltext monograph 1901 "HL 143" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices (HL 16)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeou fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 16" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of 1st Session 1922 (HL 4)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabxi fulltext monograph 1922 "HL 4" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of 2nd Session 1922 (HL 10)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabye fulltext monograph 1922 "HL 10" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1901 (HL 176)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaabc fulltext monograph 1901 "HL 176" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1902 (HL 35)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaact fulltext monograph 1902 "HL 35" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1903 (HL 25)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaaes fulltext monograph 1903 "HL 25" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1904 (HL 180)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaaha fulltext monograph 1904 "HL 180" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1905 (HL 157)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaaja fulltext monograph 1905 "HL 157" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1906 (HL 28)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaalf fulltext monograph 1906 "HL 28" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1907 (HL 190)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaaok fulltext monograph 1907 "HL 190" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1908 (HL 37)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaapl fulltext monograph 1908 "HL 37" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1909 (HL 9)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaarn fulltext monograph 1909 "HL 9" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1910 (HL 16)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaatu fulltext monograph 1910 "HL 16" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1911 (HL 65)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaawh fulltext monograph 1911 "HL 65" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1912-13 (HL 127)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacyk fulltext monograph 1912 "HL 127" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1913. Corrected copy (HL 183)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaazk fulltext monograph 1913 "HL 183" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1914-16 (HL 8)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadei fulltext monograph 1914 "HL 8" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1914 (HL 136)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabcx fulltext monograph 1914 "HL 136" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1916 (HL 91)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabiq fulltext monograph 1916 "HL 91" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1917 (HL 12)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabja fulltext monograph 1917 "HL 12" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1918 (HL 13)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabjq fulltext monograph 1918 "HL 13" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1919 (HL 15)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabkg fulltext monograph 1919 "HL 15" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1920 (HL 7)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabln fulltext monograph 1920 "HL 7" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1921 (HL 14)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabne fulltext monograph 1921 "HL 14" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1923 (HL 24)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacnv fulltext monograph 1923 "HL 24" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1924-25 (HL 46)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadfd fulltext monograph 1925 "HL 46" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1924 (HL 62)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacpj fulltext monograph 1924 "HL 62" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1926 (HL 113)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacqt fulltext monograph 1926 "HL 113" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1927 (HL 59)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacrm fulltext monograph 1927 "HL 59" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1928-29 (HL 22)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadgi fulltext monograph 1928 "HL 22" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1928 (HL 15)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacsg fulltext monograph 1928 "HL 15" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1929-30 (HL 13)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadhc fulltext monograph 1929 "HL 13" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1930-31 (HL 12)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadij fulltext monograph 1930 "HL 12" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1931-32 (HL 26)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadjq fulltext monograph 1932 "HL 26" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1932-33 (HL 44)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadke fulltext monograph 1933 "HL 44" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1933-34 (HL 11)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadlb fulltext monograph 1933 "HL 11" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1934-35 (HL 26)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadlv fulltext monograph 1935 "HL 26" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1935-36 (HL 16)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadmp fulltext monograph 1935 "HL 16" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1936-37 (HL 10)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadns fulltext monograph 1936 "HL 10" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1937-38 (HL 25)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadol fulltext monograph 1937 "HL 25" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1938-39 (HL 20)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadpi fulltext monograph 1938 "HL 20" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1939-40 (HL 6)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadqj fulltext monograph 1939 "HL 6" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1940-41 (HL 2)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadqv fulltext monograph 1940 "HL 2" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1941-42 (HL 9)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadrh fulltext monograph 1942 "HL 9" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1942-43 (HL 2)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadru fulltext monograph 1942 "HL 2" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1943-44 (HL 7)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadsl fulltext monograph 1943 "HL 7" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1944-45 (HL 5)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadsx fulltext monograph 1944 "HL 5" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1945-46 (HL 5)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadtl fulltext monograph 1945 "HL 5" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1946-47 (HL 18)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaduj fulltext monograph 1946 "HL 18" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1947-48 (HL 25)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadux fulltext monograph 1947 "HL 25" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1948-49 (HL 14)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadvr fulltext monograph 1948 "HL 14" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1950-51 (HL 12)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadxa fulltext monograph 1950 "HL 12" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1950 (HL 8)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaactb fulltext monograph 1950 "HL 8" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1951-52 (HL 12)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadxw fulltext monograph 1951 "HL 12" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1952-53 (HL 15)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadza fulltext monograph 1952 "HL 15" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1953-54 (HL 21)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaear fulltext monograph 1953 "HL 21" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1954-55 (HL 7)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeck fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 7" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1955-56 (HL 12)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaecy fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 12" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1956-57 (HL 13)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeeu fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 13" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1957-58 (HL 15)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaegl fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 15" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1958-59 (HL 30)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeij fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 30" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1959-60 (HL 18)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaekp fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 18" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1960-61 (HL 19)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaemb fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 19" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1961-62 (HL 19)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaenm fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 19" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1963-64 (HL 21)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeqf fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 21" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1964-65 (HL 11)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaesn fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 11" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1965-66 (HL 16)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeuq fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 16" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1966-67 (HL 29)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaevj fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 29" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1967-68 (HL 23)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeyv fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 23" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1968-69 (HL 15)" 9780104015698 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafap fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 15" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1969-70 (HL 18)" 9780104018705 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafcb fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 18" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1970-71 (HL 14)" 9780104014714 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafdf fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 14" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1971-72 (HL 21)" 9780104021729 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafft fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 21" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1972-73 (HL 20)" 9780104020739 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafiv fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 20" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1973-74 (HL 18)" 9780104018743 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaflm fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 18" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices' of Session 1974-75 (HL 21)" 9780100402157 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafmm fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 21" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1974 (Printed with Incorrect Session) (HL 29)" 9780104029756 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacuu fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 29" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices' of Session 1975-76 (HL 30)" 9780104030769 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafsx fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 30" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices' of Session 1976-77 (HL 22)" 9780104022771 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagat fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 22" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1977-78 (HL 31)" 9780104031780 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaggw fulltext monograph 1977 "HL 31" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1978-79 (HL 50)" 9780104050798 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagnf fulltext monograph 1979 "HL 50" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1979-80 (HL 12)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagpa fulltext monograph 1979 "HL 12" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1980-81 (HL 49)" 9780104049815 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagzi fulltext monograph 1980 "HL 49" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1981-82 (HL 52)" 9780104052822 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahfs fulltext monograph 1982 "HL 52" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1982-83 (HL 33)" 9780104033838 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahls fulltext monograph 1982 "HL 33" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1983-84 (HL 33)" 9780104033845 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahpn fulltext monograph 1983 "HL 33" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1984-85 (HL 33)" 9780104033852 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahxh fulltext monograph 1984 "HL 33" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1985-86 (HL 34)" 9780104034866 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaidw fulltext monograph 1985 "HL 34" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1986-87 (HL 31)" 9780104031872 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaiki fulltext monograph 1986 "HL 31" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1987-88 (HL 8)" 9780104008881 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaioh fulltext monograph 1987 "HL 8" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1988-89 (HL 11)" 9780104011898 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaiwe fulltext monograph 1988 "HL 11" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1989-90 (HL 14)" 9780104014905 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajcp fulltext monograph 1989 "HL 14" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1990-91 (HL 15)" 9780104015919 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajif fulltext monograph 1991 "HL 15" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1991-92 (HL 13)" 9780104013922 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajnq fulltext monograph 1991 "HL 13" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1992-93 (HL 3)" 9780104003930 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajqg fulltext monograph 1992 "HL 3" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1993-94 (HL 16)" 9780104016947 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajye fulltext monograph 1993 "HL 16" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1994-95 (HL 10)" 9780104010952 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakdt fulltext monograph 1994 "HL 10" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1995-96 (HL 12)" 9780104012963 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakku fulltext monograph 1995 "HL 12" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1996-97 (HL 24)" 9780104024973 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakre fulltext monograph 1996 "HL 24" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1997-98 (HL 8)" 9780104008980 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakud fulltext monograph 1997 "HL 8" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1998-99 (HL 14)" 9780104014998 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalcl fulltext monograph 1998 "HL 14" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1999-2000 (HL 9)" 9780104784006 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalig fulltext monograph 1999 "HL 9" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 2000-01 (HL 27)" 9780104009017 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalpk fulltext monograph 2001 "HL 27" P "1st Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 2001-02 (HL 3)" 9780104002025 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalsi fulltext monograph 2001 "HL 3" P "1st Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords (HL 8)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeos fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 8" P "1st Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1951-52 (HL 20)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaadxy fulltext monograph 1952 "HL 20" P "1st Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1952-53 (HL 14)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaadyz fulltext monograph 1952 "HL 14" P "1st report of session 2006-07: notification of deaths of members: third reading amendments (HL 15)" 9780104009772 "Procedure Committee" hlpapaanlb fulltext monograph 2006 "HL 15" P "1st Report of the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1988-1989. Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union Observations by the Government (CM 708)" 9780101070829 Foreign cmdpapcmaabbg fulltext monograph 1989 "CM 708" P "1st report of the Foreign Affairs Committee, session 1990-91 United Kingdom policy towards South Africa and the other states of the region observations by the government (CM 1525)" 9780101152525 Foreign cmdpapcmaacdm fulltext monograph 1991 "CM 1525" P "1st report of the Foreign Affairs Committee, session 1996-97 ['Development of United Kingdom interests and links in Latin America' response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs] (CM 3573)" 9780101357326 Foreign cmdpapcmaaexv fulltext monograph 1997 "CM 3573" P "1st Report of the Joint Committee on the publication of proceedings in Parliament together with the proceedings of the committee, the proceedings and the appendices (HL 26)" 9780102048704 "Joint Committee on the publication of proceedings in Parliament" hlpapaafcd fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 26" P "1st Report of the Select Committee of the House of Lords Appointed to consider the Erection of the Peers' War Memorial (HL 24)" "House of Lords War Memorial Committee" hlpapaadgj fulltext monograph 1928 "HL 24" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 12)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeap fulltext monograph 1953 "HL 12" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1954-55 (HL 6)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaecj fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 6" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 6)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaecx fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 6" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 6)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaees fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 6" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1957-58 (HL 2)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaegj fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 2" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1958-59 (HL 13)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeic fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 13" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1959-60 (HL 3)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaekk fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 3" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 5)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaelv fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 5" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1961-62 (HL 5)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeni fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 5" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 10)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeqc fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 10" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1964-65 (HL 8)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaesm fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 8" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1965-66 (HL 8)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeup fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 8" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 8)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeve fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 8" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 14)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeys fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 14" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1968-69 (HL 9)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafan fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 9" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1969-70 (HL 9)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafbz fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 9" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 6)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafde fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 6" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 15)" 9780104015728 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaffr fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 15" P "1st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1972-73 (HL 9)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafiq fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 9" P "1st Report of the Standing Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (Session 1925) (HL 140)" "Standing Joint Committee on Indian Affairs" hlpapaadfn fulltext monograph 1925 "HL 140" P "1st Special Report from the Joint Committee on Sound Broadcasting (HL 198)" 9780102453768 "Select Committee on Sound Broadcasting" hlpapaafvv fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 198" P "1st to 6th Reports from the Committee of Public Accounts together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index (HL 163)" "Public Accounts Committee" hlpapaaade fulltext monograph 1902 "HL 163" P "20 Million Private Rented Sector Access Fund. Bidding Prospectus (No Number)" 9781409853343 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaacez fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "2000 spending review investing in the future departmental investigation strategies a summary (CM 4916)" 9780101491624 "H.M. Treasury" cmdpapcmaagsg fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4916" P "2000 spending review public service agreements (CM 4808)" 9780101480826 "H.M. Treasury" cmdpapcmaagny fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4808" P "2000 Spending Review service delivery agreements 2001-2004 a guide (CM 4915)" 9780101491525 "H.M. Treasury" cmdpapcmaagsf fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4915" P "2001 census of population (CM 4253)" 9780101425322 "H.M. Treasury; Northern Ireland Office; Scottish Office" cmdpapcmaafuf fulltext monograph 1999 "CM 4253" P "2002 Departmental report of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Forestry Commission and the Office of Water Services (CM 5422)" 9780101542227 "Department for Environment" cmdpapcmaahhr fulltext monograph 2002 "CM 5422" P "2002 spending review departmental investment strategies a summary (CM 5674)" 9780101567428 "H.M. Treasury" cmdpapcmaahqb fulltext monograph 2002 "CM 5674" P "2002 spending review: public service agreements (CM 5571)" 9780101557122 "H.M. Treasury" cmdpapcmaahmx fulltext monograph 2002 "CM 5571" P "2003 autumn performance report: outlining progress against the 2003-06 public service agreement (CM 6064)" 9780101606424 "Department for International Development" cmdpapcmaaidp fulltext monograph 2003 "CM 6064" P "2004 autumn performance report: an outline progress against the 2003-06 public service agreement and final outturn against the 2001-2004 public service agreement (CM 6405)" 9780101640527 "Department for International Development" cmdpapcmaaipj fulltext monograph 2004 "CM 6405" P "2004 spending review. new public spending plans 2005-2008. stability, security and opportunity for all. investing for Britain's long-term future (CM 6237)" 9780101623728 "H.M. Treasury" cmdpapcmaaijw fulltext monograph 2004 "CM 6237" P "2004 spending review. public service agreements 2005-2008 (CM 6238)" 9780101623827 "H.M. Treasury" cmdpapcmaaijx fulltext monograph 2004 "CM 6238" P "2007 Return of Expenditure Incurred, Prosecutions Taken and Incidences of Notifiable Disease in Imported Animals (SG Paper 15)" "The Scottish Government" sgpapaaaak fulltext monograph 2008 "SG Paper 15" P "2007 SSA Gaelic-medium Science Survey (26/05/09)" 9780755990184 "The Scottish Government" sgedskaaabz fulltext monograph 2009 26/05/09 P "2008-09 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey - Partner Abuse (15/12/09)" 9780755991723 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaado fulltext monograph 2009 15/12/09 P "2008-09 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: Drug Use (26/01/10)" 9780755992287 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaaea fulltext monograph 2010 26/01/10 P "2008-09 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: Sexual Victimisation and Stalking (15/12/09)" 9780755991730 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaadp fulltext monograph 2009 15/12/09 P "2008-09 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: Technical Report (16/02/10)" 9780755992447 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaaee fulltext monograph 2010 16/02/10 P "2008-09 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: Technical Report Annexes (16/02/10)" 9780755992454 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaaef fulltext monograph 2010 16/02/10 P "2008 Annual report of the chief medical officer on the state of public health (No Number)" "Department of Health and Social Care (Formerly Department of Health DOH)" knppphpwaaaaa fulltext monograph 2009 "No Number" P "2008 Galston Mine Incident. The Scottish Government response to the HM Fire Service Inspectorate Report (No Number)" 9781782561941 "The Scottish Government" sglopsaaabp fulltext monograph 2012 "No Number" P "2008 partnership survey; Evidence from the new deals for communities programme: October 2009 (No Number)" 9781409814351 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaaaem fulltext monograph 2009 "No Number" P "2008 Scottish Survey of Achievement: Mathematics and Core Skills (31/03/09)" 9780755959815 "The Scottish Government" sgedskaaabh fulltext monograph 2009 31/03/09 P "2009-10 Citizenship survey; Technical report: Annex A: Interviewer instructions (No Number)" 9781409829348 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaaajk fulltext monograph 2011 "No Number" P "2009-10 Citizenship survey; Technical report: Annexes B-G (No Number)" 9781409829355 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaaajm fulltext monograph 2011 "No Number" P "2009-10 Citizenship survey; Technical report (No Number)" 9781409829409 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaaajn fulltext monograph 2011 "No Number" P "2009-2010 Urban Rural Classification (11/08/10)" "The Scottish Government" sgenvaaaft fulltext monograph 2010 11/08/10 P "2009 Annual report of the chief medical officer on the state of public health (No Number)" "Department of Health and Social Care (Formerly Department of Health DOH)" knppphpwaaaaq fulltext monograph 2010 "No Number" P "2009 Scottish Survey of Achievement - Reading and Writing (23/02/10)" 9780755982424 "The Scottish Government" sgedskaaaff fulltext monograph 2010 23/02/10 P "2009/10 Scottish crime and justice survey: drug use (25/01/11)" 9780755995691 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaahr fulltext monograph 2011 25/01/11 P "2009/10 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: Main Findings (02/11/10)" 9780755995653 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaagj fulltext monograph 2010 02/11/10 P "2009/10 Scottish crime and justice survey: partner abuse (09/12/10)" 9780755995684 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaahc fulltext monograph 2010 09/12/10 P "2009/10 Scottish crime and justice survey: sexual victimisation and stalking (09/12/10)" 9780755995677 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaahb fulltext monograph 2010 09/12/10 P "2009/10 Scottish crime and justice survey: technical report (23/12/10)" 9780755995660 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaahl fulltext monograph 2010 23/12/10 P "2009/10 Scottish Policing Performance Framework (17/06/09)" 9780755980598 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaabr fulltext monograph 2009 17/06/09 P "2010-11 Citizenship survey; Incentive experiment report (No Number)" 9781409829300 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaaajl fulltext monograph 2011 "No Number" P "2010-2025 MHz Frequency Band (Management) Regulations 2016 (SI 886 2016)" piovolbaasdn fulltext monograph 2016 "SI 886 2016" P "2010 Annual Report of the Interception of Communications Commissioner. Commissioner: The Rt Hon Sir Peter Gibson (HC 1239; SG Paper 117 2011)" 9780102974072 "Interception of Communications Commissioner" hcpapaaaci fulltext monograph 2011 "HC 1239; SG Paper 117 2011" P "2010 Review of Goose Management Policy in Scotland (23/02/11)" 9780755999798 "The Scottish Government" sgenvaaagw fulltext monograph 2011 23/02/11 P "2010/11 Audit of Disclosure Scotland (SG Paper 193 2011)" "Disclosure Scotland" sgpapaabet fulltext monograph 2011 "SG Paper 193 2011" P "2010/11 Audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts - Section 22 (3) Report (SG Paper 207 2011; 5/10/11)" 9781780454405 "The Scottish Government" sggppaaaadx fulltext monograph 2011 "SG Paper 207 2011; 5/10/11" P "2010/11 Citizenship Survey: Technical report (No Number)" 9781409831693 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaaalu fulltext monograph 2011 "No Number" P "2010/11 Scottish Crime and Justice survey: Drug Use (No Number)" 9781780457178 "The Scottish Government" sgrschaaabg fulltext monograph 2012 "No Number" P "2010/11 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: Main Findings (No Number)" 9781780454429 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaakr fulltext monograph 2011 "No Number" P "2010/2011 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: Partner Abuse (No Number)" 9781780455587 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaalp fulltext monograph 2011 "No Number" P "2010/2011 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: Sexual Victimisation and Stalking (No Number)" 9781780455570 "The Scottish Government" sgcljraaalo fulltext monograph 2011 "No Number" P "2011 Annual Report of the Interception of Communications Commissioner (HC 496; SG Paper 125 2012)" 9780102980325 "Interception of Communications Commissioner; Interception of Communications Commissioner" hcpapaaaea fulltext monograph 2012 "HC 496; SG Paper 125 2012" P "2011 Census Analyses: Local Authority Variations in Self-assessed General Health and Activity Limitations (Disability) for Males and Females, England and Wales, 2011 (No Number)" 9781785840081 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabeu fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis : Unpaid Care Expectancies across NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups, England 2010-12 (No Number)" 9781910535905 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabep fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: Changes in the Older Care Home Resident Population at Local Authority Level between 2001 and 2011 (No Number)" 9781910535868 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabea fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: Coastal Communities (No Number)" 9781910535950 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabei fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis Differences in Disability Prevalence by Socioeconomic Occupational Groupings in England,Wales, English Regions and Local Authorities, 2011 (No Number)" 9781785840104 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabet fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: Disability-free Life Expectancy at Birth and at Ages 50 and 65 by Clinical Commissioning Groups, England, 2010-12 (No Number)" 9781910535837 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabdy fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: Ethnicity and the Labour Market November 2014 (No Number)" 9781910535769 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabds fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: General Health in Overcrowded and Under-occupied Households in England and Wales (No Number)" 9781910535745 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabdo fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: How do Living Arrangements, Family Type and Family Size Vary in England and Wales? (No Number)" 9781910535899 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabeo fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: Internal and International Migration of Older Residents (aged 65 and over) in England and Wales in the Year Prior to the 2011 Census (No Number)" 9781910535813 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabdz fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: Local Area Analysis of Qualifications Across England and Wales (No Number)" 9781910535943 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabej fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: Overcrowding and Under-Occupation in England and Wales 17 April 2014: Overcrowding and Under-Occupation by Ethnic Group, 2011 02 October 2014 (No Number)" 9781910535820 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabdr fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: Social and Economic Characteristics by Length of Residence of Migrant Populations in England and Wales November 2014 (No Number)" 9781910535790 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabhc fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: What Does the 2011 Census Tell Us About Inter-ethnic Relationships? (No Number)" 9781910535851 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabeb fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: What Does the 2011 Census Tell Us About People Living in Communal Establishments? 11 February 2015 (No Number)" 9781910535752 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabdp fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis What Does the 2011 Census Tell us About Work-Related Second Addresses in England and Wales? (No Number)" 9781910535929 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabex fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census Analysis: Workers Aged 65 and Over in the 2011 Census (No Number)" 9781910535936 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabfg fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census: Census Prospectus Including Census questionnaire for England, Census questionnaire for Wales, Census Glossary, Census Definitions, Final population definitions for the 2011 Census and Census Frequently Asked Questions (No Number)" 9781905262731 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaaasu fulltext monograph 2012 "No Number" P "2011 Census: First Results on Population and Household Estimates for Scotland - Release 1B (SG Paper 26 2013)" "The Scottish Government" sgpapaabqs fulltext monograph 2013 "SG Paper 26 2013" P "2011 Census: First Results on Population and Household Estimates for Scotland - Release 1C (Part One) (SG Paper 125 2013)" "National Records of Scotland" sgpapaabth fulltext monograph 2013 "SG Paper 125 2013" P "2011 Census: First Results on Population and Household Estimates for Scotland - Release 1C (Part Two) (SG Paper 126 2013)" "National Records of Scotland" sgpapaabti fulltext monograph 2013 "SG Paper 126 2013" P "2011 Census: First Results on Population and Household Estimates for Scotland, Release 1B: March 2013 (No Number)" 9781909620049 "National Records of Scotland" knppsctaaaaz fulltext monograph 2013 "No Number" P "2011 Census: First Results on Population Estimates for Scotland - Release 1A (SG Paper 254 2012)" "National Records of Scotland" sgpapaabpk fulltext monograph 2012 "SG Paper 254 2012" P "2011 Census: General Report for England and Wales (No Number)" 9781910535776 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabdq fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2011 Census: Key Results on Education and Labour Market in Scotland - Release 2B (SG Paper 240 2013)" "National Records of Scotland" sgpapaabwu fulltext monograph 2013 "SG Paper 240 2013" P "2011 Census: Key Results on Households and Families, and Method of Travel to Work or Study in Scotland - Release 2C (SG Paper 258 2013)" "National Records of Scotland" sgpapaabxh fulltext monograph 2013 "SG Paper 258 2013" P "2011 Census: Key Results on Population, Ethnicity, Identity, Language, Religion, Health, Housing and Accommodation in Scotland - Release 2A (SG Paper 167 2013)" "National Records of Scotland" sgpapaabuj fulltext monograph 2013 "SG Paper 167 2013" P "2011 Census Rural Analysis: 2011 Census Results for Rural England, November 2013 : Released 21 July 2016 (No Number)" 9781785849770 "Office for National Statistics (Formerly Central Statistical Office)" knppcgaabmh fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "2011 Fully Documented Fishery Trial - Economic Evaluation (No Number)" 9781782562597 "The Scottish Government" sgmfaaaea fulltext monograph 2012 "No Number" P "2011 Survey of Bank advances to Scottish agriculture (11/08/11)" 9781780453118 "The Scottish Government" sgagriaaaef fulltext monograph 2011 11/08/11 P "2011/12 Audit of Adam Smith College (SG Paper 231 2013)" "Adam Smith College; Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaabwm fulltext monograph 2013 "SG Paper 231 2013" P "2012 Annual Report of the Interception of Communications Commissioner (HC 571; SG Paper 131 2013)" 9780102986594 "Interception of Communications Commissioner; Interception of Communications Commissioner" hcpapaaafk fulltext monograph 2013 "HC 571; SG Paper 131 2013" P "2012 consultation on changes to Part L of the Building Regulations: Proposals for consequential improvements in existing homes: report of focus groups (No Number)" 9781409837473 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaaarp fulltext monograph 2012 "No Number" P "2012 Consultation on Changes to the Building Regulations in England; Section 1 Introduction to the Consultation Package and Proposals on Parts A, B, C, K, M and N, Access Statements, Security, Changing Places Toilets and Regulation 7 (No Number)" 9781409833178 "Department for Levelling Up" knppbcaaadm fulltext monograph 2012 "No Number" P "2012 Consultation on changes to the Building Regulations in England; Section 2 Part L (Conservation of fuel and power) (No Number)" 9781409833208 "Department for Levelling Up" knppbcaaado fulltext monograph 2012 "No Number" P "2012 Consultation on changes to the Building Regulations in England; Section 3 Part P (Electrical safety - dwellings) (No Number)" 9781409833185 "Department for Levelling Up" knppbcaaadc fulltext monograph 2012 "No Number" P "2012 Consultation on changes to the Building Regulations in England; Section 4 The building control system (No Number)" 9781409833192 "Department for Levelling Up" knppbcaaadg fulltext monograph 2012 "No Number" P "2012 Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning (No Number)" 9781780459905 "The Scottish Government" sghccaaabr fulltext monograph 2012 "No Number" P "2012 updates to the Fire Service Emergency Cover toolkit: Special service and fire fatality rate functions (No Number)" 9781409841067 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaaavx fulltext monograph 2014 "No Number" P "2012 updates to the Fire Service Emergency Cover Toolkit: Special Service and fire fatality rate response time relationships (No Number)" 9781409841074 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaaawp fulltext monograph 2014 "No Number" P "2012/13 audit of North Glasgow College Governance and Financial Stewardship (SG Paper 76 2014)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaacaq fulltext monograph 2014 "SG Paper 76 2014" P "2013 - 2014 Report of UK National Reference Laboratory for Food Microbiology. Activities for Listeria monocytogenes, coagulase-positive staphylococci, Escherichia coli (including VTEC), campylobacter, salmonella and antimicrobial resistance (No Number)" "Public Health England" knppcgaaazf fulltext monograph 2014 "No Number" P "2013 Annual Report of the Interception of Communications Commissioner (HC 1184; SG Paper 25 2014)" 9781474101578 "Interception of Communications Commissioner; Interception of Communications Commissioner" hcpapaavps fulltext monograph 2014 "HC 1184; SG Paper 25 2014" P "2013 Consultation regarding the Redraw of Data Zones (No Number)" 9781782569442 "The Scottish Government" sgstataaadg fulltext monograph 2013 "No Number" P "2013/14 Audit of Coatbridge College Governance of Severance Arrangements (SG Paper 95 2015)" "Coatbridge College" sgpapaacix fulltext monograph 2015 "SG Paper 95 2015" P "2013/14 Audit of NHS 24 - Management of an IT Contract (SG Paper 232 2014)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaacer fulltext monograph 2014 "SG Paper 232 2014" P "2013/14 Audit of NHS Highland - Financial Management (SG Paper 230 2014)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaacep fulltext monograph 2014 "SG Paper 230 2014" P "2013/14 Audit of NHS Orkney - Financial Management (SG Paper 231 2014)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaceq fulltext monograph 2014 "SG Paper 231 2014" P "2013/14 Audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts - Section 22 (3) Report (SG Paper 181 2014)" "The Scottish Government" sgpapaaccz fulltext monograph 2014 "SG Paper 181 2014" P "2013/14 Audit of The Scottish Police Authority (SG Paper 278 2014)" "Scottish Police Authority" sgpapaacgi fulltext monograph 2014 "SG Paper 278 2014" P "2014 - 2015 report of UK National Reference Laboratory for food microbiology. Activities for Listeria monocytogenes, coagulase-positive staphylococci, Escherichia coli (including VTEC), campylobacter, salmonella and antimicrobial resistance (No Number)" "Public Health England" knppcgaabfs fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Programmes in Scotland. 2020 case studies booklet (No Number)" 9781800043589 "The Scottish Government" sgeddaaaaw fulltext monograph 2020 "No Number" P "2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Programmes in Scotland. 2021 Case Study Booklet (No Number)" 9781802017014 "The Scottish Government" sgeddaaabl fulltext monograph 2021 "No Number" P "2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Programmes in Scotland. 2022 case studies booklet (No Number)" 9781805252764 "The Scottish Government" sgeddaaabz fulltext monograph 2022 "No Number" P "2014 Forecast Scenarios for UK Mortgage Arrears and Possessions (No Number)" 9781409843849 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaabdo fulltext monograph 2014 "No Number" P "2014/15 audit of Edinburgh College (SG Paper 55 2016)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaacpu fulltext monograph 2016 "SG Paper 55 2016" P "2014/15 audit of Glasgow Clyde College (SG Paper 57 2016)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaacpw fulltext monograph 2016 "SG Paper 57 2016" P "2014/15 audit of Glasgow Colleges' Regional Board (SG Paper 59 2016)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaacpy fulltext monograph 2016 "SG Paper 59 2016" P "2014/15 audit of NHS 24 Update on management of an IT contract (SG Paper 188 2015)" "NHS 24" sgpapaaclv fulltext monograph 2015 "SG Paper 188 2015" P "2014/15 audit of NHS Highland Update on 2013/14 financial management issues (SG Paper 184 2015)" "NHS Highland" sgpapaaclr fulltext monograph 2015 "SG Paper 184 2015" P "2014/15 audit of NHS Tayside Financial management (SG Paper 186 2015)" "NHS Tayside" sgpapaaclt fulltext monograph 2015 "SG Paper 186 2015" P "2014/15 audit of NHS Tayside Financial management (SG Paper 186 2015)" "NHS Tayside" piovolbaaksc fulltext monograph 2015 "SG Paper 186 2015" P "2014/15 Audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts (SG Paper 141 2015)" "The Scottish Government" sgpapaacke fulltext monograph 2015 "SG Paper 141 2015" P "2014/15 audit of the Scottish Police Authority (SG Paper 256 2015)" "Scottish Police Authority" sgpapaacoc fulltext monograph 2015 "SG Paper 256 2015" P "2015 - 2016 Report of UK National Reference Laboratory for Food Microbiology. Activities for Listeria monocytogenes, coagulase-positive staphylococci, Escherichia coli (including VTEC), Campylobacter, Salmonella and antimicrobial resistance (No Number)" "Public Health England" knppcgaabma fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "2015 Mid-year Population Estimates for Areas within Northern Ireland (No Number)" "Northern Ireland Statistics and Research agency" knppniaaajx fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "2015 Review of Public Health in Scotland. Strengthening the Function and Re-Focussing Action for a Healthier Scotland (No Number)" 9781786520142 "The Scottish Government" sghccaaaqa fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "2015 Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning (No Number)" 9781785447792 "The Scottish Government" sgplnaaacm fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2015 Scottish Maternity Care Survey. Technical Report (No Number)" 9781785448935 "The Scottish Government" sghccaaapl fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "2015/16 audit of Edinburgh College (SG Paper 61 2017)" "The Scottish Government" sgpapaacxt fulltext monograph 2017 "SG Paper 61 2017" P "2015/16 audit of Lews Castle College (SG Paper 63 2017)" "The Scottish Government" sgpapaacxv fulltext monograph 2017 "SG Paper 63 2017" P "2015/16 audit of Moray College (SG Paper 65 2017)" "The Scottish Government" sgpapaacxx fulltext monograph 2017 "SG Paper 65 2017" P "2015/16 audit of NHS 24: Update on management of an IT contract (SG Paper 186 2016)" "NHS 24" sgpapaactf fulltext monograph 2016 "SG Paper 186 2016" P "2015/16 audit of NHS Tayside: Financial sustainability (SG Paper 184 2016)" "NHS Tayside" sgpapaactd fulltext monograph 2016 "SG Paper 184 2016" P "2015/16 audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts (SG Paper 159 2016)" "The Scottish Government" sgpapaacsf fulltext monograph 2016 "SG Paper 159 2016" P "2015/16 audit of the Scottish Police Authority (SG Paper 257 2016)" "Scottish Police Authority" sgpapaacvq fulltext monograph 2016 "SG Paper 257 2016" P "2016 - 2017 Report of UK National Reference Laboratory for Food Microbiology. Activities for Listeria monocytogenes, coagulase positive staphylococci, Escherichia coli (including VTEC), Campylobacter, Salmonella and antimicrobial resistance (No Number)" "Public Health England" knppcgaabsn fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "2016 - Year Of Innovation, Architecture And Design. Equality Impact Assessment Results (No Number)" 9781786525406 "The Scottish Government" sgtouraaaac fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "2016-2022 Rural Affairs, Food and Environment Research Programme Evaluation - Highlights Report (No Number)" 9781805256830 "The Scottish Government" sgefdaaaif fulltext monograph 2023 "No Number" P "2016-2022 Rural Affairs, Food and Environment Research Programme Evaluation (No Number)" 9781805256847 "The Scottish Government" sgefdaaaid fulltext monograph 2023 "No Number" P "2016 Mid-year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland (No Number)" "Northern Ireland Statistics and Research agency" knppniaaaku fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "2016/17 audit of Edinburgh College (SG Paper 67 2018)" "The Scottish Government" sgpapaadhj fulltext monograph 2018 "SG Paper 67 2018" P "2016/17 audit of New College Lanarkshire (SG Paper 68 2018)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadhk fulltext monograph 2018 "SG Paper 68 2018" P "2016/17 audit of NHS Tayside: Financial sustainability (SG Paper 180 2017)" "NHS Tayside" sgpapaadbi fulltext monograph 2017 "SG Paper 180 2017" P "2016/17 audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts (SG Paper 148 2017)" "The Scottish Government" sgpapaadad fulltext monograph 2017 "SG Paper 148 2017" P "2016/17 audit of the Scottish Government's Non-Domestic Rating Account (SG Paper 274 2017)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadeu fulltext monograph 2017 "SG Paper 274 2017" P "2016/17 audit of the Scottish Police Authority (SG Paper 272 2017)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaades fulltext monograph 2017 "SG Paper 272 2017" P "2016/18 Fund for specialist accommodation based support and service reform to meet the Priorities for Domestic Abuse Services. Bidding Prospectus (No Number)" 9781409849322 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaabsm fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "2017 - 2018 Report of UK National Reference Laboratory for Food Microbiology. Activities for Listeria monocytogenes, coagulase positive staphylococci, Escherichia coli (including STEC), Campylobacter, Salmonella and antimicrobial resistance (No Number)" "Public Health England" knppcgaacbt fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "2017-18 local government finance settlement: equalities statement (No Number)" 9781409850120 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaabvb fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "2017-19 Integration and Better Care Fund. Policy Framework (No Number)" "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaabvs fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "2017 Annual Review WHS Home Energy Efficiency Programmes Scotland (No Number)" 9781788517140 "The Scottish Government" sghouseaaagv fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "2017 Crofting Elections (No Number)" 9781786521750 "The Scottish Government" sgenvaaaqm fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "2017 Drug Strategy (No Number)" 9781786553966 "HM Government" knpphthaaaji fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "2017 Mid-year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland (No Number)" "Northern Ireland Statistics and Research agency" knppniaaalp fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "2017 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan For Scottish Education - Achieving Excellence and Equity (No Number)" 9781786526137 "The Scottish Government" sgedtaaagt fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "2017 Non-domestic rating revaluation - consultation on possible transitional arrangements (No Number)" 9781786523921 "The Scottish Government" sgbinaaaep fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "2017 Non-Domestic Rating Revaluation Consultation on Possible Transitional Arrangements: Analysis of responses (No Number)" 9781786526670 "The Scottish Government" sgrschaaapt fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "2017 UK Annual Report on Modern Slavery (No Number)" "Home Office" knppcgaabtz fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "2017/18 audit of Community Justice Scotland (SG Paper 238 2018)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadme fulltext monograph 2018 "SG Paper 238 2018" P "2017/18 audit of NHS Ayrshire and Arran (SG Paper 177 2018)" 9781911494775 "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadkb fulltext monograph 2018 "SG Paper 177 2018" P "2017/18 audit of NHS Highland (SG Paper 185 2018)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadkj fulltext monograph 2018 "SG Paper 185 2018" P "2017/18 audit of NHS Tayside (SG Paper 260 2018)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadmv fulltext monograph 2018 "SG Paper 260 2018" P "2017/18 audit of Scottish Social Services Council (SG Paper 274 2018)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadng fulltext monograph 2018 "SG Paper 274 2018" P "2017/18 audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts (SG Paper 163 2018)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadjp fulltext monograph 2018 "SG Paper 163 2018" P "2017/18 audit of the Scottish Police Authority (SG Paper 230 2018)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadly fulltext monograph 2018 "SG Paper 230 2018" P "2017/18 audit of the Scottish Public Pensions Agency (SG Paper 204 2018)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadlb fulltext monograph 2018 "SG Paper 204 2018" P "2017/18 Local Government Finance Settlement. Summary of responses to the Technical Consulation (No Number)" 9781409849759 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaabtw fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "2017/18 Local Government Finance Settlement: Technical Consultation Paper (No Number)" 9781409848967 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaabrv fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "2018 - 2019 Report of UK National Reference Laboratory for Food Microbiology. Activities for Listeria monocytogenes, coagulase positive staphylococci, Escherichia coli (including STEC), Campylobacter, Salmonella and antimicrobial resistance (No Number)" "Public Health England" knppcgaacfu fulltext monograph 2019 "No Number" P "2018-19 local government finance settlement. Equality Statement (No Number)" 9781409851899 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaacai fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "2018-19 Local Government Finance Settlement. Summary of responses to the Technical Consultation (No Number)" 9781409851653 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaabzn fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "2018-19 Local Government Finance Settlement. Technical Consultation Paper (No Number)" 9781409851035 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaabxi fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "2018 Annual Report on Welfare Reform (No Number)" 9781787812628 "The Scottish Government" sgpsaaalv fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "2018 General Medical Services Contract in Scotland (No Number)" 9781788513470 "The Scottish Government" sghccaaaxr fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "2018 Mid-year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland (No Number)" "Northern Ireland Statistics and Research agency" knppniaaamc fulltext monograph 2019 "No Number" P "2018 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan for Scottish Education. Acheiving Excellence and Equity (No Number)" 9781788515085 "The Scottish Government" sgedtaaaiv fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "2018 UK Annual Report on Modern Slavery (No Number)" "Home Office" knppcgaacau fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "2018/19 audit of Bord na Gaidhlig (SG Paper 266 2019)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadvl fulltext monograph 2019 "SG Paper 266 2019" P "2018/19 audit of City of Glasgow College (SG Paper 73 2020)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadxp fulltext monograph 2020 "SG Paper 73 2020" P "2018/19 audit of Disclosure Scotland (SG Paper 252 2019)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaduy fulltext monograph 2019 "SG Paper 252 2019" P "2018/19 audit of NHS Highland (SG Paper 234 2019)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaduh fulltext monograph 2019 "SG Paper 234 2019" P "2018/19 audit of NHS Lothian (SG Paper 256 2019)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadvc fulltext monograph 2019 "SG Paper 256 2019" P "2018/19 audit of NHS Tayside (SG Paper 236 2019)" "NHS Tayside" sgpapaaduj fulltext monograph 2019 "SG Paper 236 2019" P "2018/19 audit of Social Security Scotland (SG Paper 149 2019)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadrf fulltext monograph 2019 "SG Paper 149 2019" P "2018/19 audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts (SG Paper 135 2019)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadqr fulltext monograph 2019 "SG Paper 135 2019" P "2018/19 audit of the Scottish Police Authority (SG Paper 207 2019)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadtj fulltext monograph 2019 "SG Paper 207 2019" P "2018/19 Audit of the Scottish Prison Service (SG Paper 163 2019)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadrs fulltext monograph 2019 "SG Paper 163 2019" P "2018/20 Fund for Domestic Abuse Services, including refuge and other safe accommodation, to help local areas meet the Priorities for Domestic Abuse Services (No Number)" 9781409851882 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaacdc fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "2019 - 2020 Report of UK National Reference Laboratory for Food Microbiology. Activities for Listeria monocytogenes, coagulase positive staphylococci, Escherichia coli (including STEC), Campylobacter, Salmonella and antimicrobial resistance (No Number)" "Public Health England" knppcgaaclt fulltext monograph 2020 "No Number" P "2019-20 Autumn Budget Revision to the Budget (Scotland) Act for the year ending 31 March 2020 (SG Paper 154 2019; No Number)" 9781839601873 "The Scottish Government" sgpapaadrk fulltext monograph 2019 "SG Paper 154 2019; No Number" P "2019-20 Autumn Budget Revision to the Budget (Scotland) Act for the Year Ending 31 March 2020 (SG Paper 154 2019; No Number)" 9781839601873 "The Scottish Government" sgfsdaaaae fulltext monograph 2019 "SG Paper 154 2019; No Number" P "2019-20 Local Government Finance Settlement. Summary of responses to the Technical Consultation (No Number)" 9781409853848 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaachu fulltext monograph 2019 "No Number" P "2019-20 Local Government Finance Settlement. Technical Consultation (No Number)" 9781409853114 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaacey fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "2019 Annual Report on Welfare Reform (No Number)" 9781839601446 "The Scottish Government" sghsjdaaabw fulltext monograph 2019 "No Number" P "2019 Annual Review WHS Home Energy Efficiency Programmes Scotland (No Number)" 9781839609060 "The Scottish Government" sghsjdaaaee fulltext monograph 2020 "No Number" P "2019 Mid-year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland (No Number)" "Northern Ireland Statistics and Research agency" knppniaaamt fulltext monograph 2020 "No Number" P "2019 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan (No Number)" 9781787814318 "The Scottish Government" sgedtaaakt fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "2019 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan Summary Document (No Number)" 9781787814578 "The Scottish Government" sgedtaaaku fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "2019 UK Annual Report on Modern Slavery (No Number)" "Home Office" knppcgaacha fulltext monograph 2019 "No Number" P "2019/20 audit of NHS Tayside (SG Paper 264 2020)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaeco fulltext monograph 2020 "SG Paper 264 2020" P "2019/20 audit of Scottish Water (SG Paper 277 2020)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaecx fulltext monograph 2020 "SG Paper 277 2020" P "2019/20 audit of Social Security Scotland (SG Paper 202 2020)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaear fulltext monograph 2020 "SG Paper 202 2020" P "2019/20 audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts (SG Paper 151 2020)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaadzg fulltext monograph 2020 "SG Paper 151 2020" P "2019/20 audit of the Scottish Police Authority (SG Paper 199 2020)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaeao fulltext monograph 2020 "SG Paper 199 2020" P "2020-21 Local Financial Returns (LFRs) Guidance Notes (No Number)" 9781804352526 "The Scottish Government" sglgcdaaaie fulltext monograph 2022 "No Number" P "2020 Challenge for Scotland's Biodiversity - A Strategy for the Conservation and Enhancement of Biodiversity in Scotland (No Number)" 9781782565864 "The Scottish Government" sgenvaaaki fulltext monograph 2013 "No Number" P "2020 Challenge for Scotland's Biodiversity - Consultation Report (No Number)" 9781782566588 "The Scottish Government" sgenvaaakj fulltext monograph 2013 "No Number" P "2020 National Improvement Framework (NIF) and Improvement Plan Summary Document (No Number)" 9781839604096 "The Scottish Government" sgldaaabp fulltext monograph 2019 "No Number" P "2020 UK Annual Report on Modern Slavery (No Number)" "Home Office" knppcgaacmh fulltext monograph 2020 "No Number" P "2020/21 audit of Bord na Gaidhlig (SG Paper 305 2021)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaemk fulltext monograph 2021 "SG Paper 305 2021" P "2020/21 audit of National Records of Scotland (SG Paper 343 2021)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaenr fulltext monograph 2021 "SG Paper 343 2021" P "2020/21 audit of NHS Highland (SG Paper 317 2021)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaemr fulltext monograph 2021 "SG Paper 317 2021" P "2020/21 audit of NHS National Services Scotland (SG Paper 263 2021)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaekx fulltext monograph 2021 "SG Paper 263 2021" P "2020/21 audit of Scottish Canals (SG Paper 20 2022)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaeqi fulltext monograph 2022 "SG Paper 20 2022" P "2020/21 audit of South Lanarkshire College (SG Paper 81 2022)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaesc fulltext monograph 2022 "SG Paper 81 2022" P "2020/21 audit of the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland (SG Paper 388 2021)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaeox fulltext monograph 2021 "SG Paper 388 2021" P "2020/21 audit of the Crofting Commission (SG Paper 179 2021)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaeim fulltext monograph 2021 "SG Paper 179 2021" P "2020/21 audit of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SG Paper 5 2022)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaepy fulltext monograph 2022 "SG Paper 5 2022" P "2020/21 audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts (SG Paper 349 2021)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaenw fulltext monograph 2021 "SG Paper 349 2021" P "2021-22 Local Financial Returns (LFRs) Guidance Notes (No Number)" 9781804357224 "The Scottish Government" sglgcdaaaiv fulltext monograph 2022 "No Number" P "2021 UK Annual Report on Modern Slavery (No Number)" "Home Office" knppcgaacpj fulltext monograph 2021 "No Number" P "2021/2022 Audit of the National Records of Scotland Annual Accounts (SG Paper 195 2022)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaevi fulltext monograph 2022 "SG Paper 195 2022" P "2021/22 Audit of Ferguson Marine Port Glasgow (Holdings) Limited (SG Paper 71 2023)" "Auditor General for Scotland" piovolbaaklg fulltext monograph 2023 "SG Paper 71 2023" P "2021/22 audit of Scottish Canals (SG Paper 112 2023)" "Auditor General for Scotland" piovolbaaklp fulltext monograph 2023 "SG Paper 112 2023" P "2021/22 audit of South Lanarkshire College (SG Paper 113 2023)" "Auditor General for Scotland" piovolbaaklq fulltext monograph 2023 "SG Paper 113 2023" P "2021/22 audit of the Crofting Commission (SG Paper 177 2022)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaeur fulltext monograph 2022 "SG Paper 177 2022" P "2021/22 audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts (SG Paper 217 2022)" "Auditor General for Scotland" sgpapaaewa fulltext monograph 2022 "SG Paper 217 2022" P "2022/23 Audit of NHS Forth Valley (SG Paper 271 2023)" "Auditor General for Scotland" piovolbaakri fulltext monograph 2023 "SG Paper 271 2023" P "2022/23 audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts (SG Paper 240 2023)" "Auditor General for Scotland" piovolbaakra fulltext monograph 2023 "SG Paper 240 2023" P "2022/23 Audit of the Water Industry Commission for Scotland (SG Paper 276 2023)" "The Scottish Government" piovolbaakrm fulltext monograph 2023 "SG Paper 276 2023" P "2023 Green Finance Strategy; Mobilising Green Investment (30/03/2023)" 9781528639958 "Department for Energy Security and Net Zero" unnumapaabxw fulltext monograph 2023 30/03/2023 P "2023 National Improvement Framework (NIF) and Improvement Plan. Summary Document (No Number)" 9781805256151 "The Scottish Government" sgldaaaix fulltext monograph 2023 "No Number" P "2023 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies Northern Ireland. Final Recommendations Report (29/06/2023)" 9781528640695 "Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland" piovolaabxv fulltext monograph 2023 29/06/2023 P "2023 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies Northern Ireland. Progress Report 2022. January 2023 (17/02/2023)" 9781804924907 "Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland" unnumapaabwf fulltext monograph 2023 17/02/2023 P "2023 Review of Parliamentary constituencies. Report on progress during 2022. January 2023 (15/02/2023)" 9781804925089 "Boundary Commission for England" unnumapaabwd fulltext monograph 2023 15/02/2023 P "2023 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies Scotland. Report on progress during 2022. January 2023 (20/02/2023)" 9781804924846 "Boundary Commission for Scotland" unnumapaabwg fulltext monograph 2023 20/02/2023 P "2023 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies Wales (29/06/2023)" 9781528639019 "Boundary Commission for Wales" piovolaabxx fulltext monograph 2023 29/06/2023 P "2023 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies Wales. Report on progress during 2022. January 2023 (15/02/2023)" 9781804924990 "Boundary Commission for Wales" unnumapaabwe fulltext monograph 2023 15/02/2023 P "2023 Review of UK Parliament Constituency Boundaries in Scotland (29/06/2023)" 9781528638920 "Boundary Commission for Scotland" piovolaabxw fulltext monograph 2023 29/06/2023 P "2023 to 2024 financial directions to NHS England (30/03/2023)" 9781786400130 "Department of Health & Social Care (Formerly Department of Health)" unnumapaabyd fulltext monograph 2023 30/03/2023 P "2025 UK Border Strategy (CP 352)" 9781528623360 "Cabinet Office" cmdpapcpaaamx fulltext monograph 2020 "CP 352" P "20th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities: 1. R/836/175-Liner Conferences. 2. R/3247/73-1st Directive on Life Assurance. 3. Co-option. 4. Sifting of EEC Proposals. 5. Annexes A and B (HL 202)" 9780100420250 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafpf fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 202" P "20th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities together with minutes of evidence. EEC Company Law (HL 112)" 9780104112762 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafuf fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 112" P "20th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the Period April 2016 to March 2017 (HC 303; SG Paper 19 2018)" 9781528602082 "H.M. Treasury; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" sgpapaaezf fulltext monograph 2018 "HC 303; SG Paper 19 2018" P "20th Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the period April 2016 to March 2017 (HC 303; SG Paper 19 2018)" 9781528602082 "H.M. Treasury; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" hcpapaaeao fulltext monograph 2018 "HC 303; SG Paper 19 2018" P "20th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 212)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaewy fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 212" P "21st century skills realising our potential individuals, employers, nation (CM 5810)" 9780101581028 "Department for Education and Skills" cmdpapcmaahuz fulltext monograph 2003 "CM 5810" P "21st Century Welfare (CM 7913)" 9780101791328 "Department for Work and Pensions" cmdpapcmaaksg fulltext monograph 2010 "CM 7913" P "21st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/2053/72: Prospectuses for company stock exchange quotations. 2. R/451/75: Equal treatment for men and women workers (HL 203)" 9780100420359 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafpg fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 203" P "21st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Eight Sift: 9th March 1976 (HL 118)" 9780104118764 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafuh fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 118" P "21st Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the Period April 2017 to March 2018 (HC 1844; SG Paper 2 2019)" 9781528609579 "H.M. Treasury; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" sgpapaafar fulltext monograph 2019 "HC 1844; SG Paper 2 2019" P "21st Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the period April 2017 to March 2018 (HC 1844; SG Paper 2 2019)" 9781528609579 "H.M. Treasury; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" hcpapaafzc fulltext monograph 2019 "HC 1844; SG Paper 2 2019" P "21st Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 228)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaexb fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 228" P "22nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Direct Elections to the European Assembly (HL 119)" 9780104119761 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafui fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 119" P "22nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/3333/74 EEC Energy Policy Strategy (HL 205)" 9780100420557 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafph fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 205" P "22nd Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the Period April 2018 to March 2019 (HC 2446; SG Paper 104 2019)" 9781528614931 "H.M. Treasury; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" sgpapaafbl fulltext monograph 2019 "HC 2446; SG Paper 104 2019" P "22nd Report of the Financial Reporting Advisory Board. Report for the period April 2018 to March 2019 (HC 2446; SG Paper 104 2019)" 9781528614931 "H.M. Treasury; Financial Reporting Advisory Board" hcpapaagrt fulltext monograph 2019 "HC 2446; SG Paper 104 2019" P "22nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 239)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaexd fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 239" P "23rd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. Development Aid - S/1239/74 S/1310/74 S/407/75 S/406/75. 2. R/178/75 R/1299/75 Self Employed Insurance Agents and Brokers. 3. R/424/75 - Supply of Raw Materials to the Community. 4. S/543/75 - Agreement of Association of Overseas Countries (OCT) and E.E.C. and E.C.S.C. 5. Co-Option. 6. Sifting the EEC Proposals. 7. Annexes A and B (HL 238)" 9780100423855 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafpv fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 238" P "23rd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/105/76 - Dumping of waste at sea (HL 125)" 9780104125762 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafuk fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 125" P "23rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 250)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaexg fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 250" P "24th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Ninth Sift: 23rd March 1976 (HL 133)" 9780104133767 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafuo fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 133" P "24th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2381/72 Com(70) 232. Draft 2nd Directive on Company Law, the formation of Public Limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital (HL 239)" 9780100423954 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafpw fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 239" P "24th report from the Select Committee on European Legislation session 1994-95. The 1996 Intergovernmental Conference; the agenda, democracy and efficiency; the role of national parliaments; response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 3051)" 9780101305129 Foreign cmdpapcmaaefp fulltext monograph 1995 "CM 3051" P "24th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 287)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaexq fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 287" P "25% Reduction in Senior Management Posts Target - National Progress Towards 25% Reduction as at 31st March 2011 (30/08/11)" 9781780453675 "The Scottish Government" sghwbcaaamu fulltext monograph 2011 30/08/11 P "25% Reduction in Senior Management Posts Target - National Progress towards 25% Reduction as at 31st March 2012 (No Number)" 9781782560227 "The Scottish Government" sgstataaaaz fulltext monograph 2012 "No Number" P "25% Reduction in Senior Management Posts Target - National Progress towards 25% Reduction as at 31st March 2013 (No Number)" 9781782568537 "The Scottish Government" sgstataaacx fulltext monograph 2013 "No Number" P "25% Reduction in Senior Management Posts Target - National Progress Towards 25% Reduction as at 31st March 2014 (No Number)" 9781784127787 "The Scottish Government" sghccaaajz fulltext monograph 2014 "No Number" P "25% Reduction in Senior Management Posts Target - National Progress Towards 25% Reduction as at 31st March 2015 (No Number)" 9781785445910 "The Scottish Government" sghccaaanq fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "25 Year Environment Plan Annual Progress Report. April 2021 to March 2022 (20/07/2022)" 9781528636438 "Department for Environment" unnumapaabtj fulltext monograph 2022 20/07/2022 P "25 Year Environment Plan Annual Progress Report. April 2022 to March 2023 (19/07/2022)" 9781528643351 "Department for Environment" piovolaacld fulltext monograph 2023 19/07/2022 P "25 Year Environment Plan Progress Report April 2019 to March 2020 (No Number)" Environment knppecaaajm fulltext monograph 2020 "No Number" P "25 Year Environment Plan Progress Report January 2018 to March 2019 (No Number)" Environment knppecaaaio fulltext monograph 2019 "No Number" P "25th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/1390/75: Co-insurance. 2. Co-options (HL 138)" 9780104138762 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafus fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 138" P "25th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/635/75 - Stocktaking of the Common Agricultural Policy (HL 240)" 9780100424050 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafpx fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 240" P "25th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 306)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaext fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 306" P "26th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/1190/75: Glasshouse Demolition Grants (HL 250)" 9780100425057 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafqb fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 250" P "26th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Tenth Sift: 6th April 1976 (HL 144)" 9780104144763 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafuv fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 144" P "26th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 313)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaexv fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 313" P "27th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/1362/75 - Aids to Shipbuilding. 2. S/684/75 - Application of Lome Convention to Trade in Goods. 3. S/716/75 - Interim Trade Arrangements with Association of Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT). 4. S/799/75 - Imports of Taiwan Textiles. 5. R/1431/75 - Tariff Quotas for Textiles. 6. Co-Option. 7. Sifting of EEC Proposals. 8. Annexes A and B (HL 265)" 9780100426559 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafqg fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 265" P "27th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. S/227/76: Greek application for membership of the communities. 2. R/2846/75: Customs processing committee (previously committee on inward processing) (HL 152)" 9780104152768 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafuy fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 152" P "27th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 331)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeya fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 331" P "28th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on The European Communities: 1. R/730/75-The Lome Unit of Account. 2. Treaty Notice: EEC- Mexico Agreement (S/1002/75). 3. Sifting of EEC Proposals. 4. Annexes A and B (HL 279)" 9780100427952 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafqj fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 279" P "28th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities together with minutes of evidence. R/253/76 - Sitting of joint European torus (jet) (HL 153)" 9780104153765 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafuz fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 153" P "28th report from the Select Committee on European Legislation, session 1995-96 the role of national parliaments in the European Union response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 3440)" 9780101344029 Foreign cmdpapcmaaesx fulltext monograph 1996 "CM 3440" P "29 June 2007, Justice Committee 1st Report, 2007: Report on the Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Serious Crime Bill (LCM(S3) 2.2) (SP Paper 4 2007)" 9781406135091 Justice sppaperaaaae fulltext monograph 2007 "SP Paper 4 2007" P "29th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/836/1/75-Liner Conferences. 2. Co- options. 3. Sifting of EEC Proposals. 4. Annexes A and B (HL 297)" 9780100429758 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafqp fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 297" P "29th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Eleventh Sift: 20th April 1976 (HL 157)" 9780104157763 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafvc fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 157" P "2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Interim Reports of the Civil War Workers Committee (CD 9192)" "Ministry of Reconstruction" piovolacoor fulltext monograph 1918 "CD 9192" P "2nd Additional Protocol to the Constitution [together with Declarations, General Regulations, Final Protocol and Rules of Procedure of Congresses]. Lausanne, 5 July, 1974 (CMND 5987)" 9780101598705 "Universal Postal Union" cmdpapcmndaahyr fulltext monograph 1975 "CMND 5987" P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 10 July 2023: Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (High-Risk Countries) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (10/07/2023)" 464300021859 piovolaaccz fulltext monograph 2023 10/07/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 11 December 2023: Draft Major Sporting Events (Income Tax Exemption) (World Athletics Indoor Championships Glasgow 24) Regulations 2023 (11/12/2023)" 464300022795 piovolbaaibh fulltext monograph 2023 11/12/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 11 September 2023: Draft Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (Security Requirements for Relevant Connectable Products) Regulations 2023 (11/09/2023)" 464300022092 piovolaacyt fulltext monograph 2023 11/09/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 12 March 2024: Draft North East Mayoral Combined Authority (Establishment and Functions) Order 2024 (12/03/2024)" 464300023778 piovolbaedrq fulltext 2024 12/03/2024 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 13 June 2023: Draft Building Safety Act 2022 (Consequential Amendments etc.) Regulations 2023 (13/06/2023)" 464300021347 piovolaabqu fulltext monograph 2023 13/06/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 13 November 2023: Draft Persistent Organic Pollutants (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2023 (13/11/2023)" 464300022276 piovolbaahzh fulltext monograph 2023 13/11/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 15 January 2024: Draft Representation of the People (Postal and Proxy Voting etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (15/01/2024)" 464300022993 piovolbaaicb fulltext monograph 2024 15/01/2024 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 15 May 2023: Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (15/05/2023)" 464300020968 piovolaabja fulltext monograph 2023 15/05/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 17 July 2023: Draft Postal Packets (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2023 (17/07/2023)" 464300021965 piovolaacho fulltext monograph 2023 17/07/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 18 March 2024: Draft Reporting on Payment Practices and Performance (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (18/03/2024)" 464300023884 piovolbaedts fulltext 2024 18/03/2024 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 18 September 2023: Draft Courts (Prescribed Recordings) Order 2023 (18/09/2023)" 464300022160 piovolaadau fulltext monograph 2023 18/09/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 2 May 2023: Draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) (Amendment) Order 2023. Draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Commodity Derivatives and Emission Allowances) Order 2023 (02/05/2023)" 464300020869 piovolaabfv fulltext monograph 2023 02/05/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 20 February 2024: Draft Bank of England Levy (Amount of Levy Payable) Regulations 2024 (20/02/2024)" 464300023532 piovolbaedlu fulltext 2024 20/02/2024 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 20 November 2023: Draft Immigration (Age Assessments) Regulations 2023 (20/11/2023)" 464300022405 piovolbaahzu fulltext monograph 2023 20/11/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 22 January 2024: Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) (Amendment) (No. 5) Regulations 2023. Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2023 (22/01/2024)" 464300023174 piovolbaaict fulltext monograph 2024 22/01/2024 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 22 May 2023: Energy Bills Discount Scheme Regulations 2023. Energy Bills Discount Scheme (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2023. Energy Bills Discount Scheme (Non-Standard Cases) Regulations 2023. Energy Bills Discount Scheme Pass-Through Requirement Regulations 2023. Energy Bills Discount Scheme Pass-Through Requirement (Heat Suppliers) Regulations 2023 (22/05/2023)" 464300021118 piovolaablh fulltext monograph 2023 22/05/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 24 April 2023: Draft Code of Practice on the Recording and Retention of Personal Data in relation to Non-crime Hate Incidents (24/04/2023)" 464300020845 piovolaabdx fulltext monograph 2023 24/04/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 24 October 2023: Draft Representation of the People (Franchise Amendment and Eligibility Review) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2023 (24/10/2023)" 464300022191 piovolaadfo fulltext monograph 2023 24/10/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 26 February 2024: Draft Limited Liability Partnerships (Application of Company Law) Regulations 2024. Draft Service Address (Rectification of Register) Regulations 2024. Draft Principal Office Address (Rectification of Register) Regulations 2024. Draft Registered Office Address (Rectification of Register) Regulations 2024 (26/02/2024)" 464300023600 piovolbaedoc fulltext 2024 26/02/2024 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 26 June 2023: Relationships and Sexuality Education (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (26/06/2023)" 464300021569 piovolaabvx fulltext monograph 2023 26/06/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 27 November 2023: Draft Strikes (Minimum Service Levels: Border Security) Regulations 2023 (27/11/2023)" 464300022535 piovolbaaiah fulltext monograph 2023 27/11/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 29 January 2024: Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 4) Rules 2023 (29/01/2024)" 464300023334 piovolbaaidj fulltext monograph 2024 29/01/2024 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 3 July 2023: Draft Electricity and Gas (Energy Company Obligation) Order 2023 (03/07/2023)" 464300021736 piovolaacac fulltext monograph 2023 03/07/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 4 December 2023: Draft Data Protection (Fundamental Rights and Freedoms) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (04/12/2023)" 464300022672 piovolbaaiav fulltext monograph 2023 04/12/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 5 March 2024: Draft Packaging Waste (Data Reporting) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2024. Draft Waste Enforcement (Fixed Penalty Receipts) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2023 (05/03/2024)" 464300023679 piovolbaedpr fulltext 2024 05/03/2024 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 5 September 2023: Draft Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (05/09/2023)" 464300022030 piovolaacwr fulltext monograph 2023 05/09/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 6 February 2024: Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (High-Risk Countries) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (06/02/2024)" 464300023440 piovolbaaidu fulltext monograph 2024 06/02/2024 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 7 June 2023: Draft Amendments of the Law (Resolution of Silicon Valley Bank UK Limited) (No. 2) Order 2023 (07/06/2023)" 464300021255 piovolaaboz fulltext monograph 2023 07/06/2023 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 8 January 2024: Draft Biodiversity Gain (Town and Country Planning) (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2024. Draft Biodiversity Gain Site Register (Financial Penalties and Fees) Regulations 2024 (08/01/2024)" 464300022917 piovolbaaibt fulltext monograph 2024 08/01/2024 P "2nd Delegated Legislation Committee 9 May 2023: Draft, Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 (Extraction of information from electronic devices) (Amendment of Schedule 3) Regulations 2023 (09/05/2023)" 464300020906 piovolaabhf fulltext monograph 2023 09/05/2023 P "2nd Proposed Extension of the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022. Statement of Reasons (SG Paper 100 2023; No Number)" 9781805259374 "The Scottish Government" sgpapaafgg fulltext monograph 2023 "SG Paper 100 2023; No Number" P "2nd report by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Commons Session 1984-85. Famine in Africa: Observations by the Government (CMND 9566)" 9780101956604 Foreign cmdpapcmndaanok fulltext monograph 1985 "CMND 9566" P "2nd Report by the Select Committee of the House of Lords Appointed to Make the Necessary Arrangements for the Erection of the Peers' War Memorial and to Deal Generally with Matters Relating Thereto (HL 126)" "House of Lords War Memorial Committee" hlpapaadju fulltext monograph 1932 "HL 126" P "2nd Report by the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sport and Leisure. Evidence, Appendices and Index (HL 193-III)" 9780104717738 "Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sport and Leisure" hlpapaaflb fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 193-III" P "2nd Report by the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sport and Leisure. Evidence (HL 193-II)" 9780104718735 "Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sport and Leisure" hlpapaafla fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 193-II" P "2nd Report by the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sport and Leisure together with the proceedings of the committee (HL 193-I)" 9780104713730 "Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sport and Leisure" hlpapaafkz fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 193-I" P "2nd report by the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Televising the Proceedings of the House together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendices (HL 284)" "House of Lords" hlpapaaexo fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 284" P "2nd Report by the Select Committee on Broadcasting the proceedings of the House of Lords together with the proceedings of the Committee and Minutes of Evidence (HL 159)" 9780104159682 "Select Committee on Broadcasting the proceedings of the House of Lords" hlpapaaezs fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 159" P "2nd Report by the Select Committee on Procedures for Scrutiny of Proposals for European Instruments together with the proceedings of the committee and minutes of evidence (HL 194)" 9780104194737 "Select Committee on Procedures for Scrutiny of Proposals for European Instruments" hlpapaafkj fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 194" P "2nd Report by the Standing Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (With an Appendix) (Session 1921) (HL 60)" "Indian Affairs Joint Committee" hlpapaabqo fulltext monograph 1921 "HL 60" P "2nd Report Foreign Affairs Committee: Visit to Guantanamo Bay (HC 44)" 9780215032010 "Foreign Affairs Committee" hcpapaaauf fulltext monograph 2007 "HC 44" P "2nd Report form the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices, Session 1996-97 (HL 66)" 9780104066973 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaksr fulltext monograph 1997 "HL 66" P "2nd Report from the Committee for Privileges of Session 1963-64 (HL 33)" "Privileges Committee" hlpapaaeqi fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 33" P "2nd Report from the Committee of Selection 1973-74 (HL 11)" "Selection Committee" hlpapaaflj fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 11" P "2nd Report from the Committee of Selection 1974-75 (HL 9)" 9780100400955 "Selection Committee" hlpapaafmg fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 9" P "2nd Report from the Committee of Selection 1974 (HL 10)" "Selection Committee" hlpapaacuk fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 10" P "2nd Report from the Committee of Selection 1975-76 (HL 40)" 9780104040768 "Selection Committee" hlpapaafsz fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 40" P "2nd Report from the Committee of Selection 1976-77 (HL 31)" 9780104031773 "Selection Committee" hlpapaagaz fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 31" P "2nd Report from the Committee of Selection 1977-78 (HL 85)" 9780104085783 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaghw fulltext monograph 1978 "HL 85" P "2nd Report from the Committee of Selection 1979-80 (HL 106)" 9780104106808 "Selection Committee" hlpapaagqv fulltext monograph 1979 "HL 106" P "2nd Report from the Committee of Selection 1985-86 (HL 10)" 9780104010860 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaido fulltext monograph 1985 "HL 10" P "2nd Report from the Committee of Selection 1986-87 (HL 7)" 9780104007877 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaijy fulltext monograph 1986 "HL 7" P "2nd Report from the Committee of Selection 1987-88 (HL 5)" 9780104005880 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaioe fulltext monograph 1987 "HL 5" P "2nd Report from the Committee of Selection 1988-89 (HL 4)" 9780104004890 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaivx fulltext monograph 1988 "HL 4" P "2nd Report from the Committee of Selection 1989-90 (HL 9)" 9780104805909 "Selection Committee" hlpapaajck fulltext monograph 1989 "HL 9" P "2nd Report from the Committee on Welsh Affairs Session 1980-81. Broadcasting in the Welsh language and the Implications for Welsh and Non-Welsh Speaking Viewers and Listeners. Observations by the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Wales, the British Broadcasting Corporation, the Independent Broadcasting Authority and the Welsh Fourth Channel Authority. (CMND 8469)" 9780101846905 "Home Office; Welsh Office" cmdpapcmndaamau fulltext monograph 1982 "CMND 8469" P "2nd Report from the Defence Committee. The Physical Security of Military Installations in the United Kingdom. Observations presented by the Secretary of State for Defence (CMND 9422)" 9780101942201 "Ministry of Defence" cmdpapcmndaaniv fulltext monograph 1985 "CMND 9422" P "2nd Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee, Session 1986-87. Bilateral Aid: Country Programmes Observations by the Government (CM 225)" 9780101022521 Foreign cmdpapcmaaais fulltext monograph 1987 "CM 225" P "2nd report from the Foreign Affairs Committee, session 1991-92 Europe after Maastricht; observations by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 1965)" 9780101196529 Foreign cmdpapcmaacro fulltext monograph 1992 "CM 1965" P "2nd report from the Foreign Affairs Committee, session 1993-94. Expenditure plans of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Overseas Development Administration. Observations by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 2685)" 9780101268523 Foreign cmdpapcmaadsh fulltext monograph 1994 "CM 2685" P "2nd report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1994-95. UK policy on weapons proliferation and arms control in the post-Cold War era; observations by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 2895)" 9780101289528 Foreign cmdpapcmaaeae fulltext monograph 1995 "CM 2895" P "2nd report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1998-99. Sierra Leone; Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4325)" 9780101432528 Foreign cmdpapcmaafwz fulltext monograph 1999 "CM 4325" P "2nd Report from the Joint Committee on Delegated Legislation together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendices (HL 204)" 9780102468731 "Delegated Legislation Joint Committee" hlpapaafkn fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 204" P "2nd Report from the Joint Committee on Sound Broadcasting (HL 123)" 9780102284775 "Select Committee on Sound Broadcasting" hlpapaagcz fulltext monograph 1977 "HL 123" P "2nd Report from the Joint Select Committee Consolidation Bills (Forgery Bill, [H.L.]) (HL 214)" "Consolidation Bills Joint Committee" hlpapaaczr fulltext monograph 1913 "HL 214" P "2nd Report from the Joint Select Committee on the Government of India Act, 1919 (Draft Rules) (HL 172)" "Government of India Act" hlpapaablw fulltext monograph 1920 "HL 172" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee appointed to consider the Road Traffic (Compensation for Accidents) Bill [H.L.] and the Road Traffic (Emergency Treatment) Bill [H.L.] being a Report on the Road Traffic (Emergency Treatment) Bill [H.L.] (HL 169)" "Road Traffic (Compensation For Accidents) Bill and Road Traffic (Emergency Treatment) Bill Select Committee" hlpapaadkp fulltext monograph 1933 "HL 169" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Leave of Absence of Session 1957-58 (HL 170)" "House of Lords on Leave of Absence Select Committee" hlpapaaeho fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 170" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Practice and Procedure (HL 256)" 9780104256770 "Select Committee of the Practice and Procedure" hlpapaagey fulltext monograph 1977 "HL 256" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Practice and Procedure (HL 379)" 9780104970768 "Select Committee of the Practice and Procedure" hlpapaafzc fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 379" P "2nd Report From the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sport and Leisure together with the Proceedings of the Committee (HL 191)" 9780104191729 "House of Lords Select Committee" hlpapaafht fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 191" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/1255/74 Quota for Carriage of Goods by Road. 2. COM(68)567 Adjustment of National Taxation Systems for Commercial Vehicles (HL 22)" 9780100402256 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafmn fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 22" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities (HL 62)" 9780104062753 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaacvi fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 62" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/39/75 - Draft action programme in favour of migrant workers and their families (HL 18)" 9780104018767 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafsp fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 18" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the House of Lords Refreshment Rooms (HL 144)" "Select Committee on the House of Lords Refreshment Rooms" hlpapaabir fulltext monograph 1916 "HL 144" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on The Trial of the Earl Russell (HL 145)" "The Trial of the Earl Russell Select Committee" hlpapaaaav fulltext monograph 1901 "HL 145" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices (HL 17)" 9780104017005 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalio fulltext monograph 1999 "HL 17" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices (HL 59)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaepe fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 59" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of 1st Session 1922 (HL 23)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacbd fulltext monograph 1922 "HL 23" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of 2nd Session 1922 (HL 17)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacah fulltext monograph 1922 "HL 17" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1902 (HL 174)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaadk fulltext monograph 1902 "HL 174" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1904 (HL 191)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaahf fulltext monograph 1904 "HL 191" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1904 (HL 200)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaafi fulltext monograph 1903 "HL 200" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1906 (HL 125)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaalo fulltext monograph 1906 "HL 125" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1908 (HL 159)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaapv fulltext monograph 1908 "HL 159" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1909 (HL 21)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaarr fulltext monograph 1909 "HL 21" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1910 (HL 99)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaaun fulltext monograph 1910 "HL 99" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1911 (HL 93)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaawl fulltext monograph 1911 "HL 93" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1914-16 (HL 32)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadem fulltext monograph 1915 "HL 32" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1914 (HL 206)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabdo fulltext monograph 1914 "HL 206" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1916 (HL 148)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabis fulltext monograph 1916 "HL 148" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1917 (HL 20)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabjb fulltext monograph 1917 "HL 20" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1918 (HL 90)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabjv fulltext monograph 1918 "HL 90" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1919 (HL 46)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaablk fulltext monograph 1919 "HL 46" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1920 (HL 22)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaablo fulltext monograph 1920 "HL 22" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1921 (HL 96)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabqz fulltext monograph 1921 "HL 96" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1923 (HL 155)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacov fulltext monograph 1923 "HL 155" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1924-25 (HL 125)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadfk fulltext monograph 1925 "HL 125" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1924 (HL 175)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacpy fulltext monograph 1924 "HL 175" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1926 (HL 196)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacrd fulltext monograph 1926 "HL 196" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1927 (HL 113)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacru fulltext monograph 1927 "HL 113" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1928-29 (HL 62)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadgm fulltext monograph 1929 "HL 62" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1928 (HL 24)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacsi fulltext monograph 1928 "HL 24" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1929-30 (HL 52)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadhg fulltext monograph 1929 "HL 52" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1930-31 (HL 32)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadir fulltext monograph 1930 "HL 32" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1931-32 (HL 122)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadjt fulltext monograph 1932 "HL 122" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1932-33 (HL 136)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadkj fulltext monograph 1933 "HL 136" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1933-34 (HL 121)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadlg fulltext monograph 1934 "HL 121" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1934-35 (HL 112)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadly fulltext monograph 1935 "HL 112" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1935-36 (HL 95)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadne fulltext monograph 1936 "HL 95" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1936-37 (HL 56)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadnv fulltext monograph 1937 "HL 56" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1937-38 (HL 186)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadpb fulltext monograph 1938 "HL 186" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1938-39 (HL 96)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadpq fulltext monograph 1939 "HL 96" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1939-40 (HL 27)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadqk fulltext monograph 1940 "HL 27" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1940-41 (HL 18)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadqy fulltext monograph 1941 "HL 18" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1941-42 (HL 14)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadrj fulltext monograph 1942 "HL 14" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1942-43 (HL 19)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadsc fulltext monograph 1943 "HL 19" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1943-44 (HL 23)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadsp fulltext monograph 1944 "HL 23" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1944-45 (HL 21)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadsz fulltext monograph 1945 "HL 21" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1945-46 (HL 11)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadtm fulltext monograph 1945 "HL 11" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1946-47 (HL 51)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadul fulltext monograph 1947 "HL 51" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1947-48 (HL 59)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadva fulltext monograph 1948 "HL 59" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1948-49 (HL 70)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadvy fulltext monograph 1949 "HL 70" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1950-51 (HL 38)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadxg fulltext monograph 1951 "HL 38" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1950 (HL 90)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaactv fulltext monograph 1950 "HL 90" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1951-52 (HL 33)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadxz fulltext monograph 1952 "HL 33" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1952-53 (HL 45)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadzl fulltext monograph 1953 "HL 45" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1953-54 (HL 43)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeav fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 43" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1954-55 (HL 39)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaecp fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 39" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1955-56 (HL 60)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaedl fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 60" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1956-57 (HL 35)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaefb fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 35" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1957-58 (HL 47)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaegu fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 47" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1958-59 (HL 80)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeiy fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 80" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1959-60 (HL 106)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaelh fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 106" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1960-61 (HL 48)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaemi fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 48" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1961-62 (HL 121)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeoi fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 121" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1963-64 (HL 129)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaerk fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 129" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1964-65 (HL 79)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaetd fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 79" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1965-66 (HL 47)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeuz fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 47" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1966-67 (HL 137)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaewf fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 137" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1967-68 (HL 90)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaezi fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 90" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1968-69 (HL 68)" 9780104068694 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafax fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 68" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1969-70 (HL 72)" 9780104072707 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafcp fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 72" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1970-71 (HL 39)" 9780104039717 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafdl fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 39" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices' of Session 1971-72 (HL 68)" 9780104068724 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafgm fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 68" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1972-73 (HL 79)" 9780104079737 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafjl fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 79" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1974-75 (HL 140)" 9780100414051 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafog fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 140" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1974 (HL 56)" 9780104056752 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacvg fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 56" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1975-76 (HL 69)" 9780104069769 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafto fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 69" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1976-77 (HL 122)" 9780104122778 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagcy fulltext monograph 1977 "HL 122" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1977-78 (HL 108)" 9780104108789 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagil fulltext monograph 1978 "HL 108" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1978-79 (HL 136)" 9780104136799 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagok fulltext monograph 1979 "HL 136" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1979-80 (HL 55)" 9780104055809 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagpr fulltext monograph 1979 "HL 55" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1980-81 (HL 85)" 9780104085813 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagzz fulltext monograph 1981 "HL 85" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1981-82 (HL 120)" 9780104120828 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahgx fulltext monograph 1982 "HL 120" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1983-84 (HL 73)" 9780104073841 "Great Britain Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices" hlpapaahqf fulltext monograph 1983 "HL 73" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1984-85 (HL 118)" 9780104118856 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahyl fulltext monograph 1985 "HL 118" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1985-86 (HL 115)" 9780104115862 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaiez fulltext monograph 1986 "HL 115" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1986-87 (HL 103)" 9780104103876 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaili fulltext monograph 1987 "HL 103" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1987-88 (HL 15)" 9780104015889 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaioo fulltext monograph 1987 "HL 15" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1988-89 (HL 32)" 9780104032893 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaiwv fulltext monograph 1989 "HL 32" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1989-90 (HL 43)" 9780104044902 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajdn fulltext monograph 1990 "HL 43" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1990-91 (HL 36)" 9780104036914 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajiw fulltext monograph 1991 "HL 36" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1991-92 (HL 25)" 9780104025925 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajoa fulltext monograph 1991 "HL 25" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1992-93 (HL 20)" 9780104815939 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajqx fulltext monograph 1992 "HL 20" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1993-94 (HL 56)" 9780104056943 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajzn fulltext monograph 1994 "HL 56" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1994-95 (HL 43)" 9780104043950 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakex fulltext monograph 1995 "HL 43" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices' of Session 1995-96 (HL 58)" 9780104058961 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakmm fulltext monograph 1996 "HL 58" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1997-98 (HL 20)" 9780104020982 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakup fulltext monograph 1997 "HL 20" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1998-99 (HL 65)" 9780104865996 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaleh fulltext monograph 1999 "HL 65" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 2000-01 (HL 54)" 9780104798010 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalqh fulltext monograph 2001 "HL 54" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 2001-02 (HL 16)" 9780104009024 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalsv fulltext monograph 2001 "HL 16" P "2nd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices Session 1982-83 (HL 119)" 9780104119839 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahmt fulltext monograph 1983 "HL 119" P "2nd report from the Select Committee on the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration, session 1990-91 observations by the government (CM 1598)" 9780101159821 "Select Committee on the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration" cmdpapcmaacgg fulltext monograph 1991 "CM 1598" P "2nd Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1951-52 (HL 78)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaadyj fulltext monograph 1952 "HL 78" P "2nd Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1952-53 (HL 18)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaadzb fulltext monograph 1952 "HL 18" P "2nd Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1962-63 (HL 13)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeot fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 13" P "2nd report of session 2005-06 (HL 174)" 9780104008584 hlpapaanee fulltext monograph 2006 "HL 174" P "2nd Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Outbreak of Legionnaires' Disease in Stafford in April 1985 (CM 256)" 9780101025621 "Department of Health and Social Security; Committee of Inquiry into the Outbreak of Legionnaires Disease in Stafford in April 1985" cmdpapcmaaajx fulltext monograph 1987 "CM 256" P "2nd Report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life Standards in Public Life Local Public Spending Bodies Further and Higher Education Bodies (including Universities), Grant-Maintained Schools, Training and Enterprise Councils and Local Enterprise Companies and Registered Housing Associations Volume 1. Report (CM 3270-I)" 9780101327022 "Committee on Standards in Public Life" cmdpapcmaaeno fulltext monograph 1996 "CM 3270-I" P "2nd Report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life Standards in Public Life Local Public Spending Bodies Further and Higher Education Bodies (including Universities), Grant-Maintained Schools, Training and Enterprise Councils and Local Enterprise Companies and Registered Housing Associations Volume 2. Transcripts of Oral Evidence (CM 3270-II)" 9780101327039 "Committee on Standards in Public Life" cmdpapcmaaenp fulltext monograph 1996 "CM 3270-II" P "2nd Report of the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1988-89. Hong Kong: Observations by the Government (CM 927)" 9780101092722 Foreign cmdpapcmaabip fulltext monograph 1989 "CM 927" P "2nd Report of the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1988-89. Hong Kong: Observations by the Government on the 2nd Report (CM 1082)" 9780101108225 Foreign cmdpapcmaaboi fulltext monograph 1990 "CM 1082" P "2nd Report of the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1989-90. The Operation of the Single European Act Observations by the Government (CM 1077)" 9780101107723 Foreign cmdpapcmaabod fulltext monograph 1990 "CM 1077" P "2nd report of the Foreign Affairs Committee, session 1990-91 aid to Iraqi refugees observations by the government (CM 1610)" 9780101161022 Foreign cmdpapcmaacgs fulltext monograph 1991 "CM 1610" P "2nd Report of the Interim Advisory Committee on School Teachers' Pay and Conditions 10 February 1989 (CM 625)" 9780101062527 "Department of Education and Science; Interim Advisory Committee on Teachers Pay and Conditions" cmdpapcmaaaya fulltext monograph 1989 "CM 625" P "2nd Report of the Joint Committee on the publication of proceedings in Parliament together with the proceedings of the committee and appendices (HL 109)" 9780102261707 "Joint Committee on the publication of proceedings in Parliament" hlpapaafcu fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 109" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 26)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeas fulltext monograph 1953 "HL 26" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1954-55 (HL 20)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaecl fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 20" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 20)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeda fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 20" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 12)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeet fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 12" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1957-58 (HL 11)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaegk fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 11" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1958-59 (HL 29)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeii fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 29" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1959-60 (HL 25)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaekq fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 25" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 17)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaema fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 17" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1961-62 (HL 14)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaenl fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 14" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 25)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeqg fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 25" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1964-65 (HL 17)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaesp fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 17" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1965-66 (HL 17)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeur fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 17" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 15)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaevg fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 15" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 18)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeyt fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 18" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1968-69 (HL 14)" 9780104014691 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafao fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 14" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1969-70 (HL 25)" 9780104025703 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafcc fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 25" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 24)" 9780104024713 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafdh fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 24" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 27)" 9780104027721 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaffv fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 27" P "2nd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1972-73 (HL 11)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafir fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 11" P "2nd Report of the Standing Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (Session 1922) (HL 158)" "Indian Affairs Joint Committee" hlpapaacdr fulltext monograph 1922 "HL 158" P "2nd special report from the Foreign Affairs Committee, session 1995-96 public expenditure spending plans of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Overseas Development Administration 1996-97 to 1998-99 observations by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 3385)" 9780101338523 Foreign cmdpapcmaaerw fulltext monograph 1996 "CM 3385" P "2nd Special Report from the House of Commons Select Committee on European Legislation, Session 1985-86. Observations by the Government (CM 123)" 9780101012324 "Select Committee on European Legislation" cmdpapcmaaaet fulltext monograph 1987 "CM 123" P "2nd Special Report from the Joint Committee on Sound Broadcasting together with the minutes of proceedings of the committee (HL 387)" 9780100093966 "Select Committee on Sound Broadcasting" hlpapaafzd fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 387" P "2nd Special Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on a Bill of rights (HL 254)" 9780104254776 "Select Committee on a Bill of rights" hlpapaagex fulltext monograph 1977 "HL 254" P "2nd Special Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities (HL 251)" 9780100425156 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafqc fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 251" P "2nd Special Report from the Select Committee on the Anti-Discrimination Bill (HL 104)" 9780104104736 "Select Committee on the Anti-Discrimination Bill" hlpapaafjs fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 104" P "2nd supplementary report of the European Parliamentary Constituencies (CM 3289)" 9780101328920 "Boundary Commission for Scotland" cmdpapcmaaeoi fulltext monograph 1996 "CM 3289" P "30th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/407/75 - Pollution of Sea and Fresh Water for Bathing. 2. R/210/75 - Water Pollution Caused by Wood Pulp Mills (HL 298)" 9780100429857 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafqq fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 298" P "30th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Twelfth Sift: 4th May 1976 (HL 165)" 9780104165768 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafvf fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 165" P "31st Civil Service Yearbook 1998/1999 (No Number)" 9780113121960 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaafs fulltext monograph 1998 "No Number" P "31st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/2988/75: Inshore fishing. 2. R/3120/75: Water content of frozen fowl carcasses (HL 173)" 9780104173763 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafvj fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 173" P "31st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2053/72 - Company Law: Draft Directive on Prospectuses (HL 303)" 9780100498556 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafqt fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 303" P "32nd Civil Service Yearbook 1999 (No Number)" 9780114301552 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaafv fulltext monograph 1999 "No Number" P "32nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/681/75 - Technological Problems of Nuclear Safety (HL 323)" 9780100496552 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafra fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 323" P "32nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities with minutes of evidence. 1. R/471/76: Hops. 2. R/238/76: Potatoes (HL 174)" 9780104174760 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafvk fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 174" P "33rd Civil Service Yearbook 1999 (No Number)" 9780114301576 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaafx fulltext monograph 1999 "No Number" P "33rd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. S.I. 1975 No. 655 on the Measurement of Cereals Regulations 1975 Implementing EEC Council Directive No. 71/347 on Measuring of Grain. 2. Sifting of EEC Proposals. 3. Annexes A and B (HL 326)" 9780100496255 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafrd fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 326" P "33rd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2085/75: Schooling for the children of migrants (HL 175)" 9780104175767 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafvl fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 175" P "3400-3800 MHz Frequency Band (Management) Regulations 2008 (revoked) (SI 2794 2008)" piovolbabpls fulltext monograph 2008 "SI 2794 2008" P "34th Civil Service Yearbook 2000 (No Number)" 9780114301583 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaafz fulltext monograph 2000 "No Number" P "34th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities: 1. EEC Draft Budget for 1976. 2. Sifting of EEC Proposals. 3. Annexes A and B (HL 340)" 9780100494855 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafrh fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 340" P "34th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Thirteenth Sift: 18th May 1976 (HL 194)" 9780104194768 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafvr fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 194" P "35th Civil Service Yearbook 2000/2001 (No Number)" 9780114301651 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaagc fulltext monograph 2000 "No Number" P "35th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/3139/75 - Hallmarking and Precious Metals Together with the Minutes of Evidence. 2. R/327/76 - Summer Time. 3. R/646/74 - Freedom of Lawyers to Provide Services (Amendment) (HL 197)" 9780104197769 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafvu fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 197" P "35th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/1131/75: Amended Draft Directive on Forestry (HL 352)" 9780100493650 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafro fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 352" P "36th Civil Service Yearbook 2001 (No Number)" 9780114301743 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaagh fulltext monograph 2001 "No Number" P "36th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. Sifting of EEC Proposals. 2. Annexes A and B (HL 350)" 9780100493858 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafrn fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 350" P "36th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Fourteenth Sift: 1st June 1976 (HL 211)" 9780104211762 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafwb fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 211" P "37th Civil Service Yearbook 2002 (No Number)" 9780114301781 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaagj fulltext monograph 2002 "No Number" P "37th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Fifteenth Sift: 15th June 1976 (HL 221)" 9780104221761 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafwh fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 221" P "37th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. The Lome Convention (HL 353)" 9780100493551 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafrp fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 353" P "38th Civil Service Yearbook 2002 (No Number)" 9780114301835 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaagn fulltext monograph 2002 "No Number" P "38th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2988/75 - Restructuring of inshore fishing - marine fish farming - with minutes of evidence (HL 222)" 9780104222768 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafwi fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 222" P "39th Civil Service Yearbook (No Number)" 9780114301859 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaagp fulltext monograph 2003 "No Number" P "39th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities: 1. R/2912/75 Measuring Systems for Liquids. 2. R/3070/75 Approximation of Units of Measurement. 3. R/642/76 Harmonisation of Social Legislation on Road Transport. 4. Co-Options (HL 223)" 9780104223765 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafwj fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 223" P "3rd Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund (CM 1344)" 9780101134422 "H.M. Treasury" cmdpapcmaabws fulltext monograph 1990 "CM 1344" P "3rd Annual Report on the Operation of the Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004: 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008 (NIA Paper 65)" 9780337091643 "Department for Environment" niapapaaacn fulltext monograph 2009 "NIA Paper 65" P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 10 May 2023: Draft Houses in Multiple Occupation (Asylum-Seeker Accommodation) (England) Regulations 2023 (10/05/2023)" 464300020913 piovolaabhu fulltext monograph 2023 10/05/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 11 July 2023: Draft Tobacco and Related Products (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2023 (11/07/2023)" 464300021897 piovolaacdu fulltext monograph 2023 11/07/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 11 September 2023: Draft Windsor Framework (Enforcement etc.) Regulations 2023 (11/09/2023)" 464300022108 piovolaacyu fulltext monograph 2023 11/09/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 12 December 2023: Draft York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Order 2023 (12/12/2023)" 464300022849 piovolbaaibm fulltext monograph 2023 12/12/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 12 March 2024: Draft Strikes (Minimum Service Levels: Fire and Rescue Services) (England) Regulations 2024 (12/03/2024)" 464300023785 piovolbaedrr fulltext 2024 12/03/2024 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 13 June 2023: Diocesan Stipends Funds (Amendment) Measure (13/06/2023)" 464300021354 piovolaabqv fulltext monograph 2023 13/06/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 14 November 2023: Draft Carer's Assistance (Carer Support Payment) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 (Consequential Modifications) Order 2023 (14/11/2023)" 464300022283 piovolbaahzi fulltext monograph 2023 14/11/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 16 January 2024: Draft Medical Devices (In Vitro Diagnostic Devices etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (16/01/2024)" 464300023006 piovolbaaicc fulltext monograph 2024 16/01/2024 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 16 May 2023: Draft Strategic Highways Company (Name Change and Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2023 (16/05/2023)" 464300021019 piovolaabji fulltext monograph 2023 16/05/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 18 July 2023: Draft Electricity Capacity (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (18/07/2023)" 464300021972 piovolaacjj fulltext monograph 2023 18/07/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 18 March 2024: Draft National Minimum Wage (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2024 (18/03/2024)" 464300023891 piovolbaedtt fulltext 2024 18/03/2024 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 2 May 2023: Draft Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2023 (02/05/2023)" 464300020876 piovolaabfw fulltext monograph 2023 02/05/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 20 February 2024: Draft Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (Pension Scheme Amendment) Regulations 2024 (20/02/2024)" 464300023549 piovolbaedlv fulltext 2024 20/02/2024 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 21 November 2023: Draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Amendment) (Equal Treatment) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2023. Draft Pensions (Pension Protection Fund Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2023. Draft Pensions Act 2004 (Amendment) (Pension Protection Fund Compensation) Regulations 2023. Draft Pensions Act 2004 and the Equality Act 2010 (Amendment) (Equal Treatment by Occupational Pension Schemes) Regulations 2023 (21/11/2023)" 464300022436 piovolbaahzx fulltext monograph 2023 21/11/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 22 May 2023: Draft Medical Devices (Amendment) (Great Britain) Regulations 2023 (22/05/2023)" 464300021125 piovolaabli fulltext monograph 2023 22/05/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 23 January 2024: Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure (HC 341). Church of England Pensions (Application of Capital Funds) Measure (HC 342) (23/01/2024)" 464300023181 piovolbaaicu fulltext monograph 2024 23/01/2024 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 24 October 2023: Draft Public Charge Point Regulations 2023 (24/10/2023)" 464300022207 piovolaadfp fulltext monograph 2023 24/10/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 26 June 2023: Republic of Belarus (Sanctions) (EU Exit) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (26/06/2023)" 464300021576 piovolaabvy fulltext monograph 2023 26/06/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 27 February 2024: Draft Paternity Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (27/02/2024)" 464300023617 piovolbaedoi fulltext 2024 27/02/2024 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 27 November 2023: Draft Strikes (Minimum Service Levels: Passenger Railway Services) Regulations 2023 (27/11/2023)" 464300022542 piovolbaaiai fulltext monograph 2023 27/11/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 3 July 2023: Draft African Development Fund (Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative) (Amendment) Order 2023. Draft African Development Bank (Sixteenth Replenishment of the African Development Fund) Order 2023 (03/07/2023)" 464300021712 piovolaacaa fulltext monograph 2023 03/07/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 30 January 2024: Draft Human Medicines (Amendments Relating to Coronavirus and Influenza) (England and Wales and Scotland) Regulations 2024 (30/01/2024)" 464300023389 piovolbaaidn fulltext monograph 2024 30/01/2024 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 5 December 2023: Draft Plant Health etc. (Miscellaneous Fees) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2023 (05/12/2023)" 464300022702 piovolbaaiay fulltext monograph 2023 05/12/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 5 March 2024: Draft Representation of the People (Variation of Election Expenses and Exclusions) Regulations 2024 (05/03/2024)" 464300023686 piovolbaedps fulltext 2024 05/03/2024 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 5 September 2023: Draft Human Medicines (Amendment Relating to Original Pack Dispensing) (England and Wales and Scotland) Regulations 2023 (05/09/2023)" 464300022047 piovolaacws fulltext monograph 2023 05/09/2023 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 6 February 2024: Draft Gender Recognition (Approved Countries and Territories and Saving Provision) Order 2023 (06/02/2024)" 464300023457 piovolbaaidv fulltext monograph 2024 06/02/2024 P "3rd Delegated Legislation Committee 9 January 2024: Draft Online Safety (List of Overseas Regulators) Regulations 2024 (09/01/2024)" 464300022924 piovolbaaibu fulltext monograph 2024 09/01/2024 P "3rd Report by the Select Committee of the House of Lords Appointed to Make the Necessary Arrangements for the Erection of the Peers' War Memorial, and to Deal Generally with Matters Relating Thereto (HL 181)" "House of Lords War Memorial Committee" hlpapaadln fulltext monograph 1934 "HL 181" P "3rd Report by the Standing Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (Session 1921) (HL 131)" "Indian Affairs Joint Committee" hlpapaabsg fulltext monograph 1921 "HL 131" P "3rd Report from the Committee of Selection 1974-75 (HL 153)" 9780100415355 "Selection Committee" hlpapaafom fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 153" P "3rd Report from the Committee of Selection 1974 (HL 33)" 9780104033753 "Selection Committee" hlpapaacuw fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 33" P "3rd Report from the Committee of Selection 1975-76 (HL 62)" 9780104062760 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaftj fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 62" P "3rd Report from the Committee of Selection 1976-77 (HL 159)" 9780104159774 "Selection Committee" hlpapaagdr fulltext monograph 1977 "HL 159" P "3rd Report from the Committee of Selection 1977-78 (HL 99)" 9780104099780 "Selection Committee" hlpapaagid fulltext monograph 1978 "HL 99" P "3rd Report from the Committee of Selection 1979-80 (HL 150)" 9780104150801 "Selection Committee" hlpapaagrt fulltext monograph 1980 "HL 150" P "3rd Report from the Committee of Selection 1985-86 (HL 188)" 9780104188866 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaifv fulltext monograph 1986 "HL 188" P "3rd Report from the Committee of Selection 1986-87 (HL 23)" 9780104023877 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaike fulltext monograph 1986 "HL 23" P "3rd Report from the Committee of Selection 1987-88 (HL 18)" 9780104018880 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaioq fulltext monograph 1987 "HL 18" P "3rd Report from the Committee of Selection 1988-89 (HL 6)" 9780104006894 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaivz fulltext monograph 1988 "HL 6" P "3rd Report from the Defence Committee. The D notice system. Observations presented by the Secretary of State for Defence (CMND 8129)" 9780101812900 "Ministry of Defence" cmdpapcmndaalnw fulltext monograph 1981 "CMND 8129" P "3rd Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1988-89. FCO-ODA Expenditure 1989-90: Observations by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 823)" 9780101082327 Foreign cmdpapcmaabfr fulltext monograph 1989 "CM 823" P "3rd Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1989-90. FCO-ODA Expenditure 1990-91: Observations by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 1218)" 9780101121828 Foreign cmdpapcmaabtn fulltext monograph 1990 "CM 1218" P "3rd Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1995-96. The Intergovernmental Conference. Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 3441)" 9780101344128 Foreign cmdpapcmaaesy fulltext monograph 1996 "CM 3441" P "3rd report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1997-98. Hong Kong; Further response by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4331)" 9780101433129 Foreign cmdpapcmaafxe fulltext monograph 1999 "CM 4331" P "3rd report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1997-98. Hong Kong. Response by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4156)" 9780101415620 Foreign cmdpapcmaafqm fulltext monograph 1998 "CM 4156" P "3rd report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1998-99. European Union enlargement; Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4348)" 9780101434829 Foreign cmdpapcmaafxv fulltext monograph 1999 "CM 4348" P "3rd report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1999-2000; relations with the Russian Federation. Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4715)" 9780101471527 Foreign cmdpapcmaagkn fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4715" P "3rd Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 2013-14: The FCO's Human Rights Work in 2012 - Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 8762)" 9780101876223 Foreign cmdpapcmaalym fulltext monograph 2013 "CM 8762" P "3rd report from the House of Commons Environment Committee session 1994-95. Pollution in Eastern Europe; observations by the Government (CM 3030)" 9780101303026 Foreign cmdpapcmaaefa fulltext monograph 1995 "CM 3030" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. Annexes I-III of R/1472/74 on Energy Policy Strategy (HL 27)" 9780100402751 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafmp fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 27" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/2707/73 Council Directive on Aid to the Shipbuilding Industry. 2. R/1960/72 Draft Council Directive on the Harmonisation of Laws, Regulations and Administrative Provisions concerning Arrangements for Outward Processing Traffic. 3. R/2527/73 Proposal for a Council Decision Establishing a Consultation Procedure for Co-Operation Agreements between Member States and Third Countries. 4. R/2907/73 Decision on Action by the European Social Fund to Assist the Social and Professional Integration of Handicapped Persons - Decision concerning Action by the ESF to Assist Workers Moving from One Community Country to Another - Regulation on Further Types of Aid for Workers Moving from One Community Country to Another. 5. R/2976/73 Directive on the Harmonisation of the Legislation of the Member States Relating to Mass Dismissals (HL 192)" 9780104192757 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaacwn fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 192" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Second Sift: 9th December 1975 (HL 23)" 9780104023761 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafsq fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 23" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on The Trial of the Earl Russell (HL 157)" "The Trial of the Earl Russell Select Committee" hlpapaaaaw fulltext monograph 1901 "HL 157" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices (HL 143)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaept fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 143" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices (HL 32)" 9780104793008 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaljd fulltext monograph 2000 "HL 32" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of 1st Session 1922 (HL 39)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacck fulltext monograph 1922 "HL 39" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1902 (HL 194)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaadp fulltext monograph 1902 "HL 194" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1906 (HL 204)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaamc fulltext monograph 1906 "HL 204" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1908 (HL 266)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaaqr fulltext monograph 1908 "HL 266" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1909 (HL 235)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaast fulltext monograph 1909 "HL 235" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1910 (HL 180)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaauy fulltext monograph 1910 "HL 180" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1911 (HL 245)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaaxg fulltext monograph 1911 "HL 245" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1914-16 (HL 72)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadep fulltext monograph 1915 "HL 72" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1914 (HL 219)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabdr fulltext monograph 1914 "HL 219" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1917 (HL 54)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabje fulltext monograph 1917 "HL 54" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1919 (HL 74)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabkq fulltext monograph 1919 "HL 74" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1920 (HL 84)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaablq fulltext monograph 1920 "HL 84" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1921 (HL 159)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabuj fulltext monograph 1921 "HL 159" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1924-25 (HL 179)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadfo fulltext monograph 1925 "HL 179" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1928 (HL 139)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacsv fulltext monograph 1928 "HL 139" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1929-30 (HL 81)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadhn fulltext monograph 1930 "HL 81" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1930-31 (HL 39)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadis fulltext monograph 1931 "HL 39" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1931-32 (HL 152)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadjv fulltext monograph 1932 "HL 152" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1933-34 (HL 183)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadlo fulltext monograph 1934 "HL 183" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1936-37 (HL 123)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadoc fulltext monograph 1937 "HL 123" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1938-39 (HL 187)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadpx fulltext monograph 1939 "HL 187" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1939-40 (HL 43)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadqn fulltext monograph 1940 "HL 43" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1940-41 (HL 25)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadqz fulltext monograph 1941 "HL 25" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1941-42 (HL 27)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadro fulltext monograph 1942 "HL 27" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1942-43 (HL 48)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadsh fulltext monograph 1943 "HL 48" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1943-44 (HL 36)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadsr fulltext monograph 1944 "HL 36" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1944-45 (HL 25)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadta fulltext monograph 1945 "HL 25" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1945-46 (HL 25)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadtn fulltext monograph 1945 "HL 25" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1946-47 (HL 69)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadup fulltext monograph 1947 "HL 69" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1947-48 (HL 80)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadvb fulltext monograph 1948 "HL 80" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1948-49 (HL 79)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadwb fulltext monograph 1949 "HL 79" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1950-51 (HL 105)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadxp fulltext monograph 1951 "HL 105" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1950 (HL 94)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaactx fulltext monograph 1950 "HL 94" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1951-52 (HL 100)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadyl fulltext monograph 1952 "HL 100" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1952-53 (HL 97)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadzz fulltext monograph 1953 "HL 97" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1953-54 (HL 108)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaebn fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 108" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1955-56 (HL 86)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaedq fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 86" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1956-57 (HL 63)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaefh fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 63" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1957-58 (HL 132)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaehi fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 132" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1958-59 (HL 165)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaejm fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 165" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1960-61 (HL 83)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaemp fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 83" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1963-64 (HL 203)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaery fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 203" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1964-65 (HL 95)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaetg fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 95" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1966-67 (HL 195)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaewu fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 195" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1967-68 (HL 189)" 9780104189689 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaezy fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 189" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1968-69 (HL 156)" 9780104156698 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafbq fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 156" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices' of Session 1969-70 (HL 125)" 9780104125700 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafcy fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 125" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1970-71 (HL 106)" 9780104106716 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafea fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 106" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1971-72 (HL 90)" 9780104090725 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafgu fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 90" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1972-73 (HL 182)" 9780104182734 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafkg fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 182" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1974-75 (HL 163)" 9780100416352 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafos fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 163" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1974 (HL 120)" 9780104120750 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacvz fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 120" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1975-76 (HL 137)" 9780104137765 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafur fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 137" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1976-77 (HL 211)" 9780104211779 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagej fulltext monograph 1977 "HL 211" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1977-78 (HL 175)" 9780104175781 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagjp fulltext monograph 1978 "HL 175" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1979-80 (HL 124)" 9780104124802 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagrg fulltext monograph 1979 "HL 124" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1980-81 (HL 140)" 9780104140819 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahax fulltext monograph 1981 "HL 140" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1981-82 (HL 173)" 9780104173824 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahhn fulltext monograph 1982 "HL 173" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1983-84 (HL 167)" 9780104167847 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahrh fulltext monograph 1984 "HL 167" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1984-85 (HL 232)" 9780104232859 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahzt fulltext monograph 1985 "HL 232" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1985-86 (HL 234)" 9780104234860 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaigh fulltext monograph 1986 "HL 234" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1987-88 (HL 38)" 9780104038888 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaipi fulltext monograph 1987 "HL 38" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1988-89 (HL 85)" 9780104085899 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaiyo fulltext monograph 1989 "HL 85" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1989-90 (HL 81)" 9780104081907 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajev fulltext monograph 1990 "HL 81" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1990-91 (HL 69)" 9780104069912 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajjs fulltext monograph 1991 "HL 69" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1991-92 (HL 56)" 9780104820926 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajow fulltext monograph 1992 "HL 56" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1992-93 (HL 48)" 9780104820933 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajry fulltext monograph 1992 "HL 48" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1993-94 (HL 73)" 9780104073940 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajzz fulltext monograph 1994 "HL 73" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1994-95 (HL 65)" 9780104065952 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakfp fulltext monograph 1995 "HL 65" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1995-96 (HL 83)" 9780104083963 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaknl fulltext monograph 1996 "HL 83" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices, Session 1997-98 (HL 49)" 9780104049983 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakvs fulltext monograph 1997 "HL 49" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices, Session 1998-99 (HL 98)" 9780104852996 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalfk fulltext monograph 1999 "HL 98" P "3rd Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices, Session 2001-2002 (HL 54)" 9780104042021 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalue fulltext monograph 2001 "HL 54" P "3rd Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1952-53 (HL 29)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaadze fulltext monograph 1953 "HL 29" P "3rd Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1962-63 (HL 27)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeoy fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 27" P "3rd report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life: standards in public life standards of conduct in local government in England, Scotland and Wales Volume 1. Report (CM 3702-I)" 9780101370226 "Committee on Standards in Public Life" cmdpapcmaafbn fulltext monograph 1997 "CM 3702-I" P "3rd report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life: standards in public life standards of conduct in local government in England, Scotland and Wales Volume 2. Transcripts of Oral Evidence (CM 3702-II)" 9780101370233 "Committee on Standards in Public Life" cmdpapcmaafbo fulltext monograph 1997 "CM 3702-II" P "3rd Report of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Session 1986-87. Cyprus Observations by the Government (CM 232)" 9780101023221 Foreign cmdpapcmaaaiz fulltext monograph 1987 "CM 232" P "3rd Report of the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1987-1988. The Political Impact of the Process of Arms Control and Disarmament: Observations by the Government (CM 476)" 9780101047623 Foreign cmdpapcmaaasj fulltext monograph 1988 "CM 476" P "3rd report of the Foreign Affairs Committee, session 1990-91. The Middle East after the Gulf War: Observations by the government (CM 1682)" 9780101168229 Foreign cmdpapcmaacjl fulltext monograph 1991 "CM 1682" P "3rd Report of the Interim Advisory Committee on School Teachers' Pay and Conditions 30 January 1990 (CM 973)" 9780101097321 "Department of Education and Science; Interim Advisory Committee on Teachers Pay and Conditions" cmdpapcmaabkj fulltext monograph 1990 "CM 973" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 41)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeau fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 41" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1954-55 (HL 33)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaecn fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 33" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 31)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaede fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 31" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 17)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeew fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 17" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1957-58 (HL 17)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaegm fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 17" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1958-59 (HL 55)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeio fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 55" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1959-60 (HL 41)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeku fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 41" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 21)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaemc fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 21" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1961-62 (HL 20)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaenn fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 20" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 39)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeqj fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 39" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1964-65 (HL 35)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaest fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 35" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1965-66 (HL 22)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeus fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 22" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 43)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaevl fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 43" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 32)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeyx fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 32" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1968-69 (HL 25)" 9780104025697 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafar fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 25" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1969-70 (HL 34)" 9780104034705 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafce fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 34" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 36)" 9780104036716 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafdj fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 36" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 41)" 9780104041727 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafgf fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 41" P "3rd Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1972-73 (HL 18)" 9780104018736 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafiu fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 18" P "3rd Report Trade & Industry Committee. Restructuring the Post Office Network (HC 276)" 9780215033611 "Trade and Industry Committee" hcpapaabat fulltext monograph 2007 "HC 276" P "40th Civil Service Yearbook (No Number)" 9780114301866 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaagt fulltext monograph 2003 "No Number" P "40th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Sixteenth Sift: 29th June 1976 (HL 248)" 9780104248768 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafwy fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 248" P "41st Civil Service Yearbook (No Number)" 9780114301897 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaagw fulltext monograph 2004 "No Number" P "41st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2274/75: Sheepmeat (HL 249)" 9780104249765 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafwz fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 249" P "42nd Civil Service Yearbook (No Number)" 9780114301903 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaaha fulltext monograph 2004 "No Number" P "42nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/2688/1/75: Tax Exemptions for Temporarily Imported Means of Transports. 2. R/2689/1/75: Tax Exemptions for Permanent Imports of Personal Property with Minutes of Evidence (HL 250)" 9780104250761 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafxa fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 250" P "43rd Civil Service Yearbook 2005 (No Number)" 9780114301910 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaahg fulltext monograph 2005 "No Number" P "43rd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Seventeenth Sift: 13th July 1976 (HL 276)" 9780104276761 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafxj fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 276" P "44th Civil Service Yearbook 2006 (No Number)" 9780114301927 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaaho fulltext monograph 2006 "No Number" P "44th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. The Tindesmans report on European Union (HL 277)" 9780104277768 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafxk fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 277" P "45th Civil Service Yearbook 2006 (No Number)" 9780114301934 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaahs fulltext monograph 2006 "No Number" P "45th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Preliminary draft EEC budget for 1977 (HL 278)" 9780104278765 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafxl fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 278" P "46th annual report of the Foreign Compensation Commission for the financial year ended 31 March 1996 (CM 3372)" 9780101337229 "Foreign Compensation Commission" cmdpapcmaaerj fulltext monograph 1996 "CM 3372" P "46th annual report of the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission for the year ending 30 September 1999 (CM 4828)" 9780101482820 "Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission" cmdpapcmaagot fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4828" P "46th Civil Service Yearbook (No Number)" 9780114301941 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaaia fulltext monograph 2007 "No Number" P "46th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/717/76: Report on structural reform of the C.A.P; and R/1234/76: Amended structure directives with minutes of evidence (HL 279)" 9780104279762 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafxm fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 279" P "47th annual report of the Foreign Compensation Commission for the financial year ended 31 March 1997 (CM 3808)" 9780101380829 "Foreign Compensation Commission" cmdpapcmaaffo fulltext monograph 1997 "CM 3808" P "47th Civil Service Yearbook 2009 (No Number)" 9780114301996 "Cabinet Office" knppcgaaaju fulltext monograph 2009 "No Number" P "47th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. European export bank (S/349/76) together with minutes of evidence. 2. Agreement between the EEC and Canada (S/1003/76) (HL 280)" 9780104280768 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafxn fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 280" P "48-hour maximum working week (without averaging) for Junior Doctors in Scotland. Expert Working Group - Final report. Professor Philip Cachia, January 2020 (No Number)" 9781802014600 "The Scottish Government" sghwlsrdaaaad fulltext monograph 2021 "No Number" P "48th annual report of the Foreign Compensation Commission for the financial year ended 31 March 1998 (CM 4275)" 9780101427524 "Foreign Compensation Commission" cmdpapcmaafvc fulltext monograph 1999 "CM 4275" P "48th Civil Service Yearbook 2011/12 (No Number)" 9781905262496 "Cabinet Office; Dandy Booksellers" knppcgaaaqs fulltext monograph 2012 "No Number" P "48th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/1746/73 and R/2268/74: Draft Sixth Directive on V.A.T. with Minutes of Evidence (HL 281)" 9780104281765 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafxo fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 281" P "48th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1957 (CMND 344)" "H.M. Treasury" cmdpapcmndaaamk fulltext monograph 1958 "CMND 344" P "49th annual report of the Foreign Compensation Commission for the financial year ended 31 March 1999 (CM 4629)" 9780101462921 "Foreign Compensation Commission" cmdpapcmaaghe fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4629" P "49th Civil Service Yearbook 2012/13 (No Number)" 9781905262878 "Cabinet Office; Dandy Booksellers" knppcgaaauk fulltext monograph 2013 "No Number" P "49th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Common fisheries policy (HL 285)" 9780104285763 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafxq fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 285" P "49th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1958 (CMND 613)" "H.M. Treasury" cmdpapcmndaaawe fulltext monograph 1958 "CMND 613" P "4th additional protocol to the constitution [together with declarations, general regulations, and rules of procedure of congresses] Washington, 14 December 1989 (CM 1374)" 9780101137423 "Department of Trade and Industry" cmdpapcmaabxw fulltext monograph 1991 "CM 1374" P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 11 May 2023: Draft Public Service Vehicles (Accessible Information) Regulations 2023 (11/05/2023)" 464300020944 piovolaabij fulltext monograph 2023 11/05/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 12 December 2023: Draft Hydrogen Production Revenue Support (Directions, Eligibility and Counterparty) Regulations 2023 (12/12/2023)" 464300022856 piovolbaaibn fulltext monograph 2023 12/12/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 12 July 2023: Draft Immigration and Nationality (Fees) (Amendment) Order 2023 (12/07/2023)" 464300021903 piovolaacep fulltext monograph 2023 12/07/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 12 March 2024: Draft Sea Fisheries (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (12/03/2024)" 464300023792 piovolbaedrs fulltext 2024 12/03/2024 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 12 September 2023: Draft Mayoral and Police and Crime Commissioner Elections, Recall Petitions and Referendums (Ballot Secrecy, Candidates and Undue Influence) Regulations 2023. Draft Representation of the People (Franchise Amendment and Eligibility Review) Regulations 2023. Draft Representation of the People (Postal and Proxy Voting etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2023. Draft Local Elections (Northern Ireland) Order 2023. Draft Representation of the People and Recall Petition (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (12/09/2023)" 464300022115 piovolaaczc fulltext monograph 2023 12/09/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 14 June 2023: Draft Judicial Pensions (Remediable Service etc.) Regulations 2023 (14/06/2023)" 464300021361 piovolaabrj fulltext monograph 2023 14/06/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 14 November 2023: Draft Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (Risk of Being Drawn into Terrorism) (Revised Guidance) Regulations 2023 (14/11/2023)" 464300022290 piovolbaahzj fulltext monograph 2023 14/11/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 16 January 2024: Draft Employment Tribunals and Employment Appeal Tribunal (Composition of Tribunal) Regulations 2023 (16/01/2024)" 464300023013 piovolbaaicd fulltext monograph 2024 16/01/2024 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 18 July 2023: Draft Official Statistics Order 2023 (18/07/2023)" 464300021989 piovolaacjk fulltext monograph 2023 18/07/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 19 March 2024: Draft Fair Dealing Obligations (Milk) Regulations 2024 (19/03/2024)" 464300023907 piovolbaedui fulltext 2024 19/03/2024 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 21 February 2024: Draft Local Elections (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Order 2024. Draft Representation of the People (Postal Vote Handling etc.) (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (21/02/2024)" 464300023556 piovolbaedmw fulltext 2024 21/02/2024 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 21 November 2023: Draft Aviation (Consumers) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (21/11/2023)" 464300022443 piovolbaahzy fulltext monograph 2023 21/11/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 23 January 2024: Draft Sentencing Act 2020 (Amendment of Schedule 21) Regulations 2023 (23/01/2024)" 464300023198 piovolbaaicv fulltext monograph 2024 23/01/2024 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 23 May 2023: Draft Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Act 2007 (Extension of Duration of Non-jury Trial Provisions) Order 2023 (23/05/2023)" 464300021170 piovolaablw fulltext monograph 2023 23/05/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 25 October 2023: Draft Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (25/10/2023)" 464300022214 piovolaadfz fulltext monograph 2023 25/10/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 27 February 2024: Draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Collective Money Purchase Schemes) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (27/02/2024)" 464300023624 piovolbaedoj fulltext 2024 27/02/2024 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 27 June 2023: Draft Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Brazil) Order 2023. Draft Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (San Marino) Order 2023 (27/06/2023)" 464300021644 piovolaabwp fulltext monograph 2023 27/06/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 27 November 2023: Draft Strikes (Minimum Service Levels: NHS Ambulance Services and the NHS Patient Transport Service) Regulations 2023 (27/11/2023)" 464300022559 piovolbaaiaj fulltext monograph 2023 27/11/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 3 July 2023: Draft Business and Planning Act 2020 (Pavement Licences) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (03/07/2023)" 464300021729 piovolaacab fulltext monograph 2023 03/07/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 30 January 2024: Draft Trade Union (Deduction of Union Subscriptions from Wages in the Public Sector) Regulations 2023 (30/01/2024)" 464300023396 piovolbaaido fulltext monograph 2024 30/01/2024 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 5 December 2023: Draft Employment Rights (Amendment, Revocation and Transitional Provision) Regulations 2023 (05/12/2023)" 464300022719 piovolbaaiaz fulltext monograph 2023 05/12/2023 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 5 March 2024: Draft General Aviation (Persons on Board, Flight Information and Civil Penalties) Regulations 2024 (05/03/2024)" 464300023693 piovolbaedpt fulltext 2024 05/03/2024 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 6 February 2024: Draft Water Industry (Special Administration) Regulations 2024. Draft Water industry Act 1991 (Amendment) Order 2024 (06/02/2024)" 464300023464 piovolbaaidw fulltext monograph 2024 06/02/2024 P "4th Delegated Legislation Committee 9 January 2024: Draft National Minimum Wage (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2023 (09/01/2024)" 464300022931 piovolbaaibv fulltext monograph 2024 09/01/2024 P "4th report from Foreign Affairs Committee, session 1992-93 expenditure plans of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Overseas Development Administration observations by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 2376)" 9780101237628 Foreign cmdpapcmaadhj fulltext monograph 1993 "CM 2376" P "4th Report from the Committee of Selection 1975-76 (HL 136)" 9780104136768 "Selection Committee" hlpapaafuq fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 136" P "4th Report from the Committee of Selection 1986-87 (HL 53)" 9780104053874 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaikq fulltext monograph 1987 "HL 53" P "4th Report from the Committee of Selection 1987-88 (HL 31)" 9780104031889 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaipb fulltext monograph 1987 "HL 31" P "4th Report from the Committee of Selection of Session 1974-75 (HL 224)" 9780100422452 "Selection Committee" hlpapaafpn fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 224" P "4th Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1985-86. FCO and ODA Supply Estimates 1985-86. Observations by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CMND 9640)" 9780101964005 Foreign cmdpapcmndaanre fulltext monograph 1985 "CMND 9640" P "4th Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1987-88 FCO-ODA Expenditure 1988-89. Observations by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 518)" 9780101051828 Foreign cmdpapcmaaatz fulltext monograph 1988 "CM 518" P "4th report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1990-91 FCO/ODA expenditure 1991-92. Observations by the Secretary of state for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 1681)" 9780101168120 Foreign cmdpapcmaacjk fulltext monograph 1991 "CM 1681" P "4th report from the Foreign Affairs Committee, session 1994-95 expenditure plans of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Overseas Development Administration observations by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 3100)" 9780101310024 Foreign cmdpapcmaaehf fulltext monograph 1995 "CM 3100" P "4th report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1997-98. Entry clearance operations with particular reference to Islamabad and New Delhi. Response by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4151)" 9780101415125 Foreign cmdpapcmaafqh fulltext monograph 1998 "CM 4151" P "4th report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1998-99. Gibraltar; Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4470)" 9780101447027 Foreign cmdpapcmaagcj fulltext monograph 1999 "CM 4470" P "4th report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1999-2000; Kosovo. Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4825)" 9780101482523 Foreign cmdpapcmaagoq fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4825" P "4th Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 2008-09. Global Security: Non-Proliferation. Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 7692)" 9780101769228 Foreign cmdpapcmaakjx fulltext monograph 2009 "CM 7692" P "4th Report from the House of Commons Select Committee on Procedure Session 1988-89. The Scrutiny of European Legislation: Government Response (CM 1081)" 9780101108126 "Lord President of the Council" cmdpapcmaaboh fulltext monograph 1990 "CM 1081" P "4th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on European Communities: 1. Co-Options. 2. Selection of EEC Proposals. 3. R/1064/74 - Proposal by the Court of Justice for Amendments of the Treaties and Rules of Procedure. 4. R/805/73 R/2612/74 - Allocation of Catch Quotas within the Two North Atlantic Fisheries Commissions. 5. R/2400/74 - Beef and Veal as Food Aid to International Organisations. 6. Annexes A and B (HL 37)" 9780100403758 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafmt fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 37" P "4th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/2055/73 & R/2474/73 - Regional Development Fund. 2. COM(72)202 -Prepackaging of Liquids. 3. R/2222/72 Composition, Labelling and Packaging of Cosmetic and Toilet Preparations. 4. R/1067/73 - Harmonisation of Legislation on Radio Interference Caused by Sound Radio and Television Receivers. 5. R/1872/73 - Consolidation of Texts of Community Legislation (HL 98)" 9780104098752 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaacvr fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 98" P "4th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Draft Fourth Directive on Company Law: Accounts - R/569/74 (HL 24)" 9780104024768 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafsr fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 24" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of 1st Session 1922 (HL 160)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaacec fulltext monograph 1922 "HL 160" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1906 (HL 249)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaamk fulltext monograph 1906 "HL 249" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1914-16 (HL 203)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadeu fulltext monograph 1916 "HL 203" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1917 (HL 62)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabjh fulltext monograph 1917 "HL 62" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1919 (HL 150)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabld fulltext monograph 1919 "HL 150" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1920 (HL 141)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaablv fulltext monograph 1920 "HL 141" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1924-25 (HL 217)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadfq fulltext monograph 1925 "HL 217" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1929-30 (HL 84)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadho fulltext monograph 1930 "HL 84" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1930-31 (HL 163)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadjh fulltext monograph 1931 "HL 163" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1936-37 (HL 183)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadod fulltext monograph 1937 "HL 183" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1938-39 (HL 210)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadpy fulltext monograph 1939 "HL 210" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1939-40 (HL 62)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadqq fulltext monograph 1940 "HL 62" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1941-42 (HL 42)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadrt fulltext monograph 1942 "HL 42" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1944-45 (HL 48)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadtg fulltext monograph 1945 "HL 48" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1945-46 (HL 49)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadtq fulltext monograph 1946 "HL 49" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1946-47 (HL 110)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaduu fulltext monograph 1947 "HL 110" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1947-48 (HL 145)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadvj fulltext monograph 1948 "HL 145" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1948-49 (HL 138)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadwi fulltext monograph 1949 "HL 138" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1953-54 (HL 168)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeby fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 168" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1955-56 (HL 144)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeea fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 144" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1956-57 (HL 129)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaefw fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 129" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1960-61 (HL 138)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaenc fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 138" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1966-67 (HL 323)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaexy fulltext monograph 1967 "HL 323" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1970-71 (HL 173)" 9780104173718 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafep fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 173" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices' of Session 1970-71 (HL 223)" 9780104223710 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaffb fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 223" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1971-72 (HL 131)" 9780104131725 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafha fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 131" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices' of Session 1974-75 (HL 288)" 9780100428850 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafql fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 288" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices' of Session 1975-76 (HL 295)" 9780104295762 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafxs fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 295" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices' of Session 1976-77 (HL 264)" 9780104264775 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagfg fulltext monograph 1977 "HL 264" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices' of Session 1977-78 (HL 239)" 9780104239780 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagkn fulltext monograph 1978 "HL 239" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices' of Session 1979-80 (HL 169)" 9780104169803 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagsf fulltext monograph 1980 "HL 169" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1980-81 (HL 265)" 9780104265819 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahcy fulltext monograph 1981 "HL 265" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1983-84 (HL 297)" 9780104297841 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaahtd fulltext monograph 1984 "HL 297" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1985-86 (HL 260)" 9780104260869 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaigt fulltext monograph 1986 "HL 260" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1987-88 (HL 60)" 9780104060889 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaiqa fulltext monograph 1988 "HL 60" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1989-90 (HL 89)" 9780104089903 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajfc fulltext monograph 1990 "HL 89" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1992-93 (HL 72)" 9780104072936 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajsr fulltext monograph 1993 "HL 72" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1994-95 (HL 84)" 9780104084953 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakge fulltext monograph 1995 "HL 84" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1995-96 (HL 102)" 9780104102961 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakoc fulltext monograph 1996 "HL 102" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1997-98 (HL 93)" 9780104093986 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakxg fulltext monograph 1998 "HL 93" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1998-99 (HL 113)" 9780104113998 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalfy fulltext monograph 1999 "HL 113" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1999-2000 (HL 45)" 9780104799000 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaljp fulltext monograph 2000 "HL 45" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 2001-02 (HL 79)" 9780104786109 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalva fulltext monograph 2002 "HL 79" P "4th Report from the Select Committee on the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (Non-Departmental Public Bodies) 1983-84: Observations by the Government (CMND 9563)" 9780101956307 "Select Committee on the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration" cmdpapcmndaanoh fulltext monograph 1985 "CMND 9563" P "4th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1952-53 (HL 49)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaadzn fulltext monograph 1953 "HL 49" P "4th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1962-63 (HL 37)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeoz fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 37" P "4th Report of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Session 1986-87. Cultural Diplomacy Observations by the Government (CM 231)" 9780101023122 Foreign cmdpapcmaaaiy fulltext monograph 1987 "CM 231" P "4th Report of the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 1989-90. German Unification: Some Immediate Issues. Observations by the Government (CM 1246)" 9780101124621 Foreign cmdpapcmaabup fulltext monograph 1990 "CM 1246" P "4th Report of the Independent Reviewer pursuant to Section 14(3) of the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005. Government Reply to the Report by Lord Carlile of Berriew Q.C. (CM 7624)" 9780101762427 "Home Office" cmdpapcmaakhh fulltext monograph 2009 "CM 7624" P "4th report of the Interim Advisory Committee on School Teachers' Pay and Conditions 18 January 1991 (CM 1415)" 9780101141529 "Department of Education and Science" cmdpapcmaabzh fulltext monograph 1991 "CM 1415" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 58)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaebd fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 58" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1954-55 (HL 38)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeco fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 38" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 41)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaedf fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 41" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 32)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaefa fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 32" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1957-58 (HL 34)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaegs fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 34" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1958-59 (HL 77)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeix fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 77" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1959-60 (HL 51)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaekw fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 51" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 33)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeme fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 33" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1961-62 (HL 33)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaenp fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 33" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 59)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeqs fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 59" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1964-65 (HL 45)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaesu fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 45" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1965-66 (HL 30)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeuw fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 30" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 64)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaevo fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 64" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 52)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeyy fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 52" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1968-69 (HL 36)" 9780104036693 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafas fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 36" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1969-70 (HL 52)" 9780104052709 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafcg fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 52" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 43)" 9780104043714 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafdn fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 43" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 50)" 9780104050729 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafgg fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 50" P "4th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1972-73 (HL 23)" 9780104023730 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafiw fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 23" P "5 Boroughs Partnership National Health Service Trust (Establishment) and the Warrington Community Health Care National Health Service Trust (Dissolution) Amendment Order 2004 (SI 2893 2004)" piovolbabfzh fulltext monograph 2004 "SI 2893 2004" P "5 Boroughs Partnership National Health Service Trust (Establishment) and the Warrington Community Health Care National Health Service Trust (Dissolution) Order 2001 (SI 4120 2001)" piovolbabujq fulltext monograph 2001 "SI 4120 2001" P "5 Days in August; An interim report on the 2011 English riots (No Number)" Riots knpplgaaama fulltext monograph 2011 "No Number" P "5-Step Approach to Evaluation. Designing and Evaluating Behaviour Change Interventions Summary Updated Version (No Number)" 9781786522450 "The Scottish Government" sgrschaaanz fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "5-Step Approach to Evaluation. Designing and Evaluating Behaviour Change Interventions Updated Version (No Number)" 9781786522429 "The Scottish Government" sgrschaaaoa fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "5-Step Approach to Evaluation. Designing and Evaluating Interventions to Reduce Reoffending Summary Updated Version (No Number)" 9781786522399 "The Scottish Government" sgrschaaanx fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "5-Step Approach to Evaluation. Designing and Evaluating Interventions to Reduce Reoffending Updated Version (No Number)" 9781786522368 "The Scottish Government" sgrschaaany fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "5 Year Survey of Need for Mental Health Inpatient Care for Children and Young People in Scotland with Learning Disability and/or Autism. Full Report (No Number)" 9781788514255 "The Scottish Government" sghccaaaxp fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "50 Ways to Save: Examples of Sensible Savings in Local Government (No Number)" 9781409837671 "Department for Levelling Up" knpplgaaasd fulltext monograph 2013 "No Number" P "50 years of the English Housing Survey (No Number)" 9781409851400 "Department for Levelling Up" knppadaaahv fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "50th Civil Service Yearbook 2013/14 (No Number)" 9781909620520 "Cabinet Office; Dandy Booksellers" knppcgaaayz fulltext monograph 2014 "No Number" P "50th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Eighteenth sift: 27th July 1976 (HL 304)" 9780104304761 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafxx fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 304" P "50th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1959 (CMND 912)" "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaabgq fulltext monograph 1959 "CMND 912" P "51st Civil Service Yearbook 2014/15 Part 1 (No Number)" 9781910535622 "Cabinet Office; Dandy Booksellers" knppcgaabdb fulltext monograph 2015 "No Number" P "51st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2461/75 Action programme for the European aeronautical sector (HL 305)" 9780104305768 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafxy fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 305" P "51st Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1960 (CMND 1234)" "H.M. Treasury" cmdpapcmndaabsj fulltext monograph 1960 "CMND 1234" P "52nd Annual Report of the Foreign Compensation Commission for the Financial Year Ended 31 March 2007 (CM 7412)" 9780101741224 "Foreign Compensation Commission" cmdpapcmaajzh fulltext monograph 2008 "CM 7412" P "52nd Civil Service Yearbook 2015/16 Part 1 (No Number)" 9781785841019 "Cabinet Office; Dandy Booksellers" knppcgaabij fulltext monograph 2016 "No Number" P "52nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. Conditions for Admission of Securities to Official Stock Exchange Quotations (R/160/76) Together with the Minutes of Evidence. 2. Indirect Taxes on Transactions in Securities (R/923/76) Together with the Minutes of Evidence. 3. Provision of Safety Information at the Workplace (R/960/76) Together with the Minutes of Evidence. 4. Abolition of Cost Escalation Guarantees (S/725/76) (HL 306)" 9780104306765 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafxz fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 306" P "52nd Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1961 (CMND 1566)" "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaaceb fulltext monograph 1961 "CMND 1566" P "53rd Annual Report of the Foreign Compensation Commission for the Financial Year ended 31st March 2008 (CM 7576)" 9780101757621 "Foreign Compensation Commission" cmdpapcmaakfl fulltext monograph 2009 "CM 7576" P "53rd Civil Service Yearbook 2016/17 (No Number)" 9781787320345 "Cabinet Office; Dandy Booksellers" knppcgaabqd fulltext monograph 2017 "No Number" P "53rd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/378/76 Protection of fundamental rights with minutes of evidence (HL 307)" 9780104307762 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafya fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 307" P "53rd Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1962 (CMND 1933)" "H.M. Treasury; H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaacrt fulltext monograph 1963 "CMND 1933" P "54th Annual Report of the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission for the Year Ending 30 September 2007. (CM 7353)" 9780101735322 "Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission" cmdpapcmaajxa fulltext monograph 2008 "CM 7353" P "54th Civil Service Yearbook 2017/18 (No Number)" 9781787321915 "Cabinet Office; Dandy Booksellers" knppcgaabzt fulltext monograph 2018 "No Number" P "54th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2175/72 Draft fifth directive on company law: Two-tier boards and worker participation; with minutes of evidence (HL 308)" 9780104308769 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafyb fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 308" P "54th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1963 (CMND 2216)" "H.M. Treasury; H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaadcm fulltext monograph 1963 "CMND 2216" P "55th Annual Report of the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission for the year ending 30 September 2008 (CM 7581)" 9780101758123 "Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission" cmdpapcmaakfq fulltext monograph 2009 "CM 7581" P "55th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/90/76 and R/540/76 - Sulphur pollution - with minutes of evidence (HL 309)" 9780104309766 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafyc fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 309" P "55th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1964 (CMND 2539)" "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaadog fulltext monograph 1964 "CMND 2539" P "56th Annual Report of the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission for the Year Ending 30 September 2009 (CM 7840)" 9780101784023 "Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission" cmdpapcmaakpl fulltext monograph 2010 "CM 7840" P "56th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/1734/76 and R/1742/76: Commission's dairy proposals (HL 326)" 9780104326763 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafyk fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 326" P "56th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1965 (CMND 2842)" "H.M. Treasury; H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaadzr fulltext monograph 1965 "CMND 2842" P "57th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Nineteenth Sift: 5th October 1976 (HL 331)" 9780104331767 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafyo fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 331" P "57th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1966 (CMND 3153)" "H.M. Treasury; H.M. Customs and Excise" piovolabzaz fulltext monograph 1966 "CMND 3153" P "5875-5905 MHz Frequency Band (Management) Regulations 2009 (SI 11 2009)" piovolbabpwr fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 11 2009" P "58th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Twentieth Sift: 19th October 1976 (HL 346)" 9780104346761 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafyt fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 346" P "58th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1967 (CMND 3490)" "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaaexs fulltext monograph 1967 "CMND 3490" P "59th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Twenty-first Sift: 2nd November 1976 (HL 366)" 9780104983768 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafyy fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 366" P "59th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1968 (CMND 3873)" 9780101387309 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaafmn fulltext monograph 1969 "CMND 3873" P "5G Supply Chain Diversification Strategy (CP 342)" 9781528622837 "Department for Culture" cmdpapcpaaamo fulltext monograph 2020 "CP 342" P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 10 January 2024: Draft Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Amendment of List of Safe States) Regulations 2024 (10/01/2024)" 464300022948 piovolbaaibw fulltext monograph 2024 10/01/2024 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 12 July 2023: Draft Industrial Training Levy (Engineering Construction Industry Training Board) Order 2023 (12/07/2023)" 464300021910 piovolaaceq fulltext monograph 2023 12/07/2023 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 13 December 2023: Draft Digital Government (Disclosure of Information) (Identity Verification Services) Regulations 2023 (13/12/2023)" 464300022863 piovolbaaibo fulltext monograph 2023 13/12/2023 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 13 March 2024: Draft Combined Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny Committees, Access to Information and Audit Committees) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (13/03/2024)" 464300023808 piovolbaedsp fulltext 2024 13/03/2024 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 15 November 2023: Northern Ireland (Ministerial Appointment Functions) (No. 2) Regulations 2023 (15/11/2023)" 464300022337 piovolbaahzn fulltext monograph 2023 15/11/2023 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 16 January 2024: Draft Child Support (Management of Payments and Arrears and Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (16/01/2024)" 464300023020 piovolbaaice fulltext monograph 2024 16/01/2024 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 16 May 2023: Draft REACH (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (16/05/2023)" 464300021026 piovolaabjj fulltext monograph 2023 16/05/2023 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 19 July 2023: Draft Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (Amendment) Order 2023 (19/07/2023)" 464300021996 piovolaaclf fulltext monograph 2023 19/07/2023 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 19 March 2024: Draft Strategy and Policy Statement for Energy Policy in Great Britain (19/03/2024)" 464300023914 piovolbaeduj fulltext 2024 19/03/2024 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 21 February 2024: Draft Carer's Leave Regulations 2024. Draft Maternity Leave, Adoption Leave and Shared Parental Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (21/02/2024)" 464300023563 piovolbaedmx fulltext 2024 21/02/2024 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 21 November 2023: Draft Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2023 (21/11/2023)" 464300022450 piovolbaahzz fulltext monograph 2023 21/11/2023 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 23 January 2024: Draft Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (Remedial) Order 2023 (23/01/2024)" 464300023204 piovolbaaicw fulltext monograph 2024 23/01/2024 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 23 May 2023: Draft Packaging Waste (Data Reporting) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (23/05/2023)" 464300021187 piovolaablx fulltext monograph 2023 23/05/2023 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 25 October 2023: Draft United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020 (Services Exclusions) Regulations 2023 (25/10/2023)" 464300022221 piovolaadga fulltext monograph 2023 25/10/2023 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 28 February 2024: Draft Non-Domestic Rating (Rates Retention: Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2024 (28/02/2024)" 464300023631 piovolbaedou fulltext 2024 28/02/2024 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 28 June 2023: Draft Healthcare (International Arrangements) (EU Exit) Regulations 2023 (28/06/2023)" 464300021651 piovolaabxb fulltext monograph 2023 28/06/2023 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 28 November 2023: Draft Recognition of Professional Qualifications and Implementation of International Recognition Agreements (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (28/11/2023)" 464300022566 piovolbaaiak fulltext monograph 2023 28/11/2023 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 31 January 2024: Draft Combined Authorities (Mayoral Elections) Order 2017 (Amendment) Regulations 2024. Draft Combined Authorities (Mayors) Filling of Vacancies Order 2017 (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (31/01/2024)" 464300023419 piovolbaaidr fulltext monograph 2024 31/01/2024 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 4 July 2023: Draft Environmental Protection (Plastic Plates etc. and Polystyrene Containers etc.) (England) Regulations 2023 (04/07/2023)" 464300021798 piovolaacas fulltext monograph 2023 04/07/2023 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 5 December 2023: Draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2023. Draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Benchmarks and Capital Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations 2023. Draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2023) (05/12/2023)" 464300022726 piovolbaaiba fulltext monograph 2023 05/12/2023 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 5 March 2024: Draft Energy Bills Discount Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (05/03/2024)" 464300023709 piovolbaedpu fulltext 2024 05/03/2024 P "5th Delegated Legislation Committee 7 February 2024: Draft East Midlands Combined County Authority Regulations 2024 (07/02/2024)" 464300023471 piovolbaedjx fulltext 2024 07/02/2024 P "5th Quinquennial Review of Schedules 5 and 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981: Report and Recommendations from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (SG Paper 220 2011)" "Joint Nature Conservation Committee" sgpapaabfr fulltext monograph 2011 "SG Paper 220 2011" P "5th Report Defence Committee. The work of the Committee in 2005/06 (HC 233)" 9780215032119 "Defence Committee" hcpapaaazh fulltext monograph 2007 "HC 233" P "5th Report from the Committee of Selection 1975-76 (HL 267)" 9780104267769 "Selection Committee" hlpapaafxh fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 267" P "5th Report from the Committee of Selection 1986-87 (HL 74)" 9780104074879 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaikx fulltext monograph 1987 "HL 74" P "5th Report from the Committee of Selection 1987-88 (HL 64)" 9780104064887 "Selection Committee" hlpapaaiqd fulltext monograph 1988 "HL 64" P "5th report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1998-99. Foreign and Commonwealth Office resources; Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4462)" 9780101446228 Foreign cmdpapcmaagcb fulltext monograph 1999 "CM 4462" P "5th report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1999-2000; annual reports of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and British Trade International 2000. Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4894)" 9780101489423 Foreign cmdpapcmaagrk fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4894" P "5th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on European Communities. R/448/74 Health Problems affecting Trade in Fresh Poultry Meat (HL 39)" 9780100403956 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafmv fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 39" P "5th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/1472/74 - A new energy policy strategy for the European Communities (HL 114)" 9780104114759 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaacvx fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 114" P "5th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2531/75 (part 2) - Quote for carriage of goods by road (HL 25)" 9780104025765 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafss fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 25" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1917 (HL 108)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaabjk fulltext monograph 1917 "HL 108" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1919 (HL 258)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaablb fulltext monograph 1919 "HL 258" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1920 (HL 202)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaablz fulltext monograph 1920 "HL 202" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1924-25 (HL 249)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadfv fulltext monograph 1925 "HL 249" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1929-30 (HL 140)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadhx fulltext monograph 1930 "HL 140" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1930-31 (HL 181)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadjj fulltext monograph 1931 "HL 181" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1939-40 (HL 72)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadqr fulltext monograph 1940 "HL 72" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1945-46 (HL 82)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadty fulltext monograph 1946 "HL 82" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1948-49 (HL 189)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadwm fulltext monograph 1949 "HL 189" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1955-56 (HL 181)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaeeg fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 181" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1971-72 (HL 168)" 9780104168721 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafhl fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 168" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1979-80 (HL 216)" 9780104216804 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagtb fulltext monograph 1980 "HL 216" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1987-88 (HL 101)" 9780104101889 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaairl fulltext monograph 1988 "HL 101" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1992-93 (HL 89)" 9780104089934 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajtg fulltext monograph 1993 "HL 89" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1997-98 (HL 109)" 9780104109984 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakxw fulltext monograph 1998 "HL 109" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1999-2000 (HL 70)" 9780104070000 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalkl fulltext monograph 2000 "HL 70" P "5th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 2001-02 (HL 105)" 9780104100028 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalvy fulltext monograph 2002 "HL 105" P "5th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1952-53 (HL 60)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaadzo fulltext monograph 1953 "HL 60" P "5th Report of Session 2006-07 Fraud (Trials without a Jury) Bill; Parliament (Joint Departments) Bill; Serious Crime Bill [HL]; Welfare Reform Bill [HL]; Government Amendment: Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Bill; Government Responses: Concessionary Bus Travel Bill [HL]; Further Education and Training Bill [HL]; Legal Services Bill [HL]; Regulatory Reform: Proposal for the Draft Regulatory Reform (Game) Order 2007; Proposal for the Draft Regulatory Reform (Deer) (England and Wales) Order 2007; Proposal for the Draft Regulatory Reform (Collaboration etc. between Ombudsmen) Order 2006; Proposal for the Draft Regulatory Reform (Financial Services and Markets Act 2000) Order 2007 (HL 44)" 9780104851470 "Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee" hlpapaanlv fulltext monograph 2007 "HL 44" P "5th report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life: the funding of political parties in the United Kingdom Volume 1. Report (CM 4057-I)" 9780101405720 "Committee on Standards in Public Life" cmdpapcmaafoc fulltext monograph 1998 "CM 4057-I" P "5th report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life: the funding of political parties in the United Kingdom Volume 2. Evidence (CM 4057-II)" 9780101405737 "Committee on Standards in Public Life" cmdpapcmaafod fulltext monograph 1998 "CM 4057-II" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 65)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaebg fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 65" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1954-55 (HL 49)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaecq fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 49" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 49)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaedh fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 49" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 44)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaefd fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 44" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1957-58 (HL 53)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaegv fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 53" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1958-59 (HL 87)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeja fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 87" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1959-60 (HL 61)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeky fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 61" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 38)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaemf fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 38" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1961-62 (HL 50)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaenu fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 50" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1962-63 (HL 39)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaepa fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 39" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 78)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeqx fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 78" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1964-65 (HL 57)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaesy fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 57" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1965-66 (HL 34)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeux fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 34" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 78)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaevp fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 78" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 65)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaezb fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 65" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1968-69 (HL 54)" 9780104054697 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafat fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 54" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1969-70 (HL 62)" 9780104062708 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafcm fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 62" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 63)" 9780104063712 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafdt fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 63" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 56)" 9780104056721 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafgh fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 56" P "5th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1972-73 (HL 34)" 9780104034736 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafiy fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 34" P "60th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/1676/76 - Generalised scheme of tariff preferences (GSP) for 1977 (HL 375)" 9780104974766 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafyz fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 375" P "60th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1969 (CMND 4256)" 9780101425605 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaagzp fulltext monograph 1970 "CMND 4256" P "61st Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. Twenty-second Sift: 16th November 1976 (HL 388)" 9780104961766 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafze fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 388" P "61st Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1970 (CMND 4555)" 9780101455503 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaageo fulltext monograph 1970 "CMND 4555" P "62nd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/898/76 - Labelling of foodstuffs (HL 393)" 9780104956762 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafzj fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 393" P "62nd Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1971 (CMND 4826)" 9780101482608 "H.M. Treasury; H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaagnw fulltext monograph 1971 "CMND 4826" P "63rd Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2237/76 - Liability for defective products (HL 389)" 9780104960769 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafzf fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 389" P "63rd Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1972 (CMND 5163)" 9780101516303 "H.M. Customs and Excise" piovolabyhi fulltext monograph 1972 "CMND 5163" P "64th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 1 March 1973 (CMND 5482)" 9780101548205 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaahxa fulltext monograph 1973 "CMND 5482" P "65th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1974 (CMND 5789)" 9780101578905 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaaiha fulltext monograph 1974 "CMND 5789" P "66th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1975 (CMND 6307)" 9780101630702 "H.M. Treasury; H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaaiyy fulltext monograph 1975 "CMND 6307" P "68th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1977 (CMND 7050)" 9780101705004 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaakaw fulltext monograph 1977 "CMND 7050" P "69th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1978 (CMND 7455)" 9780101745505 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaakqd fulltext monograph 1979 "CMND 7455" P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 10 January 2024: Draft Immigration (Health Charge) (Amendment) Order 2023 (10/01/2024)" 464300022955 piovolbaaibx fulltext monograph 2024 10/01/2024 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 12 July 2023: Draft Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017 (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2023 (12/07/2023)" 464300021927 piovolaacer fulltext monograph 2023 12/07/2023 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 13 December 2023: Draft Higher-Risk Buildings (Keeping and Provision of Information etc.) (England) Regulations 2023 (13/12/2023)" 464300022870 piovolbaaibp fulltext monograph 2023 13/12/2023 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 13 March 2024: Draft Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act 2022 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2024 (13/03/2024)" 464300023815 piovolbaedsq fulltext 2024 13/03/2024 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 15 November 2023: Alcohol Licensing (Coronavirus) (Regulatory Easements) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (15/11/2023)" 464300022344 piovolbaahzo fulltext monograph 2023 15/11/2023 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 17 January 2024: Draft Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates Order 2024 (17/01/2024)" 464300023099 piovolbaaicl fulltext monograph 2024 17/01/2024 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 17 May 2023: Draft International Criminal Police Organisation (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2023 (17/05/2023)" 464300021033 piovolaabju fulltext monograph 2023 17/05/2023 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 22 November 2023: Draft Design Right, Artist's Resale Right and Copyright (Amendment) Regulations 2023. Draft Intellectual Property (Exhaustion of Rights) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (22/11/2023)" 464300022467 piovolbaaiaa fulltext monograph 2023 22/11/2023 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 23 May 2023: Draft Road Vehicles (Authorised Weight) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (23/05/2023)" 464300021194 piovolaably fulltext monograph 2023 23/05/2023 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 24 January 2024: Draft Local Government Finance Act 1988 (Prescription of Non-Domestic Rating Multipliers) (England) Regulations 2023 (24/01/2024)" 464300023259 piovolbaaidb fulltext monograph 2024 24/01/2024 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 28 February 2024: Draft Data Protection Act 2018 (Amendment of Schedule 2 Exemptions) Regulations 2024 (28/02/2024)" 464300023648 piovolbaedov fulltext 2024 28/02/2024 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 28 June 2023: Draft International Atomic Energy Agency (Immunities and Privileges) (Amendment) Order 2023 (28/06/2023)" 464300021668 piovolaabxc fulltext monograph 2023 28/06/2023 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 28 November 2023: Draft Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (28/11/2023)" 464300022573 piovolbaaial fulltext monograph 2023 28/11/2023 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 31 January 2024: Draft Animal Welfare (Primate Licences) (England) Regulations 2023 (31/01/2024)" 464300023426 piovolbaaids fulltext monograph 2024 31/01/2024 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 5 July 2023: Draft Consumer Rights Act 2015 (Enforcement) (Amendment) Order 2023 (05/07/2023)" 464300021804 piovolaacbk fulltext monograph 2023 05/07/2023 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 6 December 2023: Draft Equality Act 2010 (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (06/12/2023)" 464300022733 piovolbaaibb fulltext monograph 2023 06/12/2023 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 6 March 2024: Draft Single Source Contract (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (06/03/2024)" 464300023723 piovolbaedqd fulltext 2024 06/03/2024 P "6th Delegated Legislation Committee 7 February 2024: Draft Social Security (Contributions) (Limits and Thresholds, National Insurance Funds Payments and Extension of Veterans Relief) Regulations 2024. Draft Tax Credits, Child Benefit and Guardian's Allowance Up-rating Regulations 2024 (07/02/2024)" 464300023488 piovolbaedjy fulltext 2024 07/02/2024 P "6th Report from the Committee of Selection 1975-76 (HL 329)" 9780104329764 "Selection Committee" hlpapaafyn fulltext monograph 1976 "HL 329" P "6th Report from the Committee of Selection 1986-87 (HL 85)" 9780104085875 "Selection Committee" hlpapaailc fulltext monograph 1987 "HL 85" P "6th Report from the Committee of Selection 1987-88 (HL 102)" 9780104102886 "Selection Committee" hlpapaairm fulltext monograph 1988 "HL 102" P "6th Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of Session 2012-13. Foreign Policy Considerations for the UK and Scotland in the Event of Scotland Becoming an Independent Country. Responses from the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 8644)" 9780101864428 Foreign cmdpapcmaaluc fulltext monograph 2013 "CM 8644" P "6th Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of The House of Commons Session 1980-81. Zimbabwe the Role of British Aid in the Economic Development of Zimbabwe: Observations by the Government (CMND 8438)" 9780101843805 Foreign cmdpapcmndaalzq fulltext monograph 1981 "CMND 8438" P "6th report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1999-2000; Developments at the Intergovernmental Conference 2000. Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. (CM 4893)" 9780101489324 Foreign cmdpapcmaagrj fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4893" P "6th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/1150/75 - Standards for lead (HL 27)" 9780104027769 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafsu fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 27" P "6th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/127/74 Obligation on Member States to maintain Mini-Mum Fuel Stocks for Thermal Power Stations (HL 46)" 9780100404656 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafmz fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 46" P "6th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/599/74 - Proposed council directive on forestry measures (HL 121)" 9780104121757 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaacwa fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 121" P "6th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1919 (HL 280)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaablc fulltext monograph 1919 "HL 280" P "6th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1929-30 (HL 206)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadid fulltext monograph 1930 "HL 206" P "6th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1945-46 (HL 88)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadtz fulltext monograph 1946 "HL 88" P "6th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1971-72 (HL 200)" 9780104200728 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaafhy fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 200" P "6th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1979-80 (HL 339)" 9780104339800 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaagvh fulltext monograph 1980 "HL 339" P "6th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1992-93 (HL 109)" 9780104109939 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaajtw fulltext monograph 1993 "HL 109" P "6th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1997-98 (HL 130)" 9780104744987 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakyp fulltext monograph 1998 "HL 130" P "6th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1999-2000 (HL 97)" 9780104819005 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaallk fulltext monograph 2000 "HL 97" P "6th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 2001-02 (HL 124)" 9780104099025 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalwo fulltext monograph 2002 "HL 124" P "6th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1952-53 (HL 84)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaadzx fulltext monograph 1953 "HL 84" P "6th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1962-63 (HL 48)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaepc fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 48" P "6th report of session 2006-07: drawing special attention to: draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Markets in Financial Instruments) Regulations 2006 and seven related instruments; Flexible Working (Eligibility, Complaints and Remedies) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 correspondence: Social Security (Claims and Payments) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2006 (HL 28)" 9780104851432 "Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (Formerly Merits of Statutory Instruments Committee)" hlpapaanlm fulltext monograph 2007 "HL 28" P "6th report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life: reinforcing standards review of the 1st report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life Volume 1. Report (CM 4557-I)" 9780101455725 "Committee on Standards in Public Life" cmdpapcmaagen fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4557-I" P "6th report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life reinforcing standards review of the 1st report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life Volume 2. Evidence (CM 4557-II)" 9780101455732 "Committee on Standards in Public Life" cmdpapcmaageo fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4557-II" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 77)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaebj fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 77" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 61)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaedm fulltext monograph 1955 "HL 61" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 50)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaefe fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 50" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1957-58 (HL 75)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeha fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 75" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1958-59 (HL 110)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaejb fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 110" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1959-60 (HL 64)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaekz fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 64" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 44)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaemg fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 44" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1961-62 (HL 58)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaenv fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 58" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 86)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaera fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 86" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1964-65 (HL 71)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeta fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 71" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1965-66 (HL 39)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeuy fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 39" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 84)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaevr fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 84" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 77)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaezd fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 77" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1968-69 (HL 86)" 9780104086698 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafbc fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 86" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1969-70 (HL 66)" 9780104066706 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafcn fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 66" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 76)" 9780104076712 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafdv fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 76" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 74)" 9780104074725 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafgo fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 74" P "6th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1972-73 (HL 38)" 9780104038734 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafiz fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 38" P "70th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the Year Ended 31 March 1979 (CMND 7807)" 9780101780704 "H.M. Treasury" cmdpapcmndaalcl fulltext monograph 1980 "CMND 7807" P "71st Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1980 (CMND 8099)" 9780101809900 "H.M. Treasury; H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaalms fulltext monograph 1980 "CMND 8099" P "72nd Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1981 (CMND 8521)" 9780101852104 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaamcv fulltext monograph 1982 "CMND 8521" P "73rd Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1982 (CMND 8826)" 9780101882606 "H.M. Treasury; H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaamnr fulltext monograph 1983 "CMND 8826" P "74th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1983 (CMND 9087)" 9780101908702 "H.M. Treasury; H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaamwc fulltext monograph 1983 "CMND 9087" P "75th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1984 (CMND 9391)" 9780101939102 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaanhq fulltext monograph 1984 "CMND 9391" P "76th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1985 (CMND 9655)" 9780101965507 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmndaanrs fulltext monograph 1985 "CMND 9655" P "78th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1987 (CM 234)" 9780101023429 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaaajb fulltext monograph 1987 "CM 234" P "79th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1988 (CM 453)" 9780101045322 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaaarn fulltext monograph 1988 "CM 453" P "7th Delegated Legislation Committee 13 March 2024: Draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Funding and Investment Strategy and Amendment) Regulations 2024 (13/03/2024)" 464300023822 piovolbaedsr fulltext 2024 13/03/2024 P "7th Delegated Legislation Committee 15 November 2023: Draft Dormant Assets (Distribution of Money) (England) Order 2023 (15/11/2023)" 464300022351 piovolbaahzp fulltext monograph 2023 15/11/2023 P "7th Delegated Legislation Committee 17 January 2024: Draft Public Offers and Admissions to Trading Regulations 2023. Draft Securitisation Regulations 2023. Draft Financial Services Act 2021 (Overseas Funds Regime and Recognition of Parts of Schemes) (Amendment and Modification) Regulations 2024. Draft Data Reporting Services Regulations 2023 (17/01/2024)" 464300023105 piovolbaaicm fulltext monograph 2024 17/01/2024 P "7th Delegated Legislation Committee 17 May 2023: Draft Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Order 2023 (17/05/2023)" 464300021040 piovolaabjv fulltext monograph 2023 17/05/2023 P "7th Delegated Legislation Committee 22 November 2023: Draft Public Service Obligations in Transport Regulations 2023 (22/11/2023)" 464300022474 piovolbaaiab fulltext monograph 2023 22/11/2023 P "7th Delegated Legislation Committee 24 January 2024: Draft Legal Services Act 2007 (Approved Regulator) Order 2023 (24/01/2024)" 464300023266 piovolbaaidc fulltext monograph 2024 24/01/2024 P "7th Delegated Legislation Committee 28 November 2023: Draft Resolution of Central Counterparties (Modified Application of Corporate Law and Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2023. Draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Resolution of Central Counterparties: Partial Property Transfers and Safeguarding of Protected Arrangements) Regulations 2023. Draft Payment and Electronic Money Institution Insolvency (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (28/11/2023)" 464300022580 piovolbaaiam fulltext monograph 2023 28/11/2023 P "7th Delegated Legislation Committee 5 July 2023: Draft Commonwealth Development Corporation (Limit on Government Assistance) Regulations 2023 (05/07/2023)" 464300021811 piovolaacbl fulltext monograph 2023 05/07/2023 P "7th Delegated Legislation Committee 6 December 2023: Draft Agriculture (Delinked Payments and Consequential Provisions) (England) Regulations 2023 (06/12/2023)" 464300022740 piovolbaaibc fulltext monograph 2023 06/12/2023 P "7th Delegated Legislation Committee 6 March 2024: Draft South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (Election of Mayor and Transfer of Police and Crime Commissioner Functions) Order 2024 (06/03/2024)" 464300023730 piovolbaedqe fulltext 2024 06/03/2024 P "7th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on European Communities. 1. R/3358/74 EEC Farm Prices Review; and 2. R/27/75 Draft Directive on Less Favoured Farming Areas (HL 45)" 9780100404557 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafmy fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 45" P "7th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. R/2628/73 - Packaging of certain products. 2. - COM(72)1030 & R684/73 - Harmonisation of turnover tax and excise duty on imports in travel (HL 130)" 9780104130759 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaacwd fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 130" P "7th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2274/75 - Sheepmeat (HL 28)" 9780104028766 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafsv fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 28" P "7th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1945-46 (HL 116)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaadua fulltext monograph 1946 "HL 116" P "7th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 1997-98 (HL 153)" 9780104753989 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaakzl fulltext monograph 1998 "HL 153" P "7th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords' Offices of Session 2001-02 (HL 154)" 9780104803103 "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaalxr fulltext monograph 2002 "HL 154" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1952-53 (HL 96)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaadzy fulltext monograph 1953 "HL 96" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 96)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaebm fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 96" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 83)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaedp fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 83" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 65)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaefi fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 65" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1957-58 (HL 93)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaehc fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 93" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1958-59 (HL 126)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeje fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 126" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1959-60 (HL 75)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaelc fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 75" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 51)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaemj fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 51" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1961-62 (HL 79)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaenz fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 79" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1962-63 (HL 53)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaepd fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 53" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 89)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaerc fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 89" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1964-65 (HL 78)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaetc fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 78" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1965-66 (HL 50)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeva fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 50" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 92)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaevt fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 92" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 91)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaezj fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 91" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1968-69 (HL 97)" 9780104097694 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafbd fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 97" P "7th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1969-70 (HL 78)" 9780104078709 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafcq fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 78" P "7th report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life standards of conduct in the House of Lords Volume 1. Report (CM 4903-I)" 9780101490320 "Committee on Standards in Public Life" cmdpapcmaagrt fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4903-I" P "7th report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life standards of conduct in the House of Lords Volume 2. Evidence (CM 4903-II)" 9780101490337 "Committee on Standards in Public Life" cmdpapcmaagru fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4903-II" P "7th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 86)" 9780104086711 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafdx fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 86" P "7th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 83)" 9780104083727 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafgs fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 83" P "7th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1972-73 (HL 42)" 9780104042731 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafja fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 42" P "80th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1989 (CM 780)" 9780101078023 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaabea fulltext monograph 1989 "CM 780" P "81st Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1990 (CM 1223)" 9780101122320 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaabts fulltext monograph 1990 "CM 1223" P "823-832 MHz and 1785-1805 MHz etc. Frequency Bands (Management) Regulations 2015 (SI 1658 2015)" piovolbaatvf fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1658 2015" P "82nd report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1991 (CM 1636)" 9780101163620 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaachs fulltext monograph 1991 "CM 1636" P "83rd report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs Excise for the year ended 31 March 1992 (CM 2054)" 9780101205429 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaacuz fulltext monograph 1992 "CM 2054" P "84th report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1993 (CM 2353)" 9780101235327 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaadgm fulltext monograph 1993 "CM 2353" P "85th report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1994 (CM 2651)" 9780101265126 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaadqz fulltext monograph 1994 "CM 2651" P "86th Annual Report of the Registrar General 2007 (with CD) (NIA Paper 53)" 9780337091384 "Registrar General for Northern Ireland" niapapaaace fulltext monograph 2008 "NIA Paper 53" P "86th report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1995 (CM 2980)" 9780101298025 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaaedk fulltext monograph 1995 "CM 2980" P "87th report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1996 (CM 3427)" 9780101344227 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaaesk fulltext monograph 1996 "CM 3427" P "88th report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1997 (CM 3776)" 9780101377621 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaafej fulltext monograph 1997 "CM 3776" P "89th report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1998 (CM 4067)" 9780101406727 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaafon fulltext monograph 1998 "CM 4067" P "8th Delegated Legislation Committee 13 March 2024: Draft Electricity Supplier Obligations (Excluded Electricity) (Amendment) Regulations 2024. Draft Energy-Intensive Industry Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024. Draft Electricity Capacity (Supplier Payment etc.) (Amendment and Excluded Electricity) Regulations 2024. Draft Renewables Obligation (Amendment) (Energy Intensive Industries) Order 2024 (13/03/2024)" 464300023846 piovolbaedsw fulltext 2024 13/03/2024 P "8th Delegated Legislation Committee 17 January 2024: Draft Wine (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2024 (17/01/2024)" 464300023112 piovolbaaicn fulltext monograph 2024 17/01/2024 P "8th Delegated Legislation Committee 22 November 2023: Draft Green Gas Support Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (22/11/2023)" 464300022481 piovolbaaiac fulltext monograph 2023 22/11/2023 P "8th Delegated Legislation Committee 24 January 2024: Draft Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Amendment) Order 2024 (24/01/2024)" 464300023273 piovolbaaidd fulltext monograph 2024 24/01/2024 P "8th Delegated Legislation Committee 28 November 2023: Draft Plant Protection Products (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2023 (28/11/2023)" 464300022597 piovolbaaian fulltext monograph 2023 28/11/2023 P "8th Delegated Legislation Committee 6 December 2023: Draft Representation of the People (Overseas Electors etc.) (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2023. Draft Representation of the People (Overseas Electors etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2023) (06/12/2023)" 464300022757 piovolbaaibd fulltext monograph 2023 06/12/2023 P "8th Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of Session 2010-12. The FCO's Human Rights Work 2010-11. Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 8169)" 9780101816922 Foreign cmdpapcmaalcb fulltext monograph 2011 "CM 8169" P "8th report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1999-2000; weapons of mass destruction. Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4884)" 9780101488426 Foreign cmdpapcmaagra fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4884" P "8th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on European Communities: 1. Co-Options. 2. Sifting of EEC Proposals. 3. R/2113/73 - Harmonisation of Excise Duties on Mineral Oils. 4. R/1989/73 - Control of Concentrations between under-Takings. 5. COM(71)64 - Health Problems and Milk. COM (71)1012 - Quality and Marketing of Milk. 6. Annexes A and B (HL 62)" 9780100406254 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafne fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 62" P "8th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities (HL 131)" 9780104131756 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaacwe fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 131" P "8th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/1944/75 and R/1991/75 - Milk fats (HL 29)" 9780104029763 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafsw fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 29" P "8th Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices of Session 1945-46 (HL 148)" "House of Lords Offices Select Committee" hlpapaaduf fulltext monograph 1946 "HL 148" P "8th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1952-53 (HL 114)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaead fulltext monograph 1953 "HL 114" P "8th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1962-63 (HL 71)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaepf fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 71" P "8th report of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee report and accounts of the BBC for 1997/98 memorandum by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (CM 4258)" 9780101425827 "Department for Culture" cmdpapcmaafuk fulltext monograph 1999 "CM 4258" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 120)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaebq fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 120" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 91)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeds fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 91" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 67)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaefk fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 67" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1957-58 (HL 117)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaehg fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 117" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1958-59 (HL 128)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaejf fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 128" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1959-60 (HL 84)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaele fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 84" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 59)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeml fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 59" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1961-62 (HL 85)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeoa fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 85" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 112)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaere fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 112" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1964-65 (HL 82)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaetf fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 82" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 97)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaevv fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 97" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 106)" 9780104106686 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaezl fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 106" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1968-69 (HL 110)" 9780104110690 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafbh fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 110" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1969-70 (HL 93)" 9780104093702 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafcs fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 93" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 99)" 9780104099711 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafdz fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 99" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 89)" 9780104089729 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafgt fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 89" P "8th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1972-73 (HL 47)" 9780104047736 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafjc fulltext monograph 1973 "HL 47" P "90th report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 1999 (CM 4447)" 9780101444729 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaagbm fulltext monograph 1999 "CM 4447" P "91st report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 2000 (CM 5064)" 9780101506427 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaagvt fulltext monograph 2001 "CM 5064" P "92nd report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 2001 (CM 5309)" 9780101530927 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaahds fulltext monograph 2002 "CM 5309" P "93rd report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31 March 2002 (CM 5671)" 9780101567121 "H.M. Customs and Excise" cmdpapcmaahpy fulltext monograph 2002 "CM 5671" P "9th Delegated Legislation Committee 14 March 2024: Draft Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (Consequential, Supplementary and Incidental Provisions) Regulations 2024. Draft Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (Financial Penalty) Regulations 2024 (14/03/2024)" 464300023853 piovolbaedta fulltext 2024 14/03/2024 P "9th Delegated Legislation Committee 22 November 2023: Draft Health Protection (Coronavirus, Testing Requirements and Standards) (England) (Amendment and Transitional Provision) Regulations 2023 (22/11/2023)" 464300022498 piovolbaaiad fulltext monograph 2023 22/11/2023 P "9th Delegated Legislation Committee 29 November 2023: Draft Vehicle Emissions Trading Schemes Order 2023 (29/11/2023)" 464300022627 piovolbaaiaq fulltext monograph 2023 29/11/2023 P "9th Report Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (HL 100)" 9780104851630 "Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee" hlpapaannd fulltext monograph 2007 "HL 100" P "9th Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of Session 2010-12: UK-Brazil Relations. Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 8237)" 9780101823722 Foreign cmdpapcmaaler fulltext monograph 2011 "CM 8237" P "9th report from the Foreign Affairs Committee session 1999-2000; Gibraltar: follow-up. Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (CM 4892)" 9780101489225 Foreign cmdpapcmaagri fulltext monograph 2000 "CM 4892" P "9th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. - R/1206/74 Extension or tacit renewal of agreements with third countries. 2. - R/2018/72 & R2061/72 Right of establishment in respect of certain activities. 3. - R/928/74 European vocational training centre. 4. COM (64) 50, COM (67) 817, COM (70) 99 and R/448/69 - Proprietary medical products (HL 132)" 9780104132753 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaacwf fulltext monograph 1974 "HL 132" P "9th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. 1. Co-Options. 2. Sifting of EEC Proposals. 3. R/2636/74 R/2712/74 Joint European Community Borrowing Scheme. 4. R/114/74 European Co-Operation Grouping (ECG). 5. COM(70)536 Freedom of Establishment of Veterinary Profession. 6. R/2235/74 Safety Standards for Protection of Health against Dangers of Ionising Radiation. 7. R/2964/674 40 Hour Week and Four Weeks Annual Paid Holiday. 8. R/3109/73 Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. 9. R/1448/1/74 Harmonisation of Legislation on Retention of Rights of Employees in Mergers, Takeovers and Amalgamations. 10. COM(69)987 Freedom of Establishment in Respect of Self-Employed Opticians (HL 74)" 9780100407459 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafnk fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 74" P "9th Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the European Communities. R/2861/75 - Fat content of full-cream milk (HL 34)" 9780104034767 "European Communities Committee" hlpapaafsy fulltext monograph 1975 "HL 34" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1952-53 (HL 117)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeae fulltext monograph 1953 "HL 117" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1953-54 (HL 142)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaebt fulltext monograph 1954 "HL 142" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1955-56 (HL 108)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaedt fulltext monograph 1956 "HL 108" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1956-57 (HL 82)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaefm fulltext monograph 1957 "HL 82" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1957-58 (HL 140)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaehj fulltext monograph 1958 "HL 140" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1958-59 (HL 134)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaejh fulltext monograph 1959 "HL 134" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1959-60 (HL 107)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeli fulltext monograph 1960 "HL 107" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1960-61 (HL 78)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaemo fulltext monograph 1961 "HL 78" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1961-62 (HL 101)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeoc fulltext monograph 1962 "HL 101" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1962-63 (HL 87)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaepj fulltext monograph 1963 "HL 87" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1963-64 (HL 118)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeri fulltext monograph 1964 "HL 118" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1964-65 (HL 108)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaeth fulltext monograph 1965 "HL 108" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1966-67 (HL 99)" "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaevw fulltext monograph 1966 "HL 99" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1967-68 (HL 124)" 9780104124680 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaaezo fulltext monograph 1968 "HL 124" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1968-69 (HL 122)" 9780104122693 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafbk fulltext monograph 1969 "HL 122" P "9th Report from the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1969-70 (HL 105)" 9780104105702 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafct fulltext monograph 1970 "HL 105" P "9th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1970-71 (HL 113)" 9780104113714 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafec fulltext monograph 1971 "HL 113" P "9th Report of the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords of Session 1971-72 (HL 106)" 9780104106723 "Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords" hlpapaafgw fulltext monograph 1972 "HL 106" P "A 1400 Trunk Road (Redbridge) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2536 1995)" piovolbabdnm fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2536 1995" P "A 52 Trunk Road (Dunkirk Roundabout) (Detrunking) Order 2004 (SI 3209 2004)" piovolbaciyr fulltext monograph 2004 "SI 3209 2004" P "A Dion-Eilein' do chuid obrach A' cur an aithne Measadh Buaidh air Coimhearsnachdan Eileanach (MBCE) (No Number)" 9781805256069 "The Scottish Government" sgaredaaadu fulltext monograph 2023 "No Number" P "A1, A421 and A428 Trunk Roads (South of Black Cat Roundabout, Bedfordshire to Eaton Socon, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3425 2009)" piovolbabwtc fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3425 2009" P "A1 and A14 Trunk Roads and the A1(M) and A14(M) Motorways (Alconbury, Cambridgeshire) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1284 2013)" piovolbactyf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1284 2013" P "A1 and A14 Trunk Roads (Junction 21 Brampton Hut Interchange, Cambridgeshire) (Derestriction and Variation) Order 2014 (SI 1046 2014)" piovolbabxxy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1046 2014" P "A1 and A1(M) Trunk Road (Newark-on-Trent to South of Doncaster) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1199 2015)" piovolbaauiv fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1199 2015" P "A1 and A421 Trunk Roads (Black Cat Roundabout Chawston to A428 Wyboston, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2010 (SI 1399 2010)" piovolbacbeu fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1399 2010" P "A1 and A52 Trunk Roads (Barrowby, Lincolnshire) (Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 202 2014)" piovolbabvpl fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 202 2014" P "A1 and the A46 Trunk Roads (Winthorpe to Harlaxton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2177 2014)" piovolbaaxyq fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2177 2014" P "A1 Birtley to Coal House Development Consent (Correction) Order 2021 (SI 551 2021)" piovolbaanrq fulltext monograph 2021 "SI 551 2021" P "A1 Birtley to Coal House Development Consent Order 2021 (SI 74 2021)" piovolbaanyc fulltext monograph 2021 "SI 74 2021" P "A1 Dual Carriageway (between Springwell Loanin and Castlewellan Road Bridge), Banbridge (Stopping-Up) Order (Northern Ireland) 2018 (SR 30 2018)" piovolaagwf fulltext monograph 2018 "SR 30 2018" P "A1 (East of Haddington to Dunbar) Special Road Regulations 2004 (SSI 54 2004)" piovolabvmp fulltext monograph 2004 "SSI 54 2004" P "A1 Hillsborough Road (between Hillsborough Roundabout and Pantridge Link), Hillsborough (Stopping-Up) Order (Northern Ireland) 2016 (SR 371 2016)" piovolaahja fulltext monograph 2016 "SR 371 2016" P "A1 London-Edinburgh-Thurso Trunk Road (Newcastle Western Bypass and Slip Roads) Order 1986 (Variation) Order 1988 (SI 64 1988)" piovolbadwei fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 64 1988" P "A1 London-Edinburgh-Thurso Trunk Road (Newcastle Western Bypass and Slip Roads) Order 1986 Variation Order 1988 (SI 652 1988)" piovolbadwqy fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 652 1988" P "A1 London-Edinburgh-Thurso Trunk Road (North Shotton Slip Road) Order 1991 (SI 491 1991)" piovolbaczls fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 491 1991" P "A1 (M) Motorway and A1 Trunk Road (A507 Roundabout, Stotfold to Biggleswade South Roundabout, Bedfordhire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 35 2011)" piovolbacgpr fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 35 2011" P "A1 (M) Motorway (Junction 61 to Junction 60) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 114 2011)" piovolbacguk fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 114 2011" P "A1 (M) Motorway (Junction 64 to Junction 63) (Temporary 50 miles per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 44 2011)" piovolbacgph fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 44 2011" P "A1 (M) Motorway (Junction 8, Stevenage, Hertfordshire) Northbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 66 2011)" piovolbacgqk fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 66 2011" P "A1 (M) Motorway (Letchworth Road Bridge, Hertfordshire) Northbound (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 128 2011)" piovolbacgts fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 128 2011" P "A1 (Motorway) (Bramham Crossroads to Kirk Deighton Junction and Connecting Roads) Scheme 2006 (SI 3301 2006)" piovolbacodw fulltext monograph 2006 "SI 3301 2006" P "A1 Motorway (Dishforth to Barton Section and Connecting Roads) Scheme 2008 (SI 2253 2008)" piovolbacudd fulltext monograph 2008 "SI 2253 2008" P "A1 Motorway (Ferrybridge To Hook Moor Section And Connecting Roads) Scheme 1999 (SI 2273 1999)" piovolbabsuk fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 2273 1999" P "A1 Motorway (Junction 44 to Junction 45) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 53 2011)" piovolbacgrj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 53 2011" P "A1 Motorway (Kirk Deighton New Junction to Walshford Section and Connecting Roads) Scheme 1994 (SI 2517 1994)" piovolbadhwu fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 2517 1994" P "A1 Motorway (Leeming to Scotch Corner Connecting Roads) Scheme 2013 (SI 2825 2013)" piovolbabufj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2825 2013" P "A1 Motorway (North of Leeming to Scotch Corner Section and Connecting Roads) Scheme 1996 (SI 1830 1996)" piovolbadimh fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1830 1996" P "A1 Motorway (Scotch Corner to Barton Connecting Roads) Scheme 2014 (SI 2127 2014)" piovolbaayam fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2127 2014" P "A1 Motorway (Walshford to Dishforth Section and Connecting Roads) Scheme 1992 (SI 1819 1992)" piovolbadcpo fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1819 1992" P "A1 Motorway (Walshford to Dishforth Section: Parts of A1 Northbound Carriageway) Scheme 1992 (SI 1824 1992)" piovolbadcqp fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1824 1992" P "A1 (Old Craighall Roundabout to East of Haddington) Special Road Regulations 1996 (SI 2448 1996)" piovolbadkcj fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 2448 1996" P "A1 (Spott Roundabout to Skateraw Railway Overbridge) (Temporary Prohibition of Specified Turns) Order 2011 (SSI 256 2011)" piovolabqie fulltext monograph 2011 "SSI 256 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (A151/B676 Junction and B6403 Junction Improvements Colsterworth) (Detrunking) Order 2007 (SI 232 2007)" piovolbacome fulltext monograph 2007 "SI 232 2007" P "A1 Trunk Road (A151/B676 Junction and B6403 Junction Improvements Colsterworth) Order 2007 (SI 231 2007)" piovolbacomg fulltext monograph 2007 "SI 231 2007" P "A1 Trunk Road (A1/A1(M) Alconbury Interchange, Cambridgeshire) Southbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 73 2013)" piovolbabnsk fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 73 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (A1(M) Junction 1, Northbound Exit Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1578 2012)" piovolbabksy fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1578 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (A1(M) Junction 10 to Biggleswade Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 2724 2013)" piovolbabtsi fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2724 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (A1(M) Junction 10 to Biggleswade, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2400 2013)" piovolbacvue fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2400 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (A1(M) Junction 10 to Taylors Road, Astwick, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3185 2009)" piovolbabwbt fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3185 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (A421 Black Cat Roundabout to A603/B1042 Sandy Roundabout, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2830 2010)" piovolbacfui fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2830 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (A43 Wothorpe to B1081 Carpenters Lodge, City of Peterborough) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2499 2013)" piovolbacvww fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2499 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (A47 Wansford Junction to A43/A16 Wothorpe Junction, Cambridgeshire) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1672 2011)" piovolbacjwm fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1672 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (A57, A638 and B1164 Junction Improvement Markham Moor) Order 2006 (SI 2861 2006)" piovolbacnny fulltext monograph 2006 "SI 2861 2006" P "A1 Trunk Road (A57 and A614 Junction Improvement Apleyhead) (Detrunking) Order 2006 (SI 1698 2006)" piovolbabkzy fulltext monograph 2006 "SI 1698 2006" P "A1 Trunk Road (A57 and A614 Junction Improvement Apleyhead) Order 2006 (SI 1697 2006)" piovolbablac fulltext monograph 2006 "SI 1697 2006" P "A1 Trunk Road (A6001/B658 Biggleswade North Roundabout to London Road/Biggleswade South Roundabout, Bedfordshire) Southbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1164 2011)" piovolbaciux fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1164 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (A645 Slip Roads and A162 Slip Roads) (Detrunking) Order 2001 (SI 3524 2001)" piovolbadwcn fulltext monograph 2001 "SI 3524 2001" P "A1 Trunk Road (Adderstone Junction to Buckton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 929 2010)" piovolbabztk fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 929 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Adderstone Junction to Station Road, Belford) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2790 2009)" piovolbabbvn fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2790 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Adderstone to Belford) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1968 2011)" piovolbackcq fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1968 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Adderstone to Middleton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2348 2012)" piovolbacptl fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2348 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Al (M), A614 and B6045 Junction Improvement Blyth) Order 2006 (SI 1417 2006)" piovolbabkqq fulltext monograph 2006 "SI 1417 2006" P "A1 Trunk Road (Alconbury to Fletton Parkway Improvement and Slip Roads) Order 1993 (SI 2943 1993)" piovolbadfpw fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 2943 1993" P "A1 Trunk Road (Alconbury to Fletton Parkway Improvement) (Detrunking) Order 1993 (SI 2945 1993)" piovolbadfrs fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 2945 1993" P "A1 Trunk Road (Alnwick Bypass) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 120 2012)" piovolbacmfk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 120 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Alnwick Bypass) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1345 2013)" piovolbacucx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1345 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Alnwick to Guyzance) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 2192 2014)" piovolbaaxyc fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2192 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Alnwick to Guyzance) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1486 2014)" piovolbabzka fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1486 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Alwalton to Stibbington, Cambridgeshire)(Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 306 2013)" piovolbabnwy fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 306 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Alwalton to Wothorpe, Peterborough) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2145 2011)" piovolbackkh fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2145 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Alwalton to Wothorpe, Peterborough) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 447 2012)" piovolbacmra fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 447 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road and A1(M) Motorway (Alconbury to Brampton Hut Interchange, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2138 2011)" piovolbackkx fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2138 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road and A1(M) Motorway (Barnet By-Pass) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1213 2014)" piovolbabykn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1213 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road and A1(M) Motorway (Catterick North Interchange to Junction 56) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2686 2013)" piovolbabtse fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2686 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road and A52 Trunk Road (Barrowby, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 128 2013)" piovolbacroy fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 128 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 2714 2013)" piovolbabtsv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2714 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 1297 2014)" piovolbabyqr fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1297 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 539 2010)" piovolbabyky fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 539 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 288 2013)" piovolbacrxu fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 288 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 233 2014)" piovolbabvqe fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 233 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road and The A1(M) (Blyth, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3301 2009)" piovolbabwhz fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3301 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) (Blyth, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 933 2010)" piovolbabztc fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 933 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (A1(M) Junction 1 Rowley Lane, Southbound) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1138 2011)" piovolbacitt fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1138 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (A5135 Junction - Junction 6) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2735 2009)" piovolbabbrz fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2735 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (A5135 Junction - Junction 6) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2371 2010)" piovolbacehy fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2371 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (A5135 Junction - Junction 6) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2335 2011)" piovolbabhvh fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2335 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (A5135 Junction - Junction 6) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2465 2012)" piovolbabmkf fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2465 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (A5135 Junction - Junction 6) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2502 2013)" piovolbacvwr fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2502 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (A5135 Junction - Junction 6) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2668 2014)" piovolbaaxib fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2668 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (Barnsdale Bar Interchange to Junction 41) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1542 2012)" piovolbabksr fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1542 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (Barnsdale Bar Interchange to Junction 41) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 961 2014)" piovolbabdlf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 961 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (Eighton Lodge Interchange to Birtley Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1491 2010)" piovolbacbkl fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1491 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (Eighton Lodge Interchange to Junction 63) and the A194(M) Motorway (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2313 2011)" piovolbabhum fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2313 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (Junction 10 to Black Cat Roundabout Chawston, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2164 2010)" piovolbacdrw fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2164 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (Junction 45 to Junction 46) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2007 (Revocation) Order 2010 (SI 1814 2010)" piovolbacckp fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1814 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 1, 3 and 4, Northbound Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1037 2012)" piovolbabkgg fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1037 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 1, 3 and 4, Northbound Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1084 2013)" piovolbactpe fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1084 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 1, 3 and 4, Northbound Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 998 2014)" piovolbabxuu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 998 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 1, 3 and 4, Northbound Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1259 2015)" piovolbaaugl fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1259 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A1(M) Motorway (Scotch Corner Interchange to Junction 56) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1847 2011)" piovolbabgzh fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1847 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A66 Trunk Road (Scotch Corner Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2013 (SI 905 2013)" piovolbactgf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 905 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A66 Trunk Road (Scotch Corner Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1451 2012)" piovolbabkra fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1451 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A69 Trunk Road (Denton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2517 2010)" piovolbaceww fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2517 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road and the A69 Trunk Road (Denton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2825 2012)" piovolbacqms fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2825 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Apleyhead - Blyth, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1721 2014)" piovolbaayog fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1721 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Apleyhead, Nottinghamshire) (Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2572 2010)" piovolbaceys fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2572 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Apleyhead, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3456 2009)" piovolbabwtr fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3456 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Apleyhead, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1444 2012)" piovolbabkrn fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1444 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Apleyhead to Blyth, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 392 2012)" piovolbabjkb fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 392 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Apleyhead to Ranby, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 254 2012)" piovolbabjcw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 254 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Apleyhead to Tuxford, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2756 2013)" piovolbabtwz fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2756 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Astwick and Sandy, Central Bedfordshire) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 831 2012)" piovolbabjxm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 831 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Astwick, Central Bedfordshire to Hinxworth, Hertfordshire) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1589 2012)" piovolbabkva fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1589 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (B1081 Junction Improvement Carpenter's Lodge) (Detrunking) Order 2006 (SI 3164 2006)" piovolbablzi fulltext monograph 2006 "SI 3164 2006" P "A1 Trunk Road (B1081 Junction Improvement Carpenter's Lodge) Order 2006 (SI 3163 2006)" piovolbablzl fulltext monograph 2006 "SI 3163 2006" P "A1 Trunk Road (B1174 Junction Improvement Gonerby Moor) (Detrunking) Order 2006 (SI 2172 2006)" piovolbacncs fulltext monograph 2006 "SI 2172 2006" P "A1 Trunk Road (B1174 Junction Improvement Gonerby Moor) Order 2006 (SI 2173 2006)" piovolbacncq fulltext monograph 2006 "SI 2173 2006" P "A1 Trunk Road (Baldersby Interchange) to the A1(M) Motorway (Junction 49, Dishforth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (Revocation) Order 2011 (SI 1878 2011)" piovolbabhdg fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1878 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Bannister Lane Junction to Hampole Balk Lane Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1321 2014)" piovolbabyxb fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1321 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet) (50mph Speed Limit) Order 1996 (SI 285 1996)" piovolbacwuy fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 285 1996" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet and Haringey) Red Route (Clearway) Experimental Traffic Order 1999 (SI 555 1999)" piovolbadpjd fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 555 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet and Haringey) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1999 (SI 553 1999)" piovolbadpjh fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 553 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1996 Experimental Variation Order 1999 (SI 997 1999)" piovolbadptj fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 997 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1996 (SI 819 1996)" piovolbaddek fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 819 1996" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet) Red Route (Clearway) traf|fi|c Order 1996 Variation Order 1997 (SI 2299 1997)" piovolbadmhu fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 2299 1997" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1996 Variation Order 1998 (SI 3127 1998)" piovolbadpak fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 3127 1998" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1996 Variation Order 2000 (SI 2118 2000)" piovolbadtax fulltext monograph 2000 "SI 2118 2000" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1997 (SI 2489 1997)" piovolbadmjh fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 2489 1997" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet) Red Route (Speed Limit) Experimental Traffic Order 1999 Revocation Order 1999 (SI 2418 1999)" piovolbadquu fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 2418 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet) Red Route (Speed Limit) Experimental Traffic Order 1999 (SI 1203 1999)" piovolbadpzt fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 1203 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet) Red Route Traffic Order 1997 (SI 2300 1997)" piovolbadmhr fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 2300 1997" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet Way, Barnet) (Box Junction) Order 1988 (SI 656 1988)" piovolbadwqs fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 656 1988" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnet Way, Barnet) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1988 (SI 658 1988)" piovolbadwst fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 658 1988" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnsdale Bar Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2013 (SI 1028 2013)" piovolbactls fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1028 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnsdale Bar Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 3373 2014)" piovolbaawko fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3373 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnsdale Bar Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2757 2012)" piovolbacqjq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2757 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnsdale Bar Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 180 2013)" piovolbacrsj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 180 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnsdale Bar Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2998 2014)" piovolbaawxc fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2998 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnsdale Bar Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 126 2011)" piovolbacgtw fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 126 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnsdale Bar Interchange to Coal Pit Lane) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1337 2013)" piovolbaboyy fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1337 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnsdale Bar Interchange to Redhouse Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1790 2013)" piovolbacvbl fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1790 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barnsdale Bar to Redhouse Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1060 2015)" piovolbaauop fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1060 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barrowby to Gonerby Moor, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2381 2012)" piovolbacptw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2381 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barrowby to North Muskham) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2077 2013)" piovolbabptd fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2077 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Barton to Scotch Corner) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1950 2011)" piovolbabhhu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1950 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Beeston, Central Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2012 (SI 2239 2012)" piovolbablth fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2239 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Beeston, Sandy, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3494 2014)" piovolbaawgl fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3494 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Beeston, Sandy, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic and Prohibition of Pedestrians) Order 2014 (SI 689 2014)" piovolbabwqi fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 689 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Belford Junction to Detchant Lodge Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2009 (SI 3121 2009)" piovolbabcpf fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3121 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Belford to Fenwick and Cheswick to East Ord) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 413 2011)" piovolbachoa fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 413 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Berwick Bypass) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 907 2013)" piovolbactgb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 907 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Between Newark-on-Trent and Long Bennington) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 938 2010)" piovolbabzve fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 938 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Biggleswade, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2668 2010)" piovolbacfie fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2668 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Biggleswade, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 156 2015)" piovolbaavxr fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 156 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Biggleswade North Roundabout to Black Cat Roundabout, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2150 2013)" piovolbacvnb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2150 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Biggleswade South Roundabout to Black Cat Roundabout, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2324 2012)" piovolbabmcx fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2324 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Birtley Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2011 (SI 2191 2011)" piovolbackmd fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2191 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Birtley Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3123 2009)" piovolbabcpb fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3123 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Birtley Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 306 2011)" piovolbachfb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 306 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Birtley Interchange to Kingsway Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2009 (SI 3443 2009)" piovolbabwqp fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3443 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Blaydon Interchange to Gosforth Park Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 681 2014)" piovolbabwrf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 681 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Bloody Oaks Junction, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1540 2014)" piovolbaayui fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1540 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Blunham to Wyboston) and A421 Trunk Road (Cardington Interchange to Black Cat Roundabout) (Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 788 2013)" piovolbacszg fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 788 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Blunham to Wyboston) and the A421 Trunk Road (Renhold/Great Barford Interchange to Black Cat Roundabout) (Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1218 2014)" piovolbabaaz fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1218 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Blyth, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2174 2010)" piovolbacduk fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2174 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Blyth, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 885 2013)" piovolbactej fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 885 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Blyth, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 364 2014)" piovolbabcjk fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 364 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Blyth, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 875 2013)" piovolbactfg fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 875 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Bramham to Wetherby Upgrading) (Detrunking) Order 2006 (SI 3302 2006)" piovolbacodu fulltext monograph 2006 "SI 3302 2006" P "A1 Trunk Road (Bramham to Wetherby Upgrading)(River Wharfe Bridge) Order 2006 (SI 3300 2006)" piovolbacody fulltext monograph 2006 "SI 3300 2006" P "A1 Trunk Road (Brampton, Cambridgeshire) Southbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 758 2010)" piovolbabzfn fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 758 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Brampton Hut Interchange, Cambridgeshire) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2072 2012)" piovolbacpkw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2072 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Brampton Hut) Southbound and the A14 Trunk Road (Junction 20 Ellington) Eastbound (Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2627 2014)" piovolbaaxjh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2627 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Brampton Hut to Buckden, Cambridgeshire) Southbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2172 2012)" piovolbablps fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2172 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Brockdam Farm to Adderstone Grange Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3302 2009)" piovolbabwhs fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3302 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Brownieside De-Trunking) Order 1991 (SI 2893 1991)" piovolbadbir fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 2893 1991" P "A1 Trunk Road (Brownieside Improvement) Order 1991 (SI 2894 1991)" piovolbadbio fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 2894 1991" P "A1 Trunk Road (Buckden to Diddington, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1842 2011)" piovolbabgzv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1842 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Carlton-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2660 2013)" piovolbabtqc fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2660 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Carlton on Trent to Markham Moor, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 888 2012)" piovolbabjzv fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 888 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Carlton on Trent to Markham Moor, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1233 2013)" piovolbaboyf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1233 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Carpenter's Lodge to Stamford) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2093 2011)" piovolbabhno fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2093 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Carpenter?s Lodge to Stamford) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2169 2012)" piovolbaecev fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2169 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Carpenter's Lodge to Stamford) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2207 2013)" piovolbacvpp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2207 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Carpenter's Lodge to Stamford) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2298 2014)" piovolbaaxuo fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2298 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Catterick North Interchange and Catterick South Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2087 2013)" piovolbabpuv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2087 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Catterick North Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1938 2012)" piovolbacpaj fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1938 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Catterick North Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 63 2014)" piovolbabbvt fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 63 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Catterick North Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2530 2013)" piovolbaazrk fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2530 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Catterick North Interchange to Scotch Corner Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2546 2013)" piovolbaazut fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2546 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Catterick South Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1660 2010)" piovolbaccah fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1660 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Catterick South Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2639 2012)" piovolbabmqi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2639 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Catterick South Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2531 2013)" piovolbaazrd fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2531 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Catterick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1444 2011)" piovolbabgjy fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1444 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Catterick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1249 2013)" piovolbactvp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1249 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Catterick to Barton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2436 2012)" piovolbacpvn fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2436 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Catterick to Leeming) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 289 2013)" piovolbacrxt fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 289 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Charlton Mires to Newham Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 842 2010)" piovolbabznf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 842 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Charlton Mires to North Charlton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2312 2011)" piovolbabhuo fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2312 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Charlton Mires to North Charlton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2484 2012)" piovolbacpyh fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2484 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Chesterton, Cambridgeshire) Northbound Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2889 2011)" piovolbacllt fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2889 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Cheswick to East Ord) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1167 2010)" piovolbacama fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1167 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Cheswick to Scremeston Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2017 2011)" piovolbabhkq fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2017 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Clifton Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2171 2013)" piovolbacvol fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2171 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Clifton Interchange to Fairmoor Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 527 2012)" piovolbacmvv fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 527 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Clifton Interchange to Warreners House Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 1994 2013)" piovolbabpnw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1994 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Clifton Interchange to Warreners House Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2527 2010)" piovolbacevv fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2527 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Clifton Interchange to Warreners House Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 314 2013)" piovolbacsam fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 314 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Clifton to Felton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2518 2011)" piovolbackwu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2518 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Coalhouse Interchange to Lobley Hill Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 345 2014)" piovolbabcha fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 345 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Coalhouse Interchange to Lobley Hill Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 3079 2010)" piovolbacgjw fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3079 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Cock Hill to Fairmoor Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2009 (SI 3299 2009)" piovolbabdbx fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3299 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Cock Hill to Warreners House Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1580 2010)" piovolbacbrr fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1580 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Cockburnspath Junctions to the unclassified Cockburnspath Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic, Temporary Prohibition of Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restriction) Order 2007 (SSI 328 2007)" piovolabtci fulltext monograph 2007 "SSI 328 2007" P "A1 Trunk Road (Coddington, Nottinghamshire) (No.2) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2226 2014)" piovolbaaxww fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2226 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Coddington, Nottinghamshire) (No.3) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3019 2014)" piovolbaawwh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3019 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Coddington, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1073 2014)" piovolbabxyx fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1073 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Coddington, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1158 2015)" piovolbaaukm fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1158 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Colsterworth, Lincolnshire) (Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1523 2013)" piovolbabpbi fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1523 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Colsterworth, Lincolnshire) (Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 639 2014)" piovolbabdbj fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 639 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Colsterworth, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 380 2012)" piovolbabjle fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 380 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Colsterworth Services, Lincolnshire) (Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 629 2014)" piovolbabcxp fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 629 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Darrington Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2012 (SI 2640 2012)" piovolbacqdm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2640 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Darrington Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 774 2012)" piovolbacnfs fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 774 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Darrington Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2121 2013)" piovolbacvmm fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2121 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Darrington Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 963 2013)" piovolbabora fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 963 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Deanmoor to Charlton Mires) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 538 2010)" piovolbabylc fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 538 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Denton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1248 2015)" piovolbaaugw fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1248 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Denton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 3122 2011)" piovolbacmax fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 3122 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Denton Burn Interchange to Scotswood Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 510 2011)" piovolbachuw fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 510 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Denton Burn Interchange to Westerhope Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 313 2013)" piovolbacsao fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 313 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Denwick Interchange Slip Roads) Order 2003 (SI 1991 2003)" piovolbacddc fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 1991 2003" P "A1 Trunk Road (Denwick Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 118 2012)" piovolbacmfn fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 118 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Denwick Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 996 2012)" piovolbabkew fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 996 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Denwick to Charlton Mires) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 41 2012)" piovolbabiws fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 41 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Denwick to North Charlton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1533 2012)" piovolbacomm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1533 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Denwick to Wandylaw) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 3034 2014)" piovolbaawvt fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3034 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Denwick to Wandylaw) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 529 2012)" piovolbacmvr fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 529 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Denwick to Wandylaw) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1175 2014)" piovolbabyfu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1175 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Derwenthaugh Interchange to Lobley Hill Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1184 2013)" piovolbactsb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1184 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Derwenthaugh Interchange to Scotswood Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2816 2010)" piovolbacfsk fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2816 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Derwenthaugh Interchange to Scotswood Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2258 2011)" piovolbackqb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2258 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Derwenthaugh Interchange to Swalwell Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1645 2014)" piovolbaayqw fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1645 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Derwenthaugh to Eighton Lodge) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 Amendment Order 2015 (SI 684 2015)" piovolbaavdj fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 684 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Derwenthaugh to Eighton Lodge) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2221 2014)" piovolbaaxxa fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2221 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Derwenthaugh to Lobley Hill) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 2767 2013)" piovolbabtzj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2767 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Detchant Lodge to Cragmill Road) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1220 2015)" piovolbaauhy fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1220 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Detchant Lodge to Fenwick Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2026 2013)" piovolbabprb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2026 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dishforth Interchange to Catterick South Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2734 2010)" piovolbacflv fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2734 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dishforth to Barton) (Detrunking) Order 2008 (SI 2254 2008)" piovolbacudb fulltext monograph 2008 "SI 2254 2008" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dishforth to Barton) (Supplementary Detrunking) Order 2013 (SI 2824 2013)" piovolbabalh fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2824 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dishforth to Scotch Corner) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 311 2011)" piovolbachhg fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 311 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dry Doddington, Lincolnshire) Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2853 2011)" piovolbabipw fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2853 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Duddo Junction to Denwick Interchange) Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1647 2014)" piovolbaayqu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1647 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Duddo Junction to Duns Road) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2712 2013)" piovolbabtsz fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2712 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Duns Road Junction) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2012 (SI 2341 2012)" piovolbabmen fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2341 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Duns Road Junction to East OrdRoundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1245 2015)" piovolbaauha fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1245 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Duns Road Junction to the Scottish Border) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3122 2009)" piovolbabcpd fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3122 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Duns Road to the Scottish Border) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 187 2011)" piovolbacgxp fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 187 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dunston Interchange and Swalwell Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1180 2011)" piovolbaciwb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1180 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dunston Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2011 (SI 2594 2011)" piovolbaclcu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2594 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dunston Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 3) Order 2011 (SI 2895 2011)" piovolbabirg fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2895 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dunston Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1061 2011)" piovolbabfzl fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1061 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dunston Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 744 2014)" piovolbabwxb fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 744 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dunston Interchange) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1056 2011)" piovolbabgaa fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1056 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dunston Interchange to Kingsway Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2613 2013)" piovolbabtmv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2613 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dunston Interchange to Metro Centre Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1874 2011)" piovolbabhdl fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1874 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dunston Interchange to Metro Centre Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1784 2012)" piovolbablfe fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1784 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dunston Interchange to Metro Centre Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1727 2012)" piovolbacotm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1727 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dunston Interchange to Scotswood Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1870 2010)" piovolbaccqk fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1870 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Dunston Interchange) (Width Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 1146 2011)" piovolbacitb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1146 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (East Ord Roundabout to Duns Road) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1822 2011)" piovolbabgyg fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1822 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (East Ord Roundabout to Highfields Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2779 2014)" piovolbaaxep fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2779 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eaton Ford, St Neots, Cambridgeshire) Southbound Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2218 2011)" piovolbackod fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2218 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2098 2010)" piovolbacdmf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2098 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1722 2011)" piovolbacjyw fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1722 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 770 2012)" piovolbacnga fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 770 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange to Coalhouse Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2011 (SI 1966 2011)" piovolbackct fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1966 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange to Coalhouse Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 372 2011)" piovolbachli fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 372 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange to Coalhouse Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 2739 2012)" piovolbacqhl fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2739 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange to Coalhouse Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 259 2012)" piovolbabjfc fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 259 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange to Gateshead Quays Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2793 2010)" piovolbacfqv fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2793 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange to Kingsway Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2009 (SI 2843 2009)" piovolbabbzg fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2843 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange to Lobley Hill Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2047 2012)" piovolbacpjx fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2047 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange to Lobley Hill Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2088 2013)" piovolbabput fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2088 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange to Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2010 (SI 1469 2010)" piovolbacbjj fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1469 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge Interchange to Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 53 2014)" piovolbabbsl fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 53 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Eighton Lodge to Birtley Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2426 2014)" piovolbaaxpz fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2426 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Elkesley Junctions Improvement) Order 2012 (SI 839 2012)" piovolbabjxa fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 839 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Elkesley, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2160 2011)" piovolbackly fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2160 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Elkesley, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 325 2013)" piovolbacrzx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 325 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Elkesley, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2881 2012)" piovolbacqrs fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2881 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Elkesley, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1242 2014)" piovolbabyob fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1242 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Elkesley) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1539 2013)" piovolbacupz fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1539 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Elkesley to Tuxford, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2991 2013)" piovolbabazj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2991 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fair Moor to Clifton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 1968 2014)" piovolbaayfy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1968 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fairmoor Interchange to Clifton Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1688 2013)" piovolbabpeo fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1688 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fairmoor to Clifton Lane) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1315 2014)" piovolbabytn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1315 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fawdon Interchange to Kenton Bar Interchange) and the A696 Trunk Road (Newcastle Airport Roundabout to Kenton Bar Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2679 2013)" piovolbabadp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2679 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fawdon Interchange to Kenton Bar Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 772 2012)" piovolbacnfw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 772 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fawdon Interchange to Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2567 2011)" piovolbackza fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2567 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Felton and Charlton Mires) (Temporary 40 Miles Per Hour and 10 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction Order 2012 (SI 477 2012)" piovolbacmru fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 477 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Felton North to Clifton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2499 2014)" piovolbaaxnq fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2499 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Felton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2133 2012)" piovolbacpoe fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2133 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Felton to Alnwick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2894 2011)" piovolbabiri fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2894 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Felton to Alnwick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3153 2014)" piovolbaawrv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3153 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Felton to Causey Park Bridge) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 809 2011)" piovolbacifk fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 809 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Felton to Deanmoor) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3114 2009)" piovolbabvtn fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3114 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Felton to Guyzance) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2151 2012)" piovolbacppz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2151 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Felton to Guyzance) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 311 2013)" piovolbacsar fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 311 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Felton to Tranwell) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2392 2010)" piovolbacejo fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2392 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fenrother Lane to Eshott) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2446 2013)" piovolbacvvx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2446 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fenrother Lane to Felton Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3151 2014)" piovolbaawrx fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3151 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fenwick Junction to Detchant Lodge) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 459 2011)" piovolbachpu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 459 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fenwick Junction to Elwick Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2967 2014)" piovolbaawye fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2967 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fenwick Junction to Haggerston Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 3096 2011)" piovolbaclzy fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 3096 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fenwick Junction to Haggerston Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2437 2012)" piovolbacpvk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2437 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fenwick Junction to Scremerston Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2911 2009)" piovolbabvlq fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2911 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fenwick Junction to Scremerston Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2581 2014)" piovolbaaxkz fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2581 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Fenwick to Haggerston) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2368 2013)" piovolbacvtw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2368 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Ferrybridge To Selby Fork Junction) (Detrunking) Order 1999 (SI 2272 1999)" piovolbadqrq fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 2272 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Footway Closure, Sandy Roundabout, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Pedestrians) Order 2011 (SI 1162 2011)" piovolbacivb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1162 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gatenby Lane Junction, Leeming Slip Roads) Order 1990 (SI 2112 1990)" piovolbabfxx fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 2112 1990" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gateshead Quays Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 1296 2014)" piovolbabyqu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1296 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gateshead Quays Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 612 2011)" piovolbacibc fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 612 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gateshead Quays Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2638 2012)" piovolbacqdg fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2638 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gateshead Quays Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 37 2013)" piovolbacrmq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 37 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gateshead Quays Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 975 2014)" piovolbabxph fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 975 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gateshead Western Bypass) (Closure of Layby) Order 2013 (SI 1480 2013)" piovolbacumz fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1480 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gateshead/Newcastle Western Bypass) (Birtley Interchange to Blaydon Viaduct) (50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2010 (SI 2820 2010)" piovolbacfry fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2820 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gladsmuir Junction to Oaktree Junction) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road) (No. 2) Order 2015 (SSI 373 2015)" piovolabnvx fulltext monograph 2015 "SSI 373 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gladsmuir Junction to Oaktree Junction) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road) Order 2015 (SSI 278 2015)" piovolabnzm fulltext monograph 2015 "SSI 278 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gonerby Moor, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1765 2010)" piovolbaccid fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1765 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gonerby Moor, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 379 2012)" piovolbabjlg fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 379 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gosforth Park Interchange to Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 1785 2012)" piovolbablfb fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1785 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gosforth Park Interchange to Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 258 2012)" piovolbabjfg fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 258 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Gosforth Park Northbound Layby) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2015 (SI 764 2015)" piovolbaavam fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 764 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Grantham, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3233 2012)" piovolbabnfc fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3233 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Grantham, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 886 2013)" piovolbacteg fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 886 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Grantham, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 958 2010)" piovolbabzws fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 958 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Grantham, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2895 2012)" piovolbacqqf fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2895 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Grantham, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2739 2014)" piovolbaaxfv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2739 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Grantham Southern Growth Corridor) (Slip Roads) Order 2019 (SI 570 2019)" piovolbaaplv fulltext monograph 2019 "SI 570 2019" P "A1 Trunk Road (Grantham to North Muskham) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2800 2012)" piovolbabmxa fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2800 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Grantham to Stamford, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1983 2012)" piovolbacpgi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1983 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Grantham to Stamford) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 581 2013)" piovolbacsqw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 581 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Great Casterton, Rutland) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3056 2013)" piovolbabulo fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3056 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Great Ponton, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (Slip Roads) Order 2010 (SI 2873 2010)" piovolbacfwy fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2873 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Guyzance Junction to Deanmoor Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2569 2011)" piovolbackyv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2569 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Guyzance Junction to Deanmoor) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2457 2010)" piovolbacere fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2457 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Guyzance Junction to Hitchcroft Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2913 2009)" piovolbabvln fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2913 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Guyzance to Denwick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2606 2010)" piovolbacfcy fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2606 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Guyzance to Denwick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 286 2013)" piovolbacrya fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 286 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haggerston Castle to Heddon View) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2799 2010)" piovolbacfqe fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2799 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Hail Weston to Brampton Hut, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1500 2013)" piovolbacuop fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1500 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Hail Weston to Buckden, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1603 2012)" piovolbabkxm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1603 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) (Bus Lanes) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1990 (SI 2532 1990)" piovolbacyxm fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 2532 1990" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) (Bus Lanes) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1992 (SI 686 1992)" piovolbadbzu fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 686 1992" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) (Bus Lanes) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 (SI 897 1993)" piovolbadely fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 897 1993" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) (Bus Lanes) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation Order 1994 (SI 3005 1994)" piovolbadifr fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 3005 1994" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Experimental Traffic (Amendment) Order 1991 (SI 1345 1991)" piovolbadaef fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 1345 1991" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1990 (SI 2533 1990)" piovolbacyxl fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 2533 1990" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1992 (SI 685 1992)" piovolbadbzv fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 685 1992" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route (Prohibited Turn) Experimental Traffic Order 1999 (SI 2700 1999)" piovolbabsut fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 2700 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Experimental Variation Order 1996 (SI 98 1996)" piovolbacvhu fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 98 1996" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 (SI 896 1993)" piovolbabqzy fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 896 1993" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation (No. 2) Order 1998 (SI 56 1998)" piovolbadmwp fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 56 1998" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation (No. 2) Order 1999 (SI 2806 1999)" piovolbadrby fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 2806 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation Order 1994 (SI 3004 1994)" piovolbadifu fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 3004 1994" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation Order 1997 (SI 201 1997)" piovolbadkww fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 201 1997" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation Order 1999 (SI 143 1999)" piovolbadpdu fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 143 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route(Bus Priority) Experimental Traffic Order 1999 (SI 3254 1999)" piovolbadrig fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 3254 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 1997 (SI 2848 1997)" piovolbadmow fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 2848 1997" P "A1 Trunk Road (Haringey)(Bus Lanes) Red Route Experimental 1996 (SI 591 1996)" piovolbaczyp fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 591 1996" P "A1 Trunk Road (Hebron to Tritlington) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 406 2012)" piovolbacmof fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 406 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Heighley Gate Junction to Earsdon Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2248 2011)" piovolbabhsl fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2248 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Highfields Roundabout to Folly Farm) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2848 2012)" piovolbacqnj fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2848 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Highfields Roundabout to the Scottish Border) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2011 (SI 2798 2011)" piovolbaclii fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2798 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Highfields Roundabout to the Scottish Border) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1750 2011)" piovolbabgty fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1750 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Highfields Roundabout to the Scottish Border) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1025 2013)" piovolbactlz fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1025 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Highmoor Junction to Lane Head Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 495 2011)" piovolbachtb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 495 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Hitchcroft to Denwick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 757 2015)" piovolbaavau fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 757 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Holloway Road, Islington) Experimental Traffic Order 1992 (SI 1374 1992)" piovolbadcjf fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1374 1992" P "A1 Trunk Road (Holloway Road, Islington) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1993 (SI 3078 1993)" piovolbadfvk fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 3078 1993" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) (Bus Lanes) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1992 (SI 687 1992)" piovolbadbzq fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 687 1992" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) (Bus Lanes) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 (SI 895 1993)" piovolbabqzz fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 895 1993" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) (Bus Lanes) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation Order 1994 (SI 3007 1994)" piovolbadifm fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 3007 1994" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) (Bus Lanes)Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1990 (SI 2534 1990)" piovolbacyxp fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 2534 1990" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington High Street) Red Route (Prohibited Turn) Traffic Order 1997 (SI 2782 1997)" piovolbadmpz fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 2782 1997" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route (Bus Priority) Experimental Traffic Order 2000 (SI 247 2000)" piovolbadrqj fulltext monograph 2000 "SI 247 2000" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route (Bus Priority) Traffic Order 1999 Experimental Variation Order 2000 (SI 830 2000)" piovolbabsxz fulltext monograph 2000 "SI 830 2000" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route (Bus Priority) Traffic Order 1999 (SI 1476 1999)" piovolbadqfv fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 1476 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Experimental Traffic (Amendment) (No.2) Order 1991 (SI 2838 1991)" piovolbadbfg fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 2838 1991" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Experimental Traffic (Amendment) Order 1991 (SI 1346 1991)" piovolbadaeb fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 1346 1991" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1990 (SI 2535 1990)" piovolbacyxo fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 2535 1990" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1992 (SI 699 1992)" piovolbadbzt fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 699 1992" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route (Prohibition of U-Turn) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 1166 1995)" piovolbadkbw fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 1166 1995" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Experimental Variation No.3 Order 1996 (SI 99 1996)" piovolbabeix fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 99 1996" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Experimental Variation Order 1995 (SI 2743 1995)" piovolbaccrq fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2743 1995" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Experimental Variation Order 1998 (SI 77 1998)" piovolbadmwx fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 77 1998" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 (SI 891 1993)" piovolbabrak fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 891 1993" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation No. 3 Order 1997 (SI 202 1997)" piovolbadkwt fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 202 1997" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation (No. 3) Order 1999 (SI 2745 1999)" piovolbadqzf fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 2745 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation Order 1994 (SI 3006 1994)" piovolbadifp fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 3006 1994" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation Order 1995 (SI 1165 1995)" piovolbadkbx fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 1165 1995" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation Order 1996 (SI 1881 1996)" piovolbadisx fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1881 1996" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation Order 1997 (SI 2783 1997)" piovolbadmpw fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 2783 1997" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation Order 1999 (SI 273 1999)" piovolbadpge fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 273 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) Red Route Traffic Order 1993 Variation Order (No. 2) 1999 (SI 1475 1999)" piovolbadqfw fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 1475 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 1997 (SI 2285 1997)" piovolbadmhv fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 2285 1997" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 1999 (SI 1484 1999)" piovolbadqfi fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 1484 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Islington)(Bus Lanes) Red Route Experimental 1996 (SI 589 1996)" piovolbaczyu fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 589 1996" P "A1 Trunk Road (Kenton Bar Interchange to Denton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 3) Order 2011 (SI 1965 2011)" piovolbackcu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1965 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Kenton Bar Interchange to Denton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2011 (SI 864 2011)" piovolbabfpq fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 864 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Kenton Bar Interchange to Denton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 115 2011)" piovolbabfak fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 115 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Kenton Bar Interchange to Gosforth Park Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 3080 2010)" piovolbacgju fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3080 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Kenton Bar to Gosforth Park) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2253 2013)" piovolbacvqs fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2253 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Kingsway Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1841 2014)" piovolbaaykn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1841 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Kingsway Interchange to Lobley Hill Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1235 2010)" piovolbacatn fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1235 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Lamberton) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road and Temporary Speed Restrictions) Order 2020 (SSI 276 2020)" piovolabkua fulltext monograph 2020 "SSI 276 2020" P "A1 Trunk Road (Langford, Bedfordshire) Northbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2102 2012)" piovolbacpno fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2102 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Layby at Brownieside) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 121 2012)" piovolbacmfi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 121 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Layby at Lobley Hill Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2485 2012)" piovolbacpyc fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2485 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Layby at Shilbottle) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1686 2010)" piovolbaccbi fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1686 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Layby at Skeeby) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1429 2010)" piovolbacbix fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1429 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Layby at Skellow) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3290 2012)" piovolbabnka fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3290 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Layby at Wentedge Road Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1066 2012)" piovolbacnqp fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1066 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Laybys between Redhouse Interchange and Darrington Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 260 2010)" piovolbabxra fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 260 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Laybys between Westerhope and Kenton Bar) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1185 2015)" piovolbaaujl fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1185 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Leases Lane to Manor House Bridge) (Temporary 40 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2010 (SI 537 2010)" piovolbabyle fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 537 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Leeming Bar to Catterick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 866 2011)" piovolbabfpo fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 866 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Leeming to Barton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 36 2013)" piovolbacrms fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 36 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Leeming to Catterick) (Prohibition of Use of Gaps in the Central Reservation) (Experimental) Order 2013 (SI 182 2013)" piovolbacrsf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 182 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Leeming to Catterick) (Prohibition of Use of Gaps in the Central Reservation) Order 2014 (SI 2151 2014)" piovolbaaxzp fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2151 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Leeming to Catterick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 2206 2012)" piovolbablsp fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2206 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Leeming to Catterick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 69 2012)" piovolbabixu fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 69 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Leeming to Scotch Corner) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2358 2011)" piovolbabhwj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2358 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Lengths of A1 Carriageway at Micklefield and Bramham) (Detrunking) Order 1994 (SI 1025 1994)" piovolbadgzl fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 1025 1994" P "A1 Trunk Road (Lengths of A1 Carriageway between Catterick and Barton) (Detrunking) Order 1996 (SI 1831 1996)" piovolbadilz fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1831 1996" P "A1 Trunk Road (Little Paxton to Buckden, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2965 2013)" piovolbabauh fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2965 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Little Ponton, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 583 2013)" piovolbacsqr fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 583 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Little Ponton to South Witham, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1422 2010)" piovolbabeif fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1422 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Lobley Hill Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1179 2011)" piovolbaciwd fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1179 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Lobley Hill Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2547 2013)" piovolbaazus fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2547 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Lobley Hill Interchange to Derwenthaugh Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1071 2014)" piovolbabxza fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1071 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Lobley Hill Interchange to Dunston Interchange) (Temporary 10 Miles Per Hour and 40 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2010 (SI 2043 2010)" piovolbacdfd fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2043 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Lobley Hill Interchange to Dunston Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2010 (SI 2814 2010)" piovolbacfsm fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2814 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Lobley Hill Interchange to Dunston Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1262 2010)" piovolbacauq fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1262 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Lobley Hill Interchange to Eighton Lodge Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1234 2010)" piovolbacatp fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1234 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Lobley Hill Interchange to Eighton Lodge Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1850 2012)" piovolbacoyo fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1850 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Lobley Hill Interchange to Kingsway Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1972 2010)" piovolbacdal fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1972 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Long Bennington, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic in Laybys) Order 2009 (SI 2882 2009)" piovolbaazqo fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2882 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Long Bennington, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2363 2011)" piovolbabhwb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2363 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Long Bennington (Southbound Slip Road) and Detrunking) Order 2003 (SI 2206 2003)" piovolbacdos fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 2206 2003" P "A1 Trunk Road (Long Bennington to Foston, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic in Laybys) Order 2010 (SI 389 2010)" piovolbabyao fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 389 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Longhorsley Junction and Causey Park Hag Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1869 2010)" piovolbaccqt fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1869 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Longhorsley to Felton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2883 2013)" piovolbabamv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2883 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Markham Moor, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1831 2010)" piovolbaazzw fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1831 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Markham Moor, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1443 2012)" piovolbacojc fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1443 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Markham Moor to Blyth, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1427 2013)" piovolbabozw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1427 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Markham Moor to Winthorpe, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 319 2014)" piovolbabwae fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 319 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Marston, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 2730 2014)" piovolbaaxge fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2730 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Marston, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 114 2014)" piovolbabvgn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 114 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Metro Centre Interchange and Blaydon Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 3081 2010)" piovolbacgjs fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3081 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Metro Centre Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 2160 2014)" piovolbaaxzg fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2160 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Metro Centre Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 745 2014)" piovolbabwwz fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 745 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Metro Centre Interchange to Dunston Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2047 2011)" piovolbabhlm fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2047 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Metro Centre Interchange to Stannington Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 759 2014)" piovolbabdey fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 759 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Middleton to Fenwick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2456 2010)" piovolbacerh fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2456 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Mitford to Hebron Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2024 2010)" piovolbacdcw fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2024 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Morpeth Bypass) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1225 2013)" piovolbactum fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1225 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Morpeth to Alnwick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2324 2014)" piovolbaaxtr fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2324 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Near Colsterworth, Lincolnshire) (Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2713 2011)" piovolbabinh fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2713 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (near Colsterworth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1712 2013)" piovolbabpfk fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1712 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Near Grantham, Lincolnshire) (Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 375 2011)" piovolbachlb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 375 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Near Grantham, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 3109 2010)" piovolbacgnt fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3109 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (near Grantham, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1202 2012)" piovolbacnxs fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1202 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Near Stamford) (Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 268 2011)" piovolbachch fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 268 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (New Close Lane and Green Lane, Skellow) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2612 2013)" piovolbabtmz fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2612 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (New Mousen to Belford) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 535 2010)" piovolbabylm fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 535 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (New Road, Sandy, Bedfordshire) (Prohibition of 'U' Turn) Order 2014 (SI 741 2014)" piovolbabwxm fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 741 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (New Road, Sandy, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1646 2014)" piovolbaayqv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1646 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Newark-on-Trent) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 966 2010)" piovolbabzwd fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 966 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Newark-on-Trent to Long Bennington) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2087 2010)" piovolbacdjf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2087 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Newton Low Hall to Alnwick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 229 2010)" piovolbabxqi fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 229 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Newton on the Moor North to Alnwick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2088 2014)" piovolbaaybw fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2088 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Newton on the Moor North to Charlton Mires) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 978 2014)" piovolbabxsx fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 978 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Newton-on-the-Moor North to Deanmoor Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 740 2014)" piovolbabwxo fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 740 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Newton-on-the-Moor to Alnwick Bypass) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1991 2012)" piovolbacpfr fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1991 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (North Brunton Interchange Slip Road) Order 2003 (SI 2460 2003)" piovolbacdya fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 2460 2003" P "A1 Trunk Road (North Brunton to Seaton Burn) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 756 2015)" piovolbaavav fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 756 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (North Charlton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1949 2011)" piovolbabhhw fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1949 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (North Charlton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 81 2012)" piovolbabiya fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 81 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (North Charlton to Brockdam Farm) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2257 2010)" piovolbacebc fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2257 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (North Charlton to Rosebrough) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2710 2013)" piovolbabttd fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2710 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (North Muskham and Carlton on Trent) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (Slip Roads) Order 2010 (SI 2896 2010)" piovolbacfya fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2896 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (North Muskham, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic in Layby) Order 2012 (SI 2195 2012)" piovolbablqw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2195 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (North Muskham, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1480 2010)" piovolbacblh fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1480 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (North Muskham to Foston, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2548 2013)" piovolbaazuq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2548 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (North Muskham to Newark, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2637 2013)" piovolbabtoc fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2637 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (North Muskham to Winthorpe, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2851 2013)" piovolbabalx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2851 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (North of A1(M) Junction 10, Bedfordshire to Alconbury, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2011 (SI 3124 2011)" piovolbacmas fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 3124 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (North of Black Cat Roundabout, Bedfordshire to A14/A141 Brampton Hut Roundabout, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2101 2010)" piovolbacdlw fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2101 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (North of Carpenter's Lodge Junction to Wittering Road Junction, Stamford, Peterborough) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2160 2010)" piovolbacdsf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2160 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (northbound carriageway south of Seaton Burn Interchange) (Closure of Layby) Order 2014 (SI 2610 2014)" piovolbaaxjy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2610 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Northumberland and Tyne and Wear, Various Locations and Detrunking) Order 2005 (SI 73 2005)" piovolbacjlf fulltext monograph 2005 "SI 73 2005" P "A1 Trunk Road (Oxford Junction to Heatherytops) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3415 2009)" piovolbabwop fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3415 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Ranby, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic in Layby) Order 2013 (SI 2350 2013)" piovolbabqbn fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2350 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Ranby, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2004 2011)" piovolbabhiq fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2004 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Ranby, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1168 2015)" piovolbaaukb fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1168 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Ranby, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 120 2013)" piovolbacrpp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 120 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Ranby to Apleyhead, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1987 2010)" piovolbaccyr fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1987 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Redhouse Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1879 2011)" piovolbabhdf fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1879 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Redhouse Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1070 2013)" piovolbabotl fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1070 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Redhouse Interchange to Barnsdale Bar Interchange) and the A1(M) Motorway (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1659 2010)" piovolbacbwn fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1659 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Redhouse Interchange to Darrington Interchange Laybys) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3536 2014)" piovolbaawew fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3536 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Redhouse Junction to Went Edge Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2421 2011)" piovolbabhzv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2421 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Rutland) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 213 2013)" piovolbacruj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 213 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Sandy, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Pedestrians) Order 2014 (SI 249 2014)" piovolbabvth fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 249 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Sandy, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1453 2013)" piovolbaculz fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1453 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Sandy Roundabout, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1285 2014)" piovolbabysk fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1285 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Sandy to Astwick, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2637 2011)" piovolbabihx fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2637 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scotch Corner Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2447 2013)" piovolbacvvv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2447 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scotch Corner to Catterick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 3100 2010)" piovolbacglp fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3100 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scotch Corner to Catterick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 35 2013)" piovolbacrmu fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 35 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scotch Corner to Junction 56) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1522 2011)" piovolbacjqf fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1522 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scotch Corner to Low Street) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1955 2013)" piovolbabplg fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1955 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scotswood Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2859 2014)" piovolbaaxbx fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2859 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scotswood to Seaton Burn) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2500 2014)" piovolbaaxnp fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2500 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scremerston Roundabout to East Ord Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3114 2012)" piovolbacreb fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3114 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scremerston Roundabout to East Ord Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1186 2013)" piovolbactrw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1186 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scremerston Roundabout to East Ord Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2323 2014)" piovolbaaxts fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2323 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scremeston Roundabout to East Ord Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2018 2011)" piovolbabhkn fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2018 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scremeston Roundabout to Paxton Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1452 2012)" piovolbabkqx fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1452 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Scurragh House Lane to Catterick South Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2966 2009)" piovolbabvox fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2966 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 1313 2011)" piovolbabggu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1313 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.3) Order 2013 (SI 3072 2013)" piovolbabumy fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3072 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2903 2010)" piovolbacfxo fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2903 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 2676 2013)" piovolbabady fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2676 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2897 2011)" piovolbabirb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2897 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1027 2013)" piovolbactlv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1027 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange to Fairmoor Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 679 2014)" piovolbabwrj fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 679 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange to North Brunton Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1967 2011)" piovolbackcr fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1967 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn to Clifton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2835 2014)" piovolbaaxco fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2835 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn to Stannington) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 808 2011)" piovolbacifm fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 808 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn to Tritlington) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 186 2011)" piovolbacgxr fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 186 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn to Warreners House) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1875 2011)" piovolbabhdj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1875 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Shilbottle to Alnwick) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2943 2013)" piovolbabase fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2943 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Shilbottle to North Charlton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1263 2010)" piovolbacaun fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1263 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Shotton Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2568 2011)" piovolbackyy fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2568 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Shotton Interchange to Clifton Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1114 2015)" piovolbaaumj fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1114 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Shotton Interchange to Highfields Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1021 2015)" piovolbaaupz fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1021 2015" P "A1 Trunk Road (Shotton Lane Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1939 2012)" piovolbacpai fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1939 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Shotton Lane Interchange to Gosforth Park Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 312 2011)" piovolbachhf fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 312 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Skellow) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 290 2013)" piovolbacrxq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 290 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (South East of Newark-on-Trent) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2785 2013)" piovolbabalf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2785 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (South of B1041 to North of Bell Lane, Southoe, Cambridgeshire) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1557 2011)" piovolbacjra fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1557 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (South of Blyth, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 920 2011)" piovolbabfsb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 920 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (South of Ranby, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2929 2013)" piovolbabatq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2929 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (South Witham, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2145 2014)" piovolbaaxzv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2145 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Southbound Carriageway between Ranby and Apleyhead Roundabout, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3107 2009)" piovolbabcoo fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3107 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Southoe to Buckden, Cambridgeshire) (60 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit) Order 2014 (SI 726 2014)" piovolbabwut fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 726 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Spitalgap Lane to Trinity Farm) Order 1999 (SI 2274 1999)" piovolbadqtx fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 2274 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Spott Roundabout - Unnamed Road at Innerwick Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Specified Turns) Order 2011 (SSI 345 2011)" piovolabqet fulltext monograph 2011 "SSI 345 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Spott Roundabout to Skateraw Railway Overbridge)(Temporary Prohibition of Specified Turns) Order 2010 (SSI 361 2010)" piovolabqwg fulltext monograph 2010 "SSI 361 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stamford to Blyth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic in Laybys) Order 2011 (SI 350 2011)" piovolbachkf fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 350 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stamford to Grantham, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3054 2013)" piovolbabulv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3054 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stamford to Grantham, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1401 2014)" piovolbabdyr fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1401 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stamford to Grantham) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1027 2010)" piovolbacach fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1027 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stamford to Grantham) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1423 2013)" piovolbabpac fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1423 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stamford to Grantham) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2390 2010)" piovolbacejs fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2390 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stamford to Ranby) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic in Laybys) Order 2010 (SI 961 2010)" piovolbabzwn fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 961 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stamford to Stretton) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 182 2010)" piovolbabdlt fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 182 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stannington Grade Separated Junction) Order 2002 (SI 2757 2002)" piovolbabyja fulltext monograph 2002 "SI 2757 2002" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stannington Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1595 2011)" piovolbabgoj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1595 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stannington Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1992 2012)" piovolbacpfq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1992 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stannington Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2876 2014)" piovolbaaxbg fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2876 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stannington Interchange to Warreners House Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 43 2012)" piovolbacmdl fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 43 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stannington to Hebron Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2010 (SI 2833 2010)" piovolbacfub fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2833 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stannington to Hebron Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 843 2010)" piovolbabznb fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 843 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stannington to Hebron) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 171 2013)" piovolbabnvs fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 171 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stannington to Seaton Burn) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 779 2013)" piovolbabokm fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 779 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stoke Rochford to Little Ponton, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 694 2010)" piovolbabeao fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 694 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stotfold to Biggleswade, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2888 2011)" piovolbacllx fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2888 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stretton, Lincolnshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1529 2014)" piovolbaayur fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1529 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stretton, Rutland) (Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2227 2014)" piovolbaaxwv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2227 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Stretton, Rutland) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 411 2011)" piovolbachod fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 411 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Swalwell Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3196 2009)" piovolbabwaj fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3196 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Swalwell Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2824 2011)" piovolbacljh fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2824 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Swalwell Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1610 2012)" piovolbabkws fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1610 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Tempsford, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2103 2012)" piovolbacpnm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2103 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Tempsford Junction Improvements Slip Roads) Order 1999 (SI 487 1999)" piovolbabspb fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 487 1999" P "A1 Trunk Road (Tempsford to Black Cat Roundabout, Bedfordshire) Northbound (Temporary Restriction of Traffic and Prohibition of Pedestrians) Order 2012 (SI 1596 2012)" piovolbabkun fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1596 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (The A19 Seaton Burn Interchange to the A192 Fairmoor Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2796 2010)" piovolbacfql fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2796 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (The A192 Fair Moor Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1572 2010)" piovolbacbse fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1572 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (The A694 Derwenthaugh Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2529 2013)" piovolbaazrm fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2529 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road the A696 Trunk Road (Kenton Bar Interchange to Prestwick Roundabout) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2013 (SI 2049 2013)" piovolbabpsi fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2049 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (The Scottish Border to Duns Road Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3544 2014)" piovolbaaweo fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3544 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (The Scottish Border to Haggerston Junction) Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1496 2014)" piovolbabefh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1496 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (The Scottish Border to Highfields Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1454 2013)" piovolbaculx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1454 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Thornhaugh, Peterborough) (Closure of Gap in the Central Reservation) Order 2012 (SI 841 2012)" piovolbacnhi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 841 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Thornhaugh, Peterborough) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2384 2010)" piovolbacekf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2384 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Thornhaugh, Peterborough) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 665 2012)" piovolbabjth fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 665 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Tickencote to Tinwell) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1028 2010)" piovolbacacf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1028 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Tinwell - Wothorpe) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2074 2014)" piovolbaaycj fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2074 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Tinwell, Rutland) (Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2446 2014)" piovolbaaxpf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2446 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Tinwell, Rutland) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1140 2012)" piovolbabkiz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1140 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Tritlington to Felton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2049 2011)" piovolbabhli fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2049 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Tritlington to Felton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 312 2013)" piovolbacsaq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 312 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Tweedmouthmoor to Letham Shank) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2010 (SI 1042 2010)" piovolbacabh fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1042 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Tweedmouthmoor to Letham Shank) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 369 2010)" piovolbabdsi fulltext monograph 1989 "SI 369 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Twyford Bridge, Elkesley Nottinghamshire) (Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3066 2013)" piovolbabukk fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3066 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Various Layby Closures between Radwell in Hertfordshire and North of Brampton in Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 343 2010)" piovolbabxxx fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 343 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Various Locations) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 316 2012)" piovolbabjfw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 316 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Walshford to Dishforth Interchange Detrunking) Order 1992 (SI 1823 1992)" piovolbaeapp fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1823 1992" P "A1 Trunk Road (Wandylaw) (Temporary 40 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2012 (SI 257 2012)" piovolbabjfi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 257 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Wandylaw to Adderstone) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2207 2012)" piovolbablsi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2207 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Wansford - Harlaxton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1720 2014)" piovolbaayoh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1720 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Wansford, Peterborough to Stibbington, Cambridgeshire) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2643 2013)" piovolbabtrf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2643 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Warenford and North Charlton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 292 2011)" piovolbachfq fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 292 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Warenford to Adderstone Grange Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2139 2010)" piovolbacdqm fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2139 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Warenford to Adderstone) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1612 2012)" piovolbabkwm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1612 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Warenford to Detchant) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2261 2013)" piovolbacvrh fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2261 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Warenford to Hemphole) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2873 2012)" piovolbacqot fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2873 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Warenford to Mousen) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2360 2010)" piovolbaceiv fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2360 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Warenford to Old Mousen) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2776 2009)" piovolbabbsj fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2776 2009" P "A1 Trunk Road (Warreners House Junction to Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 680 2014)" piovolbabwri fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 680 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Warreners House) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 2969 2014)" piovolbaawyc fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2969 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Warreners House) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2256 2014)" piovolbaaxwc fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2256 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Warreners House to Earsdon Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2838 2013)" piovolbabudv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2838 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Washington to Seaton Burn) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3475 2014)" piovolbaawhd fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3475 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Water Newton, Cambridgeshire) Southbound (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 1564 2011)" piovolbabgnm fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1564 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Water Newton, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2013 (SI 802 2013)" piovolbabolz fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 802 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Water Newton, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1451 2013)" piovolbacujb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1451 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Water Newton, City of Peterborough) Northbound (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 1927 2011)" piovolbabhgj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1927 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Went Edge Road Bridge Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3036 2014)" piovolbaawvr fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3036 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Wentbridge Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2997 2014)" piovolbaawxd fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2997 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (West Cawledge to Alnwick) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2012 (SI 3191 2012)" piovolbacrkd fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3191 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (West Mains to Haggerston) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2637 2012)" piovolbabmqm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2637 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (West of Stamford) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2775 2010)" piovolbacfpd fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2775 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (West of Stamford) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2661 2013)" piovolbabtqb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2661 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (West of Stamford) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 399 2010)" piovolbabydo fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 399 2010" P "A1 Trunk Road (Westerhope Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 743 2014)" piovolbabwxf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 743 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Westerhope Interchange to Fawdon Interchange) and the A696 Trunk Road (Kenton Bar Interchange to Black Callerton Lane Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 466 2011)" piovolbachpl fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 466 2011" P "A1 Trunk Road (Wetherby to Kirk Deighton New Junction and Connecting Roads) Order 1994 (SI 2515 1994)" piovolbadhxb fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 2515 1994" P "A1 Trunk Road (Wetherby to Walshford) (Detrunking) Order 1994 (SI 2516 1994)" piovolbadhwx fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 2516 1994" P "A1 Trunk Road (Winthorpe, Nottinghamshire) (Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 337 2014)" piovolbabcdq fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 337 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Wyboston, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2142 2012)" piovolbablou fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2142 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Wyboston, Bedfordshire to Alconbury, Cambridgeshire) and the A428 Trunk Road (Eaton Socon to Madingley, Cambridgeshire) Lay-bys (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2853 2012)" piovolbabmyf fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2853 2012" P "A1 Trunk Road (Wyboston, Bedfordshire to Brampton Hut, Cambridgeshire) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 790 2013)" piovolbacsze fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 790 2013" P "A1 Trunk Road (Wyboston, Bedfordshire to Buckden, Cambridgeshire) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1474 2014)" piovolbabzlf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1474 2014" P "A1 Trunk Road (Wyboston Lakes Junction and Southoe) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2037 2011)" piovolbabhmg fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2037 2011" P "A10 London-Cambridge-King's Lynn Trunk Road (A47 King's Lynn to A14 Milton, Cambridgeshire) Detrunking Order 2001 (SI 449 2001)" piovolbadugy fulltext monograph 2001 "SI 449 2001" P "A10 London-Cambridge-King's Lynn Trunk Road (M11 Junction 11 to A505 Royston Hertfordshire) Detrunking Order 2001 (SI 451 2001)" piovolbadugr fulltext monograph 2001 "SI 451 2001" P "A10 Trunk Road (Enfield and Haringey) Red Route (Bus Lanes) (No. 1) Traffic Order 1996 (SI 1459 1996)" piovolbadfta fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1459 1996" P "A10 Trunk Road (Enfield and Haringey) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2684 1995)" piovolbacchh fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2684 1995" P "A10 Trunk Road (Enfield) Red Route (Bus Lanes) (No. 2) Traffic Order 1996 (SI 1463 1996)" piovolbadfsq fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1463 1996" P "A10 Trunk Road (Enfield) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2521 1995)" piovolbacbhu fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2521 1995" P "A10 Trunk Road (Great Cambridge Road, Enfield) (Prohibition of Cycling and of Horse Riding in Subways) Order 1987 (SI 2134 1987)" piovolbaazhl fulltext monograph 1987 "SI 2134 1987" P "A10 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1995 (SI 1702 1995)" piovolbabwkp fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 1702 1995" P "A10 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1998 (SI 2184 1998)" piovolbadojg fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 2184 1998" P "A10 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1999 Experimental Variation Order 2000 (SI 1162 2000)" piovolbadsiz fulltext monograph 2000 "SI 1162 2000" P "A10 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1999 (SI 2635 1999)" piovolbadqyl fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 2635 1999" P "A10 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route (Prohibited Turn) Traffic Order 1998 (SI 1808 1998)" piovolbabsig fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 1808 1998" P "A10 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Traffic Order 1997 (SI 464 1997)" piovolbadldb fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 464 1997" P "A10 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Traffic Order 1997 Variation Order 1998 (SI 57 1998)" piovolbabruu fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 57 1998" P "A10 Trunk Road (Haringey) Red Route Traffic Order 2000 (SI 408 2000)" piovolbadruu fulltext monograph 2000 "SI 408 2000" P "A10 Trunk Road (Haringey) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 1997 (SI 2850 1997)" piovolbadmqz fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 2850 1997" P "A10 Trunk Road (North of Ware to South of Puckeridge) (Detrunking) Order 1993 (SI 2964 1993)" piovolbabrpm fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 2964 1993" P "A10 Trunk Road (Wadesmill, High Cross and Colliers End Bypass and Slip Road) Order 1993 (SI 2963 1993)" piovolbabrpq fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 2963 1993" P "A10 Trunk Road (Wadesmill, High Cross and Colliers End Bypass) Supplementary (No. 2) Slip Road Order 2001 (SI 2790 2001)" piovolbadvsw fulltext monograph 2001 "SI 2790 2001" P "A1001 Trunk Road (A1(M) Junction 2 to Junction 4) (Detrunking) Order 2003 (SI 1143 2003)" piovolbacbnp fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 1143 2003" P "A102 Trunk Road (Blackwall Tunnel Approach, Greenwich) (Tunnel Avenue Slip Road) Order 1995 (SI 3058 1995)" piovolbackhk fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 3058 1995" P "A102 Trunk Road (Greenwich) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2529 1995)" piovolbacbrg fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2529 1995" P "A102 Trunk Road (Greenwich) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1999 (SI 343 1999)" piovolbadpgz fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 343 1999" P "A102 Trunk Road (Port Greenwich Development Slip Roads) Order 1997 (SI 2951 1997)" piovolbabrtf fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 2951 1997" P "A102 Trunk Road (Tower Hamlets) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2530 1995)" piovolbacbqv fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2530 1995" P "A102(M) Motorway (Eastway Section) Connecting Roads Scheme 1988 (SI 1835 1988)" piovolbacbtv fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 1835 1988" P "A102(M) Motorway (Eastway Section) No. 2 Scheme 1988 (SI 1834 1988)" piovolbacbun fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 1834 1988" P "A102(M) Motorway (Port Greenwich Development Connecting Roads) Scheme 1997 (SI 2950 1997)" piovolbadmty fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 2950 1997" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Craven Street South to Salt End Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 677 2014)" piovolbabwrn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 677 2014" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Hedon Road) (Detrunking) Order 1994 (SI 2153 1994)" piovolbadhsm fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 2153 1994" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Hedon Road Improvement) Order 1994 (SI 2152 1994)" piovolbadhsq fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 2152 1994" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Hedon Road) (Trunking and Detrunking) Order 2004 (SI 3434 2004)" piovolbacjhn fulltext monograph 2004 "SI 3434 2004" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Marfleet Roundabout to Northern Gateway Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2215 2012)" piovolbablry fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2215 2012" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Marfleet Roundabout to Somerden Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1072 2013)" piovolbactqc fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1072 2013" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Marfleet Roundabout to South Coates Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1980 2014)" piovolbaayfn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1980 2014" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Marfleet) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1236 2011)" piovolbacizd fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1236 2011" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Salt End Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1342 2010)" piovolbacbch fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1342 2010" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Salt End Roundabout to Somerden Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2049 2014)" piovolbaayde fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2049 2014" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Somerden Roundabout to Marfleet Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2736 2011)" piovolbacleu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2736 2011" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Southcoates Roundabout to Marfleet Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2013 (SI 2369 2013)" piovolbacvtv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2369 2013" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Southcoates Roundabout to Northern Gateway Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3160 2012)" piovolbacrjk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3160 2012" P "A1033 Trunk Road (Southcoates Roundabout to Salt End Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1603 2013)" piovolbacutn fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1603 2013" P "A1041 Trunk Road (540m South of Abbots Road to 240m Southwest of The Centre of Carlton New Bridge) (Detrunking) (Amendment) Order 2003 (SI 1388 2003)" piovolbaccao fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 1388 2003" P "A1041 Trunk Road (540m South of Abbotts Road to 240m Southwest of The Centre of Carlton New Bridge) (Detrunking) Order 2002 (SI 2107 2002)" piovolbabdtt fulltext monograph 2002 "SI 2107 2002" P "A1041 Trunk Road (The Crescent to Brayton Lane) (De-trunking) Order 1993 (SI 287 1993)" piovolbabqxy fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 287 1993" P "A1053 Trunk Road (Greystone Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1120 2012)" piovolbabkho fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1120 2012" P "A1053 Trunk Road (Greystone Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1913 2013)" piovolbacvhh fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1913 2013" P "A106 Trunk Road (Church Lane, Waltham Forest) (Restriction of Use of Gap in Central Reservation) Order 1988 (SI 1685 1988)" piovolbacbid fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 1685 1988" P "A1079 Trunk Road (County Boundary to Dunswell Drain) (Detrunking) Order 2003 (SI 126 2003)" piovolbabzvi fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 126 2003" P "A1079 Trunk Road (Grimston Bar Interchange to City Boundary) (Detrunking) Order 2003 (SI 727 2003)" piovolbacawd fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 727 2003" P "A1079 Trunk Road (Hull City Boundary to Barmston Drain) (De-Trunking) Order 1988 (SI 2045 1988)" piovolbaccph fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 2045 1988" P "A1079 Trunk Road (Market Weighton Bypass) Order 1989 (SI 1549 1989)" piovolbacwaw fulltext monograph 1989 "SI 1549 1989" P "A1079 Trunk Road (York Road to Weighton Hill) (Detrunking) Order 1989 (SI 1550 1989)" piovolbacwau fulltext monograph 1989 "SI 1550 1989" P "A1089 and the A126 Trunk Roads (Tilbury) (Detrunking) Order 1998 (SI 1223 1998)" piovolbadnrn fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 1223 1998" P "A1089 Trunk Road and the A13 Trunk Road (Baker Street Interchange - Marshfoot Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 697 2013)" piovolbacstw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 697 2013" P "A1089 Trunk Road (Baker Street Interchange, Link Road Closure) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 303 2013)" piovolbabnxj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 303 2013" P "A1089 Trunk Road (Marshfoot Interchange - Tilbury Docks) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1612 2013)" piovolbacusw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1612 2013" P "A1089 Trunk Road (Marshfoot Interchange - Tilbury Port Access Road) (No 2) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2173 2014)" piovolbaaxyu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2173 2014" P "A1089 Trunk Road (Orsett Heath, Northbound) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1827 2010)" piovolbaccmn fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1827 2010" P "A11 and A14 Trunk Roads (Cambridge to Felixstowe) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Variation Order 2010 (SI 296 2010)" piovolbabdop fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 296 2010" P "A11 and A14 Trunk Roads (Nine Mile Hill to Six Mile Bottom, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1959 2010)" piovolbabenz fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1959 2010" P "A11 London-Norwich Trunk Road (Thetford Bypass) Order 1987 (SI 1731 1987)" piovolbaaywz fulltext monograph 1987 "SI 1731 1987" P "A11 Trunk Road ( B1085 Red Lodge Interchange (South), Suffolk) and the A14 Trunk Road (West of Waterhall Interchange Junction 38), Cambridgeshire (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2015 (SI 1041 2015)" piovolbaaupi fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1041 2015" P "A11 Trunk Road (A1066 Mundford Road Roundabout to A134 Brandon Road Roundabout, Thetford, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1193 2011)" piovolbabgdy fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1193 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (A1075 Thetford Road Roundabout, Kilverstone to B1111 Watton Road, Larling, Norfolk) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1902 2011)" piovolbabhek fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1902 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (A14 Junction 38 Waterhall Interchange, Cambridgeshire to B1085 Red Lodge Interchange (North), Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1923 2011)" piovolbabhgs fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1923 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (A14 Junction 38 Waterhall Interchange to Newmarket Road Junction, Suffolk) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3356 2014)" piovolbaawle fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3356 2014" P "A11 Trunk Road (A505 Junction to Four Went Ways) (Detrunking) Order 1993 (SI 1479 1993)" piovolbadeqv fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 1479 1993" P "A11 Trunk Road (A505 Junction to Four Went Ways Improvement and Slip Roads) Order 1993 (SI 1478 1993)" piovolbadeqw fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 1478 1993" P "A11 Trunk Road (Attleborough Bypass Improvement) Slip Roads Order 2005 (SI 1266 2005)" piovolbackfz fulltext monograph 2005 "SI 1266 2005" P "A11 Trunk Road (Attleborough Bypass, Norfolk) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 197 2013)" piovolbacrta fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 197 2013" P "A11 Trunk Road (Attleborough, Norfolk) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1271 2014)" piovolbabype fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1271 2014" P "A11 Trunk Road (Attleborough, Norfolk) Westbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1646 2010)" piovolbacbxr fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1646 2010" P "A11 Trunk Road (Attleborough to Spooner Row, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2914 2014)" piovolbaaxaa fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2914 2014" P "A11 Trunk Road (B1085 Red Lodge Interchange to A1101 Five Ways Roundabout, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2627 2011)" piovolbabifv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2627 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (B1085 Red Lodge Interchange to A1101/A1065 Five Ways Roundabout Barton Mills, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3298 2012)" piovolbabnjk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3298 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (B1085 Red Lodge Interchange to the A1065/A1101 Five Ways Roundabout North of Barton Mills, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2324 2010)" piovolbacefe fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2324 2010" P "A11 Trunk Road (B1112 Icklingham to B1106 Elveden, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2117 2011)" piovolbabhol fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2117 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (B1135 Browick Road Interchange to B1135/B1172 Tuttles Lane Interchange, Wymondham, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1298 2011)" piovolbacjct fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1298 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (B1172/B1135 Wymondham Interchange to A47/B1172 Cringleford Interchange, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1429 2011)" piovolbacjiv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1429 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (Balsham, Cambridge) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2216 2011)" piovolbackoi fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2216 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (Balsham, Cambridge) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2614 2012)" piovolbabmpb fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2614 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (Barton Mills, Suffolk) (50 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit) Order 2014 (SI 2198 2014)" piovolbaaxxw fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2198 2014" P "A11 Trunk Road (Besthorpe, Norfolk) Lay-by (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 506 2012)" piovolbacmut fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 506 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (Besthorpe, Norfolk) (Prohibition of Entry) Order 2012 (SI 1857 2012)" piovolbacoxz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1857 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (Besthorpe to Wymondham Improvement and Slip Roads) Order 1991 (SI 1693 1991)" piovolbablvo fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 1693 1991" P "A11 Trunk Road (Besthorpe to Wymondham Improvement) Detrunking Order 1991 (SI 1692 1991)" piovolbablwl fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 1692 1991" P "A11 Trunk Road (Between the M11 Motorway Junction 9a and the A14 Trunk Road Nine Mile Hill Interchange, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 3111 2010)" piovolbabezm fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3111 2010" P "A11 Trunk Road (Brandon Road to London Road, Thetford, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2515 2012)" piovolbacpyu fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2515 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (Chalk Farm to Thetford, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2808 2009)" piovolbabvbm fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2808 2009" P "A11 Trunk Road (Elveden, Suffolk to Thetford, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2847 2009)" piovolbabvef fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2847 2009" P "A11 Trunk Road (Fiveways to Thetford Improvement and Slip Roads) Order 2011 (SI 1074 2011)" piovolbaciqm fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1074 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (Fiveways to Thetford Improvement) (Detrunking) 2011 (Amendment) Order 2015 (Revocation) Order 2016 (SI 460 2016)" piovolbaastj fulltext monograph 2016 "SI 460 2016" P "A11 Trunk Road (Fiveways to Thetford Improvement) (Detrunking) 2011 (Amendment) Order 2015 (SI 1581 2015)" piovolbaatxg fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1581 2015" P "A11 Trunk Road (Fiveways to Thetford Improvement) (Detrunking) Order 2011 (SI 1070 2011)" piovolbabfyv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1070 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (Fiveways to Thetford Improvement) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 2521 2013)" piovolbacvxw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2521 2013" P "A11 Trunk Road (Fiveways to Thetford Improvement) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3140 2012)" piovolbacrhw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3140 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (Fiveways to Thetford Improvement) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1018 2014)" piovolbabxwy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1018 2014" P "A11 Trunk Road (Four Went Ways to Newmarket Dualling) Slip Roads Order 1991 (SI 2049 1991)" piovolbabmqh fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 2049 1991" P "A11 Trunk Road (Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire) Exit Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 779 2014)" piovolbaazyg fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 779 2014" P "A11 Trunk Road (Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire) Exit Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 160 2015)" piovolbaavxm fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 160 2015" P "A11 Trunk Road (High Road, Leytonstone, Waltham Forest) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1988 (SI 1773 1988)" piovolbacbot fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 1773 1988" P "A11 Trunk Road (London Road Roundabout to A1075 Norwich Road Roundabout, Thetford Bypass, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2829 2010)" piovolbacfuj fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2829 2010" P "A11 Trunk Road (London Road to Mundford Road, Thetford, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 400 2013)" piovolbacsfj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 400 2013" P "A11 Trunk Road (Mill Road, Great Wilbraham, Cambridgeshire) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2522 2010)" piovolbacewj fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2522 2010" P "A11 Trunk Road (Mill Road Junction to A14 Junction 36, Bottisham, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3411 2009)" piovolbabwpe fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3411 2009" P "A11 Trunk Road (Newmarket to Red Lodge Dualling) Detrunking Order 1991 (SI 1137 1991)" piovolbaczzq fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 1137 1991" P "A11 Trunk Road (Newmarket to Red Lodge Dualling) Slip Roads Order1991 (SI 1138 1991)" piovolbaczzh fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 1138 1991" P "A11 Trunk Road (Nine Mile Hill to Six Mile Bottom, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2328 2012)" piovolbabmco fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2328 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (Red Lodge Bypass and Slip Roads) Order 1989 (SI 2187 1989)" piovolbacwkw fulltext monograph 1989 "SI 2187 1989" P "A11 Trunk Road (Red Lodge Bypass, Suffolk) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 452 2012)" piovolbacmqq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 452 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (Red Lodge Interchange to Waterhall Interchange, Suffolk) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2145 2012)" piovolbacpqj fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2145 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (Roudham Heath Picnic Site Access Road, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 224 2010)" piovolbabxqu fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 224 2010" P "A11 Trunk Road (Roudham Heath to Attleborough Improvement and Slip Roads) Order 1993 (SI 2524 1993)" piovolbadfhj fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 2524 1993" P "A11 Trunk Road (Roudham Heath to Attleborough Improvement) (Detrunking) Order 1993 (SI 2525 1993)" piovolbadfgd fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 2525 1993" P "A11 Trunk Road (Roudham, Norfolk) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 399 2013)" piovolbacsfl fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 399 2013" P "A11 Trunk Road (Six Mile Bottom) and the A14 Trunk Road (North of Junction 36, Bottisham) Various Lay-bys, Cambridgeshire (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2725 2010)" piovolbabeuw fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2725 2010" P "A11 Trunk Road (Six Mile Bottom to Nine Mile Hill, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2779 2011)" piovolbaclhh fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2779 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (Snetterton to Roudham Heath, Norfolk) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2071 2012)" piovolbacpkz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2071 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (Snetterton to Thetford, Norfolk) Southbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 157 2015)" piovolbaavxq fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 157 2015" P "A11 Trunk Road (South of Nine Mile Hill) and the A14 Trunk Road (Between Junction 35 and Junction 37) (Cambridgeshire) Lay-bys (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2481 2012)" piovolbacpyl fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2481 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (Station Lane, Ketteringham, Norfolk) (Closure of Gaps in the Central Reservation) Order 2011 (SI 566 2011)" piovolbachwm fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 566 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (Stump Cross to A505 Junction Improvement) (Detrunking) Order 1993 (SI 1486 1993)" piovolbaeapj fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 1486 1993" P "A11 Trunk Road (Stump Cross to A505 Junction Improvement) Slip Roads Order 1993 (SI 1484 1993)" piovolbadeqr fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 1484 1993" P "A11 Trunk Road (Swaffham Heath Road Overbridge to M11/A1301 Interchange Junction 9a, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1836 2011)" piovolbabhaj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1836 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (Thetford Bypass Slip Roads) (Trunking) Order 1995 (SI 203 1995)" piovolbadiwa fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 203 1995" P "A11 Trunk Road (Thetford, Norfolk) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 3110 2011)" piovolbaclyv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 3110 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (Tuttles Lane Interchange, Wymondham, Norfolk) Connecting Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2786 2014)" piovolbaaxej fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2786 2014" P "A11 Trunk Road (Tuttles Lane Interchange, Wymondham to Thickthorn Interchange, Cringleford, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2010 (SI 2243 2010)" piovolbacdzo fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2243 2010" P "A11 Trunk Road (Waterhall Interchange, Junction 38 to North of B1085 Dane Hill Road, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2895 2009)" piovolbabvjc fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2895 2009" P "A11 Trunk Road (Waterhall Interchange, Newmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2023 2012)" piovolbacpir fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2023 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (West of A11/B1172 Spooner Row Interchange to East of A11/B1135 Tuttles Lane Interchange, Wymondham Bypass, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2152 2010)" piovolbacdsx fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2152 2010" P "A11 Trunk Road (Wymondham Bypass, B1172 Spooner Row to B1135 Tuttles Lane, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2039 2011)" piovolbabhmd fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2039 2011" P "A11 Trunk Road (Wymondham Bypass, B1172 Spooner Row to B1135 Tuttles Lane, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1626 2012)" piovolbabkyq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1626 2012" P "A11 Trunk Road (Wymondham Bypass, B1172 Spooner Row to B1135 Tuttles Lane, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3005 2014)" piovolbaawwv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3005 2014" P "A11 Trunk Road (Wymondham, Norfolk) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1301 2013)" piovolbactzt fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1301 2013" P "A11 Trunk Road (Wymondham to Norwich, Norfolk) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2958 2013)" piovolbabuhz fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2958 2013" P "A11 Trunk Road(Six Mile Bottom, Fulbourn/Balsham and Abington, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 349 2012)" piovolbabjhu fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 349 2012" P "A12 and A120 Trunk Roads (Coggeshall to Marks Tey, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3119 2009)" piovolbabcph fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3119 2009" P "A12 and A120 Trunk Roads (Coggeshall to Marks Tey, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1720 2010)" piovolbaccfc fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1720 2010" P "A12 and A120 Trunk Roads (Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3076 2009)" piovolbabvtj fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3076 2009" P "A12 and A120 Trunk Roads (Colchester Northern Bypass, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 289 2012)" piovolbacmkx fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 289 2012" P "A12 and A120 Trunk Roads (Crown Interchange Junction 29, Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 31 2011)" piovolbacgqa fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 31 2011" P "A12 and A120 Trunk Roads (Crown Interchange Junction 29 to Marks Tey Interchange Junction 25, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2423 2010)" piovolbacemy fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2423 2010" P "A12 and A120 Trunk Roads (Junction 27 Spring Lane Interchange to Junction 29 Crown Interchange, Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2628 2014)" piovolbaaxjg fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2628 2014" P "A12 and A120 Trunk Roads (South of Junction 29 Crown Interchange, Colchester, Essex to South of Wenham Magna, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2081 2011)" piovolbackib fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2081 2011" P "A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Development Consent Order 2024 (SI 60 2024)" piovolbaecwm fulltext monograph 2024 "SI 60 2024" P "A12 London - Great Yarmouth Trunk Road (Gorleston Relief Road and Slip Roads) Order 1989 (SI 2381 1989)" piovolbacwsm fulltext monograph 1989 "SI 2381 1989" P "A12 London-Great Yarmouth Trunk Road (A12/A14 Seven Hills Roundabout to South of Bascule Bridge) Detrunking Order 2001 (SI 1164 2001)" piovolbaduwj fulltext monograph 2001 "SI 1164 2001" P "A12 Trunk Road (A12/A414 Maldon Road Interchange Junction 18, Near Sandon, Essex) Northbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2333 2010)" piovolbacehr fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2333 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Ardleigh, Essex) Southbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1561 2011)" piovolbabgnu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1561 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Arley Grange Bridge, Stratford St Mary Bypass, Essex) Southbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary 40 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2009 (SI 3118 2009)" piovolbabcpi fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3118 2009" P "A12 Trunk Road (B1375 Rackhams Corner Roundabout, Blundeston, Suffolk to Links Road Roundabout, Gorleston, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2521 2010)" piovolbacewl fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2521 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (B1375 Rackhams Corner Roundabout, Blundeston, Suffolk to Links Road Roundabout, Gorleston, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1555 2011)" piovolbacjre fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1555 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bascule Bridge and Station Square, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2011 (SI 606 2011)" piovolbachyy fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 606 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bascule Bridge, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) (No 2) Order 2011 (SI 2276 2011)" piovolbackrn fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2276 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bascule Bridge, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) (No.2) Order 2012 (SI 2852 2012)" piovolbabmyi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2852 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bascule Bridge, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 1399 2013)" piovolbacuih fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1399 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bascule Bridge, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2010 (SI 2334 2010)" piovolbaceho fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2334 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bascule Bridge, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2011 (SI 1195 2011)" piovolbabgdu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1195 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bascule Bridge, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2012 (SI 1136 2012)" piovolbacntx fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1136 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bascule Bridge, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2013 (SI 723 2013)" piovolbacsun fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 723 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bascule Bridge, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2014 (SI 756 2014)" piovolbabdfj fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 756 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bascule Bridge, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2015 (SI 1123 2015)" piovolbaauma fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1123 2015" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bascule Bridge, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1336 2010)" piovolbacazf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1336 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bentley Drive to Rackham's Corner, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 288 2012)" piovolbacmkz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 288 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bentley Interchange to Copdock Mill Interchange) and the A14 Trunk Road (Sproughton Interchange to Wherstead Interchange) (Ipswich, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1163 2011)" piovolbaciuz fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1163 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bentley Longwood to Capel St Mary, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2540 2011)" piovolbackye fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2540 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Bentley Longwood to Stratford St Mary, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1067 2013)" piovolbabotr fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1067 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Boreham, Chelmsford, Essex and Stratford St Mary and Bentley, Ipswich, Suffolk) (Lay-bys) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2828 2010)" piovolbacful fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2828 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Boreham Interchange, Chelmsford, Essex) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2009 (SI 2828 2009)" piovolbabvcp fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2828 2009" P "A12 Trunk Road (Boreham to Witham, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1545 2013)" piovolbabpcn fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1545 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Brentwood, Essex to Ipswich, Suffolk) Various Laybys (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3408 2009)" piovolbabwpl fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3408 2009" P "A12 Trunk Road (Breydon Bridge, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) (No.2) Order 2011 (SI 2628 2011)" piovolbabifs fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2628 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Breydon Bridge, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) (No.2) Order 2012 (SI 2775 2012)" piovolbacqkx fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2775 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Breydon Bridge, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2010 (SI 1542 2010)" piovolbacbnt fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1542 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Breydon Bridge, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2011 (SI 1323 2011)" piovolbacjdv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1323 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Breydon Bridge, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2012 (SI 1296 2012)" piovolbacocg fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1296 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Breydon Bridge, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2013 (SI 1352 2013)" piovolbacucj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1352 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Breydon Bridge, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2014 (SI 1571 2014)" piovolbaayth fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1571 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Breydon Bridge, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2009 (SI 3037 2009)" piovolbabclu fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3037 2009" P "A12 Trunk Road (Breydon Bridge, Pasteur Road Roundabout to Vauxhall Roundabout, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 513 2010)" piovolbabyix fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 513 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Capel St. Mary Grade-Separated Junction Slip Roads) Order 1989 (SI 1715 1989)" piovolbacwdz fulltext monograph 1989 "SI 1715 1989" P "A12 Trunk Road (Capel St. Mary Junction 32a to Copdock Interchange Junction 33, Ipswich, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1973 2010)" piovolbacdaj fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1973 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Chelmsford, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2138 2013)" piovolbacvli fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2138 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Colchester Bypass, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2225 2013)" piovolbacvqy fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2225 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Colchester Bypass, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 222 2014)" piovolbabvoj fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 222 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Colchester Road, Braiswick, Essex) Northbound Lay-by (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2309 2011)" piovolbabhtz fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2309 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Colchester Road, Havering) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1989 (SI 2143 1989)" piovolbacwlm fulltext monograph 1989 "SI 2143 1989" P "A12 TRUNK ROAD (COLCHESTER ROAD, HAVERING) (PRESCRIBED ROUTES) ORDER 1995 (SI 3100 1995)" piovolbackqe fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 3100 1995" P "A12 Trunk Road (Colchester Road, Havering) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1997 (SI 155 1997)" piovolbabggp fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 155 1997" P "A12 Trunk Road (Colchester Road to Nayland Road, Colchester, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 100 2012)" piovolbabizn fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 100 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Colemans Bridge, Witham, Essex) (Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2428 2010)" piovolbacemp fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2428 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Copdock Mill Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1625 2012)" piovolbabkyr fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1625 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Copdock Mill Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 393 2013)" piovolbacsfx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 393 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Copdock Mill Interchange Junction 33, Suffolk to Crown Interchange Junction 29, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2771 2009)" piovolbabbsx fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2771 2009" P "A12 Trunk Road (Corton, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2758 2014)" piovolbaaxfg fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2758 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Corton, Suffolk to Hopton, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3450 2014)" piovolbaawib fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3450 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Crown Interchange Junction 29, Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 225 2010)" piovolbabxqr fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 225 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Dedham, Essex to Four Sisters Interchange, Suffolk) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 283 2014)" piovolbabvub fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 283 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Eastern Avenue East and Eastern Avenue West, Havering) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1992 (SI 858 1992)" piovolbadcdh fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 858 1992" P "A12 Trunk Road (Eastern Avenue East, Havering) (Prohibition of Use of Gap in Central Reservation) Order 1990 (SI 770 1990)" piovolbacxoe fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 770 1990" P "A12 Trunk Road (Eastern Avenue, Havering)(Prescribed Routes) Order 1990 (SI 1874 1990)" piovolbacylm fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 1874 1990" P "A12 Trunk Road (Eastern Avenue, Redbridge) (Prescribed Route) Order 1995 (SI 2215 1995)" piovolbabzta fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2215 1995" P "A12 Trunk Road (Eastern Avenue, Redbridge) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1990 (SI 1649 1990)" piovolbacyia fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 1649 1990" P "A12 Trunk Road (Eastern Avenue, Redbridge) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1991 (SI 2172 1991)" piovolbabmqq fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 2172 1991" P "A12 Trunk Road (Eastern Avenue, Redbridge) (Prohibition of Right Turn and U-Turns) Order 1991 (SI 1842 1991)" piovolbadapl fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 1842 1991" P "A12 Trunk Road (Eastern Avenue West and Eastern Avenue East, Havering) (40 mph Speed Limit) Order 1992 (SI 1170 1992)" piovolbadcgg fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1170 1992" P "A12 Trunk Road (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk and Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1404 2013)" piovolbacuhu fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1404 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Harfrey's Road Roundabout to Vauxhall Roundabout, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2848 2009)" piovolbabvea fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2848 2009" P "A12 Trunk Road (Harfrey's Roundabout, Great Yarmouth to Victoria Road Roundabout, Gorleston, Norfolk) Southbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1297 2012)" piovolbacocf fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1297 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Hatfield Peverel to Boreham, Essex) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2774 2011)" piovolbaclhr fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2774 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Hatfield Peverel to Witham, Essex) (De-restriction) and (Revocation) Order 2010 (SI 1474 2010)" piovolbacblt fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1474 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Havering) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2522 1995)" piovolbabdlb fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2522 1995" P "A12 Trunk Road (Howe Green Interchange Junction 17 to Galleywood Interchange Junction 16, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 181 2010)" piovolbabxmt fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 181 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Ingatestone Bypass, Junction 12 to North of Junction 13, Essex) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 351 2012)" piovolbabjhq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 351 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Ingatestone Bypass, Trueloves Interchange, Essex) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2850 2011)" piovolbabiow fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2850 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 11 Brook Street Interchange, Brentwood Bypass, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2247 2010)" piovolbacdzd fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2247 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 11 Brook Street Interchange, Brentwood Bypass, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2250 2010)" piovolbaecfj fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2250 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 11 Brook Street Interchange, Brentwood, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3245 2013)" piovolbabbmu fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3245 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 11 Brook Street Interchange to Junction 12 Marylands Interchange, Brentwood, Essex) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 261 2010)" piovolbabdnr fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 261 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 11 Brook Street Interchange to Junction 15 Webbs Farm Interchange) Essex (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3371 2014)" piovolbaawkq fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3371 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 11 Brook Street Interchange to Junction 15 Webbs Farm Interchange) Essex (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 Variation Order 2015 (SI 1274 2015)" piovolbaaufz fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1274 2015" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 12 Marylands Interchange, Mountnessing, Essex) Southbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2014 (SI 2639 2014)" piovolbaaxiw fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2639 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 12 Marylands Interchange to Junction 13 Trueloves Interchange, North of Brentwood, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 262 2010)" piovolbabdnk fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 262 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 12 Marylands Interchange to Junction 14 Furze Hill Interchange, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1069 2015)" piovolbaauof fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1069 2015" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 12 Marylands Interchange to Junction 15 Webb's Farm Interchange, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2588 2011)" piovolbaclaj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2588 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 12 Marylands Interchange to Junction 15 Webb's Farm Interchange, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 620 2012)" piovolbabjqv fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 620 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 13 B1002 Trueloves Lane Interchange, Margaretting, Ingatestone to West of Junction 16 B1007 Stock Road Interchange, Galleywood, Chelmsford, Essex)(Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1165 2011)" piovolbaciuv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1165 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 13 Trueloves Interchange to Junction 16 Stock Road/Galleywood Interchange, Chelmsford, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2575 2013)" piovolbaazvj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2575 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 13 Trueloves Interchange to Junction 19 Boreham Interchange, Chelmsford, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2586 2012)" piovolbabmnz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2586 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 14 Furze Hill to Junction 19 Boreham, Chelmsford, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3240 2013)" piovolbabbni fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3240 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 15 Webbs Farm Interchange, Chelmsford, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2912 2012)" piovolbacqso fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2912 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 15 Webbs Farm Interchange to Junction 19 Boreham Interchange, Chelmsford, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2348 2011)" piovolbacktu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2348 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 16 Stock Road Interchange, Galleywood, Chelmsford, Essex) Exit Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1102 2015)" piovolbaaumw fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1102 2015" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 17 Howe Green Interchange, Chelmsford, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 3111 2011)" piovolbaclyt fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 3111 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 18 Sandon, Chelmsford, Essex) Northbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3448 2014)" piovolbaawid fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3448 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 18 Sandon Interchange to Junction 19 Boreham Interchange, Chelmsford, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2818 2011)" piovolbacljs fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2818 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 18 Sandon Interchange to Junction 19 Boreham Interchange, Chelmsford, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1469 2014)" piovolbabzid fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1469 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 18 Sandon to Junction 15 Margaretting, Chelmsford, Essex) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2394 2013)" piovolbacvut fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2394 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 18 Sandon to Junction 20B Hatfield Peverel North, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 350 2012)" piovolbacmni fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 350 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 19 Boreham Interchange, Chelmsford, Essex) Northbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2295 2010)" piovolbaceef fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2295 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 19 Boreham Interchange, Essex) Northbound Connecting Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 2226 2013)" piovolbacvqw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2226 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 19 Boreham Interchange, Essex) Northbound Connecting Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 980 2013)" piovolbactja fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 980 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 19 Boreham Interchange to Junction 21 Witham South Interchange, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2325 2012)" piovolbabmcv fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2325 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 19 Boreham Interchange to Junction 24 Kelvedon North Interchange, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2616 2012)" piovolbabmoy fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2616 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 19 Boreham Interchange to Junction 24 Kelvedon North Interchange, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 778 2014)" piovolbaazym fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 778 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 19 Boreham to Junction 20B Hatfield Peverel North, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2393 2013)" piovolbacvuw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2393 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 20a Hatfield Peverel Interchange to Junction 19 Boreham Interchange, Essex) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3327 2012)" piovolbabnnw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3327 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 20B Hatfield Peverel Interchange to Junction 19 Boreham Interchange, Chelmsford, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2639 2010)" piovolbacfhb fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2639 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 21 to Junction 22, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1559 2011)" piovolbabgnx fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1559 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 21 Witham South Interchange to Junction 23 Kelvedon South, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1231 2011)" piovolbabgee fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1231 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 21 Witham South to Junction 24 Kelvedon North, Braintree) Essex (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1195 2015)" piovolbaauiz fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1195 2015" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 22 Coleman's Interchange Witham, Essex) Southbound Lay-by (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 682 2014)" piovolbabwrc fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 682 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 22 Coleman's Interchange, Witham to Junction 24 Kelvedon, Essex) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3447 2014)" piovolbaawie fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3447 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 22 Witham North Interchange, Essex) Southbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 97 2014)" piovolbabbwk fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 97 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 23 to 24 Kelvedon and Junction 26 Eight Ash Green, Colchester, Essex) Westbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 924 2013)" piovolbabonj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 924 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 24 Kelvedon North Interchange to Junction 25 Marks Tey Interchange, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2773 2011)" piovolbaclht fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2773 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 25 Marks Tey Interchange to Junction 26 Eight Ash Green Interchange, Essex) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1254 2010)" piovolbacavg fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1254 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 25 Marks Tey Interchange to Junction 26 Eight Ash Green Interchange, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2327 2012)" piovolbabmcr fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2327 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 25 Marks Tey Interchange to Junction 28 Severalls Interchange, Colchester, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1492 2013)" piovolbacumb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1492 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 25 Marks Tey Interchange to Junction 29 Crown Interchange, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2685 2011)" piovolbabike fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2685 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 25 Marks Tey to Junction 26 Eight Ash Green, Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2963 2013)" piovolbabuhi fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2963 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 26 Eight Ash Green Interchange, Colchester, Essex) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2175 2012)" piovolbablpk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2175 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 26 Eight Ash Green Interchange to Junction 28 Severalls Interchange, Colchester, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1262 2013)" piovolbactwv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1262 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 26 Eight Ash Green Interchange to Junction 28 Severalls Interchange, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1737 2012)" piovolbacoss fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1737 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 27 Spring Lane Interchange to Junction 29 Crown Interchange) and the A120 Trunk Road (Colchester) Essex (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3176 2014)" piovolbaawrf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3176 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 28 Severalls Interchange, Colchester, Essex) Southbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 390 2014)" piovolbabckz fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 390 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 29 Crown Interchange, Colchester, Essex) Southbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3296 2012)" piovolbacrld fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3296 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 30 Stratford St Mary to Junction 33 Copdock Mill Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3403 2014)" piovolbaawjs fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3403 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 31 Four Sisters Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 928 2013)" piovolbacthu fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 928 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 31 Four Sisters, Suffolk) Southbound Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2635 2013)" piovolbabtoi fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2635 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 32A Capel St Mary (South) to Junction 31 Four Sisters, Suffolk) Southbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2497 2013)" piovolbacvxa fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2497 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 32A to Pound Lane, Capel St Mary, Suffolk (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 36 2011)" piovolbacgpp fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 36 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 32B, Bentley Longwood Interchange, Suffolk) (Prohibition of Entry) Order 2011 (SI 91 2011)" piovolbacgtp fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 91 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 32B Bentley Longwood Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 342 2010)" piovolbabdrn fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 342 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Junction 33, Copdock Mill Interchange, Suffolk to Junction 12, Marylands Interchange, Essex) (Prohibition of Entry) Order 2010 (SI 1168 2010)" piovolbacalz fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1168 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Kelvedon Bypass, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 208 2012)" piovolbacmiz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 208 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Kelvedon Bypass, Junction 23 Kelvedon (South) Interchange to Junction 24 Kelvedon (North) Interchange, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 455 2012)" piovolbacmql fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 455 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Kelvedon, Essex) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2810 2013)" piovolbabucc fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2810 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Langham, Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2007 2013)" piovolbabppn fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2007 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Leyton Way, Waltham Forest) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1988 (SI 1443 1988)" piovolbabzzw fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 1443 1988" P "A12 Trunk Road (Leyton Way, Waltham Forest) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1990 (SI 867 1990)" piovolbacxsp fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 867 1990" P "A12 Trunk Road (Lowestoft Eastern Relief Road) (Trunking and Detrunking) Order 1994 (SI 2651 1994)" piovolbadhye fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 2651 1994" P "A12 Trunk Road (Lowestoft Northern Spine Road, Suffolk) (Trunking and Detrunking) Order 2016 (SI 916 2016)" piovolbaasco fulltext monograph 2016 "SI 916 2016" P "A12 Trunk Road (Lowestoft Road, Gorleston, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic & Pedestrians) Order 2010 (SI 2912 2010)" piovolbacfzb fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2912 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 106 2012)" piovolbabizd fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 106 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 337 2010)" piovolbabxyi fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 337 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Lowestoft, Suffolk to Hopton, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2578 2013)" piovolbaazve fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2578 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Margaretting Bypass, Essex) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2395 2013)" piovolbacvuq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2395 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Margaretting Bypass, Trueloves Interchange to Webb's Farm Interchange, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2393 2011)" piovolbabhyw fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2393 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Marks Tey, Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 765 2015)" piovolbaaval fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 765 2015" P "A12 Trunk Road (Marylands Interchange, Junction 12 to Furze Hill Interchange, Junction 14, Brentwood, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2960 2009)" piovolbabvpr fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2960 2009" P "A12 Trunk Road (North of Crown Interchange, Colchester, Essex) Southbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1604 2010)" piovolbacbua fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1604 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Old London Road, Marks Tey, Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 291 2014)" piovolbabvyr fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 291 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Old London Road, Marks Tey, Essex) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 2015 (SI 1243 2015)" piovolbaauhc fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1243 2015" P "A12 Trunk Road (Ongar Road Bridge, Brentwood, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2247 2012)" piovolbablvw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2247 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Pasteur Road Roundabout to Victoria Road Roundabout, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1292 2010)" piovolbacawc fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1292 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Rackhams Corner Roundabout Corton to Links Road Roundabout Gorleston, Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1227 2012)" piovolbacnyo fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1227 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (Redbridge and Barking and Dagenham) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2523 1995)" piovolbacbhe fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2523 1995" P "A12 Trunk Road (Redbridge) (No. 1) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1995 (SI 1692 1995)" piovolbabwlp fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 1692 1995" P "A12 Trunk Road (Redbridge) (No. 1) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 (SI 1624 1996)" piovolbadgjb fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1624 1996" P "A12 Trunk Road (Redbridge) (No. 1) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 Variation Order 1998 (SI 26 1998)" piovolbadmwh fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 26 1998" P "A12 Trunk Road (Redbridge) (No.1) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 Experimental Variation Order 1997 (SI 87 1997)" piovolbadkwe fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 87 1997" P "A12 Trunk Road (Redbridge) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1995 (SI 1695 1995)" piovolbabwkt fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 1695 1995" P "A12 Trunk Road (Redbridge) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 (SI 1893 1996)" piovolbadirx fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1893 1996" P "A12 Trunk Road (Redbridge) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 Variation (No. 2) Order 1998 (SI 29 1998)" piovolbadmvy fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 29 1998" P "A12 Trunk Road (Redbridge) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 Variation Order 1997 (SI 1632 1997)" piovolbabnqa fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 1632 1997" P "A12 Trunk Road (Redbridge) Red Route Traffic Order 1999 (SI 2805 1999)" piovolbadraq fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 2805 1999" P "A12 Trunk Road (Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Hackney and Tower Hamlets) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1999 (SI 2804 1999)" piovolbadrau fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 2804 1999" P "A12 Trunk Road (Rivenhall End, Braintree, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2465 2011)" piovolbabica fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2465 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Sandon Interchange, Junction 18 to Boreham Interchange, Junction 19, Chelmsford, Essex) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2719 2010)" piovolbacfkm fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2719 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (South of Colemans Interchange, Junction 22 to South of Hatfield Peverel Interchange, Junction 20a, Braintree, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Variation Order 2009 (SI 3327 2009)" piovolbabwiu fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3327 2009" P "A12 Trunk Road (South of Coles Oak Lane, Dedham, Essex to North of Four Sisters Interchange Junction 31, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2323 2012)" piovolbabmda fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2323 2012" P "A12 Trunk Road (South of Junction 32a Capel St. Mary Interchange to North of Junction 30 Stratford St. Mary Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2089 2011)" piovolbackho fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2089 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (St Peter's Street and Artillery Way, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 92 2010)" piovolbabxfp fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 92 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (St Peters Street to Bentley Drive, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 201 2013)" piovolbacrsu fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 201 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (St Peters Street to Station Square, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3129 2014)" piovolbaawst fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3129 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Stanway Bypass, Colchester, Essex) Lay-bys (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 135 2014)" piovolbabviv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 135 2014" P "A12 Trunk Road (Station Road Roundabout, Hopton-on-Sea, Norfolk to Bentley Drive Roundabout, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 889 2010)" piovolbabedh fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 889 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Stratford St Mary to Holton St Mary, Suffolk) (Closure of Gaps in the Central Reservation) Order 2013 (SI 1076 2013)" piovolbactpt fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1076 2013" P "A12 Trunk Road (Vauxhall Roundabout to Pasteur Road Roundabout Great Yarmouth) and the A47 Trunk Road (Old Road Roundabout Acle to Vauxhall Roundabout Great Yarmouth) (Norfolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1297 2010)" piovolbacavm fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1297 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Yarmouth Road from Jubilee Way/A1144 St. Peter's Street Roundabout to Harris Avenue, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1020 2011)" piovolbabfwt fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1020 2011" P "A12 Trunk Road (Yarmouth Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary 10 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) (No 2) Order 2010 (SI 2533 2010)" piovolbacevd fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2533 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Yarmouth Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary 10 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2010 (SI 174 2010)" piovolbabxjw fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 174 2010" P "A12 Trunk Road (Yarmouth Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 3050 2010)" piovolbacgiy fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3050 2010" P "A120 Trunk Road (Ardleigh Crown Interchange, Colchester Essex) Eastbound Link Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2812 2013)" piovolbabubz fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2812 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Bradwell, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2144 2013)" piovolbacvnl fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2144 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Braintree to Wix, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2658 2013)" piovolbabtqi fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2658 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Coggeshall Bypass, Braintree, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2460 2012)" piovolbabmko fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2460 2012" P "A120 Trunk Road (Coggeshall Bypass, Essex) (50 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit) Order 2012 (SI 2850 2012)" piovolbabmym fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2850 2012" P "A120 Trunk Road (Coggeshall, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2012 (SI 355 2012)" piovolbacmnf fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 355 2012" P "A120 Trunk Road (Coggeshall Road, Braintree, Essex) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic and Prohibition of Pedestrians) Order 2013 (SI 101 2013)" piovolbacrnz fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 101 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Coggeshall Road/Marks Farm Roundabout to East of Kings Lane, Braintree, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3303 2009)" piovolbabwhq fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3303 2009" P "A120 Trunk Road (Crown Interchange to Little Bentley, Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3455 2014)" piovolbaawhw fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3455 2014" P "A120 Trunk Road (East of Marks Farm Roundabout to Galleys Roundabout, Braintree, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3292 2012)" piovolbabnjw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3292 2012" P "A120 Trunk Road (Great Dunmow, Essex) (Vehicle Height Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 521 2011)" piovolbachtz fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 521 2011" P "A120 Trunk Road (Great Dunmow to Stansted, Essex) Westbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1475 2012)" piovolbabksl fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1475 2012" P "A120 Trunk Road (Hare Green Interchange to Horsley Cross Roundabout, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No 2) Order 2014 (SI 1582 2014)" piovolbaaysy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1582 2014" P "A120 Trunk Road (Hare Green Interchange to Horsley Cross Roundabout, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (Revocation) Order 2013 (SI 3265 2013)" piovolbabbom fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3265 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Hare Green Interchange to Horsley Cross Roundabout, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 2964 2013)" piovolbabauk fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2964 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Hare Green Interchange to Horsley Cross Roundabout, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 960 2013)" piovolbactih fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 960 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Hare Green Interchange to Horsley Cross Roundabout, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 391 2014)" piovolbabckx fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 391 2014" P "A120 Trunk Road (Hare Green to Horsley Cross, Essex) (50 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit) Order 2014 (SI 3439 2014)" piovolbaawim fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3439 2014" P "A120 Trunk Road (Harwich Road, Near Wix, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2666 2010)" piovolbacfih fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2666 2010" P "A120 Trunk Road (Horsley Cross Roundabout to Crown Interchange, Essex) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1257 2010)" piovolbacavb fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1257 2010" P "A120 Trunk Road (Horsley Cross Roundabout to Ramsey Roundabout, Essex) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2788 2014)" piovolbaaxeh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2788 2014" P "A120 Trunk Road (Horsley Cross to A12 Crown Interchange, Colchester, Essex) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 602 2012)" piovolbabjow fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 602 2012" P "A120 Trunk Road (Horsley Cross to Cansey Lane, Tendring, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1461 2012)" piovolbacokh fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1461 2012" P "A120 Trunk Road (Horsley Cross to Great Bromley, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 454 2012)" piovolbacmqm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 454 2012" P "A120 Trunk Road (Marks Farm Roundabout, Braintree, Essex) (Temporary 40 Miles Per Hour and 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 1838 2011)" piovolbabhad fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1838 2011" P "A120 Trunk Road (Marks Farm Roundabout Braintree, Essex) (Temporary 40 Miles Per Hour and 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2013 (SI 2725 2013)" piovolbabtvs fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2725 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Marks Farm Roundabout, Braintree, Essex) (Temporary 40 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 512 2011)" piovolbachur fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 512 2011" P "A120 Trunk Road (Marks Farm to Great Notley, Braintree, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3290 2013)" piovolbabuxm fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3290 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Old London Road to Church Lane, Marks Tey, Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 2407 2013)" piovolbabqct fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2407 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Old London Road to Church Lane, Marks Tey, Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) (No.3) Order 2013 (SI 3247 2013)" piovolbabuxa fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3247 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Old London Road to Church Lane, Marks Tey, Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2012 (SI 2475 2012)" piovolbabmjm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2475 2012" P "A120 Trunk Road (Old London Road to Church Lane, Marks Tey, Colchester, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2013 (SI 204 2013)" piovolbabnwg fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 204 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Priory Wood Roundabout to Dunmow, Stansted, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2694 2012)" piovolbacqez fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2694 2012" P "A120 Trunk Road (Ramsey, Tendring, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2663 2012)" piovolbacqei fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2663 2012" P "A120 Trunk Road (Stansted, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 763 2014)" piovolbabdei fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 763 2014" P "A120 Trunk Road (Stansted to Harwich, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2757 2013)" piovolbabtww fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2757 2013" P "A120 Trunk Road (Stansted to Marks Tey) Order 2005 (SI 239 2005)" piovolbabgrq fulltext monograph 2005 "SI 239 2005" P "A120 Trunk Road (Tinker Street, Ramsey, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2772 2011)" piovolbaclhv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2772 2011" P "A120 Trunk Road (West Street to East of Tey Road, Coggeshall Bypass, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2755 2009)" piovolbabbuw fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2755 2009" P "A120 Trunk Road (West Street to East of Tey Road, Coggeshall Bypass, Essex) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1708 2010)" piovolbaccdc fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1708 2010" P "A120 Trunk Roads (Park Road to Cansey Lane, Tendring, Essex)(Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2683 2011)" piovolbabikf fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2683 2011" P "A1237 Trunk Road (Rawcliffe Roundabout to Hopgrove Roundabout) (Detrunking) Order 2003 (SI 1313 2003)" piovolbacbwm fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 1313 2003" P "A1237 York Outer Ring Road (Northern) (Trunking) Order 1988 (SI 917 1988)" piovolbadwyg fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 917 1988" P "A127 London-Southend Trunk Road (Rayleigh Weir Improvement) Slip Roads Order 1988 (SI 1176 1988)" piovolbabaqc fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 1176 1988" P "A127 Trunk Road (Havering) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2531 1995)" piovolbacbqm fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2531 1995" P "A127 Trunk Road (M25 To Rayleigh Section and Slip Roads) (Detrunking) Order 1997 (SI 763 1997)" piovolbadlke fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 763 1997" P "A127 Trunk Road (Southend Arterial Road, Havering) (50 MPH Speed Limit) Order 1997 (SI 2281 1997)" piovolbadmih fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 2281 1997" P "A13 and A1089 Trunk Roads (Wennington Interchange - Marshfoot Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2953 2009)" piovolbabvpy fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2953 2009" P "A13 and A1089 Trunk Roads (Wennington Interchange - Marshfoot Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2642 2010)" piovolbabetg fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2642 2010" P "A13 and A1089 Trunk Roads (Wennington Interchange - Marshfoot Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2608 2011)" piovolbaclbx fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2608 2011" P "A13 and A1089 Trunk Roads (Wennington Interchange - Marshfoot Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2771 2012)" piovolbacqle fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2771 2012" P "A13 and A1089 Trunk Roads (Wennington Interchange - Marshfoot Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2715 2013)" piovolbabtsp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2715 2013" P "A13 and the A1089 Trunk Roads and the M25 Motorway (A13 Dumb-Bell Interchange - Baker Street Interchange, A1089 Marshfoot Interchange - Baker Street Interchange and M25 Junctions 29 and 30) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2202 2014)" piovolbaaxxs fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2202 2014" P "A13 and the A1089 Trunk Roads (Wennington Interchange - Marshfoot Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3017 2014)" piovolbaawwj fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3017 2014" P "A13 By-pass Trunk Road (Barking and Dagenham and Havering) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1999 (SI 3223 1999)" piovolbadriy fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 3223 1999" P "A13, the A1089 and the A282 Trunk Roads and the M25 Motorway (M25 Junction 30 Tilbury Docks) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1134 2011)" piovolbaciud fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1134 2011" P "A13 Trunk Road (A112 Prince Regent Lane Junction Improvement, Trunk Road and Slip Roads) Order 1999 (SI 3097 1999)" piovolbadrfp fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 3097 1999" P "A13 Trunk Road (A117 Junction Improvement, Trunk Road and Slip Roads) Order 1996 (SI 2840 1996)" piovolbadkky fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 2840 1996" P "A13 Trunk Road (A126 Lakeside Junction) (No Entry) Order 2012 (SI 2918 2012)" piovolbacqrz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2918 2012" P "A13 Trunk Road (A126 Lakeside Junction, Northbound Carriageway) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1196 2011)" piovolbabgds fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1196 2011" P "A13 Trunk Road and the A1089 Trunk Road (Wennington Interchange - M25 Junction 30 and Marshfoot Interchange - Asda Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 201 2011)" piovolbacgyz fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 201 2011" P "A13 Trunk Road (Barking and Dagenham and Newham) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2524 1995)" piovolbabdkr fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2524 1995" P "A13 Trunk Road (Barking and Dagenham) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1995 (SI 1700 1995)" piovolbabbor fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 1700 1995" P "A13 Trunk Road (Barking and Dagenham) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 (SI 1896 1996)" piovolbadirh fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1896 1996" P "A13 Trunk Road (East India Dock Road, Tower Hamlets) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1988 (SI 560 1988)" piovolbadwqg fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 560 1988" P "A13 Trunk Road (Havering) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2525 1995)" piovolbabdki fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2525 1995" P "A13 Trunk Road (Havering) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1995 (SI 1703 1995)" piovolbabbnf fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 1703 1995" P "A13 Trunk Road (Havering) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 (SI 1894 1996)" piovolbadiru fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1894 1996" P "A13 Trunk Road (Ironbridge to Canning Town Improvement, Trunk Road, Slip Roads and Bridges) Order 1998 (SI 1734 1998)" piovolbadobc fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 1734 1998" P "A13 Trunk Road (Lakeside Junction - North Stifford Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 736 2014)" piovolbabwyf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 736 2014" P "A13 Trunk Road (Lakeside Junction, Exit Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1251 2012)" piovolbacoaa fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1251 2012" P "A13 Trunk Road (Lakeside Link Road) Order 1989 (SI 657 1989)" piovolbacjde fulltext monograph 1989 "SI 657 1989" P "A13 Trunk Road (M25 Junction 30 - Baker Street Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1801 2010)" piovolbaccir fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1801 2010" P "A13 Trunk Road (Mardyke Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3208 2012)" piovolbabnee fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3208 2012" P "A13 Trunk Road (Movers Lane Flyover, Barking and Dagenham) (Weight Restriction) Order 1991 (SI 2771 1991)" piovolbabncj fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 2771 1991" P "A13 Trunk Road (Movers Lane Junction Improvement, Trunk Road And Slip Roads) Order 1996 (SI 2841 1996)" piovolbabfaq fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 2841 1996" P "A13 Trunk Road (Near Grays) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 1899 2011)" piovolbabher fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1899 2011" P "A13 Trunk Road (New Road, Havering) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1988 (SI 1766 1988)" piovolbacbll fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 1766 1988" P "A13 Trunk Road (New Road, Havering) (Prohibition of U-Turns and Use of Gaps in Central Reserve) Order 1996 (SI 3112 1996)" piovolbadkrk fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 3112 1996" P "A13 Trunk Road (Newham, Barking and Dagenham, and Havering) (Speed Limits) Order 1988 (SI 730 1988)" piovolbaazox fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 730 1988" P "A13 Trunk Road (Newham, Barking and Dagenham, and Havering) (Speed Limits) Order 1988 (Variation) Order 1993 (SI 871 1993)" piovolbademc fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 871 1993" P "A13 Trunk Road (Newham) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2526 1995)" piovolbabdog fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2526 1995" P "A13 Trunk Road (Newham) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1995 (SI 1701 1995)" piovolbabbnt fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 1701 1995" P "A13 Trunk Road (Newham) Red Route Traffic Order 1997 (SI 465 1997)" piovolbadlcx fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 465 1997" P "A13 Trunk Road (Newham) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 1998 (SI 2426 1998)" piovolbadolo fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 2426 1998" P "A13 Trunk Road (North Stifford and M25 Junction 30) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 360 2011)" piovolbachjk fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 360 2011" P "A13 Trunk Road (Ripple Road, Barking and Dagenham) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1991 (SI 2180 1991)" piovolbadatj fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 2180 1991" P "A13 Trunk Road (Ripple Road, Barking and Dagenham) (Prohibition of Use of Gaps in Central Reservation) Order 1987 (SI 13 1987)" piovolbaalbo fulltext monograph 1987 "SI 13 1987" P "A13 Trunk Road (Tower Hamlets) (Bus Lanes) Traffic Order 1994 (SI 2887 1994)" piovolbadicg fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 2887 1994" P "A13 Trunk Road (Tower Hamlets) Red Route (Bus Priority) Traffic Order 1999 (SI 3051 1999)" piovolbadrey fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 3051 1999" P "A13 Trunk Road (Tower Hamlets) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2245 1995)" piovolbabdgd fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2245 1995" P "A13 Trunk Road (Tower Hamlets) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1998 Experimental Variation (No. 2) Order 1999 (SI 1974 1999)" piovolbabssz fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 1974 1999" P "A13 Trunk Road (Tower Hamlets) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1998 Experimental Variation Order 1999 (SI 1091 1999)" piovolbadpzb fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 1091 1999" P "A13 Trunk Road (Tower Hamlets) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1998 (SI 3212 1998)" piovolbadpay fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 3212 1998" P "A13 Trunk Road (Tower Hamlets) Red Route (No. 2) Experimental Traffic Order 1996 (SI 1841 1996)" piovolbadilq fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1841 1996" P "A13 Trunk Road (Tower Hamlets) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 (SI 1891 1996)" piovolbadise fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1891 1996" P "A13 Trunk Road (Tower Hamlets) Red Route Traffic Order 1997 (SI 466 1997)" piovolbadlcs fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 466 1997" P "A13 Trunk Road (Tower Hamlets) Red Route Traffic Order 2000 (SI 1647 2000)" piovolbadsro fulltext monograph 2000 "SI 1647 2000" P "A13 Trunk Road (Wennington Interchange - Baker Street Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1299 2010)" piovolbacayy fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1299 2010" P "A13 Trunk Road (Wennington Interchange - Stifford Interchange) (50 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit) Order 2014 (SI 3553 2014)" piovolbaawef fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3553 2014" P "A13 Trunk Road (Wennington Interchange - Stifford Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2053 2014)" piovolbaayda fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2053 2014" P "A13 Trunk Road (Wennington Interchange - Stifford Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 250 2015)" piovolbaavtx fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 250 2015" P "A13 Trunk Road (Wennington Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2902 2014)" piovolbaaxam fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2902 2014" P "A13 Trunk Road (Wennington to Dartford Tunnel Interchange Section, Detrunking) Order 1992 (SI 1505 1992)" piovolbadcll fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1505 1992" P "A13 Trunk Road (Wennington to Mar Dyke Section, Trunk Road and Slip Roads) Order 1992 (SI 1506 1992)" piovolbadcli fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1506 1992" P "A13 Trunk Road (West of Heathway to Wennington Section, Detrunking) Order 1992 (SI 1459 1992)" piovolbabojs fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1459 1992" P "A13 Trunk Road (West of Heathway to Wennington Section, Trunk Road and Slip Roads) Order 1992 (SI 1458 1992)" piovolbabojz fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1458 1992" P "A134 Principal Road (Thetford to Tottenhill Trunking) Order 1989 (SI 1797 1989)" piovolbacwex fulltext monograph 1989 "SI 1797 1989" P "A134 Thetford to Tottenhill Trunk Road (A11 Thetford Bypass to A10 Tottenhill) Detrunking Order 2001 (SI 450 2001)" piovolbadugt fulltext monograph 2001 "SI 450 2001" P "A136 Trunk Road (Station Road, Parkeston) (Detrunking) Order 1998 (SI 630 1998)" piovolbadnff fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 630 1998" P "A138 (Replacement Chelmer Viaduct) (Detrunking) Order 2016 (SI 487 2016)" piovolbaasso fulltext monograph 2016 "SI 487 2016" P "A138 (Replacement Chelmer Viaduct) (Trunking) Order 2014 (SI 2657 2014)" piovolbaaxij fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2657 2014" P "A14 and A11 Trunk Roads (Junction 37 Exning to Junction 39 Kentford, Suffolk) Eastbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1627 2012)" piovolbabkyn fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1627 2012" P "A14 and A11 Trunk Roads (Junction 38 Waterhall Interchange, Newmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 493 2012)" piovolbacmtk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 493 2012" P "A14 and A11 Trunk Roads (Waterhall Interchange, Suffolk to Thickthorn Interchange, Norfolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 224 2014)" piovolbabvrv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 224 2014" P "A14 and A428 Trunk Roads and the M11 Motorway (Between Spittals Interchange Junction 23 and Nine Mile Hill Interchange Junction 36, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2593 2010)" piovolbacfak fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2593 2010" P "A14 and A428 Trunk Roads (Junction 31 Girton Interchange and Cambourne, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1265 2013)" piovolbactwr fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1265 2013" P "A14 and A428 Trunk Roads (Junction 31 Girton Interchange, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 546 2012)" piovolbacmxm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 546 2012" P "A14 and A428 Trunk Roads (Junction 31 Girton Interchange, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 32 2013)" piovolbacrnc fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 32 2013" P "A14 and A45 Trunk Roads (Thrapston to Raunds, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2869 2010)" piovolbacfxd fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2869 2010" P "A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon Improvement Scheme Development Consent (Correction) Order 2017 (SI 1121 2017)" piovolbaaqsx fulltext monograph 2017 "SI 1121 2017" P "A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon Improvement Scheme Development Consent Order 2016 (SI 547 2016)" piovolbaasqf fulltext monograph 2016 "SI 547 2016" P "A14 Trunk Road (A1303 Newmarket Road Interchange, Junction 35 Stow-cum-Quy to Junction 36 Bottisham, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2010 (SI 2784 2010)" piovolbacfro fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2784 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Alconbury to Spittals Interchange, Cambridgeshire) Southbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2576 2013)" piovolbaazvh fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2576 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road and M1 and M6 Motorways (A14 Junction 3 to M1 Junction 19) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2312 2013)" piovolbacvso fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2312 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (B1043 Alconbury, Cambridgeshire) Westbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 2579 2013)" piovolbaazvc fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2579 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (B1043 Alconbury, Cambridgeshire) Westbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 925 2013)" piovolbactia fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 925 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Barton Seagrave, Northamptonshire) (Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 647 2014)" piovolbabdat fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 647 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Beacon Hill Interchange to Copdock Interchange, Ipswich Western Bypass) and A12 Trunk Road (Ipswich, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3417 2009)" piovolbabwoi fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3417 2009" P "A14 Trunk Road (Between M1 Junction 19 and Thrapston) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic in Laybys) Order 2010 (SI 1141 2010)" piovolbacakq fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1141 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Between Woolpit and Haughley, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2394 2011)" piovolbabhyt fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2394 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Beyton Interchange Junction 46 to Woolpit Interchange Junction 47, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2906 2009)" piovolbabvhg fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2906 2009" P "A14 Trunk Road (Brampton Hut Interchange Junction 21 to Leighton Bromswold Interchange Junction 17, Cambridgeshire and B660/Fox Road Interchange Junction 16) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2516 2010)" piovolbaberx fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2516 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Brington Overbridge, Junction 16 Catworth, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2316 2012)" piovolbablzv fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2316 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 96 2013)" piovolbacroj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 96 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1081 2013)" piovolbactpi fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1081 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Bythorn to Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire) Lay-bys (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2292 2013)" piovolbacvru fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2292 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Claydon Interchange Junction 52 to Creeting St. Mary, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3194 2009)" piovolbabwap fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3194 2009" P "A14 Trunk Road (Claydon Interchange Junction 52 to Pesthouse Lane Overbridge, Barham, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 123 2011)" piovolbacgtz fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 123 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Claydon Interchange, Near Ipswich, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1772 2010)" piovolbacchs fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1772 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Cranford St John, Northamptonshire) (Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 354 2011)" piovolbachjy fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 354 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Cranford St John, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1375 2013)" piovolbacuha fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1375 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Cranford St John to Thrapston) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 890 2013)" piovolbactdy fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 890 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Cranford to Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3316 2012)" piovolbabnli fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3316 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Creeting St Mary - Stowmarket, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2542 2011)" piovolbackya fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2542 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (East of Junction 13, Thrapston, Northamptonshire) Westbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2503 2012)" piovolbacpzo fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2503 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (East of Junction 41 Risby Interchange to West of Junction 42 Westley Interchange, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2520 2010)" piovolbacews fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2520 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (East of Junction 41 Risby Interchange to West of Junction 42 Westley Interchange, Suffolk) (Prohibition of Entry) Order 2011 (SI 349 2011)" piovolbachhj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 349 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (East of Junction 58 Levington Interchange to Junction 56 Wherstead Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3295 2012)" piovolbabnjp fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3295 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (East of St Saviours Interchange Junction 43 to Westley Interchange Junction 42, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1865 2010)" piovolbaccmu fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1865 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (East of Whitehouse Interchange, Junction 53, Ipswich to Cedars Interchange, Junction 50, Stowmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2535 2010)" piovolbaceyn fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2535 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (East of Whitehouse Interchange Junction 53, Ipswich to Cedars Interchange Junction 50, Stowmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 403 2011)" piovolbababx fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 403 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Felixstowe Dock No.1 Roundabout, Suffolk (Prohibitation of Waiting) Order 2011 (SI 49 2011)" piovolbacgrt fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 49 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Fishponds Way, Tothill Interchange to Bury Road Roundabout, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2009 (SI 2959 2009)" piovolbabcbq fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2959 2009" P "A14 Trunk Road (Harrington, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic in Layby) Order 2013 (SI 1134 2013)" piovolbabowy fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1134 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Harrington to Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2431 2013)" piovolbabqdq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2431 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Harrington to Naseby, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2474 2013)" piovolbacvwu fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2474 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Haughley New Street to Stowmarket Improvement and Detrunking) Order 2007 (SI 1250 2007)" piovolbacplr fulltext monograph 2007 "SI 1250 2007" P "A14 Trunk Road (Hemingford Abbots Junction 25 to West of A1096 London Road/St Ives Interchange, Hemingford Grey, Junction 26, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2159 2010)" piovolbacdsh fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2159 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Huntingdon and Swavesey, Cambridgeshire) Lay-bys (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 74 2013)" piovolbabnsj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 74 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Huntingdon Rail Viaduct to Hemingford Abbots, Cambridgeshire) Eastbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2340 2011)" piovolbacktz fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2340 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Ipswich Southern Bypass, Junction 54 Sproughton Interchange to Junction 57 Nacton Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2615 2012)" piovolbabmoz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2615 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Ipswich Southern Bypass, Junction 54 Sproughton Interchange to Junction 58 Seven Hills Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2778 2011)" piovolbaclhj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2778 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Ipswich Southern Bypass, South of Copdock Interchange Junction 55 to Nacton Interchange Junction 57, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic Order 2011 (SI 774 2011)" piovolbabfmr fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 774 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Ipswich Southern Bypass, Wherstead Interchange to Seven Hills Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2010 (SI 2111 2010)" piovolbacdor fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2111 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Ipswich Southern Bypass, Wherstead Interchange to Seven Hills Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Variation Order 2010 (SI 3069 2010)" piovolbacgkv fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3069 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Ipswich Western Bypass, Suffolk) (Prohibition of Entry) Order 2010 (SI 1169 2010)" piovolbacalu fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1169 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 10, Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2076 2014)" piovolbaaych fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2076 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 11, Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2275 2014)" piovolbaaxvj fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2275 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 11, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2164 2014)" piovolbaaxzd fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2164 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 12) (Thrapston, Northamptonshire) (Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 35 2012)" piovolbabivs fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 35 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 13 Thrapston Interchange, Kettering, Northamptonshire to Junction 37 Exning Interchange, Newmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2010 (SI 2786 2010)" piovolbacfrk fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2786 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 13 Thrapston Interchange, Northamptonshire to Junction 21 Brampton Hut Interchange, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1322 2011)" piovolbacjdw fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1322 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 13 Thrapston, Northamptonshire and Junction 20 Ellington to Junction 21 Brampton Hut, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1556 2012)" piovolbacono fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1556 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 13 Thrapston, Northamptonshire) Eastbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2463 2011)" piovolbabicg fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2463 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 13 Thrapston to Junction 21 Brampton Hut) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1277 2013)" piovolbactyr fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1277 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 13 Thrapston to Junction 35 Stow-cum-Quy) and the A428 Trunk Road/M11 Motorway (Girton) (Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2798 2013)" piovolbabuao fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2798 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 13 Thrapston to Junction 35 Stow-cum-Quy) and the A428 Trunk Road/M11 Motorway (Girton) (Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3283 2013)" piovolbabbpr fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3283 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 15 Bythorn, Cambridgeshire) (Derestriction) Order 2014 (SI 1028 2014)" piovolbabxvy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1028 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 15 Bythorn, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 511 2011)" piovolbachut fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 511 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 16 Catworth to Junction 24 Godmanchester) and the A1(M) Motorway (Junction 14 to Junction 16) Cambridgeshire (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 835 2015)" piovolbaauxs fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 835 2015" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 16 Catworth/Molesworth to Junction 23 Spittals Interchange, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2010 (SI 2670 2010)" piovolbacfib fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2670 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 16 Catworth/Molesworth to Junction 24 Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1974 2014)" piovolbaayft fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1974 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 16 Catworth/Molesworth to Junction 24 Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Variation Order 2014 (SI 2488 2014)" piovolbaaxnw fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2488 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 17 Leighton Bromswold, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 226 2010)" piovolbabxqo fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 226 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road Junction 1(Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 3115 2011)" piovolbacmbv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 3115 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 20 Ellington, Cambridgeshire) Eastbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2491 2013)" piovolbacvxe fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2491 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 20, Ellington, Cambridgeshire)Westbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2945 2009)" piovolbabvmn fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2945 2009" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 21 Brampton Hut Interchange to Junction 23 Spittals Interchange) Eastbound (Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2617 2012)" piovolbabmow fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2617 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 21 Brampton Hut Interchange to Junction 23 Spittals Interchange, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1485 2011)" piovolbacjmu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1485 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 22 Brampton and Huntingdon Racecourse Interchange to Junction 23 Spittals Interchange, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2223 2013)" piovolbacvrc fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2223 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 22 Brampton and Junction 24 Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 700 2013)" piovolbacsts fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 700 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 22 Brampton Interchange and Junction 24 Godmanchester Interchange) Slip Roads (Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1458 2012)" piovolbabkqn fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1458 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange, Cambridgeshire) Eastbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2143 2012)" piovolbablot fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2143 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1623 2012)" piovolbabkyv fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1623 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire) Eastbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2585 2011)" piovolbaclaq fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2585 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange to Alconbury, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 221 2010)" piovolbabxna fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 221 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange to Junction 24 Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 2347 2014)" piovolbaaxsu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2347 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange to Junction 24 Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1485 2014)" piovolbabedt fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1485 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange to Junction 24 Godmanchester Interchange, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3328 2012)" piovolbabnnu fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3328 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange to Junction 24 Godmanchester Interchange, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2012 (SI 2163 2012)" piovolbablql fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2163 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange to Junction 24 Godmanchester Interchange, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 29 2012)" piovolbabiwc fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 29 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange to Junction 26 St Ives, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 102 2013)" piovolbacrnx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 102 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange to Junction 31 Girton Interchange, Cambridgeshire) and M11 Motorway (Junction 13 to A14) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1827 2012)" piovolbacowx fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1827 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange to Junction 31 Girton Interchange, Cambridgeshire) and M11 Motorway (Junction 14) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1826 2013)" piovolbabpil fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1826 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange to Junction 36 Nine Mile Hill, Cambridgeshire) and M11 Motorway (Junction 13 to A14) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2080 2011)" piovolbackid fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2080 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 24 Godmanchester to Junction 23 Spittals Interchange, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 54 2010)" piovolbabxah fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 54 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 24 Godmanchester to Junction 26 St Ives, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2582 2011)" piovolbaclay fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2582 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 24 Godmanchester to Junction 27 Fenstanton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 97 2010)" piovolbabxey fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 97 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 25 Hemingford Abbots, Cambridgeshire to Junction 38 Waterhall Interchange, Suffolk) the A428 Trunk Road (Girton Interchange) the M11 Motorway (Junction 11 to Junction 14) and the A11 Trunk Road (Nine Mile Hill to Six Mile Bottom) (Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2008 2014)" piovolbaayeq fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2008 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 25 Hemingford Abbots Interchange, Cambridgeshire) Westbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3154 2012)" piovolbacrgr fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3154 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 26 St Ives to Junction 29 Bar Hill, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1546 2014)" piovolbaayuc fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1546 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 26 St. Ives to Junction 34 Fen Ditton/Horningsea) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2691 2011)" piovolbabijt fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2691 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 28 Swavesey/Boxworth, Cambridgeshire) Westbound Entry and Exit Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 291 2011)" piovolbabfcu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 291 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 28 to Junction 25, Cambridgeshire) Westbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1699 2011)" piovolbacjxl fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1699 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 29, Bar Hill Interchange and Junction 26, Galley Hill Interchange, Cambridgeshire) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2596 2010)" piovolbacfdx fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2596 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 29 Bar Hill to Junction 33 Milton, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 209 2012)" piovolbacmiy fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 209 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 31 Girton to Junction 37 Exning) and the A428 Trunk Road/M11 Motorway (Girton Interchange) (Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 985 2014)" piovolbabxsg fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 985 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 33 Milton to Junction 32 Histon, Cambridge) Westbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2440 2012)" piovolbabmji fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2440 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 35 Stow-Cum-Quy Interchange, Cambridgeshire) Westbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 453 2012)" piovolbacmqo fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 453 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 36 Nine Mile Hill, Cambridgeshire) Westbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 31 2014)" piovolbabvcv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 31 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 36 Nine Mile Hill Interchange to Junction 32 Histon Interchange, Cambridgeshire) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1562 2011)" piovolbabgns fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1562 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 37 Exning Interchange, Newmarket to Junction 62 Dock Gate 1 Roundabout, Felixstowe, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2010 (SI 2787 2010)" piovolbacfri fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2787 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 37 Exning, Suffolk) Eastbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2332 2010)" piovolbaceeo fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2332 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 37, Exning, Suffolk) Westbound Entry Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Trafic) Order 2011 (SI 125 2011)" piovolbabezv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 125 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 37 Exning to Junction 39 Kentford) Suffolk (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2810 2014)" piovolbaaxdl fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2810 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 37 Exning to Junction 44 Moreton Hall, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2010 2013)" piovolbabppi fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2010 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 38 Waterhall Interchange, Newmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2541 2011)" piovolbackyc fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2541 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 38 Waterhall Interchange to Junction 42 Westley Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2331 2012)" piovolbabmch fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2331 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 39 Kentford Interchange, Suffolk) Eastbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 199 2013)" piovolbacrsx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 199 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 39 Kentford to Junction 37 Exning, Westbound) and the A11 Trunk Road (Waterhall Interchange, Southbound) Suffolk (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 281 2014)" piovolbabvuf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 281 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 4) (Rothwell, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1323 2012)" piovolbacoft fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1323 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 40 Higham Interchange and Junction 41 Risby Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1776 2010)" piovolbacchf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1776 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 40 Higham Interchange, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2560 2011)" piovolbackzo fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2560 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 40 Higham Interchange to Junction 41 Risby Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2012 (SI 1459 2012)" piovolbabkqd fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1459 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 40 Higham Interchange to Junction 41 Risby Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 509 2012)" piovolbacmup fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 509 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 42 Westley Interchange to Junction 43 St Saviours Interchange, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 968 2014)" piovolbabxpw fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 968 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 43 St Saviours Interchange to Junction 47 Woolpit Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 56 2014)" piovolbabbsi fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 56 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 44 Moreton Hall Interchange Bury St. Edmunds to Junction 46 Thurston Road Beyton, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1228 2011)" piovolbabgei fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1228 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 44 Moreton Hall Interchange to East of Junction 43 St. Saviours Interchange, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 772 2011)" piovolbabfnb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 772 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 44 Moreton Hall Interchange to Junction 47 Woolpit Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3177 2014)" piovolbaawre fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3177 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 44 Moreton Hall Interchange to Junction 50 Cedars Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1560 2011)" piovolbabgnv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1560 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 44 Moreton Hall to Junction 45 Rougham, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2574 2013)" piovolbaazvn fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2574 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 46 Thurston, Suffolk) Eastbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1062 2012)" piovolbacnqv fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1062 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 46 Thurston, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3040 2014)" piovolbaawvo fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3040 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 47 Woolpit Interchange, Suffolk) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 158 2015)" piovolbaavxp fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 158 2015" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 47 Woolpit Interchange to Junction 44 Moreton Hall Interchange, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 203 2013)" piovolbabnwj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 203 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 48 Crossways Interchange to Junction 51 Beacon Hill Interchange, Stowmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 101 2012)" piovolbabizl fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 101 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 49 Tot Hill Interchange to Junction 47 Woolpit Interchange, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1261 2013)" piovolbactwx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1261 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 49 Tot Hill Interchange to Junction 50 Cedars Interchange, Stowmarket, Suffolk) Eastbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2470 2012)" piovolbabmjw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2470 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 49 Tot Hill Interchange to Junction 51 Beacon Hill Interchange, Suffolk) Eastbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2368 2012)" piovolbabmfr fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2368 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 49 Tot Hill to Junction 58 Levington) Suffolk (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 834 2015)" piovolbaauxt fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 834 2015" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 49 Tothill Interchange, Stowmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1018 2011)" piovolbabfww fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1018 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 50 Cedars Interchange, Stowmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1639 2010)" piovolbaecfm fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1639 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 50 Cedars Interchange, Stowmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 223 2010)" piovolbabxmv fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 223 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 50 Cedars Interchange to Junction 51 Beacon Hill Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 770 2011)" piovolbabfkj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 770 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 51 Beacon Hill Interchange and Junction 52 Claydon Interchange, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2851 2012)" piovolbabmyk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2851 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 51 Beacon Hill Interchange to East of Pesthouse Lane Overbridge Barham, Ipswich, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1901 2011)" piovolbackcj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1901 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 51 Beacon Hill, Needham Market, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2531 2014)" piovolbaaxmk fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2531 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 52 Claydon Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2092 2011)" piovolbabhnq fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2092 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 52 Claydon Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) Westbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 926 2013)" piovolbacthy fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 926 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 52 Claydon Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3299 2012)" piovolbabnji fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3299 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 52, Claydon Interchange, Suffolk) (Prohibition of Entry) Order 2011 (SI 288 2011)" piovolbachdz fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 288 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 53 Whitehouse Interchange to Junction 52 Claydon Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2008 2013)" piovolbabppk fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2008 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 53 Whitehouse Interchange to Junction 58 Levington Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 145 2014)" piovolbabbzh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 145 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 54 Sproughton Interchange to Junction 58 Levington Interchange Ipswich Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2700 2013)" piovolbabafx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2700 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 54 Sproughton to Junction 52 Claydon, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2736 2013)" piovolbabtux fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2736 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 54 Sproughton to Junction 56 Wherstead, Ipswich, Suffolk) Eastbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1490 2013)" piovolbacumg fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1490 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 55 Copdock Mill Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) Eastbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2133 2013)" piovolbacvlu fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2133 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 56 Wherstead Interchange and Junction 44 Moreton Hall Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 979 2013)" piovolbactjd fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 979 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 56 Wherstead to Junction 57 Nacton, Ipswich, Suffolk) Eastbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2014 (SI 3008 2014)" piovolbaawws fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3008 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 57 Nacton and Junction 56 Wherstead, Ipswich, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 30 2012)" piovolbabiwa fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 30 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 57 Nacton Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) Eastbound (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 2631 2011)" piovolbabifl fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2631 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 57 Nacton Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2722 2010)" piovolbabeuz fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2722 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 58 Levington Interchange to Junction 55 Copdock Interchange, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1550 2012)" piovolbacony fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1550 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 58 Levington Interchange to Junction 62 Dock Gate 1 Roundabout, Felixstowe, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2074 2012)" piovolbacpks fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2074 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 59 Trimley Interchange to Junction 60 Dock Spur Roundabout, Felixstowe, Suffolk) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 2396 2011)" piovolbabhyr fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2396 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 61 Port of Felixstowe to Junction 62 Dock Gate 1, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 451 2012)" piovolbacmqt fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 451 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 7) (Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1918 2011)" piovolbabhhc fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1918 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road Junction 7 (Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1986 2012)" piovolbacpgb fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1986 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 8, Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2164 2013)" piovolbacvph fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2164 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction 9, Kettering) (Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2558 2013)" piovolbaaztb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2558 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction with B576, Rothwell, Northamptonshire) (Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2341 2010)" piovolbacehd fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2341 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junction with the A5199, Northamptonshire) (Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1382 2011)" piovolbacjgp fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1382 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junctions 10 - 12, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 352 2013)" piovolbacsdi fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 352 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junctions 3 to 5) (Rothwell, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 921 2011)" piovolbacill fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 921 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junctions 6 to 10, Kettering) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 3097 2013)" piovolbabbfc fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3097 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junctions 6 to 10, Kettering) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2847 2013)" piovolbabamg fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2847 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junctions 7 and 8) (Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 3110 2010)" piovolbacgnr fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3110 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junctions 8 to 6) (Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 845 2011)" piovolbabfnr fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 845 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Junctions with the A5199 and A508, Northamptonshire) (Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 353 2011)" piovolbachka fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 353 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kelmarsh - Rothwell, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2229 2014)" piovolbaaxwt fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2229 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kelmarsh, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1309 2013)" piovolbactzi fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1309 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kelmarsh to Rothwell, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3131 2012)" piovolbacrfi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3131 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kelmarsh to Thrapston, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3463 2009)" piovolbabwtg fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3463 2009" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kentford to Risby, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No 2) Order 2013 (SI 3289 2013)" piovolbabuxp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3289 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kentford to Risby, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2134 2013)" piovolbacvlr fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2134 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 318 2013)" piovolbacsad fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 318 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2012 (SI 2383 2012)" piovolbacptr fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2383 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2427 2010)" piovolbacemr fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2427 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2703 2012)" piovolbacqhh fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2703 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 272 2013)" piovolbacryx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 272 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (Slip Road) Order 2014 (SI 648 2014)" piovolbabdao fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 648 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1421 2010)" piovolbacbge fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1421 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2347 2013)" piovolbacvtn fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2347 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Kettering to Thrapston, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1177 2015)" piovolbaaujs fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1177 2015" P "A14 Trunk Road (Leighton Bromswold and Woolley, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 207 2012)" piovolbacmjc fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 207 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (M1 Junction 19 to Portly Ford Bridge) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1132 2010)" piovolbacalp fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1132 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (M1 Junction 19 to Thrapston) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2857 2010)" piovolbacfvn fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2857 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (M1 Junction 19 to Thrapston) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 538 2011)" piovolbachvs fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 538 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Naseby, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2972 2012)" piovolbabmyx fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2972 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Naseby to Rothwell, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1708 2013)" piovolbabpfp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1708 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (near Naseby, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 100 2013)" piovolbacroa fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 100 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Rookery Crossroads Grade Separated Junction) (Prohibition of Use of Gaps in Central Reservation) Order 2003 (SI 2723 2003)" piovolbacejy fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 2723 2003" P "A14 Trunk Road (Rookery Crossroads Grade Separated Junction Slip Roads) Order 2003 (SI 2720 2003)" piovolbacekd fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 2720 2003" P "A14 Trunk Road (Rothwell - Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2230 2014)" piovolbaaxws fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2230 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Rothwell, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2858 2010)" piovolbacfvl fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2858 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Rothwell, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1521 2014)" piovolbaayuz fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1521 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Rothwell, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 685 2015)" piovolbaavdi fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 685 2015" P "A14 Trunk Road (Rothwell to Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 962 2010)" piovolbabzwl fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 962 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Rothwell to Kettering, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 816 2011)" piovolbacihq fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 816 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Rothwell to Naseby, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2848 2013)" piovolbabame fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2848 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Rusts Lane, Alconbury, Cambridgeshire) Northbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3296 2009)" piovolbabcyd fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3296 2009" P "A14 Trunk Road (Spaldwick, Cambridgeshire) Westbound (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2013 (SI 116 2013)" piovolbacrpy fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 116 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Spittals Interchange to Alconbury, Cambridgeshire) Lay-bys (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2813 2011)" piovolbabior fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2813 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (St. Saviours Interchange to New Road Overbridge, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 356 2010)" piovolbabxzo fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 356 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Stanford on Avon, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1540 2013)" piovolbacupy fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1540 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Stowmarket Bypass, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1613 2013)" piovolbacuvs fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1613 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Stowmarket to Beyton, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1764 2010)" piovolbaccif fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1764 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Stowmarket to Ipswich, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2011 2013)" piovolbabppc fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2011 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Stowupland, Suffolk)(Prohibition of Entry) Order 2012 (SI 2696 2012)" piovolbacqev fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2696 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Swinford to Naseby) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 874 2013)" piovolbactfi fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 874 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Thrapston, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1433 2013)" piovolbacukt fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1433 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Thrapston, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 625 2014)" piovolbabcyb fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 625 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Thrapston, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2722 2012)" piovolbacqjh fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2722 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Thrapston, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3411 2014)" piovolbaawjk fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3411 2014" P "A14 Trunk Road (Thrapston to Barton Seagrave, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2334 2013)" piovolbacvtj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2334 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Thrapston to Rothwell, Northamptonshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1861 2011)" piovolbabhbr fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1861 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Trimley Bypass, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2206 2013)" piovolbacvpq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2206 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Trimley Bypass, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 604 2012)" piovolbabjoq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 604 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (Trimley Interchange to Dock Gate 1 Roundabout, Felixstowe, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1166 2011)" piovolbaciut fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1166 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Various Layby Closures, Thrapston and Titchmarsh, Northamptonshire and Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 350 2010)" piovolbabxxl fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 350 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (West of B1151 Stowupland Road Bridge to East of U4615 Pound Road Bridge, Stowmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2383 2010)" piovolbaceki fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2383 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (West of Junction 21 Brampton Hut Interchange, Cambridgeshire) Westbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1862 2010)" piovolbaccnb fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1862 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (West of Junction 33 Milton, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1442 2011)" piovolbabgkd fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1442 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (West of Junction 47 Woolpit/Elmswell Interchange to Junction 49 Tot Hill Interchange, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1063 2012)" piovolbacnqu fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1063 2012" P "A14 Trunk Road (West of Junction 49 Tothill Interchange to East of Junction 50 Cedars Interchange, Stowmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1486 2011)" piovolbacjms fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1486 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Westbound Carriageway between Portly Ford Bridge and M1 Junction 19) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3279 2009)" piovolbabwgy fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3279 2009" P "A14 Trunk Road (Westley Interchange Junction 42 to Barrow Heath, west of Risby Interchange Junction 41, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1774 2010)" piovolbacchj fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1774 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road (Westley Interchange Junction 42 to Moreton Hall Interchange Junction 44, Near Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2753 2009)" piovolbabvah fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2753 2009" P "A14 Trunk Road (Wherstead Interchange Junction 56 to Trimley Interchange Junction 59, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2907 2009)" piovolbabvhf fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2907 2009" P "A14 Trunk Road (Woolpit Interchange to St. Saviours Interchange, Suffolk) Westbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2388 2011)" piovolbabhxc fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2388 2011" P "A14 Trunk Road (Woolpit to Stowmarket, Suffolk) Eastbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1267 2013)" piovolbaboyv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1267 2013" P "A14 Trunk Road (Woolpit to Tot Hill Interchange, Stowmarket, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1728 2010)" piovolbaccem fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1728 2010" P "A14 Trunk Road(Junction 58 Seven Hills Interchange, Ipswich, Suffolk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 510 2012)" piovolbacmun fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 510 2012" P "A140 North of Ipswich to Norwich Trunk Road (A14 Coddenham to A47 Norwich Southern Bypass) Detrunking Order 2001 (SI 1166 2001)" piovolbaduwa fulltext monograph 2001 "SI 1166 2001" P "A140 Trunk Road (Scole - Dickleburgh Improvement) Detrunking Order 1993 (SI 399 1993)" piovolbaddzk fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 399 1993" P "A140 Trunk Road (Scole - Dickleburgh Improvement) Order 1993 (SI 398 1993)" piovolbaddzq fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 398 1993" P "A1400 Trunk Road (Redbridge) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1995 (SI 1696 1995)" piovolbabbqk fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 1696 1995" P "A1400 Trunk Road (Redbridge) Red Route (Prohibited Turn) Traffic Order 1998 (SI 24 1998)" piovolbadmwo fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 24 1998" P "A1400 Trunk Road (Redbridge) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 (SI 1892 1996)" piovolbadisb fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1892 1996" P "A1400 Trunk Road (Redbridge) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 Variation Order 1998 (SI 30 1998)" piovolbadmvr fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 30 1998" P "A1400 Trunk Road (Southend Road, Redbridge) (Prohibition of Right Turn and U-Turns) Order 1996 (SI 2387 1996)" piovolbadjyu fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 2387 1996" P "A1400 Trunk Road (Woodford Avenue Service Road, Redbridge) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1988 (SI 1514 1988)" piovolbacafe fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 1514 1988" P "A14(M) Motorway (A1(M) Motorway Junction 14 to the A14 Trunk Road, Alconbury, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1601 2010)" piovolbacbue fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1601 2010" P "A14/U3124 Trimley Entry Slip Road (Levington Link Road) Trunking Order 2003 (SI 1061 2003)" piovolbacble fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 1061 2003" P "A15 (Brigg and Redbourne Bypass) (Trunking) Order 1955 (SI 433 1995)" piovolbadjgv fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 433 1995" P "A15 Norman Cross to Grimsby Trunk Road (Tillbridge Lane Junction Improvement) Order 2001 (SI 2143 2001)" piovolbadvjz fulltext monograph 2001 "SI 2143 2001" P "A15 Trunk Road (Bonby Lodge Slip Roads) Order 1989 (SI 456 1989)" piovolbacgoh fulltext monograph 1989 "SI 456 1989" P "A15 Trunk Road (North of Lincoln to North Lincolnshire Border) (Detrunking) Order 2002 (SI 1208 2002)" piovolbabcvz fulltext monograph 2002 "SI 1208 2002" P "A15 Trunk Road (North of the M180 Motorway Junction 5 including the Link Road to the A63 Trunk Road) (Detrunking) Order 2001 (SI 1477 2001)" piovolbadvde fulltext monograph 2001 "SI 1477 2001" P "A15 Trunk Road (South of M180) (Detrunking) Order 2002 (SI 1209 2002)" piovolbabcvv fulltext monograph 2002 "SI 1209 2002" P "A158 Trunk Road (Lincolnshire) (Detrunking) Order 1991 (SI 112 1991)" piovolbabgzr fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 112 1991" P "A16 Norman Cross-Grimsby Trunk Road (Diversion between London Road, Boston and Algarkirk) (Variation) Order 1987 (SI 546 1987)" piovolbaamxu fulltext monograph 1987 "SI 546 1987" P "A16 Norman Cross-Grimsby Trunk Road (Louth Bypass) (Detrunking) Order 1988 (SI 1549 1988)" piovolbacapj fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 1549 1988" P "A16 Norman Cross-Grimsby Trunk Road (Louth Bypass) Order 1988 (SI 1548 1988)" piovolbabcbg fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 1548 1988" P "A16 Trunk Road (Blackitt's Farm to Sutterton) Detrunking Order 1990 (SI 2526 1990)" piovolbacyxy fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 2526 1990" P "A16 Trunk Road (Fotherby Bypass) Order 1996 (SI 926 1996)" piovolbaddms fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 926 1996" P "A16 Trunk Road (Great Grimsby Borough Boundary to Toll Bar Roundabout) (Detrunking) Order 1990 Amendment Order 1992 (SI 895 1992)" piovolbadcdu fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 895 1992" P "A16 Trunk Road (Great Grimsby Borough Boundary to Toll Bar Roundabout) (Detrunking) Order 1990 (SI 1117 1990)" piovolbacxxk fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 1117 1990" P "A16 Trunk Road (Ludborough Bypass) Order 1990 (SI 2346 1990)" piovolbacysq fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 2346 1990" P "A16 Trunk Road (Spalding to Sutterton Improvement) (Detrunking) Order 1991 (SI 754 1991)" piovolbablbd fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 754 1991" P "A16 Trunk Road (Spalding to Sutterton Improvement) Order 1991 (SI 753 1991)" piovolbablbl fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 753 1991" P "A16 Trunk Road (Stamford to North East Lincolnshire) (Detrunking) Order 2002 (SI 1210 2002)" piovolbabwco fulltext monograph 2002 "SI 1210 2002" P "A16 Trunk Road (Stickford Bypass) (Detrunking) Order 1990 (SI 2383 1990)" piovolbacyto fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 2383 1990" P "A16 Trunk Road (Stickford Bypass) Order 1990 (SI 2382 1990)" piovolbacytr fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 2382 1990" P "A160 Trunk Road (Brocklesby Interchange to Eastfield Road Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1232 2015)" piovolbaauhn fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1232 2015" P "A160 Trunk Road (Eastfield Road to Habrough Road Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2543 2014)" piovolbaaxma fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2543 2014" P "A160 Trunk Road (Eastfield Road to Manby Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 3103 2010)" piovolbacglj fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3103 2010" P "A160 Trunk Road (Eastfield Road to Manby Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 2432 2012)" piovolbacpvw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2432 2012" P "A160 Trunk Road (Eastfield Road to Manby Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1119 2012)" piovolbacnsj fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1119 2012" P "A160 Trunk Road (Harbrough Roundabout to Eastfield Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2837 2012)" piovolbabmxg fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2837 2012" P "A160 Trunk Road (Manby Roundabout to Town Street) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2562 2012)" piovolbabmms fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2562 2012" P "A160 Trunk Road (Top Road to Manby Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2616 2013)" piovolbabtmn fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2616 2013" P "A160 Trunk Road (Ulceby Road to Brocklesby Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2256 2013)" piovolbacvqo fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2256 2013" P "A160 Trunk Road (Ulceby Road to Habrough Road Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2845 2012)" piovolbacqnq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2845 2012" P "A160/A180 (Port of Immingham Improvement) Development Consent (Correction) Order 2015 (SI 1231 2015)" piovolbaauhp fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1231 2015" P "A160/A180 (Port of Immingham Improvement) Development Consent Order 2015 (SI 129 2015)" piovolbaavys fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 129 2015" P "A160/A180 Trunk Roads (Brocklesby Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1786 2010)" piovolbaccjr fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1786 2010" P "A160/A180 Trunk Roads (Brocklesby Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2918 2009)" piovolbabvky fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2918 2009" P "A160/A180 Trunk Roads (Brocklesby Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1359 2010)" piovolbacbbd fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1359 2010" P "A162 Trunk Road (Ferrybridge) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1142 2015)" piovolbaaule fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1142 2015" P "A167 London-Edinburgh-Thurso Trunk Road (Former Darlington County Borough Boundary to Coatham Mundeville (Aycliffe) Interchange De-Trunking) Order 1988 (SI 146 1988)" piovolbadwgn fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 146 1988" P "A167 Trunk Road (Junction 59 of the A1(M) to junction 63 of the A1(M)) (Detrunking) Order 2003 (SI 125 2003)" piovolbabzvk fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 125 2003" P "A168 Boroughbridge-Thirsk Trunk Road (Dishforth Interchange, Slip Roads and Link Roads) Order 1987 (SI 1353 1987)" piovolbaaull fulltext monograph 1987 "SI 1353 1987" P "A168 Trunk Road (Asenby Interchange to York Road Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1489 2014)" piovolbabecz fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1489 2014" P "A168 Trunk Road (Blakey Lane) (Detrunking) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 189 2013)" piovolbacrrr fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 189 2013" P "A168 Trunk Road (Dishforth Interchange Link Road Detrunking) Order 1992 (SI 1827 1992)" piovolbabpcv fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1827 1992" P "A168 Trunk Road (Dishforth Interchange) Scheme 1992 (SI 1825 1992)" piovolbabpfl fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1825 1992" P "A168 Trunk Road (Dishforth Interchange Slip Roads) Order 1992 (SI 1826 1992)" piovolbabpeh fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1826 1992" P "A168 Trunk Road (Dishforth Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 2844 2011)" piovolbabiph fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2844 2011" P "A168 Trunk Road (Dishforth Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 553 2015)" piovolbaavit fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 553 2015" P "A168 Trunk Road (Topcliffe Interchange to York Road Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2510 2014)" piovolbaaxnf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2510 2014" P "A168 Trunk Road (Warren Farm to Topcliffe Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2016 2013)" piovolbabpot fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2016 2013" P "A168 Trunk Road (York Road Interchange to Dishforth Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2090 2011)" piovolbackhl fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2090 2011" P "A17 King's Lynn-Sleaford-Newark Trunk Road (Long Sutton-Sutton Bridge Bypass Detrunking) Order 1987 (SI 328 1987)" piovolbaalyb fulltext monograph 1987 "SI 328 1987" P "A17 King's Lynn-Sleaford-Newark Trunk Road (Long Sutton-Sutton Bridge Bypass) Order 1987 (SI 326 1987)" piovolbaalyq fulltext monograph 1987 "SI 326 1987" P "A17 Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass) (Detrunking) Order 1991 (SI 798 1991)" piovolbaczsz fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 798 1991" P "A17 Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass) (Detrunking) Order 1993 (SI 1372 1993)" piovolbadeob fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 1372 1993" P "A17 Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass) Order 1991 (SI 797 1991)" piovolbaczrs fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 797 1991" P "A17 Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass) Order 1993 (SI 1371 1993)" piovolbadeof fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 1371 1993" P "A17 Trunk Road (Newark-on-Trent to Kings Lynn) (Detrunking) Order 2002 (SI 1211 2002)" piovolbabwcl fulltext monograph 2002 "SI 1211 2002" P "A17 Trunk Road (Wigtoft-Sutterton Bypass) and the A16 Trunk Road (Diversion at Blackitt's Farm) Order 1990 (SI 2525 1990)" piovolbacyxz fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 2525 1990" P "A17 Trunk Road (Wigtoft-Sutterton Bypass) Detrunking Order 1990 (SI 2527 1990)" piovolbacyxx fulltext monograph 1990 "SI 2527 1990" P "A174 Parkway Interchange to ICI Westgate Roundabout (Trunking) Order 1988 (SI 73 1988)" piovolbadwfp fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 73 1988" P "A174 Trunk Road (Blue Bell Interchange and Stainton Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 74 2014)" piovolbabbuf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 74 2014" P "A174 Trunk Road (eastbound carriageway east of Parkway Interchange) (Closure of Layby) Order 2014 (SI 2612 2014)" piovolbaaxjw fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2612 2014" P "A174 Trunk Road (Parkway) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1823 2012)" piovolbacoxm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1823 2012" P "A174 Trunk Road (Stokesley Road Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2656 2011)" piovolbabijk fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2656 2011" P "A174 Trunk Road (Stokesley Road Interchange to Blue Bell Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2002 2014)" piovolbaayew fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2002 2014" P "A174 Trunk Road (Stokesley Road Interchange to Greystones Roundabout) and the A1053 Trunk Road (Greystones Road) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2010 (SI 1753 2010)" piovolbaccfo fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1753 2010" P "A174 Trunk Road (Stokesley Road Interchange to Greystones Roundabout) and the A1053 Trunk Road (Greystones Road) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1154 2011)" piovolbabgca fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1154 2011" P "A18 Sheffield-Grimsby Trunk Road (Barnetby Top to Grimsby) (Detrunking) Order 1988 (SI 570 1988)" piovolbadwqd fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 570 1988" P "A18 Trunk Road (Barnetby Top to East of Ermine Street) (Detrunking) Order 1991 (SI 924 1991)" piovolbaczuk fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 924 1991" P "A18 Trunk Road (Junction 5, M180 Motorway) (Detrunking) Order 1994 (SI 110 1994)" piovolbadger fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 110 1994" P "A180 Trunk Road (A180/A1136 Junction Improvement Slip Roads) Order 1997 (SI 1988 1997)" piovolbadmet fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 1988 1997" P "A180 Trunk Road and the M180 Motorway (Barnetby to Brocklesby) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 2299 2014)" piovolbaaxun fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2299 2014" P "A180 Trunk Road and the M180 Motorway (Barnetby to Brocklesby) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2175 2014)" piovolbaaxys fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2175 2014" P "A180 Trunk Road (Barnetby Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2323 2010)" piovolbacefg fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2323 2010" P "A180 Trunk Road (Barnetby Interchange to Pyewipe Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2175 2013)" piovolbacvod fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2175 2013" P "A180 Trunk Road (Barnetby Interchange to Pyewipe Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1152 2015)" piovolbaaukt fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1152 2015" P "A180 Trunk Road (Barnetby to Great Coates) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 732 2014)" piovolbabwyq fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 732 2014" P "A180 Trunk Road (Brocklesby Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 36 2012)" piovolbabivo fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 36 2012" P "A180 Trunk Road (Brocklesby Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 309 2013)" piovolbabnwu fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 309 2013" P "A180 Trunk Road (Brocklesby Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1303 2014)" piovolbabyuu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1303 2014" P "A180 Trunk Road (Brocklesby Interchange to Barnetby Interchange) and the A160 Trunk Road (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2088 2011)" piovolbackhr fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2088 2011" P "A180 Trunk Road (Brocklesby Interchange to Barnetby Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2444 2013)" piovolbacvwb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2444 2013" P "A180 Trunk Road (Brocklesby Interchange to Barnetby Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2131 2012)" piovolbacpoh fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2131 2012" P "A180 Trunk Road (Brocklesby Interchange to Stallingborough Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2051 2014)" piovolbaaydc fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2051 2014" P "A180 Trunk Road (Brocklesby Interchange to Stallingborough Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2577 2012)" piovolbacqcp fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2577 2012" P "A180 Trunk Road (Croxton to Barnetby) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1643 2013)" piovolbabpdo fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1643 2013" P "A180 Trunk Road (Great Coates Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2944 2012)" piovolbacqwd fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2944 2012" P "A180 Trunk Road (Great Coates Interchange to Pyewipe Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1174 2011)" piovolbaciwm fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1174 2011" P "A180 Trunk Road (Great Coates Interchange to Pyewipe Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 659 2012)" piovolbacnaj fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 659 2012" P "A180 Trunk Road (Layby at Stallingborough Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 618 2011)" piovolbaciaq fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 618 2011" P "A180 Trunk Road (Layby at Stallingborough Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1246 2013)" piovolbactvx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1246 2013" P "A180 Trunk Road (Pyewipe Roundabout to Great Coates Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2492 2012)" piovolbabmkw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2492 2012" P "A180 Trunk Road (Pyewipe Roundabout to Stallingborough Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2154 2014)" piovolbaaxzm fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2154 2014" P "A180 Trunk Road (Stallingborough Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2011 (SI 2739 2011)" piovolbaclem fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2739 2011" P "A180 Trunk Road (Stallingborough Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Trafic) Order 2011 (SI 160 2011)" piovolbacgwt fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 160 2011" P "A180 Trunk Road (Stallingborough Interchange to Great Coates Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2249 2011)" piovolbabhsj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2249 2011" P "A180 Trunk Road (Stallingborough Interchange to Great Coates Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 228 2012)" piovolbacmkc fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 228 2012" P "A180 Trunk Road (The A1173 Stallingborough Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2393 2010)" piovolbacejm fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2393 2010" P "A180 Trunk Roads (Brocklesby Interchange to the B1210 Stallingborough Road Overbridge) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2105 2010)" piovolbacdlp fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2105 2010" P "A184 Trunk Road and the A194(M) Motorway (Follingsby to Whitemare Pool) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2797 2014)" piovolbaaxdy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2797 2014" P "A184 Trunk Road and the A194(M) Motorway (White Mare Pool Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2009 (SI 3418 2009)" piovolbabdfv fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3418 2009" P "A184 Trunk Road (White Mare Pool Interchange to Testos Roundabout) and the A19 Trunk Road (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2011 (SI 2048 2011)" piovolbabhll fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2048 2011" P "A184 Trunk Road (Whitemare Pool Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 42 2012)" piovolbabiwp fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 42 2012" P "A184 Trunk Road (Whitemare Pool Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2768 2013)" piovolbabtzf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2768 2013" P "A19 Downhill Lane Junction Development Consent Order 2020 (SI 746 2020)" piovolbaaonm fulltext monograph 2020 "SI 746 2020" P "A19 East of Snaith-Sunderland Trunk Road (A19/A1290 Downhill Junction and Slip Roads) Order 1987 (SI 2148 1987)" piovolbaazio fulltext monograph 1987 "SI 2148 1987" P "A19 East of Snaith-York-Thirsk-Stockton-on-Tees-Sunderland Trunk Road (Burnhope Way Roundabout Grade Separated Junction) Order 1987 (SI 699 1987)" piovolbaanbb fulltext monograph 1987 "SI 699 1987" P "A19 Trunk Road (A1185 Seal Sands Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2181 2011)" piovolbackmg fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2181 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (A19/A63 Junction at Barlby to A19/A63 Junction at Selby Crossroads) (Detrunking) Order 2009 (SI 282 2009)" piovolbacvaj fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 282 2009" P "A19 Trunk Road (A19/A64 Fulford Interchange Improvement) Order 1996 (SI 1491 1996)" piovolbadgcm fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 1491 1996" P "A19 Trunk Road and the A168 Trunk Road (York Road Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1271 2013)" piovolbaboyn fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1271 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road and the A174 Trunk Road (Blue Bell Interchange to Parkway Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1307 2014)" piovolbabyui fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1307 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road and the A174 Trunk Road (Parkway Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3416 2009)" piovolbabwon fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3416 2009" P "A19 Trunk Road and the A66 Trunk Road (Olympic Torch Relay) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1562 2012)" piovolbabkuc fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1562 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road and the A66 Trunk Road (Stockton Road Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2010 (SI 1575 2010)" piovolbacbrw fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1575 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road and the A66 Trunk Road (Stockton Road Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 110 2010)" piovolbabxdm fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 110 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road and the A66 Trunk Road (Stockton Road Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 156 2011)" piovolbacgxb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 156 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road and the A66 Trunk Road (Stockton Road Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 217 2012)" piovolbabjcq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 217 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road and the A66 Trunk Road (Stockton Road Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 193 2014)" piovolbabvmf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 193 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road and the A66 Trunk Road (Stockton Road Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 736 2015)" piovolbaavbo fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 736 2015" P "A19 Trunk Road and the A66 Trunk Road (Stockton Road Interchange to Portrack Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2009 (SI 3442 2009)" piovolbabwqv fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3442 2009" P "A19 Trunk Road (Burnhope Way Interchange, Peterlee) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 51 2011)" piovolbacgrn fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 51 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Castle Eden) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2214 2012)" piovolbablsa fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2214 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Chester Road Interchange to Herrington Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 755 2014)" piovolbabdfn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 755 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Chester Road Interchange to Hylton Grange Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2010 (SI 2308 2010)" piovolbacedf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2308 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Chester Road Interchange to Hylton Grange Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1408 2010)" piovolbacbhf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1408 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Coast Road Interchange To Moor Farm Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 932 2010)" piovolbabztf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 932 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Cold Hesledon Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1639 2013)" piovolbabpdw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1639 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (County Boundary to Fulford Interchange) (Detrunking) Order 2003 (SI 728 2003)" piovolbacazr fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 728 2003" P "A19 Trunk Road (Crathorne Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 247 2014)" piovolbabvto fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 247 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Crathorne Interchange to Parkway Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 1113 2014)" piovolbabyat fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1113 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Crathorne Interchange to Parkway Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1851 2010)" piovolbaccol fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1851 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Crathorne Interchange to Parkway Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2459 2012)" piovolbacpwz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2459 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Crathorne Interchange to Parkway Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 747 2014)" piovolbabwwv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 747 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Downhill Lane Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1319 2014)" piovolbabdva fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1319 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Dudley Lane Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1173 2012)" piovolbacnvo fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1173 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Dudley Lane Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3538 2014)" piovolbaaweu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3538 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Dudley Lane Interchange to Moor Farm Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 42 2013)" piovolbabnpt fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 42 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Easington Interchange to Ryhope Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1076 2012)" piovolbacnpp fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1076 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Easington Interchange to Seaton Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2758 2009)" piovolbabbur fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2758 2009" P "A19 Trunk Road (Easington to Murton) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2832 2013)" piovolbabuep fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2832 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Easingwold Bypass) Order 1992 (SI 1097 1992)" piovolbadcer fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1097 1992" P "A19 Trunk Road (Elwick South Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 705 2014)" piovolbabwsn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 705 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Fisher Lane Roundabout to Moor Farm Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2711 2013)" piovolbabttb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2711 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Great North Run) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2353 2012)" piovolbabmdt fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2353 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Herrington Interchange to Seaton Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1216 2012)" piovolbabkkf fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1216 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Holystone Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2013 (SI 1247 2013)" piovolbactvs fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1247 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Holystone Interchange to Killingworth Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 775 2013)" piovolbaboku fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 775 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Holystone Interchange to Silverlink Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1112 2012)" piovolbacntc fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1112 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Howden Interchange to Coast Road Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1071 2015)" piovolbaauod fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1071 2015" P "A19 Trunk Road (Howdon Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 967 2013)" piovolbaboqs fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 967 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Howdon Interchange to Holystone Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2607 2010)" piovolbacfcx fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2607 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Howdon Interchange to Holystone Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2746 2011)" piovolbacldy fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2746 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Howdon Interchange to Holystone Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 556 2012)" piovolbacmwq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 556 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Howdon Interchange to Silverlink Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 2297 2012)" piovolbablxz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2297 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Howdon Interchange to Silverlink Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1077 2012)" piovolbacnpo fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1077 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Hylton Grange Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2010 (SI 2621 2010)" piovolbacffi fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2621 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Hylton Grange Interchange to Lindisfarne Interchange) and the A184 Trunk Road (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1606 2013)" piovolbacuti fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1606 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Hylton Grange Interchange to Testos Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1754 2010)" piovolbaccfl fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1754 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Killingworth Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2012 (SI 3192 2012)" piovolbacrkb fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3192 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Killingworth Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2182 2011)" piovolbabhqj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2182 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Killingworth Interchange to Holystone Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 742 2014)" piovolbabwxh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 742 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Killingworth Interchange to Silverlink Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2682 2014)" piovolbaaxhp fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2682 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Killingworth Interchange to Silverlink Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1009 2013)" piovolbactke fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1009 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Layby at Backworth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1667 2010)" piovolbacbzr fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1667 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Layby at Billingham) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3002 2009)" piovolbabcfs fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3002 2009" P "A19 Trunk Road (Laybys at Howdon) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2846 2012)" piovolbacqnn fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2846 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Laybys between Osmotherley and Nether Silton) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2964 2014)" piovolbaawyh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2964 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Lindisfarne Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2458 2010)" piovolbacerb fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2458 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Lindisfarne Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2265 2011)" piovolbackpi fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2265 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Lindisfarne Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2370 2013)" piovolbacvtu fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2370 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Lindisfarne Interchange to the Tyne Tunnel) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2604 2010)" piovolbacfdc fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2604 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Lindisfarne Roundabout to Silverlink Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2008 (Revocation) Order 2012 (SI 1122 2012)" piovolbabkhl fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1122 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Lindisfarne to Tyne Tunnel) (50 Miles Per Hour and 30 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 2875 2011)" piovolbaclmt fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2875 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Mandale Interchange to Stockton Ring Road Interchange) and the A66 Trunk Road (Thornaby Road Interchange to Stockton Road Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2404 2010)" piovolbacelt fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2404 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Moor Farm Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1183 2013)" piovolbactsd fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1183 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Moor Farm Roundabout to Holystone Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2628 2012)" piovolbabmqy fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2628 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Moor Farm Roundabout to Killingworth Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1853 2012)" piovolbacoyi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1853 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Moor Farm Roundabout to Killingworth Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 335 2010)" piovolbabxyl fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 335 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Moor Farm Roundabout to Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 2821 2012)" piovolbacqna fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2821 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Moor Farm Roundabout to Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2024 2012)" piovolbacpiq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2024 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Moor Farm to Fisher Lane) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2787 2014)" piovolbaaxei fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2787 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Moor Farm to Seaton Burn and Holystone Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 60 2011)" piovolbacgqw fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 60 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Moor Farm to Seaton Burn) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2745 2011)" piovolbacleb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2745 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Moor Farm to Seaton Burn) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2012 (SI 2137 2012)" piovolbacpnv fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2137 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Moor Farm to Seaton Burn) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1609 2012)" piovolbabkwv fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1609 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Moor Farm to Seaton Burn) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 910 2013)" piovolbactfv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 910 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (New Parks Bends Improvement) Order 1995 (SI 1153 1995)" piovolbadjwk fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 1153 1995" P "A19 Trunk Road (North Yorkshire/City of York Boundary to A19/A168 Roundabout) (Detrunking)Order 2003 (SI 1424 2003)" piovolbacccg fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 1424 2003" P "A19 Trunk Road (North Yorkshire/City of York Boundary to A19/A63 Junction) (Detrunking) Order 2003 (SI 1423 2003)" piovolbaccch fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 1423 2003" P "A19 Trunk Road (Osmotherley Interchange to Crathorne Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1471 2010)" piovolbacbly fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1471 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Osmotherley Interchange to South Kilvington Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1901 2013)" piovolbabpkh fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1901 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Osmotherley Interchange to Tontine Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2497 2012)" piovolbabmkq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2497 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Osmotherley) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1091 2015)" piovolbaauni fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1091 2015" P "A19 Trunk Road (Ox Bank Layby) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 958 2013)" piovolbaborf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 958 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Parkway Interchange to Crathorne Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1131 2011)" piovolbabgbc fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1131 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Parkway Interchange to Mandale Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1534 2013)" piovolbacuqi fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1534 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Parkway Interchange to Tontine Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1316 2014)" piovolbabdvd fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1316 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Parkway Interchange to Trenholme Bar) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2296 2012)" piovolbablya fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2296 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Portrack Interchange to Parkway Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1608 2012)" piovolbabkwx fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1608 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Portrack Interchange to Stockton Ring Road Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 922 2011)" piovolbabfrn fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 922 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Portrack Roundabout) (Trunking) Order 1994 (SI 2801 1994)" piovolbadiay fulltext monograph 1994 "SI 2801 1994" P "A19 Trunk Road (Raskelf Bridge to Shires Bridge) (Detrunking) Order 1992 (SI 1098 1992)" piovolbadceo fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1098 1992" P "A19 Trunk Road (Rawcliffe Roundabout to City Boundary) (Detrunking) Order 2003 (SI 726 2003)" piovolbacawf fulltext monograph 2003 "SI 726 2003" P "A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2012 (SI 44 2012)" piovolbabiwo fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 44 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange to Holystone Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2769 2013)" piovolbabtza fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2769 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn Interchange to Howdon Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1005 2015)" piovolbaauqn fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1005 2015" P "A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn to Killingworth) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2633 2010)" piovolbacfef fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2633 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn to Moor Farm) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1216 2011)" piovolbacixi fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1216 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Burn to Moor Farm) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 287 2013)" piovolbacrxw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 287 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1343 2011)" piovolbabghu fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1343 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2307 2010)" piovolbacedh fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2307 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Interchange to Easington Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1670 2011)" piovolbabgsp fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1670 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Lane Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2224 2014)" piovolbaaxwx fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2224 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Seaton Lane Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1059 2015)" piovolbaauoq fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1059 2015" P "A19 Trunk Road (Sheraton Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2831 2013)" piovolbabues fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2831 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Sheraton Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1703 2014)" piovolbaayov fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1703 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Sheraton Interchange to Castle Eden Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2874 2012)" piovolbacqop fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2874 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Sheraton Interchange to Wellfield Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1658 2010)" piovolbacbwq fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1658 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Sheraton Interchange to Wolviston Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1383 2012)" piovolbacoir fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1383 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Silverlink Interchange to Holystone Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2792 2011)" piovolbacliv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2792 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Silverlink Interchange to Holystone Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1268 2013)" piovolbaboys fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1268 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Silverlink Interchange to Holystone Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 252 2015)" piovolbaavtv fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 252 2015" P "A19 Trunk Road (Silverlink Interchange to Howdon Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 370 2011)" piovolbachlm fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 370 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Silverlink Interchange to Killingworth Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2343 2012)" piovolbabmek fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2343 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Silverlink Interchange to Killingworth Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 151 2013)" piovolbacrrn fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 151 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Silverlink Roundabout to Howdon Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2647 2010)" piovolbacfgl fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2647 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Silverlink Roundabout to Howdon Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2207 2011)" piovolbabhrk fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2207 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Silverlink to Seaton Burn) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 474 2012)" piovolbacmrz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 474 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (South Kilvington Interchange to Osmotherley Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2003 2014)" piovolbaayev fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2003 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (South Kilvington Interchange to York Road Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1836 2013)" piovolbabphw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1836 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Stockton Interchange to Wolviston Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1284 2014)" piovolbabysp fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1284 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Stockton Ring Road Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2165 2010)" piovolbacdru fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2165 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (Stockton Ring Road Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1736 2014)" piovolbaaynr fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1736 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Stockton Ring Road Interchange to Portrack Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1439 2013)" piovolbacukd fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1439 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Stockton Ring Road to Wolviston Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2154 2012)" piovolbacpps fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2154 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Stockton Road Interchange to Portrack Interchange) (No.2) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3535 2014)" piovolbaawex fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3535 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Stockton Road Interchange to Portrack Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 50 2011)" piovolbacgrq fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 50 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Stockton Road Interchange to Portrack Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 85 2012)" piovolbacmex fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 85 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Stockton Road Interchange to Portrack Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 25 2013)" piovolbacrlu fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 25 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Stockton Road Interchange to Portrack Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 49 2014)" piovolbabbsz fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 49 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Testos Roundabout to Lindisfarne Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1476 2012)" piovolbabksh fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1476 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Testos Roundabout to Seaton Burn Interchange Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1468 2010)" piovolbacbjl fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1468 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (The A1058 Coast Road Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2799 2009)" piovolbabvap fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2799 2009" P "A19 Trunk Road (The A684 Osmotherley Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2833 2013)" piovolbabuem fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2833 2013" P "A19 Trunk Road (Tontine Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 773 2012)" piovolbacnfu fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 773 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (Tontine Junction to Crathorne Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1314 2011)" piovolbacjep fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1314 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Tyne Tunnel to Silverlink) (50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 2264 2011)" piovolbackpl fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2264 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Wellfield Interchange to Easington Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1301 2014)" piovolbabyuy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1301 2014" P "A19 Trunk Road (Wolviston Interchange, Southbound Exit Slip Road) (Trunking) Order 1998 (SI 2641 1998)" piovolbadoqn fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 2641 1998" P "A19 Trunk Road (Wolviston Interchange to Sheraton Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1445 2011)" piovolbacjkn fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1445 2011" P "A19 Trunk Road (Wolviston Interchange to Wellfield Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1975 2010)" piovolbacdae fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1975 2010" P "A19 Trunk Road (York Outer Ring Road to Clifton) (Detrunking) Order 1988 (SI 578 1988)" piovolbadwpr fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 578 1988" P "A19 Trunk Road (York Road Interchange to Osmotherley Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2483 2012)" piovolbacpyi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2483 2012" P "A19 Trunk Road (York Road Interchange to South Kilvington Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1700 2014)" piovolbaayoy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1700 2014" P "A194(M) Motorway and the A184 Trunk Road (Havannah Interchange to Testo's Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2802 2009)" piovolbabbux fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2802 2009" P "A194(M) Motorway and the A184 Trunk Road (White Mare Pool Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2011 (SI 1571 2011)" piovolbabgnb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1571 2011" P "A194(M) Motorway (Birtley Interchange to Follingsby Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3115 2012)" piovolbacrdz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3115 2012" P "A194(M) Motorway (Havannah Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 2773 2013)" piovolbabtyp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2773 2013" P "A194(M) Motorway (Havannah Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 3136 2014)" piovolbaawsm fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3136 2014" P "A194(M) Motorway (Havannah Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1607 2013)" piovolbacutg fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1607 2013" P "A194(M) Motorway (Havannah Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 775 2014)" piovolbaazyv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 775 2014" P "A194(M) Motorway (Havannah Interchange to Follingsby Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2735 2010)" piovolbacfls fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2735 2010" P "A194(M) Motorway (Havannah to Whitemare Pool) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2834 2014)" piovolbaaxcp fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2834 2014" P "A19/A1058 Coast Road (Junction Improvement) Development Consent Order 2016 (SI 73 2016)" piovolbaatfn fulltext monograph 2016 "SI 73 2016" P "A19/A168 Trunk Roads (Laybys between Asenby Interchange and Osmotherley Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1500 2010)" piovolbacbno fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1500 2010" P "A19/A184 Testo's Junction Alteration (Correction) Order 2019 (SI 941 2019)" piovolbaapdk fulltext monograph 2019 "SI 941 2019" P "A19/A184 Testo's Junction Alteration Development Consent Order 2018 (SI 994 2018)" piovolbaaqab fulltext monograph 2018 "SI 994 2018" P "A1/A66 Trunk Roads (Scotch Corner Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3444 2009)" piovolbabwve fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3444 2009" P "A1(M) and A1Trunk Road (Blyth to Ranby, Nottinghamshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2776 2013)" piovolbabtyb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2776 2013" P "A1(M) and M1 Motorways (A1(M) Junctions 1 and 5, M1 Junctions 1 - 6) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1308 2015)" piovolbaaufp fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1308 2015" P "A1(M) Motorway, A194(M) Motorway and the A184 Trunk Road (Junction 64 to Testos Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 482 2012)" piovolbacmtr fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 482 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Alconbury, Cambridgeshire) Southbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1555 2013)" piovolbacurp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1555 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Alconbury to Fletton Parkway Section) and Connecting Roads Scheme 1993 (SI 2944 1993)" piovolbadfps fulltext monograph 1993 "SI 2944 1993" P "A1(M) Motorway and A1 Trunk Road (Junction 10 to Biggleswade, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1353 2013)" piovolbacufd fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1353 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway and A1 Trunk Road (Redhouse to Barnsdale Bar) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2624 2013)" piovolbabtps fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2624 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway and M18 Motorway (Wadworth Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 273 2011)" piovolbaches fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 273 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway and The A1 Trunk Road (A1(M) Junction 2 and A1(M) Junction 1 - A1 Rowley Lane Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1553 2014)" piovolbaayty fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1553 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (B1043 Overbridge, Alconbury to Woolley, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1789 2011)" piovolbackap fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1789 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Barnsdale Bar to Holmfield Interchange), the A1(M) Motorway (Junction 35, Wadworth Interchange) and the A162 Trunk Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2887 2010)" piovolbabewy fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2887 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Barton Interchange to Scotch Corner Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2339 2012)" piovolbabmbk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2339 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Birtley Interchange to Kingsway Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 67 2010)" piovolbabwzc fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 67 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Catterick to Junction 56) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1220 2012)" piovolbacnzc fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1220 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Dishforth Interchange to Leeming Bar Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1052 2010)" piovolbacadw fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1052 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Dishforth Interchange to Scotch Corner Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3039 2009)" piovolbabclq fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3039 2009" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Dishforth to Barton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2014 (SI 993 2014)" piovolbabxrp fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 993 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Junction 10 to Sandy, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3242 2013)" piovolbabbnc fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3242 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Junction 17 Fletton Parkway, Peterborough to Tinwell, Rutland) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1699 2013)" piovolbabpgb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1699 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Junction 34 to Junction 35) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 258 2010)" piovolbabxre fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 258 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Junction 56 to Junction 59) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1733 2014)" piovolbaaynu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1733 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Junction 64 to Coalhouse Interchange) and the A194(M) Motorway (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1056 2013)" piovolbactoh fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1056 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Junction 64 to Eighton Lodge Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2153 2012)" piovolbacppu fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2153 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Junction 9 Hertfordshire and Junction 10 Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1260 2010)" piovolbacauv fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1260 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A1 Trunk Road (Redhouse Interchange to Wentbridge Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2897 2009)" piovolbabviu fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2897 2009" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A168 Trunk Road (Dishforth Interchange to Topcliffe Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1573 2010)" piovolbacbsa fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1573 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A194(M) Motorway (Birtley Interchange to Whitemare Pool Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2013 (SI 172 2013)" piovolbabnvr fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 172 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A63 Trunk Road (Junction 42, Selby Fork) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2615 2013)" piovolbabtmq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2615 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A64 Trunk Road (Bramham Crossroads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2010 (SI 1974 2010)" piovolbacdag fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1974 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A64 Trunk Road (Bramham Crossroads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1238 2010)" piovolbacatj fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1238 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A64 Trunk Road (Bramham Crossroads) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1472 2010)" piovolbabejz fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1472 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A64 Trunk Road (Bramham Crossroads to Selby Fork) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1125 2014)" piovolbabycy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1125 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway and the A690 Trunk Road (Junction 62, Carville Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 230 2010)" piovolbabxqb fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 230 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway and the M62 Motorway (Holmfield Interchange Link Roads) (Speed Limit) Regulations 2008 (SI 2262 2008)" piovolbabpbx fulltext monograph 2008 "SI 2262 2008" P "A1(M) Motorway and the M62 Motorway (Holmfield Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 30 2013)" piovolbabnok fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 30 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway and the M62 Motorway (Holmfield Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1324 2014)" piovolbabywr fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1324 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway and the M62 Motorway (Holmfield Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1407 2010)" piovolbacbhi fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1407 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway and the M62 Motorway (Holmfield Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1372 2013)" piovolbacudq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1372 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Between Junction 9 and Junction 10) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2014 (SI 3041 2014)" piovolbaawvn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3041 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (County of Durham) (Restriction on Use of Off-side Lanes) (Southbound) Regulations 2010 (SI 596 2010)" piovolbabyqo fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 596 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Eighton Lodge to Blind Lane) and the A194 (M) Motorway (Peareth Hall Road to Birtley) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2683 2014)" piovolbaaxho fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2683 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Great Yorkshire Show) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1789 2012)" piovolbableu fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1789 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Great Yorkshire Show) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1783 2014)" piovolbaaymi fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1783 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Hatfield Tunnel) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2011 (SI 2231 2011)" piovolbackne fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2231 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Hatfield Tunnel) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1252 2011)" piovolbacjbb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1252 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Hatfield Tunnel) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1252 2012)" piovolbacnzy fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1252 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Hatfield Tunnel) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1318 2013)" piovolbacubv fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1318 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Hatfield Tunnel) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1338 2014)" piovolbabyvg fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1338 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 1, Northbound Carriageway) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 272 2012)" piovolbabjec fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 272 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 1, Southbound Exit Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1032 2010)" piovolbacabv fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1032 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 1, Southbound Exit Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2673 2011)" piovolbabikx fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2673 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 10) and the A1 Trunk Road (Stotfold to Black Cat Roundabout, Near Roxton, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1802 2011)" piovolbabgxa fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1802 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 10) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2477 2014)" piovolbaaxoh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2477 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 14) and The A1 Trunk Road (Alconbury to Brampton) Cambridgeshire (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2751 2014)" piovolbaaxfk fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2751 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 14 to Junction 15, Cambridgeshire) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2170 2012)" piovolbablpu fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2170 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 14) to the A14 Trunk Road (Junction 23 Spittals Interchange) Cambridgeshire (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3451 2014)" piovolbaawia fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3451 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 15 Sawtry, Cambridgeshire) and the A1 Trunk Road (Junction 17 Fletton Parkway, City of Peterborough) Northbound Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3355 2014)" piovolbaawlf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3355 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 15 Sawtry, Cambridgeshire) Northbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3062 2013)" piovolbabuku fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3062 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 15 Sawtry, Cambridgeshire) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2266 2014)" piovolbaaxvs fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2266 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 15 to Junction 17) and the A14(M) Motorway (Alconbury, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1473 2014)" piovolbabzlg fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1473 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 16 Norman Cross, City of Peterborough) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1255 2012)" piovolbacnzt fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1255 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 16 Norman Cross, Peterborough, City of Peterborough) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1319 2011)" piovolbacjeb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1319 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 16 Norman Cross to Junction 15 Sawtry, Cambridgeshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1837 2011)" piovolbabhag fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1837 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 17) and the A1 Trunk Road (Fletton Parkway to North of Wansford, Peterborough) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2629 2011)" piovolbabifq fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2629 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 17) and the A1 Trunk Road (Fletton Parkway to North of Wansford, Peterborough) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 354 2012)" piovolbabjhk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 354 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 17 Fletton Parkway, City of Peterborough) Northbound(Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 225 2014)" piovolbabvru fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 225 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 17 Fletton Parkway, City of Peterborough) Northbound(Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Variation Order 2014 (SI 2272 2014)" piovolbaaxvm fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2272 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 17), the A1 Trunk Road (Fletton Parkway to North of Wansford) and the A47 Trunk Road (Wansford) (Peterborough) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2243 2012)" piovolbablwm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2243 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 17 to Junction 16) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 403 2013)" piovolbacsfe fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 403 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 34, Blyth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1374 2012)" piovolbabklp fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1374 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 34 to Junction 35) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 2817 2014)" piovolbaaxdf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2817 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 34 to Junction 35) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3068 2013)" piovolbabukf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3068 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 34 to Junction 35) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2507 2014)" piovolbaaxni fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2507 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 34 to Junction 35) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2011 (SI 2797 2011)" piovolbaclij fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2797 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 34 to Junction 35) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2740 2011)" piovolbaclel fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2740 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 34 to Junction 38) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2808 2014)" piovolbaaxdn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2808 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 35 and Junction 37) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2737 2010)" piovolbabeur fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2737 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 35 and Junction 37) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 745 2015)" piovolbaavbd fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 745 2015" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 35 to Junction 34) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2611 2013)" piovolbabtnb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2611 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 35 to Junction 37) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2519 2011)" piovolbackws fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2519 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 35 to Junction 37) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1034 2015)" piovolbaaupp fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1034 2015" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 35, Wadworth Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2010 (SI 2358 2010)" piovolbaceix fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2358 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 35, Wadworth Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1402 2010)" piovolbacber fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1402 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 35, Wadworth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1565 2012)" piovolbabktu fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1565 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36) and Barrel Lane Pedestrian Footbridge (Warmsworth) (Temporary Prohibition and Restriction of Traffic and Pedestrians) Order 2009 (SI 3419 2009)" piovolbabwog fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3419 2009" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36, Olympic Torch Relay) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1613 2012)" piovolbabkwk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1613 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36 to Junction 35) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1823 2013)" piovolbabpiq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1823 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36 to Junction 37) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2358 2012)" piovolbabmdk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2358 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36 to Junction 37) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1900 2013)" piovolbabpkj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1900 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36, Warmsworth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 261 2012)" piovolbabjey fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 261 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36, Warmsworth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2010 (SI 2359 2010)" piovolbaceiw fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2359 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36, Warmsworth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1733 2010)" piovolbaccdv fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1733 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36, Warmsworth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 178 2011)" piovolbacgye fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 178 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36, Warmsworth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 82 2012)" piovolbabixz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 82 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36, Warmsworth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1331 2013)" piovolbacuap fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1331 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36, Warmsworth) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 69 2014)" piovolbabbve fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 69 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36, Warmsworth) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2010 (SI 2505 2010)" piovolbaceua fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2505 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 36, Warmsworth) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1502 2010)" piovolbabekf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1502 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 37, Marr) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 2011 2012)" piovolbacphi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2011 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 37, Marr) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 73 2010)" piovolbabxdc fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 73 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 37, Marr) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 565 2012)" piovolbabjmy fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 565 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 37, Marr) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1376 2013)" piovolbacugz fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1376 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 37) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 2316 2014)" piovolbaaxty fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2316 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 37) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2194 2014)" piovolbaaxya fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2194 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 37 to Junction 36) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 848 2011)" piovolbaciie fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 848 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 37 to Junction 36) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1123 2014)" piovolbabydf fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1123 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 37 to Junction 38) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 776 2014)" piovolbaazyo fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 776 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 37 to Junction 38) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1067 2012)" piovolbacnqo fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1067 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 37 to Junction 38) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 152 2014)" piovolbabbyu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 152 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 38, Redhouse) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 2245 2012)" piovolbablwk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2245 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 38, Redhouse) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1716 2012)" piovolbablau fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1716 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 38, Redhouse) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1456 2013)" piovolbacult fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1456 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 38) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 3136 2011)" piovolbacmcj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 3136 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 38) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1160 2015)" piovolbaaukk fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1160 2015" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 38 to Junction 37) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2563 2011)" piovolbackzi fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2563 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 4 to Junction 6) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2972 2014)" piovolbaawxz fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2972 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 4 to North of Junction 6) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1104 2015)" piovolbaaumu fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1104 2015" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 42, Selby Fork) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1835 2012)" piovolbacowi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1835 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 42, Selby Fork to Junction 43, Hook Moor) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1328 2010)" piovolbacazt fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1328 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 42 to Junction 43 and Junction 44) and the A64 Trunk Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2011 (SI 1596 2011)" piovolbabgog fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1596 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 42 to Junction 43 and Junction 44) and the A64 Trunk Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 89 2011)" piovolbacgtr fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 89 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 42 to Junction 43 and Junction 44) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1392 2011)" piovolbacjip fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1392 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 42 to Junction 43) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 29 2013)" piovolbabnol fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 29 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 42 to Junction 44) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 855 2012)" piovolbabjyi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 855 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 43 to Junction 41) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1995 2013)" piovolbabpnu fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1995 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 43 to Junction 41) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1490 2014)" piovolbabzjs fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1490 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 43 to Junction 42 and Junction 44) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1868 2010)" piovolbaccqu fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1868 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 43 to Junction 42) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3543 2014)" piovolbaawep fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3543 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44) and the A64 Trunk Road (Bramham Interchange to Headley Bar Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2014 2012)" piovolbacphb fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2014 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44, Bramham Crossroads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2967 2009)" piovolbabvot fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2967 2009" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44, Bramham Crossroads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1040 2010)" piovolbabefr fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1040 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44, Bramham Crossroads) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1751 2010)" piovolbaccfs fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1751 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44, Bramham) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2062 2012)" piovolbacplq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2062 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 1482 2014)" piovolbabeec fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1482 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2015 (SI 1276 2015)" piovolbaaufx fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1276 2015" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.3) Order 2014 (SI 3422 2014)" piovolbaawjc fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3422 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1310 2014)" piovolbabdvr fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1310 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1151 2015)" piovolbaauku fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1151 2015" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44 to Junction 42) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2566 2012)" piovolbabmml fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2566 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44 to Junction 42) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1368 2013)" piovolbabozk fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1368 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 44 to Junction 46) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2183 2014)" piovolbaaxyl fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2183 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 45, Grange Moor) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1261 2010)" piovolbacaus fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1261 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 45) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2386 2011)" piovolbabhxh fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2386 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 45 to Junction 42) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1606 2012)" piovolbabkxe fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1606 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 45 to Junction 42) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2165 2014)" piovolbaaxzc fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2165 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 45 to Junction 46) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1114 2014)" piovolbabdqa fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1114 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 45 to Junction 46) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1247 2012)" piovolbacoag fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1247 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 46, Kirk Deighton) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1330 2010)" piovolbacazq fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1330 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 46) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2539 2013)" piovolbacvxp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2539 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 46 to Junction 45) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1123 2010)" piovolbacaim fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1123 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 46 to Junction 48) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1630 2010)" piovolbacbvk fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1630 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 46 to Junction 48) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1068 2012)" piovolbacnqm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1068 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 46 to Junction 48) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1104 2014)" piovolbabdqq fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1104 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 46 to Junction 49) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1914 2013)" piovolbacvhe fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1914 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 47, Allerton Moor) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1541 2012)" piovolbabksu fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1541 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 47) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 3400 2014)" piovolbaawjv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3400 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 47) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 986 2014)" piovolbabdmh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 986 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 47 to Junction 46) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 513 2011)" piovolbachuo fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 513 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 48) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2666 2014)" piovolbaaxid fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2666 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 48 to Junction 47) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1630 2013)" piovolbacuun fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1630 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 48 to Junction 49) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2096 2011)" piovolbabhmx fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2096 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 50, Baldersby) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2012 (SI 3277 2012)" piovolbabnht fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3277 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 56, Barton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2011 (SI 3123 2011)" piovolbacmau fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 3123 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 56, Barton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 644 2011)" piovolbacibo fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 644 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 56, Barton) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 530 2012)" piovolbacmvq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 530 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 56 to Junction 57) and the A66(M) Motorway (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2010 (SI 1043 2010)" piovolbacabg fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1043 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 56 to Junction 57) and the A66(M) Motorway (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 325 2010)" piovolbabxwg fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 325 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 56 to Junction 58) and the A66(M) Motorway (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2753 2010)" piovolbabevk fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2753 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 56 to Junction 58) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1078 2012)" piovolbacnpn fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1078 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 56 to Junction 65) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 148 2015)" piovolbaavya fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 148 2015" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 57, Blackwell Spur) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2009 (SI 3195 2009)" piovolbabwao fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3195 2009" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 57 to Junction 58) and the A66(M) (Blackwell Spur) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2795 2010)" piovolbacfqp fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2795 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 57 to Junction 58) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2847 2012)" piovolbacqnm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2847 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 57 to Junction 58) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2525 2014)" piovolbaaxmq fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2525 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 57 to Junction 58) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 70 2010)" piovolbabxdi fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 70 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 57 to Junction 58) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1786 2012)" piovolbablfa fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1786 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 57 to Junction 64) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3370 2014)" piovolbaawkr fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3370 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 58, Burtree) (Temporary 30 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2012 (SI 1535 2012)" piovolbacomj fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1535 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 58, Burtree) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2041 2012)" piovolbacpkg fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2041 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 58, Junction 60, Junction 61, and Junction 62 Circulatory Carriageways) (Trunking) Order 2007 (SI 3067 2007)" piovolbacqzi fulltext monograph 2007 "SI 3067 2007" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 58) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2802 2014)" piovolbaaxdt fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2802 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 58 to Junction 57) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2255 2011)" piovolbackqi fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2255 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 58 to Junction 59 and Junction 60) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2135 2012)" piovolbacpny fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2135 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 58 to Junction 59) and the A167 Trunk Road (Coatham Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2893 2009)" piovolbabvjh fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2893 2009" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 58 to Junction 59) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 795 2011)" piovolbacigi fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 795 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 58 to Junction 59) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 326 2011)" piovolbachfz fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 326 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 58 to Junction 59) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1114 2012)" piovolbacnsy fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1114 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 58 to Junction 59) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 762 2015)" piovolbaavao fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 762 2015" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 58 to Junction 60) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2258 2010)" piovolbacebb fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2258 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.4) Order 2014 (SI 2586 2014)" piovolbaaxku fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2586 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 1569 2014)" piovolbaaytj fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1569 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.3) Order 2014 (SI 1863 2014)" piovolbaayju fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1863 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 87 2012)" piovolbacmet fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 87 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 776 2013)" piovolbaboks fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 776 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 770 2014)" piovolbabwzb fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 770 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59 to Junction 57) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3172 2014)" piovolbaawrj fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3172 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59 to Junction 58) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2904 2010)" piovolbacfxn fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2904 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59 to Junction 58) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 475 2012)" piovolbacmrx fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 475 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59 to Junction 60) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2013 (SI 1909 2013)" piovolbabpjq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1909 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59 to Junction 60) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 370 2010)" piovolbabxyz fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 370 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59 to Junction 60) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 2936 2012)" piovolbacqua fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2936 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59 to Junction 60) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2842 2009)" piovolbabbzi fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2842 2009" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59 to Junction 60) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1303 2010)" piovolbacayp fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1303 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59 to Junction 60) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2311 2011)" piovolbabhtx fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2311 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59 to Junction 60) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1822 2012)" piovolbacoxq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1822 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59 to Junction 60) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2028 2013)" piovolbabpqw fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2028 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 59 to Junction 60) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1856 2014)" piovolbaayjy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1856 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 6, Hertfordshire) Northbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2817 2011)" piovolbabioi fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2817 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 6, Northbound Exit Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 89 2012)" piovolbacmeq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 89 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 6, Southbound Entry Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2030 2011)" piovolbabhju fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2030 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 6 to Junction 10, Hertfordshire) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 2389 2011)" piovolbabhwz fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2389 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 6 to Junction 10) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2621 2012)" piovolbabmrq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2621 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 6 to Junction 7, Hertfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2022 2013)" piovolbabprk fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2022 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 6 to Junction 7, Hertfordshire) (Temporary Restriction & Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2296 2010)" piovolbaceee fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2296 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 6 to Junction 7, Hertfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2010 (SI 3087 2010)" piovolbacgmt fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3087 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 6 to Junction 8, Hertfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1351 2013)" piovolbacuck fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1351 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 60, Bradbury Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2946 2010)" piovolbacgcl fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2946 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 60) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour and 40 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2014 (SI 1306 2014)" piovolbabyul fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1306 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 60 to Junction 59) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3430 2014)" piovolbaawiv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3430 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 60 to Junction 61) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2829 2013)" piovolbabuez fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2829 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 60 to Junction 61) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3407 2014)" piovolbaawjo fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3407 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 60 to Junction 61) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 2428 2012)" piovolbacpwf fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2428 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 60 to Junction 61) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2010 (SI 2947 2010)" piovolbacgcj fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2947 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 60 to Junction 61) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2045 2010)" piovolbacdfa fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2045 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 60 to Junction 61) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 778 2012)" piovolbacnfk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 778 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 60 to Junction 61) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2678 2013)" piovolbabads fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2678 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 60 to Junction 61) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 289 2014)" piovolbabvyy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 289 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 60 to Junction 63) and the A690 Trunk Road (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2825 2011)" piovolbacljd fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2825 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61, Bowburn) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2634 2010)" piovolbacfec fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2634 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61, Bowburn) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2212 2012)" piovolbablsd fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2212 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61, Bowburn) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1371 2013)" piovolbabozf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1371 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2090 2014)" piovolbaaybu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2090 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61 to Junction 60) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3043 2014)" piovolbaawvl fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3043 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61 to Junction 60) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 1361 2012)" piovolbabkmw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1361 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61 to Junction 60) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 656 2012)" piovolbabjrf fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 656 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61 to Junction 62) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2014 (SI 1570 2014)" piovolbaayti fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1570 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61 to Junction 62) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2013 (SI 3100 2013)" piovolbabber fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3100 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61 to Junction 62) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1327 2013)" piovolbacuay fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1327 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61 to Junction 63) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2014 (SI 252 2014)" piovolbabvsy fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 252 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61 to Junction 63) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3108 2012)" piovolbacrep fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3108 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61 to Junction 63) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3175 2014)" piovolbaawrg fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3175 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 61 to Junction 64) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2870 2014)" piovolbaaxbm fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2870 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 62, Carrville) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2136 2012)" piovolbacpnw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2136 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 62, Carville) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour and 40 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2012 (SI 2738 2012)" piovolbacqho fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2738 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 62, Carville) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1071 2013)" piovolbabotk fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1071 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 62) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2685 2014)" piovolbaaxhm fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2685 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 62 to Junction 63) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2566 2011)" piovolbackzc fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2566 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 62 to Junction 63) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3032 2014)" piovolbaawvu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3032 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63, Blind Lane Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2012 (SI 1539 2012)" piovolbacolz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1539 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63, Blind Lane Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 3) Order 2012 (SI 1611 2012)" piovolbabkwo fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1611 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63, Blind Lane Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 540 2012)" piovolbacmyb fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 540 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2250 2013)" piovolbacvqx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2250 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 61) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2042 2012)" piovolbacpkd fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2042 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 62) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3408 2014)" piovolbaawjn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3408 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 62) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2260 2013)" piovolbacvrj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2260 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 64) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2009 (SI 3440 2009)" piovolbabwra fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3440 2009" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 64) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1982 2014)" piovolbaayfl fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1982 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 65) and the A1 Trunk Road (Newcastle and Gateshead Western Bypass) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 778 2013)" piovolbabokp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 778 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 65) and the A194(M) Motorway (Havannah to Birtley) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2014 (SI 2684 2014)" piovolbaaxhn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2684 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 65) and the A194(M) Motorway (Havannah to Birtley) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2362 2013)" piovolbacvul fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2362 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 65) and the A194(M) Motorway (Havannah to Birtley) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1970 2014)" piovolbaayfw fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1970 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 65) and the A194(M) Motorway (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2376 2011)" piovolbabhxl fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2376 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 65) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1524 2013)" piovolbabpbg fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1524 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 64) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2195 2014)" piovolbaaxxz fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2195 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 64 to Junction 62) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2846 2009)" piovolbabbzb fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2846 2009" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 64, Washington to Junction 63, Blind Lane) and the A167 Trunk Road (Blind Lane Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3288 2009)" piovolbabcyw fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3288 2009" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 7 - Junction 8 Northbound, Hertfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 928 2010)" piovolbabztm fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 928 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 7, Hertfordshire) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1899 2013)" piovolbacvfe fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1899 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 7, Hertfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 335 2011)" piovolbachij fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 335 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 7 Knebworth, Hertfordshire) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1960 2010)" piovolbaccxx fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1960 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 7 Stevenage, Hertfordshire) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1614 2011)" piovolbabgqj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1614 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 7 Stevenage, Hertfordshire) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1590 2012)" piovolbabkuz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1590 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 7 Stevenage, Hertfordshire) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1746 2014)" piovolbaaynh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1746 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 7 to Junction 6, Hertfordshire) Southbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2265 2014)" piovolbaaxvt fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2265 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 7 to Junction 8, Hertfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2332 2014)" piovolbaaxtj fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2332 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 7 to Junction 9) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2014 (SI 190 2014)" piovolbabvmq fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 190 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 7 to South of Junction 10, Hertfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1615 2011)" piovolbabgqh fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1615 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 8, Hertfordshire) Slip Roads (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 165 2010)" piovolbabdlo fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 165 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 9, Letchworth Gate, Hertfordshire) Southbound Entry Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 115 2013)" piovolbacrqf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 115 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junction 9 to Junction 8) Southbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 134 2014)" piovolbabvix fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 134 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 1 - 3) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 1051 2015)" piovolbaauoy fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 1051 2015" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 15 to 17) and The A1(M) Spur Motorway (Alconbury) (Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2073 2012)" piovolbacpku fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2073 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 2 - 4) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 Variation Order 2011 (SI 1067 2011)" piovolbacioz fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1067 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 2 - 6) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 91 2012)" piovolbacmel fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 91 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 3 - 1, Southbound) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2126 2011)" piovolbabhoa fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2126 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 3 - 4) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2100 2014)" piovolbaaybk fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2100 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 4 - 1, Southbound) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1668 2012)" piovolbacopq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1668 2012" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 6 - 2, Southbound) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1574 2013)" piovolbacusr fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1574 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 6 to 7, Hertfordshire) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1981 2011)" piovolbackep fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1981 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Junctions 8 to 6, Hertfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2776 2011)" piovolbaclhn fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2776 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Letchworth Road Bridge, Hertfordshire) Northbound (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2146 2011)" piovolbackkg fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2146 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway (Letchworth Road Bridge Junction 9, Hertfordshire to Junction 10, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1426 2010)" piovolbabeid fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1426 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (South Mimms Interchange, Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1280 2014)" piovolbabytb fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1280 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (South of Junction 7 to North of Junction 8 Stevenage, Hertfordshire) Northbound (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2163 2010)" piovolbacdry fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2163 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (South of Junction 9, Hertfordshire to North of Junction 10, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2669 2010)" piovolbacfid fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2669 2010" P "A1(M) Motorway (South of Junction 9, Hertfordshire to North of Junction 10, Bedfordshire) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 572 2011)" piovolbachym fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 572 2011" P "A1(M) Motorway, the A1 Trunk Road and the A66(M) Motorway (Junction 56 to Junction 58) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1912 2013)" piovolbacvhl fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1912 2013" P "A1(M) Motorway (Tour de France) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2001 2014)" piovolbaayex fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2001 2014" P "A1(M) Motorway (Yorkshire Festival of Cycling) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1784 2014)" piovolbaaymh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1784 2014" P "A1Trunk Road (Denwick Interchange to Hemelspeth Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2312 2014)" piovolbaaxuc fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2312 2014" P "A1Trunk Road (Fletton Parkway Interchange, City of Peterborough) Southbound Exit Slip Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 155 2015)" piovolbaavxs fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 155 2015" P "A2, A20 and the A282 Trunk Roads and the M20 and the M25 Motorways (Near Dartford) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2800 2014)" piovolbaaxdv fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2800 2014" P "A2 and the A205 Trunk Roads (Rochester Way and Westhorne Avenue Detrunking)Order 1989 (SI 1526 1989)" piovolbacvyx fulltext monograph 1989 "SI 1526 1989" P "A2 Trunk Road (A260 Barham Interchange and Coldharbour Lane Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 716 2010)" piovolbabzce fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 716 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (A28 Interchange, Slip Road Closures) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3217 2013)" piovolbabblf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3217 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (A28 Wincheap Canterbury Entry Road) Slip Road Order 2010 (SI 2468 2010)" piovolbacepz fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2468 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (A296 Watling Street Slip Road) (Trunking) Order 1997 (SI 2535 1997)" piovolbadmks fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 2535 1997" P "A2 Trunk Road and the M2 Motorway (Junction 1, Coastbound) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 912 2012)" piovolbabkaz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 912 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road and the M2 Motorway (Junctions 1 - 4, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1287 2010)" piovolbacawn fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1287 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road and the M25 and M20 Motorways (Dartford Heath Interchange, M25 Junctions 2 and M20 Junction 1) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1757 2014)" piovolbaaymw fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1757 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Barham - Bridge) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3373 2009)" piovolbabwmr fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3373 2009" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bean - Ebbsfleet) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1285 2010)" piovolbacawv fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1285 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bean and Ebbsfleet Junction Improvements) (Slip Roads and Roundabouts) Order 2020 (SI 564 2020)" piovolbaaooz fulltext monograph 2020 "SI 564 2020" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bean Interchange - Darenth Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2959 2014)" piovolbaawym fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2959 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bean Interchange - West of Darenth Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3252 2013)" piovolbabblx fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3252 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bean Interchange, Coastbound) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2628 2013)" piovolbabtpc fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2628 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bean Interchange, Londonbound Entry Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1022 2013)" piovolbactmf fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1022 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bean Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 733 2014)" piovolbabwyn fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 733 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bean Junction - Cobham Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2783 2011)" piovolbaclgw fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2783 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bexley) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2519 1995)" piovolbabdls fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2519 1995" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bexley) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2444 1995)" piovolbacavp fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2444 1995" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bexley) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 (SI 2726 1996)" piovolbadkii fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 2726 1996" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bexley) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 Variation Order 1998 (SI 1809 1998)" piovolbadoce fulltext monograph 1998 "SI 1809 1998" P "A2 Trunk Road (Boughton By-pass, Eastbound) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2013 (SI 136 2013)" piovolbacrrd fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 136 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Brenley Corner - Coldred) (Temporary Speed Restrictions) Order 2011 (SI 499 2011)" piovolbachss fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 499 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Brenley Corner - Dunkirk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2853 2009)" piovolbabvdr fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2853 2009" P "A2 Trunk Road (Brenley Corner - Nackington) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 61 2011)" piovolbacgqt fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 61 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Brenley Corner - New Dover Road Interchange)(Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1453 2012)" piovolbabkqv fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1453 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Brenley Corner - Thanington Road Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2305 2012)" piovolbabmba fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2305 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Brenley Corner, Coastbound) (Temporary 40 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2012 (SI 1411 2012)" piovolbabknk fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1411 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Brenley Corner Interchange - Barham Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2953 2013)" piovolbabuij fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2953 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Brenley Corner Interchange - Stuppington Lane Bridge) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2541 2014)" piovolbaaxmb fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2541 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Brenley Corner Interchange - Thanington Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 99 2014)" piovolbabbwa fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 99 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Brenley Corner to Bridge) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 754 2010)" piovolbabzfx fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 754 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Bridge - Lydden) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1509 2010)" piovolbacbmo fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1509 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Cobham Interchange - Cycle Track) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3556 2014)" piovolbaawec fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3556 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Cobham Interchange, Coastbound) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2046 2013)" piovolbabpsp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2046 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Cobham Junction, Coastbound Entry Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2645 2010)" piovolbacfgq fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2645 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Cobham Junction, Eastbound) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2505 2013)" piovolbabqey fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2505 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Cobham Junction, Londonbound Exit Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1833 2011)" piovolbabhar fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1833 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Cobham Services, Londonbound) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2806 2013)" piovolbabuda fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2806 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Coldharbour Lane, Coastbound) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2421 2010)" piovolbacenb fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2421 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Darenth Interchange and Bean Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 3079 2011)" piovolbaclyh fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 3079 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Darenth Interchange and Bean Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3148 2012)" piovolbacrhf fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3148 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Darenth Interchange and Bean Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3129 2013)" piovolbabbgg fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3129 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Darenth Interchange and Bean Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3459 2014)" piovolbaawhs fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3459 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Darenth Interchange, Westbound Link Road) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 102 2014)" piovolbabvhx fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 102 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dartford Heath, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No. 2) Order 2011 (SI 2351 2011)" piovolbabhur fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2351 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dartford Heath, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1719 2010)" piovolbaccbw fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1719 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dartford Heath, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1425 2011)" piovolbacjiz fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1425 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dartford Heath, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1557 2012)" piovolbaconm fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1557 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dartford Heath, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1390 2013)" piovolbacufj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1390 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dartford Heath, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1592 2014)" piovolbaayso fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1592 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dover - Lydden) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1226 2012)" piovolbacnyq fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1226 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dover Road, A260 - A2050) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2015 (SI 529 2015)" piovolbaavjr fulltext monograph 2015 "SI 529 2015" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dover Road, Barham) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 598 2012)" piovolbacmyw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 598 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dover Road) (Lay-by Closures) (Experimental) Order 2013 (SI 1315 2013)" piovolbacuca fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1315 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dover Road, Out Elmstead) (Temporary Speed Restrictions) Order 2013 (SI 2073 2013)" piovolbabpti fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2073 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dover Road) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2011 (SI 504 2011)" piovolbabfdg fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 504 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dover Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3546 2014)" piovolbaawem fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3546 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dunkirk, Eastbound) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3202 2012)" piovolbabneo fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3202 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Dunkirk Interchange) (Temporary Speed Restriction) Order 2010 (SI 542 2010)" piovolbabdwu fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 542 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Ebbsfleet Interchange) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3470 2014)" piovolbaawhi fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3470 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Ebbsfleet Junction - Pepper Hill Interchange, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 714 2013)" piovolbacsvr fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 714 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Ebbsfleet Junction, Coastbound Exit Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1497 2013)" piovolbabpay fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1497 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Ebbsfleet Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2078 2011)" piovolbackii fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2078 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Ebbsfleet Link Road Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3432 2014)" piovolbaawit fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3432 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Ebbsfleet, Londonbound Entry Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1714 2010)" piovolbacccs fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1714 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Gate Services) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1256 2010)" piovolbacavd fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1256 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Greenwich) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2520 1995)" piovolbabdle fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2520 1995" P "A2 Trunk Road (Greenwich) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1997 (SI 21 1997)" piovolbadkul fulltext monograph 1997 "SI 21 1997" P "A2 Trunk Road (Guston Roundabout - Dover Eastern Docks Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3223 2012)" piovolbabnfx fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3223 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Guston Roundabout - Dover Eastern Docks Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1872 2013)" piovolbacveb fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1872 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Guston Roundabout - Eastern Docks Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3463 2014)" piovolbaawho fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3463 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Halfway Street - Coldred Street) (Temporary Speed Restrictions) Order 2013 (SI 1737 2013)" piovolbacuzq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1737 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Halfway Street - Whitfield Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2961 2012)" piovolbabmzv fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2961 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Harbledown Interchange - Honey Wood Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 355 2010)" piovolbabdtf fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 355 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Harbledown Interchange, Londonbound) (Temporary Speed Restrictions) Order 2010 (SI 257 2010)" piovolbabdnx fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 257 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Honeywood Interchange - Eastern Docks Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 3073 2011)" piovolbaclvj fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 3073 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Jubilee Way Bridge, Coastbound Carriageway) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2896 2009)" piovolbabviy fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2896 2009" P "A2 Trunk Road (Jubilee Way, Coastbound Carriageway) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2300 2010)" piovolbacedt fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2300 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Jubilee Way, Coastbound Carriageway) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2242 2011)" piovolbackox fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2242 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Jubilee Way, Coastbound Carriageway) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2361 2012)" piovolbabmgs fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2361 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Jubilee Way, Coastbound Carriageway) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2412 2013)" piovolbabqcj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2412 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Jubilee Way, Coastbound Carriageway) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2552 2014)" piovolbaaxls fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2552 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Littledale Viaduct) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2509 2012)" piovolbacpzh fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2509 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Lydden - Bonny Bush) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1575 2012)" piovolbabktc fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1575 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Lydden Hill - Coxhill) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2456 2013)" piovolbacvvn fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2456 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Lydden Hill - Whitfield Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 549 2012)" piovolbacmxe fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 549 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Lydden Hill Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2227 2012)" piovolbabltx fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2227 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (M2 Junction 7 - Thanington Road Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2488 2010)" piovolbacerw fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2488 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (M2 Junction 7 - Thanington Road Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1350 2013)" piovolbacucn fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1350 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (M25 Junction 2 - M2 Junction 1) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2205 2013)" piovolbacvps fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2205 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (M25 Junction 2, Slip/Link Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1192 2012)" piovolbabkjv fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1192 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Marling Cross - Pepper Hill) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1422 2011)" piovolbacjje fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1422 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Near Canterbury, Eastbound) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1488 2010)" piovolbacbkq fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1488 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Near Upper Harbledown, Coastbound Exit Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3295 2009)" piovolbabcyh fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3295 2009" P "A2 Trunk Road (Near Whitfield) (Temporary Speed Restriction) Order 2013 (SI 2567 2013)" piovolbaazwp fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2567 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Old Dover Road, Barham) Detrunking Order 1991 (SI 2550 1991)" piovolbadbaq fulltext monograph 1991 "SI 2550 1991" P "A2 Trunk Road (Pepper Hill Junction, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 2807 2009)" piovolbabbyo fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 2807 2009" P "A2 Trunk Road (Pepper Hill Junction) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 2308 2012)" piovolbabmav fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 2308 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Pepperhill Junction) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2108 2014)" piovolbaaybc fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2108 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Pepperhill to Cobham and Slip Roads) Order 2005 (SI 2933 2005)" piovolbackyg fulltext monograph 2005 "SI 2933 2005" P "A2 Trunk Road (Pepperhill to Cobham and Slip Roads) Supplementary Order 2005 (SI 2928 2005)" piovolbabjhw fulltext monograph 2005 "SI 2928 2005" P "A2 Trunk Road (Pepperhill to Cobham) (Detrunking) Order 2005 (SI 2934 2005)" piovolbabjhn fulltext monograph 2005 "SI 2934 2005" P "A2 Trunk Road (Rochester Way Relief Road, Greenwich and Bexley) (Speed Limits) Order 1988 (SI 902 1988)" piovolbadwwo fulltext monograph 1988 "SI 902 1988" P "A2 Trunk Road (Thanington - Brenley Corner, Londonbound) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 303 2011)" piovolbabfce fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 303 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Thanington Westbound Off Slip) (Detrunking) Order 2022 (SI 645 2022)" piovolbaammv fulltext monograph 2022 "SI 645 2022" P "A2 Trunk Road (Tollgate Junction - Pepper Hill Interchange) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2014 (SI 33 2014)" piovolbabvcq fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 33 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Upper Harbledown - Bridge, Coastbound) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1046 2010)" piovolbacabc fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1046 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Upper Harbledown - Bridge, Coastbound) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1045 2012)" piovolbacnpd fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1045 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Upper Harbledown - Bridge) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1312 2013)" piovolbactze fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1312 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Upper Harbledown - Guston) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2826 2011)" piovolbacljb fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2826 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Upper Harbledown - Nackington) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2284 2011)" piovolbackqv fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2284 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Upper Harbledown - Whitfield, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3311 2009)" piovolbabdau fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3311 2009" P "A2 Trunk Road (Upper Harbledown - Whitfield, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2876 2010)" piovolbacfwu fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2876 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Upper Harbledown - Whitfield, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2877 2011)" piovolbaclmp fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2877 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (Upper Harbledown - Whitfield, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3137 2012)" piovolbacret fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3137 2012" P "A2 Trunk Road (Upper Harbledown - Whitfield, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3040 2013)" piovolbabbce fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3040 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Upper Harbledown - Whitfield, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3442 2014)" piovolbaawij fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3442 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (Watling Street) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2641 2014)" piovolbaaxiu fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2641 2014" P "A2 Trunk Road (West of Lydden Hill - East of Coldred Hill) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2141 2011)" piovolbackkq fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2141 2011" P "A2 Trunk Road (West of Rochester) Detrunking Order 1996 (SI 853 1996)" piovolbaddhr fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 853 1996" P "A2 Trunk Road (West of Upper Harbledown - Bridge) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2040 2013)" piovolbabppy fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2040 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Westbound, Near Dunkirk) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2925 2013)" piovolbabapq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2925 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Whitfield Roundabout - Guston Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 2626 2013)" piovolbabtpj fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 2626 2013" P "A2 Trunk Road (Wick Lane - Coxhill) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 3053 2010)" piovolbacgiu fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3053 2010" P "A2 Trunk Road (Wincheap Interchange, Londonbound) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 3068 2010)" piovolbacgkx fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3068 2010" P "A20 London-Folkestone-Dover Trunk Road (Sidcup Bypass Improvement Detrunking) Order 1992 (SI 1961 1992)" piovolbadcta fulltext monograph 1992 "SI 1961 1992" P "A20 Trunk Road (A260 Interchange - B2011 Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2990 2014)" piovolbaawxj fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2990 2014" P "A20 Trunk Road (Alkham Valley Interchange - Western Heights Roundabout, Coastbound) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1044 2012)" piovolbabkgt fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1044 2012" P "A20 Trunk Road (Alkham Valley Interchange and Courtwood Interchange, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2) Order 2009 (SI 3388 2009)" piovolbabdes fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3388 2009" P "A20 Trunk Road (Alkham Valley Interchange and Courtwood Interchange, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 3012 2010)" piovolbacgfx fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 3012 2010" P "A20 Trunk Road (Alkham Valley Interchange and Courtwood Interchange, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2965 2011)" piovolbaclps fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2965 2011" P "A20 Trunk Road (Alkham Valley Interchange and Courtwood Interchange, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3180 2012)" piovolbabndl fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3180 2012" P "A20 Trunk Road (Alkham Valley Interchange and Courtwood Interchange, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 3084 2013)" piovolbabbdq fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 3084 2013" P "A20 Trunk Road (Alkham Valley Interchange and Courtwood Interchange, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3467 2014)" piovolbaawhl fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3467 2014" P "A20 Trunk Road and the M20 and M26 Motorways (Crittalls Corner - M20 Junction 1 and M26 Junction 2A) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1316 2011)" piovolbacjek fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1316 2011" P "A20 Trunk Road and the M20 Motorway (Alkham Valley Interchange - M20 Junction 13) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 3201 2012)" piovolbabnep fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 3201 2012" P "A20 Trunk Road and the M20 Motorway (Cheriton Interchange - Courtwood Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2034 2011)" piovolbabhmk fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2034 2011" P "A20 Trunk Road and the M20 Motorway (Junctions 9 - 13, Slip Roads) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1296 2010)" piovolbacavq fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1296 2010" P "A20 Trunk Road and the M20 Motorway (Roundhill Tunnel) (Temporary 50 Miles Per Hour Speed Restriction) Order 2010 (SI 352 2010)" piovolbabxzr fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 352 2010" P "A20 Trunk Road (B2011 Underbridge - Limekiln Roundabout) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 3415 2014)" piovolbaawjh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 3415 2014" P "A20 Trunk Road (Bexley and Bromley) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2527 1995)" piovolbabdoa fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2527 1995" P "A20 Trunk Road (Bexley and Bromley) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2445 1995)" piovolbacavo fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2445 1995" P "A20 Trunk Road (Bexley and Bromley) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 (SI 2728 1996)" piovolbadkhf fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 2728 1996" P "A20 Trunk Road (Court Wood Interchange, Londonbound Entry Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 923 2013)" piovolbabonl fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 923 2013" P "A20 Trunk Road (Courtwood Interchange - Alkham Valley Interchange) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 781 2013)" piovolbaboki fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 781 2013" P "A20 Trunk Road (Courtwood Interchange - Limekiln Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2115 2010)" piovolbacdoi fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2115 2010" P "A20 Trunk Road (Courtwood Interchange - M20 Junction 13, Londonbound) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 399 2011)" piovolbachmd fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 399 2011" P "A20 Trunk Road (Courtwood Interchange, Westbound Exit Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2515 2010)" piovolbacexa fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2515 2010" P "A20 Trunk Road (Dover Eastern Docks Exit Road) Slip Road Order 2007 (SI 3201 2007)" piovolbacrbs fulltext monograph 2007 "SI 3201 2007" P "A20 Trunk Road (East of Cauldham Lane - Courtwood) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 434 2012)" piovolbacmpi fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 434 2012" P "A20 Trunk Road (East of Roundhill Tunnel) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3058 2009)" piovolbabcog fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3058 2009" P "A20 Trunk Road (Greenwich) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2528 1995)" piovolbacbrs fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2528 1995" P "A20 Trunk Road (Greenwich) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1995 (SI 2443 1995)" piovolbacavw fulltext monograph 1995 "SI 2443 1995" P "A20 Trunk Road (Greenwich) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 (SI 2727 1996)" piovolbadkhn fulltext monograph 1996 "SI 2727 1996" P "A20 Trunk Road (Greenwich) Red Route Traffic Order 1996 Variation Order 1999 (SI 342 1999)" piovolbadphb fulltext monograph 1999 "SI 342 1999" P "A20 Trunk Road (Hawkinge Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1312 2014)" piovolbabytr fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1312 2014" P "A20 Trunk Road (Limekiln Roundabout - Lord Warden Square) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 2054 2010)" piovolbacdio fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 2054 2010" P "A20 Trunk Road (Limekiln Roundabout - Lord Warden Square) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1575 2014)" piovolbaayte fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1575 2014" P "A20 Trunk Road (M20 Junction 13 - Dover Eastern Docks Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1733 2012)" piovolbacosz fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1733 2012" P "A20 Trunk Road (Petham Court Bridge, Lay-By) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2010 (SI 1755 2010)" piovolbaccfj fulltext monograph 2010 "SI 1755 2010" P "A20 Trunk Road (Petham Court Bridge, Lay-By) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 1538 2011)" piovolbabgmf fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 1538 2011" P "A20 Trunk Road (Petham Court Bridge, Lay-By) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2012 (SI 1619 2012)" piovolbabkvw fulltext monograph 2012 "SI 1619 2012" P "A20 Trunk Road (Petham Court Bridge, Lay-By) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013 (SI 1498 2013)" piovolbabpax fulltext monograph 2013 "SI 1498 2013" P "A20 Trunk Road (Petham Court Bridge, Lay-By) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 1747 2014)" piovolbaayng fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 1747 2014" P "A20 Trunk Road (Petham Court, Layby) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2009 (SI 3383 2009)" piovolbabdev fulltext monograph 2009 "SI 3383 2009" P "A20 Trunk Road (Roundhill Tunnel - Eastern Docks Roundabout) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014 (SI 2214 2014)" piovolbaaxxh fulltext monograph 2014 "SI 2214 2014" P "A20 Trunk Road (Roundhill Viaduct) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 (SI 2650 2011)" piovolbabigt fulltext monograph 2011 "SI 2650 2011" P "A20 Trunk Road (Sidcup Bypass, Bexley and Bromley) (Prescribed Routes) Order 1987 (SI 1542 1987)" piovolbaayve fulltext