publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type frequency "1577. La Graunde Abridgement, Collecte par le Iudge tresreuerend monsieur Anthony Fitzherbert, dernierment Conferre ouesque la Copye escript et per ceo correcte, ouesque le nombre del feuil, per quel facilement poies trouer les cases cy Abrydges en les Liuers dans, nouelment annote: iammais deuaunt imprimes. Auxi vous troueres les residuums de lauter liuer places icy in ceo liuer en le fyne de lour apte titles" Fitzherbert lgabri fulltext monograph 1577 P "Abridgement of All Sea-Lawes; Gathered Forth of All Writings and Monuments, Which Are to Be Found among Any People or Nation, upon the Coasts of the Great Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea" Welwod absealfw fulltext "London: Printed by Humfrey Lownes for Thomas Man," monograph 1613 P "Abridgement of Cases to the End of Henry VI" Statham abridh fulltext monograph 1490 P "Abridgement of the Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, from the Reign of James the First in 1424 to the Union with England in 1707; including Verbatim All the Acts Now in Force and Use: With Notes and References, and an Appendix, containing a Chronological Table of the Titles of the Whole Acts and Statutes Passed by the Scottish Parliaments" Alexander apstl fulltext monograph 1841 P "Abridgement of the Law of Nisi Prius" Selwyn lnips fulltext monograph 1811 P "Abridgement of the Lord Coke's Commentary on Littleton" Davenport abrlor fulltext "London: W. Lee, D. Pakeman, and G. Bedell," monograph 1651 P "Abridgment des Plusieurs Cases et Resolutions del Common Ley" Rolle uades fulltext monograph 1668 P "Abridgment of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Law, during the Reign of His Present Majesty, King George the Third" Williams ctcl fulltext "London: Printed for G. and J. Robinson, and G. Kearsley" monograph 1798 P "Abridgment of the Common Law: Being a Collection of the Principal Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Several Courts of Westminster-Hall. The Whole Being Digested in a Clear and Alphabetical Method under Proper Heads, with Several Divisions and Numbers under Each Title, for the More Ready Finding any Judgment or Resolution of the Law Cases Whereby the Opinion and Judgment of the Courts May Be Seen in an Exact Series of Time, and What Alterations Have Been Made in the Law by Subsequent Statutes and Judgments, Brought down to the Year 1725" Nelson abrwesth fulltext monograph 1726 P "Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius (2nd ed.)" Selwyn agtotlw fulltext "London: Printed for W. Clarke," monograph 1810 "2nd ed." P "Abridgment of the Modern Determinations in the Courts of Law and Equity; Being a Supplement to Viner's Abridgment" Viner gnlaleb fulltext monograph 1799 P "Abstract of Reported Cases Relating to Letters Patent for Inventions (between the Years 1884 to 1886 Inclusive)" Griffin abstrepc fulltext "London: H. 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Gulielmi III Regis) for Granting to His Majesty Certain Duties upon Marriages, Births, Burials, and upon Batchelours and Widowers, for the Term of Five Years" amargbibu fulltext "London: Printed by Charles Bill," monograph 1695 P "Abstract of the Records of the Manor Court of Turton, 1737-1850, Compiled by the Director of Sir Lees Knowles, Lord of the Manor of Turton" Knowles abrcd fulltext "Rochdale, England: James Clegg, Aldine Press," monograph 1909 P "Accomplish'd Conveyancer: Containing the Nature and Kinds of Deeds and Instruments Used in Conveyancing (2nd ed., corr.)" Jacob accvycnt fulltext "London: E. and R. Nutt," monograph 1736 "2nd ed., corr." P "Account of the Trial of William Penn, for Speaking to an Assembly of 300 Persons, in Gracechurch Street, London" actwpen fulltext "London: Mitcham & Co.," monograph 1730 P "Act of State in English Law" 0837724333 Moore zaet fulltext monograph 1906 P "Acta Cancellariae; or, Selections from the Records of the Court of Chancery, Remaining in the Office of Reports and Entries" Monro accansr fulltext monograph 1847 P "Acta Regia; Being the Account Which Mr. Rapin de Thoyras Published of the History of England, by Authority of the Lords the States-General" "Rapin de Thoyras" actareg fulltext "London: Printed for James, John and Paul Knapton, D. Midwinter, etc.," monograph 1733 P "Acta Regia: Or, an Historical Account, in Order of Time, Not Only of Those Records in Rymer's Foedera, on Which Mons. 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Fitz-Harris, Esq.; with All the Arguments in Law, and Proceedings of the Court of Kings-Bench Thereupon, in Easter Term 1681" Fitzharris actw fulltext monograph 1681 P "Arraignment, Trials, Conviction and Condemnation of Sir Rich. Grahme, Bart., Viscount Preston in the Kingdom of Scotland, and John Ashton, Gent., for High-Treason against Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, in Conspiring the Deposition and Death of Their Majesties, the Alteration of the Present Government, the Invasion of This Kingdom of England by the French King, and Raising a Rebellion within This Kingdom against Their Majesties. At the Sessions of Gaol-Delivery of Newgate, Holden for the County of Middlesex at Justice Hall in Old-Baily, on the 16th, 17th and 19th Days of January, 1690, in the Second Year of Their Majesties Reign. To Which Are Added, Two Letters Taken at Dublin the 4th of July, 1690. One from the Late King James to the Pope, Dated at Dublin, Novemb. 26. 1689. The Other from the Earl of Melfort, the Said Late King's Principal Secretary of State, Sent to the Late Queen, Dated at Rome, May 2, 1690" Preston addb fulltext monograph 1691 P "Bacon's History of the Reign of King Henry VII with Notes" Lumby bnshyotern fulltext "Cambridge: University Press," monograph 1885 P "Baedae Opera Historica" King baeophs fulltext "London: William Heinemann," monograph 1930 P "Bail Court Reports" Saunders bailcrep fulltext monograph 1847 P "Bank of England Forgery" Bidwell aacj fulltext monograph 1929 P "Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports" Dasent binsore fulltext monograph 1855 P "Barrister-at-Law: An Essay on the Legal Position of Counsel in England" Marchant barlew fulltext "London: William Clowes and Sons," monograph 1905 P "Bartholoman's Complete Law Reports of all the Trials and Causes that Came on at the Yorkshire Lent Assize, March 9, 1811" Bartholoman bartrepc fulltext York, monograph 1811 P "Bench and Bar of England" Strahan bebaen fulltext "Edinburgh; London: W. Blackwood and Sons," monograph 1919 P "Bibliography of Abridgments, Digests, Dictionaries and Indexes of English Law to the Year 1800" Cowley abioa fulltext Quaritch monograph 1932 P "Bibliography of Early English Law Books" Beale bibeelb fulltext monograph 1926 P "Bibliotheca Legum Angliae, Part I. Or, a Catalogue of the Common and Statute Law Books of this Realm, and Some Others Relating Thereto; Giving an Account of Their Several Editions, Ancient Printers, Dates, and Prices, and Wherein they Differ (New ed.)" 1886363293 Worrall legum fulltext monograph 1788 "New ed." P "Bibliotheca Legum: Or, a New and Compleat List of All the Common and Statute Law Books of This Realm, and Some Others Relating Thereunto, from Their First Publication to Easter Term 1753; Giving an Account of Their Several Editions, Antient Printers, Dates and Prices, and Wherein They Differ (new ed., with impr.)" Worrall bilegucos fulltext monograph 1753 "new ed., with impr." P "Bibliotheca Politica: Or, An Enquiry into the Antient Constitution of the English Government, with Respect to the Just Extent of the Regal Power, and the Rights and Liberties of the Subject. Wherein all the Chief Arguments both for and against the Late Revolution, are Impartially Represented and Consider'd. In Fourteen Dialogues. Collected out of the Best Authors, Antient and Modern" Tyrrell bibliopol fulltext monograph 1718 P "Bibliotheca Politica: The First Complete Edition (Containing the Fourteenth Dialogue of 1702)" Tyrrell bibpol fulltext monograph 1702 P "Biographia Juridica - A Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England" Foss bdje fulltext monograph 1870 P "Biographical History of Sir William Blackstone" Douglas sirwilblk fulltext monograph 1782 P "Blackstone's Commentaries Systematically Abridged and Adapted to the Existing State of the Law and Constitution with Great Additions" Warren blkstoco fulltext "London: W. 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Butterworth," monograph 1848 P "Cases Relating to Railways and Canals, Argued and Adjudged in the Courts of Law and Equity: 1835 to [1854]" Nicholl crrceq fulltext monograph 1840 P "Cases Relating to the Tithes of the City of London; Determined in the Several Courts of Law and Equity, and in the High Court of Parliament, from the Date of the Decree Made in Pursuance of the Statute of 37 Hen. 8. c 12, to the Present Time; to Which Is Added the Statute and Decree, Faithfully Transcribed from the Entry Made in the Register Book of the Bishop of London, Preserved in St. Paul's Cathedral: and Also the Fire Acts" Western adbc fulltext monograph 1823 P "Catalogue of Lords Chancellors, Keepers of the Great Seal, Masters of the Rolls, and Principal Officers of the High Court of Chancery" Hardy culdcrkgs fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1843 P "Centenary Guide to the Publications of the Selden Society" sscgp fulltext monograph 1987 P "Certain Considerations in Order to a More Speedy, Cheap, and Equall Distribution of Justice throughout the Nation" Robinson certcons fulltext "London: Matthew Simmons," monograph 1651 P "Certaine Propositions of Both Houses of Parliament, concerning the Raising of Horse, Horsemen, and Arms, for the Defence of the King, and Both Houses of Parliament" cprhupa fulltext "London: Printed for T.P. in Queens-Alley," monograph 1642 P "Chapters in the Administrative History of Mediaeval England: The Wardrobe, the Chamber, and the Small Seals" Tout chadrymve fulltext "Manchester: At the University Press," monograph 1920 P "Chapters of the Augustinian Canons" chptagu fulltext "London: Issued for the Canterbury and York Society," monograph 1922 Salter P "Charge of the Lord Chief Justice of England in the Case of the Queen Against Thomas Castro, Otherwise Arthur Orton, Otherwise Sir Roger Tichborne. Reprinted from the Official Copy Taken from the Shorthand Writer's Notes. Corrected by the Lord Chief Justice" "Great Britain. Court of King's Bench." xcastro fulltext monograph 1874 P "Charge of the Lord Chief Justice of England to the Grand Jury at the Central Criminal Court, in the Case of the Queen Against Nelson and Brand" Nelson nelbr fulltext monograph 1867 P "Charters of the Borough of Southampton" cbsh fulltext "Southampton: Cox & Sharland," monograph 1909 Gidden P "Chief Sources of English Legal History" 899412556 Winfield winf fulltext monograph 1925 P "Chronica Juridicialia, or, a General Calendar of the Years of Our Lord God, and Those of the Several Kings of England, from the First Year of William the Conqueror, Successively down to This First Year of the Reign of Our Most Dread Sovereign, K. James II" Cooke chrjud fulltext "London: Printed for H. Sawbridge," monograph 1685 P "Chronicle of English Judges, Chancellors, Attorneys General, and Solicitors General" Mitchell chengljc fulltext "Oswego: W. P. Mitchell Printing Co.," monograph 1937 P "Chronicle of the Late Intestine War in the Three Kingdoms of England Scotland and Ireland (2nd ed.)" Heath clawtki fulltext monograph 1676 "2nd ed." P "Chronicles of the Reigns of Edward I and Edward II" coree fulltext "London: Longman & Co." monograph 1882 Stubbs P "Church and State in England in the XVIIIth Century" Sykes churstate fulltext "Hamden, Conn: Archon Books" monograph 1962 P "Church and State in England to the Death of Queen Anne" Gwatkin csdqa fulltext "London: Longmans, Green and Co.," monograph 1917 P "Church and State Two Hundred Years Ago: A History of Ecclesiastical Affairs in England from 1660-1663" Stoughton chtwih fulltext "London: Jackson, Walford and Hodder," monograph 1862 P "Church, Kingship, and Lay Investiture in England, 1089-1135" Cantor chklinv fulltext "New York: Octagon Books," monograph 1969 P "Church of England, as to Her Excellencies and Defects; with a Plan of Ecclesiastical Reform" Pridham chenexdf fulltext "London: Published by L. and G. Seeley," monograph 1842 P "Civil Power in Its Relations to the Church; Considered with Special Reference to the Court of Final Ecclesiastical Appeal in England" Joyce sworkect fulltext monograph 1881 P "Clergyman's Vade-Mecum: Or, An Account of the Ancient and Present Church of England; the Duties and Rights of the Clergy; and of Their Privileges and Hardships (6th ed., corr.)" cgmvd fulltext "London: Robert Knaplock and Sam. Ballard," monograph 1731 "6th ed., corr." P "Clerk's Instructor in the Practice of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas (2nd ed., rev.)" ckisprk fulltext "London: Printed by Henry Lintot," monograph 1741 "2nd ed., rev." P "Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici" Kemble codip fulltext monograph 1839 P "Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani: Or, the Statutes, Constitutions, Canons, Rubricks and Articles, of the Church of England" Gibson cdxjrs fulltext "London: Printed by J. Baskett," monograph 1713 P "Colleccion of All the Statutes from the Begynning of the Magna Carta unto the Yere of Our Lorde, 1557, Whiche Were before That Yere Imprinted" colstamc fulltext "London: Richardi Tottelli," monograph 1559 P "Collectanea Juridica. Consisting of Tracts Relative to the Law and Constitution of England" Hargrave cojurtct fulltext monograph 1791 P "Collected Papers of Frederic William Maitland" 899412416 Maitland cpm fulltext monograph 1911 P "Collection in English, of the Statutes Now in Force, Continued from the Beginning of Magna Charta, Made in the 9. Yere of the Raigne of King H. 3. vntill the End of the Parliament Holden in the 7. Yeare of the Reigne of Our Soueraigne Lord King Iames, vnder Titles Placed by Order of Alphabet: Wherein Is Performed (Touching the Statutes Wherewith Iustices of the Peace Haue to Deale) so Much as Was Promised in the Booke of Their Office Lately Published. For Which Purpose Also the Statutes concerning Those Iustices Haue This Marke [Fingerpost] at the Beginning and This Marke [Five Point Figure] at the End of Them, Noted in the Margent Ouer-against the Same. Hereunto Are Added Two Tables: The One at the Beginning of the Booke, Declaring Vnder Titles, by Order of Alphabet, the Substance of Such Referments as Stood at the End of Each Title in the First Collection of Statutes, Set Forth by M. Iustice Rastall. And in This Table the Title of Iustices of the Peace Is Specially Perused and Amended, for the More Easie Finding of Matters in This Booke, concerning Their Authoritie. In the Other Table (Being at the End of This Booke) Are Set Downe by Order of the Kings Reignes, the Seuerall Times of Their Parliaments, Together with the Sundry Chapters and Intitulings of the Particular Statutes in Euery of the Same" "England and Wales" bmagchar fulltext "Societie of Stationers" monograph 1611 P "Collection of Acts and Ordinances of General Use, Made in the Parliament, Begun and Held at Westminster, the Third Day of November, Anno 1640 And Since, unto the Adjournment of the Parliament Begun and Holden the 17th of September, Anno 1656, and Formerly Published in Print, Which Are Here Printed at Large with Marginal Notes, or Abbreviated: Being a Continuation of That Work from the End of Mr. Pulton's Collection: In Two Parts. Together with Several Tables of the Titles of, and Principal Matters Contained in the Said Acts and Ordinances; and Likewise of Such as Being of More Private and Particular Concernment, or Less Use, are Omitted" "England and Wales" colaparl fulltext monograph 1657 P "Collection of Acts and Records of Parliament with Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Law and Equity, respecting Tithes (2nd ed.)" Gwillim collarpert fulltext monograph 1825 "2nd ed." P "Collection of all the Ecclesiastical Laws, Canons, Answers, or Rescripts, with other Memorials concerning the Government, Discipline and Worship of the Church of England" Johnson clecclws fulltext "London: R. Knaplock," monograph 1720 P "Collection of All the Publicke Orders, Ordinances and Declarations of Both Houses of Parliament, from the Ninth of March 1642 untill December 1646, Together with Severall of His Majesties Proclamations and Other Papers Printed at Oxford. Also a Convenient Table for the Finding of the Severall Date and Title of the Particulars Herein Mentioned" "Great Britain" acos fulltext monograph 1646 P "Collection of All the Wills, Now Known to be Extant, of the Kings and Queens of England, Princes and Princesses of Wales, and Every Branch of the Blood Royal" colwikq fulltext "London: J. Nichols," monograph 1780 P "Collection of Cases of Privilege of Parliament, from the Earliest Records to the Year 1628" Hatsell collcas fulltext "London: Printed by H. Hughes, for J. Dodsley," monograph 1776 P "Collection of Curious Trials, Criminal, Civil and High Treason. Prior to the year 1661, Including Some interesting Trials in the Star Chamber, and a Graphic Account of the Last Trial by Combat in England" xcurtrls fulltext monograph 1800 P "Collection of Debates, Reports, Orders, and Resolutions, of the House of Commons, Touching the Right of Electing Members to Serve in Parliament" Bohun codbreh fulltext "London: Printed for Bernard Lintott," monograph 1702 P "Collection of Decisions in the Courts for Revising the Lists of Electors" DeLane cdcrlise fulltext "London: H. Butterworth," monograph 1834 P "Collection of Decisions in the Courts for Revising the Lists of Electors for the Counties (2nd ed.)" Delane coldcrvs fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1836 "2nd ed." P "Collection of Decrees by the Court of Exchequer in Tithe-Causes, from the Usurpation to the Present Time" Wood colldcex fulltext monograph 1798 P "Collection of English Precedents, relating to the Office of a Justice of Peace" cepeace fulltext monograph 1776 P "Collection of Entries of Declarations, Barres, Replications, Rejoynders, Issues, Verdicts, Judgements, Executions, Proces, Continuances, Essoynes, and Divers Other Matters. Newly Amended, and Much Enlarged with Many Good Presidents of Later Time, Whereof Divers Are upon Sundry Statutes, and Noted in the End of the Table. The New Presidents throughout the Book, and Likewise Their Titles in the Table, Have This Mark Set before Them" Rastell endbarr fulltext monograph 1670 P "Collection of Important English Statutes, Showing the Principal Changes in the Law of Property" "Great Britain" cimesp fulltext monograph 1881 P "Collection of Modern Entries: Or Select Pleadings in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer (5th ed.)" Lilly comden fulltext "London: Printed by A. Strahan and W. Woodfall" monograph 1791 "5th ed." P "Collection of Modern Entries: or, Select Pleadings in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, viz. Declarations, Pleas in Abatement and in Bar, Replications, Rejoinders, &c., Demurrers, Issues, Verdicts, Judgments, Forms of Making up Records of Nisi Prius, and Entring of Judgments, &c., in Most Actions. Many of Them Drawn or Perused by Mr. Broderick, Carthew, Comyns, Darnel, Holt, Levinz, Lutwyche, Northey, Parker, Pemberton, Pengelly, Pollexfen, Raymond, Salked, Saunders, Shower, Thomson, Trevor, Ventris, Wearge, and Other Learned Counsel. As Also Special Assignments of Errors, and Writs and Proceedings Thereupon, Both in the Said Courts and in Parliament. With the Method of Suing to and Reversing Outlawries by Writ of Error or Otherwise. To Which Is Added a Collection of Writs in Most Cases Now in Practice. With Two Tables, One of the Names of the Cases, and the Other of the Pleadings and Writs" Lilly cmodent fulltext monograph 1758 P "Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, on the Most Interesting and Entertaining Subjects: But Chiefly Such as Relate to the History and Constitution of These Kingdoms" valtchi fulltext monograph 1748 P "Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, on the Most Interesting and Entertaining Subjects: But Chiefly such as Relate to the History and Constitution of these Kingdoms (2nd ed., rev.)" Scott cscarkin fulltext monograph 1809 "2nd ed., rev." P "Collection of Select Cases Relating to Evidence" collscrte fulltext monograph 1754 P "Collection of the History of England" Daniel coistend fulltext monograph 1626 P "Collection of the History of England (rev. ed.)" Daniel cohiseln fulltext monograph 1634 "rev. ed." P "Collection of the Judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Ecclesiastical Cases Relating to Doctrine and Discipline" cjudecc fulltext monograph 1865 Brodrick P "Collection of the Laws and Canons of the Church of England, from its First Foundation to the Conquest, and from the Conquest to the Reign of King Henry VIII (new ed.)" Johnson clchure fulltext monograph 1850 "new ed." P "Collection of the Most Important Cases respecting Patents of Invention and the Rights of Patentees, Which Have Been Determined in the Courts of Law since the Statute for Restraining Monopolies" Davies cmosipi fulltext "London: W. Reed," monograph 1816 P "Collection of the Reports of Cases, the Statutes, and Ecclesiastical Laws, Relating to Tithes. With a Copious Analytical Index" Eagle crstaco fulltext monograph 1826 P "Collection of Tracts Relative to the Law of England, from Manuscripts" Hargrave ctrengm fulltext monograph 1787 P "Collections 1-4 of Scarce and Valuable Tracts" colscvt fulltext monograph 1751 P "Coming of Parliament: England from 1350 to 1660" Jane comipen fulltext monograph 1905 P "Comment on the Commentaries: A Criticism of William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England" Bentham cocom fulltext "Oxford: Clarendon Press," monograph 1928 P "Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, Foreign and Domestic, in regard to Contracts, Rights, and Remedies, and Especially in Regard to Marriages, Divorces, Wills, Successions, and Judgments (2nd ed., rev. cor., and greatly enl.)" 1584771453 Story comcl fulltext monograph 1841 "2nd ed., rev. cor., and greatly enl." P "Commentaries on the Constitution and Laws of England, Incorporated with the Political Text of the Late J. L. de Lolme, LL.D. Advocate: Embracing the Alterations to the Present Time" Western cotcaloe fulltext "London: Lucas Houghton and H. Butterworth," monograph 1838 P "Commentaries on the Constitution and Laws of England, Incorporated with the Political Text of the Late J.L. de Lolme, LL.D. Advocate (3rd ed., rev. and corr.)" Western ccleng fulltext "London: John Richards & Co.," monograph 1841 "3rd ed., rev. and corr." P "Commentaries on the Constitutional Law of England (2d ed.)" Bowyer comtthg fulltext monograph 1846 "2d ed." P "Commentaries on the Law of Suretyship, and the Rights and Obligations of Parties Thereto, and Herein of Obligations in Solido, under the Laws of England, Scotland, and Other States of Europe, the British Colonies, and United States of America and on the Conflict of Those Laws (1st Amer., from the London, ed.)" Burge surtyshp fulltext monograph 1847 "1st Amer., from the London, ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England" Blackstone coleng fulltext monograph 1871 P "Commentaries on the Laws of England" Blackstone commleng fulltext monograph 1771 P "Commentaries on the Laws of England" Broom tareng fulltext monograph 1869 P "Commentaries on the Laws of England" Broom zatj fulltext monograph 1875 P "Commentaries on the Laws of England" comleng fulltext "San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co.," monograph 1916 Blackstone P "Commentaries on the Laws of England" Blackstone cmtlwsfnd fulltext "London: Printed for William Walker," monograph 1826 P "Commentaries on the Laws of England (1st ed.)" 0899417752 Blackstone blakston fulltext monograph 1765 "1st ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England (3rd ed., rev.)" Blackstone cenotlen fulltext monograph 1884 "3rd ed., rev." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England (4th ed.)" Blackstone cmnlwg fulltext "Oxford: Clarendon Press," monograph 1770 "4th ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England (8th ed.)" Blackstone cmmlweng fulltext "Oxford: Clarendon Press," monograph 1778 "8th ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England: Applicable to Real Property" Blackstone colawengdrp fulltext "Toronto: W. C. Chewett & Co.," monograph 1864 P "Commentaries on the Laws of England Applicable to Real Property (2nd ed.)" Blackstone colaenaprp fulltext "Toronto: Rowsell & Hutchison," monograph 1880 "2nd ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England (from the last London ed.)" Blackstone cmlweng fulltext "Portland [Me.]: Printed and published by Thomas B. Wait and Co," monograph 1807 "from the last London ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books" Blackstone clegiv fulltext "Philadelphia: Rees Welsh & Company," monograph 1898 P "Commentaries on the Laws of England; in Four Books" Blackstone colengab fulltext "New York: Banks & Brothers," monograph 1877 P "Commentaries on the Laws of England, in Four Books (13th ed., corr.)" Blackstone cmtrlwfb fulltext "London: Printed by A. Strahan," monograph 1800 "13th ed., corr." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England, in Four Books (14th ed., corr.)" Blackstone cmmtlwe fulltext "London: Printed by A. Strahan," monograph 1803 "14th ed., corr." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England, in Four Books (15th ed., corr.)" Blackstone ctrlwgb fulltext "London: Printed by A. Strahan," monograph 1809 "15th ed., corr." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England; in Four Books (17th ed.)" Blackstone cmlaengl fulltext "London: Printed by Richard Taylor for Thomas Tegg," monograph 1830 "17th ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England in Four Books (23rd ed.)" Blackstone comtwen fulltext "London: V. & R. Stevens and G. S. Norton," monograph 1854 "23rd ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England; in Four Books (2nd ed., rev.)" Blackstone colaweng fulltext "Chicago: Callaghan and Co.," monograph 1879 "2nd ed., rev." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England in Four Books (4th ed.)" Andrews zajb fulltext monograph 1899 "4th ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books (From the 21st London ed.)" Blackstone comleg fulltext "New York: Harper & Brothers," monograph 1854 "From the 21st London ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books (From the 21st London ed.)" Blackstone claeng fulltext "New York: Harper & Brothers," monograph 1857 "From the 21st London ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England in Four Books with an Analysis of the Work" Blackstone zald fulltext monograph 1848 P "Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books; with an Analysis of the Work" Blackstone clefba fulltext "Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott," monograph 1855 P "Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books, with an Analysis of the Work (18th London ed.)" Blackstone clefbaw fulltext "New-York: W. E. Dean, Printer" monograph 1832 "18th London ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books; with an Analysis of the Work (21st ed.)" Blackstone comlaengd fulltext "London: S. Sweet; A. 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P "Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books; with an Analysis of the Work (from the 19th London ed.)" Blackstone cmlengl fulltext "New York: William E. Dean," monograph 1853 "from the 19th London ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books; with an Analysis of the Work (from the 21st London ed.)" Blackstone cmnle fulltext "New York: Harper & Brothers," monograph 1852 "from the 21st London ed." P "Commentaries on the Laws of England (New ed.)" Blackstone clawen fulltext "New-York: Published by Collins & Hannay," monograph 1830 "New ed." P "Commentaries on the Liberty of the Subject and the Laws of England Relating to the Security of the Person" 837710057 Paterson clsler fulltext monograph 1877 P "Commentaries on the Present Laws of England" Brett cmplweg fulltext "London: William Clowes and Sons," monograph 1890 P "Commentaries on the Present Laws of England (2nd ed.)" Brett cpreslen fulltext "London: W. Clowes and Sons," monograph 1891 "2nd ed." P "Commentaries, or Reports of Edmund Plowden" Plowden cmredpw fulltext "London: Printed for S. Brooke," monograph 1816 P "Commentaries upon Original Writs. Where Most of the Cases in Bracton, Book of Entries, the Year or Term-Books, from King Edward the Second to These Times" Hughes upwribb fulltext monograph 1655 P "Common and Piepowder Courts of Southampton, 1426-1483" 9780854329229 Olding compiec fulltext "Ames Foundation," monograph 2011 P "Common and Statute Law of England, concerning Trials in High-Treason, Misprision of Treason, and in All Other Crimes and Offences Relating to the Crown" "W. J." cslehitre fulltext "London: Printed by John Nutt," monograph 1710 P "Common Form Draftsman: A Handbook of Queen's Bench Forms, Being a Collection of Forms Ordinarily in Use in Proceedings in the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice with Notes, Table of Stamps, and Index" Wild cnfmdfsm fulltext "London: Butterworth & Co.," monograph 1899 P "Common Law" 1584774991 Holmes cllwh fulltext monograph 1881 P "Common Law Common-Plac'd: Containing the Substance and Effect of All the Common Law Cases, Dispersed in the Body of the Law, Collected as Well from Abridgments as Reports, in a Perfect New Method (2nd ed.)" Jacob cmnlwplcd fulltext "[London]: Printed by E. and R. Nutt and R. Gosling for F. Clay and H. Lintot," monograph 1733 "2nd ed." P "Common Law Common-Plac'd: Containing the Substance and Effect of All the Common Law Cases, Dispersed in the Body of the Law, Collected As Well from Abridgments As Reports, in a Perfect New Method. Wherein Likewise the Terms of the Law, and the Most Considerable Writs and Processes, Are Concisely Treated of, under Their Proper Titles. With an Abstract of Statutes, Relating to the General Heads Thereof, and Exact References Throughout. The Whole Compleated so As to Be Useful to Counsellors, Attorneys, Students of the Law, and Other Gentlemen" Jacob commlco fulltext monograph 1733 P "Common Law of England (2nd ed.)" Odgers clengn fulltext monograph 1920 "2nd ed." P "Common Law of Kent: or, the Customs of Gavelkind (2nd ed.)" Robinson clkentg fulltext monograph 1788 "2nd ed." P "Common Law Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in All the Superior Courts of Common Law" clrards fulltext monograph 1854 P "Common Wealth of England and the Manner of Gouernement Thereof" Smith coweeng fulltext "London: Will. Stansby for I. 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P "Comparative Principles of the Laws of England and Scotland: Courts and Procedure" Brodie-Innes copscop fulltext monograph 1903 P "Comparative Survey of Laws in Force for the Prohibition, Regulation, and Licensing of Vice in England and Other Countries" Amos cmpsrvylf fulltext "London: Stevens and Sons," monograph 1877 P "Compendium of the Crown Laws, Contained in Three Charges given by Whitelocke Bulstrode" Bulstrode cpdmcw fulltext "London: D. Browne" monograph 1723 P "Compendium of the Law of Evidence" Peake comlawe fulltext "London: E. & R. Brooke & J. Rider," monograph 1801 P "Compendium of the Laws and Constitution of England" Enfield clcne fulltext "London: Printed for Thomas Tegg," monograph 1809 P "Compleat Arbitrator; or the Law of Awards (2nd ed.)" Bacon cmplabtw fulltext "London: Henry Lintot," monograph 1744 "2nd ed." P "Compleat Arbitrator; or the Law of Awards (3rd ed.)" Bacon cmpltarb fulltext "London: His Majesties Printers," monograph 1770 "3rd ed." P "Compleat Arbitrator: Or, the Law of Awards and Arbitraments: Containing Plain and Easy Directions to All Kind of Arbitrators, What Matters Are Proper to Be Submitted to Arbitration" comparbtr fulltext "In the Savoy [London]: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edward Sayer, Esq.) for John Worrall," monograph 1731 P "Complete Copy-Holder: Being a Learned Discourse of the Antiquity and Nature of Manors and Copy-Holds, with All Things Thereto Incident" Coke ccpyhd fulltext "London: John Streater," monograph 1668 P "Complete Court-Keeper: Or, Land-Steward's Assistant (5th ed.)" Jacob cplctkpr fulltext "London: Printed by Henry Lintot," monograph 1752 "5th ed." P "Complete Court-Keeper: Or, Land-Steward's Assistant (6th ed.)" Jacob cocolasa fulltext "London: Printed by His Majesty's Law-Printers," monograph 1764 "6th ed." P "Complete History of England Deduced from the Descent of Julius Caesar, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 1748. Containing the Transactions of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three Years" Smollett ejucaaix fulltext monograph 1757 P "Conference Desired by the Lords and Had by a Committee of Both Houses, Concerning the Rights and Privileges of the Subjects" Digges cdchprs fulltext monograph 1642 P "Confession of Edward Fitz-Harys, Esquire, Written with His Own Hand, and Delivered to Doctor Hawkins, Minister of the Tower, the First of July, 1681" cnfsefh fulltext "London: Printed for S. Carr," monograph 1681 P "Conquest of England (3rd ed.)" Green conqel fulltext "London: Macmillan and Co." monograph 1899 "3rd ed." P "Considerations Touching the Great Question of the King's Right in Dispensing with the Penal Laws" Langhorne constgq fulltext "London: Printed by H. H. for the Assigns of R. Longhorne" monograph 1687 P "Constables' Accounts of the Manor of Manchester from the Year 1612 to the Year 1647, and from the Year 1743 to the Year 1776" cammch fulltext "Manchester: J. E. 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In Three Parts. I. Of Last-Wills and Testaments. II. Of Executors and Administrators. III. Of Legacies and Devises. Wherein the most Material Points of Law relating to that Subject, are Succinctly Treated, as Well According to the Common and Temporal, as Ecclesiastical and Civil Laws of This Realm. Illustrated with a Great Variety of Select Cases in the Law of Both Professions, as Well Delightful in the Theory, as Useful for the Practice of All Such as Study the One, or Are Either Active or Passive in the Other" Godolphin orphtest fulltext monograph 1685 P "Outlines of English Legal History" Carter oelh fulltext monograph 1899 P "Outlines of the History of English and American Law" Walsh walsh fulltext monograph 1924 P "Outlines of the Jurisdiction of All the Courts in England and Wales: Or, Readings from Blackstone and Other Text-Writers, Altered according to the Present Law" Maugham osotjnoal fulltext "London: Edmund Spettigue, Law Bookseller & Publisher," monograph 1838 P "Oxford Lectures and Other Discourses" Pollock oxlod fulltext "London ; New York, Macmillan," monograph 1890 P "Oxford Studies in Social and Legal History" osxtush fulltext monograph 1909 Vinogradoff P "Palladium of Conscience; or, the Foundation of Religious Liberty Displayed, Asserted, and Established, Agreeable to Its True and Genuine Principles, above the Reach of All Petty Tyrants, Who Attempt to Lord It over the Human Mind, Containing Furneaux's Letters to Blackstone, Priestley's Remarks on Blackstone, Blackstone's Reply to Priestley, and Blackstone's Case of the Middlesex-Election; with Some Other Curious Tracts, Worthy of High Rank in Every Gentleman's Literary Repository, Being a Necessary Companion for Every Lover of Religious Liberty, and an Interesting Appendix to Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England" Priestley pallocons fulltext monograph 1773 P "Paper and Parchment: Historical Sketches" Ewald pappar fulltext "London: Ward and Downey," monograph 1890 P "Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani or, a Commentary, by Way of Supplement to the Canons and Constitutions of the Church of England (2nd ed.)" Ayliffe parer fulltext "London: Printed for Thomas Osborne," monograph 1734 "2nd ed." P "Parish Law: Or, a Guide to Justices of the Peace, Ministers, Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor, Constables, Surveyors of the Highways, Vestry-Clerks, and All Others Concern'd in Parish Business: Compiled from the Common, Statute, and Other Authentick Books; as Also from Some Adjudged Cases Never before Published: Together with Correct Forms of Warrants, Commitments, Indictments, Presentments, Convictions, &c. to Which Is Added a Choice Collection of Precedents for Justices of the Peace, Communicated by an Able Hand with a New and Correct Table (6th ed.)" Shaw parlw fulltext monograph 1784 "6th ed." P "Parish Law: Or, a Guide to Justices of the Peace, Ministers, Church-Wardens, Overseers of the Poor, Constables, Surveyors of the Highways, Vestry-Clerks, and All Others Concerned in Parish Business (3rd ed.)" Shaw parilw fulltext "In the Savoy: E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling for F. Cogan and J. Nourse," monograph 1736 "3rd ed." P "Parker Chronicle and Laws: A Facsimile (Anglo-Saxon Chronicle)" pkrchlw fulltext "London: Humphrey Milford," monograph 1941 Flower P "Parliamentary Abbots to 1470; A Study in English Constitutional History" Reich parabbo fulltext monograph 1941 P "Parliamentary Cases Relating to Railways, &c., Determined by the Select Committees of the Houses of Parliament in the Session 1846" Beavan parcrrd fulltext "London: A. Maxwell and Son," monograph 1847 P "Parliamentary Election Acts for England and Wales" Lely prlmtyew fulltext "London: William Clowes and Sons," monograph 1885 P "Parliamentary England; the Evolution of the Cabinet System" Jenks pengcab fulltext monograph 1903 P "Parliamentary Franchise Reform in England from 1885 to 1918" Morris anch fulltext "New York: Columbia University," monograph 1921 P "Parliamentary History of England, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1803" Cobbett parlhiseng fulltext "London: Printed by T. C. Hansard," monograph 1806 P "Parliamentary or Constitutional History of England, from the Earliest Times, to the Restoration of King Charles II (2nd ed.)" pchienea fulltext monograph 1761 "2nd ed." P "Patent Cases Decided by the Comptroller-General and Law Officers of the Crown in 1887" patcdcg fulltext "London: Waterlow & Sons," monograph 1888 Griffin P "Patriarcha and Other Political Works of Sir Robert Filmer" Filmer ptrcpwk fulltext "[s.l.]: [s.n.]," monograph 1949 P "Peerage Law in England: A Practical Treatise for Lawyers and Laymen" Palmer prglwneg fulltext "London: Stevens and Sons, Limited," monograph 1907 P "Perambulation of Kent: Conteining the Description, Hystorie, and Customes of That Shire (3rd ed.)" Lambarde perkentc fulltext monograph 1656 "3rd ed." P "Petition of Right" Relf ptnorgt fulltext "Minneapolis: Bulletin of the University of Minnesota," monograph 1917 P "Philosophy of Proof in Its Relation to the English Law of Judicial Evidence" Gulson zatb fulltext monograph 1905 P "Pie-Powder being Dust from the Law Courts" Foote piepow fulltext monograph 1911 P "Placita Anglo-Normannica: Law Cases from William I to Richard I - Preserved in Historical Records" Bigelow placita fulltext monograph 1881 P "Placita Anglo-Normannica: Law Cases from William I to Richard I Preserved in Historical Records" Bigelow placanorm fulltext "London: Sampson, Low.," monograph 1879 P "Placita Parliamentaria" Ryley placitparl fulltext monograph 1661 P "Plea for the Constitution" Austin pafrtecstn fulltext "London: John Murray," monograph 1859 P "Pleader Containing Perfect Presidents and Formes of Declarations, Pleadings, Issues, Judgments and Proceedings, in All Kinds of Actions, Reall, Personall, and Mixt; Very Necessary to Be Known, and of Excellent Use. Together with the Termes and Rolls Wherein They Were Entred; and Also Diverse Points of Great Learning, and Various Notes and Cases to Illustrate the Same. As They Were Drawn, Entred and Taken in the Times of Those Famous Prothonotaries of the Court of Common Pleas, Richard Brownlow, Robert Moyle, John Gulston, Thomas Cory, Esqrs." Herne pleader fulltext monograph 1657 P "Pleas of the Crown: Or, a Methodical Summary of the Principal Matters Relating to That Subject (5th ed.)" Hale plescrwn fulltext "In the Savoy: Printed by J. R., Assignee of Edw. Sayer," monograph 1716 "5th ed." P "Plees del Coron" Staunford lpdc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1557 P "Political Catechism, or Certain Questions concerning the Government of This Land Answered in His Majesties Own Words" Parker polcacq fulltext monograph 1643 P "Political History of Ireland, Showing Its Connexion with England, From the Anglo-Norman Conquest, in 1172, by Henry II., to the Present Time" Williams phirsc fulltext monograph 1843 P "Political Thought in England, the Utiilitarians, from Bentham to J. S. Mill" Davidson pthout fulltext monograph 1916 P "Popular Handbook of the British Constitution: Giving the History of Its Origin and Growth" Johnston prhkotbh fulltext "London: Thomas Burleigh," monograph 1899 P "Popular History of England: An Illustrated History of Society and Government from the Earliest Period to Our Own Times" Knight phensogo fulltext monograph 1856 P "Practical and Academic Characteristics of English Law" Evershed prachengl fulltext "Lawrence: University of Kansas Press," monograph 1956 P "Practical and Elementary Abridgment of the Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, and at Nisi Prius; and of the Rules of Court, from the Restoration in 1660, to Michaelmas Term, 4 Geo. IV. With Important Manuscript Cases, Alphabetically, Chronologically, and Systematically Arranged and Translated; with Copious Notes and References to the Year Books, Analogous Adjudications, Text Writers, and Statutes, Specifying What Decisions Have Been Affirmed, Recognised, Qualified, or Over-Ruled; Comprising, under the Several Titles. A Practical Treatise on the Different Branches of the Common Law" Petersdorff pelaca fulltext "Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy" monograph 1825 P "Practical and Elementary Abridgment of the Common Law as Altered and Established by the Recent Statutes, Rules of Court, and Modern Decisions; Comprising a Full Abstract of All the Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Law, & on Appeal with the Rules of Court, from M. T. 1824, to M. T. 1840, Inclusive, and the Statutes during the Same Period, with Connecting and Illustrative References to the Earlier Authorities and Explanatory Notes" Petersdorff pelacas fulltext "V. & R. Stevens and G.S. 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P "Reports and Cases of Law: Argued and Adjudged in the Courts of Law, Westminster" Leonard reclaara fulltext monograph 1658 P "Reports and Notes of Cases on Letters Patent for Inventions" Webster ranocolp fulltext monograph 1844 P "Reports and Pleas of Assises at Yorke: Held before Severall Judges in That Circuit" Clayton repleasy fulltext "[London: Printed by Ja. Flesher for W. Lee, D. Pakeman, and G. Bell,]" monograph 1651 P "Reports: County Courts Cases and Appeals" rptccca fulltext "London: John Crockford," monograph 1862 P "Reports de Henry Rolle, Serjeant del Ley, de Divers Cases en le Court del Banke le Roy en le Temps del Reign de Roy Jaques" Rolle rpheyol fulltext "London: Printed for A. Roper, F. Titon, J. Starkey, T. Basset," monograph 1675 P "Reports de Sir William Jones Chevalier, Jades un des Justices del Banck le Roy, et Devant un des Justices del Court de Common-Banck, et Devant Capital Justice d'Ireland" Jones rewilmjo fulltext "London: Printed by T. and R. and N. 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Maxwell & Son," monograph 1885 P "Reports of Adjudged Cases in the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer" Strange rachkbst fulltext "London: Printed by Henry Lintot," monograph 1755 P "Reports of Bankruptcy and Companies Winding-Up Cases Decided in the High Court of Justice, the Court of Appeal, the House of Lords, and the Privy Council" rebanwind fulltext monograph 1915 Hansell P "Reports of Bankruptcy Appeals Heard and Determined by the Lord Chancellor and the Court of Appeal in Chancery" "De Gex" rbahcanf fulltext "London: Stevens & Sons," monograph 1874 P "Reports of Cases Adjudg'd in the Court of King's Bench; with Some Special Cases in the Courts of Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from the First Year of K. William and Q. Mary, to the Tenth Year of Queen Anne" Salkeld rcajukbh fulltext "In the Savoy: Printed by Eliz. Nutt and R. Gosling for J. Walthoe," monograph 1717 P "Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of Exchequer, in the Years 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, and 1660, and from Thence Continued to the 21st Year of the Reign of His Late Majesty Kind Charles II" Hardres rcctexqur fulltext "London: Printed by the Assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkins for Christopher Wilkinson, Samuel Heyrick, and Mary Tonson," monograph 1693 P "Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from Easter Term 12 Geo. 3 to Michaelmas 14 Geo. 3 (Both Inclusive)" Lofft rakibes fulltext monograph 1790 P "Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench; from Hilary Term, the 14th of George III, 1774, to Trinity Term, the 18th of George III. 1778, Both Inclusive" Cowper trintg fulltext "Dublin: E. Lynch," monograph 1788 P "Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench: From Hilary Term, the 14th of George III. 1774, to Trinity Term, the 18th of George III. 1778. Both Inclusive (2nd ed.)" Cowper rcackh fulltext "London: A. Strahan," monograph 1800 "2nd ed." P "Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from the Third Year of King James the Second, to the Twelfth Year of King William the Third" Carthew recctkingb fulltext "London: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, for R. Gosling and J. Hooke and Tho. Ward," monograph 1728 P "Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from the Thirty-Third Year of King Charles the Second, to the Ninth Year of King William the Third" Skinner rjuctkib fulltext "In the Savoy: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, for Bernard Lintot," monograph 1728 P "Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, with Some Special Cases in the Courts of Chancery, Common Pleas, and Exchequer (6th ed.)" Salkeld ckibwma fulltext "London: Printed by A. Strahan and W. Woodfall," monograph 1795 "6th ed." P "Reports of Cases Adjudicated in the Several Courts of the Commissioners in Bankruptcy under the Bankrupt Law Consolidation Act, 1849" Fonblanque repcaccb fulltext "London: Butterworth," monograph 1851 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, during the Time of Lord Mansfield's Presiding in That Court (2nd-4th ed., corr.)" Burrow rcaack fulltext "London: A. Strahan and W. Woodfall," monograph 1790 "2nd-4th ed., corr." P "Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, during the Time of Lord Mansfield's Presiding in That Court, from Michaelmas Term 30 Geo. II. 1756, to Eastern Term 12 Geo. III. 1772 (5th ed., corr.)" Burrow rcaac fulltext "Dublin: Luke White" monograph 1794 "5th ed., corr." P "Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, in the Eleventh and Twelfth Years of the Reign of His Present Majesty King George the Second" Andrews rckibgs fulltext "London: Printed by Henry Lintot for John Worrall," monograph 1754 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench in the Latter Part of the Reign of George the Second" Dunning rcardcki fulltext "Boston: George B. Reed," monograph 1885 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer (2nd ed., corr.)" Comyns rcakbc fulltext "London: A. Strahan and W. Woodfall" monograph 1792 "2nd ed., corr." P "Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer: To Which Are Added Some Special Cases in the Court of Chancery, and before the Delegates; in the Reigns of King William, Queen Anne, King George the First" Comyns rckbplexq fulltext "London: Printed by Henry Lintot," monograph 1744 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Courts of King's-Bench, Common-Pleas and Exchequer: To Which are Added Some Special Cases in the Court of Chancery and before the Delegates (2nd ed.)" Comyns sscckb fulltext "Dublin: James Moore," monograph 1791 "2nd ed." P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined before the Most Noble and Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of Appeals in Prize Causes" Acton rcardbelor fulltext "London: A. Strahan," monograph 1811 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Arches and Prerogative Courts of Canterbury, and in the High Court of Delegates" Phillimore rcadarches fulltext "London: Saunders and Benning," monograph 1832 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Bail Court and the Practice Cases in All the Courts of Common Law" Wollaston recabail fulltext monograph 1842 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Consistory Court of London; Containing the Judgments of the Right Hon. Sir William Scott" Haggard rpcadcsln fulltext "London: Printed by A. Strahan," monograph 1822 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas" Hodges repcadccp fulltext monograph 1836 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas, and Other Courts (New ed., corr.)" Bosanquet ctomnpl fulltext "Hartford: Hudson and Goodwin," monograph 1811 "New ed., corr." P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas, and upon Writs of Error from That Court to the Exchequer Chamber, with a Table of the Names of Cases and a Digest of the Principal Matters" Arnold recapleu fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth; Richard Pheney; G.F. Cooper," monograph 1840 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas, on Appeal from the Decisions of the Revising Barristers" Lutwyche rcargdcc fulltext "London: William Benning & Co.," monograph 1847 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas, with Tables of the Names of the Cases and Principal Matters" Marshall rcopleat fulltext "London: Reed and Hunter," monograph 1815 P "Reports of Cases, Argued and Determined in the Court of Criminal Appeal, from Michaelmas Term, 1848, to Michaelmas Term, 1851" Temple reparmi fulltext "London: S. Sweet," monograph 1852 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber" Horn rcaexec fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth; Richard Pheney; G.F. Cooper," monograph 1840 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer, with a Table of the Names of Cases and a Digest of the Principal Matters" Gale rtsguex fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1836 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench" Manning radkibh fulltext "London: S. Sweet; A. Maxwell; Stevens and Sons," monograph 1828 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench" Nevile rcargdkib fulltext "London: S. Sweet; A. Maxwell; Stevens and Sons," monograph 1834 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench, and in the Bail Court, with Table of the Names of Cases and Digest of the Principal Matters" Harrison rargkibe fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1836 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from That Court to the Exchequer Chamber, and in the Bail Court" Willmore rrtsdbuer fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1839 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from That Court to the Exchequer Chamber, in Michaelmas Term, 1836, and [Hilary, Easter and Trinity Terms, 1838]" Nevile radbent fulltext "London: S. Sweet; A. Maxwell; V. & R. Stevens," monograph 1837 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench, during Hilary, Easter and Trinity Terms, in the Second and Third Geo. IV. [to Trinity Term, 1827]" Dowling rcabendh fulltext "London: S. Sweet; R. Pheney; A. Maxwell; Stevens and Sons," monograph 1822 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench; in the Nineteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Years of the Reign of George III" Douglas rcdeconc fulltext "London: Printed by His Majesty's Law-Printers," monograph 1783 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench, Together with Some Cases, in the High Court of Chancery, in Michaelmas, Hilary, Easter, and Trinity Terms, Being the Whole of the Forty-Fourth [Sixth] Year of the Reign of George III (2nd ed., corr.)" Smith recakibe fulltext "London: W. Clarke and Sons," monograph 1806 "2nd ed., corr." P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench, with Tables of the Names of Cases and Principal Matters" East rcakiben fulltext "London: Printed for Joseph Butterworth and Son," monograph 1801 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from That Court to the Exchequer Chamber and in the Bail Court" Willmore rocaaditcq fulltext monograph 1840 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from That Court to the Exchequer Chamber, in Easter, Trinity, and Michaelmas Terms, 1841 [and East. Terms, 1843]" Gale rcargbiq fulltext "London: S. Sweet, etc.," monograph 1842 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from That Court to the Exchequer Chamber, in Michaelmas and Hilary Terms, in the Second Year of Victoria [to Hilary Term, 1841]" Perry rcarqen fulltext "London: S. Sweet; A. Maxwell; V. & R. Stevens; G.S. Norton," monograph 1839 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, in Trinity and Michaelmas Terms, 1843, and Hilary and Easter Terms, 1844" Davison rcadbew fulltext "London: S. Sweet; A. Maxwell & Son; Stevens' and Norton," monograph 1844 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of the Exchequer, with a Table of the Names of Cases and a Digest of the Principal Matters" Murphy rcargtan fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1838 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of the Vice Chancellor of England" Maddock redevic fulltext monograph 1817 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas, and Exchequer Chamber, and in the House of Lords: from Easter Term 36 Geo. III 1796, to Hilary Term 44 Geo. III 1804, Both Inclusive" Bosanquet cmplexqhor fulltext "Philadelphia: P. Byrne," monograph 1805 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, from Easter Term 21st George III 1788, to Hilary Term, 36th George III 1796" Blackstone cplexhm fulltext "Philadelphia: P. Byrne," monograph 1808 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, from Easter Term 28th George III 1788, to Hilary Term 36th George III 1796" Blackstone rcompexqub fulltext "London: Printed by A. Strahan and W. Woodfall," monograph 1791 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, with Tables of the Names of the Cases and Principal Matters" Moore rcexchtn fulltext "London: S. Sweet," monograph 1828 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, with Tables of the Names of the Cases and the Principal Matters" Moore rcaplech fulltext "London: Charles Hunter; S. Sweet," monograph 1818 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber" Meeson rcaihlt fulltext monograph 1837 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber" Tyrwhitt reguexche fulltext "London: Saunders and Benning; J. and W.T. Clarke," monograph 1832 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber" Tyrwhitt recquech fulltext "London: Saunders and Benning; J. and W.T. Clarke," monograph 1837 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons" Robertson radrcom fulltext "London: William Benning & Co.," monograph 1850 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons, and in the High Court of Delegates" Addams redeeccle fulltext "London: S. Sweet," monograph 1823 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons, and in the High Court of Delegates" Haggard rpcadec fulltext "London: W. Benning," monograph 1829 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons; And in the High Court of Delegates" Phillimore recdocthi fulltext "London: J. Butterworth," monograph 1818 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the English Courts of Common Law: With Tables of the Cases and Principal Matters" 1813 1865 rcengcol fulltext "Philadelphia: T. & J. W. Johnson," serial P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Admiralty" Haggard rcadihi fulltext monograph 1825 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Admiralty; Commencing with the Judgments of the Right Hon. Sir William Scott" Dodson rpccswcs fulltext "London: Printed by A. Strahan," monograph 1815 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Admiralty; Commencing with the Judgments of the Right Hon. Sir. William Scott" Edwards rcadhcay fulltext "New York: I. Riley," monograph 1815 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Admiralty, Commencing with the Judgments of the Right Hon. Stephen Lushington" Robinson rcagdal fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1844 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery; Commencing in Michaelmas Term, 1815" Merivale zabu fulltext monograph 1817 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, in Ireland, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Manners" Ball rcadehic fulltext monograph 1821 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, in the Time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke" Atkyns rcchardw fulltext "London: Printed by H. Woodfall and W. Strahan," monograph 1765 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the King's [Queen's] Bench of Practice Court; with the Points of Practice Decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer, from Mich. Term, 1830, to [Michaelmas Term, 1841]" Dowling rbeprcod fulltext "London: S. Sweet; A. Maxwell; Stevens and Sons," monograph 1833 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Queen's Bench Practice Court; with Points of Practice and Pleading Decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer; from Hilary Term, 1850, to [Michaelmas Term, 1851]" Lowndes repcasqu fulltext "London: Sweet; Maxwell; Stevens & Norton," monograph 1851 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Queen's Bench Practice Court; with the Points of Pleading and Practice Decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer; from Easter Term, 1843, to [Michaelmas Term, 1849]" Dowling rcaplex fulltext "London: S. Sweet, etc.," monograph 1845 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Queen's Bench Practice Court; with the Points of Pleading and Practice Decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer; from Trinity Term, 1841, to Easter Term, 1843" Dowling rcaquebp fulltext "London: S. Sweet; V & R Stevens; G.S. Norton; A. Maxwell," monograph 1843 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Ruled at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, from Easter Term, 33 George III 1793, to Michaelmas Term, 46 Geo. III 1806 (New ed.)" Espinasse rckingbpl fulltext "Hartford: Hudson and Goodwin," monograph 1808 "New ed." P "Reports of Cases Decided by Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam, Viscount St. Albans, Lord Chancellor of England, in the High Court of Chancery (1617-1621)" Bacon rcdbac fulltext monograph 1932 P "Reports of Cases Decided by the Lord Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor" Montagu rcdelcha fulltext "London: A. Strahan for H. Butterworth," monograph 1830 P "Reports of Cases Decided during the Present War in the Admiralty Prize Court and the Court of Appeal" rcdpwaz fulltext "London: Queen's Printing Office," monograph 1856 Spinks P "Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Common Pleas on Appeal from the Decisions of the Revising Barristers" Pigott apfobar fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1846 P "Reports of Cases Decided in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons" Deane rpcdecc fulltext "London: Wildy and Sons," monograph 1858 P "Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Admiralty of England, and on Appeal to the Privy Council: 1855-1859" Swabey rcdhcatyg fulltext "London: Butterworths," monograph 1860 P "Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Admiralty of England, and on Appeal to the Privy Council: 1859-1862" Lushington rcdghaty fulltext "London: Butterworths," monograph 1864 P "Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Admiralty of England, and on Appeal to the Privy Council: 1863-1865" Browning rcdamdge fulltext "London: Butterworths," monograph 1868 P "Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Chancery" rptscnhy fulltext "New York: Gould, Banks & Co.," monograph 1831 Ingraham P "Reports of Cases Decreed in the High Court of Chancery, during the Time of Sir Heneage Finch, Afterwards Earl of Nottingham, Was Lord Chancellor" Finch finch fulltext "London: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, for R. Gosling; W. Mears; and J. Hooke," monograph 1725 P "Reports of Cases Determined in the Court of Common Pleas in Michaelmas, Hilary and Easter Terms, 3rd and 4th Victoria, 1840-41" Drinkwater resdmic fulltext "London: Shaw and Sons," monograph 1841 P "Reports of Cases Determined in the Court of Exchequer in Michaelmas Term, Fourth Victoria, 1840, to [Hilary Term, Fourth Victoria, 1841]" Hurlstone rcdeexch fulltext monograph 1840 P "Reports of Cases Determined in the Court of King's Bench, Together with Some Other Cases; from Trin. 12 Geo. I to Trin. 7 Geo. II" Barnardiston rckingbe fulltext "London: Printed by Henry Lintot," monograph 1744 P "Reports of Cases Determined in the Several Courts of Westminster-Hall, from 1746 to 1779" Blackstone rcawesm fulltext "Dublin: Messers. Chamberlaine, Colles, Lynch, Burnet, Moncrieffe, Wilson, Cross, Walker, White, Exshaw, and Byrne," monograph 1789 P "Reports of Cases Heard and Decided in the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors, by Henry Revell Reynolds, Esq., John Greathed Harris, Esq., Thomas Barton Bowen, Esq., and William John Law, Esq. from October, 1827, to June, 1829" Cresswell rcadecr fulltext "London: Saunders and Benning," monograph 1830 P "Reports of Cases Heard and Determined by the Lord Chancellor and the Court of Appeal in Chancery" "De Gex" rhearap fulltext monograph P "Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy and Companies' Winding-up, Decided in the High Court of Justice, the Court of Appeal, and the House of Lords" manbacd fulltext monograph 1894 Manson P "Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, Argued and Determined in the Court of Review, and on Appeal before the Lord Chancellor" Deacon rcbanade fulltext "London: Saunders and Benning," monograph 1833 P "Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, Argued and Determined in the Court of Review, and on Appeal before the Lord Chancellor, with a Digest of the Cases Relating to Bankruptcy in All the Contemporaneous Reports" Montagu rcbadco fulltext "London: H. Butterworth; S. Sweet; A. Maxwell & Son; Stevens and Norton," monograph 1842 P "Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, Argued and Determined in the Court of Review, and on Appeal before the Lord Chancellor. With a Digest of the Cases Relating to Bankruptcy in All the Contemporaneous Reports" Deacon rcreapdc fulltext "London: S. Sweet, etc.," monograph 1837 P "Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, Decided by the Court of Review, the Vice-Chancellor Sir James Lewis Knight Bruce, and the Lord Chancellors Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Cottenham" "De Gex" rcbavich fulltext "London: S. Sweet; A. Maxwell; Stevens and Norton," monograph 1852 P "Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy Decided by the Lord Chancellor Brougham, the Court of Review, and Subdivision Courts" Montagu rcuptc fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1834 P "Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, Decided by the Lord Chancellor Brougham, the Vice-Chancellor Sir Lancelot Shadwell, and the Court of Review" Montagu rcbanlch fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1835 P "Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, Decided by the Lord Chancellor Cottenham, and the Court of Review" Montagu rtbkdel fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1840 P "Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy Decided by the Lord Chancellors Lyndhurst and Brougham, the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Lancelot Shadwell, and the Court of Review" Montagu rcbanlchlb fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1832 P "Reports of Cases in Equity, Argued and Decreed in the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer, Chiefly in the Reign of King George I (2nd ed.)" requarg fulltext monograph 1742 "2nd ed." P "Reports of Cases in the County Courts included in Circuits Nos. 45 & 46" "de Colyar" recainc fulltext monograph 1883 P "Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer, from the Beginning of the Reign of King George the First, until the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of King George the Second" Bunbury wilde fulltext "London: Printed by Henry Lintot for D. Browne," monograph 1755 P "Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in the Time of King Charles I (1625 to 1648)" 0837730376 bryskic fulltext monograph 2006 Bryson P "Reports of Cases in the Courts of Star Chamber and High Commission" recashi fulltext "Westminster: Printed for the Camden Society," monograph 1886 Gardiner P "Reports of Cases in the Law of Real Property & Conveyancing, Argued and Determined in All the Courts of Law and Equity" Welford rcitlorpac fulltext monograph 1846 P "Reports of Cases in the Superior Courts on the Law and Practice of the New County Courts" Roberts rocitscotl fulltext monograph 1850 P "Reports of Cases of Controverted Elections before Committees of the House of Commons in the Fourteenth Parliament of the United Kingdom" Barron recbecho fulltext "London: S. Sweet," monograph 1846 P "Reports of Cases of Controverted Elections in the Fourteenth Parliament of the United Kingdom" Barron recofour fulltext "London: S. Sweet, etc.," monograph 1844 P "Reports of Cases of Controverted Elections in the Sixth Parliament of the United Kingdom" Corbett rccelsix fulltext "London: J. & W. Clarke," monograph 1821 P "Reports of Cases Principally on Practice and Pleading, Determined in the Court of King's Bench, in Hilary, Easter, Trinity, and Michaelmas Terms, A.D. 1819" Chitty recppde fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1820 P "Reports of Cases (Principally under the County Courts Equitable Jurisdiction Act, 1865, and the County Courts Amendment Act, 1867) in the County Courts included in Circuit No. 45" Austin rcequiam fulltext "London: Henry Butterworth," monograph 1869 P "Reports of Cases Relating to Insolvency" Macrae rcrinsolv fulltext monograph 1852 P "Reports of Cases Relating to Letters Patent for Inventions" Macrory rcletpai fulltext monograph 1856 P "Reports of Cases relating to Maritime Law; Containing All the Decisions of the Courts of Law and Equity in the United Kingdom, and Selections from the More Important Decisions in the Colonies and the United States (new ser.)" recamald fulltext monograph 1873 "new ser." Aspinall P "Reports of Cases Relating to the Duty and Office of Magistrates Determined in the Court of King's Bench" Manning rcasdimd fulltext "London: S. Sweet; A. Maxwell; Stevens and Sons," monograph 1829 P "Reports of Cases Relating to the Duty and Office of Magistrates Determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Hilary Term, 1822, to [Trinity Term, 1827]" Dowling rcardub fulltext "London: S. Sweet, etc.," monograph 1823 P "Reports of Cases Relating to the Office of Magistrates, Determined in the Court of King's Bench" Nevile rocrttoff fulltext monograph 1837 P "Reports of Cases Relative to the Duty and Office of a Justice of the Peace" Caldecott rcreldu fulltext monograph 1790 P "Reports of Cases Taken and Adjudged in the Court of Chancery, in the Reign of King Charles I., Charles II., James II., William III. and Queen Anne (3rd ed.)" "Great Britain" rctadj fulltext monograph 1736 "3rd ed." P "Reports of Cases Tried in the Jury Court" Murray recajurct fulltext "Edinburgh: William Whyte," monograph 1838 P "Reports of Cases under the Companies Acts, Decided in the High Court of Justice, the Court of Appeal, and the House of Lords" Megone rcundhi fulltext "London: Sweet and Maxwell," monograph 1890 P "Reports of Cases, upon Appeals and Writs of Error, in the High Court of Parliament; from the Year 1697, to the Year 1713" Colles writsofe fulltext "Dublin: E. Lynch," monograph 1789 P "Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the House of Lords" Dow recapwerhol fulltext "London: Printed for W. Clarke and Sons," monograph 1814 P "Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the House of Lords, and Decided during the Sessions 1827-1832" rcapehlo fulltext "London: J. & W. T. Clarke," monograph "Dow, P.; Clark, C." P "Reports of Certain Cases, Arising in the Severall Courts of Record at Westminster; in the Raignes of Q. Elizabeth, K. 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