publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type frequency "1797 to 1897: A Century in the Comptroller's Office: State of New York" Roberts ccosny fulltext "Albany: James B. Lyon, Printer," monograph 1897 P "1894 Constitutional-Amendment Campaign Year. Report of the New York State Woman Suffrage Association. Twenty-Sixth Annual Convention, Ithaca, N.Y., November 12-15" "New York State Woman Suffrage" conamcay fulltext "Rochesterm NY: C. 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P "Bradbury's Pleading and Practice Reports: Containing Selected Cases with Forms of Complaints, Answers, Decrees, Orders, Affidavits and Other Important Documents, Also Charges of Trial Judges, and Exhaustive Notes on the Legal Points Involved" Bradbury bradbupp fulltext monograph 1912 P "Bradbury's Rules of Pleading: In Actions at Law and in Equity under the Code of Civil Procedure" Bradbury bsrlopg fulltext "New York: Banks Law Publishing Company," monograph 1911 P "Bridge Across Hudson River at New York City, to be Constructed by North River Bridge Co.: Hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce" brgacro fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1922 P "Brief Amici Curiae of Advocates for Children of New York, et al." supapcgc fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of AI Now Institute at New York University, et al." prvwtcheayax fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Group of New York Voters in Support of Neither Party" supapccp fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Muslim Bar Association of New York, et al. Filed (also in 17-1618 & 17-1623)." suppwkas fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of New York, et al." supapbzi fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of States of Illinois, New York, et al. Filed (also 17-1618 & 17-1623)." suppwkav fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of States of New York, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia and the District of Columbia" supctlok fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of States of New York, et al." supogfht fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of States of New York, et al." supogfxp fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, and the New York Civil Liberties Union" supdljez fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, New York Civil Liberties Union, and National Coalition against Censorship, in Support of Respondents" prvwtcheaxiv fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, et al." prvwtcheaydd fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America and the American Benefits Council" supogfxc fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of the District Attorneys Association of the State of New York and the National District Attorneys Association" supbmlzz fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of the New York Bar Foundation and the New York State Bar Association" prvwtcheawob fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law" prvwtcheawdt fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief Amicus Curiae of New York City Bar Association in Support of Neither Party" supbmlov fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of New York Intellectual Property Law Association" prvwtcheaxhx fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of New York Intellectual Property Law Association" supdljho fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of New York Intellectual Property Law Association" suppwkfp fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of New York Intellectual Property Law Association" supbmmdj fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Neither Party" prvwtcheaxhe fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Neither Party" prvwtcheaxwr fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Neither Party" supbmlpa fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of St. Thomas More Lawyers Guild of Rochester, New York" prvwtcheaxzo fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of the District Attorneys Association of the State of New York" supbmlxw fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of the New York Intellectual Property Law Association" supogfzl fulltext monograph P "Brief and Reply Brief Submitted on Behalf of the New York Stock Exchange to the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency, March 5, 1914 and March 30, 1914, Respectively" Milburn bnysxch fulltext "New York: New York Stock Exchange, 1914" monograph 1914 P "Brief Consideration of New York with Respect to its Natural Advantages, its Superiority in Several Instances Over Some of the Neighboring Colonies" Livingston bcresov fulltext monograph 1925 P "Brief Examination of Scripture Testimony on the Institution of Slavery, in an Essay, First Published in the Religious Herald, and Republished by Request, with Remarks on a Letter of Elder Galusha, of New York, to Dr. R. Fuller, of South Carolina" Stringfellow bexst fulltext "Washington: Printed at the Congressional Globe Office," monograph 1850 P "Brief for 226 U.S. Mayors; Mayors for the Freedom to Marry; U.S. Conference of Mayors; Int'l Municipal Lawyers Association; Nat'l League of Cities; Cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, and 36 Other Cities in Support of the Petitioners" prvwpepsqrf fulltext P "Brief for Advocates for Children of New York, Children's Law Center, Inc., Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center, Equip For Equality, the Legal Aid Society, Legal Services Nyc, National Center For Youth Law, New York Lawyers For ThePublic Interest, New York Legal Assistance Group, Partnership for Children's Rights, And Statewide Parent Advocacy Network in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsruk fulltext P "Brief for Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, And West Virginia and the District of Columbia in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsjms fulltext monograph P "Brief for American Civil Liberties Union, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Impact Fund, Lawyers'?? Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the Legal Aid Society of New York City, the National Employment Lawyers Association, New York, the National Fair Housing Alliance, People for the American Way Foundation, and Public Justice in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepspqn fulltext monograph P "Brief for American Medical Association, American Society of Human Genetics, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Osteopathic Association, American College of Legal Medicine, and the Medical Society of the State of New York in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepslkl fulltext monograph P "Brief for Amicus Curiae New York City Sergeants Benevolent Association in Support of Respondents" prvwbnycs fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for Amicus Curiae the Civil Jury Project at New York University School of Law in Support of Neither Side" prvwbcjpnyu fulltext monograph 2017 P "Brief for Bishops of the Episcopal Churchin California, Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and Washington and the District Of Columbia; the Jewish Theological Seminary of America; Manhattan Conference of the Metropolitan New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; the Rabbinical Assembly; the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association; Reconstructionist Rabbinical College; Rabbi Akiva Herzfeld of Shaarey Tphiloh; the Union for Reform Judaism; Unitarian Universalist Association; United Church of Christ; the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism; Affirmation; Covenant Network of Presbyterians; Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns; Methodist Federation for Social Action; More Light Presbyterians; Presbyterian Welcome; Reconciling Ministries Network; Reconciling Works: Lutherans for Full Participation; and Religious Institute, Support of Respondent Edith Schlain Windsor" prvwpepslie fulltext monograph P "Brief for California, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia,Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia,Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepslgc fulltext monograph P "Brief for California, Alabama, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Washington, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsptg fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," P "Brief for California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, and Wyoming in Support of Respondent" prvwpepslqe fulltext monograph P "Brief for California, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, District Of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington in Support of Federal Petitioners and Respondents" prvwpepsqha fulltext P "Brief for Carl E. Heaste in His Official Capacity as Speaker of the New York State Assembly in Support of Appellees" prvwpepsobp fulltext monograph P "Brief for Center on the Administration of Criminal Law, New York University School of Law in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsizp fulltext monograph P "Brief for Center on the Administration of Criminal Law, New York University School of Law, in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsloc fulltext monograph P "Brief for Citizens Equal Rights Foundation and Central New York Fair Business Association as Amici Curiae" prvwtcheawpd fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for Citizens Equal Rights Foundation and Central New York Fair Business Association as Amici Curiae Supporting Petitioner" prvwbceqf fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for Citizens Equal Rights Foundation and Central New York Fair Business Association as Amici Curiae Supporting Petitioner" prvwtcheawot fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for City of New York in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsled fulltext monograph P "Brief for County of Santa Clara, California; the City of Austin, Texas; the City of Baltimore, Maryland; the City of Beaverton, Oregon; the City of Berkeley, California; the City of Boston, Massachusetts; the City of Bridgeport, Connecticut; the Town of Carrboro, North Carolina; the Town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina; the City of Charleston, South Carolina; the City of Cincinnati, Ohio; the City of Columbia, South Carolina; The County of Dallas, Texas; The District of Columbia; the City of Durham, North Carolina; the City of Flagstaff, Arizona; the City of Gainesville, Florida; the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida; The City of Laredo, Texas; The City of Los Angeles, California; the City of Madison, Wisconsin; the City of Miami Beach, Florida; the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota; the County of Monterey, California; The County of Multnomah, Oregon; The National League of Cities; the City of New Haven, Connecticut; the City of New York, New York; the City of Oakland, California; the City of Omaha, Nebraska; the City of Palo Alto, California; the Mayor of the City of Phoenix, Arizona; the City of Portland, Oregon; the City of Providence, Rhode Island; the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; Salt Lake City, Utah; the City and County of San Francisco, California; the City of San Jose, California; the City of San Leandro, California; the City of San Luis, Arizona; the County of San Mateo, California; the City of Seattle, Washington; the City of Tualatin, Oregon; the City of Tucson, Arizona;the United States Conference of Mayors and the National Legaue of Cities in Support of Respondent" prvwpepskbe fulltext monograph P "Brief for DACA Recipient Respondents, Make the Road New York, County of Santa Clara, and Service Employees International Union Local 521" prvdbdcart fulltext monograph 2019 P "Brief for Direct Action for Rights and Equality (DARE), Ex-Prisoners and Prisoners Organizing for Community Advancement (EPOCA), Voices of Community Activists & Leaders-New York (VOCAL-NY) and Voice of the Ex-Offender (VOTE) in Support of Appellees" prvwpepsobv fulltext monograph P "Brief for Experiential Learning Lab at New York University School of Law in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsqqv fulltext P "Brief for Former California Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero, Californoa Center for Parent Empowerment, Gwen Samuel, National Parents Union, Connecticut Parents Union, Mona Davids, Sam Pirozzolo, New York City Parents Union, Kelley Williams-Bolar, Hamlet Garcia, RiShawn Biddle, Dropout Nation, Dmitri Mehlhorn, Erika Sanzi, Julie Collier, Bonnie O...Neil, and Laura Ferguson in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsrbn fulltext P "Brief for Google, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., Consumer Electronics Association, Comcast Corp., Dell Computer Corp., Hewitt-Packard Co., HTC Corp., Intuit Inc., L-3 Communications Corp., Linkedin Corp., Lockheed Martin Corp., Mastercard Worldwide, the New York Times Company, Rackspace Hosting Inc., Red Hat, Inc., Shutterfly, Inc., Software and Information Industry Association, Time Warner Inc., Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., and Zynga Inc. in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsjdx fulltext monograph P "Brief for Grand Jurors in the County of New York" bfgdjscyny fulltext "New York: Martin B. Brown," monograph 1879 P "Brief for Grand Jurors in the County of New York" Fellows bfgdjscy fulltext "New York: W. P. Mitchell," monograph 1888 P "Brief for Grand Jurors in the County of New York" Martine bfgjrn fulltext "New York: W.P. Mitchell," monograph 1887 P "Brief for Human Rights Watch and the New York City Bar Association, et al., in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsqqp fulltext P "Brief for Illinois, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsnpa fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph P "Brief for Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsnwh fulltext monograph P "Brief for Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsqrd fulltext P "Brief for Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsoep fulltext monograph P "Brief for Massachusetts, New York, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsmqg fulltext monograph P "Brief for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, the Research Foundation for the State University of New York, the Rockefeller University, the Association of American Universities, the Association of American Medical Colleges, the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities, the Council on Government Relations, and the American Council on Education in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsnhm fulltext monograph P "Brief For NARCA - The National Creditors Bar Association And Maryland/DC Creditors Bar Association, Inc., Missouri Creditors Bar, Inc., Kentucky Creditors Rights Bar Association, Inc., Ohio Creditor's Attorneys Association, New York's Creditors' Bar Association, Florida Creditors Bar Association, Pennsylvania Creditors' Bar Association, Illinois Creditors Bar Association, Arizona Creditor Bar Association, Inc. in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsrxx fulltext P "Brief for National District Attorneys Association, California District Attorneys Association, Kansas County And District Attorneys Association, Missouri Prosecuting Attorneys Association, District Attorneys Association of the State of New York, and Oklahoma District Attorneys Association, in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepslui fulltext monograph P "Brief for New York City Pension Funds, et al. in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsjuq fulltext monograph P "Brief for New York Council of Defense Lawyers as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner" prvwbnycd fulltext monograph 2017 P "Brief for New York Council of Defense Lawyers in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepskov fulltext monograph P "Brief for New York Council of Defense Lawyers in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepslqq fulltext monograph P "Brief for New York Credit Union Association in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsrsr fulltext P "Brief for New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Neither Party" prvwpepsksx fulltext monograph P "Brief for New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Neither Party" prvwpepsrgg fulltext P "Brief for New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Petitioner on the Second Question Presented and in Support of Neither Party on the First Question" prvwpepsonb fulltext monograph P "Brief for New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsrjv fulltext P "Brief for New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Respondent on the First Question Presented" prvwpepsros fulltext P "Brief for New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Respondents" prvwpepslpd fulltext monograph P "Brief for New York, Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, and the District of Columbia, in Support of Respondent Edith Schlain Windsor" prvwpepsljh fulltext monograph P "Brief for New York State Association of Chiefs of Police in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepslae fulltext monograph P "Brief for Public Service Commission of the State of New York and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsqte fulltext P "Brief for Public Utility Law Project of New York, Inc., in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsqsr fulltext P "Brief for Respondents Connecticut, New York, California, Iowa, Rhode Island, Vermont, and The City of New York" prvwpepsiyx fulltext monograph P "Brief for Respondents the States of New York, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and the City of New York" prvwpepspyu fulltext P "Brief for Retail Litigation Center, Retail Council Of New York State, Florida Retail Federation, And Food Marketing Institute in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsrsh fulltext P "Brief for San Francisco; Atlanta; Baltimore; Boston; Birmingham, Alabama; Carboro; Chapel Hill; Columbia, South Carolina; Dubuque; Durham; Flint Los Angeles; Memphis; Miami Gardens; New Haven; New York; Oakland; Philadelphia; Seattle; and Toledo and King County, Washington in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsmpu fulltext monograph P "Brief for State of New York, et al., as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner" prvwstny fulltext monograph 2019 P "Brief for States of Minnesota, Louisiana, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsimt fulltext monograph P "Brief for States of New York, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawai'i, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington, and the District of Columbia, in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsoim fulltext monograph P "Brief for Students from the New York University School of Law Seminar on Critical Narratives in Civil Rights in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsmqd fulltext monograph P "Brief for Students from the New York University School of Law Seminar on Critical Narratives in Civil Rights in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsoff fulltext monograph P "Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union and New York Civil Liberties Union in Support of Respondents" prvwpepskrs fulltext monograph P "Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union, the CATOInstitute, and the New York Civil Liberties Unionin Support of Petitioner" prvwpepskkk fulltext monograph P "Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union, the Legal Aid Society of New York, and the Washington Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsipn fulltext monograph P "Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union, the New York Civil Liberties Union, the Anti-Defamation League, and Interfaith Alliance Foundation in Support of Respondents" prvwpepslxn fulltext monograph P "Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union, the New York Civil Liberties Union, the National Immigration Law Center, and the National Women's Law Center in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsrev fulltext P "Brief for the American Planning Association, the City of New York, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States in Support of Respondent" prvwpepspsy fulltext P "Brief for the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychoanalytic Association, the California Medical Association, the National Association of Social Workers And its New York City and State Chapters, And the New York State Psychological Association in Support of Respondent Edith Schlain Windsor" prvwpepslhm fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Association of the Bar of New York City in Support of Respondent and Affirmance" prvwpepskbn fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Association of the Bar of the City of New York in Support of Neither Party as Regards the First Question Presented, with No Position as to the Second Question Presented" prvwpepsoml fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Association of the Bar of the City of New York in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsjwo fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Association of the Bar of the City of New York in Support of the Petitioner" prvwpepsivk fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Association of the Bar of the City of New York on Support of Neither Party" prvwpepsqff fulltext P "Brief for the Association of the Bar of the City of New York on Support of Neither Party" prvwpepsqxa fulltext P "Brief for the Association of the Bar of The City of New York, The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, The Constitution Project, People for the American Way Foundation, the Rutherford Institute, and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsosp fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Campaign Legal Center, The League of Women Voters, The Voting Rights Institute, The Racial Justice Project at New York Law School, The National Council of Jewish Women, and the National Association of Social Workers in Support of Appellants" prvwpepsrlj fulltext P "Brief for the Campaign Legal Center, the League of Women Voters, the Voting Rights Institute, the Racial Justice Project at New York Law School, the National Council of Jewish Women, and the National Association of Social Workers in Support of Appellees" prvwpepsrkr fulltext P "Brief for the Center on the Administration of Criminal Law, New York University School Of Law; the Criminal Justice Institute, University of Houston Law Center; The Jacob Burns Center for Ethics In the Practice of Law, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law; The Louis Stein Center for Law and Ethics, Fordham University School of Law; and the Stanford Criminal Justice Center, Stanford Law School in Support of Respondent" prvwpepspgv fulltext monograph P "Brief for the City and County of San Francisco; the Cities of Oakland, Baltimore, Los Angeles, and New York; and the County of Santa Clara as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents" prvwbccsf fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for the City of New York as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondents" prvwbcnya fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for the City of New York in Support of Appellees" prvwpepsocd fulltext monograph P "Brief for the City of New York in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsrby fulltext P "Brief for the City of New York, New York State Conference of Mayors, the American Water Works Association, American Public Works Association, Water Environment Federation, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, and the National Association of Clean Water Agencies in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepskff fulltext monograph P "Brief for the City of New York, the City of Baltimore, the City of Boston, the City of Burlington, the City of Dayton, the City of Madison, the City and County of San Francisco, and Travis County, Texas Officials in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsohg fulltext monograph P "Brief for the City of New York, the Council of the City of New York, Michael R. Bloomberg, in his Capacity as Mayor of the City of New York, and Christine C. Quinn, in her Official Capacity as the Speaker of the City Council of the City of New York, in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsmgg fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Committee on Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganization of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, the Business Law Section of the Florida Bar, the Bankruptcy Law Section of the Louisiana State Bar Association, and the Bankruptcy Law Section of the Beverly Hills Bar Association in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsnmx fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Committee on Civil Rights of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsjti fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Commonwealth Second Amendment, Inc; New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc.; Illinois State Rifle Association; and Illinois Carry in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsmsd fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Commonwealths of Virginia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, the States of California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, and the District of Columbia in Support of Affirmance" prvwpepsqib fulltext P "Brief for the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates and Advocates for Children of New York in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsrfn fulltext P "Brief for the District Attorneys Association of the state of New York in support of Petitioner" prvwpepspgo fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepspzi fulltext P "Brief for the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law in Support of Respondents" prvwpepspyn fulltext P "Brief for the Legal Aid Society of New York and Morningside Heights Legal Services, Inc. in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsolc fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Mayors of New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Austin, Birmingham, 113 Additional Mayors, County Executives, and Localities, the United States Conference of Mayors, and the National League of Cities in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsoqf fulltext monograph P "Brief for the NASDAQ, Inc., NASDAQ Stock Market LLC, New York Stock Exchange LLC, NYSE ARCA, Inc., and NYSE MKT LLC, in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsnnt fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsmmv fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the New York Council of Defense Lawyers in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsquz fulltext P "Brief for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Civil Rights and Liberties Committee of the New York County Lawyers'?? Association, and the Center for Constitutional Rights in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsikm fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Legal Aid & Defender Association, Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender, Public Defender's Office for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida, Los Angeles County Public Defender's Office, the Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy, Immigration Impact Unit of the Massachusetts Committee for Public Counsel Services, the New York State Defenders Association, Legal Aid Society, the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, the New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, the Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers of New Jersey, Hall County Public Defender, Lancaster County Public Defender's Office, Texas Fair Defense Project, Washington Defender Association, the Office of the Defender General of Vermont, the Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem, Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project, Immigrant Defense Project, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepskms fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph P "Brief for the National Governors Association, National Conference Of State Legislatures, Council of State Governments, National Association of Counties, International City/County Management Association, National League of Cities, United States Conference of Mayors, Government Finance Officers Association, and City of New York in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsqdn fulltext P "Brief for the New York City Bar Association in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsoik fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York City Municipal Labor Committee in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsrch fulltext P "Brief for the New York Council of Defense Lawyers in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsnvt fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York County District Attorney's Office and the New York County Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsjoq fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Neither Party" prvwpepsrnb fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Neither Party" prvwpepsiqe fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Neither Party" prvwpepsirq fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Neither Party" prvwpepsqxj fulltext P "Brief for the New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsmzr fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsklm fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsllt fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsmxk fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York Law School Racial Justice Project in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsoeu fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York State Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc. and The New York State Sheriffs'?? Association Institute, Inc. in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsija fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York State Bar Association in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsoev fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York State Common Retirement Fund, New York City Employees'?? Retirement System, Board of Education Retirement System of the City of New York, New York Fire Department Pension Fund, New York City Police Pension Fund, and Teachers'?? Retirement System of the City of New York, in Support of Respondent" prvwpepspfm fulltext monograph P "Brief for the New York University School of Law Family Defense Clinic, Child Advocacy Clinic, the Bronx Defenders, the Family Defense Project, and the Center for Family Representation, Inc. in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsikv fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Partnership for New York City in Support of Respondent Windsor and Affirmance of the Second Circuit" prvwpepsljd fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Reporter's Committee for Freedom of the Press '?? ALM Media, LLC, the American Society of News Editors, the Associated Press, the Association of American Publishers, Inc., Bay Area News Group, Bloomberg L.P., the Citizen Media Law Project, Daily News, L.P., Dow Jones & Company, Inc., The E.W. Scripps Company, the First Amendment Coalition, First Amendment Project, Gannett Co., Inc., NBC Universal, Inc., the National Press Photographers Association, Newspaper Association of America, the New York Times Co., NPR, Inc., the Society of Professional Journalists, Stephens Media LLC, Tribune Company, and the Washington Post in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepspbc fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin in Support of Respondents Birth Father and the Cherokee Nation" prvwpepslmu fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph P "Brief for the States of Arizona, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, and Washington in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsoac fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia, in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsqma fulltext P "Brief for the States of California, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsrqp fulltext P "Brief for the States of Hawaii, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, and Oregon, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the District of Columbia in Support of Respondent" prvwpepslee fulltext monograph P "Brief for the states of Illinois, Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming and the District of Columbia in Support of Petition" prvwpepsrla fulltext P "Brief for the States of Illinois, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and West Virginia in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsjvd fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of Maryland, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, New Mexico, New York, Oregon and Vermont and the District of Columbia in Support of Petitioners Regarding the Minimum Coverage Provision" prvwpepskdo fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, and Washington in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsmog fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of New York, Alaska, California, Delaware, Hawai'i, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington, in Support of Appellees" prvwpepsoce fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of New York, Alaska, California, Delaware, Hawai'i, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Washington, and Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia, as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners" prvwbsny fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for the States of New York, Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawai...i, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsrcl fulltext P "Brief for the States of New York, Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington, and the District of Columbia as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents" prvwbsnyak fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 2018 P "Brief for the States of New York, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Washington, And Wyoming, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepslol fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of New York, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia, in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsnge fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of New York, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont, and the District of Columbia in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsqwf fulltext P "Brief for the States of New York, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington, and the District of Columbia as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents" prvwbsnyc fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for the States of New York, California, Connecticut, Delware, Hawai'i, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington, and the District of Columbia as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents" prvwbsnyca fulltext P "Brief for the States of New York, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and the Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands in Support of Respondents" prvwpepskug fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of New York, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont in Support of Respondent" prvwpepskax fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of New York, California, Mississippi, and North Carolina in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsmgy fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of New York, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawai'i, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraskam Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Washington, and the District of Columbia, in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsntp fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawai'i, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington, and the District of Columbia as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents" prvwbnyct fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for the States of New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont, and The District of Columbia, and the Cities of Baltimore, Bridgeport, Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia as Respondents in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepspzk fulltext P "Brief for the States of New York, et al." prvdbfstnwy fulltext monograph 2019 P "Brief for the States Of Oregon, Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, And The District of Columbia in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsryi fulltext "Washington, D.C.: National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee," P "Brief for the States of Oregon, Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and the District of Columbia as Amici Curiae in Support of Appellees" prvwborak fulltext P "Brief for the States of Oregon, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Washington, Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, and Territory of Guam in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsmwp fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of Vermont, Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Wyoming and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner" prvwbvtal fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for the States of Washington, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsmoz fulltext monograph P "Brief for the States of Washington, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawai'i, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and the District of Columbia in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsoql fulltext monograph P "Brief for the University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Arkansas, Boston Medical Center, Brigham and Women'??s Hospital University of Chicago Medical Center, Christiana Care Health Services, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Emory University, Franklin Square Hospital, George Washington University, Georgetown University Hospital, Good Samaritan Hospital, Harbor Hospital, Johns Hopkins University, McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Maine Medical Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Michigan State University, Montefiore Medical Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine/Mount Sinai Hospital, National Rehabilitation Hospital, New York Medical College, New York University School of Medicine, University of North Dakota, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, University of Rochester, Saint Louis University, University of Southern California, Medical University of South Carolina, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Stanford University, Thomas Jefferson University, Union Memorial Hospital, Vanderbilt University, Washington Hospital Center, and Yale-New Haven Hospital in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepspjp fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph P "Brief for the Wet Weather Partnership, South Carolina Water Quality Association, North Carolina Water Quality Association, West Virginia Municipal Water Quality Association, Virginia Association of Municipal Wastewater Agencies, National Association of Clean Water Agencies, and the City of New York in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsioq fulltext monograph P "Brief for United Policyholders, the Arizona Association for Justice, the Utah Association for Justice, the San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association, the Minnesota Association for Justice, the South Dakota Trial Lawyers Association, the New Jersey Association for Justice and the New York State Trial Lawyers Association in Support of Respondents" prvwpepspsr fulltext P "Brief for U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce, Greater New York Chamber of Commerce, Kingston 11 Cuisine, Learning Express, Inc., Main Street Alliance, the Shuchart Group, and Tigress Financial Partners in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepskwo fulltext monograph P "Brief for Washington, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Virginia in Support of Appellees" prvwpepsmme fulltext monograph P "Brief for Yahoo! Inc., the New York Times Company, Netapp, Inc., Medtronic, Inc., General Mills, Inc., EMC Corporation, and Boston Scientific Corporation in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepskuv fulltext monograph P "Brief forIllinois, Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsosc fulltext monograph P "Brief History of the Reorganization under Section 77 of the Bankruptcy Act of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, 1935-1947" Sunderland bfhyotrn fulltext "[S. I.: s.n.]," monograph 1948 P "Brief in Opposition for the States of New York, et al." prvdbfonst fulltext monograph 2019 P "Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger" 1584770511 Alexander tojpz fulltext monograph 1963 P "Brief of Amici Curiae Immigration Equality, the New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, the LGBT Bar Association of Los Angeles, the LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders, Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom, and Others in Support of Respondents" prvwbimeq fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of Amici Curiae Muslim Bar Association of New York, et al., in Support of Employees" prvwmbany fulltext monograph 2019 P "Brief of Amici Curiae the Majority Leader and Temporary President of the New York State Senate and Members of the Majority Coalition in Support of the Appellants" prvwbmltpny fulltext P "Brief of Amicus Curiae Association of the Bar of the City of New York in Support of Respondent" prvwabcny fulltext monograph 2019 P "Brief of Amicus Curiae New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Neither Party" prvwbnyip fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of Amicus Curiae New York Intellectual Property Law Association in Support of Respondent" prvwnuip fulltext monograph 2019 P "Brief of Amicus Curiae New York Stock Exchange LLC Supporting Petitioners" prvwbnyex fulltext monograph 2017 P "Brief of Amicus Curiae Seneca County, New York in Support of Respondents" prvwbscac fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of Amicus Curiae the Association of the Bar of the City of New York in Support of Neither Party" prvdbasca fulltext monograph 2019 P "Brief of Amicus Curiae the New York State Bar Association" prvwtcheaxyg fulltext monograph P "Brief of Appellees New York, et al." supogfsj fulltext monograph P "Brief of Appellees New York Immigration Coalition, et al." supctldr fulltext monograph P "Brief of Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, and Other Cities and Counties, Joined by the U.S. Conference of Mayors as Amici Curiae Supporting Respondents" prvwbclan fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of County of Santa Clara, Cities of New York and Los Angeles, 67 Additional Cities and Counties, 80 Mayors, and United States Conference of Mayors as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents" prvwbcscny fulltext monograph 2017 P "Brief of Massachusetts, Hawaii, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents" prvwbmahw fulltext monograph 2017 P "Brief of Mutual Broadcasting System, Inc., Intervener, National Broadcasting Company, Inc., Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society and Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Manufacturing Company, Plaintiffs v. United States of America and the Federal Communications Commission, Defendants, Mutual Broadcasting System, Inc., Intervener. Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc., Plaintiff v. the United States of America, Defendant, Federal Communications Commission and Mutual Broadcasting System, Inc., Interveners; Civil Actions Nos. 16-178 and 16-179 in the District Court of the United States, Southern District of New York. Emanuel Dannett, Attorney for Intervener" "Mutual Broadcasting System" abxz fulltext monograph 1941 P "Brief of New York Intellectual Property Law Association (NYIPLA) in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsnhn fulltext monograph P "Brief of New York University as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondents" prvwbnyu fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of Petitioners New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., et al." supdljrb fulltext monograph P "Brief of Petitioners New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., et al." supbmmbz fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., in His Official Capacity as District Attorney of the County of New York" supogfjd fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent State of New York" prvwpepsiiy fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent State of New York" supbmmab fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent State of New York in Opposition" supbmmal fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondents City of New York, et al." suppwkhh fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondents City of New York, et al. in Opposition Filed.(11/14/2018)" suppwkhv fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondents Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in Opposition" supbmmwi fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondents Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., in His Official Capacity as District Attorney of the County of New York, et al. in Opposition" supogfjg fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondents New York Immigration Coalition, et al." prvwtcheaycs fulltext monograph P "Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Civil Liberties Union, in Support of Respondents" execpradbg fulltext monograph 4-Mar-20 P "Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Maryland and the New York Civil Liberties Union as Amici Curiae in Support of Appellants" prvwbaclu fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union, the New York Civil Liberties Union, and the ACLU of Wisconsin Foundation as Amici Curiae, in Support of Appellees" prvwbacvlu fulltext P "Brief of the Bar of the City of New York in Support of Neither Party" prvwpepsnhf fulltext monograph P "Brief of the New York City Municipal Labor Committee as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents" prvwbnycm fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of the New York County Lawyers Association as Amicus Curiae" prvwtcheaxiu fulltext monograph P "Brief of the New York State Bar Association in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsjto fulltext monograph P "Brief of the Policing Project at New York University School of Law as Amicus Curiae Supporting Respondent" prvwbppnyu fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief on Procedure in the Surrogate's Court (2nd ed.)" 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"University of California Berkeley School of Law" serial P 6 "Calman's Code Time-Table: Containing an Alphabetical Arrangement of the Various Periods of Time Required by the Laws of Practice in All Actions and Proceedings in the Courts of the State of New York (4th ed., revised, enlarged)" Arnold cmcdtmt fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company," monograph 1897 "4th ed., revised, enlarged" P "Canal Enlargement in New York State: Papers on the Barge Canal Campaign and Related Topics" canenys fulltext "Buffalo: Buffalo Historical Society," monograph 1909 P "Canal Policy of the State of New-York: Delineated in a Letter to Robert Troup, Esquire" clpystny fulltext "Albany: E. and E. Hosford," monograph 1821 P "Car Trust Securities: A Paper Read at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association at Saratoga Springs, New York, August 20th, 1885" Rawle crtssts fulltext "Philadelphia: Thos, S. 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P "Commentaries on the Lunacy Laws of New York, and on the Judicial Aspects of Insanity at Common Law and in Equity, including Procedure, as Expounded in England and the United States" Ordronaux cmnlny fulltext "Albany: John D. Parsons, Jr.," monograph 1878 P "Commentaries on the Revised Insurance Law of New York" Kaplan csotrdie fulltext "New York, N.Y.: Powers, Kaplan, & Berger," monograph 1940 P "Commentary on Mechanic's Lien Law for the State of New York" Heydecker cmmclnlsny fulltext "Albany, N. Y.: Matthew Bender," monograph 1897 P "Commentary on the Bankrupt Law of 1841: Showing Its Operation and Effect" cmtybkp fulltext "New-York: Henry Anstice," monograph 1841 P "Comments On Lease With New York City" gaobaacso fulltext "United States. 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"Columbia University Press" serial P 1 "Copyright Protection and Statutory Formalities: An Address Delivered by Request before the Music Publishers' Association of the United States, New York City, Wednesday, June 10, 1903" Solberg ctpnsyfm fulltext "Washington, D.C.: Judd & Detweiler," monograph 1904 P "Cornell International Law Journal" 0010-8812 1968 2022 cintl fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "Cornell Law School" serial P 4 "Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy" 1069-0565 1992 2022 cjlpp fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "Cornell Law School" serial P 3 "Cornell Law Journal" 1894 1 1 1894 1 clj fulltext serial P "Cornell Law Quarterly" 8755-2213 1915 1 1 1967 52 clqv fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." 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P "Corporation Laws of New York: Including All Amendments Enacted by the Regular 1937 Session of the New York Legislature Adjourned May 7, 1937" cnlwnwyk fulltext "Albany: Commerce Clearing House," monograph 1937 P "Corporation Laws of New York: Reprint of the New York Laws Governing Corporations, Partnerships and Associations" Ettinger bnts fulltext "New York: Prentice-Hall," monograph 1921 P "Corporation Laws of New York: Revised to July 1, 1930" cpnlny fulltext "New York: New York Corp. Trust Co.," monograph 1930 P "Corporation Laws of New York: Revised to July 1, 1931" crtlnyrj fulltext "New York: Corporation Trust Co.," monograph 1931 P "Corporation Laws of New York: Revised to May 8, 1933" cpnyrv fulltext "New York: Corporation Trust Company," monograph 1933 P "Corporation Laws of the State of New York" Haviland cnlwstny fulltext "New York: Diossy Law Book Co.," monograph 1896 P "Corporation Laws of the State of New York" Haviland cnlwsstnyk fulltext "New York: Diossy Law Book Co.," monograph 1897 P "Corporation Laws of the State of New York, including the General Corporation Law, the Stock Corporation Law, the Transportation Corporations Law, the Business Corporations Law" Haviland eiaui fulltext "New York: Diossy Law Book Co.," monograph 1895 P Corporations Teller cprtions fulltext "New York: Harmon Publications," monograph 1949 P "Correct Arms of the State of New York, as Established by Law since March 16, 1778" Homes crcarnys fulltext "Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, Printers," monograph 1880 P "Correct Report of the Trial of Josef Perez for Piracy, Committed on Board the Schooner Bee, of Charleston, S.C. before the Circuit Court of the United Sates [sic] for the Southern District of New-York, on Tuesday, Sept. 9, 1823" Perez adqz fulltext monograph 1823 P "Correcting the Account between the State of New York and the United States: Hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Sixty-Ninth Congress, First Session on H. 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Government Accountability Office" monograph 1972 P "Cost of the Administration of the Courts in the City of New York: A Factual Study" cacny fulltext "New York: The Citizens Budget Commission," monograph 1933 P "Council of Revision of the State of New York; Its History, a History of the Courts with Which its Members Were Connected; Biographical Sketches of its Members; and its Vetoes" Street corebisv fulltext monograph 1859 P "Counsellor: The New York Law School Journal" 1891 1896 cnylr fulltext serial P "Counter-Claim under the New York Code of Civil Procedure: A Monograph upon Counter-Claim and Kindred Remedies Adapted to Jurisdictions Which Follow, in Substance, the Revised Code" Derby crcmurtenw fulltext "Rochester, N.Y.: Williamson & Higbie," monograph 1888 P "County and Town Officer, or a Concise View of the Duties and Offices of County and Town Officers in the State of New-York, with Appropriate Precedents" Tappen coutow fulltext monograph 1816 P "County Charters in New York State: A Comparative Guide to Leading Charter Provisions" cntnwyrk fulltext "[Albany, N.Y.]: The Office," monograph 1963 P "County Government" cotygvt fulltext "Albany: J. B. Lyon Co.," monograph 1915 P "County Manager Government in Effect in the County of Monroe State of New York" coumans fulltext monograph 1939 Crapsey P "Course of Lectures on the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States, Delivered Annually in Columbia College, New-York" Duer clesceus fulltext "New York: Harper & Bros." monograph 1843 P "Course of Lectures on the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States; Delivered Annually in Columbia College, New York (2nd ed.)" Duer colcjust fulltext monograph 1856 "2nd ed." P "Court-Annexed Arbitration in the Eastern District of New York" Meierhoefer coany fulltext "Washington: Federal Judicial Center," monograph 1989 P "Court Challenge to New York State's Constitutional Power to Mandate the Use of Seat Belts: A Report to the Legislature" Levy ccnysc fulltext "Albany: New York State Legislative Commission on Critical Transportation Choices," monograph 1986 P "Court of Appeals. 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P "Courts and Lawyers of New York, A History, 1609-1925" Hurchins clnys fulltext monograph P "Courts and the Poor Laws in New York State, 1784-1929" Branscombe copooln fulltext monograph 1943 P "Courts of the State of New York: Their History, Development and Jurisdiction" Scott jembrac fulltext monograph 1909 P "Cowen's Poor Laws of the State of New York: Covering the Laws and Decisions Relating to the Insane, Idiots and Habitual Drunkards, down to and including the Legislative Session of 1896, with Forms" csprlsotse fulltext "Albany, N.Y.: W. C. 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Y.: Dennis & Co.," monograph 1940 P "Criminal Law and Procedure in New York" Rudnick crmlawprony fulltext "New York: Law Publishers of New York," monograph 1936 P "Criminal Law Magazine" 1880 1 1 1885 6 clmr fulltext serial P "Criminal Law Magazine and Reporter" 1886 7 1 1896 18 clmr fulltext serial P "Criminal Obscenity: A Plea for Its Suppression" Ford cobpisp fulltext "New York: Fleming H. Revell Co.," monograph 1926 P "Criminal Procedure in New York" Paperno cmnlpcr fulltext "New York: Acme Book Company," monograph 1960 P "Criminal Receivers in the United States: Social and Economic Problems of the Fence" crimeivus fulltext "New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons," monograph 1928 P "Criticisms on the Civil Code" Pincoffs csotclce fulltext "New York: Burgoyne Quick Printing Co.," monograph 1888 P "Cruel and Unusual Punishments" Wilson crueunp fulltext monograph 1938 P "Crusaders Inc. Headquarters Eastern Division 100 East 42nd Street New York a Brief Report" crusain fulltext monograph 1930 P "Cumulative Supplement 1935: Fiero on Particular Actions and Proceedings" Pearse ptcaprsup fulltext "Albany, N.Y.: Matthew Bender" monograph 1935 P "New York City Law Review" 1996 1 1 2010 13 nyclr fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "CUNY School of Law at Queens College" serial P 2 "CUNY Law Review" 2572-7796 2011 14 1 nyclr fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "CUNY School of Law at Queens College" serial P 2 "Danger of Legislative Overregulation: An Address, Delivered before the Typothetae of the City of New York, at the Salmagundi Club, New York, May Ninth, Nineteen Hundred Sixteen" Ommen drlvogna fulltext "New York: [s.n.]," monograph 1916 P "Darby's Edition of Brookes' Universal Gazetteer; or, a New Geographical Dictionary (3rd ed.)" Darby darby fulltext monograph 1823 "3rd ed." P "David D. Acker et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants, vs. Charles E. Leland et al., Defendants and Respondents: Case on Appeal" Acker abgu fulltext monograph 1885 P "David Ruggles: A Radical Black Abolitionist and the Underground Railroad in New York City" 9780807833261 Hodges drrba fulltext "Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press," monograph 2010 P "De Witt Clinton and the Origin of the Spoils System in New York" McBain dewittcl fulltext monograph 1907 P "Death Penalty in New York: A Report on the Five Public Hearings on the Death Penalty in New York Conducted by the Assembly Standing Committees on Codes, Judiciary and Correction, December 15, 2004-February 11, 2005" dpenny fulltext monograph 2005 P "Death Penalty in New York State: Testimony before the New York State Assembly Standing Committees on Codes, Judiciary and Correction" Gradess grdtest fulltext monograph 2005 P "Death Penalty in New York: To Examine the Future of Capital Punishment in New York State: Hearing on the Death Penalty Witness List, Wednesday, December 15, 2004" dpnywith fulltext monograph 2004 P "Death Penalty in New York: To Examine the Future of Capital Punishment in New York State: Hearing, Wednesday, December 15, 2004" dpnyher fulltext "EN-DE Reporting," monograph 2004 P "Death Penalty in New York: Written Testimony and Exhibits Submitted by Those Who Did Not Testify in Person" nywtest fulltext monograph 2004 P "Debate in the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York on the Proposal to Deny to the Legislature the Power to Grant Privilege or Immunity" deinalcopde fulltext monograph 1915 P "Debates and Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York Assembled at Poughkeepsie on the 17th June, 1788" "New York (State)" denyas fulltext monograph 1905 P "Debates on the Trinity Church Bill, in the Senate of the State of New York" Levien xybil fulltext monograph 1857 P "Debt financing problems of State and local government : the New York City case : hearings before the Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization of the Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session. 1" dfpslgi fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1975 P "Debt financing problems of State and local government : the New York City case : hearings before the Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization of the Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session. 2" dfpslgii fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1975 P "Debt financing problems of State and local government : the New York City case : hearings before the Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization of the Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session. 3" dfpslgiii fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1975 P "Debt financing problems of State and local government : the New York City case : hearings before the Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization of the Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session. Appendix" dfpsa fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1975 P "Decedent Estate Law of the State of New York: Chapter Thirteen of the Consolidated Laws (Became a Law February 17, 1909; Chapter 18, Laws of 1909)" Fowler delsny fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company," monograph 1911 P "Decision of the Court and Argument of Wm. M. Evarts, Esq., of New York City, in the Supreme Court of the United States, Delivered at Washington, Feb. 5, 1866. G. Clarence Churchill and Others, Plaintiffs in Error, vs. the City of Utica, Defendant in Error" dcurtesqs fulltext "New York: John F. Trow & Co.," monograph 1866 P "Decisions and Opinions on the Construction of the Civil Service Laws of the United States and of the States of New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania" doccsl fulltext "Albany: James B. 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Also, a Deduction of the Title to the Indian Reservations" Witmer deedta fulltext monograph 1859 P "Defective Delinquent: His Care and Training" Thayer dvdthcrt fulltext "[S. I.: s.n.]," monograph 1924 P "Defects of the Proposed Civil Code for the State of New York" Dwight dtpsccsny fulltext "New York: Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Company," monograph 1882 P "Defence of Brigadier General W. Hull" Hull adoj fulltext monograph 1814 P "Defence of Professor Briggs before the Presbytery of New York, December 13, 14, 15, 19, and 22, 1892" dpbpny fulltext "New York: Charles Scribner's Sons," monograph 1893 P "Defense Economic Adjustment Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on Employment Opportunities of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, second session, on H.R. 6618 ... hearing held in New York, N.Y., on O" fnceadjut fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office," monograph 1983 P "Defense Inventory: New York Army National Guard Weapons Parts" gaobabhbl fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1990 P "Delays In Reimbursement For Home Health Services In New York City" gaobaawca fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1977 P "Delegate from New York; Or, Proceedings of the Federal Convention of 1787" Lansing deleny fulltext "Princeton: Princeton University Press," monograph 1939 P "Democratic Party of the State of New York: A History of the Origin, Growth and Achievements of the Democratic Party of the State of New York, including a History of Tammany Hall in Its Relation to State Politics" McGuire dempasn fulltext monograph 1905 P "Demurrer; Or, Proofs of Error in the Decision of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Requiring Faith in Particular Religious Doctrines as a Legal Qualification of Witnesses" 0306719711 Herttell demurer fulltext monograph 1828 P "Dennis' Buffalo City Court Act Annotated" Winer denbufc fulltext "Dennis & Co., Inc." monograph 1940 P "Dennis Constable's Guide for the Use of Constables in the State of New York, including a Collection of Forms Useful to Constables" dencguble fulltext "Buffalo: Dennis & Co.," monograph 1935 P "Dennis Criminal Code and Penal Law of the State of New York: 1940-1959 Cumulative Supplement" Eager dsclcplsny fulltext "Buffalo, New York: Dennis & Co. 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P "Dennis Magistrates' and Justices' Manual of Criminal and Civil Law and Practice for Justices of the Peace, Police Justices and Magistrates in the State of New York" Eager dmjmccl fulltext "Buffalo, New York: Dennis & Co.," monograph 1939 P "Department of Labor--Grant to New York Workers' Compensation Board" gaobaczcj fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2005 P "Department of Labor-Grant to New York Workers' Compensation Board, June 7, 2005" gaocrptaran fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2005 P "Department of the Air Force, APO New York, Audit of Accounts" gaobacwuu fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1971 P "Department Reports of the State of New York" 1914 1958 Lawson drepsny fulltext "Albany: J.B. Lyon Co.," serial P "Depression Taxes and Economy through Reform of Local Government: Third Report of the New York State Commission for the Revision of the Tax Laws" detnomlogo fulltext "Albany: J.B. Lyon Co.," monograph 1933 P "Descent and Distribution: Interstate Succession in the State of New York" Eager dctdsn fulltext "Albany, N.Y.; New York City: Matthew Bender & Company," monograph 1926 P "Development of Constitutional Law in New York State and the Constitutional Convention of 1894" Hill dclnys fulltext "Buffalo: Buffalo Historical Society," monograph 1896 P "Development of Insurance Legislation in Canada: An Address Delivered before the Insurance Society of New York" Finlayson gldbi fulltext "New York: Insurance Society of New York," monograph 1927 P "Development of International Justice: Two Lectures Delivered at the Law Center of New York University in December 1953" McNair devintl fulltext "New York: New York University Press; Distributed by Oceana Publications," monograph 1954 P "Development of the Right of Privacy in New York" Hofstadter depriny fulltext monograph 1954 P "Developments and Directions in Criminal Law" Fuld dvmdrncllw fulltext "[S. I.: s.n.]," monograph 1944 P "Digest of American Cases on the Law of Evidence: Intended as Notes to Peake's Compendium of the Law of Evidence" Bayard dgstam fulltext "Philadelphia: W.P. Farrand," monograph 1810 P "Digest of Cases Decided and Reported in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and in the Court for the Correction of Errors, of the State of New York; from May 1828 to May 1835" Wendell discjuerny fulltext "Albany: Printed by Hoffman & White," monograph 1836 P "Digest of Claims, and the Action Thereon by the Legislature and the Canal Board, Together with the Awards Made by the Board of Canal Appraisers, from 1818 to 1858" Allen digcla fulltext monograph 1858 P "Digest of Compulsory Education and Child Labor Laws: As Amended to 1919, with Annotations, Department Rulings and Legal Forms for the Use of School Authorities, Attendance Officers and Teachers (rev. ed.)" dcecll fulltext "Albany, N. Y.: [s.n]," monograph 1919 "rev. ed." P "Digest of Election Law Decisions (Rev. ed.)" lwdd fulltext "New York: Law Department," monograph 1942 "Rev. ed." Abrahams P "Digest of Election Law Decisions (Rev. ed.)" cdig fulltext "New York: [s.n.]," monograph 1944 "Rev. ed." Abrahams P "Digest of Election Law Decisions (Rev. ed.)" Abrahams dglelwdc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1946 "Rev. ed." P "Digest of Election Law Decisions (Rev. ed.)" Abrahams dgslelwcc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1948 "Rev. ed." P "Digest of Election Law: Law Journal Decisions" dgeleljd fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1941 Abrahams P "Digest of Fees of Town and County Officers of State of New York: From the Codes and Statutes as in Force Jan. 1, 1896" Becker dtofsotnadcy fulltext "Rochester, N.Y.: Williamson Law Book Company," monograph 1895 P "Digest of Fees of Town and County Officers of the State of New York (4th ed.)" Moon digfetwco fulltext "Rochester: Williamson & Higbie," monograph 1881 "4th ed." P "Digest of Fees of Town and County Officers of the State of New York (6th ed.)" Moon dftcos fulltext "Rochester: Williamson Law Book Company," monograph 1890 "6th ed." P "Digest of Howard's Practice Reports (67 volumes) from 1844 to 1884: Containing the Practice Decisions of all the Courts of the State, Together with Many Leading Cases Embodying General Principles of Law" Stover dghpr fulltext "Albany: W. Gould, jr., and Co," monograph 1887 P "Digest of Indeterminate Sentence Laws and Parole Rules" Cass dtimtsclpr fulltext "Albany: J. B. Lyon Company," monograph 1927 P "Digest of Taxation in the States, under Three Heads" Street dithreeh fulltext "Albany: Weed, Parsons," monograph 1863 P "Digest of the Cases Decided and Reported in the Supreme Court of Judicature and the Court for the Correction of Errors, in the State of New-York. From January Term, 1799, to October Term, 1813, Inclusive. 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Bender," monograph 1901 P "Digest of the New York Code of Civil Procedure, Containing Concise Statements of the Law on Subjects of General Importance to Students" dtotnwyk fulltext "New York, New York: [s.n.]," monograph 1896 Disbrow P "Digest of the New York State Reporter" 1889 1895 Mills dignystr fulltext serial P "Digest of the Reports and Statutes of the State of New York from January 1, 1890, to January 1, 1897" Gibbons direporjan fulltext monograph 1898 P "Digested Index of the Reports of the Supreme Court, and the Court for the Correction of Errors, in the State of New-York" Church digincer fulltext monograph 1822 P "Digested Treatise and Compendium of Law Applicable to Titles to Real Estate in the State of New York (3rd ed., rev. and enl.)" Gerard dtcorles fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis and Co.," monograph 1889 "3rd ed., rev. and enl." P "Digested Treatise and Compendium of Law Applicable to Titles to Real Estate in the State of New York (5th ed., rev. and enl.)" Gerard digcom fulltext monograph 1909 "5th ed., rev. and enl." P "Dinner to Hon. Benjamin D. Silliman: Given by the Bar of New York and Brooklyn, May 24, 1889, at Delmonico's, New York" drthnbndsn fulltext "New York: Press of Fleming, Brewster & Alley," monograph 1889 P "Diplomatic History of the European War: A List of References in the New York Public Library" Sawyer dihsew fulltext "New York: Public Library," monograph 1917 P "Directory of Delegates and Staff" dirdesta fulltext "[Albany: s.n.,]" monograph 1967 P "Directory of the Law Library Association of Greater New York" 1950 2013 dirlag fulltext "New York: LLAGNY," serial P "Disaster Assistance: Federal Aid To The New York City Area Following The Attacks Of September 11th And Challenges Confronting Fema" gaobaattz fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2003 P "Disaster Assistance: Information On Fema's Post 9/11 Public Assistance To The New York City Area" gaobabzrz fulltext "United States. 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Brodhead hotsny fulltext monograph 1874 "Rev. ed." P "History of the Treaty of Big Tree: And an Account of the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Making of the Treaty, Held at Geneseo, N. Y., September the Fifteenth, Eighteen Hundred Ninety-Seven" "Livingston County Historical Society (N.Y.)." btree fulltext monograph 1897 P "Hofstra Environmental Law Digest" 0882-6765 1984 1996 hofe fulltext serial P 2 "Hofstra Labor Law Journal" 1189-3332 1984 2 1 1997 14 hlelj fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "Hofstra University School of Law" serial P 2 "Hofstra Labor Law Forum" 1189-3332 1983 1 1 1983 1 hlelj fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "Hofstra University School of Law" serial P 2 "Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal" 1189-3332 1983 1 1 2023 40 hlelj fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." 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Part 5" cbhearingsaaaifj fulltext monograph 1953 P "Investigation of Communist activities in the Albany, N.Y., area. Hearings befoe the committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Eighty-third Congress, first session, July 13, 14, 16, 1953. Part 6" cbhearingsaaaiga fulltext monograph 1953 P "Investigation of communist activities in the New York City area : hearing before the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Eighty-third Congress, first session, ... 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P "Landmarks of a Lawyer's Lifetime" Strong lndmlft fulltext "New York: Dodd, Mead," monograph 1914 P "Lands of the Seneca Indians" Storm lanseni fulltext "Washington, DC: G.P.O.," monograph 1886 P "Latest Edition of the New York Code of Civil Procedure" Field wets fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis and Co." monograph 1878 P "Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature" 1535-685X 1989 1 1 2001 13 lal fulltext "Taylor and Francis" serial P 3 "Law & Literature" 1541-2601 2002 14 1 lal P3Y fulltext "Taylor and Francis" serial P 3 "Law and Contemporary Problems" 0023-9186 1933 2023 lcp fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "Duke University School of Law" serial P 4 "Law and Equity Reporter" 1876 1877 lwaerpr fulltext serial P "Law and Justice: A Series of Addresses and Papers Presented at the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York, May 9 and 10, 1923" lwjustic fulltext "New York: Academy of Political Science, Columbia University," monograph 1923 Oliphant P "Law and Labor" 1919 1932 lwlbor fulltext serial P "Law and Practice for Justices of the Peace and Police Justices in the State of New York" Dugan ljuspcny fulltext "Albany: Matthew Bender," monograph 1901 P "Law and Practice Governing Bills of Particulars" McCullen lapgbp fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co., Inc.," monograph 1942 P "Law and Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings in Justices' Courts an on Appeals to the County Courts in the State of New York (2nd ed.)" Wait lpaproj fulltext monograph 1867 "2nd ed." P "Law and Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings in Justices' Courts, and in Other Courts Not of Record and on Appeals to the County Courts in the State of New York (7th ed.)" Wait lwanpcicv fulltext "Albany, N.Y.: Matthew Bender" monograph 1902 "7th ed." P "Law and Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings in Justices' Courts and on Appeals to the County Courts in the State of New York (3rd ed.)" Wait lpcapa fulltext "Albany: William Gould & Son.," monograph 1875 "3rd ed." P "Law and Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings in Justices' Courts, and on Appeals to the County Courts in the State of New York (5th ed.)" Wait lpcapc fulltext "Albany: William Gould & Son," monograph 1882 "5th ed." P "Law and Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings in Justices' Courts and on Appeals to the County Courts in the State of New York (6th ed., rev.)" Wait laprca fulltext "New York: Banks & Brothers," monograph 1893 "6th ed., rev." P "Law and Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings in Justices' Courts and on Appeals to the County Courts in the State of New York, including the Principles of Law Relating to Actions or Defenses; the Rules of Practice, of Pleading, and of Evidence; Together with Practical Forms and Precedents" Wait lpcapj fulltext "Albany: Printed for the Author" monograph 1865 P "Law and Practice in Proceedings Supplementary to Execution (2nd ed.)" Riddle lppse fulltext "New York: L. K. Strouse & Co., Publishers," monograph 1882 "2nd ed." P "Law and Practice in Proceedings Supplementary to Execution (3rd ed., rev., enl.)" Riddle lpracpsu fulltext "New York: L.K. Strouse & Co.," monograph 1889 "3rd ed., rev., enl." P "Law and Practice in Proceedings Supplementary to Execution under the New York Code" Riddle lappse fulltext "New York: Diossy & Company," monograph 1879 P "Law and Practice in Proceedings Supplementary to Execution under the New-York Code" Riddle lpsupu fulltext monograph 1866 P "Law and Practice in Special Proceedings: And in Special Cases, Including the Provisional Remedies of Arrest and Bail, Attachments, and Claim and Delivery, under the Code of Procedure, within the Courts, etc. of the State of New York (3rd ed.)" Crary lwadpcesp fulltext "Albany: W.C. Little & Co.," monograph 1869 "3rd ed." P "Law and Practice in Special Proceedings, and in Special Cases, including the Provisional Remedies of Arrest and Bail, Attachments of Property, and Claim and Delivery, under the Code of Civil Procedure (5th ed.)" Crary lwadpcei fulltext "Albany: W. C. Little & Co." monograph 1877 "5th ed." P "Law and Practice in the Surrogates' Courts in the State of New York (5th ed.)" Jessup lprascon fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1916 "5th ed." P "Law and Practice in the Surrogates' Courts in the State of New York (6th ed.)" Jessup lpgany fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1925 "6th ed." P "Law and Practice in the Surrogates' Courts in the State of New York: Being a Commentary on Chapter XVIII of the Code of Civil Procedure (3rd ed.)" Jessup lwadpeit fulltext "New York: Banks Law Publishing Co.," monograph 1909 "3rd ed." P "Law and Practice of Inheritance Taxation in the State of New York" Chrystie lpinheonsn fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1914 P "Law and Practice of Insolvent Assignments in the State of New York, with Forms (2nd ed.)" Keiley lwadpeoit fulltext "New York: Banks & Brothers," monograph 1877 "2nd ed." P "Law and Practice of Insolvent Assignments in the State of New York, with Forms and Rules (3rd ed.)" Keiley lwadpeoisvt fulltext "New York: Banks & Brothers," monograph 1879 "3rd ed." P "Law and Practice of Referees and References under the Code of Civil Procedure and Statutes of the State of New York" Cooper lwprref fulltext "New York: Diossy & Company," monograph 1888 P "Law and Practice of Referees, under the New York Code and Statutes Generally; Applicable to the New Practice in the States of Missouri, California, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Alabama, Minnesota, Oregon, and the Island of Newfoundland" Edwards lpreunn fulltext "Albany: W. C. Little" monograph 1860 P "Law and Practice of Surrogates' Courts" Redfield lpsucots fulltext monograph 1875 P "Law and Practice of Surrogates' Courts in the State of New York (2nd ed., enl.)" Redfield lpscsny fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis, & Co." monograph 1881 "2nd ed., enl." P "Law and Practice of Surrogates' Courts in the State of New York (3rd ed.)" Redfield lapsurcn fulltext monograph 1884 "3rd ed." P "Law and Practice of Surrogates' Courts in the State of New York (4th ed.)" Redfield lpscourtny fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co." monograph 1890 "4th ed." P "Law and Practice of Surrogates' Courts in the State of New York (5th ed.)" Redfield laprasuc fulltext monograph 1894 "5th ed." P "Law and Practice of Surrogates' Courts in the State of New York (6th ed.)" Redfield lanogcint fulltext monograph 1903 "6th ed." P "Law and Practice of Surrogates' Courts in the State of New York (7th ed., rev., enl.)" Redfield lwofcints fulltext monograph 1910 "7th ed., rev., enl." P "Law and Practice of the City Court of the City of New York" Seabury lwpcccny fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company," monograph 1907 P "Law and Practice of the District Courts in the City of New York (including Summary Proceedings)" Finelite fbnuba fulltext "New York: Diossy Law Book Co.," monograph 1894 P "Law and Practice of Zoning" Smith lwpcz fulltext "New York: Barker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1937 P "Law and Practice Relating to Referees, References and Arbitrations" Boyce lwpcrgr fulltext "Albany, N. Y.: Matthew Bender," monograph 1903 P "Law and Practice under the Statutes concerning Business Corporations in the State of New York (2nd ed.)" Jones lpinessn fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1894 "2nd ed." P "Law as to Cemeteries, Undertakers, Embalmers and Burials in the State of New York, with Statutory Amendments down to and including the Session of 1901" Power lwatcsuts fulltext "Albany, N.Y. W. C. Little & Co.," monograph 1901 P "Law Days; or Dies Juridici" McAdam lddj fulltext "New York: Diossy & Company," monograph 1874 P "Law in Civil Actions and Proceedings in the Various Courts of the State of New York, including the Principles of Law Relating to Actions or Defenses, and the Rules of Evidence, Together with Citation of Authorities (8th ed., rev. and enl.)" Wait lwcvacpro fulltext "Rochester: Williamson Law Book Co.," monograph 1914 "8th ed., rev. and enl." P "Law in Relation to Public Contract Liens as Established in the State of New York" Wandell lrpclesny fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1932 P "Law Is Justice: Notable Opinions of Mr. Justice Cardozo" Cardozo lisjticc fulltext "New York: AD Press," monograph 1938 P "Law Library of the Late Edmund B. 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P "Law of Chattel Mortgages and Conditional Sales and Trust Receipts with Forms" Eager lchattmor fulltext monograph 1941 P "Law of Chattel Mortgages and Conditional Sales: Under the Uniform Conditional Sales Act (4th ed.)" Griffin lwoctlmsa fulltext "Albany, NY: Matthew Bender & Company," monograph 1925 "4th ed." P "Law of Collateral and Direct Inheritance, Legacy and Succession Taxes (2nd ed.)" "Dos Passos" lcodiin fulltext monograph 1895 "2nd ed." P "Law of Collateral Inheritance, Legacy and Succession Taxes, embracing the American and Many English Decisions, with forms for New York State, and an Appendix Giving the Statutes of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Connecticut" "Dos Passos" lcosucta fulltext "New York: L.K. Strouse & Co.," monograph 1890 P "Law of Costs in New York" Milliman lwctny fulltext "Rochester: The Lawyers' Cooperative Pub. Co.," monograph 1904 P "Law of Domestic Relations in the State of New York" Battershall ldrsny fulltext "Albany, N. Y.: Matthew Bender & Company," monograph 1910 P "Law of Domestic Relations of the State of New York: Including Marriage, Divorce, Separation" Gilbert lwdmticre fulltext "Albany, N.Y.: M. Bender," monograph 1898 P "Law of Domestic Relations of the State of New York with Forms including Marriage, Divorce, Separation (2nd ed.)" Gilbert nvnin fulltext "Albany: Matthew Bender," monograph 1902 "2nd ed." P "Law of Estates Created by Will" Thomas woescrea fulltext "New York; Albany: Banks & Bros.," monograph 1898 P "Law of Evidence under the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of New York" Warner leuccpsny fulltext "Albany: W. C. Little and Co.," monograph 1887 P "Law of Libel and Slander in the State of New York" Seelman lwolladsrit fulltext "Albany, New York: Williams Press," monograph 1941 P "Law of Libel and Slander in the State of New York" Seelman lwolbladld fulltext "Brooklyn, N.Y.: [s.n.]" monograph 1964 P "Law of Libel and Slander in the State of New York and Supplement" Seelman llslan fulltext "J.B. Lyon Company" monograph 1933 P "Law of Life Insurance: A Course of Lectures Delivered before the Law School of the University of the City of New York" Davies lwolficacr fulltext "[S. I.: s.n.]," monograph 1891 P "Law of Mandamus and the Practice Connected with It, with an Appendix of Forms" Moses lwomsatpe fulltext "Albany: William Gould & Son," monograph 1867 P "Law of Negligence" Mirabel lnegl fulltext monograph 1962 P "Law of Negligence in New York" Leavitt lnegin fulltext monograph 1895 P "Law of Nisi Prius, Being Reports of Cases Determined at Nisi Prius, in the Supreme Court of the State of New York [1807-1816]" "New York (State)" lnisnis fulltext monograph 1820 P "Law of Nisi Prius, being Reports of Cases Determined at Nisi Prius, in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, with Notes and Commentaries on Each Case (2nd ed.)" Anthon anispri fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1883 "2nd ed." P "Law of Partnership" Sugarman lwopnp fulltext "Brooklyn, New York: [s.n.]," monograph 1937 P "Law of Partnership (2nd ed.)" Sugarman lwopnrsp fulltext "Brooklyn, New York: [s.n.]," monograph 1947 "2nd ed." P "Law of Partnership (3rd ed.)" Sugarman lwptn fulltext "Brooklyn: [publisher not identified]," monograph 1960 "3rd ed." P "Law of Public Corporations: The Leading Cases in New York and Annotations" Andrews lwopccs fulltext "Albany, NY: Matthew Bender & Company," monograph 1951 P "Law of Public Health and Safety, and the Powers and Duties of Boards of Health" Parker lphesap fulltext "Albany, N.Y.: M. Bender," monograph 1892 P "Law of Real Property of the State of New York" Lalor lrpsnyc fulltext monograph 1855 P "Law of Referees, under the Code and Statutes of New York, with Forms" Poor lrefcosny fulltext "New York: L. K. Strouse & Co.," monograph 1888 P "Law of Religious Freedom in New York" Blacksin lwrelgfrdm fulltext "Buffalo, Ny: William S. Hein," monograph 1947 P "Law of Stock Exchanges, Stockbrokers & Customers" Black lwstock fulltext "St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co," monograph 1940 P "Law of Stockbrokers including the Law Relating to Transactions for Customers on the New York Stock Exchange (2nd ed.)" Campbell lwstbk fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1922 "2nd ed." P "Law of Stockbrokers: Including the Law Relating to Transactions for Customers on the New York Stock Exchange (3rd ed.)" Campbell lwskb fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1927 "3rd ed." P "Law of Stockbrokers with Reference to Transactions for Customers on the New York Stock Exchange" Campbell lwstkr fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1914 P "Law of Supervisors as Embodied in the Statutes and Judicial Determinations of the Courts of the State of New York" Cothran lwossased fulltext "New York: Banks & Brothers," monograph 1893 P "Law of Supervisors as Embodied in the Statutes and Judicial Determinations of the Courts of the State of New York" Cothran lwossed fulltext "New York: Banks & Brothers," monograph 1889 P "Law of Supervisors as Embodied in the Statutes and Judicial Determinations of the Courts of the State of New York" Cothran lwssaed fulltext "New York: Banks & Brothers," monograph 1895 P "Law of Taxable Transfers State of New York" ltaxnyork fulltext "Albany: Matthew Bender," monograph 1898 Greene P "Law of Taxable Transfers State of New York (2nd ed., rev., enl.)" Nellis lttsnyb fulltext monograph 1901 "2nd ed., rev., enl." P "Law of Taxation" Rumsey lwtxtn fulltext "Albany: Banks & Company," monograph 1904 P "Law of the City Plan (rev.)" Williams lawcitpl fulltext monograph 1922 rev. P "Law of the Suspension of the Power of Alienation in the State of New York" Bolles lsupali fulltext monograph 1891 P "Law of Torts (3rd ed.)" Edgar lwotrs fulltext "[S. I.: s.n.]," monograph 1936 "3rd ed." P "Law of Unemployment Insurance in New York" Colin lwoueyt fulltext "New York: New York University Institute of Labor Relations and Social Security," monograph 1950 P "Law of Voluntary Assignments for the Benefit of Creditors, under the New York Statutes, Brought down to Date with American and English Decisions" Headley lvofitcred fulltext "Albany: Matthew Bender," monograph 1896 P "Law of Zoning and Planning" Rathkopf lzonpl fulltext "New York, N.Y.: Grosby Presss," monograph 1937 P "Law Office Management: Report of Special Committee on Law Office Management of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York" lomrsc fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1931 P "Law Relating to Disposition of Decedent's Real Estate by Mortgage, Lease or Sale for the Payment of Debts and Funeral Expenses, under the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of New York" Wandell lredidm fulltext monograph 1889 P "Law Relating to General Voluntary Assignments for the Benefit of Creditors" Hawes lwrgglvyabc fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1876 P "Law Review" 1866 1 1 1866 1 thelr fulltext serial P "Laws Affecting New York Decedents' Estates (2nd ed.)" lwanyd fulltext "New York: Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company," monograph 1947 "2nd ed." P "Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, 1638-1674" O'Callaghan lordnewn fulltext "Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, printers," monograph 1868 P "Laws and Ordinances Relating to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals" orpcan fulltext "New York: American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals," monograph 1872 P "Laws and Rules for the Government of Boxing in the State of New York" lrgvtbx fulltext "Albany: J. B. Lyon Company," monograph 1916 P "Laws Authorizing the Incorporation of Clubs, Societies and Associations" Snyder lsnyrrc fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1887 P "Laws concerning Business Corporations in the State of New York Containing the Business Corporations Law, the Stock Corporation Law, the General Corporation Law, and Other Laws Affecting Business Corporations (6th ed.)" Jones lbuscorp fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis and Co.," monograph 1900 "6th ed." P "Laws of Human Progress and Modern Reforms. A Lecture Delivered before the Mercantile Library Association of the City of New York" Dewey lhomreml fulltext "New York: C. S. Francis and Company; Boston: Crosby and Nichols," monograph 1852 P "Laws of New-York" Livingston lofney fulltext "James Parker" monograph 1752 P "Laws of New-York, from the Year 1691, to 1773 Inclusive" "Van Schaack" lwsny fulltext "New York: Printed by Hugh Gaine," monograph 1774 P "Laws of New York Relating to Common Schools, with Comments and Instructions, and a Digest of Decisions" "New York (State)." lnycomm fulltext monograph 1868 P "Laws of New York State Relating to Motor Vehicles, Motor Cycles, and Highway Traffic" lsonwykse fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1928 P "Laws of the State of New-York" laoftn fulltext "Printed by Charles R. and George Webster" monograph 1802 P "Laws of the State of New York Affecting Church Property" Murphy lsnycp fulltext monograph 1957 P "Laws of the State of New York, and of the United States, Relating to Children" Delafield lstnychi fulltext "New York: Evening Post Steam Presses," monograph 1876 P "Laws of the State of New York Authorizing the Formation of Corporations: For Manufacturing, Mining, Mechanical Or Chemical Purposes" lsotstonw fulltext "New York: W. Reid Gould" monograph 1861 P "Laws of the State of New York: Comprising the Constitution and the Acts of the Legislature since the Revolution" "New York (State)" lawnycca fulltext monograph 1797 P "Laws of the State of New-York, Comprising the Constitution, and the Acts of the Legislature, since the Revolution, from the First to the Fifteenth Session, Inclusive" Greenleaf lwsneyo fulltext "Thomas Greenleaf" monograph 1792 P "Laws of the State of New York. Containing All the Acts of the 30th - and the Public Acts of the 31st and 32d Sessions of the Legislature - 1807, 1808 and 1809; Also, the Titles of the Private Acts" lofthsny fulltext "Webster and Skinner" monograph 1809 P "Laws of the State of New York. Containing All the Acts Passed at the 28th Sessions of the Legislature, 1804-05 and 1806" lawstaney fulltext "Webster and Skinner" monograph 1806 P "Laws of the State of New-York. Containing All the Acts Passed from the Revision of 1801, to the End of the 27th Session of the Legislature, 1804" lsnewy fulltext "Webster and Skinner" monograph 1804 P "Laws of the State of New York, in Relation to the Erie and Champlain Canals, Together with the Annual Reports of the Canal Commissioners, and Other Documents Requisite for a Complete Official History of Those Works" "New York (State)." erichaca fulltext monograph 1825 P "Laws of the State of New York in Relation to Weights and Measures and Uniform Rules and Regulations" lsotseny fulltext "Albany: J. B. Lyon Company," monograph 1916 P "Laws of the State of New-York, of a General Nature; from 1828" lstanyg fulltext "S. Hamilton" monograph 1845 P "Laws of the State of New-York, of a General Nature; Passed, from 1828, to 1841, Inclusive" lawnygn fulltext "Thomas E. Hyatt" monograph 1841 P "Laws of the State of New-York, of a General Nature; Passed from 1828 to 1841, Inclusive; Classified under Appropriate Heads, with References to Judicial Decisions; with a Supplement, Containing the Law of 1842, 1843 & 1844" lstnygn fulltext "Rochester: David Hoyt," monograph 1844 P "Laws of the State of New-York, of a General Nature, Passed from 1828 to 1842, Inclusive" lwstnygn fulltext "Rochester: Published by David Hoyt," monograph 1842 P "Laws of the State of New York Passed at the Sessions of the Legislature" lwnysleg fulltext "Albany: Weed, Pasons and Company," monograph 1886 P "Laws of the State of New York, Relating to Banks, Banking and Trust Companies, and Companies Receiving Money on Deposit" Paine lwsstnbn fulltext "Albany: Weed, Parsons," monograph 1885 P "Laws of the State of New York Relating to Banks, Banking, Trust Companies, Loan, Mortgage and Safe Deposit Corporations" Paine lsoteseonw fulltext "New York: L. K. Strouse and Company," monograph 1894 P "Laws of the State of New York Relating to Banks, Banking, Trust Companies, Loan, Mortgage and Safe Deposit Corporations (5th ed.)" Paine lsotesenw fulltext "Rochester, N.Y.: Lawyers' Co-Operative Publishing Co.," monograph 1903 "5th ed." P "Laws of the State of New York Relating to Banks, Banking, Trust Companies, Loan, Mortgage and Safe Deposit Corporations (6th ed.)" Paine lsotesenwyk fulltext "Albany, N.Y.: Matthew Bender & Company," monograph 1910 "6th ed." P "Laws of the State of New York Relating to Banks, Banking, Trust, Investment, Safe Deposit, Personal Loan Companies and Brokers, Private Bankers Savings and Loan Associations, Credit Unions and the Land Bank (7th ed.)" Paine lsotese fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1914 "7th ed." P "Laws of the State of New York Relating to Building Associations" Paine lsnyrbu fulltext "New York: L. K. Strouse & Co." monograph 1889 P "Laws of the State of New York Relating to Highways, Bridges and Ferries" lsnyrehig fulltext "Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co." monograph 1860 P "Laws of the State of New York Relating to Religious Corporations; Also, the Act Authorizing the Incorporation of Benevolent, Charitable, Scientific and Missionary Societies; Together with the Statutes Relating to Burial Grounds and Cemeteries" Snyder lsnyrrel fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co." monograph 1879 P "Laws of the State of New York Relating to the Assessment and Collection of Taxes, including the Statutes of 1880" Saxton lsnyract fulltext "New York: S. A. Wilder & Co.," monograph 1880 P "Laws of the State of New York Relating to Villages" Becker lsotestnw fulltext "Rochester, N.Y.: Williamson Law Book Company," monograph 1894 P "Laws of the State of New York Relating to Villages" Becker lsotest fulltext "Rochester, N.Y.: Williamson Law Book Company," monograph 1897 P "Laws of the State of New York Relating to Villages" Becker lsotestonw fulltext "Rochester, N. Y.: Williamson Law Book Company," monograph 1907 P "Laws of the State of New York Relating to Villages" Becker lsotestonwy fulltext "Rochester, N.Y.: Williamson Law Book Company," monograph 1902 P "Laws of the State of New York: Relating to Villages, with Notes of Adjudications" More lsotstnwyk fulltext "Rochester, N.Y.: Williamson and Higbie," monograph 1888 P "Laws of the State of New-York, Revised and Passed at the Thirty-Sixth Session of the Legislature, with Marginal Notes and References" "Van Ness" lastny fulltext "Albany: H. C. Southwick & Co.," monograph 1813 P "Laws Relating to Fair Grounds: Laws of the Various States and Territories of the United States, Relating to the Prohibition of Gambling and Obscene and Immoral Shows on Fair Grounds" lsrgfrgs fulltext "Albany, New York: State Law Library," monograph 1918 P "Laws Relating to Sex Morality in New York City" Spingarn lrelsex fulltext monograph 1926 P "Laws, Statutes, Ordinances, and Constitutions, Ordained, Made, and Established by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New-York" lwsordcsny fulltext "New York: Hugh Gaine," monograph 1774 P "Lawyer Today: Address before the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Federation of the Bar Associations of Western New York, at Buffalo, N.Y." Ransom ltafam fulltext "New York: A.W. Stevens Ptg. 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(Re Waves); S. 1315, a bill providing for the transfer to the custody and control of the secretary of the Navy of certain lands comprising a portion of Croatan National Forest in the state of North Carolina; S. 1336, a bill to authorize the transportation of dependents and household effects of personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard under certain conditions, and for other purposes; S. 1349, a bill to authorize the secretary of the Navy to convey to the city of New York certain lands within the Brooklyn navy yard in the city of New York; S. 1351, a bill to amend the act of May 27, 1908, as amended, authorizing settlement of accounts of deceased officers and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps. September 29, 1943." hbcna fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gov't. 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His Only Real Confession" Alexander acyr fulltext monograph 1880 P "Mrs. Lyman Abbott on Woman Suffrage" Abbott mrslym fulltext "S.I., : s.n.," monograph 1900 P "Municipal Code of the City of Rochester" mcroc fulltext monograph 1904 Foreman P "Municipal Court Practice Act, Annotated: A Complete Codification of the Laws Relating to the Practice and Procedure of the Municipal Court, Constituting Chap. 580, L. 1902, Entitled an Act in Relation to the Municipal Court of the City of New York, Its Officers and Marshals, with Rules of Practice, Sections of the Code of Civil Procedure, Relating to Summary Proceedings" Collins mlcrtpeat fulltext "New York: Banks Law Publishing Co.," monograph 1902 P "Municipal Ownership and Operation of Public Utilities in New York City" Seabury mloponpcut fulltext "New York City: Allied Printing Trade Council," monograph 1905 P "Murders. Report of the Trial of James Johnson, a Black Man, for the murder of Lewis Robinson, a Black Man, on the 23rd of October Last. Also, the Trial of John Sinclair, A German, Aged Seventy-Seven Years, for the Murder of David Hill, on the Eighth Day of April Last. Had before His Honor, Chief Justice Kent, the Hon. Jacob Radcliff, Mayor, and the Hon. Josiah Ogden Hoffman, Recorder of the City of New-York, on Wednesday, the 19th, and Thursday, the 20th December, 1810" Sampson aaiv fulltext monograph 1811 P "Mutiny and Murder. Confession of Charles Gibbs, a Native of Rhode Island. Who, with Thomas J. Wansley, was Doomed to be Hung in New York on the 22d of April Last, for the Murder of the Captain and Mate of the Brig Vineyard, on Her Passage from New Orleans to Philadelphia, in November 1830... Annexed is a Solemn Address to Youth" Gibbs xcgibbs fulltext monograph 1831 P "Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, Respondents Against Lina T. Corey, Jesse G. Corey, and William B. 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P "New Corporation Laws of the State of New York: As Revised by the Commissioners of Statutory Revision and Passed by the Legislature of 1890" White nwcpnlw fulltext "Albany: James B. Lyon," monograph 1890 P "Buffalo Criminal Law Review" 1997 1 1 2006 9 bufcr fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "University of California Press" serial P 3 "New Criminal Law Review" 1093-3514 2007 10 1 2021 24 bufcr fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "University of California Press" serial P 3 "New Election Code of the State of New York, as Passed by the Legislature of 1892. Being a Statute Containing All the Election Laws with Amendments Made to Ballot Reform and Other Laws This Year, and the Legislative and Congressional Appointment Laws" Murlin necnyplbs fulltext "Albany: James B. 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Together with Leading Cases from Other Jurisdictions, Involving Questions of Law and Practice, with Notes and References" 1884 1924 41 nycriprc fulltext serial P "New York Current Court Decisions Being Reports of Cases Decided at Trial Term, Special Term and Chambers of the New York Supreme Court First and Second Departments, the City Court of New York and Surrogates' Courts of New York and Kings County Involving Points of Practice" noblnyc fulltext Dennis monograph 1953 P "New York Daily News strike and permanent replacements : hearing before the Subcommittee on Labor of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred First Congress, second session ... December 11, 1990." nydnspr fulltext monograph 1991 P "New York Domestic Relations Manual with Wills, Trusts, Powers of Appointment" Murphy nydomwil fulltext monograph 1953 P "New York Election Law Manual, with Forms" Abrahams nyellwmn fulltext "New York: H. 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P "New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut v. the United States: A Preview of the SALT Limit Constitutional Challenge" Bishop-Henchman nyjctsal fulltext "Washington: Tax Foundation," monograph 2018 P "New York, New Jersey Lead Nation in Property Tax Burden" Kasprak ffcgjxz fulltext monograph 2011 P "New York Notes to Summary of American Law" Clark nynottoy fulltext monograph 1953 P "New York of the Future: Writings and Addresses of Andrew H. Green since December 7th, 1892" Green ftfrrd fulltext "New York: Greater New York Commission," monograph 1896 P "New York Pleading and Practice" Rotwein nwykpgad fulltext "Brooklyn, New York: [s. n.]," monograph 1950 P "New York Pleading and Practice (2nd ed.)" Rotwein nypleadprc fulltext "Brooklyn: s.n.," monograph 1956 "2nd ed." P "New York Practice (3rd ed.)" Appleton neyrkpc fulltext "New York: Practising Law Institute," monograph 1950 "3rd ed." P "New York Practice (3rd ed.)" Prashker nwykpct fulltext Brooklyn:[s.n], monograph 1954 "3rd ed." P "New York Practice (4th ed.)" Prashker nypracti fulltext "Brooklyn: s.n.," monograph 1959 "4th ed." P "New York Practice: A Treatise upon Practice and Pleadings in Actions and Special Proceedings in the Courts of Record of the State of New York" Smith nyplese fulltext monograph 1864 P "New York Practice Notes" Cahill nwykpcen fulltext "New York: Callaghan and Company," monograph 1927 P "New York Prayer Case" nyprayc fulltext "Richmond, VA: Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government," monograph 1962 P "New York Railway Law: Constitutional and Statutory Provisions Affecting Steam, Cable, Electric, Elevated and Other Railroads, with Decisions and Forms. References to All Reported Cases to July, 1903 (3rd ed.)" Wells nyrlcs fulltext "Albany: Banks & Company," monograph 1903 "3rd ed." P "New York Real Estate Forms" Robinson nyreasfo fulltext monograph 1928 P "New York Real Estate Law" Robinson nwykrlee fulltext "Brooklyn, N.Y.: Marshall-Kent," monograph 1930 P "New York Reporter, containing Reports of Trials and Decisions in the Different Courts of Judicature" Gardenier nylrepo fulltext "Barent Gardenier and Stephen Gould" monograph 1820 P "New York Republican State Committee; and Tennessee Republican Party, Petitioners-Appellants, v. United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Respondent-Appellee. Brief Amici Curiae for the Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21 Supporting Respondent" Wertheimer ussecbrra fulltext "S.I.: s.n.," monograph 2015 P "New York Requires Employed Medicaid Recipients To Enroll In Employer-sponsored Health Insurance" gaobabnlt fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1984 P "New York School Officers Handbook, a Manual of Common School Law (10th ed.)" Bardeen nyohm fulltext "Syracuse: C. W. 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P "Sea Grant Law Journal" 1976 1 1 1976 1 nylwplyjrl fulltext serial P "Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal" 1978 2 1 1978 2 nylwplyjrl fulltext serial P "New York Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal" 1979 3 1 1980 3 nylwplyjrl fulltext serial P "New York State Athletic Commission Rules and Regulations and the Law Regulating Boxing and Wrestling Matches" nysathcr fulltext "New York: New York State Athletic Commission," monograph 1923 P "New York State Bar Bulletin" 1951 1960 nysbaj fulltext "New York State Bar Association" serial P 6 "New York State Bar Association Bulletin" 1928 1 1 1950 22 nysbaj fulltext "New York State Bar Association" serial P 6 "New York State Bar Journal" 1529-3769 1961 33 1 1999 71 nysbaj fulltext "New York State Bar Association" serial P 6 "New York State Bar Association Journal" 1928 1 1 nysbaj P1Y fulltext "New York State Bar Association" serial P 6 "New York State Commission on the Administration of Justice: Will It Recommend a Strong Judicial Council?" 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Government Accountability Office" monograph 1980 P "New York State Reformatory in Elmira (Original English ed.)" Winter nwykstryea fulltext "London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.," monograph 1891 "Original English ed." P "New York State Register" 0197-2472 1979 2024 nyr fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published volume." "New York State. Department of State. Division of Administrative Rules" serial P 52 "New-York State Register, for 1843: Containing an Almanac, Civil Divisions, and Census of the State" nysregi fulltext "Albany: J. Disturnell," monograph 1843 Holley P "New-York State Register for 1845; Containing an Almanac for 1845-6" newyostr fulltext "Albany: J. Disturnell," monograph 1845 Holley P "New York State Register Procedure Manual" nysregpm fulltext "[Albany, N.Y.]: The Dept.," monograph 1986 P "New York State Reporter" Stover nystarepo fulltext monograph 1886 P "New York State Veterans Laws: Provisions of the State Constitution, Consolidated Laws, Civil Practice Act, Surrogate's Court Act, Greater New York Charter and Session Laws Relating to Veterans of the Wars of the United States" Fitzpatrick nwykstvn fulltext "Albany: J. B. Lyon Company," monograph 1930 P "New York State Veterans Laws: Provisions of the State Constitution, Consolidated Laws, Civil Practice Act, Surrogate's Court Act, Greater New York Charter and Session Laws Relating to Veterans of the Wars of the United States, Together with the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Legion, Department of New York, and Forms" Fitzpatrick nystvetl fulltext "Albany: Boyd Printing Co.," monograph 1929 P "New York State War Emergency Act and Other War Emergency Laws, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944 and 1945" "New York (State)" nyswar fulltext monograph 1945 P "New York State Workmen's Compensation Law: With Amendments, Additions and Annotations to July 1, 1918" nwykswm fulltext "Albany: J. B. Lyon Company," monograph 1918 P "New York Statute Law" Prunty nystaue fulltext "New York: Practising Law Institute," monograph 1959 P 1 "New York Statute of Limitations Applicable to Actions in Equity Based on Legal Rights" Spiegelberg nystat fulltext "New York: New York University School of Law," monograph 1941 P "New York Stock Exchange and Public Opinion" Kahn nwykskegpc fulltext "New York: New York Stock Exchange," monograph 1917 P "New York Stock Exchange: Capability Of Automated Systems To Identify Program Trading" gaobabovd fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1988 P "New York Stock Exchange: Governance and Market Reform (RS21649)" "Mark D. Jickling" crsaiic fulltext monograph 2003 RS21649 P "New York Stock Exchange: Governance and Market Reform (RS21649)" Jickling crsmthabcdm fulltext monograph 2003 RS21649 P "New York Stock Exchange: History, Organization, Operation, Service" nwykskee fulltext "New York: Committee on Publicity," monograph 1926 P "New York Stock Exchange in the Crisis of 1914" Noble nwykskeg fulltext "Garden City, New York: Country Life Press," monograph 1915 P "New York Supplement" 1888 1926 newyosupp fulltext "St. Paul: West Pub. Co." serial P "New York Supreme Court: Cases and Points" Smith aazu fulltext monograph 18?? P "New York Supreme Court, City and County of New York: Charles A. Clegg against Andrew J. Aikens, the American Newspaper Union" nyctyclgg fulltext monograph 1878 P "New York Supreme Court. Gen'l Term - Third Department. Samuel B. Willey, as Surviving Partner of the Firm of S.B. & S.M. Willey, against Eli Hakes" Hakes abhv fulltext monograph 1871 P "New York Supreme Court Reports: Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of New York" Thompson thocoo fulltext monograph 1874 P "New York Surrogate Practice with Forms" Plitkin nwyksepc fulltext "New York: Marshall Law Book Co.," monograph 1950 P "New York Term Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of That State (2nd ed., rev., corr.)" Caines nytrc fulltext "New York: Published by I. Riley," monograph 1813 "2nd ed., rev., corr." P "New York: The Planting and the Growth of the Empire State" Roberts nwyktepgadt fulltext "Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company" monograph 1887 P "New York: The Planting and the Growth of the Empire State" Roberts nypges fulltext "Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company," monograph 1888 P "New York Times Co. v. Tasini: The U.S. Supreme Court Affirms Authorial Rights in Copyright (RS20964)" "Robin Jeweler" crsahra fulltext monograph 2001 RS20964 P "New York Times Company v. United States of America: A Documentary History" "New York Times Company" adwl fulltext monograph 1971 P "New York Tombs inside and out" Munro nytino fulltext "Brooklyn: Printed and Published by the Author," monograph 1909 P "New York Tombs; Secrets and Its Mysteries" Sutton nytmsmys fulltext "New York: United States Publishing Company," monograph 1874 P "New York Torrens System and How to Use It" Viele nyktsm fulltext "New York: [s.n.]" monograph 1917 P "New-York Tribune" 1912 1912 nytribu fulltext "New York: New-York Tribune," serial P "Annual Survey of American Law" 1942 1 1 1999 56 annam fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 2 "New York University Annual Survey of American Law" 0066-4413 2000 57 1 annam fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 2 "New York University Environmental Law Journal" 1061-8651 1992 2024 nyuev fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 3 "New York University Journal of Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law" 2324-6286 2011 2023 nyuinpe fulltext "New York University School of Law" serial P 2 "New York University Journal of International Law and Politics" 0028-7873 1968 2023 nyuilp fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 3 "Journal of Law & Business" 1558-5778 2004 1 1 2023 19 nyujolbu fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 3 "New York University Journal of Law & Business" 1558-5778 2004 1 1 2023 19 nyujolbu fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 3 "New York University Journal of Law & Liberty" 1930-5044 2005 2023 nyujlawlb fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 3 "New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy" 1094-513X 1997 2023 nyulpp fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 3 "Annual Review of the Law School of New York University" 1924 1 1 1924 1 nylr fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 6 "New York University Law Review" 1925 2 1 1929 6 nylr fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 6 "New York University Law Quarterly Review" 1929 7 1 1949 24 nylr fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 6 "New York University Law Review" 0028-7881 1950 25 1 nylr fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 6 "New York University Law Review Online" 2012 2023 nyulro fulltext "New York University School of Law" serial P 6 "New York University Review of Law & Social Change" 0048-7481 1971 2023 nyuls fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "New York University School of Law" serial P 4 "New York Weekly Digest" 1876 1888 nyweekdi fulltext "New York: McDivitt, Campbell, and Co.," serial P "New-York Weekly Tribune" 1844 1844 nywktrb fulltext "New-York: Greeley & McElrath," serial P "New York Wills: Testamentary Trusts, Law, and Forms" Fingar fvnur fulltext "New York: Clark Boardman Co.," monograph 1949 P "New York's New Tax on Estates Compared with Federal Estate Tax" "Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company" nwtx fulltext "New York: Prentice Hall," monograph 1930 P "New York's Part in History" Williams nyparinh fulltext monograph 1915 P "No Treason in Civil War. Speech of Gerrit Smith, at Cooper Institute, New-York, June 8, 1865" Smith ntreciwg fulltext monograph 1865 P "Nomination : hearing of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, second session, on Ida L. Castro, of New York and Paul M. Igasaki, of California, to be members of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, July 23, 1998." 0160575206 nomilc fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1998 P "Nomination : hearing of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, on Jane Alexander, of New York, to be chairperson of the National Endowment for the Arts, September 22, 1993." 0160458633 nomja fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1993 P "Nomination. Hearings, Ninety-third Congress, first session, on Peter J. Brennan, of New York, to be Secretary of Labor. January 18 and 19, 1973." nompjbren fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1973 P "Nomination of Alan Greenspan : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session on the nomination of Alan Greenspan, of New York, to be Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, June 15, 2004." 016072922X cbhfdsohenhhm fulltext monograph 2005 P "Nomination of Alan Greenspan : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Second Congress, second session, on reappointment of Alan Greenspan, of New York, to be chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for a term of 4 years, January 29, 1992." 0160390966 nomag fulltext monograph 1992 P "Nomination of Alan Greenspan : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixth Congress, second session on nomination of Alan Greenspan, of New York, to be Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, January 26, 2000." 0160607957 nomalg fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 2000 P "Nomination of Anna M. Rosenberg to be Assistant Secretary of Defense : hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Eighty-first Congress, second session, on the nomination of Anna M. Rosenberg, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary of Defense, a position to which she was appointed during the last recess of the Senate. November 29, 1950." namr fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1950 P "Nomination of Anna M. Rosenberg to be Assistant Secretary of Defense : hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Eighty-first Congress, second session, on the nomination of Anna M. Rosenberg, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary of Defense, a position to which she was appointed during the last recess of the Senate. November 29, 1950." namro fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1950 P "Nomination of Arthur Levitt, Jr. : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, second session, on nomination of Arthur Levitt, Jr. of New York, to be a Commissioner and Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, March 25, 1998." 0160581257 nomaljr fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1999 P "Nomination of Beth Nolan, to be Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, second session on the nomination of Beth Nolan, of New York, to be Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal counsel, Department of Justice, July 9, 1998." 016058258X nombn fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1999 P "Nomination of George D. Gould : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-ninth Congress, first session, on the nomination of George D. Gould, of New York, to be Under Secretary of the Treasury, Vice Norman B. Ture, resigned, November 7, 1985." cbhcabcadbdb fulltext monograph 1985 P "Nomination of Jack Kemp : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred First Congress, first session, on the nomination of Jack Kemp, of New York, to be Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, January 27, 1989." cbhearcbcehej fulltext monograph 1989 P "Nomination of John D. Macomber : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred First Congress, first session, on the nomination of John D. Macomber, of New York, to be President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, July 20, 1989." nomjdm fulltext monograph 1989 P "Nomination of John Marshall Harlan. Hearings before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, first session, on nomination of John Marshall Harlan, of New York, to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. February 24 and 25, 1955." nomjmh fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1955 P "Nomination of Leslie Lenkowsky : hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, second session, on nomination of Leslie Lenkowsky, of New York, to be Deputy Director of the U.S. Information Agency, April 5, 11, May 9 and 15, 1984." cbhabjbeji fulltext monograph 1984 P "Nomination of Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York to be Vice President of the United States : hearings before the Committee on Rules and Administration, United States Senate, Ninety-third Congress, second session ...." cbhearingsaabcgh fulltext monograph 1974 P "Nomination of Saul Silverman : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, second session, on the nomination of Saul Silverman to be Assayer of the U.S. Assay Office, New York, April 13, 1978." nomss fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1978 P "Nomination of Shaun Donovan : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, on nomination of Shaun Donovan, of New York, to be Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, January 13, 2009." 9780160836435 cbhtpbate fulltext monograph 2009 P "Nomination of Taylor and Ellsworth : hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Ninety-third Congress, second session, on nomination of David P. Taylor, of Virginia, to be assistant secretary of the Air Force for manpower and reserve affairs, vice Richard J. Borda, resigned : Robert Ellsworth, of New York, to be an assistant secretary of Defense, vice Robert C. Hill, resigned. May 23, 1974." nomte fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1974 P "Nomination of the Hon. Shaun L.S. Donovan, of New York, to Be Director of Office of Management and Budget: Hearing before the Committee on the Budget, United States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysahlw fulltext monograph 2014 P "Nomination of the Honorable Jacob J. Lew, of New York, to be director of the Office of Management and Budget : hearing & executive business meeting before the Committee on the Budget, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session." 9780160880384 cbhtpsbbq fulltext monograph 2010 P "Nomination of Thurgood Marshall. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-seventh Congress, second session, on nomination of Thurgood Marshall, of New York, to be United States circuit judge for the Second Circuit ..." cbhearingsaaaeff fulltext monograph 1962 P "Nomination of Thurgood Marshall. Hearings, Ninetieth Congress, first session on nomination of Thurgood Marshall, of New York, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States." cbhearingsaaafcc fulltext monograph 1967 P "Nomination of William H. Donaldson : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session on the nomination of William H. Donaldson, of New York, to be a member of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, February 5, 2003." 0160712181 cbhfdsohenmvqz fulltext monograph 2004 P "Nominations. Hearing, Ninety-first Congress, second session, on Samuel R. Pierce, Jr., of New York, to be General Counsel, Department of the Treasury; and Edward F. Zigler, of Connecticut, to be chief of the Children's Bureau, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. June 12, 1970." cbhearingsaaajaa fulltext monograph 1970 P "Nominations -- Department of State : hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session, on the nominations of Joseph C. Grew, of New Hampshire, to be under Secretary of State, Nelson A. Rockefeller, of New York, to be an Assistant Secretary of State. W.L. Clayton, of Texas, to be an Assistant Secretary of State. Archibald MacLeish, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of State. Brig. Gen. Julius C. Holmes, United States Army, of Kansas, to be an Assistant Secretary of State. James C. Dunn, of New York, to be an Assistant Secretary of State. December 12 and 13, 1944." ndgfg fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gov't. Printing Office," monograph 1944 P "Nominations : hearing before the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-ninth Congress, first session, on Dennis Eugene Whitfield, of Virginia, to be Under Secretary of Labor; Dennis Miles Kass, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary of Labor; Joyce A. Doyle, of New York, and Ford Barney Ford, of Virginia, to be members of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, Department of Labor, October 16, and 24, 1985." nomi fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Print. Off.," monograph 1986 P "Nominations : hearing before the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-ninth Congress, first session, on John Norton Moore, of Virginia, W. Scott Thompson, of New Hampshire, Evron M. Kirkpatrick, of Maryland, Dennis L. Bark, of California, W. Bruce Weinrod, of the District of Columbia, Sidney Lovett, of Connecticut, Richard John Neuhaus, of New York, and Allen Weinstein, of the District of Columbia, to be members of the Board of Directors, United States Institute of Peace, October 24, 1985." nomshe fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Print. Off.," monograph 1986 P "Nominations. Hearing, Ninety-first Congress, first session, on the nominations of William B. Macomber, Jr., of New York, to be Under Secretary of State for Administration; Idar Rimestad, of North Dakota, to be the Representative of the United States to the European Office of the United Nations, Geneva; Francis G. Meyer, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary of State for Administration; Graham A. Martin, of North Carolina, to be Ambassador to Italy; and John P. Humes, of New York, to be Ambassador to Austria. Sept. 23, 1969." cbhearingsaaahhg fulltext monograph 1969 P "Nominations. Hearing, Ninety-first Congress, second session, on Samuel R. Pierce, Jr., of New York, to be General Counsel, Department of the Treasury; and Edward F. Zigler, of Connecticut, to be chief of the Children's Bureau" nomsetal fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office," monograph 1970 P "Nominations of : Harvey J. Goldschmid, Paul S. Atkins, Donald L. Kohn, Ben S. Bernanke, and Philip Merrill : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, second session on Harvey J. Goldschmid, of New York, to be a member of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; Paul S. Atkins, of Virginia, to be a member of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; Donald L. Kohn, of Virginia, to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reverse [i.e. Reserve] System; Ben S. Bernanke, of New Jersey, to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Philip Merrill, of Maryland, to be the President and Chairman of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, July 18, 30, and October 4, 2002." 0160697263 cbhnovembercabcbtta fulltext monograph 2003 P "Nominations of Alan Greenspan, Alice M. Rivlin, and Laurence H. Meyer : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on nominations of Alan Greenspan, of New York, to be chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (reappointment), Alice M. Rivlin ... Laurence H. Meyer ... March 26, 1996." 0160529026 cbhczxczjzjcjcnjh fulltext monograph 1996 P "Nominations of Alfred A. Plamann, Thomas W. Grant, Noe Hin[o]josa, Jr., and William R. Timken, Jr. : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on nominations of Alfred A. Plamann, of California, to be a member of the Board of Directors of the National Consumer Cooperative Bank; Thomas W. Grant, of New York, to be a director of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation; Noe Hinjosa, Jr., of Texas, to be a director of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation; William R. Timken, Jr., of Ohio, to be a director of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation, March 25, 2003." 0160735432 cbhfdsohenmzxz fulltext monograph 2004 P "Nominations of Edward P. Lazear, Randall S. Kroszner, and Kevin M. Warsh : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, on nominations of Edward P. Lazear, of California, to be chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; Randall S. Kroszner, of New Jersey, to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Kevin M. Warsh, of New York, to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, February 14, 2006." 9780160793097 cbhfdsohenvqch fulltext monograph 2007 P "Nominations of Frederic S. Mishkin, Linda Mysliwy Conlin, J. Joseph Grandmaison, Edmund C. Moy, and Geoffrey S. Bacino : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, on nominations of Frederic S. MIshkin, of New York, to be a member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Linda Mysliwy Conlin, of New Jersey, to be first vice-president, Export-Import Bank of the United States; J. Joseph Grandmaison, of New Hampshire, to be a member of the Board of Directors, Export-Import Bank of the United States; Edmund C. Moy, of Wisconsin, to be Director, U.S. Mint, U.S. Department of the Treasury; Geoffrey S. Bacino, of Illinois, to be Director, Federal Housing Finance Board, July 12, 2006." 9780160790294 cbhfdsohenvqcm fulltext monograph 2007 P "Nominations of: Grant D. Aldonas, Kenneth I. Juster, Maria Cino, and Robert Glenn Hubbard : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, on the nominations of Grant D. Aldonas, of Virginia, to be Under Secretary of the International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce; Kenneth I. Juster, of the District of Columbia, to be Under Secretary of the Bureau of Export Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce; Maria Cino, of Virginia to be Assistant Secretary and Director General, United States and Foreign Commercial Service, U.S. Department of Commerce; and Robert Glenn Hubbard, of New York, to be Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, April 24, 2001." 0160669936 cbhnovembercabcbcsd fulltext monograph 2002 P "Nominations of James A. Harmon and Jackie Marie Clegg : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, on nominations of James, of New York, to be president and chairman of the Export-Import Bank, Jackie Marie Clegg, of Utah, to be first vice president and vice chair of the Export-Import Bank, May 22, 1997." 0160570514 nomsjah fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1997 P "Nominations of James S. Simpson, Robert M. Couch, Christopher A. Padilla, and Bijan Rafiekian : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, on nominations of James S. Simpson, of New York, to be Federal Transit Administrator, U.S. Department of Transportation; Robert M. Couch, of Alabama, to be President, Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae); Christopher A. Padilla, of the District of Columbia, to be Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce; Bijan Rafiekian, of California, to be a member of the Board of Directors, Export-Import Bank of the United States, March 14 and September 27, 2006." 9780160790287 cbhfdsohenvqcx fulltext monograph 2007 P "Nominations of JoAnn Johnson, Deborah Matz, Anthony S. Lowe, Cynthia A. Glassman, and Roel C. Campos : hearings before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, second session on nominations of JoAnn Johnson, of Iowa, to be a member of the [National] Credit Union Administration Board, Deborah Matz, of New York, to be a member of the [National] Credit Union Administration Board, Anthony S. Lowe, of Washington, to be Administrator of the Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Cynthia A. Glassman, of Virginia, to be member of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Roel C. Campos, of Texas, to be a member of the Securities and Exchange Commission, March 14, May 8, and July 23, 2002." 016069826X cbhnovembercabcbtxq fulltext monograph 2003 P "Nominations of John E. Robson, Peter R. Fisher, James J. Jochum, Alphonso R. Jackson, Richard A. Hauser, John Charles Weicher, and Romolo A. Bernardi : hearings before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session on nominations of: John E. Robson, of California, to be President of the Export-Import Bank; Peter R. Fisher, of New Jersey, to be Under Secretary for Domestic Finance, U.S. Department of the Treasury; James J. Jochum, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce; Alphonso R. Jackson, of Texas, to be Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Richard A. Hauser, of Maryland, to be General Counsel, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; John Charles Weicher, of the District of Columbia, to be Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Romolo A. Bernardi, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, May 10 and 15, 2001." 0160683998 cbhnovembercabcbcqs fulltext monograph 2002 P "Nominations of Laura S. Unger, Paul R. Carey, Dennis Dollar, Edward M. Gramlich, Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., and Ellen Seidman : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, on nominations of Laura S. Unger of New York, to be a Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission; Paul R. Carey, of New York, to be a Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission; Dennis Dollar, of Mississippi, to be a member of the National Credit Union Administration Board; Edward M. Gramlich, of Virginia, to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., of Massachusetts, to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Ellen Seidman, of the District of Columbia, to be the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, September 30, 1997." 0160572401 nomses fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1997 P "Nominations of Mark C. Brickell, Alicia R. Castaneda, and Thomas J. Curry : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, on nominations of Mark C. Brickell, of New York, to be director of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight; Alicia R. Castaneda, of the District of Columbia, to be a member of the Board of Directors of Federal Housing Finance Board; Thomas J. Curry, of Massachusetts, to be a member of the Board of Directors, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, July 22, 2003." 0160735467 cbhfdsohenmzxn fulltext monograph 2004 P "Nominations of Mark W. Olson, Susan Schmidt Bies, James E. Gilleran, Allan I. Mendelowitz, Franz S. Leichter, John T. Korsmo, Eduardo Aguirre, Jr., and Randall S. Kroszner : hearings before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session on nominations of Mark W. Olson, of Minnesota, to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Susan Schmidt Bies, of Tennessee, to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; James E. Gilleran, of California, to be the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision; Allan I. Mendelowitz, of Connecticut, Franz S. Leichter, of New York, and John T. Korsmo, of North Dakota, to be Directors of the Federal Housing Finance Board; Eduardo Aguirre, Jr., of Texas, to be First Vice President and Vice Chairman of the Export-Import Bank of the United States; Randall S. Kroszner, of Illinois, to be a member of the Council of Economic Advisers, October 17, 23, and November 15, 2001." 0160686083 cbhnovembercabcbdtc fulltext monograph 2002 P "Nominations of Mary Schapiro, Christina D. Romer, Austan D. Goolsbee, Cecilia E. Rouse, and Daniel K. Tarullo : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, on nominations of Mary Schapiro, of New York, chairman-designate, Securities and Exchange Commission; Christina D. Romer, of California, chairman-designate, Council of Economic Advisors; Austan D. Goolsbee, of Illinois, member-designate, Council of Economic Advisors; Cecilia E. Rouse, of New Jersey, member-designate, Council of Economic Advisors; Daniel K. Tarullo, of Maryland, member-designate, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, January 15, 2009." 9780160837906 cbhtpbabf fulltext monograph 2009 P "Nominations of: Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., Ben S. Bernanke, Paul S. Atkins, April H. Foley, and Joseph Max Cleland : hearings before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session on nominations of Roger W. Ferguson, of Massachusetts, to be vice chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Ben S. Bernanke, of New Jersey, to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Paul S. Atkins, of Virginia, to be a member of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; April H. Foley, of New York, to be first vice president of the Export-Import Bank of the United States; Joseph Max Cleland, of Georgia, to be a board member of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, October 14 and December 9, 2003." 0160747627 cbhfdsohenhxc fulltext monograph 2005 P "Nominations of Romolo A. Bernardi, Dennis C. Shea, and Cathy MacFarlane : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, on nominations of Romolo A. Bernardi, of New York, to be the Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Dennis C. Shea, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Cathy MacFarlane, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, April 21, 2004." 0160753775 cbhfdsohenmqqn fulltext monograph 2005 P "Nominations of Ronald A. Rosenfeld, Emil Henry, and Patrick M. O'Brien : hearings before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, on nominations of Ronald A. Rosenfeld, of Oklahoma, to be a director of the Federal Housing Finance Board; Emil Henry, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions, U.S. Department of the Treasury; Patrick M. O'Brien, of Utah, to be Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing, U.S. Department of the Treasury, March 1 and September 20, 2005." 016077232X cbhfdsohenbxmz fulltext monograph 2006 P "Nominations of Ronald Sims, Fred P. Hochberg, Helen R. Kanovsky, David H. Stevens, Peter Kovar, John D. Trasvina, and David S. Cohen : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session on nominations of Ronald Sims, of Washington, to be Deputy Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development; Fred P. Hochberg, of New York, to be president and chairman, Export-Import Bank; Helen R. Kanovsky, of Maryland, to be general counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development; David H. Stevens, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development; Peter Kovar, of Maryland, to be Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of Housing and Urban Development; John D. Trasvina, of California, to be Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development; David S. Cohen, of Maryland, to be Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing, Department of the Treasury, April 23, 2009." cbhtpbpfd fulltext monograph 2009 P "Nominations of Sheila C. Bair, Mark B. McClellan, Melody H. Fennel, Michael M.F. Liu, Henrietta Holsman Fore, Linda Mysliwy Conlin & Michael J. Garcia : hearings before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session on nominations of Sheila C. Bair, of Kansas, to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Institutions; Mark B. McClellan, of California, to be a member of the Council of Economic Advisers; Melody H. Fennel, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Michael Minoru Fawn Liu, of Illinois, to be Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Henrietta Holsman Fore, of Nevada, to be Director of the U.S. Mint; Linda Mysliwy Conlin, of New Jersey, to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Trade Development; Michael J. Garcia, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement, July 12 and 26, 2001." 0160688256 cbhnovembercabcbeta fulltext monograph 2002 P "North and the South: Reprinted from the New York Tribune" norsoth fulltext "New York: Office of the Tribune," monograph 1854 P "North Carolina Law Review" 0029-2524 1922 2024 nclr fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "University of North Carolina School of Law" serial P 6 "North Farm of Leffert Lefferts: James Carson Brevoort against Elizabeth Dorothea Brevoort, and others: Proceedings in Partition" Murphy nfll fulltext "New York: The Court," monograph 1880 P "Northern Invasion of October, 1780: A Series of Papers Relating to the Expeditions From Canada under Sir John Johnson and Others against the Frontiers of New York Which Were Supposed to Have Connection with Arnold's Treason Prepared from the Originals with an Introduction and Notes" nivasio fulltext monograph 1886 P "Illinois Law Review" 1906 1 1 1952 46 illlr fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "Northwestern University School of Law" serial P 6 "Northwestern University Law Review" 0029-3571 1953 47 1 illlr fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "Northwestern University School of Law" serial P 6 "Notaries and Commissioners Hand-Book: Containing Full Instructions as to Their Appointments, Rights, and Duties under Federal and New York Laws, Together with the Necessary Forms, Fees Allowed, &c. Also Practical Suggestions and References" njtcmrhb fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1877 P "Notaries' and Commissioners' Manual: Containing Full Instructions as to Their Appointment, Powers, Rights, and Duties, under Federal and New York Laws (10th ed., rev., enl.)" Snyder notacmcf fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company," monograph 1919 "10th ed., rev., enl." P "Notaries' and Commissioners' Manual: Containing Full Instructions as to Their Appointment, Powers, Rights, and Duties, under Federal and New York Laws (11th ed., rev., enl.)" Snyder ncman fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company" monograph 1923 "11th ed., rev., enl." P "Notaries' and Commissioners' Manual: Containing Full Instructions as to Their Appointment, Powers, Rights, and Duties, under Federal and New York Laws (3rd ed., rev., enl.)" Snyder notcomman fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1889 "3rd ed., rev., enl." P "Notaries' and Commissioners' Manual: Containing Full Instructions as to Their Appointment, Powers, Rights, and Duties, under Federal and New York Laws (4th ed., rev., enl.)" Snyder ncmcfi fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1892 "4th ed., rev., enl." P "Notaries and Commissioners' Manual: Containing Full Instructions as to Their Appointment, Powers, Rights, and Duties, under Federal and New York Laws (5th ed., rev. and enl.)" Snyder nsacrmlcg fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1895 "5th ed., rev. and enl." P "Notaries' and Commissioners' Manual: Containing Full Instructions as to Their Appointment, Powers, Rights, and Duties, under Federal and New York Laws (7th ed., rev., enl.)" Snyder nacmcf fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company," monograph 1902 "7th ed., rev., enl." P "Notaries' and Commissioners' Manual: Containing Full Instructions as to Their Appointment, Powers, Rights, and Duties, under Federal and New York Laws (8th ed., rev., enl.)" Snyder ntrscmmr fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company" monograph 1906 "8th ed., rev., enl." P "Notaries' and Commissioners' Manual: Containing Full Instructions as to Their Appointment, Powers, Rights, and Duties, under Federal and New York Laws (9th ed., rev., enl.)" Snyder nacmcfi fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company," monograph 1912 "9th ed., rev., enl." P "Notaries' and Commissioners' Manual: Containing Full Instructions as to Their Appointment, Powers, Rights, and Duties, under Federal and New York Laws, Together with the Necessary Forms, Fees Allowed, etc., Also Practical Suggestions and References (6th ed., rev. and enl.)" Snyder ncmcfia fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company," monograph 1898 "6th ed., rev. and enl." P "Notaries' and Commissioners' Manual, Containing Full Instructions as to Their Appointment, Powers, Rights and Duties, under New York and Federal Laws" Snyder notcony fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1881 P "Notaries' and Commissioners' Manual: Containing Full Instructions as to Their Appointment Powers, Rights and Duties, under New York and Federal Laws" Snyder nsacsml fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis, & Co.," monograph 1884 P "Notary Public" Lynch ntypbc fulltext "New York: Diossy & Company," monograph 1876 P "Noted Living Albanians and State Officials" Harsha ntlvalb fulltext "Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company," monograph 1891 P "Notes of Cases Decided in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. To Which Are Added a Table of Cases, and Index (2d ed.)" Selden snotcadi fulltext "W.C. Little & Co." monograph 1878 "2d ed." P "Notes on the New York Law of Life Insurance" Alexander nsotnylw fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1887 P "Notes on Title IV, Chapter II, of Part III, of the Revised Statutes of the State of New York, Entitled of Courts Held by Justices of the Peace" Grandin noreny fulltext "Palmyra: Printed and Published by E.B. Grandin," monograph 1830 P "Notes to New York Consolidated Laws, 1938: A Compilation of Annotations from Decisions of All New York Courts and the Federal Courts Prior to 1909 Construing the Consolidated Laws" Baldwin notnycld fulltext "New York: Banks Law Publishing Co.," monograph 1938 P "Nuclear crisis and State and local governments : hearing before the Task Force on State and Local Government of the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, first session, June 4, 1979, New York, N.Y." ncslg fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1980 P "Nuclear Issues at Western New York Nuclear Service Center" gaobadyok fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1980 P "Nuclear Waste: Congressional Action Needed to Clarify a Disposal Option at West Valley Site in New York (711745)" gaobaecgo fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2021 711745 P "Nuclear waste disposal costs, West Valley, New York : hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, first session, March 8 and 10, 1977." nucwdispc fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1977 P "Nuclear Waste: New York's Adherence To Site Selection Procedures Is Unclear" gaobabryf fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1992 P "N.Y. Supreme Court, the Marine National Bank of New York against Ferdinand Ward, Ulysses S. Grant and Others" mnbfw fulltext "[New York]," monograph 1884 P "Observations on Penal Jurisprudence, and the Reformation of Criminals" Roscoe obpenjre fulltext monograph 1819 P "Observations On Prospectus For The Renovation Of U.s. Customhouse, New York City" gaobaayrw fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1979 P "Observations upon Plank Roads. Together with the General Plank Road Law of the State of New York, as Amended by the Laws of 1847, 1848, 1849 & 1850, with Such Parts of the Revised Statutes" Geddes oplankrd fulltext monograph 1850 P "Ocean dumping of dredged material in the New York Bight apex : hearing before the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session, April 11, 1983, at Asbury Park, N.J." cbhaacbe fulltext monograph 1983 P "Ocean pollution : hearings before the Subcommittee on Oceanography of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session, on sewage disposal in New York Bight (joint hearing with Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment), May 25, 1983; environmental oversight of Georges Bank Exploration, June 27, 1983--Boston, Mass. ; radioactive waste disposal oversight, November 2, 1983." cbhaacba fulltext monograph 1984 P "Of the Competency and Privilege of Witnesses and Their Testimony under the New York Codes" Morrill copwitu fulltext monograph 1886 P "Office and Duties of Masters in Chancery and Practice in the Master's Office" Hoffman oddutim fulltext monograph 1824 P "Office of Surrogate, Surrogates, and Surrogates' Courts, and Executors, Administrators, and Guardians, in the State of New York" Dayton sususu fulltext monograph 1855 P "Office of Surrogate, Surrogates and Surrogates' Courts, and Executors, Administrators and Guardians in the State of New York (3rd ed.)" Dayton ofsursurc fulltext "New York: Banks & Brothers," monograph 1861 "3rd ed." P "Official Index to the Unconsolidated Laws: Being the Special, Private and Local Statutes of the State of New York, from February 1, 1778, to December 31, 1919" ofinuncon fulltext "Albany: J.B. Lyon Co.," monograph 1920 P "Official New York, from Cleveland to Hughes" Fitch onycleh fulltext monograph 1911 P "Official Publications of the State of New York" oplicasny fulltext "University of the State of New York," monograph 1969 P "Official Publications of the State of New York Relating to Its History as Colony and State" ofpulicahic fulltext monograph 1917 P "Official Record of Indian Conference, Called to Determine the Status of the Indians of the Six Nations on the Indian Reservations of the State of New York, and Their Relations to the Federal and State Governments" "Indian Conference" oreindoc fulltext monograph 1919 P "Official Report of the Trial of Henry Ward Beecher. With Notes and References, by Austin Abbott, of Counsel, for the Defense. Together with an Account of the Court, and Biographical Sketches of the Judge, the Parties, and Their Counsel, and of Some of the Witnesses" Beecher aapg fulltext monograph 1875 P "Official Reports of the Canal Commissioners of the State of New York, and the Acts of the Legislature respecting Navigable Communications between the Great Western and Northern Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean; with Perspicuous Maps and Profiles" "New York (State)" occsnewb fulltext monograph 1817 P "Official Reports of the Canal Commissioners of the State of New York, and the Acts of the Leglislature respecting Navigable Communications between the Great Western and Northern Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean; with Perspicuous Maps and Profiles" "New York (State)" orcanco fulltext monograph 1817 P "Official Rules and Forms in Bankruptcy, January 2, 1899: Also Rules for the Southern District of New York, and a List of Judges, Clerks and Referees of the Courts of Bankruptcy in the United States" offrlsfb fulltext "Rochester: Williamson Law Book Co.," monograph 1899 P "Official Text of Proposed Constitution of the State of New York to Be Submitted to the Electors of the State on November 7, 1967" oftxpcstny fulltext "[Albany]: s.n.," monograph 1967 P "Law Journal of the Student Bar Association, Ohio State University" 1935 1 1 1937 3 ohslj fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law" serial P 6 "Ohio State University Law Journal" 1937 4 1 1942 8 ohslj fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law" serial P 6 "Ohio State Law Journal" 0048-1572 1943 9 1 ohslj fulltext "Coverage is from volume one to the most recently published issue." "Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law" serial P 6 "Old New York" 1889 1891 oldyoran fulltext serial P "Old Streets of New York under the Dutch: A Paper Read before the New York Historical Society, June 2, 1874" Gerard odstnwykd fulltext "New York: Douglas Taylor," monograph 1874 P "Older Americans act : a New York perspective : hearing before the Human Services of the Select Committee on Aging, House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, February 23, 1981." olamanyprs fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Print. Office," monograph 1981 P "Older Americans act : the New York perspective : hearing before the Subcommittee on Federal, State, and Community Services of the Select Committee on Aging, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, first session, New York, N.Y., December 28, 1977." olamnyper fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office," monograph 1978 P "On Receivers in Equity and under the New York Code of Procedure; with Precedents (2d. ed.)" Edwards recequn fulltext monograph 1857 "2d. ed." P "On the Electoral System of the State of New York" Ivins eltsystny fulltext "[Albany]: [s.n.]," monograph 1906 P "On the Track of Murder" Carey ontrkmrd fulltext "London: Jarrolds," monograph 1930 P "One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary of the Sullivan-Clinton Campaign: Historical Programs and Dedication of the Markers along Route of March" hifif fulltext monograph 1929 P "Opdyke Libel Suit. A Full Metrical, Juridical, and Analytical Report of the Extraordinary Suit for Libel of George Opdyke verses Thurlow Weed, Which Progressed from Day to Day, Commencing on the 13th Day of December, 1864, and Ending on the 11th January, 1865, in the New York Supreme Court Circuit, before Judge Charles Mason. Testimony of Witnesses - Speeches of Counsel - Incidents of the Trial. By a Full Corps de Bully, Short and Long Metre Reporters" aasa fulltext monograph 1865 P "Open Letter to the Hon. David Dudley Field: Upon the Subject of the Adoption of His Civil Code" Leavitt onlthddf fulltext "New York: Evening Post Job Printing Office," monograph 1886 P "Operation of Savings-Bank Life Insurance in Massachusetts and New York" opsvblin fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1941 P "Opinion of Judge N. K. Hall, of the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York on Habeas Corpus in the Case of Rev. Judson D. Benedict" Hall ojnkh fulltext "Buffalo: Joseph Warren & Co., Printers," monograph 1863 P "Opinions of Eminent Lawyers on Various Points of English Jurisprudence, Chiefly concerning the Colonies, Fisheries and Commerce of Great Britain" Chalmers emivpenj fulltext monograph 1858 P "Opinions of the Attorneys-General of the State of New York, from the Formation of the State Government to February, 1872. Taken from Official Records and Public Documents. With Notes and Full Index" Sickels oagny fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1872 P "Opportunities For Improving The Neighborhood Health Services Program For The Poor Administered By St. Luke's Hospital Center, New York City" gaobaafjl fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1971 P "Opportunities To Improve the Neighborhood Health Services Program, Rochester, New York" gaobacwjh fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1971 P "Ordinances in Relation to the School Department of the City of Buffalo: Enacted April 9 - Approved April 20 - Published April 26, 1858" orsdcb fulltext "Buffalo: Courier Stream Printing House," monograph 1858 P "Organization and Management of a Business Corporation with Special Reference to the Laws of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, West Virginia" Conyngton ormbuscpt fulltext "New York: The Ronald Press," monograph 1900 P "Organized Crime and Gambling, Record of Hearing VII, June 24-26, 1985, New York, New York" orcmgmbl fulltext "[Washington, D.C.]: The Commission," monograph 1985 P "Organized Crime and Money Laundering, Record of Hearing II, March 14, 1984, New York, New York" orgcmmny fulltext "Washington, D.C.: The Commission," monograph 1985 P "Organized Crime of Asian Origin, Record of Hearing III, October 23-25, 1984, New York, New York" orgcmasian fulltext "Washington, D.C.: The Commission," monograph 1985 P "Origins of Women's Activism: New York and Boston, 1797-1840" 0807827304 Boylan owany fulltext "Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press," monograph 2002 P "Orlando B. Potter and Nathaniel Wheeler vs. James G. Wilson, et al.: U.S. Circuit Court, Southern District of New York, in Equity" Potter aawm fulltext monograph 1859 P "Orrin B. Judd vs. James Edmunds. Action for Libel: Tried before Hon. Charles P. Daly and a Jury, at New York, Nov., 1859. Closing Address to the Jury, for the Plaintiff, by John Graham, Esq., and Charge of His Honor Judge Daly; Together with the Letter of Rev. Archibald Maclay, D. D., on His Resignation, as President of the American Bible Union" Judd acgx fulltext monograph 1860 P "Our Fiscal Difficulties and the Way out" Seligman dfwo fulltext "Albany: [s.n.]," monograph 1919 P "Our Martyr President, Abraham Lincoln: Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn" Bancroft omartpal fulltext "New York: Tibbals & Whiting," monograph 1865 P "Our Police Protectors: History of the New York Police from the Earliest Period to the Present Time (2nd ed.)" 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P "Outline of Deeds and Leases: Court of Appeals Cases" Jacobs oleodsadls fulltext "New York: Court Press," monograph 1945 P "Outline of Persons and Domestic Relations" Sealy opdr fulltext "Brooklyn: The Brooklyn Law School," monograph 1929 P "Outline of Pharmaceutical Law" Kavaler outlphlw fulltext "[New York]: [publisher not identified]," monograph 1960 P "Outline of Pleadings" Jacobs otleops fulltext "New York:" monograph 1950 P "Outline of Principles of Equity: For Students of New York Law" Clark opefs fulltext "New York: Central Book Comapny," monograph 1925 P "Outline of Procedure in the Criminal Courts in New York County" Strong olpdeclcs fulltext "New York: Banks Law Publishing Co.," monograph 1916 P "Outline of the Constitutional History of New York, An Anniversary Discourse, Delivered at the Request of the New York Historical Society, in the City of New York, November 19, 1847" "New York Historical Society" oconyad fulltext "Bartlett & Welford" monograph 1848 P "Outline of the Law of Trusts: Prepared Especially for Students of New York Law (3rd ed.)" 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Education Dept.]," monograph 1972 P "Report of the New York State Judicial Commission on Minorities" rprtnysjcm fulltext "New York, N.Y. : The Commission," monograph 1991 P "Report of the New York State Temporary Emergency Relief Administration" rtotneyk fulltext "[S. I.: s.n.]," monograph 1932 P "Report of the New York Task Force on Women in the Courts" rnytfwc fulltext "New York: Unified Court System," monograph 1986 P "Report of the Proceedings of an Indian Council, at Cattaraugus, in the State of New York; Held 6 Month, 1843" reprcat fulltext "Baltimore: Printed by William Wooddy," monograph 1843 P "Report of the Proceedings of an Indian Council Held at Cattaraugus, in the State of New York, 7th Month, 1845" "Friends Joint Committee on Indian Affairs" indcoun fulltext monograph 1845 P "Report of the Select Committee Appointed by the Senate, in Relation to the Affairs of Trinity Church" rpslct fulltext "Albany, N.Y.: C. Van Benthuysen," monograph 1857 P "Report of the Select Committee on Capital Punishment: Made to the Assembly, March 15, 1851" rsccap fulltext "Albany: Charles van Benthuysen," monograph 1851 P "Report of the Select Committee on the Petitions for a Repeal of the Death Penalty in This State" rscrepdp fulltext "Albany: Charles van Benthuysen," monograph 1860 P "Report of the Special Committee Appointed to Investigate the Local Government of the City and County of New York" repspcmtt fulltext monograph 1884 P "Report of the Special Committee of the New York Yacht Club, Relative to Certain Charges Made by the Earl of Dunraven Concerning the Recent Match for the America's Cup" "New York Yacht Club" abqt fulltext monograph 1896 P "Report of the Special Committee on the Federal Loyalty-Security Program of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York" rptspccmmt fulltext "New York: Dodd, Mead & Co," monograph 1956 P "Report of the Special Joint Legislative Committee on Aviation to the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York" rtsljtlvca fulltext "Albany: J. B. Lyon Company," monograph 1929 P "Report of the State Commission to Investigate Provision for the Mentally Deficient, Pursuant to the Provisions of Chapter 272 of the Law of 1914" rpscivp fulltext "Albany: J. B. Lyon Company," monograph 1915 P "Report of the Sub-Committee on a Plan for the Simplification of the Civil Practice" rsubimpcv fulltext "S.I.: s.n.," monograph 1912 P "Report of the Temporary State Commission on the Modernization, Revision and Simplification of the Law of Estates to the Governor and the Legislature" 1962 1967 tscmdrvpl fulltext "Albany: The Commission," serial P "Report of the Trial of an Action on the Case Brought by Silvanus Miller, Esq. Late Surrogate of the City and County of New-York, against Mordecai M. Noah, Esq. Editor of the National Advocate for an Alleged Libel" Noah aagy fulltext monograph 1823 P "Report of the Trial of Charles N. Baldwin, for a Libel, in Publishing, in the Republican Chronicle, Certain Charges of Fraud and Swindling, in the Management of Lotteries in the State of New-York" Baldwin acoo fulltext monograph 1818 P "Report of the Trial of John Quay, vs. the Eagle Fire Company of New-York: Before the Honourable William W. Van Ness, One of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New-York, at the City-Hall of the City of New-York; Commencing on Friday the Sixth, and Ending on Tuesday the Tenth Days of December, 1816" Quay actf fulltext monograph 1817 P "Report of the Trial. The People versus Dr. Horatio N. Loomis, for Libel. Tried at the Erie County Oyer and Terminer, June 24, 1850" Parsons horanloo fulltext monograph 1850 P "Report on a Survey of the Boundary Line between New Jersey and New York, Made in July and August, 1874" Cook rtoasybyln fulltext "New Brunswick, N.J.: Terhune and Van Anglen's Press," monograph 1874 P "Report on hearings in New York City on police misconduct : conducted by the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, second session." rpnycty fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1984 P "Report on Study of 102 Sex Offenders at Sing Sing Prison: Conducted under the Auspices of the Commissioner of Mental Hygiene and the Commissioner of Correction" rtosyosxos fulltext "Albany, New York: [s.n.]," monograph 1950 P "Report on the Morgan Station mail facility and the New York Bulk and Foreign Mail Center / Subcommittee on Postal Operations and Services of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, first session, March 30, 1979." remostmfc fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office," monograph 1979 P "Report on the Prisons and Reformatories of the United States and Canada, Made to the Legislature of New York, January, 1867" Wines rprusca fulltext "Albany: Van Benthuysen & Sons," monograph 1867 P "Report on Trends in Night Work for Women in New York State Factories, 1941-1947" Kadish retrenst fulltext "New York: Dept. of Labor, Division of Industrial Relations," monograph 1948 P "Report to Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller" Mulligan repnar fulltext "New York: Citizens Committee on Reapportionment," monograph 1964 P "Report to the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, on monitoring of special review of aid to families with dependent children in New York City conducted by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and the New York State Department of Social Services, by the Comptroller General of the United States." rpcmwy fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off," monograph 1969 P "Report to the Congress of the United States by the United States New York World's Fair Commission" rcususnw fulltext "[New York]: [s.n.]," monograph 1941 P "Report to the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York on Personal Representation" Sterne rtclcnsny fulltext "New York: A. Simpson and Co.," monograph 1867 P "Report to the Legislature on the Condition of the Onondaga Indians in 1883" Sims rplgonon fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1883 P "Report to the President from Water Resources Council on the Northeastern Drought" reprwrc fulltext "Washington, D.C.: [s.n.]" monograph 1966 P "Reporting Decisions of the Courts" Fiero rtdnotct fulltext "Albany, New York: Weed, Parsons and Company," monograph 1891 P "Reports of Cases Adjudged and Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New York" Desty nyscncrydsty fulltext "Rochester, N.Y. : Lawyers' Co-operative Pub. Co.," monograph 1888 P "Reports of Cases Adjudged and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature and Court for the Trial of Impeachments and Correction of Errors of the State of New York" nycmmnlwrprt fulltext "Newark, NY: The Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Company," monograph 1883 P "Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of Chancery of New York (2nd ed.)" Johnson rcaccny fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1883 "2nd ed." P "Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New-York; from January Term, 1799, to January Term, 1803, Both Inclusive" Johnson rcasny fulltext "New York: Printed and Published by Isaac Riley" monograph 1810 P "Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New York; from January Term, 1799, to January Term, 1803, Both Inclusive; Together with Cases Determined in the Court for the Correction of Errors, during That Period" Johnson johnrcad fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1883 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Second Circuit [1845-1887]" Blatchford rptsndcir fulltext "Auburn, N.Y.: Derby and Miller," monograph 1852 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Second Circuit, Comprising the Districts of New York, Connecticut, and Vermont" Paine panrpt fulltext "New York: Published by R. Donaldson" monograph 1827 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New-York" Comstock comstorca fulltext "Gould, Banks & Gould" monograph 1850 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York with Notes, References, and an Index" Keyes keyescad fulltext "W.C. Little" monograph 1867 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York; with Notes, References, and an Index" Selden selrecas fulltext "Little & Co." monograph 1853 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New-York; with Notes, References, and an Index" Kernan kernreca fulltext "W.C. Little" monograph 1855 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New York" "New York (State)" rcadbarb fulltext monograph 1858 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New-York" Paige rcadny fulltext "Gould, Banks & Co." monograph 1839 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New York (2nd Ed.)" Hopkins horcad fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1869 "2nd Ed." P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New York, before the Hon. Lewis H. Sandford" Sandford rcadstan fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1873 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New York before the Hon. Murray Hoffman, Assistant Vice-chancellor for the First Circuit, with Copious Notes and References (3rd ed.)" Waterman wtrmnr fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1874 "3rd ed." P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of New York" Daly dalycad fulltext "Baker, Voorhis" monograph 1868 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of New York" Hilton hiltrecad fulltext "Banks & Bros" monograph 1859 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of New York, with Notes, References, and an Index" Smith smtrepad fulltext "Jacob R. Halsted" monograph 1855 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York" Blatchford blhwrpt fulltext "New York: Jacob R. Halsted" monograph 1855 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New-York" Olcott octrpt fulltext "New York: Jacob R. Halstead," monograph 1857 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Late Supreme Court of the State of New York Supplement to Hill and Denio" Lalor rcalal fulltext "W.C. Little and Co." monograph 1857 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of the City of New York" Bosworth boswort fulltext "W.C. Little" monograph 1859 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of the City of New York" Jones joncard fulltext Diossy monograph 1873 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of the City of New York" Duer duerepo fulltext "W.C. Little" monograph 1854 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of the City of New York" Robertson roberepo fulltext "W.C. Little" monograph 1867 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of the City of New York" Sweeny sweenrec fulltext "Banks & Bros" monograph 1871 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of the City of New-York" Hall halljonrc fulltext "Oliver Halsted" monograph 1831 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of the City of New York (2d. ed.)" Sandford sanfreca fulltext "Banks, Gould [etc.]" monograph 1851 "2d. ed." P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court and in the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New-York" Denio rcadeni fulltext "Gould, Banks & Gould" monograph 1846 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court; and in the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors, of the State of New York" Cowen cowrcad fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1859 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature and in the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors, of the State of New-York" 1829 1 1 1939 8 rardsj fulltext serial P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and in the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New-York" 1829 1841 26 rardsj fulltext serial P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and in the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors, In the State of New-York" 1811 1823 Johnson rcaadju fulltext serial P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of New York" Lansing lnsngny fulltext "Banks & Bros" monograph 1870 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court, and in the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New-York" recany fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1869 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of New-York" 7 recany fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1869 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, with Copious Notes and References (3rd ed.)" Caines carcads fulltext monograph 1854 "3rd ed." P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Surrogate's Court of the County of New York" Tucker tuckgiad fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1870 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Surrogate's Court of the County of New-York" Bradford brare fulltext Voorhis monograph 1857 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Surrogates' Courts of the State of New York" Connoly conthcas fulltext monograph 1900 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Surrogates' Courts of the State of New York" Demarest demaresr fulltext monograph 1883 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Surrogates' Courts of the State of New York" Redfield redfirad fulltext monograph 1864 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Surrogate's Courts of the State of New York, with Annotations" 1911 1 1 1915 10 millcads fulltext "W.C. Little" serial P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Surrogate's Courts of the State of New York, Together with Cases in Other Courts of the State Relating to Decedents Estates with Annotations" 1911 1 1 1917 18 millcads fulltext "W.C. Little" serial P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Surrogate's Courts of the State of New York: With Annotations" Gibbons gibborc fulltext "W.C. Little" monograph 1905 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Surrogates' Courts of the State of New York, with Annotations" Power powejca fulltext "W.C. Little & Co." monograph 1901 P "Reports of Cases Decided in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York" Hun rcadscny fulltext monograph 1896 P "Reports of Cases Decided in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York" 1956 1963 nyapp fulltext "Albany: Williams Press," serial P "Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York" Sickels recdcay fulltext monograph 1864 P "Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York" 1956 1963 rcappsny fulltext "Albany: Williams Press," serial P "Reports of Cases Decided in the Superior Court of Buffalo, since Its Organization, in April, 1854, down to December, 1875" Sheldon sherepca fulltext "Banks & Bros." monograph 1906 P "Reports of Cases Heard and Determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, Not Reported in the Official Series" Silvernail silvrnail fulltext "Banks & Bros" monograph 1891 P "Reports of Cases Heard and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of New York" Hun hunrch fulltext monograph 1874 P "Reports of Cases Heard and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of New York at General Term, Not Reported in the Official Series" Silvernail whsilver fulltext "Banks & Bros" monograph 1891 P "Reports of Cases in Admiralty, Argued and Determined in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York" Abbott abamr fulltext "Boston: Little, Brown and Company," monograph 1857 P "Reports of Cases in Law and Equity in the Supreme Court of the State of New-York" Barbour leqnys fulltext monograph 1848 P "Reports of Cases in Prize, Argued and Determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States, for the Southern District of New York, 1861-'65" Blatchford rocipb fulltext "New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co.," monograph 1866 P "Reports of Cases in the Vice Admiralty of the Province of New York and in the Court of Admiralty of the State of New York 1715-1788 with an Historical Introduction and Appendix" Hough hourcva fulltext "Yale University Press" monograph 1925 P "Reports of Cases of Practice, Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New-York; from April Term, 1794, to November Term, 1805, Both Inclusive. To Which Is Prefixed, All the Rules and Orders of the Court to the Present Time" repcprcp fulltext "I. Riley" monograph 1808 P "Reports of Chancery Cases, Decided in the Eighth Circuit of the State of New York (3rd ed.)" Clarke clarccd fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1873 "3rd ed." P "Reports of Chancery Cases Decided in the First Circuit of the State of New York by the Hon. William T. McCoun (3rd ed.)" Edwards edwrechac fulltext "Banks & Bros" monograph 1866 "3rd ed." P "Reports of Criminal Cases Decided in the Appellate Courts of the State of New York and of Other States, and in the Supreme Court of the United States; with Notes" Cowen corepcc fulltext "Weare C. Little & Co." monograph 1884 P "Reports of Criminal Law Cases Decided at the City-Hall of the City of New-York, with Notes and References" Wheeler wherclc fulltext monograph 1823 P "Reports of Decisions in Criminal Cases made at Term, at Chambers and in the Courts of Oyer and Terminer of the State of New York" Parker parrdcc fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1860 P "Reports of Decisions on the Code of Procedure. New Series" ontcprns fulltext "John Townshend" monograph 1852 P "Reports of Practice Cases, Determined in the Courts of the State of New York: With a Digest of All Points of Practice Embraced in the Standard New York Reports Issued during the Period Covered by This Volume" Abbott abotcdc fulltext "John S. Voorhies" monograph 1855 P "Reports of Practice Cases, Determined in the Courts of the State of New-York: With a Digest of All Points of Practice Embraced in the Standard New-York Reports Issued during the Period Covered by This Volume. New Series" Abbott avabrpns fulltext "Diossy & Cockcroft" monograph 1866 P "Reports of Select Cases Decided in the Courts of New York, Not Heretofore Reported, or Reported Only Partially" Edmonds rsedmon fulltext monograph 1883 P "Reports of Select Cases in Chancery, and the Supreme Court of the State of New-York, in 1824 and 1826" Lansing lanrscc fulltext "Packard & Van Benthuyse" monograph 1826 P "Reports of Selected Cases Decided in Courts of the State of New York Other than the Court of Appeals and the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court" repsnyaad fulltext monograph P "Reports of Selected Cases Decided in the Courts of the State of New York other than the Court of Appeals and the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court" 1956 1963 nymisc fulltext "Albany: Williams Press," serial P "Reports of the Committee on State and Municipal Taxation of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, Submitted to the Chamber June 5, 1902 and October 1, 1903 and Ordered to Be Printed" rscestmltn fulltext "New York: Press of the Chamber of Commerce," monograph 1903 P "Reports of the Decisions of the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, Not Heretofore Reported under Official Sanction. Arranged Alphabetically, with Notes, and References to Subsequent Decisions and Legislation" Abbott abotredc fulltext "Ward & Peloubet" monograph 1878 P "Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of 1821, Assembled for the Purpose of Amending the Constitution of the State of New York" Carter reprdeb fulltext "Albany: E. and E. Hosford," monograph 1821 P "Reports of Two Cases Determined in the Prize Court for the New York District" "Van Ness" rtwocad fulltext "New York: Gould, Banks and Gould," monograph 1814 P "Reports: Temporary State Commission on the Constitutional Convention" rptstemp fulltext "[New York: State of New York]," monograph 1966 P "Representation of New Netherland, concerning Its Location, Productiveness and Poor Condition" "Van der Donck" renewnet fulltext "New York: Bartlett and Welford," monograph 1849 P "Required Request Law: Recommendations of the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law" rereql fulltext "Albany: The New York State Task Force," monograph 1986 P "Research Foundation of State University of New York" gaocrptaelf fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1996 P "Resolutions of the General Assembly of South Carolina in Relation to the Controversy between the States of New York and Virginia, on the Subject of Surrendering Fugitives from Justice" regasc fulltext "Washington: Thomas Allen," monograph 1842 P "Respectfully Submitted to the State Convention of A.D. 1846, by a Victim of the Mal-Administration of Criminal Justice in New-York" Barthelemy rysdstcnv fulltext "New York: Michael T. O'Connor," monograph 1846 P "Response to Motion from Appellee New York, et al." supogfst fulltext monograph P "Response to Motion from Petitioners New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., et al." suppwkht fulltext monograph P "Retirement Legislation in New York: Report of a Special Committee of the Civil Service Reform Association of New York" rlnyr fulltext "New York: [s.n.]" monograph 1911 P "Retrographs: Comprising a History of New York City Prior to the Revolution; Biographies of George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Nathan Hale; Sketches of John Andre and Beverly Robinson; Schemes of Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold: Containing Portraits of Henry Hudson, Petrus Stuyvesant, Alexander Hamilton, Maj.-General Alexander Hamilton, Beverly Robinson, Maj. John Andre, Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold; with Other Illustrations and Designs: Embodying More than a Hundred Letters and Signatures of Famous Persons, Many of Which have not Previously Been Published: Including a Fac-simile of an Original Official Map of the City of New York, Made in 1728, Representing All the Streets, Blocks, Wards, Keys and Docks Then Existing" Bartram retro fulltext monograph 1888 P "Retrospect of Forty Years, 1825-1865" Butler retforyea fulltext "New York: C. Scribner's Sons," monograph 1911 P "Return of Subpenas, Port of New York Authority Inquiry: Inquiry before the Subcommittee No. 5 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Eighty-Sixth Congress, Second Session, June 29, 1960" rnsaptnyai fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1960 P Review McDougall rviw fulltext "Cincinnati: Elk Street Printing Co.," monograph 1894 P "Review of Accounts, Bureau of Customs, New York" gaobacvks fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1969 P "Review of Dairy Regulation: State Milk Control in New York and Contiguous States" rwodyrnse fulltext "Albany, New York: State of New York Legislative Commission on Dairy Industry Development," monograph 1988 P "Review Of Ghi's Administration Of Part B Of Medicare In Queens County, New York" gaobaaxcf fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1978 P "Review of issues relating to pay, retirement, and health benefits (Albany, New York) : hearing before the Subcommittee on Compensation and Employee Benefits of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, House of Representatives, Ninety-ninth Congress, first session, July 8, 1985." rvisr fulltext monograph 1985 P "Review of Medicaid Billings by Clinics in New York City" gaobacvcn fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1975 P "Review Of New York City's Progress Under Its 3-year Financial Plan" gaobaabfm fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1976 P "Review of Propriety of Medicaid Billings by Outpatient Clinics in New York City,New York" gaobacviy fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1975 P "Review of Rev. Henry J. Van Dyke's Discourse on the Character and Influence of Abolitionism, a Sermon Preached in the Third Reformed Presbyterian Church, Twenty-Third Street, New York, on Sabbath Evening, December 23, 1860" Sloane rehjvdciabo fulltext "New York: W. Erving," monograph 1861 P "Review Of The Army's Plan To Close The Army Pictorial Center, Long Island City, New York" gaobaafjq fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1971 P "Review of the Case, the People Agt. Rev. Henry Budge, Indicted for the Murder of His Wife Priscilla Budge, (Tried at the Oneida, New York, Circuit Court, in August and September, 1861,) Containing an Examination of the Medico-Legal Questions Involved in the Case; a Review of the Positions Taken by the Medical Witnesses for the Defence; an Extended Discussion of the Positions Assumed by the Medical Witnesses for the Prosecution, with Cuts, and Tables for Illustration; Letters and Opinions from Various Eminent American and Foreign Medical Jurists; Together with Copious Abstracts from the Evidence Adduced, and the Judge's Charge in the Civil Action of Henry Budge Agt. Caleb Lyon, for Libel, Tried at the Herkimer Circuit in October and November, 1861" Swinburne aaec fulltext monograph 1862 P "Review Of The Closure Of The Rockville Centre, New York, Postal Annex" gaobaawxd fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1978 P "Review of the Decision of the Court of Appeals upon the Manor Question" abbz fulltext monograph 1859 P "Review Of The Estimates For The Impact Of The September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attacks On New York Tax Revenues" gaobaamal fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2002 P "Review of the Message of His Excellency the Governor, Dated March 14, 1878" Throop rwmseygr fulltext "Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company," monograph 1878 P "Review of the Military Operations in North America; from the Commencement of the French Hostilities on the Frontiers of Virginia in 1753, to the Surrender of Oswego, on the 14th of August, 1756" Livingston rmilnafco fulltext "London: R. and J. Dodsley" monograph 1757 P "Review of the New York State Medicaid System for Reimbursing Costs of Nursing Homes" gaobacuhs fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1976 P "Review of the Opinion of Judge Cowen, of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York, in the Case of Alexander McLeod" Tallmadge adqr fulltext monograph 1841 P "Review Of The Quality Of Mail Service In New York City" gaobaaymc fulltext "United States. 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Containing the Text, Carefully Compared with the Original, and Certified by the Secretary of State, of All the General Statutory Law of the State in Force on January 1st, 1897, Including the Constitution of the State, the Revised Statutes, the General Laws and Statutes, the Codes of Civil and Criminal Procedure, and the Penal Code, Alphabetically Arranged by Subjects, with Full References to the Decisions, and with Historical and Explanatory Notes, and a Complete System of Cross-References, Supplemented by a Full Analytical Index and Tables of the Statutes Contained Herein. Certified by the Secretary of State, under Section 932 of the Code of Civil Procedure, as Amended by Laws of 1895, Chapter 594" Birdseye birrsc fulltext monograph 1896 P "Revised Statutes, Codes and General Laws of the State of New York. Containing the Text, Carefully Compared with the Original, of All the General Statutory Law of the State in Force on January 1st, 1890, Including the Constitution of the State, the Revised Statutes, the Codes of Civil and Criminal Procedure and the Penal Code, Alphabetically Arranged by Subjects, with References to the Decisions, and with Historical and Explanatory Notes and a Complete System of Cross References, Supplemented with a Full Analytical Index and Table of the Statutes Contained Herein" Birdseye birresc fulltext monograph 1889 P "Revised Statutes of the State of New York (6th ed.)" "New York (State)." stateny fulltext monograph 1875 "6th ed." P "Revised Statutes of the State of New York (7th ed.)" rsutesny fulltext "New York; Albany: Banks & Bros.," monograph 1882 "7th ed." Throop P "Revised Statutes of the State of New-York, as Altered by Subsequent Enactments: Together with Statutory Provisions of a Genral Nature, Passed between the Years 1828 and 1845 Inclusive, Arranged in Connection with the Same or Kindred Subjects in the Revised Statutes; with Notes of Decisions by the Courts upon the Provisions Contained in the Text" Duer dubusny fulltext monograph 1846 P "Revised Statutes of the State of New York, as Altered by Subsequent Legislation; Together with the Other Statutory Provisions of a General and Permanent Nature, (Except the Code of Civil Procedure, the Code of Criminal Procedure, and the Penal Code,) Passed from the Year 1778 to February 1, 1889, and Now in Force; Arranged in Connection with the Same or Kindred Subjects in the Revised Statutes; to Which Are Added an Analysis of the Entire Work; References to Judicial Decision upon the Different Enactments; Explanatory Notes; a Full and Complete Alphabetical Index; and an Indexed Table of the Statutes Contained in the Work (8th ed.)" thrors fulltext "Banks & Brothers" monograph 1889 "8th ed." P "Revised Statutes of the State of New-York, as Altered by Subsequent Legislation: Together with the Unrepealed Statutory Provisions of a General Nature, Passed from the Time of the Revision to the Close of the Second Session of the Legislature in 1851, Arranged in the Manner of the Revised Statutes. To Which Are Added, All Acts of General Interest Passed during the Session of 1852, with References to Judicial Decisions in Relation to Their Provisions, and Explanatory Notes" Denio detrsny fulltext monograph 1852 P "Supplement to the Fifth Edition of the Revised Statutes of the State of New York, Containing the Amendments and General Statutes Passed since the Fifth Revision" parress fulltext "Banks & Bros" monograph 1859 "5th ed." P "Revised Statutes of the State of New York, as Altered by Subsequent Legislation; Together with the Unrepealed Statutory Provisions of a General Nature, Passed from the Time of the Revision to the Close of the Session of the Legislature of 1858, Arranged in the Manner of the Revised Statutes. To Which Are Added References to Judicial Decisions in Relation to Their Provisions, and Explanatory Notes" "4 - supplement" parress fulltext "Banks & Bros" monograph 1859 "5th ed." P "Revised Statutes of the State of New York; As Altered by the Legislature; Including the Statutory Provisions of a General Nature, Passed from 1828 to 1835 Inclusive; with Reference to Judicial Decisions: to Which Are Added, Certain Local Acts Passed before and since the Revised Statutes; All the Acts of General Interest Passed during the Session of 1836; and an Appendix, Containing Extracts from the Original Reports of the Revisers to the Legislature, All the Material Notes Which Accompanied Those Reports, and Explanatory Remarks" dbsper fulltext "Packard and Van Benthuysen" monograph 1836 P "Revised Statutes of the State of New-York: Passed during the Years One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Seven, and One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Eight: to Which Are Added, Certain Former Acts Which Have Not Been Revised" dbutsr fulltext "Packard and Van Benthuysen" monograph 1829 P "Revised Statutes of the State of New York, Reduced to Questions and Answers for the Use of Schools and Families (10th ed.)" 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