publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type frequency "Abridged Notes of Cases Argued and Determined in the Several Courts of Law and Equity in Ireland" Crawford leinp fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith" monograph 1839 P "Account of the Ecclesiastical Establishment Subsisting in Ireland" Erck aeesi fulltext "Dublin: Published by R. Milliken and Son," monograph 1830 P "Appeals from the Fisheries Commission, 1861-93" afhcmm fulltext "Dublin: Printed by Alexander Thom for H.M.S.O" monograph 1861 P "Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, 1838-1839" Jones carjon fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1839 P "Cases, Chiefly Relating to the Criminal and Presentment Law, Reserved for Consideration, and Decided by the Twelve Judges of Ireland, from May 1822, to November 1840" Jebb ccrcp fulltext "Dublin: Andrew Milliken," monograph 1841 P "Chapters on the Leaseholders' Claim to Tenant-Right and Other Tenant-Right Questions, with Land Act Reports" Donnell chptlac fulltext "Dublin: J. Falconer," monograph 1873 P "Custodian Reports; or, a Collection of Cases Relative to Outlawries, and the Grants Thereon, as Argued and Determined on the Revenue Sides of the Courts of Exchequer, Both in England and Ireland" Conroy crccr fulltext "Dublin: J. Exshaw," monograph 1795 P "Diary of Coercion Being a List of the Cases Tried under the Criminal Law and Procedure Act" Harrington docctc fulltext "Dublin: Printed at The Nation Office," monograph 1888 P "Digest and Index of All the Irish Reported Cases in Law and Equity, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time" Finlay diirc fulltext "Dublin: John Cumming," monograph 1830 P "Digest of the Reported Decisions of the Superior Courts: Relating to Petty Sessions in Ireland" Millin drdspi fulltext "Dublin: E. Ponsonby," monograph 1898 P "Divorce Bills in the Imperial Parliament" Roberts dbiip fulltext "Dublin: John Falconer," monograph 1906 P "Fenian Conspiracy: Report of the Trials of Thomas F. Burke and Others, for High Treason, and Treason-Felony, &c., at the Special Commission, Dublin" Chamney fcrtt fulltext "Dublin: Printed by Alexander Thom," monograph 1869 P "Four Land Cases: Reprinted from the Irish Reports, at the Request of the Irish Land Commission, by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Ireland" flcrir fulltext "Dublin: Published for the Inc. Council of Law Reporting for Ireland by Edward Ponsonby," monograph 1900 Green P "Franchises and the Registration of Parliamentary Voters in Ireland (3rd ed.)" Cleary lfrpvi fulltext "Dublin: E. Ponsonby," monograph 1887 "3rd ed." P "Grand Jury Law: Decisions on the Grand Jury Act (6 & 7 Will. IV. c. 116) and Acts Amending Same: With Recent Statues (2nd ed.)" Brett gjldg fulltext "Dublin: E. Ponsonby," monograph 1895 "2nd ed." P "Index to the Statutes, 1922 to 1948: With Chronological Tables Showing Their Effect on Pre-Union Irish Statutes, British Statutes, Saorstat Eireann Statutes, and Acts of the Oireachtas" idxst fulltext "Dublin: Printed by Cahill & Co.," monograph 1949 P "Irish Chancery Reports: Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery" Bewley irchrp fulltext "Dublin: Hodges, Smith, & Co." monograph 1850 P "Irish Church Acts, 1869 & 1872, and Various Statutes Connected Therewith" Bernard ircha fulltext "Dublin: Hodges, Foster, & Co.," monograph 1876 P "Irish Common Law Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, Exchequer Chamber, and Court of Criminal Appeal" Armstrong icomlr fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith" monograph 1852 P "Irish Equity Reports: Particularly of Points of Practice, Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, the Rolls Court, and the Equity Exchequer" Haig ireqrp fulltext "Dublin: Printed and Published for Robert Carrick" monograph 1839 P "Irish Jurist" 1848 1867 irshjrst fulltext serial P "New Irish Jurist and Local Government Review" 1900 1 1 1904 4 irjurlg fulltext serial P "Irish Jurist and Local Government Review" 1905 5 1 1905 5 irjurlg fulltext serial P "Irish Land Acts: Monthly Law Reports of Leading Cases" irlact fulltext "Dublin: Wm. King" monograph 1899 Greer P "Irish Land Acts: One Hundred and Ninety Reports of Leading Cases" Greer irlacts fulltext "Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, & Co.," monograph 1897 P "Irish Land Purchase Cases 1904-1911: Being a Verbatim Reprint of All the Cases Dealing with Land Purchase Reported in the Irish Reports and the Irish Law Times Reports" Maxwell irplsur fulltext "London: H.M.S.O., Printed by J. Falconer," monograph 1912 P "Irish Law Reports: Argued and Determined in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer of Pleas" Brady ilrqce fulltext "Dublin: Printed and Published for Robert Carrick" monograph 1839 P "Irish Reports; or, Reports of Cases Determined in the King's Courts, Dublin; with Select Cases in the House of Lords of Ireland" Vernon irorcd fulltext "Dublin: Printed for Eliz. Lynch," monograph 1790 P "Irish Reports, Published under the Control of the Council of Law Reporting in Ireland: Containing Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Courts in Ireland: Common Law Series" ircls fulltext "Dublin: Edward Ponsonby" monograph 1868 May P "Irish Reports: Published under the Control of the Council of Law Reporting in Ireland, containing Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Courts in Ireland: Equity Series" ireqs fulltext "Dublin: Edward Ponsonby" monograph 1868 May P "Irish Reports: Published under the Control of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Ireland: Containing Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeal, the High Court of Justice, the Court of Bankruptcy, and the Irish Land Commission" 1894 irshrpt P70Y fulltext "Dublin: Inc. Council of Law Reporting in Ireland" serial P "Irish Term Reports: Or, Reports of Cases Determined in the King's Courts, Dublin, from Easter Term, 34 Geo. III. to Hillary Term, 35 Geo. III. Inclusive" Ridgeway irterr fulltext "Dublin: Printed by J. Exshaw," monograph 1796 P "Irish Weekly Law Reports" iwlrp fulltext "Dublin: Printed and Published by W. M. King" monograph 1895 Stritch P "Land Cases, Being a Collection of Reports of Decisions under the Irish Land Acts since the Passing of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881" Macdevitt lcduila fulltext "Dublin: Alex. Thom & Co.," monograph 1884 P "Law of Registration of Parliamentary Voters in Ireland (2nd ed.)" Cleary lrpvi fulltext "Dublin: E. Ponsonby," monograph 1868 "2nd ed." P "Law Recorder, containing Reports of Cases, and Proceedings in the Courts of Law and Equity, &c. &c. &c. at Dublin and Elsewhere" 1827 1831 irislwrec fulltext serial P "Law Recorder, containing Reports of Select Cases and Decisions, Chiefly on Points of Practice, in the Courts of Equity and Common Law in Ireland" 1833 1838 irislwrecns fulltext serial P "Law Reports (Ireland): Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeal, the High Court of Justice, and the High Court of Bankruptcy, in Ireland" rcadca fulltext "Dublin: Published for the Council of Law Reporting in Ireland" monograph 1879 Carleton P "Leading Cases in Land Purchase Law" lclpl fulltext "Dublin: Published by John Falconer," monograph 1892 "Mac Carthy" P "Legal Reporter" 1840 1843 leglrept fulltext serial P "Miscellaneous Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, & Exchequer, in Ireland, from the Sittings in Trinity Term, 1831, to the Sittings after Trinity Term, 1832" Glascock mrcad fulltext "Dublin: Printed by William Corbet," monograph 1832 P "Notes of Decisions under the Representation of the People Acts and the Registration Acts" Lawson ndrpara fulltext "Dublin: Alex. Thom & Co." monograph 1912 P "Notes of Decisions under the Representation of the People Acts and the Registration Acts" ndrparai fulltext monograph 1894 P "Official Judgments of the Superior Courts in Ireland in Cases under the Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act, 1887, and Others" ojsci fulltext "Dublin: Printed for His Majesty's Stationary Office, by Alexander Thom. & Co.," monograph 1903 P "Parliamentary Registration Cases: Being a Digest of Each of the Cases Decided on Appeal from the Revision Courts Held in Ireland and England in 1889" Harrington pmtrg fulltext "Dublin: William J. Alley & Co." monograph 1890 P "Practical Treatise on the Law of Tolls and Customs, as Well Those Payable in the City of Dublin, as in Every City, Corporate Town, Fair and Market in Ireland" Cantwell ptltac fulltext "Dublin: Printed by John Barlow," monograph 1817 P "Queen v. Milles, and the Queen v. Carroll. Report of Two Cases upon the Marriage Law of Ireland, Argued and Determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, in Ireland in Easter and Trinity Terms, 1842" Smythe adpr fulltext monograph 1842 P "Recent Judicial Decisions Affecting the Law of Landlord and Tenant" Brunskill rjdal fulltext Dublin, monograph 1895 P "Registry Appeals in the Court of Exchequer Chamber, and Appeals in the Court for Land Cases Reserved, 1868-1876" racec fulltext "Dublin: Published for the Council of Law Reporting in Ireland," monograph 1886 P "Registry Cases, Comprising All the Published, and Many of the Recent Unpublished, Decisions in Ireland, respecting the Registration of Voters, under the Irish Reform Act" Welsh regscire fulltext "Dublin: Pettigrew and Oulton," monograph 1840 P "Registry Cases Reserved for Consideration and Decided by the Twelve Judges of Ireland" Alcock regire fulltext "Dublin: Milliken and Son," monograph 1837 P "Report of Cases and Matters in Law, Resolved and Adjudged in the King's Courts in Ireland" Davies rocmin fulltext "Dublin: Printed for Sarah Cotter," monograph 1762 P "Report of Seven Trials at the Clonmel Summer Assizes of M, DCCCXXIX, Including Those Which Arose out of the Occurrences at Borrisokane, on the 26th and 28th of July, 1829" Brewster xxclo fulltext monograph 1830 P "Report of the Proceedings at the First Sitting of the Special Commission for the County of the City of Dublin: Held at Green-Street, Dublin, for the Trial of Thomas Clarke Luby, and Others, for Treason-felony, The Fenian Conspiracy, Commencing on November 27, 1865" Luby xreppro fulltext monograph 1866 P "Report of the Proceedings in Cases of High Treason, at an Adjournment of a Commission of Oyer and Terminer, Held in and for the County and City of Dublin, in the Month of December, 1795" Ridgeway chitres fulltext "Dublin: John Exshaw," monograph 1796 P "Report of Trials before the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice, and the Hon. Baron Sir Wm. C. Smith, bart., at the Special Commission, at Maryborough: Commencing on the 23rd May, and Ending on the 6th June" Mongan rtrhlcj fulltext "Dublin: Richard Milliken and Son," monograph 1832 P "Reported Cases on Costs, 1867-1891" repcoc fulltext "Dublin: Printed by John Falconer," monograph 1892 P "Reports des Cases & Matters en Ley, Resolves & Adjudges en les Courts del Roy en Ireland" Davis rcmatirel fulltext "London: Printed by E. Flesher, J. Streater, and H. Twyford," monograph 1674 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, from Hilary Term, 10 and 11 Geo. IV. to Easter Term, 2 Will. IV., Both Inclusive, with a Table of Cases, and Index to the Principal Matters" Hayes rchtet fulltext "Dublin: Milliken and Son" monograph 1837 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, from Hilary Term, 10 and 11 Geo. IV. to Easter Term, 2 Will. IV., Both Inclusive, with a Table of Cases, and Index to the Principal Matters" Hayes gteti fulltext "Dublin: Milliken and Son," monograph 1837 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, from Hilary Term, 1841, to Trinity Term, 1842, Inclusive, Fourth and Fifth Victoria" Longfield tiiffv fulltext "Dublin: Andrew Milliken," monograph 1843 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer, in Ireland, from Michaelmas Term, 5 Will. IV. to Hilary Term, 6 Will. IV., Both Inclusive, with a Table of Cases, and Index to the Principal Matters" Jones ifmmt fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith" monograph 1838 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer, in Ireland, from Trinity Term in the Second, to Trinity Term in the Fourth Year of William IV., Both Inclusive; with an Appendix, Tables of Cases and Statutes, and an Index to the Principal Matters" Hayes ttfyw fulltext "Dublin: Andrew Milliken," monograph 1843 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench and Court of Error" Fox ckbce fulltext "Dublin: Printed for Richard Milliken" monograph 1825 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland, Michaelmas Term, 1833, and Hilary Term, 1834, in the Fourth Year of the Reign of King William IV" Cooke ecimt fulltext "Dublin: Printed for Hodges and Smith" monograph 1835 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench in Ireland, from the Commencement of Michaelmas Term 1824, to the End of Trinity Term, 1825" Smith icntet fulltext "Dublin: Richard Milliken and Son," monograph 1830 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Kings Bench in Ireland, from the Commencement of Michaelmas Term, 1825, to the End of Michaelmas Term, 1826" Batty icmem fulltext "Dublin: Richard Milliken and Son" monograph 1828 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Prerogative in Ireland, and in the Consistory Court of Dublin" Milward rcarrgire fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith," monograph 1847 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, in Ireland, from Michaelmas to Trinity Term, 5th Victoria (1841, 1842): With Tables of the Names of Cases and Principal Matters" Jebb cqbmtt fulltext "Dublin: Andrew Milliken," monograph 1843 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland" Smythe ccpeci fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith," monograph 1840 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of King's Bench and Exchequer Chamber, in Ireland, from Trinity Term, 1 W. IV., to Trinity Vacation, 3 W. IV., 1831-1833" Alcock ckbec fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith" monograph 1834 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of King's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland, with Tables of the Names of the Cases and Principal Matters" Hudson rackb fulltext "Dublin: Richard Milliken and Son" monograph 1829 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Queen's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland, with Tables of the Names of the Cases and the Principal Matters" Jebb dicoqb fulltext "Dublin: Milliken and Son" monograph 1840 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Plunket" Drury tolcp fulltext "Dublin: Milliken and Son" monograph 1839 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery during the Time of Lord Chancellor Sugden" Jones ctlcs fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith" monograph 1846 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Sugden" Connor lochsd fulltext "Dublin: Andrew Milliken" monograph 1842 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Sugden" Drury tolcs fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith" monograph 1843 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Sugden" Drury hcclcs fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith," monograph 1851 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Hart" Molloy cilch fulltext "Dublin: Richard Milliken and Son" monograph 1832 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Hart, with a Few in the Time of Lord Chancellor Manners" Beatty hccilch fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith" monograph 1847 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Manners" Ball cilcm fulltext "Dublin: Printed by R. Stockdale" monograph 1807 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, in Ireland, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Manners" Ball rcadehic fulltext monograph 1821 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, in Ireland, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Manners (1st American, from the Last London ed.)" Ball lcmin fulltext "Philadelphia: R. H. Small" monograph 1839 "1st American, from the Last London ed." P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Sugden" Lloyd cfdgd fulltext "Dublin: Printed for Hodges and Smith," monograph 1836 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Sugden, from the Commencement of Hilary Term 1835, to the Commencement of Easter Term 1835" Lloyd tolcsg fulltext "London: S. Sweet and Stevens & Sons," monograph 1836 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, in Ireland, during the Time of Lord Redesdale" Schoales itolrd fulltext "Dublin: Printed by John Jones" monograph 1806 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Rolls Court of Ireland, during the Time of the Right Hon. Sir William McMahon" Hogan rcadrci fulltext "Dublin: Richard Milliken and Son" monograph 1828 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Determined on Six Circuits in Ireland: Taken during the Assizes, in the Years 1841, 1842, 1843" Smythe scita fulltext "Dublin: Andrew Milliken," monograph 1843 P "Reports of Cases Argued and Ruled on the Circuits, in Ireland... Cases Decided at the Nisi Prius Sittings, and in the Courts of Criminal Jurisdiction at Dublin, a Table of Cases, and an Index to the Principal Matters" Crawford npsccj fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith" monograph 1841 P "Reports of Cases, Civil and Criminal, Argued and Determined at Nisi Prius and the Commission, in Dublin, Respectively, from the Commencement of Michaelmas Term in the Fourth, to the End of Trinity Term in the Sixth Year of Queen Victoria, 1840-1842" Armstrong rcmtf fulltext "Dublin: Andrew Milliken," monograph 1843 P "Reports of Cases Decided by the Irish Land Commission" Roche lnatrpt fulltext "[S.I.: s.i.]" monograph 1881 P "Reports of Cases in Chancery, Argued and Determined in the Rolls Court, during the Time of the Right Hon. Sir Michael O'Loghlen, Bart. Master of the Rolls 1840-1842" Flanagan smolb fulltext "Dublin: Andrew Milliken," monograph 1843 P "Reports of Cases in Chancery, Argued and Determined in the Rolls Court, during the Time of the Rt. Hon. Sir Michael O'Loghlen, Bart., Master of the Rolls, and the Case of Ogle v. Ogle, Decided in the Court of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber" Sausse rollsctb fulltext "Dublin: Andrew Milliken," monograph 1841 P "Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the High Court of Parliament in Ireland, since the Restoration of the Appellate Jurisdiction: With Tables, Notes, and References" Ridgeway rcuawe fulltext "Dublin: Printed by John Exshaw" monograph 1795 P "Reports of Interesting Cases: Argued and Determined in the King's Law Courts of England and Ireland, the House of Parliament, and Military Courts" Rowe rincakie fulltext "Dublin: Printed for the Author by A. O'Neil," monograph 1824 P "Reports of One Hundred & Ninety Cases in the Irish Land Courts: With Preliminary Tenant-Right Chapters (new ed., enl.)" Donnell rtsoohnyc fulltext "Dublin: J. Falconer," monograph 1876 "new ed., enl." P "Reports of Practice and Nisi Prius Cases, (including Registry and Civil Bill Appeals) Decided in the Superior Courts of Law, in Ireland, and in the after Sittings, from Easter Term, 1846, to Trinity Term, 1848, Inclusive" Blackham npcrcb fulltext "Dublin: Edward J. Milliken," monograph 1849 P "Reports of Proceedings at the Special Commissions, (1867), for the County and City of Cork, and the County and City of Limerick, in Cases of High Treason and Treason-Felony, and of Trials for Treason-Felony, at the Summer Assizes of the Same Year, for the Counties of Clare and Kerry" "Ireland. Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery" aabk fulltext monograph 1871 P "Reports of Select Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, Principally in the Time of Lord Lifford: Together with Some Cases Determined in the Other Superior Courts, during the Same Period" Wallis iptllt fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith," monograph 1839 P "Reports of the Decisions of the Judges for the Trial of Election Petitions in England and Ireland" O'Malley rdcjdg fulltext "London: Stevens and Haynes" monograph 1870 P "Rules and Orders of the Common Law Judges, and Reserved Cases" raoclj fulltext "Dublin: Hodges, Smith, and Co.," monograph 1865 P "Rules and Practice of the High Court of Chancery in Ireland: With the Several Statutes Relative Thereto, as Also Several Adjudged Cases Thereon" Howard rpssr fulltext "Dublin: Printed for E. Lynch, at the Bible," monograph 1772 P "Select Cases Argued and Adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Napier, in the Years 1858 & 1859" Drury tolcn fulltext "Dublin: Hodges, Smith & Co.," monograph 1860 P "Select Cases in Registration of Title in Ireland, with an Appendix of Statutes, Rules and Orders" Hughes scregias fulltext "Dublin: E. Ponsonby," monograph 1916 P "Selection of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Plunket, Principally in the Years 1834, 1835, and 1836" Lloyd ilcplt fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith," monograph 1839 P "Several Special Cases on the Laws against the Further Growth of Popery in Ireland [1720-1773]" Howard svrlspcs fulltext "Dublin: Printed for Elizabeth Lynch," monograph 1775 P "Statute Law of Ecclesiastical Leases in Ireland, and Purchases under the Church Temporalities' Acts" Lyne sleli fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith," monograph 1838 P "Treatise on Leases for Lives, Renewable for Ever" Lyne trlivs fulltext "Dublin: Hodges and Smith," monograph 1837 P "Treatise on the Law of Renewals in Respect to Leases for Lives Renewable for Ever in Ireland" Finlay lorii fulltext "Dublin: J. Cumming," monograph 1829 P "Treatise on the Rules and Practice of the Equity Side of the Exchequer in Ireland; With the Several Statutes Relative Thereto (2nd ed.)" Howard trtrulpr fulltext "Dublin: Printed by Elizabeth Lynch," monograph 1793 "2nd ed." P "Treatise on Tolls and Customs (2nd ed., Enlarged)" Cantwell totac fulltext "Dublin: Printed for John Cumming," monograph 1829 "2nd ed., Enlarged" P