publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type frequency "1960 Amendments to the Menominee Indian Termination Act of 1954 : Hearings before the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Eighty-Sixth Congress, Second Session on H.R. 11813" "United States" amineet fulltext monograph 1960 P "1977 Annual Pay Increase Claims of Employees of the Navajo Area" gaobacvaj fulltext "United States. 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Amicus Curiae of Citizens Equal Rights Foundation in Support of Neither Party (also in 22-51)" supapcqc fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Coalition of Large Tribes" supapcqa fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Cook Inlet Region, Inc." supbmljs fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Dine Hataalii Association, Inc." supapcpw fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations" supapdpl fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Foster Parents and Pacific Legal Foundation in Support of Chad Everet Brackeen, et al." supapbum fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Indian Law Scholars and Professors" supbmlgo fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Muscogee (Creek) Nation" supbmnnz fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of National Congress of American Indians" supctldp fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of National Congress of American Indians" supbmnnq fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of National Congress of American Indians Fund" supogfln fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Native American Financial Services Association" supapdam fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of State of Alaska" supbmlkd fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of State of Alaska" supbmlnj fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma" supbmnni fulltext monograph P "Brief for 63 California Indian Tribes in Support of Respondents" prvwpepslmk fulltext monograph P "Brief for Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepslmq fulltext monograph P "Brief for Colorado River Indian Tribes and National Congress of American Indians in Support of Respondent" prvwpepspkh fulltext monograph P "Brief for Minnesota Department of Human Services and Minnesota Ombudsperson for American Indian Families in Support of Respondents Birth Father and Cherokee Nation" prvwpepslmz fulltext monograph P "Brief for National Indigenous Women's Resource Center and Additional Advocacy Organizations for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Assault in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsomb fulltext monograph P "Brief for National Indigenous Women's Resource Center, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Nottaweseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Seminole Nation, Tulalip Tribes and Other Native Organizations in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsnmr fulltext monograph P "Brief for Navajo Nation and the Pueblo of Laguna in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsjfx fulltext monograph P "Brief for Omaha Tribal Council Respondents" prvwpepsnrb fulltext monograph P "Brief for Petitioners Adoptive Couple" prvwpepslml fulltext monograph P "Brief for Professor Barbara L. Creel and the Tribal Defender Network in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsomd fulltext monograph P "Brief for Respondent Ramah Navajo Chapter, et al." prvwpepskgh fulltext monograph P "Brief for Respondents Inter Tribal Council Of Arizona, Inc., League Of Women Voters Of Arizona, Arizona Advocacy Network, Steve M. Gallardo, League Of United Latin American Citizens Arizona, and Hopi Tribe" prvwpepsqcl fulltext P "Brief for Respondents Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, et al." prvwpepsmsy fulltext monograph P "Brief for Seminole Tribe of Florida in Support of Respondents" prvwpepslnc fulltext monograph P "Brief for Tanana Chiefs Conference, Bristol Bay Native Association, Association of Village Council Presidents, Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, Native Village of Barrow, and the Orutsaramiut Native Council in Support of Respondents" prvwpepslnd fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Alaska Federation of Natives, Alaska Native Voters and Tribes in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsmgc fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Honorable Abby Abinanti, Chief Justice of the Yurok Tribal Court in Support of Respondent" prvwpepslmd fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Ak-Chin Indian Community, Colorado River Indian Tribes, Fort Mcdowell Yavapai Nation, Hopi Tribe, the Pascua Yaqui Tribe Of Arizona, and Tohono O'Odham Nation in Support of Respondents Birth Father and Cherokee Nation" prvwpepslmx fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and Experienced Tribal Court Criminal Litigators in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsomg fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Congress of American Indians and Indian Tribes in South Dakota as Amici Curiae in Support of Neither Party" prvwbncaix fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for the National Congress of American Indians and Native American Finance Officers Association in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepspum fulltext P "Brief for the National Congress of American Indians and the Federal Bar Association - Indian Law Section in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsjfw fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Congress of American Indians, the National Indian Gaming Association, the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, the Council for Athabascan Tribal Governments, and 51 Federally Recognized Indian Tribes in Support of Respondents" prvwpepslrp fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Congress Of American Indians, the State Of Texas, the State Of New Mexico, the State Of Colorado, the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, the Navajo Nation, the Fort Belknap Indian Community, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsrti fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center and Additional Advocacy Organizations for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Assault in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsrhe fulltext P "Brief for the Navajo Nation and Leonard Gorman in Support of Appellees" prvwpepsnuj fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Navajo Nation, Leonard Gorman, Anthony Wounded Head, Sr., and Oliver J. Semans, Sr., in Support of Respondents and Respondent-Intervenors" prvwpepsmfx fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Otoe-Missouria Tribe Of Indians, the Lac Vieux Desert Band Of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, the Mechoopda Indian Tribe Of Chico Rancheria, and the Big Valley Band Of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsrtk fulltext P "Brief for the Puyallup Tribe of Indians; Southern Ute Indian Tribe; Navajo Nation; Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation; Sac and Fox Nation Tribal Court; Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians; Blue Lake Rancheria; Chemehuevi Indian Tribe; Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians; Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians; Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians; Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Tribal Court; Northwest Intertribal Court System; Southwest Intertribal Court of Appeals; American Indian Law Center, Inc.; The Michigan Tribal State Federal Judicial Forum; and National American Indian Court Judges Association in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsmst fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Tribal Respondents" prvwbtbl fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief forLower Sioux Indian Community, Bois Forte Band of Chippewa, Prairie Island Indian Community, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, White Earth Band of Ojibew, the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Upper Sioux Community, the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibew, the Red Lake Nation, the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, and the Indian Child Welfare Act Law Center in Support of Respondents" prvwpepslmj fulltext monograph P "Brief History of the Federal Responsibility to the American Indian" bhfrai fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare," monograph 1979 P "Brief in Support of Petition from Respondent Arizona, et al." supapcpn fulltext monograph P "Brief of Amici Curiae Historians, Legal Scholars, and Cherokee Nation" prvwtcheawur fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of Amici Curiae National Congress of American Indians, Association on American Indian Affairs, Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Pueblo of Laguna, Pueblo of San Felipe, et al., in Support of Petitioner" prvwbncai fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of Amici Curiae National Indigenous Women's Resource Center et al." prvwtcheawzm fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of Arizona, et al." supapcqe fulltext monograph P "Brief of Colorado Filed (as to 21-1484)" supapcqf fulltext monograph P "Brief of Defendants-Appellants Tribal Parties" supapbxm fulltext monograph P "Brief of Northern Arapaho Tribe" supapemc fulltext monograph P "Brief of Petitioner Jimcy McGirt Filed (with Separate Appendix)." supdlkaf fulltext monograph P "Brief of Petitioners Alaska Native Village Corporation Association, Inc., et al. Filed. (in No. 20-544)" supbmljv fulltext monograph P "Brief of Petitioners Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, et al." supapdaj fulltext monograph P "Brief of Petitioners Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, the Tribal Council, the Tribal Governor Michael Silvas or His Successor" supbmmxt fulltext monograph P "Brief of Plaintiff/Appellee the State of Texas" supapbup fulltext monograph P "Brief of Plaintiffs/Appellees Chad Everet Brackeen, et al." supapbuo fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent Brian W. Coughlin in Opposition" supapdal fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent Navajo Nation Filed" supapcqb fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent Navajo Nation in Opposition" supapcpo fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent Navajo Nation in Opposition" supapcqj fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent Northern Arapaho Tribe (as to 23-253)" supapeiq fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent Oklahoma" supdlkac fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent Oklahoma in Opposition" supdlkah fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent San Carlos Apache Tribe (as to 23-250)" supapeir fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondent Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation" supbmljq fulltext monograph P "Brief of Respondents Chad E. 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Aubert," monograph 1890 P "Consolidating Alaska natives governing bodies : hearings before the United States Senate, Select Committee on Indian Affairs, Ninety-fifth Congress, first session, on S. 1920 ... S. 2046. ..." cnslaskn fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off," monograph 1978 P "Constitution and By-Laws for Governing the Indians of the Wind River Reservation, Wyo." cbgiwr fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1939 P "Constitution and By-laws for the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria, California. Approved January 15, 1936." llncaaiv fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and by-laws for the Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana, Approved December 13, 1935" llncaalj fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws for the Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana (including Amendments)" cbbftb fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1978 P "Constitution and by-laws for the Cachil Dehe band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community, California, Ratified November 23, 1941" llncaail fulltext monograph 1942 P "Constitution and Bylaws for the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community, Oregon. Approved May 13, 1936." llncaagv fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws for the Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians, Clearlake Oaks, California, with Amendments" cbeicpo fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1995 P "Constitution and Bylaws for the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe, South Dakota. Approved April 24, 1936." llncaaia fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and By-laws for the Iowa Tribe of Indians of the Iowa Reservation in Nebraska and Kansas. Approved February 26, 1937." llncaanc fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and By-laws for the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria, California. Approved March 11, 1936." llncaaiw fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and By-Laws for the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria, California, with Amendments" cblkbpis fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws for the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe of the Lower Brule Reservation. Approved November 27, 1935." llncaabb fulltext monograph 1935 P "Constitution and By-laws for the Me-wuk Indian Community of the Wilton Rancheria, California. Approved January 15, 1936." llncaaip fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws for the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe of the Muckleshoot Reservation, Washington. Approved May 13, 1936." llncaalc fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws for the Native Village of Pilot Station, AK" cbnvpsak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2003 P "Constitution and by-laws for the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Approved December 21, 1936" llncaakf fulltext monograph P "Constitution and Bylaws for the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho. Approved April 30, 1936." llncaaij fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and by-laws for the Swinomish Indians of the Swinomish Reservation, Washington, Approved January 27, 1936" llncaakw fulltext monograph P "Constitution and By-Laws for the Toulumne Band of Me-wuk Indians of the Toulumne Racheria, with Amendments" cbltbmew fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2001 P "Constitution and By-laws for the Tulalip Tribes, Washington : approved January 24, 1936." llncaakq fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws for the Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians of the Tuolumne Rancheria, California. Approved January 15, 1936." llncaaiz fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and By-laws for the Upper Lake Band of Pomo Indians of the Upper Lake Rancheria, California. Approved January 15, 1936." llncaaix fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of Chickaloon Village" cbcklvg fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1985 P "Constitution and Bylaws of Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska" cbitksne fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1980 P "Constitution and Bylaws of McGrath Native Village Council" cbmcgnvc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1990 P "Constitution and Bylaws of Sherwood Valley Rancheria, Mendocino County, California" cbsvrmc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1974 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Absentee-Shawnee tribe of Indians of Oklahoma. Ratified December 5, 1938." llncaafo fulltext monograph 1939 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Agua Caliente Band of Mission Indians, California, adopted June 28, 1955, amended February 26, 1957." llncaaim fulltext monograph 1957 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Akiachak Native Community, Approved August 6, 1948" llncaaem fulltext "Washington [D.C.]: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Akiak Native Community" cyblaeal fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-laws of the Alabama and Coushatta tribes of Texas, Approved August 19, 1938" llncaaje fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Alabama-Coushatta Tribes of Texas, with Amendments" cbacttx fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1990 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town, Oklahoma. Ratified January 10, 1939." llncaafn fulltext monograph 1939 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Aleut Community of St. George Island" alcstgi fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1971 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island, Alaska, Ratified June 12, 1950" llncaaek fulltext "Washington [D.C.]: U.S. Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs" monograph 1951 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Angoon Community Association, Alaska, Ratified November 15, 1939" llncaaei fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation, New Mexico, Approved March 25, 1936" llncaady fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians of the State of Wisconsin, Approved June 20, 1936" llncaake fulltext monograph P "Constitution and By-laws of the Bay Mills Indian Community, Michigan. Approved November 4, 1936." llncaajp fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Brevig Mission Community" cblbgmc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1963 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Caddo Indian Tribe of Oklahoma" cbcaditoka fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1976 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Caddo Indian Tribe of Oklahoma. Ratified January 17, 1938." llncaafp fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Catawba Indian Tribe of South Carolina. Approved June 30, 1944." llncaahw fulltext monograph 1946 P "Constitution and by-laws of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, South Dakota, Approved December 27, 1935" llncaaic fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Okalahoma. Ratified September 18, 1937." llncaafq fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and By-Laws of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma, with Amendments" cbcatok fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1981 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Chilkat Indian Village, Ratified March 27, 1941" llncaaav fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Chilkoot Indian Association, Ratified December 5, 1941" llncaaba fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1942 P "Constitution and bylaws of the Chippewa Cree Indians of the Rocky boy's reservation, Montana, approved November 23, 1935." llncaall fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Citizen Band of Potawatomi Indians, Oklahoma. Ratified December 12, 1938." llncaagg fulltext monograph 1939 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Coeur D'Alene Tribe, Idaho, approved August 8, 1947." llncaaih fulltext monograph 1957 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Colorado River Indian Tribes of the Colorado River Reservation. Approved August 13, 1937." llncaagz fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and bylaws of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai tribes of the Flathead reservation," llncaald fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation, Utah. Approved November 25, 1940." llncaakl fulltext monograph 1941 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reservation in Oregon. Approved December 7, 1949." llncaagu fulltext monograph 1957 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon. Approved February 14, 1938." llncaagy fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (including Amendments)" cblctwsr fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1973 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Cortina Indian Rancheria, Colusa County, California" cbctirh fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1996 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Cortina Indian Rancheria, Colusa County, California" cbctinrcc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1973 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Covelo Indian Community, California. Approved December 16, 1936." llncaaio fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Craig Community Association of Craig, Alaska" cybladab fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1939 P "Constitution and bylaws of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe of Fort Thompson, South Dakota, approved April 26, 1949." llncaaie fulltext monograph 1957 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Crow Tribe of Indians, Crow Indian Reservation, Crow Agency, Montana" cbcrowt fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2001 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Delaware Tribe of Western Oklahoma, with Amendments" cbdetwoka fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1981 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Devils Lake Sioux Tribe, North Dakota, approved February 14, 1946." llncaamk fulltext monograph 1957 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Douglas Indian Association, Territory of Alaska, Ratified November 24, 1941" llncaaen fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1942 P "Constitution and by-laws of the Duckwater Shoshone Tribe of the Duckwater Reservation, Nevada, Approved November 28, 1940" llncaanb fulltext monograph P "Constitution and By-laws of the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma. Ratified December 22, 1939." llncaaft fulltext monograph 1940 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Forest County Potawatomi Community, Wisconsin. Approved February 6, 1937." llncaakb fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Fort Belknap Indian Community of the Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana. Approved December 13, 1935." llncaalf fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Fort Belknap Indian Community of the Fort Belknap Reservation of Montana" cbfbicf fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1993 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Fort Bidwell Indian Community of the Fort Bidwell Reservation, California. Approved January 28, 1936." llncaait fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe, Nevada. Approved July 2, 1936." llncaamw fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Community, Arizona. Approved November 24, 1936." llncaahl fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Fort Sill Apache Tribe of Oklahoma" cbfsatok fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1981 P "Constitution and by-laws of the Gila River Indian community, Arizona, Approved March 17, 1960" llncaahv fulltext monograph P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Gila River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Arizona, Approved May 14, 1936" llncaahp fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Hannahville Indian Community, Michigan. Approved July 23, 1936." llncaajk fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Havasupai Tribe of the Havasupai Reservation, Arizona, approved March 27, 1939." llncaahe fulltext monograph 1939 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Hoonah Indian Association, Ratified October 23, 1939" llncaaeq fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Hoopa Valley Tribe in California" cbhoopa fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2008 P "Constitution and By-Laws of the Hopi Tribe" cbhopit fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1993 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Hopi Tribe, Arizona. Approved December 19, 1936." llncaaht fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and by-laws of the Hualapai Tribe of the Hualapai reservation Arizona, Approved December 17, 1938" llncaahf fulltext monograph P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Hydaburg Cooperative Association Alaska, Ratified April 14, 1938" cyblacao fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1939 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma. Ratified October 23, 1937." llncaafu fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Jicarilla Apache Tribe of the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation, New Mexico, Approved August 4, 1937" llncaadw fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1937 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Kalispel Indian Community of the Kalispel Reservation, Washington. Approved March 24, 1938." llncaaln fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Kanosh Band of Paiute Indians of the Kanosh Indian Community, approved December 2, 1942." llncaabc fulltext monograph 1943 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Ketchikan Indian Corporation, Ratified January 27, 1940" llncaabd fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Michigan. Approved December 17, 1936." llncaajn fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Kialegee Tribal Town, Oklahoma : ratified June 12, 1941." llncaafx fulltext monograph 1942 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Kickapoo Tribe of Indians of the Kickapoo Reservation in Kansas. Approved February 26, 1937." llncaajj fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Kickapoo Tribe of Indians of the Kickapoo Reservation in Kansas (including Amendments)" cbkktikr fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1979 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma" cbkkptok fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1977 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma. Ratified September 18, 1937." llncaafy fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the King Island Native Community, Alaska, Ratified January 31, 1939" llncaaeu fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Klawock Cooperative Association, Alaska: Amendment" klwcak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1964 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Klawock Cooperative Association Alaska, Ratified October 4, 1938" cyblacad fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1939 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, approved June 16, 1947." llncaaii fulltext monograph 1957 P "Constitution and bylaws of the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, Approved August 15, 1936" llncaaka fulltext monograph P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, as Amended" cblacdf fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1974 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Lower Sioux Indian Community in Minnesota. Approved June 11, 1936." llncaalx fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Lummi Tribe of the Lummi Reservation, Washington. Approved April 2, 1948." llncaals fulltext monograph 1957 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Makah Indian Tribe of the Makah Indian Reservation, Washington. Approved May 16, 1936." llncaalp fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester Rancheria, California. Approved March 11, 1936." llncaais fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester Rancheria, with Amendments" cbmbpimr fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1985 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Manzanita Band of Mission Indians, Manzanita Reservation, California, with Amendments" cbmzbmil fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1976 P "Constitution and By-Laws of the Mashantucket Pequot Indian Tribe" cmashptit fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1988 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin" cblmnmitw fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1977 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Metlakatla Indian Community" cblmtklic fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1989 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Islands Reserve, Alaska, Approved August 23, 1944" llncaaew fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1946 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma. Ratified October 10, 1939." llncaaga fulltext monograph 1940 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota. Approved July 24, 1936." llncaalz fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. Ratified April 20, 1945." llncaabf fulltext monograph 1946 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Moapa Band of Paiute Indians of the Moapa River Reservation, Nevada. Approved April 17, 1942." llncaamb fulltext monograph 1943 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Ambler, Alaska: Draft" cblnvamak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1939 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Native Village of Andreafski, Alaska" cblnvafak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1992 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Atka, Alaska, Ratified May 23, 1939" llncaabq fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Barrow, Ratified March 21, 1940" llncaaan fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Buckland, Alaska" cblnvbkak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 2002 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Buckland, Alaska, Ratified December 30, 1950" llncaaee fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1951 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Chanega, Ratified February 3, 1940" llncaaal fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Council" cnvccil fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1980 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Crooked Creek" ntvlgcc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1980 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Deering, Alaska, Ratified October 26, 1945" llncaabt fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1946 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Diomede, Ratified January 31, 1940" llncaaak fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Egegik" natveggk fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Elim, Alaska, Ratified November 24, 1939" llncaabw fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Fort Yukon, Alaska, Ratified January 2, 1940" llncaaby fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Gambell, Ratified December 31, 1939" llncaaaj fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Igloo" natvigl fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1940 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Native Village of Kaktovik, Alaska" nvkkak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1971 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Kanatak, Ratified March 1, 1941" llncaaae fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Karluk, Alaska, Ratified August 23, 1939" llncaabz fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1939 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Kivalina, Ratified February 7, 1940" llncaaah fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Kobuk, Alaska, Ratified" cnvkkak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1945 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Native Village of Kotlik, Alaska 99620" cbnvktlik fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2006 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Kotzebue, Alaska, Approved May 23, 1939" llncaace fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Koyuk, Approved July 23, 1946" llncaacb fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Kwigillingok, Alaska" cbnvkwggak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1949 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Kwinhagak, Approved June 11, 1948" llncaacf fulltext "Washington [D.C.]: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Mekoryuk, Ratified August 24, 1940" llncaaac fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Minto, Alaska, Ratified December 30, 1939" llncaach fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Napakiak, Approved July 23, 1946" llncaaci fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Nikolski, Alaska, Ratified June 12, 1939" llncaaco fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1939 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Noatak, Ratified December 28, 1939" llncaacn fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Nunapitchuk, Ratified January 2, 1940" llncaaaa fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Perryville, Alaska, Ratified September 1, 1950" llncaacu fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1951 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Point Hope, Alaska, Ratified February 29, 1940" llncaacs fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Point Lay, Approved May 23, 1939" llncaabo fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Native Village of Red Devil" cbnvrdv fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1989 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Savoonga, Alaska: Ratified April 10, 1940" llncaacx fulltext "Washington [D.C.]: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1951 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Selawik, Alaska, Ratified March 15, 1940" llncaadd fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Shaktoolik, Alaska, Ratified January 27, 1940" llncaacz fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Shishmaref, Ratified August 2, 1939" llncaaap fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1939 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Shungnak, Alaska, Ratified July 24, 1946" llncaade fulltext "Washington [D.C.]: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1951 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of St. Michael, Alaska, Approved June 11, 1948" llncaadh fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Stevens, Alaska, Ratified December 30, 1939" llncaada fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Tanacross, Ratified January 5, 1942" llncaaar fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1943 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Tanana" cyblaaak fulltext "Washington [D.C.]: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Tatitlek, Approved May 23, 1939" llncaadp fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Tetlin, Alaska, Ratified March 20, 1940" llncaadi fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Tununak, Alaska, Approved May 23, 1939" cybladaz fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Tyonek, Alaska, Ratified November 27, 1939" llncaadk fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Unalakleet, Ratified December 30, 1939" llncaaat fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Venetie, Alaska, Ratified January 25, 1940" llncaadq fulltext "Washington [D.C.]: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Wainwight" cnvwwit fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1939 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of Wales, Alaska, Ratified July 29, 1939" llncaaeg fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1939 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Native Village of White Mountain, Alaska, Ratified November 25, 1939" llncaadu fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1942 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Nisqually Indian Community of the Nisqually Reservation, Washington. Approved September 9, 1946." llncaalq fulltext monograph 1951 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Nome Eskimo Community, Alaska, Ratified November 23, 1939" llncaack fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Noorvik Native Community, Alaska, Approved May 11, 1939" llncaacr fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1946 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of the Tongue River Reservation. Approved November 23, 1935." llncaabg fulltext monograph 1935 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota. Approved January 15, 1936." llncaahz fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Ohogamiut Tribal Council" cbotcl fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2000 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska. Approved March 30, 1936." llncaang fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Organized Village of Holikachuk, Alaska, Approved May 17, 1948" llncaaez fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Organized Village of Kake, Alaska, Approved November 17, 1947" llncaafc fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Organized Village of Kasaan, Alaska, Ratified October 15, 1938" llncaaey fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1938 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Organized Village of Kwethluk, Ratified January 11, 1940" llncaabk fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Organized Village of Saxman, Ratified January 14, 1941" llncaabi fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1941 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma" cbotwtok fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1980 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma. Ratified November 30, 1938." llncaagd fulltext monograph 1939 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Papago Tribe, Arizona. Approved January 6, 1937." llncaaho fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Pawnee Indians of Oklahoma. Ratified January 6, 1938." llncaagh fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and by-laws of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, Ratified October 10, 1939" llncaafm fulltext monograph P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Petersburg Indian Association, Alaska, Approved March 22, 1948" llncaafd fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Ponca Tribe of Indians Oklahoma" "Ponca Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma" cyblafaj fulltext monograph 1951 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Ponca Tribe of Native Americans of Nebraska. Approved April 3, 1936." llncaand fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Port Gamble Indian Community, Washington. Approved September 7, 1939." llncaaks fulltext monograph 1939 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Prairie Band of Potawatomi Indians" cbpbpti fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1976 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Prairie Island Indian Community in Minnesota. Approved June 20, 1936." llncaalt fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Pribilof Islands, Aleut Communities of St. Paul and St. George Islands" piacstpstg fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1971 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Pueblo of Laguna in New Mexico, Approved December 21, 1949" llncaaeb fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Pueblo of Santa Clara, New Mexico, Approved December 20, 1935" llncaaed fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Puyallup Tribe of the Puyallup Reservation, Washington. Approved, May 13, 1936." llncaaky fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and by-laws of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Nevada, Approved January 15, 1936" llncaamy fulltext monograph P "Constitution and By-laws of the Quartz Valley Indian Community, California. Approved June 15, 1939." llncaajc fulltext monograph 1939 P "Constitution and By-Laws of the Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Reservation" cblquetfy fulltext "California: s.n.," monograph 1997 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Reservation, California. Approved December 18, 1936." llncaaiq fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Quileute Tribe of the Quileute Reservation, Washington. Approved November 11, 1936." llncaaku fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Wisconsin" cbrdbls fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1991 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Wisconsin. Approved June 1, 1936." llncaajv fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, Nevada. Approved January 15, 1936." llncaamv fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, South Dakota. Approved December 20, 1935." llncaahy fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Rumsey Indian Rancheria (Yocha Dehe) Yolo County, Brooks, California" cbriryd fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1976 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma. Ratified December 7, 1937." llncaagm fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Sac and Fox Tribe of Missouri of the Sac and Fox Reservation in Kansas and Nebraska. Approved March 2, 1937." llncaajg fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa. Approved December 20, 1937." llncaajy fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan. Approved May 6, 1937." llncaakg fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and by-laws of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Arizona, Approved June 11, 1940" llncaaha fulltext monograph P "Constitution and By-laws of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, Arizona. Approved January 17, 1936." llncaahj fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Santee Sioux Tribe of the Sioux Nation of the State of Nebraska. Approved April 3, 1936." llncaanj fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Seminole Tribe of Florida, ratified August 21, 1957." llncaamj fulltext monograph 1958 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma. Approved April 26, 1937." llncaagk fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Shageluk Native Village, Alaska, Approved August 19, 1949" llncaafi fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Shivwits Band of Paiute Indians of the Shivwits Reservation, Utah. Approved March 21, 1940." llncaakn fulltext monograph 1940 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation Nevada" "Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation" cyblafad fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe, South Dakota, approved October 16, 1946." llncaaif fulltext monograph 1957 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Sitka Community Association, Territory of Alaska" cyblagac fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1938 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Skokomish Indian Tribe of the Skokomish Reservation, Washington. Approved May 3, 1938." llncaakz fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Sokaogon Chippewa Community, Wisconsin. Approved November 9, 1938." llncaajs fulltext monograph 1939 P "Constitution and by-laws of the Southern Ute Tribe of the Southern Ute Reservation, Colorado, Approved November 4, 1936" llncaamo fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Spokane Tribe of the Spokane Reservation, Washington. Approved June 27, 1951." llncaalr fulltext monograph 1957 P "Constitution and By-laws of the St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin. Approved November 12, 1942." llncaaki fulltext monograph 1943 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Stebbins Community Association, Alaska, Ratified December 5, 1939" llncaaff fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Stockbridge Munsee Community, Wisconsin. Approved November 18, 1937." llncaajq fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Te-Moak Bands of Western Shoshone Indians, Nevada. Approved August 24, 1938." llncaamt fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Thlopthlocco Tribal Town, Oklahoma. Ratified December 27, 1938." llncaago fulltext monograph 1939 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota. Approved June 29, 1936." llncaaml fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Tonkawa Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma. Ratified April 21, 1938." llncaagp fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Tule River Indian Tribe, California. Approved January 15, 1936." llncaaja fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Tululsak Native Community" cbltlknc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1949 P "Constitution and By-laws of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, Oklahoma, ratified October 3, 1950." llncaagq fulltext monograph 1951 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Upper Lake Pomo Indian Community : ratified October 22, 1941, as Amendment III to the Constitution and By-laws of the Upper Lake Band of Pomo Indians of the Upper Lake Rancheria." llncaabl fulltext monograph 1942 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Utah. Approved January 19, 1937." llncaako fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Ute Mountain Tribe of the Ute Mountain Reservation, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Approved June 6, 1940" llncaamn fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1940 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Village of Alatna, Alaska" cbvalak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1973 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Village of Aleknagik, Alaska" cblvagak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1993 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Village of Atmautluak" cblvatkm fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1980 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Village of Circle, Alaska" vlgcak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1970 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Village of Dot Lake" cblvdtlk fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 1970 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Village of Naknek, Alaska" cbvnak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1974 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Village of New Stuyahok, Alaska" cbvnsyk fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1966 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Village of Nightmute, Alaska" vlngtak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1993 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Village of Rampart, Alaska" vlgrpak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1977 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Walker River Paiute Tribe of Nevada : approved March 26, 1937." llncaamq fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Washoe Tribe, Nevada and California. Approved January 24, 1936." llncaamd fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California" cbwastnvc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1990 P "Constitution and By-laws of the White Mountain Apache Tribe of the Fort Apache Indian Reservation, Arizona. Approved August 26, 1938." llncaahn fulltext monograph 1938 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Winnebago Tribe, Winnebago Reservation in the State of Nebraska. Approved April 3, 1936." llncaani fulltext monograph 1936 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Winnemucca Indian Colony, Nevada" cbwinicn fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1970 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Wisconsin Winnebago Tribe (including Amendments I and II)" cbwwt fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1967 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Wrangell Cooperative Association, Alaska, Approved April 30, 1942" llncaafj fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution and by-Laws of the Wrangell Native Tribes, Alaska" cblwgntak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]" monograph 2005 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Wyandotte Tribe of Oklahoma. Ratified July 24, 1937." llncaagt fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and By-Laws of the Yavapai-Apache Indian Community Arizona: Ratified February 12, 1937" llncaahr fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and By-laws of the Yerington Paiute Tribe, Nevada. Approved January 4, 1937." llncaamg fulltext monograph 1937 P "Constitution and Bylaws of the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, Yolo County, Brooks, California" cbydwnyc fulltext "Sacramento: Bureau of Indian Affairs," monograph 2010 P "Constitution and by-laws of the Yomba Shoshone Tribe of the Yomba Reservation, Nevada, Approved December 20, 1939, Effective December 22, 1939" llncaame fulltext monograph P "Constitution (and Bylaws) of the Yupiit of Algaaciq" cblyagq fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1984 P "Constitution and Civil and Criminal code of the Muskokee nation, approved at the Council ground Muskokee nation, October 12, 1867." llntcd fulltext monograph 1868 P "Constitution and laws of the Cherokee Nation" llntar fulltext monograph 1875 P "Constitution and Laws of the Cherokee Nation (English Translation)" Boudinot coanchen fulltext "St. Louis: R. & T.A. Ennis" monograph 1875 P "Constitution and Laws of the Cherokee Nation: Passed at Tah-le-quah, Cherokee Nation, 1839" "Cherokee Nation." colaindita fulltext monograph 1840 P "Constitution and laws of the Cherokee nation: passed at Tahlequah, Cherokee nation, 1839-51." llntcr fulltext monograph 1852 P "Constitution and laws of the Cherokee nation. Published by an act of the National council 1892. (In Cherokee)" llntav fulltext monograph P "Constitution and laws of the Cherokee Nation. Published by an act of the National Council. 1892. (In English)" llntaa fulltext monograph P "Constitution, and laws of the Chickasaw nation, together with the treaties of 1832, 1833, 1834, 1837, 1852, 1855 and 1866." llntaw fulltext monograph 1899 P "Constitution and Laws of the Choctaw Nation" Folsom colainditm fulltext monograph 1840 P "Constitution and Laws of the Choctaw Nation" "Choctaw Nation." colainditn fulltext monograph 1847 P "Constitution, and Laws of the Choctaw Nation" "Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma." colaindito fulltext monograph 1852 P "Constitution and laws of the Choctaw nation. Together with the treaties of 1837, 1855, 1865 and 1866." llntbe fulltext monograph 1894 P "Constitution and laws of the Choctaw nation. Together with the treaties of 1855, 1865 and 1866." llntbc fulltext monograph P "Constitution and Laws of the Muskogee Nation" 0842018859 "Creek Nation." colainditza fulltext monograph 1880 P "Constitution and Laws of the Muskogee Nation" Perryman colainditzb fulltext monograph 1890 P "Constitution and laws of the Muskogee Nation, under act of October 15, 1892." McKellop llntci fulltext monograph 1893 P "Constitution and Laws of the Osage Nation, Passed at Pawhuska, Osage Nation, in the Years 1881 and 1882" "Osage Nation." colainditze fulltext monograph 1883 P "Constitution, Coast Indian Community of the Resighini Rancheria, California, with Amendments" ccicres fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1990 P "Constitution for Isleta Pueblo, New Mexico, Approved March 27, 1947" llncaaea fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 1950 P "Constitution for Leisnoi Village" cleisnv fulltext "Kodiak, AK: Woody Island Tribal Council," monograph 2000 P "Constitution for the Pueblo of Isleta, New Mexico" cpisnm fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1970 P "Constitution, Laws and Treaties of the Chickasaws" "Chickasaw Nation" cltchic fulltext monograph 1878 P "Constitution, Laws, and Treaties of the Chickasaws" colaindith fulltext "Tishomingo City, [Okla.]: Printed by E. J. Foster" monograph 1860 P "Constitution, Laws, and Treaties of the Chickasaws" "Chickasaw Nation." colainditi fulltext monograph 1867 P "Constitution of Anvik Traditional Council" ctavktc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1977 P "Constitution of Cantwell Native Council" cctwnc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1990 P "Constitution of Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, as Amended" cfigtr fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2012 P "Constitution of Huslia I.R.A. Council" husirac fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1980 P "Constitution of Kluti-Kaah: Native Village of Kluti-Kaah" ckknk fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1989 P "Constitution of Manokotak Village" cmanokv fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1990 P "Constitution of Native Village of Eklutna" cnveklt fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1996 P "Constitution of New Stuyahok Village" cnsyvl fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1992 P "Constitution of Ruby I.R.A. Council" riracl fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1980 P "Constitution of Stevens Village" conststvlg fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1990 P "Constitution of the Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove, Alaska" caggxkc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1990 P "Constitution of the Akutan Traditional Tribe" caktt fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1991 P "Constitution of the Apache Tribe of Oklahoma" captok fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1987 P "Constitution of the Asa'carsarmiut Tribe" casactb fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2013 P "Constitution of the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska" cccthitak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2013 P "Constitution of the Cheesh-Na Tribe" cchnt fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2000 P "Constitution of the Chemehuevi Indian Tribe" cchemit fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1993 P "Constitution of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma" cchknok fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1976 P "Constitution of the Chickasaw Nation" cchkswn fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1979 P "Constitution of the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma" cchkwn fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1984 P "Constitution of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma" cchtwnok fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1983 P "Constitution of the Circle Native Community, Alaska Approval Letter" ccncakalr fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1991 P "Constitution of the Comanche Indian Tribe, with Amendments" comchit fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1985 P "Constitution of the Curarpalek Tribe" cncrpktb fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1993 P "Constitution of the Cuyapaipe Band of Mission Indians, Cuyapaie Indian Reservation, California" ccbmici fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1973 P "Constitution of the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma" ceswtok fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1999 P "Constitution of the Enterprise Rancheria Estom Yumeka Maidu" cetreyum fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2003 P "Constitution of the Evansville Village Council" cevvcl fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1978 P "Constitution of the Eyak Village" csteyakak fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1980 P "Constitution of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria" cfedigr fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1997 P "Constitution of the Five Nations" Parker cfivny fulltext monograph 1916 P "Constitution of the Forest County Potawatomi Community, Wisconsin" cfcpcw fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1982 P "Constitution of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians" cgtboci fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1988 P "Constitution of the Greenville Rancheria" ctgnbrch fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1995 P "Constitution of the Guidiville Band of Pomo Indians of the Guidiville Rancheria" cgbpigr fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2006 P "Constitution of the Habematolel, Pomo of Upper Lake" chabepul fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2004 P "Constitution of the Ho-Chunk Nation" chockn fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1994 P "Constitution of the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians, Mendocino County, California" chopbpi fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2009 P "Constitution of the Hualapai Indian Tribe of the Hualapai Indian Reservation, Arizona" hualait fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1991 P "Constitution of the Hudotl'eekkaakk'e Tribe" chteekkt fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1997 P "Constitution of the Ione Band of Miwok Indians of California" cibmwi fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2002 P "Constitution of the Jackson Band of Miwuk Indians, Jackson Rancheria, Amador County, California" cjbmijr fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1996 P "Constitution of the Jamul Indian Village, San Diego County, Jamul, California" cjivsdc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1981 P "Constitution of the Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians of the Kaibab Indian Reservation, Arizona" kaibabbp fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1987 P "Constitution of the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria, California" ckbpisp fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2010 P "Constitution of the Kaw Nation" ckawn fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1990 P "Constitution of the Kenaitze Indian Tribe" cknzit fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1971 P "Constitution of the Kenaitze Indian Tribe" ctknzit fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1997 P "Constitution of the Ketchikan Indian Corporation" cktchkic fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1979 P "Constitution of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas" ckkptttx fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1989 P "Constitution of the Knik Tribe" cknikt fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1992 P "Constitution of the Koi Nation of Northern California" cknnc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2012 P "Constitution of the Koliganek Village" cklgkv fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2001 P "Constitution of the La Posta Band of Mission Indians, La Posta Indian Reservation, California" clpbmil fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1973 P "Constitution of the Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians" clvxdb fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1986 P "Constitution of the Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians" clvxdbls fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1992 P "Constitution of the Little River Band of Ottawa" cltrvbo fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1998 P "Constitution of the Lytton Band of Pomo Indians" clytbpi fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1996 P "Constitution of the Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria, California" cmechit fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1998 P "Constitution of the Mentasta Tribe" cmntstat fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1995 P "Constitution of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma" cmiamitok fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1995 P "Constitution of the Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma" ckodoctc fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 2007 P "Constitution of the Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma" cmodocok fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1990 P "Constitution of the Mooretown Rancheria" cmrtwnr fulltext "[S.I.: s.n.]," monograph 1987 P "Constitution of the Muscogee (Creek) 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H.R. 5511, Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel Remediation Act of 2008; and H.R. 5710, Eastern New Mexico Rural Water System Authorization Act : legislative hearing before the Subcommittee on Subcommittee on Water and Power of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, Wednesday, May 8, 2008." 9780160821851 cbhtepefw fulltext monograph 2008 P "H.R. 16, Tribal Labor Relations Restoration Act of 2005 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations of the Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, July 20, 2006." 0160774160 cbhfdsohennzbq fulltext monograph 2006 P "H.R. 1773, the Native American Veteran Home Loan Act : H.R. 3082, the Veteran-Owned Small Business Promotion Act of 2005 : and four draft bills : hearing before the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, July 27, 2005." 0160757509 cbhfdsohennmzx fulltext monograph 2005 P "H.R. 1880, Albuquerque Indian School Land Transfer Act" cboocdod fulltext monograph 2015 P "H.R. 1913, valuation of nontribal interest ownership of subsurface rights within the boundaries of the Acoma Indian Reservation : legislative hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources of the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, September 13, 2001." 0160685710 cbhnovembercabccqc fulltext monograph 2002 P "H.R. 205, Hearth Act of 2011; & H.R. 2362 Indian Tribal Trade and Investment Demonstration Project Act of 2011: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, First Session" fdsysambh fulltext monograph 2012 P "H.R. 210, Native American Energy Act" ntvameg fulltext "Washington: Congressional Budget Office," monograph 2018 P "H.R. 2176, to provide for and approve the settlement of certain land claims of the Bay Mills Indian Community; and H.R. 4115, to provide for and approve the settlement of certain land claims of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians : legislative hearing before the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, Wednesday, February 6, 2008." 9780160807961 cbhtepwqb fulltext monograph 2008 P "H.R. 221, Hydrographic Services Improvement Amendments Act; H.R. 1176, Keep America's Waterfronts Working Act; and S. 140, to Amend the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantification Act of 2010 to Clarify the Use of Amounts in the WMAT Settlement Fund: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysaset fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 2018 P "H.R. 2212, a Bill to Take Certain Federal Lands Located in Lassen County, California, into Trust for the Benefit of the Susanville Indian Rancheria, and for Other Purposes" cboocdgb fulltext monograph 2015 P "H.R. 2387, Alaska Native Veterans Land Allotment Equity Act" cboodaea fulltext monograph 2016 P "H.R. 2387, Alaska Native Veterans Land Allotment Equity Act" cboodagb fulltext monograph 2016 P "H.R. 2388, a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to take certain Federal lands located in El Dorado County, California, into trust for the benefit of the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, and for other purposes" cboobacg fulltext monograph 2013 P "H.R. 2388, an act to take certain federal lands located in El Dorado County, California, into trust for the benefit of the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, and for other purposes" cboobehk fulltext monograph 2014 P "H.R. 2445, to Recognize Alexander Creek as a Native Village; H.R. 3350, Alaska Native Veterans Land Allotment Equity Act; H.R. 3351, Native American Challenge Demonstration Project Act of 2007; and H.R. 3560, Southeast Alaska Native Land Entitlement Finalization Act: Legislative Hearing before the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, First Session" 9780160804502 cbhtepwbb fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 2007 P "H.R. 2523, Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Homeownership Act or the Hearth Act : legislative hearing before the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, Wednesday, October 21, 2009." 9780160847189 cbhtpaaaf fulltext monograph 2009 P "H.R. 2547, to Provide for the Conveyance of Land Interests to Chugach Alaska Corporation to Fulfill the Intent, Purpose, and Promise of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act: Hearing before the Committee on Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, First Session" 0160597102 fdsysadbx fulltext monograph 1999 P "H.R. 2662, Restoring Accountability in the Indian Health Service Act of 2017: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysarjb fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 2017 P "H.R. 2666, AMBER Alert in Indian Country Act of 2017" amblerinc fulltext "Washington: Congressional Budget Office," monograph 2018 P "H.R. 2708, the Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments of 2009: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, First Session" fdsysalar fulltext monograph 2012 P "H.R. 2837, Indian Tribal Federal Recognition Administrative Procedures Act : legislative hearing before the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, Wednesday, October 3, 2007." 9780160806841 cbhtepwds fulltext monograph 2007 P "H.R. 2912, to reaffirm the inherent sovereign rights of the Osage Tribe to determine its membership and form of government : legislative field hearing before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, Monday, March 15, 2004, in Tulsa, Oklahoma." 0160734959 cbhfdsohenvkm fulltext monograph 2004 P "H.R. 2938, Gila Bend Indian Reservation Lands Replacement Clarification Act: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, First Session" fdsysalxe fulltext monograph 2012 P "H.R. 3048, H.R. 3148, and H.R. 4734 : legislative hearing before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, second session, June 5, 2002." 0160696429 cbhnovembercabcsqd fulltext monograph 2002 P "H.R. 3079, a bill to take certain Federal land located in Tuolumne County, California, into trust for the benefit of the Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians, and for other purposes" cboocfea fulltext monograph 2016 P "H.R. 31, Lumbee Recognition Act; & H.R. 1385, Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act of 2009 : legislative hearing before the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, Wednesday, March 18, 2009." 9780160833656 cbhtpbbef fulltext monograph 2009 P "H.R. 3112, to Amend the Colorado Ute Indian Water Rights Settlement Act to Provide for a Final Settlement of the Claims of the Colorado Ute Indian Tribes, and for Other Purposes: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Water and Power of the Committee on Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Second Session" 016064559X fdsysadko fulltext monograph 2000 P "H.R. 312, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reservation Reaffirmation Act As passed by the House of Representatives on May 15, 2019" mashwp fulltext "Washington, D.C.: Congressional Budget Office," monograph 2019 P "H.R. 312, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reservation Reaffirmation Act; H.R. 375, to Amend the Act of June 18, 1934, to Reaffirm the Authority of the Secretary of the Interior to Take Land into Trust for Indian Tribes, and for Other Purposes; and Discussion of Draft of H.R., Respect Act" fdsysavrt fulltext monograph 2019 P "H.R. 317, Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Land Affirmation Act of 2019, as Ordered Reported by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on November 6, 2019" cbosntyn fulltext "Washington, D.C.: Congressional Budget Office," monograph 2019 P "H.R. 3211, a Bill to Provide for the Addition of Certain Real Property to the Reservation of the Siletz Tribe in the State of Oregon" cboocgak fulltext monograph 2016 P "H.R. 3254, Taos Pueblo Indian Water Rights Settlement Act of 2009; and H.R. 3342, Aamodt Litigation Settlement Act of 2009: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Water and Power of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, First Session" 9780160852893 cbhtpbpbs fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. 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Printing Office," monograph 1984 P "H.R. 3657, a Bill to Amend Title 38, United States Code, to Authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Provide Certain Burial Benefits for Spouses and Children of Veterans Who Are Buried in Tribal Cemeteries, and for Other Purposes" cboodgec fulltext monograph 2017 P "H.R. 3658, A Bill to Provide for the Settlement of the Water Rights Claims of the Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation, and for other Purposes: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Water and Power of the Committee on Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, Second Session, September 23, 1998" 0160576970 fdsysacwb fulltext monograph 1998 P "H.R. 3697 and H.R. 3742 to Amend the Act of June 18, 1934, to Reaffirm the Authority of the Secretary of the Interior to Take Land into Trust for Indian Tribes, Legislative Hearing Before the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, First Session" cbhomgazwq fulltext monograph 2009 P "H.R. 375, A Bill to Amend the Act of June 18, 1934, to Reaffirm the Authority of the Secretary of the Interior to Take Land into Trust for Indian tribes, and for Other Purposes: As Ordered Reported by the House Committee on Natural Resources on May 1, 2019" secintrb fulltext "Washington, D.C.: Congressional Budget Office," monograph 2019 P "H.R. 3764, Tribal Recognition Act of 2015 - Part 1 and 2: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysagjr fulltext monograph 2016 P "H.R. 387, Economic Development Through Tribal Land Exchange Act" cboocakf fulltext monograph 2015 P "H.R. 387, Economic Development Through Tribal Land Exchange Act" cboocdfg fulltext monograph 2015 P "H.R. 3973, Native American Energy Act" cbooaghh fulltext monograph 2012 P "H.R. 3973, to Facilitate the Development of Energy on Indian Lands by Reducing Federal Regulations That Impede Tribal Development of Indian Lands: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, Second Session" fdsysamtq fulltext monograph 2013 P "H.R. 3994, Department of the Interior Tribal Self-Governance Act of 2007 : legislative hearing before the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, Thursday, November 8, 2007." 9780160805240 cbhtepwat fulltext monograph 2007 P "H.R. 4032, Gila River Indian Community Federal Rights-of-Way, Easements and Boundary Clarification Act" gilarvin fulltext "Washington, D.C.: Congressional Budget Office," monograph 2018 P "H.R. 4032, Gila River Indian Community Federal Rights-of-Way, Easements and Boundary Clarification Act" cbogricf fulltext "Washington, D.C.: Congressional Budget Office," monograph 2018 P "H.R. 4194, a Bill to Amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to Provide That Alexander Creek, Alaska, Is and Shall Be Recognized as an Eligible Native Village under That Act, and for Other Purposes" cbooahbf fulltext monograph 2012 P "H.R. 4315, 21st Century Endangered Species Transparency Act; H.R. 4316, Endangered Species Recovery Transparency Act; H.R. 4317, State, Tribal and Local Species Transparency and Recovery Act; and H.R. 4318, Endangered Species Litigation Reasonableness Act: Legislative Hearing before the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysabql fulltext monograph 2015 P "H.R. 4317, State, Tribal, and Local Species Transparency and Recovery Act" cboobebb fulltext monograph 2014 P "H.R. 4322, the Indian Trust Reform Act of 2005 : legislative hearing before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, Thursday, December 8, 2005." 016075738X cbhfdsohennbkn fulltext monograph 2006 P "H.R. 4347, Department of the Interior Tribal Self-Governance Act of 2009 : legislative hearing before the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, Wednesday, June 9, 2010." 9780160862908 cbhtpafbb fulltext monograph 2010 P "H.R. 4347, to amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to provide further self-governance by Indian tribes and for other purposes : hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, November 18, 2010." 9780160883637 cbhtpaptt fulltext monograph 2010 P "H.R. 4364 -- S. 2418 -- H.R. 4365 : hearings before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, on H.R. 4364 ... S. 2418 ... H.R. 4365 ... September 23, 1982, Washington, D.C." hrngslt fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1982 P "H.R. 4366, San Luis Unit Drainage Resolution Act; H.R. 5217, San Luis Unit Drainage Resolution Act; and Discussion Draft of H.R., Blackfeet Water Rights Settlement Act of 2016: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysamgt fulltext monograph 2016 P "H.R. 4384, to Establish Utah Navajo Trust Fund Commission; H.R. 5023, Requirements, Expectation, and Standard Procedures for Executive Consultation with Tribes Act; and H.R. 5468, Bridgeport Indian Colony Land Trust, Health, and Economic Development Act of 2010: Legislative Hearing before the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, Second Session" fdsysakvn fulltext monograph 2010 P "H.R. 4384, to establish Utah Navajo Trust Fund Commission; H.R. 5023, Requirements, Expectations, and Standard Procedures for Executive Consultation with Tribes Act; and H.R. 5468, Bridgeport Indian Colony Land Trust, Health, and Economic Development Act of 2010 : legislative hearing before the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, Wednesday, July 28, 2010." 9780160866265 cbhtpaqds fulltext monograph 2010 P "H.R. 4419, Bureau of Reclamation and Bureau of Indian Affairs Water Project Streamlining Act: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysasms fulltext monograph 2018 P "H.R. 4532, Shah Jaa National Monument and Indian Creek National Monument Act - Part 1 and 2: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Federal Lands of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysaufk fulltext monograph 2018 P "H.R. 4685, Tule River Indian Reservation Land Trust, Health, and Economic Development Act" cboochho fulltext monograph 2016 P "H.R. 4817, a bill to amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 to clarify that uncertified states and Indian tribes have the authority to use certain payments for certain non-coal reclamation projects : legislative hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, Thursday, September 23, 2010." 9780160877926 cbhtpapad fulltext monograph 2010 P "H.R. 4867, Economic Development Through Tribal Land Exchange Act" cboobgdg fulltext monograph 2014 P "H.R. 4893, to amend Section 20 of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act to restrict off-reservation gaming : legislative hearing before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, Wednesday, April 5, 2006." 0160764327 cbhfdsohenncvm fulltext monograph 2006 P "H.R. 4893, to amend Section 20 of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act to restrict off-reservation gaming : legislative hearing before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, Wednesday, March 15, 2006." 0160769213 cbhfdsohennvhb fulltext monograph 2006 P "H.R. 511, Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act of 2015: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions, Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysaknc fulltext monograph 2016 P "H.R. 512, to require the prompt review by the Secretary of the Interior of the longstanding petitions for federal recognition of certain Indian tribes : legislative hearing before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, Thursday, February 10, 2005." 0160745438 cbhfdsohenbmzv fulltext monograph 2005 P "H.R. 5167, a Bill to Direct the Secretary of the Interior to Convey Certain Federal Property Located in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska to the Olgoonik Corporation, an Alaska Native Corporation Established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act" cboobhaa fulltext monograph 2014 P "H.R. 521 and H.R. 791 : legislative hearing before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, second session, May 8, 2002." 0160695422 cbhnovembercabcscs fulltext monograph 2002 P "H.R. 5317, a Bill to Repeal Section 2141 of the Revised Statutes to Remove the Prohibition on Certain Alcohol Manufacturing on Indian Lands" brsrsrp fulltext "Washington, D.C.: Congressional Budget Office," monograph 2018 P "H.R. 538, Native American Energy Act" cboocdob fulltext monograph 2015 P "H.R. 5406, Helping Ensure Accountability, Leadership, and Trust in Tribal Healthcare Act, Healtth Act: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysamgz fulltext monograph 2016 P "H.R. 597 and H.R. 1491: Hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysatfd fulltext monograph 2018 P "H.R. 5984, Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians Water Rights Settlement Act" cboodaad fulltext monograph 2016 P "H.R. 623, H.R. 740, H.R. 841, H.R. 931, H.R. 1306, and H.R. 1410: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysaajz fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off." monograph 2014 P "H.R. 65, Lumbee Recognition Act; & H.R. 1294, Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act of 2007 : legislative hearing before the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, Wednesday, April 18, 2007." 9780160794582 cbhtepqsd fulltext monograph 2007 P "H.R. 729, Tribal Coastal Resiliency Act" cbotrcsr fulltext "Washington, D.C.: Congressional Budget Office," monograph 2019 P "H.R. 740, Southeast Alaska Native Land Entitlement Finalization and Jobs Protection Act" cboobaca fulltext monograph 2013 P "H.R. 795, the Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation Indian Reserved Water Rights Settlement Act of 1999: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Water and Power of the Committee on Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, First Session" 0160600677 fdsysadbh fulltext monograph 1999 P "H.R. 812, Indian Trust Asset Reform Act" cboocffa fulltext monograph 2016 P "H.R. 831, to provide for and approve the settlement of certain land claims of the Bay Mills Indian Community; and H.R. 2793, to provide for and approve the settlement of cetain land claims of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians : legislative hearing before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, Thursday, June 24, 2004." 0160736099 cbhfdsohenxzk fulltext monograph 2003 P "H.R. 884, Western Shoshone Claims Distribution Act, and H.R. 1409, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Land Exchange Act of 2003 : legislative hearing before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, Wednesday, June 18, 2003." 016070734X cbhfdsohenmxc fulltext monograph 2003 P "H.R. 887, to Direct the Secretary of the Interior to Submit a Report on Indian Land Fractionation: Legislative Hearing before the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, First Session" 9780160894190 fdsysallr fulltext monograph 2011 P "H.R. 898, To Provide for Recognition of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina: Legislative Hearing before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, Second Session, Thursday, April 1, 2004" 0160736307 cbhoctagainha fulltext monograph 2004 P "H.R. 931, a Bill to Provide for the Addition of Certain Real Property to the Reservation of the Siletz Tribe in the State of Oregon" cboobafd fulltext monograph 2013 P "H.R. 946, H.R. 2671, and H.R. 4148 (Young, R-AK) - To Make Technical Amendments to the Provisions of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Relating to Contract Support Costs, and for Other Purposes - Tribal Contract Support Cost Technical Amendments of 2000: Oversight Hearing before the Committee on Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Second Session" 0160648904 fdsysadlr fulltext monograph 2001 P "H.R. 986, Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act of 2017: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions, Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysatns fulltext monograph 2018 P "H.R. 992, H.R. 2345 and H.R. 5155 : legislative hearing before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, second session, September 25, 2002." 0160702119 cbhnovembercabctcb fulltext monograph 2003 P "Hubzones Implementation in Indian Country: Hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixth Congress, First Session" 0160587824 fdsysaecn fulltext monograph 1999 P "HUD Labor Standards Administration & Enforcement: A Practical Guide for States, Indian Tribes and Local Agencies" hudlaaen fulltext "Washington: U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development," monograph 2011 P "Hud Public And Indian Housing Programs: Progress On Prior Gao Recommendations To Enhance Accountability And Efficiency" gaobaajbv fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2015 P "Human Trafficking: Action Needed To Identify The Number Of Native American Victims Receiving Federally-funded Services" gaobaakrp fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2017 P "Human Trafficking: Information On Cases In Indian Country Or That Involved Native Americans" gaobaakzk fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2017 P "Human Trafficking: Investigations In Indian Country Or Involving Native Americans And Actions Needed To Better Report On Victims Served" gaobaalek fulltext "United States. 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Office," monograph 2013 P "S. 235, the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Land Transfer Act; S. 920, the Fond du lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Non-Intercourse Act of 2013; and S. 1352, the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Reauthorization Act of 2013: Hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysafhq fulltext monograph 2013 P "S. 2417, the Tribal Veterans Health Care Enhancement Act, and S. 2842, the Johnson-O'Malley Supplemental Indian Education Program Modernization Act: Hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysanxz fulltext monograph 2017 P "S. 2417, Tribal Veterans Health Care Enhancement Act" cboodokb fulltext monograph 2016 P "S. 2421, a Bill to Provide for the Conveyance of Certain Property to the Tanana Tribal Council Located in Tanana, Alaska and to the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Located in Dillingham, Alaska, and for Other Purposes" cboochhd fulltext monograph 2016 P "S. 2442, S. 2465, S. 2479, S. 2480, and S. 2503 : hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, second session, July 9, 2014." inaffus fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. 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June 21, 1984, Washington, DC." cbhabjbfcf fulltext monograph 1984 P "S. 2599, the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Reservation Restoration Act: Hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysatsl fulltext monograph 2018 P "S. 2610, the Tribal Energy Reauthorization Act; and S. 2891, the Tribal Wildlife Corridors Act of 2019: Hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, Second Session, March 4, 2020" fdsysaxfp fulltext monograph 2020 P "S. 2610, Tribal Energy Reauthorization Act, as Ordered Reported by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 29, 2020" cboteng fulltext "Washington, D.C.: Congressional Budget Office," monograph 2020 P "S. 2614--S. 2619 : hearing before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, second session, on S. 2614 ... and S. 2619 ... May 9, 1984, Washington, DC." cbhabjbfca fulltext monograph 1984 P "S. 2636, S. 3216, S. 3222, and S. 3300: Hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysanyb fulltext monograph 2017 P "S. 2670, Keep the Promise Act of 2014: Hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysaggx fulltext monograph 2015 P "S. 269, a Bill to Provide for the Conveyance of Certain Property to the Tanana Tribal Council Located in Tanana, Alaska and to the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation Located in Dillingham, Alaska, and for Other Purposes" cboodbbc fulltext monograph 2017 P "S. 2739, Spokane Tribe of Indians of the Spokane Reservation Equitable Compensation Act" cboodoeb fulltext monograph 2016 P "S. 2785, a Bill to Protect Native Children and Promote Public Safety in Indian Country; S. 2916, a Bill to Provide That the Pueblo of Santa Clara May Lease for 99 Years Certain Restricted Land and for Other Purposes; and S. 2920, the Tribal Law and Order Reauthorization Act of 2016: Hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysakov fulltext monograph 2016 P "S. 2788, a Bill to Repeal the Act Entitled an Act to Confer Jurisdiction on the State of North Dakota over Offenses Committed by Or against Indians on the Devils Lake Indian Reservation" cbobasnd fulltext "Washington, D.C.: Congressional Budget Office," monograph 2018 P "S. 2788, H.R. 2606, and H.R. 4032: Hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysauov fulltext monograph 2019 P "S. 279, S. 790, and S. 832: Hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysawcr fulltext monograph 2019 P "S. 279, Tribal School Federal Insurance Parity Act as Ordered Reported by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on May 15, 2019" trbsins fulltext "Washington, D.C.: Congressional Budget Office," monograph 2019 P "S. 2823, S. 2824, S. 2862 : hearing before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, second session, on S. 2823 to provide for the use and distribution of funds appropriated in satisfaction of judgments awarded to the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Michigan ... S. 2824 to provide for the use and distribution of certain funds awarded the Wyandotte Tribe, S. 2862 to declare that the United States holds certain lands in trust for the Cocopah Indian Tribe, August 6, 1984, Washington, DC." cbhabjbfcd fulltext monograph 1984 P "S. 285, S. 555, S. 558 : hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session on S. 288, to encourage contracting by Indians and Indian tribes for the management of federal land [sic], S. 555, to establish the Native American Health and Wellness Foundation, S. 558, to elevate the position of Director of the Indian Health Service within the Department of Health and Human Services to Assistant Secretary for Indian Health, April 9, 2003, Washington, D.C." 0160704936 cbhfdsohenmmzc fulltext monograph 2003 P "S. 286, Department of the Interior Tribal Self-Governance Act of 2015" cboobkhf fulltext monograph 2015 P "S. 2931 --- S. 2998 --- S. 2893 : hearing before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, second session, on S. 2931 ... S. 2998 ... 2893 ... December 7, 1982, Washington, D.C." stwnhre fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. 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Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act of 2007, September 25, 2008." 9780160832277 inaffusnt fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 2009 P "S. 727--S. 884--S. 973 : hearing before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-Eighth Congress, first session on S. 727 ... S. 884 ... 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Hearings, Ninety-first Congress, second session, on S. 2628 and S. 2650 ... March 17 and 25, 1970." tlinghafu fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office," monograph 1970 P "To Allow the Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation to Enter into a Lease or Other Temporary Conveyance of Water Rights Recognized under the Fort Peck-Montana Compact for the Purpose of Meeting the Water Needs of the Dry Prairie Rural Water Association, Incorporated, and for Other Purposes" talwteasn fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 2006 P "TO ALLOW THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF COOS, LOWER UMPQUA, AND SIUSLAW INDIANS, THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF THE GRAND RONDE COMMUNITY OF OREGON, THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF SILETZ INDIANS OF OREGON, THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF WARM SPRINGS, AND THE COW CREEK BAND OF UMPQUA TRIBE OF INDIANS TO LEASE OR TRANSFER CERTAIN LANDS (S. Rept. 115-175)" crptxaavv fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2017 "S. Rept. 115-175" P "TO ALLOW TRIBAL GRANT SCHOOLS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE FEDERAL EMPLOYEE HEALTH BENEFITS PROGRAM (S. Rept. 116-54)" crptxacod fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2019 "S. Rept. 116-54" P "To Amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act : hearings before the Subcommittee on Public Lands, Reserved Water, and Resource Conservation of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-ninth Congress, second session on S. 2065 ... Fairbanks, AK, May 24, 1986; Anchorage, AK, May 27, 1986; Bethel, AK, July 10 1986." amdalsk fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1987 P "TO AMEND THE ALASKA NATIVE CLAIMS SETTLEMENT ACT TO MAKE CERTAIN CLARIFICATIONS TO THE LAND BANK PROTECTION PROVISIONS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (H. Rept. 105-677)" crptxcrq fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 1998 "H. Rept. 105-677" P "TO AMEND THE ALASKA NATIVE CLAIMS SETTLEMENT ACT TO PROVIDE THAT ALEXANDER CREEK, ALASKA, IS AND SHALL BE RECOGNIZED AS AN ELIGIBLE NATIVE VILLAGE UNDER THAT ACT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (H. Rept. 113-689)" crptxqhz fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2014 "H. Rept. 113-689" P "To amend the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978 : hearing before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, first session, on H.R. 1546 ... hearing held in Washington, DC, July 18, 1989." 0160354099 emdindrf fulltext monograph 1991 P "To amend the Indian Claims Commission act of August 13, 1946 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, second session on S. 2780 ... May 4, 1976." amndindnclmsact fulltext "Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office," monograph 1976 P "To amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act : hearings before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, second session, on H.R. 6629 ... hearings held in Washington, D.C., March 6 and 25, 1980." amindhcprv fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office," monograph 1980 P "To Amend the Indian Judgment Funds Act of 1973; Hearing before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-Seventh Congress, First Session, on H.R. 3731" stfhaatl fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1982 P "To amend the Indian Land Consolidation Act of 1983 : hearing before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, second session, on H.J. Res. 158 ... July 31, 1984, Washington, DC." cbhabjbfcg fulltext monograph 1984 P "TO AMEND THE INDIAN SELF-DETERMINATION AND EDUCATION ASSISTANCE ACT TO PROVIDE FURTHER SELF-GOVERNANCE BY INDIAN TRIBES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 116-34)" crptxachw fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2019 "S. Rept. 116-34" P "To amend the Judgment Funds Distribution Act : hearing before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, second session, on H.R. 3731 ... July 21, 1982, Washington, D.C." amjdfnd fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1982 P "TO AMEND THE NATIVE AMERICAN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, TRADE PROMOTION, AND TOURISM ACT OF 2000, THE BUY INDIAN ACT, AND THE NATIVE AMERICAN PROGRAMS ACT OF 1974 TO PROVIDE INDUSTRY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO INDIAN COMMUNITIES (S. Rept. 116-28)" crptxachk fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2019 "S. Rept. 116-28" P "TO AMEND THE TRIBAL LAW AND ORDER ACT OF 2010 AND THE INDIAN LAW ENFORCEMENT REFORM ACT TO PROVIDE FOR ADVANCEMENTS IN PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES TO INDIAN COMMUNITIES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 115-433)" crptxacdf fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2018 "S. Rept. 115-433" P "TO AMEND THE VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT OF 1984 TO SECURE URGENT RESOURCES VITAL TO INDIAN VICTIMS OF CRIME, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 115-220)" crptxabeu fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2018 "S. Rept. 115-220" P "TO AMEND TITLE 38, UNITED STATES CODE, TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO PROVIDE HEADSTONES AND MARKERS FOR THE GRAVES OF SPOUSES AND CHILDREN OF VETERANS WHO ARE BURIED IN TRIBAL CEMETERIES (H. Rept. 115-388)" crptxaatj fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2017 "H. Rept. 115-388" P "To Appoint a Commission to Settle the Claims of the Indians of California" "United States" apafss fulltext monograph 1943 P "TO APPROVE THE SETTLEMENT OF THE WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OF THE NAVAJO NATION IN UTAH, TO AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 115-401)" crptxacan fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2018 "S. Rept. 115-401" P "To Authorize the Creation of Indian Trust Estates" Letts autcri fulltext "Washington D.C.: [s.n.]," monograph 1929 P "To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Acquire Certain Water Rights for the Settlement of Indian Water Rights Claims in the State of Arizona: Hearing before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, Second Session on H.R. 4148, March 30, 1990" 0160357578 soiwrc fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1991 P "TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR TO ASSESS SANITATION AND SAFETY CONDITIONS AT BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FACILITIES THAT WERE CONSTRUCTED TO PROVIDE AFFECTED COLUMBIA RIVER TREATY TRIBES ACCESS TO TRADITIONAL FISHING GROUNDS AND EXPEND FUNDS ON CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES AND STRUCTURES TO IMPROVE THOSE CONDITIONS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 115-143)" crptxaaot fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2017 "S. Rept. 115-143" P "TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR TO ASSESS SANITATION AND SAFETY CONDITIONS AT BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FACILITIES THAT WERE CONSTRUCTED TO PROVIDE AFFECTED COLUMBIA RIVER TREATY TRIBES ACCESS TO TRADITIONAL FISHING GROUNDS AND EXPEND FUNDS ON CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES AND STRUCTURES TO IMPROVE THOSE CONDITIONS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 116-7)" crptxacfw fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2019 "S. Rept. 116-7" P "TO CLARIFY THE RIGHTS OF INDIANS AND INDIAN TRIBES ON INDIAN LANDS UNDER THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACT (S. Rept. 115-3)" crptxsrw fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2017 "S. Rept. 115-3" P "TO CLARIFY THE RIGHTS OF INDIANS AND INDIAN TRIBES ON INDIAN LANDS UNDER THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACT (S. Rept. 116-30)" crptxacht fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2019 "S. Rept. 116-30" P "To Conduct a Study and Investigation of the Various Questions and Problems Relating to the Territory of Alaska: Hearings before the Committee on the Territories, House of Representatives, Seventy-Ninth Congress, First Session, Pursuant to H. Res. 236" gikkc fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gov't. Printing Office" monograph 1946 P "TO DIRECT THE ATTORNEY GENERAL TO REVIEW, REVISE, AND DEVELOP LAW ENFORCEMENT AND JUSTICE PROTOCOLS APPROPRIATE TO ADDRESS MISSING AND MURDERED INDIANS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 115-411)" crptxacaw fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2018 "S. Rept. 115-411" P "TO DIRECT THE ATTORNEY GENERAL TO REVIEW, REVISE, AND DEVELOP LAW ENFORCEMENT AND JUSTICE PROTOCOLS APPROPRIATE TO ADDRESS MISSING AND MURDERED INDIANS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 116-206)" crptxadbx fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2020 "S. Rept. 116-206" P "TO ENHANCE TRIBAL ROAD SAFETY, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 115-27)" crptxaahd fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2017 "S. Rept. 115-27" P "TO ESTABLISH A BUSINESS INCUBATORS PROGRAM WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN INDIAN RESERVATION COMMUNITIES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 116-29)" crptxachl fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2019 "S. Rept. 116-29" P "TO ESTABLISH A BUSINESS INCUBATORS PROGRAM WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN INDIAN RESERVATION COMMUNITIES (S. Rept. 115-163)" crptxaarc fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2017 "S. Rept. 115-163" P "To establish the Native Hawaiians Study Commission : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Parks and Insular Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, first session, on H.R. 5791 ... held in Honolulu, Hawaii, December 22, 1979." estnhistuc fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office," monograph 1980 P "To Examine Whether Charitable Organizations Serve the Needs of Diverse Communities: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, Second Session" 9780160832963 fdsysaisy fulltext monograph 2009 P "TO EXTEND THE FEDERAL RECOGNITION TO THE LITTLE SHELL TRIBE OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS OF MONTANA, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 115-75)" crptxaajd fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2017 "S. Rept. 115-75" P "TO FACILITATE SHAREHOLDER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS TO MAKE SETTLEMENT COMMON STOCK UNDER THE ALASKA NATIVE CLAIMS SETTLEMENT ACT AVAILABLE TO MISSED ENROLLEES, ELIGIBLE ELDERS, AND ELIGIBLE PERSONS BORN AFTER DECEMBER 18, 1971, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 109-112)" crptxkba fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2005 "S. Rept. 109-112" P "To Grant to Indians Living under Federal Tutelage the Freedom to Organize for Purposes of Local Self-Government and Economic Enterprise" "United States" grinluf fulltext monograph 1934 P "To make the Select Committee on Indian Affairs a permanent committee of the Senate : hearing before the Committee on Rules and Administration, United States Senate, Ninety-sixth Congress, second session, on S. Res. 448 ... June 25, 1980." scinafpc fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off.," monograph 1980 P "TO NULLIFY THE SUPPLEMENTAL TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES AND BANDS OF INDIANS OF MIDDLE OREGON, CONCLUDED ON NOVEMBER 15, 1865 (H. Rept. 116-441)" crptxadeu fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2020 "H. Rept. 116-441" P "TO NULLIFY THE SUPPLEMENTAL TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES AND BANDS OF INDIANS OF MIDDLE OREGON, CONCLUDED ON NOVEMBER 15, 1865 (S. Rept. 116-45)" crptxaclw fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2019 "S. Rept. 116-45" P "To Our Members and Friends" "Indian Rights Association" irameho fulltext monograph 1908 P "TO PROMOTE THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF AMERICAN INDIAN, ALASKA NATIVE, AND NATIVE HAWAIIAN CHILDREN WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NATIVE AMERICAN LANGUAGE GRANT PROGRAM (S. Rept. 113-265)" crptxqru fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2014 "S. Rept. 113-265" P "To promote the general welfare of the Indians of Oklahoma. Hearings before the Committee on Indian affairs," tpgweindok fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office," monograph 1935 P "To provide for additional protection of steelhead trout as a game fish : hearing before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-ninth Congress, first session, on S. 954 ... July 11, 1985, Washington, DC." cbhcabcaddfc fulltext monograph 1985 P "To provide for and approve the settlement of certain land claims of the Bay Mills Indian Community, and to provide for and approve the settlement of certain land claims of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, on H.R. 2176 and H.R. 4115, March 14, 2008." 9780160814464 tpfaats fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gov't. Printing Office," monograph 2008 P "TO PROVIDE FOR EQUITABLE COMPENSATION TO THE SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS OF THE SPOKANE RESERVATION FOR THE USE OF TRIBAL LAND FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HYDROPOWER BY THE GRAND COULEE DAM, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 115-240)" crptxabhh fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2018 "S. Rept. 115-240" P "TO PROVIDE FOR EQUITABLE COMPENSATION TO THE SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS OF THE SPOKANE RESERVATION FOR THE USE OF TRIBAL LAND FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HYDROPOWER BY THE GRAND COULEE DAM, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 116-4)" crptxacft fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2019 "S. Rept. 116-4" P "TO PROVIDE FOR RENTAL ASSISTANCE FOR HOMELESS OR AT-RISK INDIAN VETERANS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 116-21)" crptxachd fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2019 "S. Rept. 116-21" P "TO PROVIDE FOR RENTAL ASSISTANCE FOR HOMELESS OR AT-RISK INDIAN VETERANS (S. Rept. 115-198)" crptxaaya fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2017 "S. Rept. 115-198" P "To Provide for the Appointment of a Commission to Inspect and Report on the Condition of Indians, Indian Affairs, and for Other Purposes" "United States" paofaco fulltext monograph 1886 P "TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY TO THE TANANA TRIBAL COUNCIL LOCATED IN TANANA, ALASKA, AND TO THE BRISTOL BAY AREA HEALTH CORPORATION LOCATED IN DILLINGHAM, ALASKA, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES (S. Rept. 116-10)" crptxacgs fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2019 "S. Rept. 116-10" P "TO PROVIDE FOR THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN FEDERAL LAND IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE (S. Rept. 115-396)" crptxacai fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2018 "S. Rept. 115-396" P "TO PROVIDE FOR THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN FEDERAL LAND IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE (S. Rept. 116-3)" crptxacfs fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2019 "S. 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