publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type frequency "287(g) Program : ensuring the integrity of America's border security system through federal-state partnerships : hearing before the Subcommittee on Management, Integration, and Oversight of the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, July 27, 2005." 9780160784118 cbhfdsohennxkm fulltext monograph 2007 P "287(g) Program: State and Local Immigration Enforcement (IF11898)" Kolker goveeib fulltext monograph 2021 IF11898 P "574 Federally Recognized Indian Tribes in the United States (R47414)" Schwartz govekms fulltext monograph 2023 R47414 P "9/11 Commission and recommendations for the future of federal law enforcement and border security : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, August 19, 2004." 9780160821233 cbhfdsohenmkmn fulltext monograph 2008 P "9/11 Commission: Current Legislative Proposals for U.S. Immigration Law and Policy (RL32616)" Garcia crsuntaabjh fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 2004 RL32616 P "9/11 Commission: Current Legislative Proposals for U.S. Immigration Law and Policy (RL32616)" Garcia crsuntaabvx fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 2004 RL32616 P "9/11 Commission: Legislative Action concerning U.S. Immigration Law and Policy in the 108th Congress (RL32616)" "Michael John Garcia; Wasem" crsadym fulltext monograph 2004 RL32616 P "9th Circuit Decision Enables DACA Beneficiaries - And Other Aliens Granted Deferred Action - To Get Arizona Driver's Licenses" Manuel crsmthaacta fulltext monograph 2014 P "Abridged Sketch of Extradition to and from the United States (RS22702)" Doyle crsajpe fulltext monograph 2007 RS22702 P "Abridged Sketch of Extradition to and from the United States (RS22702)" Doyle crsmthmaobl fulltext monograph 2016 RS22702 P "Accepting the Immigration Challenge: The President's Report on Immigration" 016045350X Clinton acicprm fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1994 P "Access to public assistance benefits by illegal aliens : hearing before the Subcommittee on International Law, Immigration, and Refugees of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, second session, on H.R. 3594 and H.R. 3860 (Title IV), May 11, 1994." 0160458331 cbhcbchhjj fulltext monograph 1994 P "Accountability and Lessons Learned from the Trump Administration's Child Separation Policy: Hearing Before the Committee on Oversight and Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventeenth Congress, First Session" fdsysbajc fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2021 P "Accounts of Accountable Officers, Northwest Regional Office, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Burlington, Vermont" gaobacvhz fulltext "United States. 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Smith govegdr fulltext monograph 2021 LSB10578 P "Biden Administration's Immigration Enforcement Priorities: Background and Legal Considerations (LSB10578)" Smith govejcv fulltext monograph 2022 LSB10578 P "Biden Administration's Immigration Enforcement Priorities: Background and Legal Considerations (LSB10578)" Smith govejse fulltext monograph 2022 LSB10578 P "Biden Administration's Proposed Rule on Arriving Aliens Seeking Asylum (LSB10961)" Smith govelnx fulltext monograph 2023 LSB10961 P "Biden Administration's Regulatory and Policymaking Efforts to Undermine U.S. Immigration Law: Hearing Before the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysbfcn fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2024 P "Biden Administration's Revised Proclamation and Final Rule, Securing the Border (IN12457)" Singer goverfu fulltext monograph 2024 IN12457 P "Biden and Mayorkas' Open Border: Advancing Cartel Crime in 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Government Accountability Office" monograph 1988 P "Border Patrol" Rak brdrprol fulltext "Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.," monograph 1938 P "Border Patrol: Actions Needed to Improve Checkpoint Oversight and Data (gao-22-104568)" gaondv fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2022 gao-22-104568 P "Border Patrol: Goals And Measures Not Yet In Place To Inform Border Security Status And Resource Needs" gaobacgxl fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2013 P "Border patrol. Hearing before the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate, Seventy-first Congress, third session, on H.R. 11204, an act to regulate the entry of persons into the United States, to establish a border patrol in the Coast guard, Part 1" bdplhbce fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1930 P "Border patrol. Hearings before the committee on Commerce, United States Senate, Seventy-first Congress, third session, on H. 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Government Accountability Office" monograph 2016 P "Border Security: Actions Needed to Strengthen Management of Department of Homeland Security's Visa Security Program" gaocrptaryk fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2005 P "Border Security: Actions Needed to Strengthen Performance Management and Planning for Expansion Of Dhs's Visa Security Program [reissued With Revisions Mar. 29, 2018]" gaobacpgn fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2018 P "Border Security: Additional Actions Could Strengthen Dhs Efforts To Address Subterranean, Aerial, And Maritime Smuggling" gaobaakty fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2017 P "Border Security: Additional Actions Needed To Better Ensure A Coordinated Federal Response To Illegal Activity On Federal Lands" gaobacetp fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2010 P "Border Security: Additional Actions Needed To Eliminate Weaknesses In The Visa Revocation Process" gaobacair fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2004 P "Border Security: Additional Actions Needed To Improve Planning For A Biometric Air Exit System" gaobaahij fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2013 P "Border Security: Additional Actions Needed To Strengthen Cbp Efforts To Mitigate Risk Of Employee Corruption And Misconduct" gaobacgsc fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2012 P "Border Security: Additional Actions Needed To Strengthen Collection Of Unmanned Aerial Systems And Aerostats Data" gaobaakpa fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2017 P "Border Security: Additional Efforts Needed To Address Persistent Challenges In Achieving Radio Interoperability" gaobaaisq fulltext "United States. 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Government Accountability Office" monograph P "Border Security and Military Support: Legal Authorizations and Restrictions (RS22443)" Vina crsajgi fulltext monograph 2006 RS22443 P "Border Security and Military Support: Legal Authorizations and Restrictions (RS22443)" Vina crsmthaaake fulltext monograph 2006 RS22443 P "Border Security and Military Support: Legal Authorizations and Restrictions (RS22443)" Vina crsuntaahve fulltext monograph 2006 RS22443 P "Border Security and Military Support: Legal Authorizations and Restrictions (RS22443)" Vina crsuntaaciv fulltext monograph 2006 RS22443 P "Border Security and the Southwest Border: Background, Legislation, and Issues (RL33106)" Seghetti crsaeqc fulltext monograph 2005 RL33106 P "Border Security and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (RS21698)" Blazakis crsmthabcfs fulltext monograph 2004 RS21698 P "Border Security: Apprehension of other than Mexican Aliens (RL33097)" Nunez-Neto crsaept fulltext monograph 2006 RL33097 P "Border Security: Apprehensions of other than Mexican Aliens (RL33097)" Nunez-Neto crsuntaabwm fulltext monograph 2005 RL33097 P "Border Security: Barriers along the U.S. International Border (RL33659)" Nunez-Neto crsafkk fulltext monograph 2008 RL33659 P "Border Security: Barriers along the U.S. International Border (RL33659)" Nunez-Neto crsmthaaxar fulltext monograph 2006 RL33659 P "Border Security: Barriers along the U.S. International Border (RL33659)" Nunez-Neto crsmthaaxas fulltext monograph 2006 RL33659 P "Border Security: Barriers along the U.S. International Border (RL33659)" Nunez-Neto crsmthaaxat fulltext monograph 2006 RL33659 P "Border Security: Barriers along the U.S. International Border (RL33659)" Nunez-Neto crsmthaaxau fulltext monograph 2007 RL33659 P "Border Security: Barriers along the U.S. International Border (RL33659)" Nunez-Neto crsmthaaxav fulltext monograph 2008 RL33659 P "Border Security: Better Usage Of Electronic Passport Security Features Could Improve Fraud Detection" gaobacefo fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2010 P "Border Security Between Ports of Entry: Homeland Security Issues in the 116th Congress (IN11040)" Singer govyhp fulltext monograph 2019 IN11040 P "Border Security: Border Patrol's Missing Migrant Program (24-107051)" gaoqax fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2024 24-107051 P "Border Security: Cbp Aims To Prevent High-risk Travelers From Boarding U.s.-bound Flights, But Needs To Evaluate Program Performance" gaobaaknf fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2017 P "Border Security: CBP Could Improve How It Categorizes Drug Seizure Data and Evaluates Training (gao-22-104725)" gaonbe fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2022 gao-22-104725 P "Border Security: Cbp Lacks The Data Needed To Assess The Fast Program At U.s. Northern Border Ports" gaobacemz fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2010 P "Border Security: CBP's Response to COVID-19 (gao-21-431)" gaolup fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2021 gao-21-431 P "Border Security Challenge: Recent Developments and Legislative Proposals, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism of the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, one Hundred Tenth Congress, Second Session" cbhomgabtt fulltext monograph 2008 P "Border Security: Challenges In Implementing Border Technology" gaobaatnm fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2003 P "Border Security, Commerce, and Travel: Commissioner McAleenan's Vision for the Future of CBP: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security of the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysatpb fulltext monograph 2018 P "Border Security: Consular Identification Cards Accepted Within United States, But Consistent Federal Guidance Needed" gaobacala fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2004 P "Border Security: Continued Weaknesses in Screening Entrants into the United States" gaocrptatvf fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2006 P "Border Security: CRS Experts (R40905)" Lake crsuntaaegq fulltext monograph 2009 R40905 P "Border Security: CRS Experts (R40905)" Rosenblum crsuntaahti fulltext monograph 2011 R40905 P "Border Security: Despite Progress, Weaknesses in Traveler Inspections Exist at Our Nation's Ports of Entry" gaocrptawhc fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2008 P "Border Security: Despite Progress, Weaknesses in Traveler Inspections Exist at Our Nation's Ports of Entry" gaocrptavrg fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2007 P "Border Security: Despite Progress, Weaknesses in Traveler Inspections Exist at Our Nation's Ports of Entry" gaocrptavqn fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2007 P "Border Security: Dhs Could Strengthen Efforts To Establish Collaborative Mechanisms And Assess Use Of Resources" gaobaakrz fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2017 P "Border Security: Dhs Has Made Progress In Planning For A Biometric Air Exit System And Reporting Overstays, But Challenges Remain" gaobaakpl fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2017 P "Border Security: Dhs Needs To Strengthen Its Efforts To Modernize Key Enforcement Systems" gaobaahpi fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2014 P "Border Security: Dhs Progress And Challenges In Securing The U.s. Southwest And Northern Borders" gaobaayuh fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2011 P "Border Security: DHS Should Improve the Quality of Unlawful Border Entry Information and Other Metric Reporting" gaobadvrc fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2019 P "Border Security: Dhs Surveillance Technology Unmanned Aerial Systems And Other Assets" gaobaajxg fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2016 P "Border Security: Dhs's Efforts To Modernize Key Enforcement Systems Could Be Strengthened" gaobaahlu fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2013 P "Border Security: Dhs's Progress And Challenges In Securing U.s. Borders" gaobacgzc fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2013 P "Border Security: Dhs's Visa Security Program Needs To Improve Performance Evaluation And Better Address Visa Risk Worldwide" gaobaceyu fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2011 P "Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act: Report Together with Additional Minority Views (to Accompany S. 744)" bseoima fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 2013 P "Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, S. 744: Hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysarzt fulltext monograph 2018 P "BORDER SECURITY, ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY, AND IMMIGRATION MODERNIZATION ACT (S. Rept. 113-40)" crptxquq fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2013 "S. Rept. 113-40" P "Border Security: Enhanced Dhs Oversight And Assessment Of Interagency Coordination Is Needed For The Northern Border" gaobaceuv fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2010 P "Border Security: Examining the Implications of S. 1691, the Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act of 2013: Hearing before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysaggd fulltext monograph 2014 P "Border Security: Fences along the U.S. International Border (RS22026)" Nunez-Neto crsmthaaaaw fulltext monograph 2005 RS22026 P "Border Security: Fences along the U.S. International Border (RS22026)" Nunez-Neto crsmthabdbe fulltext monograph 2005 RS22026 P "Border Security: Fences along the U.S. International Border (RS22026)" Nunez-Neto crsmthabdbf fulltext monograph 2005 RS22026 P "Border Security: Fences along the U.S. International Border (RS22026)" Nunez-Neto crsmthabdbg fulltext monograph 2005 RS22026 P "Border Security: Fences along the U.S. International Border (RS22026)" Nunez-Neto crsmthabdbh fulltext monograph 2006 RS22026 P "Border Security: Fences along the U.S. International Border (RS22026)" Nunez-Neto crsmthabdbi fulltext monograph 2006 RS22026 P "Border Security: Fences along the U.S. International Border (RS22026)" Nunez-Neto crsuntaablb fulltext monograph 2005 RS22026 P "Border Security: Fences along the U.S. International Border (RS22026)" Nunez-Neto crsuntaabyo fulltext monograph 2005 RS22026 P "Border Security: Fraud Risks Complicate State's Ability to Manage Diversity Visa Program" gaocrptaupf fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2007 P "Border Security Gadgets, Gizmos, and Information: Using Technology to Increase Situational Awareness and Operational Control: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security of the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, Second Session" fdsysaoqq fulltext monograph 2017 P "Border Security: Hearing before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysatik fulltext monograph 2018 P "Border Security: Immigration Enforcement between Ports of Entry (R42138)" Rosenblum crsmthaaadk fulltext monograph 2013 R42138 P "Border Security: Immigration Enforcement between Ports of Entry (R42138)" Argueta crsmthabfta fulltext monograph 2016 R42138 P "Border Security: Immigration Enforcement between Ports of Entry (R42138)" Seghetti crsuntaadoq fulltext monograph 2014 R42138 P "Border Security: Immigration Enforcement between Ports of Entry (R42138)" Seghetti crsuntaahmh fulltext monograph 2014 R42138 P "Border Security: Immigration Enforcement between Ports of Entry (R42138)" Singer goveais fulltext monograph 2016 R42138 P "Border Security: Immigration Inspections at Port of Entry (R43356)" Seghetti crsuntaaipc fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 2014 R43356 P "Border Security: Immigration Inspections at Ports of Entry (R43356)" Seghetti crsmthaaaew fulltext monograph 2014 R43356 P "Border Security: Immigration Issues in the 108th Congress (RL31727)" Seghetti crsacvw fulltext monograph 2004 RL31727 P "Border Security: Immigration Issues in the 108th Congress (RL31727)" Seghetti crsmthaaroq fulltext monograph 2003 RL31727 P "Border Security: Immigration Issues in the 108th Congress (RL31727)" Seghetti crsmthaaror fulltext monograph 2003 RL31727 P "Border Security: Implications Of Eliminating The Visa Waiver Program" gaobabzcg fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2002 P "Border Security: Improvements In The Department Of State's Development Process Could Increase The Security Of Passport Cards And Border Crossing Cards" gaobacekm fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2010 P "Border Security: Improvements Needed to Reduce Time Taken to Adjudicate Visas for Science Students and Scholars" gaocrptapya fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2004 P "Border Security: Improvements Needed to Reduce Time Taken to Adjudicate Visas for Science Students and Scholars" gaocrptapvw fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2004 P "Border Security: Improvements Needed To Reduce Time Taken To Adjudicate Visas For Science Students And Scholars" gaobaatwf fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2004 P "Border Security: Improvements Needed To Reduce Time Taken To Adjudicate Visas For Science Students And Scholars" gaobacaah fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2004 P "Border Security: Infrastructure, Technology, and the Human Element, Part I and II, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism of the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, First Session" cbhomgaabb fulltext monograph 2007 P "Border Security: Inspections Practices, Policies, and Issues (RL32399)" Wasem crsadrj fulltext monograph 2005 RL32399 P "Border Security: Inspections Practices, Policies, and Issues (RL32399)" Wasem crsmthaaabj fulltext monograph 2004 RL32399 P "Border Security: Inspections Practices, Policies, and Issues (RL32399)" Wasem crsuntaabis fulltext monograph 2004 RL32399 P "Border Security: Investigators Successfully Transported Radioactive Sources Across Our Nation's Borders at Selected Locations" gaocrptatgw fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2006 P "Border Security: Investigators Transported Radioactive Sources Across Our Nation's Borders at Two Locations" gaocrptatih fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2006 P "Border Security: Investigators Transported Radioactive Sources Across Our Nation's Borders at Two Locations" gaocrptatuf fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2006 P "Border Security: Investigators Transported Radioactive Sources Across Our Nation's Borders at Two Locations" gaocrptatug fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2006 P "Border Security: Joint, Coordinated Actions by State and DHS Needed to Guide Biometric Visas and Related Programs" gaocrptapsh fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2004 P "Border Security: Key Agencies and Their Missions (RS21899)" Nunez-Neto crsaipi fulltext monograph 2008 RS21899 P "Border Security: Key Agencies and Their Missions (RS21899)" Haddal crsmthaaajt fulltext monograph 2010 RS21899 P "Border Security: Key Agencies and Their Missions (RS21899)" Nunez-Neto crsmthabcoc fulltext monograph 2004 RS21899 P "Border Security: Key Agencies and Their Missions (RS21899)" Nunez-Neto crsmthabcod fulltext monograph 2005 RS21899 P "Border Security: Key Agencies and Their Missions (RS21899)" Haddal crsuntaaebl fulltext monograph 2009 RS21899 P "Border Security: Key Unresolved Issues Justify Reevaluation of Border Surveillance Technology Program" gaocrptasyq fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2006 P "Border Security: Long-term Strategy Needed to Keep Pace with Increasing Demand for Visas" gaocrptavkn fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2007 P "Border Security Metrics between Ports of Entry (R44386)" Argueta crsmthabfhq fulltext monograph 2016 R44386 P "Border Security Metrics: Progress Made, but DHS Should Take Additional Steps to Improve Information Quality (gao-22-104651)" gaomjy fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2021 gao-22-104651 P "Border Security: More Emphasis On State's Consular Safeguards Could Mitigate Visa Malfeasance Risks" gaobacbgd fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2005 P "Border Security: New Policies And Increased Interagency Coordination Needed To Improve Visa Process" gaobaatsa fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2003 P "Border Security: New Policies And Procedures Are Needed To Fill Gaps In The Visa Revocation Process" gaobaatrf fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2003 P "Border Security: Observations On Costs, Benefits, And Challenges Of A Department Of Defense Role In Helping To Secure The Southwest Land Border" gaobacfyp fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2012 P "Border security on federal lands : oversight field hearings before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, Saturday, August 5, 2006, in Santee, California; Monday, August 28, 2006, in Hamilton, Montana." 0160775124 cbhfdsohennzxb fulltext monograph 2006 P "Border Security: Opportunities Exist To Ensure More Effective Use Of Dhs's Air And Marine Assets" gaobacfxq fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2012 P "Border Security: Opportunities Exist To Strengthen Collaborative Mechanisms Along The Southwest Border" gaobaaibo fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2014 P "Border Security: Opportunities to Increase Coordination of Air and Marine Assets" gaocrptarpq fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2005 P "Border Security Oversight: Identifying and Responding to Current Threats: Hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysaaaz fulltext monograph 2013 P "Border Security Oversight, Part II: Examining Asylum Requests: Hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, First Session" fdsyshearju fulltext monograph 2013 P "Border Security Oversight, Part III: Border Crossing Cards and B1/B2 Visas: Hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysaafr fulltext monograph 2013 P "Border Security: Partnership Agreements And Enhanced Oversight Could Strengthen Coordination Of Efforts On Indian Reservations" gaobachbk fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2013 P "Border Security: Preliminary Observations On Border Control Measures For The Southwest Border" gaobaaypw fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2011 P "Border Security: Preliminary Observations On The Status Of Key Southwest Border Technology Programs" gaobaayss fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2011 P "Border Security: Progress And Challenges In Dhs Implementation And Assessment Efforts" gaobaahbd fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2013 P "Border Security: Progress And Challenges In Dhs's Efforts To Address High-risk Travelers And Maritime Cargo" gaobaaiyl fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2015 P "Border Security: Progress And Challenges In Dhs's Efforts To Address High-risk Travelers And Strengthen Visa Security" gaobaakua fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2017 P "Border Security: Progress And Challenges In Dhs's Efforts To Implement And Assess Infrastructure And Technology" gaobaaiwu fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2015 P "Border Security: Progress and Challenges with the Use of Technology, Tactical Infrastructure, and Personnel To Secure the Southwest Border" gaobacpgg fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2018 P "Border Security: Reassessment of Consular Resource Requirements Could Help Address Visa Delays" gaocrptatgt fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2006 P "Border Security: Security of New Passports and Visas Enhanced, but More Needs to Be Done to Prevent Their Fraudulent Use" gaocrptaukl fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2007 P "Border Security: Security Vulnerabilities at Unmanned and Unmonitored U.S. Border Locations" gaocrptavlp fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2007 P "Border Security: State Could Enhance Visa Fraud Prevention By Strategically Using Resources And Training" gaobacgli fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2012 P "Border Security: State Department Expects to Meet Projected Surge in Demand for Visas and Passports in Mexico" gaocrptawwj fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2008 P "Border Security: State Department Is Taking Steps To Meet Projected Surge In Demand For Visas And Passports In Mexico" gaobacdez fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2008 P "Border Security: State Department Rollout of Biometric Visas on Schedule, but Guidance Is Lagging" gaocrptapra fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2004 P "Border Security: State Department Should Plan for Potentially Significant Staffing and Facilities Shortfalls Caused by Changes in the Visa Waiver Program" gaocrptawpj fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2008 P "Border Security: Streamlined Visas Mantis Program Has Lowered Burden On Foreign Science Students And Scholars, But Further Refinements Needed" gaobacasr fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2005 P "Border Security: Strengthened Visa Process Would Benefit from Additional Management Actions by State and DHS" gaocrptasdj fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2005 P "Border Security: Strengthened Visa Process Would Benefit from Improvements in Staffing and Information Sharing" gaocrptasah fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2005 P "Border Security: Stronger Actions Needed to Assess and Mitigate Risks of the Visa Waiver Program" gaocrptatro fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2006 P "Border Security: Stronger Actions Needed to Assess and Mitigate Risks of the Visa Waiver Program" gaocrptasvw fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2006 P "Border Security: Summary of Covert Tests and Security Assessments for the Senate Committee on Finance, 2003-2007" gaocrptawsm fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2008 P "BORDER SECURITY TECHNOLOGY ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017 (S. Rept. 115-230)" crptxabfe fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2018 "S. Rept. 115-230" P "Border Security: The Complexity of the Challenge (RL32839)" Lake crsaegj fulltext monograph 2007 RL32839 P "Border Security: The Role of the U.S. Border Patrol (RL32562)" Nunez-Neto crsadws fulltext monograph 2008 RL32562 P "Border Security: The Role of the U.S. Border Patrol (RL32562)" Haddal crsmthaaagx fulltext monograph 2010 RL32562 P "Border Security: The Role of the U.S. Border Patrol (RL32562)" Nunez-Neto crsmthaatqe fulltext monograph 2005 RL32562 P "Border Security: The Role of the U.S. Border Patrol (RL32562)" Nunez-Neto crsmthaatqf fulltext monograph 2006 RL32562 P "Border Security: The Role of the U.S. Border Patrol (RL32562)" Haddal crsmthaatqg fulltext monograph 2010 RL32562 P "Border Security: The Role of the U.S. Border Patrol (RL32562)" Haddal crsmthaatqh fulltext monograph 2010 RL32562 P "Border Security: The San Diego Fence (RS22026)" Nunez-Neto crsaite fulltext monograph 2007 RS22026 P "Border Security: The San Diego Fence (RS22026)" Nunez-Neto crsmthaaajx fulltext monograph 2007 RS22026 P "Border Security Threats to the Homeland: DHS' Response to Innovative Tactics and Techniques: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security of the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, Second Session" fdsysaofj fulltext monograph 2013 P "Border Security: Understanding Threats at U.S. Borders (R42969)" Rosenblum crsmthaaaej fulltext monograph 2013 R42969 P "Border Security: U.s. Customs And Border Protection Has Taken Steps To Address Gao's Recommendations Aimed At Ensuring Officers Are Fully Trained" gaobaahft fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2013 P "Border Security: U.s. Customs And Border Protection Provides Integrity-related Training To Its Officers And Agents Throughout Their Careers" gaobaahfs fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2013 P "Border Security: U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Management of a Temporary Facility in Texas Raised Concerns about Resources Used (705276)" gaobaeawi fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2020 705276 P "Border Security: U.S. Government Efforts to Strengthen Nonimmigrant Visa Security and Address High-Risk Air Travelers" gaobadyzh fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2019 P "Border Security: U.S.-Canada Border Issues (RS21258)" Seghetti crsmthabbex fulltext monograph 2002 RS21258 P "Border Security: U.S.-Canada Immigration Border Issues (RS21258)" Seghetti crsahxz fulltext monograph 2004 RS21258 P "Border Security: US-VISIT Program Faces Strategic, Operational, and Technological Challenges at Land Ports of Entry" gaocrptatyb fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2006 P "Border Security: US-VISIT Program Faces Strategic, Operational, and Technological Challenges at Land Ports of Entry" gaocrptauvw fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2007 P "Border Security-2019: Hearing Before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysbajg fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2019 P "Border technology : keeping terrorists out of the United States : hearing before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security and Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, March 12, 2003." 0160708818 cbhfdsohenmbnc fulltext monograph 2003 P "Border violence : an examination of DHS strategies and resources : hearing before the Subcommittee on Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism of the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, March 12, 2009." 9780160855115 cbhtpbttq fulltext monograph 2009 P "Border violence : hearing before the Subcommittee on International Law, Immigration, and Refugees of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, on H.R. 2119, Immigration Enforcement Review Commission Act, September 29, 1993." 0160435676 cbhcbchhig fulltext monograph 1994 P "Border Vulnerabilities and International Terrorism: Hearings before the Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, Second Session" 0160772869 fdsysaffu fulltext monograph 2006 P "Break-ins at sanctuary churches and organizations opposed to administration policy in Central America : hearings before the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session ... February 19 and 20, 1987." cbhearcbcegfb fulltext monograph 1988 P "Brief Account of the Author's Interview with His Countrymen, and of the Parts of the Emerald Isle Whence They Emigrated" O'Donovan baccoucop fulltext "Pittsburgh: Published by the author," monograph 1864 P "Brief Amici Curiae of 60 Immigration Advocacy, Human Rights, and Legal Services Organizations" supapcmz fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of 61 Immigration Advocacy and Legal Service Organizations" supbmnlx fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Administrative and Immigration Law Professors" prvwtcheawis fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief Amici Curiae of American Immigration Council, et al." suppwkga fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of American Immigration Council, et al. Filed. (Dec. 15, 2020)" supogfvp fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of American Immigration Lawyers Association and National Immigrant Justice Center" supoggat fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of American Immigration Lawyers Association, et al." supdljuu fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of American Immigration Lawyers Association, et al." supbmlms fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of American Immigration Lawyers Association, the American Immigration Council, Legal Services Providers" supctlad fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Bipartisan Former Officials of the Department of Homeland Security and the Immigration and Naturalization Service" supbmnmd fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Constitutional Accountability Center and National Immigration Litigation Alliance" supapchk fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Constitutional and Immigration Law Professors" prvwtcheawit fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief Amici Curiae of Electronic Frontier Foundation, Immigrants Rising, Defending Rights & Dissent and Woodhull Freedom Foundation" supapcwa fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Faith-Based and Immigrants' Rights Organizations" supogfsi fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Former Executive Office for Immigration Review Judges" supbmmor fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Former Executive Office for Immigration Review Judges" supapdob fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Former Executive Office of Immigration Review Judges" supogffh fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Former Executive Office of Immigration Review Judges" supbmltg fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Former Immigration Judges and Board of Immigration Appeals Members Filed (also in 19-896)." supbmmsd fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Former Immigration Judges and Board of Immigration Appeals Members Filed (also in 20-322)." supbmmsn fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Former Immigration Judges, et al. in Support of Neither Party" supapchj fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Former INS and DHS General Counsels" prvwtcheawiu fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief Amici Curiae of Former United States Immigration Judges and Members of the Board of Immigration Appeals" supogfjq fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Former United States Immigration Judges and Members of the Board of Immigration Appeals" supogfvq fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Forty-Two Former Immigration Judges and Members of the Board of Immigration Appeals" supapdut fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Immigrant and Civil Rights Organizations, et al." supapbzl fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Immigrant Defense Project, et al." supdljft fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Immigrant Defense Project, et al." supapcxa fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Immigrant Rights Organizations" supctlbk fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Immigration and Human Rights Organizations" supdljtb fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Immigration Law Professors" supdljyg fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Immigration Law Professors" supbmlmw fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Immigration Representatives and Organizations" supdljkc fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Immigration Representatives and Organizations" supapcvw fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Immigration Scholars" supdljtc fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of International Refugee Assistance Project, et al." supapesc fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Legal Services Providers" supapchi fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Migrant Rights Initiative, et al." supaperw fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of National Immigrant Justice Center, et al." supapbze fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of National Immigrant Justice Center, et al." supapcwz fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of National Immigrant Justice Center, et al." supapduu fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of National Immigration Litigation Alliance" supbmmoq fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of National Immigration Litigation Alliance, American Civil Liberties Union, and Northwest Immigrant Rights Project" supbmlmr fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of National Immigration Litigation Alliance, et al." supctlkr fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of National Immigration Litigation Alliance, et al. Filed (11/1/23)" supapdur fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Refugee Advocacy Organizations" supoggav fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of State of Montana, et al." supapcsn fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of the American Immigration Council, et al." supbmmop fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of the American Immigration Lawyers Association and the American Immigration Council" supapery fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of the Border Project and the National Immigrant Justice Center" supbmnlz fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of the National Immigration Project, et al." supbmlth fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Charities USA, and Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. in Support of Respondents" prvwbusccbx fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief Amici Curiae of Thirty-Five Former Immigration Judges and Members of the Board of Immigration Appeals" supoggau fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of Thirty-Three Former Immigration Judges and Members of the Board of Immigration Appeals" supctlae fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc." supaperz fulltext monograph P "Brief Amici Curiae of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops & Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc." supapcmw fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of American Immigration Lawyers Association" supapdoa fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of American Immigration Lawyers Association" supbmmot fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Center for Immigration Law and Policy, UCLA School of Law" supbmnma fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Former CDC Officials" supapcmy fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of HEAL Refugee Health and Asylum Collaborative" supapert fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" prvwtcheawio fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supdljfs fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supdljjo fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supctlac fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supctldx fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supctlkt fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supogffo fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supbmlmm fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supbmltl fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supbmmwt fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supbmnjd fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supapcxd fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supapduy fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of Immigration Reform Law Institute" supapesg fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of National Border Patrol Council" supbmnje fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of National ICE Council" supbmniu fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of National Immigrant Justice Center" supogfpq fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of National Immigrant Justice Center" supogfvr fulltext monograph P "Brief Amicus Curiae of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees" supapcmx fulltext monograph P "Brief for American Immigration Council, American Immigration Lawyers Association, and National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsntz fulltext monograph P "Brief for American Immigration Council and American Immigration Lawyers Association in Support of Respondents" 1 1 prvwpepsrke fulltext P "Brief for American Immigration Council, National Immigration Law Center, Service Employees International Union, Advancement Project, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and Others in Support Petitioners" prvwpepsopt fulltext monograph P "Brief for Americans for Immigrant Justice, Et Al. in Support of Respondents" 1 1 prvwpepsrkc fulltext P "Brief for Amici Curiae Scholars of Immigration Law in Support of Respondents on the History of the Immigration and Nationality Act" prvwbsils fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for Amici Curiae the American Immigration Lawyers Association and the Immigrant Defense Project in Support of Petitioner" prvwbaila fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for Amicus Curiae Immigration Reform Law Institute in Support of Petitioners" prvwbimfl fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for Amicus Curiae National Immigrant Justice Center" prvwtcheawir fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for Arizona Employers for Immigration Reform, the Arizpna Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the American Subcontractors Association of Arizona, and Hill & Usher, L.L.C., in Support of Respondent" prvwpepskbc fulltext monograph P "Brief for Asian American Justice Center, National Council of La Raza, Latino Justice PRLDF, Drug Policy Alliance, United Sikhs, South Asian Americans Leading Together, Asian Law Alliance, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Asian Law Caucus, Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California, Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights as in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsirl fulltext monograph P "Brief for Asian Americans Advancing Justice AAJC and Other Immigrants' Rights Groups in Support of Petitioner" 1 1 prvwpepsrwk fulltext P "Brief for Asian Americans Advancing Justice, AAJC, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Educational Fund and 72 Other Organizations in Support of Petitioner" prvwdivnaaa fulltext monograph P "Brief for Asista Immigration Assistance, the Immigrant Defense Project, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild, and the Washington Defender Association in Support of Respondent" prvwpepslap fulltext monograph P "Brief for Citizens United, Citizens United Foundation, English First, English First Foundation, U.S. Justice Foundation, the Senior Citizens League, Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, Policy Analysis Center, U.S. Border Control Foundation, Constitution Party National Committee, and Institute on the Constitution in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsoqq fulltext monograph P "Brief for Comparative Law Scholars and French Supreme Court Justice in Support of Petitioner on the Issue of Extraterritorial Extradition" prvwpepsiux fulltext monograph P "Brief for Former Commissioners of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsoqc fulltext monograph P "Brief for Former Commissioners of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service in Support of Respondent" prvwpepskbh fulltext monograph P "Brief for Former Federal Immigration and Homeland Security Officials in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsoqd fulltext monograph P "Brief for Former Immigration Officials in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsjkg fulltext monograph P "Brief for Immigrant Defense Project, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, and National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild in Support of Petitioner" 1 1 prvwpepsryu fulltext P "Brief for Immigrant Defense Project, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, National Immigrant Justice Center, National Immigration Law Center, National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers' Guild in Support of Petitioner" prvwdivnaid fulltext monograph P "Brief for Immigrant Defense Project, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild in Support of Petitioner" 1 1 prvwpepsrwn fulltext P "Brief for Immigration Advocacy Organizations in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsmeu fulltext monograph P "Brief for Immigration Detention Advocacy Organizations in Support of Respondents" 1 1 prvwpepsrrr fulltext P "Brief for Immigration Law Professors in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepskjm fulltext monograph P "Brief for Immigration Law Professors in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsmix fulltext monograph P "Brief for Immigration Reform Law Institute in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsopi fulltext monograph P "Brief for Immigration Reform Law Institute in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsphj fulltext monograph P "Brief for National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Immigrant Defense Project, and National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsmiy fulltext monograph P "Brief for National Immigrant Justice Center and American Immigration Lawyers Association in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsjki fulltext monograph P "Brief for National Immigrant Justice Center and The American Immigration Lawyers Association in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsphd fulltext monograph P "Brief for National Immigrant Justice Center, The American Immigration Lawyers Association, and The Northwest Immigrant Rights Project in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsres fulltext P "Brief for National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild and the Immigrant Legal Resource Center in Support of Respondent" 1 1 prvwpepsrkj fulltext P "Brief for National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild, Immigrant Defense Project, American Immigration Lawyers Association, and National Immigrant Justice Center in Support of Respondent" 1 1 prvwpepsrtb fulltext P "Brief for Nine Retired Immigration Judges and Board of Immigration Appeals Members in Support of Respondent" 1 1 prvwpepsrki fulltext P "Brief for Petitioner Visa" 1 1 prvwpepsrvr fulltext P "Brief for Petitioner Visa" 1 1 prvwpepsrvs fulltext P "Brief for Professors of Constitutional, Immigration and Administrative Law in Support of Respondents" 1 1 prvwpepsrkk fulltext P "Brief for State Legislators for Legal Immigration and Individual State Legislators in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepskat fulltext monograph P "Brief for The American Civil Liberties Union, American Immigration Council, National Immigration Project Of The National Lawyers Guild, National Police Accountability Project, And Northwest Immigrant Rights Project in Support of Respondents" 1 1 prvwpepsrrm fulltext P "Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union, the New York Civil Liberties Union, the National Immigration Law Center, and the National Women's Law Center in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsrev fulltext P "Brief for the American Immigration Lawyers Association, Immigrant Defense Project, National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild, and Individuals with Pending Immigration Appeals Raising the Question Presented, in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsopg fulltext monograph P "Brief for the American Immigration Lawyers Association in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsirk fulltext monograph P "Brief for the American Immigration Lawyers Association in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepskmq fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Asian American Justice Center; Asian Law Caucus; Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance; Asian Pacific American Legal Center; Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.; Defending Dissent Foundation; the Muslim Legal Fund of America; the National Council of La Raza; North American South Asian Bar Association; South Asian Americans Leading Together; and the Southeast Asia Resource Action Center in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsjjg fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc. in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsmet fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Immigration Reform Law Institute and Federation for American Immigration Reform in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsoqx fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Immigration Reform Law Institute in Support of Appellants" prvwpepsobh fulltext monograph P "Brief for the Immigration Reform Law Institute in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsoyw fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Association of Federal Defenders, National Association for Public Defense, National Immigraton Project of the National Lawyers Guild, and Immigrant Defense Project in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsnnn fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Legal Aid & Defender Association, Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender, Public Defender's Office for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida, Los Angeles County Public Defender's Office, the Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy, Immigration Impact Unit of the Massachusetts Committee for Public Counsel Services, the New York State Defenders Association, Legal Aid Society, the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, the New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, the Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers of New Jersey, Hall County Public Defender, Lancaster County Public Defender's Office, Texas Fair Defense Project, Washington Defender Association, the Office of the Defender General of Vermont, the Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem, Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project, Immigrant Defense Project, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepskms fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph P "Brief for the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Gay, and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, Equal Justice Society, National Black Justice Coalition, Family Equality Council, Human Rights Campaign, National LGBTQ Task Force, GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality, Equality Federation, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, Immigration Equality, National Health Law Program, the Movement Advancement Project, and Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepsohx fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Immigrant Justice Center, American Immigration Lawyers Association, Advocates for Human Rights, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, Central American Resource Center, Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota, the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project, and the Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsosq fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Immigrant Justice Center, Americans For Immigrant Justice, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, and Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project In Support of Petitioner" prvwpepskjj fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Immigrant Justice Center and American Immigration Lawyers Association in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsmiz fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Immigrant Justice Center and the American Immigration Lawyers Association in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsnnm fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Immigrant Justice Center and the American Immigration Lawyers Association in Support of Petitioner" 1 1 prvwpepsryw fulltext P "Brief for the National Immigrant Justice Center and the American Immigration Lawyers Association in Support of Respondent" prvwpepskbm fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Immigrant Justice Center as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner" prvwbnij fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief for the National Immigrant Justice Center in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsnua fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Immigrant Justice Center, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and the American Immigration Council in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsoyn fulltext monograph P "Brief for the National Immigration Justice Center in Support of Respondents" prvwpepsprl fulltext P "Brief for the National Immigration Law Center in Support of Respondent" 1 1 prvwpepsrtc fulltext P "Brief for the National Justice For Our Neighbors; Refugee and Immigration Ministries, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); Council on American-Islamic Relations; Mennonite Central Committee; United Sikhs; Franciscan Action Network; Christian Reformed Church in North America, Office of Social Justice; and Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago in Support of Respondent" prvwpepsmrf fulltext monograph P "Brief for the United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and Rev. Gradye Parsons as Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in Support of Respondent" prvwpepskbr fulltext monograph P "Brief for U.S. Border Control, U.S. Border Control Foundation, Policy Analysis Center, the Institute on the Constitution, the Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, the Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, Gun Owners of America, Inc., Gun Owners Foundation, English First, English First Foundation, Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall, Oklahoma Representative Charles Key, and Wyoming Senator Kit Jennings in Support of Petitioners" prvwpepskal fulltext monograph P "Brief History of Comprehensive Immigration Reform Efforts in the 109th and 110th Congresses to Inform Policy Discussions in the 113th Congress (R42980)" Wasem crsmthaaaek fulltext monograph 2013 R42980 P "Brief of 39 Immigration Law Professors in Support of Petitioner" prvwpepsjke fulltext monograph P "Brief of Amici Curiae Certain Immigrant Rights Organizations in Support of Respondents" prvwbcirg fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of Amici Curiae Immigration Equality, the New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, the LGBT Bar Association of Los Angeles, the LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders, Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom, and Others in Support of Respondents" prvwbimeq fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of Amici Curiae Immigration, Family, and Constitutional Law Professors in Support of Respondents" prvwbifcl fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of Amici Curiae Immigration Law Scholars on the Text and Structure of the Immigration and Nationality Act in Support of Respondents" prvwbimlx fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of Former BIA Chairman and Immigration Judge Paul Wickham Schmidt as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner" prvwbfbia fulltext monograph 2018 P "Brief of Janet A. 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Government Accountability Office" monograph 2005 P "Immigration Benefits Vetting: Examining Critical Weaknesses in USCIS Systems: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Management Efficiency of the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysarrm fulltext monograph 2017 P "Immigration Border Patrol: Its Origins, Activities, Accomplishments, Organization and Personnel" imboraca fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1949 P "Immigration Bulletins" igonetin fulltext monograph 1910 P "Immigration: Chapter XIV of Heredity and Human Affairs" East incrxivhy fulltext "[s.n.]: Charles Scribner's Sons," monograph 1927 P "Immigration Commission and the Immigration Problem: Speech of Hon. Frank B. Gary of South Carolina in the Senate of the United States, Thursday, February 18, 1909" Gary igncnat fulltext "Washington: [s.n.]," monograph 1909 P "Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (R45151)" Peck crsmthzzagi fulltext monograph 2018 R45151 P "Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (R45151)" Smith govedlt fulltext monograph 2021 R45151 P "Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (RL32480)" "Yule Kim and Michael John Garcia" crsadtx fulltext monograph 2008 RL32480 P "Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (RL32480)" Garcia crsmthaatke fulltext monograph 2004 RL32480 P "Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (RL32480)" Garcia crsmthaatkf fulltext monograph 2005 RL32480 P "Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (RL32480)" Garcia crsmthaatkg fulltext monograph 2005 RL32480 P "Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (RL32480)" Garcia crsmthaatkh fulltext monograph 2006 RL32480 P "Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (RL32480)" Garcia crsmthaatki fulltext monograph 2006 RL32480 P "Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (RL32480)" Garcia crsmthaatkj fulltext monograph 2006 RL32480 P "Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (RL32480)" Garcia crsmthaatkk fulltext monograph 2009 RL32480 P "Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (RL32480)" Kim crsuntaaepq fulltext monograph 2008 RL32480 P "Immigration Consequences of Unlawful Voting by Aliens (IF12767)" Smith goveqqy fulltext monograph 2024 IF12767 P "Immigration Control: A New Role For The Social Security Card" gaobabgbe fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1988 P "IMMIGRATION CONTROL AND FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT OF 1996 (S. Rept. 104-249)" crptxblo fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 1996 "S. Rept. 104-249" P "Immigration control and legalization amendments : hearings before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninety-ninth Congress, first session, on H.R. 3080 ... September 9 and 11, 1985." imgrtnlg fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1986 P "Immigration Control: Deporting And Excluding Aliens From The United States" gaobabgrc fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1989 P "Immigration Control: Immigration Policies Affect Ins Detention Efforts" gaobabhpj fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1992 P "Immigration Control: The Central Address File Needs To Be More Accurate" gaobabrlb fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1992 P "Immigration Court Proceedings: Process and Data (IG10022)" Smith govedky fulltext monograph 2021 IG10022 P "Immigration Courts: Actions Needed to Address Workforce, Performance, and Data Management Challenges (gao-23-105431)" gaoonp fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2023 gao-23-105431 P "Immigration Courts: Actions Needed to Address Workforce Planning and Other Management Challenges (gao-24-107046)" gaophf fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2023 gao-24-107046 P "Immigration Courts: Actions Needed To Reduce Case Backlog And Address Long-standing Management And Operational Challenges" gaobaakwe fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2017 P "Immigration Courts: Decline in New Cases at the End of FY2024 (IN12463)" Straut-Eppsteiner goverkd fulltext monograph 2024 IN12463 P "Immigration Courts: Observations on Restructuring Options and Actions Needed to Address Long-Standing Management Challenges" gaobacpik fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2018 P "Immigration Crimes: Improper Entry and Reentry (R47667)" Santamaria govemrq fulltext monograph 2023 R47667 P "Immigration Crossroads" Panunzio iratioads fulltext "New York: Macmillan," monograph 1927 P "Immigration: CRS Points of Contact (R45309)" Stevenson crsmthzzbpg fulltext monograph 2018 R45309 P "Immigration: Data Not Sufficient For Proposed Legislation" gaobabgir fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1988 P "Immigration Detainers: Background and Recent Legal Developments (LSB10375)" "Hillel R. Smith" govbbxw fulltext monograph 2019 LSB10375 P "Immigration Detainers: Background and Recent Legal Developments (LSB10375)" Smith govdcdv fulltext monograph 2020 LSB10375 P "Immigration Detainers: Legal Issues (R42690)" Manuel crsmthaaadv fulltext monograph 2014 R42690 P "Immigration Detainers: Legal Issues (R42690)" Manuel crsuntaacuj fulltext monograph 2012 R42690 P "Immigration Detainers: Legal Issues (R42690)" Manuel crsuntaadcj fulltext monograph 2014 R42690 P "Immigration Detention: A Legal Overview (R45915)" "Hillel R. Smith" govbbbb fulltext monograph 2019 R45915 P "Immigration Detention: Actions Needed to Collect Consistent Information for Segregated Housing Oversight (gao-23-105366)" gaonuo fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2022 gao-23-105366 P "Immigration Detention: Actions Needed to Improve Planning, Documentation, and Oversight of Detention Facility Contracts" gaobaeclg fulltext monograph P "Immigration Detention: Additional Actions Could Strengthen Dhs Efforts To Address Sexual Abuse [reissued On December 6, 2013]" gaobaahla fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2013 P "Immigration Detention: Additional Actions Needed To Strengthen Dhs Management Of Short-term Holding Facilities" gaobaajxn fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2016 P "Immigration Detention: Additional Actions Needed To Strengthen Management And Oversight Of Detainee Medical Care" gaobaajqs fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2016 P "Immigration Detention: Additional Actions Needed To Strengthen Management And Oversight Of Facility Costs And Standards" gaobaaijg fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2014 P "Immigration Detention: Care of Pregnant Women in DHS Facilities (706272)" gaobaeayl fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2020 706272 P "Immigration Detention: ICE Can Improve Oversight and Management (gao-23-106350)" gaooca fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2023 gao-23-106350 P "Immigration Detention: ICE Efforts to Address COVID-19 in Detention Facilities (gao-21-414)" gaolwl fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2021 gao-21-414 P "Immigration Detention: ICE Needs to Strengthen Oversight of Informed Consent for Medical Care (gao-23-105196)" gaonts fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2022 gao-23-105196 P "Immigration Detention: ICE Should Enhance Its Use of Facility Oversight Data and Management of Detainee Complaints (708899)" gaobaeboi fulltext "United States. 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Printing Office," monograph 1985 P "Immigration Emergency Legislation; Hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Policy of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 98th Congress, First Session, on S. 1725; A Bill to Amend the Immigration and Nationality Act Respecting Powers and Procedures in Immigration Emergencies, and for Other Purposes, and S. 1983; A Bill to Amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to Provide Special Authorities and Procedures for the Control of Immigration Emergencies, Miami, Florida, October 28, 1983, Serial No. J-98-109" cblhacnw fulltext monograph 1985 P "Immigration emergency powers : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Refuge Policy of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, second session, on oversight hearing to review presidential emergency powers with respect to immigration, September 30, 1982." imemgp fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1983 P "Immigration Enforcement & the Anti-Commandeering Doctrine: Recent Litigation on State Information-Sharing Restrictions (LSB10386)" Santamaria govbiwv fulltext monograph 2019 LSB10386 P "Immigration Enforcement & the Anti-Commandeering Doctrine: Recent Litigation on State Information-Sharing Restrictions (LSB10386)" Santamaria govcvzr fulltext monograph 2020 LSB10386 P "Immigration Enforcement: Actions Needed to Better Track Cases Involving U.S. Citizenship Investigations (gao-21-487)" gaolxw fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2021 gao-21-487 P "Immigration Enforcement: Arrests, Detentions, and Removals, and Issues Related to Selected Populations" gaobaeagu fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2019 P "Immigration Enforcement: Arrests, Removals, and Detentions Varied Over Time and ICE Should Strengthen Data Reporting (gao-24-106233)" gaoqpo fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2024 gao-24-106233 P "Immigration enforcement at the workplace : learning from the mistakes of 1986 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Citizenship of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, June 19, 2006." 9780160833977 cbhfdsohenvmbq fulltext monograph 2009 P "Immigration Enforcement: Benefits And Limitations To Using Earnings Data To Identify Unauthorized Work" gaobaamxy fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2006 P "Immigration Enforcement: Better Controls Needed Over Program Authorizing State And Local Enforcement Of Federal Immigration Laws" gaobacdng fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2009 P "Immigration Enforcement: Better Data And Controls Are Needed To Assure Consistency With The Supreme Court Decision On Long-term Alien Detention" gaobacafg fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2004 P "Immigration Enforcement: Challenges To Implementing The Ins Interior Enforcement Strategy" gaobaatjz fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2002 P "Immigration Enforcement: Controls Over Program Authorizing State And Local Enforcement Of Federal Immigration Laws Should Be Strengthened" gaobaawtt fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2009 P "Immigration Enforcement: DHS Has Incorporated Immigration Enforcement Objectives and Is Addressing Future Planning Requirements" gaocrptaqre fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2004 P "Immigration Enforcement: ICE Can Further Enhance Its Planning and Oversight of State and Local Agreements (711996)" gaobaecng fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2021 711996 P "Immigration Enforcement: ICE Could Improve Controls to Help Guide Alien Removal Decision Making" gaocrptavut fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2007 P "Immigration Enforcement: Immigration-Related Prosecutions Increased from 2017 to 2018 in Response to U.S. Attorney General's Direction" gaobaeagq fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2019 P "Immigration Enforcement: Major Provisions in H.R. 2278, the Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act (SAFE Act) (R43192)" crsmthmaups fulltext monograph 2013 R43192 P "Immigration Enforcement: Preliminary Observations On Dhs's Overstay Enforcement Efforts" gaobachfh fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2013 P "Immigration Enforcement: Preliminary Observations on Employment Verification and Worksite Enforcement Efforts" gaocrptarzb fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2005 P "Immigration Enforcement: Problems In Controlling The Flow Of Illegal Aliens" gaobaaqme fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1993 P "Immigration enforcement resources authorized in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, March 3, 2005." 0160746612 cbhfdsohenbmkc fulltext monograph 2005 P "Immigration Enforcement: Weaknesses Hinder Employment Verification and Worksite Enforcement Efforts" gaocrptatst fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2006 P "Immigration Enforcement: Weaknesses Hinder Employment Verification and Worksite Enforcement Efforts" gaocrptaryt fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 2005 P "Immigration Enforcement Within the United States (RL33351)" "Alison Siskin" crsaeyz fulltext monograph 2006 RL33351 P "Immigration: Foreign Physicians and the J-1 Visa Waiver Program (RL31460)" "Karma A. Ester" crsacon fulltext monograph 2004 RL31460 P "Immigration: Foreign Physicians and the J-1 Visa Waiver Program (RL31460)" Ester crsmthaardf fulltext monograph 2004 RL31460 P "Immigration Fraud: Policies, Investigations, and Issues (RL34007)" "Ruth Ellen Wasem" crsafxo fulltext monograph 2008 RL34007 P "Immigration Fraud: Policies, Investigations, and Issues (RL34007)" Wasem crsuntaahaj fulltext monograph 2007 RL34007 P "Immigration: Frequently Asked Questions about Public Charge (R45313)" crsmthzzbis fulltext monograph 2018 R45313 P "Immigration: Frequently Asked Questions on the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) (RL33431)" "Karma Ester" crsafca fulltext monograph 2007 RL33431 P "Immigration: Frequently Asked Questions on the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) (RL33431)" Ester crsmthaavve fulltext monograph 2006 RL33431 P "Immigration: Frequently Asked Questions on the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) (RL33431)" Ester crsmthaavvf fulltext monograph 2007 RL33431 P "Immigration: Frequently Asked Questions on the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) (RL33431)" Ester crsmthaavvg fulltext monograph 2009 RL33431 P "Immigration from Countries of the Western Hemisphere: Hearings before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, Seventieth Congress, First Session" imcwthh fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1928 P "Immigration from Countries of the Western Hemisphere: Hearings before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, Seventy-First Congress, Second Session" icwhin fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1930 P "Immigration from Countries of the Western Hemisphere: Hearings before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, Seventy-First Congress, Second Session" icwhcim fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1930 P "Immigration from Mexico: Hearings before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, Seventy-First Congress, Second Session on H. R. 12382, May 15, 1930" infmmohs fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1930 P "Immigration Fundamentals (95-56)" Vialet crsuntaajpo fulltext monograph 1998 95-56 P "Immigration: Grounds of Inadmissibility (IF12662)" Kolker goveqco fulltext monograph 2024 IF12662 P "Immigration: Hearing before Subcommittee No. 1 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, Second Session on H.R. 15450" ihebfrove fulltext monograph 1968 P "Immigration: Hearing before the Committee on Rules, House of Representatives, Seventy-First Congress, Third Session" imgth fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1931 P "Immigration: Hearing before the Committee on Rules, House of Representatives, Seventy-Second Congress, First Session on H. R. 10602, May 4, 1932" inhgbftce fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1932 P "Immigration; Hearings before Subcommittee No. 1 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, 89th Congress, 1st Session on H.R. 2580 to Amend the Immigration and Nationality Act, and for Other Purposes, March 3, 8, 10, 11, 18, 31; April 6; May 18, 20, 26, 27; June 1, 1965" cblhacng fulltext monograph 1965 P "Immigration; Hearings before Subcommittee No. 1 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, 90th Congress, 2nd Session, on the Effect of the Act of October 3, 1965, on Immigration from Ireland and Northern Europe, July 3 and September 18, 1968" cblhacnk fulltext monograph 1968 P "Immigration; Hearings before Subcommittee No. 1 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, 90th Congress, 2nd Session, Review of the Operation of the Immigration and Nationality Act as Amended by the Act of October 3, 1965, April 3, 10, May 22, and June 13, 1968" cblhacnj fulltext monograph 1968 P "Immigration. Hearings before Subcommittee No. 1 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Eighty-eighth Congress, second session, on H. R. 7700, and 55 identical bills, to amend the Immigration and nationality act, and for other purposes. 1" imiaryhre fulltext monograph 1964 P "Immigration. Hearings before Subcommittee No. 1 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Eighty-eighth Congress, second session, on H. R. 7700, and 55 identical bills, to amend the Immigration and nationality act, and for other purposes. 2" immieejh fulltext monograph 1964 P "Immigration. Hearings before Subcommittee No. 1 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Eighty-eighth Congress, second session, on H. R. 7700, and 55 identical bills, to amend the Immigration and nationality act, and for other purposes. 3" immhearjui fulltext monograph 1964 P "Immigration: Hearings before Subcommittee No. 1 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Eighty-Ninth Congress, First Session on H.R. 2580" ihearittere fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1965 P "Immigration: Hearings before Subcommittee No. 1 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, First Session on H.R. 1" iheareej fulltext monograph 1967 P "Immigration: Hearings before Subcommittee No. 1 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, First Session on H.R. 475" igratseren fulltext monograph 1967 P "Immigration. 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P "Immigration Law Sanctions and Enforcement in Selected Foreign Countries" imlwsn fulltext "Washington, DC : Law Library of Congress," monograph 2006 P "Immigration Laws (Act of February 5, 1917) - Rules of May 1, 1917" immactma fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1917 P "Immigration Laws, Act of February 5, 1917, Rules of May 1, 1917 (2nd ed.)" imgnlwat fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1917 "2nd ed." 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Printing Off.," monograph 1887 P "Immigration Laws Regulating the Admission and Exclusion of Aliens at the Border (LSB10150)" Smith govdanl fulltext monograph 2020 LSB10150 P "Immigration Laws Regulating the Admission and Exclusion of Aliens at the Border (LSB10150)" Smith govdazj fulltext monograph 2020 LSB10150 P "Immigration Laws: Rules of November 15, 1911 (3rd ed.)" ilwslesno fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1912 "3rd ed." P "Immigration Laws: Rules of November 15, 1911 (3rd ed.)" inlwrlnr fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1914 "3rd ed." P "Immigration Laws: Rules of November 15, 1911 (4th ed.)" inlsrsnr fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1913 "4th ed." P "Immigration Laws: Rules of November 15, 1911 (6th ed.)" inlwrsnr fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1915 "6th ed." P "Immigration Laws: Rules of November 15, 1911 (February 12, 1916 ed.)" inlsrsnren fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O." monograph 1916 "February 12, 1916 ed." P "Immigration Legalization and Status Adjustment Legislation (RL30780)" Wasem crsmthaapzz fulltext monograph 2001 RL30780 P "Immigration Legalization and Status Adjustment Legislation (RL30780)" Wasem crsmthaaqaa fulltext monograph 2002 RL30780 P "Immigration Legalization and Status Adjustment Legislation (RL30780)" Wasem crsmthaaqab fulltext monograph 2002 RL30780 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 106th Congress (IB10044)" Wasem crsuntaaadm fulltext monograph 2000 IB10044 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 107th Congress (IB10103)" Bruno crsiwsaaaaf fulltext monograph 2002 IB10103 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 107th Congress (IB10103)" Bruno crsiwsaaaan fulltext monograph 2002 IB10103 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 107th Congress (IB10103)" Bruno crsiwsaaaat fulltext monograph 2002 IB10103 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 107th Congress (IB10103)" Bruno crsiwsaaaav fulltext monograph 2002 IB10103 P "Immigration Legislation And Issues In The 107th Congress (IB10103)" Bruno crsiwsaaaba fulltext monograph 2002 IB10103 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 108th Congress (RL32169)" "Andorra Bruno" crsadjj fulltext monograph 2004 RL32169 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 108th Congress (RL32169)" Bruno crsmthaasso fulltext monograph 2004 RL32169 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 108th Congress (RL32169)" Bruno crsmthaassp fulltext monograph 2004 RL32169 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 109th Congress (RL33125)" "Andorra Bruno" crsaequ fulltext monograph 2006 RL33125 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 109th Congress (RL33125)" Bruno crsuntaaggl fulltext monograph 2006 RL33125 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 109th Congress (RL33125)" Bruno crsuntaajsm fulltext monograph 2006 RL33125 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 109th Congress (RL33125)" Bruno crsuntaajfl fulltext monograph 2006 RL33125 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 109th Congress (RL33125)" Bruno crsuntaabte fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 2005 RL33125 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 110th Congress (RL34204)" "Andorra Bruno" crsager fulltext monograph 2008 RL34204 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 110th Congress (RL34204)" Bruno crsnalcaaakj fulltext monograph 2007 RL34204 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 110th Congress (RL34204)" Bruno crsuntaaeym fulltext monograph 2008 RL34204 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 110th Congress (RL34204)" Bruno crsuntaaimc fulltext monograph 2008 RL34204 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 110th Congress (RL34204)" Bruno crsuntaajfy fulltext monograph 2008 RL34204 P "Immigration Legislation And Issues In The 111th Congress (R40848)" Bruno crsmthaaacj fulltext monograph 2011 R40848 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 111th Congress (R40848)" Bruno crsmthaamwu fulltext monograph 2009 R40848 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 111th Congress (R40848)" Bruno crsmthaamwv fulltext monograph 2009 R40848 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 111th Congress (R40848)" Bruno crsmthaamww fulltext monograph 2010 R40848 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 111th Congress (R40848)" Bruno crsmthaamwx fulltext monograph 2010 R40848 P "Immigration Legislation And Issues In The 112th Congress (R42036)" Bruno crsmthaaadg fulltext monograph 2011 R42036 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 112th Congress (R42036)" crsmthmatxm fulltext monograph 2012 R42036 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 112th Congress (R42036)" Bruno crsuntaacrl fulltext monograph 2012 R42036 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues In the 112th Congress (R42036)" Bruno crsuntaakro fulltext monograph 2012 R42036 P "Immigration Legislation And Issues In The 113th Congress (R43320)" Bruno crsmthaaaeu fulltext monograph 2014 R43320 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 113th Congress (R43320)" Bruno crsmthaaoum fulltext monograph 2013 R43320 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 114th Congress (R44230)" Bruno crsmthabffh fulltext monograph 2016 R44230 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 114th Congress (R44230)" Bruno crsmthmanvc fulltext monograph 2016 R44230 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 116th Congress (R46419)" Bruno govdlzx fulltext monograph 2020 R46419 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 116th Congress (R46419)" Bruno govdbie fulltext monograph 2020 R46419 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 116th Congress (R46419)" Bruno govebbl fulltext monograph 2020 R46419 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 117th Congress (R47061)" Bruno govefno fulltext monograph 2022 R47061 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 117th Congress (R47061)" Bruno govejic fulltext monograph 2022 R47061 P "Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 118th Congress (R47901)" Bruno goveqot fulltext monograph 2024 R47901 P "Immigration Legislation Enacted in the 107th Congress (RS21438)" "Andorra Bruno" crsaicg fulltext monograph 2003 RS21438 P "Immigration Legislation in 106th Congress (RS20836)" "Ruth Ellen Wasem" crsahoe fulltext monograph 2001 RS20836 P "Immigration Legislation Issues in the 109th Congress (RL33125)" Bruno crsuntaacjl fulltext monograph 2006 RL33125 P "Immigration: Legislative Issues on Nonimmigrant Professional Specialty (H-1B) Workers (RL30498)" "Ruth Ellen Wasem" crsabqq fulltext monograph 2007 RL30498 P "Immigration: Legislative Issues on Nonimmigrant Professional Specialty (H-1B) Workers (RL30498)" Wasem crsmthaapkm fulltext monograph 2001 RL30498 P "Immigration: Legislative Issues on Nonimmigrant Professional Specialty (H-1B) Workers (RL30498)" Wasem crsmthaapkn fulltext monograph 2001 RL30498 P "Immigration: Legislative Issues on Nonimmigrant Professional Specialty (H-1B) Workers (RL30498)" Wasem crsmthaapko fulltext monograph 2003 RL30498 P "Immigration: Legislative Issues on Nonimmigrant Professional Specialty (H-1B) Workers (RL30498)" Wasem crsmthaapkp fulltext monograph 2003 RL30498 P "Immigration: Legislative Issues on Nonimmigrant Professional Specialty (H-1B) Workers (RL30498)" Wasem crsmthaapkq fulltext monograph 2003 RL30498 P "Immigration: Legislative Issues on Nonimmigrant Professional Specialty (H-1B) Workers (RL30498)" Wasem crsmthaapkr fulltext monograph 2003 RL30498 P "Immigration: Legislative Issues on Nonimmigrant Professional Specialty (H-1B) Workers (RL30498)" Wasem crsmthaapks fulltext monograph 2004 RL30498 P "Immigration: Legislative Issues on Nonimmigrant Professional Specialty (H-1B) Workers (RL30498)" Wasem crsmthaapkt fulltext monograph 2005 RL30498 P "Immigration: Legislative Issues on Nonimmigrant Professional Specialty (H-1B) Workers (RL30498)" Wasem crsmthaapku fulltext monograph 2006 RL30498 P "Immigration: Legislative Issues on Nonimmigrant Professional Specialty (H-1B) Workers (RL30498)" Wasem crsmthaapkv fulltext monograph 2007 RL30498 P "Immigration Literature: Abstracts of Demographic, Economic, and Policy Studies" North imlitabsde fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1979 P "Immigration litigation reduction : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, April 3, 2006." 0160771552 cbhfdsohenbznm fulltext monograph 2006 P "Immigration Litigation Reform (RL33410)" "Margaret Mikyung Lee" crsafbf fulltext monograph 2006 RL33410 P "Immigration Management: Actions Being Taken, But Problems Remain" gaobaapsa fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1991 P "Immigration Management: Strong Leadership And Management Reforms Needed To Address Serious Problems" gaobaapnx fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1991 P "Immigration Management: Strong Leadership And Management Reforms Needed To Address Serious Problems" gaobabhbv fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1991 P "Immigration marriage fraud : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Policy of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-ninth Congress, first session, on fraudulent marriage and finance arrangements to obtain permanent resident immigration status, July 26, 1985." immrgf fulltext monograph 1986 P "Immigration: Marriage Fraud: Controls In Most Countries Surveyed Stronger Than In U.s." gaobachtk fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1986 P "Immigration: Need To Reassess U.s. Policy" gaobaabyl fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1976 P "Immigration Needs of America's Fighting Men and Women: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, Second Session" 9780160814037 fdsysaiml fulltext monograph 2008 P "Immigration: New Consequences of Illegal Presence (97-295)" "Larry M. Eig" crsaail fulltext monograph 1997 97-295 P "Immigration: Noncitizen Eligibility for Needs-Based Housing Programs (RL31753)" "Alison Siskin and Maggie McCarty" crsacwr fulltext monograph 2008 RL31753 P "Immigration: Noncitizen Eligibility for Needs-Based Housing Programs (RL31753)" Siskin crsmthaaagf fulltext monograph 2012 RL31753 P "Immigration: Noncitizen Eligibility for Needs-Based Housing Programs (RL31753)" McCarty crsmthzzagj fulltext monograph 2015 RL31753 P "Immigration: Nonimmigrant H-1B Specialty Worker Issues and Legislation (98-531)" Wasem crsmthaahel fulltext monograph 1998 98-531 P "Immigration: Nonimmigrant (Temporary) Admissions to the United States (R45040)" "Jill H. Wilson" govbbai fulltext monograph 2019 R45040 P "Immigration Nursing Relief Act of 1989 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, first session, on H.R. 1507 and H.R. 2111 ... May 31, 1989." cbhrcabcaffff fulltext monograph 1989 P "Immigration of Adopted and Prospective Adoptive Children (rev.)" immadtpd fulltext "Washington, DC (425 I St., NW, Washington 20536): U.S. Dept. of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service," monograph 2000 rev. P "Immigration of Adopted and Prospective Adoptive Children (rev. ed.)" iadoado fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1990 "rev. ed." P "Immigration of Agricultural Guest Workers: Policy, Trends, and Legislative Issues (RL30852)" Wasem crsmthaaqck fulltext monograph 2001 RL30852 P "Immigration of Agricultural Guest Workers: Policy, Trends, and Legislative Issues (RL30852)" Wasem crsmthaaqcl fulltext monograph 2003 RL30852 P "Immigration of Aliens: Conference Report, May 8, 1924" Johnson iastr fulltext "Washington: [s.n.]," monograph 1924 P "Immigration of Aliens into the United States" imalgeuni fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1906 P "Immigration of Aliens into the United States" Johnson nteng fulltext "Washington: [s.n.]," monograph 1924 P "Immigration of Aliens into the United States: Hearing before the Committee on Immigration, United States Senate, Sixty-Ninth Congress, Second Session on S. 4425, December 22, 1926" inanus fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1926 P "Immigration of College Professors: Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, Seventieth Congress, First Session" imgrcllp fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1928 P "Immigration of Foreign Nationals with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Degrees (R42530)" Wasem crsmthaabnk fulltext monograph 2012 R42530 P "Immigration of Foreign Nationals with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Degrees (R42530)" crsmthmauef fulltext monograph 2012 R42530 P "Immigration of Foreign Nationals with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Degrees (R42530)" Wasem crsuntaajbu fulltext monograph 2012 R42530 P "Immigration of Foreign Nationals with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Degrees (R42530)" Wasem crsuntaaknx fulltext monograph 2012 R42530 P "Immigration of Foreign Workers: Labor Market Tests and Protections (RL33977)" "Ruth Ellen Wasem" crsafwl fulltext monograph 2008 RL33977 P "Immigration of Foreign Workers: Labor Market Tests and Protections (RL33977)" Wasem crsmthaaxyh fulltext monograph 2007 RL33977 P "Immigration of Foreign Workers: Labor Market Tests and Protections (RL33977)" Wasem crsmthaaxyi fulltext monograph 2010 RL33977 P "Immigration of Foreign Workers: Labor Market Tests and Protections (RL33977)" Wasem crsmthaaxyj fulltext monograph 2010 RL33977 P "Immigration of Foreign Workers: Labor Market Tests and Protections (RL33977)" Wasem crsmthaaxyk fulltext monograph 2010 RL33977 P "Immigration of Foreign Workers: Labor Market Tests and Protections (RL33977)" Wasem crsuntaaens fulltext monograph 2009 RL33977 P "Immigration of Permanent Foreign Workers" iiraentfow fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1986 P "Immigration of Relatives of Citizens" ircnt fulltext "Washington, D.C.; U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1926 P "Immigration of Religious Workers: Background and Legislation (RS21630)" "Ruth Ellen Wasem" crsaihq fulltext monograph 2003 RS21630 P "Immigration of Temporary Lower-Skilled Workers: Current Policy and Related Issues (R42434)" Bruno crsmthaaadl fulltext monograph 2012 R42434 P "Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania, 1682-1750, with Their Early History in Ireland" Myers imiriquak fulltext "Swarthmore: The author," monograph 1902 P "Immigration of Workers into Australia, Canada, Sweden and the United Kingdom" Clarke locagvx fulltext monograph 1990 P "Immigration Offenders in the Federal Criminal Justice System, 2000" Scalia imoffedcjs fulltext "Washington: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs," monograph 2002 P "Immigration Offenses" Kaplan immigof fulltext "Washington: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs," monograph 1990 P "Immigration Officers' Authority to Apprehend and Remove Aliens: Questions & Answers in Brief" crsmthmarlr fulltext monograph 2017 P "Immigration Options and Professional Requirements for Foreign Health Care Workers (R47528)" Kandel govelli fulltext monograph 2023 R47528 P "Immigration Options for Immigration Parolees (R47654)" Bruno govemod fulltext monograph 2023 R47654 P "Immigration Parole (R46570)" Bruno govdcgz fulltext monograph 2020 R46570 P "Immigration Point System: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom" White locaexn fulltext monograph 2007 P "Immigration Points Systems for Skilled Workers: Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom" Clarke locafbb fulltext monograph 2006 P "Immigration Policies and Issues on Health-Related Grounds for Exclusion (R40570)" Wasem crsmthaaace fulltext monograph 2014 R40570 P "Immigration Policies and Issues on Health-Related Grounds for Exclusion (R40570)" Haddal crsmthaamjj fulltext monograph 2010 R40570 P "Immigration Policies and Issues on Health-Related Grounds for Exclusion (R40570)" Wasem crsmthaamjk fulltext monograph 2011 R40570 P "Immigration Policies and Issues on Health-Related Grounds for Exclusion (R40570)" Wasem crsmthaamjl fulltext monograph 2014 R40570 P "Immigration Policies and Issues on Health-Related Grounds for Exclusion (R40570)" Haddal crsuntaacwx fulltext monograph 2009 R40570 P "Immigration policy : an overview : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, April 4, 2001." 0160668387 cbhnovembercabcbbza fulltext monograph 2002 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" "Andorra Bruno" crsadfi fulltext monograph 2008 RL32044 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" Bruno crsmthaashf fulltext monograph 2004 RL32044 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" Bruno crsmthaashg fulltext monograph 2005 RL32044 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" Bruno crsmthaashh fulltext monograph 2005 RL32044 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" Bruno crsmthaashi fulltext monograph 2005 RL32044 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" Bruno crsmthaashj fulltext monograph 2006 RL32044 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" Bruno crsmthaashk fulltext monograph 2006 RL32044 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" Bruno crsmthaashl fulltext monograph 2006 RL32044 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" Bruno crsmthaashm fulltext monograph 2007 RL32044 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" Bruno crsmthaashn fulltext monograph 2007 RL32044 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" Bruno crsmthaasho fulltext monograph 2008 RL32044 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" Bruno crsmthaashq fulltext monograph 2009 RL32044 P "Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (RL32044)" Bruno crsmthaashr fulltext monograph 2010 RL32044 P "Immigration Policy for Intracompany Transfers (L Visa): Issues and Legislation (RL32030)" "Ruth Ellen Wasem" crsadey fulltext monograph 2006 RL32030 P "Immigration Policy for Intracompany Transfers (L Visa): Issues and Legislation (RL32030)" Wasem crsuntaafmg fulltext monograph 2006 RL32030 P "Immigration Policy for Intracompany Transfers (L Visa): Issues and Legislation (RL32030)" Wasem crsuntaaiid fulltext monograph 2005 RL32030 P "Immigration Policy for Intracompany Transfers (L Visas): Issues and Legislation (RS21543)" Wasem crsuntaagwf fulltext monograph 2003 RS21543 P "Immigration Policy in the United States" cboofbgc fulltext monograph 2006 P "Immigration Policy in the United States: An Update" cboofaeo fulltext monograph 2010 P "Immigration Policy on Expedited Removal of Aliens (RL33109)" "Alison Siskin and Ruth Ellen Wasem" crsaeqf fulltext monograph 2008 RL33109 P "Immigration Policy on Expedited Removal of Aliens (RL33109)" Siskin crsmthaauyx fulltext monograph 2005 RL33109 P "Immigration Policy on Expedited Removal of Aliens (RL33109)" Siskin crsmthaauyy fulltext monograph 2005 RL33109 P "Immigration Policy on Expedited Removal of Aliens (RL33109)" Siskin crsmthaauyz fulltext monograph 2006 RL33109 P "Immigration Policy on Expedited Removal of Aliens (RL33109)" Siskin crsmthaauza fulltext monograph 2006 RL33109 P "Immigration Policy on Expedited Removal of Aliens (RL33109)" Siskin crsmthaauzb fulltext monograph 2007 RL33109 P "Immigration Policy on Expedited Removal of Aliens (RL33109)" Siskin crseveryaaabe fulltext monograph 2009 RL33109 P "Immigration Policy on Skilled Labor and Family Reunification: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Nicaragua, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom" Rodriguez-Ferrand locaeyf fulltext monograph 2007 P "Immigration Problem: A Study of American Immigration Conditions and Needs (3rd ed., rev., enl.)" Jenks immips fulltext "New York; London: Funk & Wagnalls Company," monograph 1913 "3rd ed., rev., enl." P "Immigration Problem: A Study of American Immigration Conditions and Needs (6th ed., rev., enl.)" Jenks immgpst fulltext "New York, London: Funk and Wagnalls," monograph 1926 "6th ed., rev., enl." P "Immigration Problem and the Right of Asylum for the Persecuted" Kohler inpmatrtam fulltext "[S. I.: s.n.]," monograph 1913 P "Immigration Problem in the United States" imgpbus fulltext "New York: National Industrial Conference Board," monograph 1923 P "Immigration: Process and Policy" 9780314900395 Aleinikoff immprp fulltext "St. Paul: West Publishing Co.," monograph 1985 P "Immigration: Progress And Challenges In The Management Of Immigration Courts And Alternatives To Detention Program" gaobacpre fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph P "Immigration: Projected Immigration Under S. 448 And Recent Trends In Legal Immigration" gaobabpjt fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1989 P "Immigration: Proposed Closing Of Ins' Northern Regional Office: Benefits Uncertain" gaobachvs fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1986 P "Immigration Provisions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) (R42477)" Kandel crsmthaabmg fulltext monograph 2012 R42477 P "Immigration Provisions of the Violence against Women Act (VAWA) (R42477)" crsmthmaudc fulltext monograph 2013 R42477 P "Immigration Provisions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) (R42477)" Kandel crsuntaafnn fulltext monograph 2012 R42477 P "Immigration Provisions of the Violence against Women Act (VAWA) (R42477)" Kandel crsuntaakqr fulltext monograph 2012 R42477 P "Immigration: Public Charge 2022 Final Rule (IN11217)" Kolker govejdc fulltext monograph 2022 IN11217 P "Immigration: Public Charge (IF11467)" Kolker govcpyu fulltext monograph 2020 IF11467 P "Immigration: Public Charge (IF11467)" Kolker govdber fulltext monograph 2020 IF11467 P "Immigration: Public Charge (IF11467)" Kolker govdbvl fulltext monograph 2020 IF11467 P "Immigration: Public Charge (IF11467)" Kolker govebdo fulltext monograph 2020 IF11467 P "Immigration: Public Charge Updates (IN11217)" Kolker goveggu fulltext monograph 2022 IN11217 P "Immigration Quota for Italy: Hearings before Subcommittee No. 1, Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Eighty-First Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 455, H.R. 964, H.R. 1428" imquotaju fulltext monograph 1950 P "Immigration raids : Postville and beyond : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, July 24, 2008." 9780160831348 imrdpovby fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office," monograph 2009 P "Immigration Raids: Impacts and Aftermath on Mississippi Communities: Field Hearing before the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, First Session, November 7, 2019" fdsysawzi fulltext monograph 2020 P "Immigration: Recalcitrant Countries and the Use of Visa Sanctions to Encourage Cooperation with Alien Removals (IF11025)" Wilson govycc fulltext monograph 2019 IF11025 P "Immigration: Recalcitrant Countries and the Use of Visa Sanctions to Encourage Cooperation with Alien Removals (IF11025)" "Jill H. Wilson" govzrr fulltext monograph 2019 IF11025 P "Immigration: Recalcitrant Countries and the Use of Visa Sanctions to Encourage Cooperation with Alien Removals (IF11025)" Wilson govdaqo fulltext monograph 2020 IF11025 P "Immigration: Recalcitrant Countries and the Use of Visa Sanctions to Encourage Cooperation with Alien Removals (IF11025)" Wilson govebax fulltext monograph 2020 IF11025 P "Immigration: Recalcitrant Countries and the Use of Visa Sanctions to Encourage Cooperation with Alien Removals (IF11025)" Wilson crsmthzzbuz fulltext monograph 2018 IF11025 P "Immigration: Recalcitrant Countries and the Use of Visa Sanctions to Encourage Cooperation with Alien Removals (IF11025)" Wilson govbeyx fulltext monograph 2020 IF11025 P "Immigration: Recent Apprehension Trends at the U.S. Southwest Border (R46012)" "Audrey Singer; William A. Kandel" govbcst fulltext monograph 2019 R46012 P "Immigration reform : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Affairs of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred First Congress, first session, on S. 358 ... and S. 448 ... March 3, 1989." immigref fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office," monograph 1990 P "Immigration reform : hearings before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, on immigration reform, October 14, 15, 21, 26, 28, November 12, 17, and 19, 1981. 1" immirefi fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office," monograph 1982 P "Immigration reform : hearings before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, on immigration reform, October 14, 15, 21, 26, 28, November 12, 17, and 19, 1981. 2" immirefii fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office," monograph 1982 P "Immigration Reform Act : phase II--regulations : oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One hundredth Congress, first session ... April 9, 1987." cbhearcbcegcc fulltext monograph 1987 P "Immigration Reform: Alien Verification System Data Base Problems And Corrective Actions" gaobabpnj fulltext "United States. Government Accountability Office" monograph 1989 P "Immigration Reform and Control Act: Assessing the Evaluation Process" Regets uscddi fulltext "Washington, D.C.: The Commission," monograph 1989 P "Immigration Reform and Control Act: Assessing the Evaluation Process: A Report" ircoacess fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1989 P "Immigration Reform and Control Act; Hearings before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Policy of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 99th Congress, First Session, on S. 529, a Bill to Revise and Reform the Immigration and Nationality Act, and for Other Purposes, February 24, 25, 28, an March 7, 1983, Serial No. J-98-10" cblhacnv fulltext monograph 1983 P "Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) : hearing before the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, hearing held in Los Angeles, CA, November 30, 1988." irca fulltext monograph 1989 P "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1982 : hearings before the Subcommittee on Census and Population of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, second session, December 9, 1982." stfhaatb fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1983 P "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1982 : joint hearings before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives and Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Policy of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, second session, on H.R. 5872, S. 2222 ... April 1 and 20, 1982." immrec fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1982 P "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1983 : hearing before the Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 1510, June 15, 1983." imrefcona fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Print. Office," monograph 1983 P "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1983 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session, on H.R. 1510 ... 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Hearings before the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, Seventy-seventh Congress, second session, on H.R. 7762, a bill to facilitate, to the extent required for the effective prosecution of the war the free movement of persons, property and information into and out of the United States. Revised. November 18, 1942." sustearimp fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1942 P "Syllabus of the Naturalization Law: An Aid to Public-School Teachers in the Instruction of Aliens in the Requirements of the Naturalization Law" synaturinalr fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1916 P "Syllabus of the Naturalization Law for Use of Those Cooperating with the Division of Citizenship Training in Assisting Aliens Desiring Citizenship" syzatiutho fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. 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Prepared by the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, for the Use of the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy - Committee Print, Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 96th Congress, Second Session, February 1980" cmptaaajt fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 1980 P "Temporary workers : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Policy of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, on a new temporary worker program with Mexico, October 22, 1981." tmpywrk fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1982 P "Ten Years after 9/11: Can Terrorists Still Exploit Our Visa System: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security of the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, First Session" 9780160908040 fdsysamth fulltext monograph 2012 P "Tenement House Problem" tmthp fulltext "New York: Arno Press" monograph 1970 DeForest P "Termination of Temporary Protected Status for Certain Countries: Recent Litigation Developments (LSB10541)" Smith govekve fulltext monograph 2023 LSB10541 P "Terrorism and America : a comprehensive review of the threat, policy, and law : hearings before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, on examining the scope of current threats of terrorism to the United States and its allies, focusing on explosives and explosives regulation, and related extradition, international law, and immigration issues, April 21 and 22, 1993." 0160445043 cbhoctoberupw fulltext monograph 1994 P "Terrorism and the Visa Waiver Program: Joint Hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security and the Subcommittee on Health Care, Benefits, and Administrative Rules of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysargd fulltext monograph 2017 P "Terrorism, asylum issues, and U.S. immigration policy : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Affairs of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, on S. 667 a bill to the Immigration and Nationality Act to improve procedures for the exclusion of aliens to enter the United States by fraud, May 28, 1993." 0160446759 trasyiusm fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office," monograph 1994 P "Terrorism: Automated Lookout Systems and Border Security Options and Issues (RL31019)" Krouse crsmthaaeoi fulltext monograph 2001 RL31019 P "Terrorism: Immigration Law: Legal Frameworks (EBTER133)" Lee crsuomaaaau fulltext monograph 2004 EBTER133 P "Terrorism: Section by Section Analysis of the USA PATRIOT Act (RL31200)" "Charles Doyle" crsacho fulltext monograph 2001 RL31200 P "Terrorist Entry Through the Southwest Border: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysbevl fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2023 P "Terrorist Identification, Screening, and Tracking Under Homeland Security Presidential Directive 6 (RL32366)" "William J. 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Heath," monograph 1949 P "They All Chose America" Maisel tyalcsaa fulltext "Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson & Sons," monograph 1957 P "They Who Knock at Our Gates: A Complete Gospel of Immigration" Antin theyhokno fulltext "Boston; New York: Houghton Mifflin Co.," monograph 1914 P "THIRD SUPPLEMENTARY EXTRADITION TREATY WITH SPAIN (Treaty Doc. 105-15)" crptdocsxazs fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 1997 "Treaty Doc. 105-15" P "Thirty-First Annual Report on the State of the Asylum, for the Relief of Persons Deprived of the Use of Their Reason" abth fulltext monograph 1848 P "Threat and effects of corruption to U.S. law enforcement along the Mexican border : hearing before the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, May 14, 1997." 0160563259 cbhvzcbd fulltext monograph 1998 P "Threats to the Homeland: Hearing before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, First Session" fdsysavbt fulltext monograph 2019 P "Three Papers Presented before the Commission of Inquiry into Violations of Human Rights, February 15-16, 1990, Kampala, Uganda" Ibingira thpcivhr fulltext "Washington: U.S. Committee for Refugees," monograph 1990 P "Tibetan Refugees: Still at Risk" Ruiz tibref fulltext "Washington: U.S. Committee for Refugees," monograph 1990 P "Tide of Immigration" Warne tidimmg fulltext "New York: D. Appleton and Company," monograph 1916 P "Time for Decision: Sri Lankan Tamils in the West" Jones tidesrlk fulltext "Washington: U.S. Committee for Refugees," monograph 1985 P "To Allow Otherwise Eligible Israeli Nationals to Receive E-2 Nonimmigrant Visas if Similarly Situated United States Nationals Are Eligible for Similar Nonimmigrant Status in Israel: Report" toallornon fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 2012 P "To Amend Public Law 89-732 to Modify the Requirement for a Cuban National to Qualify for and Maintain Status as a Permanent Resident: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement of the Committee on the Judiciary" tampcuba fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 2012 P "TO AMEND SECTION 274 OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT TO IMPOSE MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCES, AND INCREASE CERTAIN SENTENCES, FOR BRINGING IN AND HARBORING CERTAIN ALIENS AND TO AMEND TITLE 18, UNITED STATES CODE, TO PROVIDE ENHANCED PENALTIES FOR PERSONS COMMITTING SUCH OFFENSES WHILE ARMED (H. Rept. 106-850)" crptxeti fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2000 "H. Rept. 106-850" P "TO AMEND SECTION 274A OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT TO IMPROVE THE PROCESS FOR VERIFYING AN INDIVIDUAL'S ELIGIBILITY FOR EMPLOYMENT (H. Rept. 108-731)" crptxifq fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2004 "H. Rept. 108-731" P "TO AMEND THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT TO ESTABLISH A SEPARATE NONIMMIGRANT CLASSIFICATION FOR FASHION MODELS (H. Rept. 110-699)" crptxlme fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2008 "H. Rept. 110-699" P "TO AMEND THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT TO EXTEND FOR AN ADDITIONAL 5 YEARS THE SPECIAL IMMIGRANT RELIGIOUS WORKER PROGRAM (H. Rept. 108-271)" crptxhoz fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2003 "H. Rept. 108-271" P "TO AMEND THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT TO EXTEND THE VISA WAIVER PILOT PROGRAM, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE COLLECTION OF DATA WITH RESPECT TO THE NUMBER OF NONIMMIGRANTS WHO REMAIN IN THE UNITED STATES AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE PERIOD OF STAY AUTHORIZED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL (H. Rept. 105-387)" crptxcgn fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 1997 "H. Rept. 105-387" P "To Amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to Modify the Requirements for Admission of Nonimmigrant Nurses in Health Professional Shortage Areas" tameifytre fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 2011 P "TO AMEND THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT TO MODIFY THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION OF NONIMMIGRANT NURSES IN HEALTH PROFESSIONAL SHORTAGE AREAS (H. Rept. 112-153)" crptxoga fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2011 "H. Rept. 112-153" P "To Amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to Toll, during Active-Duty Service Abroad in the Armed Forces, the Periods of Time to File a Petition and Appear for an Interview to Remove the Conditional Basis for Permanent Resident Status" amimnatoll fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 2011 P "To amend the Nationality act of 1940. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on immigration, United States Senate, Seventy-seventh Congress, second session, on H. R. 6250, an act to amend the Nationality act of 1940. February 17, 18, and 19, 1942 ..." amnaioci fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1942 P "To Amend the Nationality Act of 1940. Hearings before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, Seventy-Seventh Congress, First Session, on H. R. 6250, December 17, 1941 and Supplementary Hearing on H. R. 6250, Seventy-Seventh Congress, Second Session, January 7, 1942" tamityho fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1942 P "To Authorize State of Federal Courts to Issue Copies of Naturalization Papers of Parents to His or Her Children: Hearings before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, Seventy-Seventh Congress, First Session" tauhoripi fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1941 P "To Be a Global Leader of Human Rights, the US Must Do More for LGBTI Asylum Seekers" Shaw glhrum fulltext "Los Angeles: The Williams Institute," monograph 2021 P "To Build Anew: An Update on Peru's Internally Displaced People" Kirk tbuanw fulltext "Washington: U.S. Committee for Refugees," monograph 1993 P "To Clarify the Application of the Contract Labor Provisions of the Immigration Laws to Actors: March 6, 1934" Schulte clrfapp fulltext "Washington D.C.: [s.n.]," monograph 1934 P "To Clarify the Application of the Contract-Labor Provisions of the Immigration Laws to Singers and Choristers: March 10, 1934" Weideman clrapcl fulltext "Washington D.C.: [s.n.]," monograph 1934 P "To clarify the law relating to the temporary admission of aliens to the United States. Hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Immigration, United States Senate, Seventieth Congress, second session, on H.R. 16927" tcytlwrgtty fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1929 P "To control illegal migration. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-third Congress, second session, on S. 3660, to make the employment, and related practices, of any alien known by an employer to have entered the United States illegally within 3 years thereof unlawful, and for other purposes, and S. 3661, to provide for the seizure and forfeiture of any vessel or vehicle used in the transportation of any alien known by the owner thereof to have entered the United States illegally within 3 years thereof, and for other purposes. July 12, 13, and 14, 1954." lcghn fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gov't. Printing Office," monograph 1954 P "To deny admission to the United States of certain aliens and to reduce immigration quotas. Hearings before the committee on immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, Seventy-ninth Congress, second session, on H. R. 3663, a bill to amend the immigration and naturalization laws to deny admission to the United States of certain aliens who have served in the armed forces of countries at war with the United States, also members of certain parties and organizations, and to deny naturalization to such persons, and to reduce immigration quotas. February 21, 27-28, March 6, 20, 27, May 8, 1946. 1" denadmien fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1946 P "To deny admission to the United States of certain aliens and to reduce immigration quotas. Hearings before the committee on immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, Seventy-ninth Congress, second session, on H. R. 3663, a bill to amend the immigration and naturalization laws to deny admission to the United States of certain aliens who have served in the armed forces of countries at war with the United States, also members of certain parties and organizations, and to deny naturalization to such persons, and to reduce immigration quotas. February 21, 27-28, March 6, 20, 27, May 8, 1946. 2" dadescera fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1946 P "To exempt from the quota aged parents of American citizens : hearings before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, Seventy-second Congress, first session on H.R. 5308, H.R. 8174." exqagp fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 1932 P "To grant a quota to Eastern hemisphere Indians and to make them racially eligible for naturalization : hearings before the Committee on immigration and naturalization, Seventy-ninth Congress, first session, on H.R. 173, H.R. 1584, H.R. 1624, H.R. 1746, H.R. 2256, H.R. 2609, bills to grant a quota to eastern hemisphere Indians and to make them racially eligible for naturalization. 1" granquotnh fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1945 P "To grant a quota to Eastern hemisphere Indians and to make them racially eligible for naturalization : hearings before the Committee on immigration and naturalization, Seventy-ninth Congress, first session, on H.R. 173, H.R. 1584, H.R. 1624, H.R. 1746, H.R. 2256, H.R. 2609, bills to grant a quota to eastern hemisphere Indians and to make them racially eligible for naturalization. 2" tgraotaeash fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1945 P "To permit all people from India residing in the United States to be naturalized. Hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on immigration, United States Senate, Seventy-ninth Congress, first session, on S. 236," perallindr fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1945 P "To permit the naturalization of approximately three thousand natives of India. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on immigration, United States Senate, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session, on S. 1595," tpervesind fulltext monograph 1944 P "To prescribe the Oath of Renunciation and Allegiance for purposes of the Immigration and Nationality Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on H.R. 3191, April 1, 2004." 0160719348 cbhfdsohencvm fulltext monograph 2004 P "To provide a temporary haven from the dangers or effects of war for European children under the age of sixteen. Hearings before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, Seventy-sixth Congress, third session, on H.R. 8497, H.R. 8502, H.R. 10083, H.R. 10150, H.J.Res. 580, H.J.Res. 581, superseded by H.R. 10323, a bill to provide a temporary haven from the dangers or effects of war for European children under the age of sixteen. August 8 and 9, 1940 ..." tpidedang fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1940 P "To Provide Better Facilities for the Enforcement of the Customs and Immigration Laws: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Public Buildings and Grounds of the Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives, Ninety-First Congress, First Session" topobetec fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1969 P "To provide for the extension and application of the provisions of the Classification Act of 1923, as amended,to certain officers and employees of the Immigration and Naturalization Service in the Department of Justice. Hearings before the Committee on the Civil Service, House of Representatives, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session, on H.R. 5085, a bill to provide for the extension and application of the provisions of the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, to certain officers and employees of the Immigration and Naturalization Service in the Department of Justice. December 4, 1944." tpexclass fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 1944 P "To Resolve the Status of Certain Persons Legally Residing in the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands under the Immigration Laws of the United States" restatnorm fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.," monograph 2011 P "TO RESOLVE THE STATUS OF CERTAIN PERSONS LEGALLY RESIDING IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS UNDER THE IMMIGRATION LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES (H. Rept. 112-319,Part 1)" crptxuet fulltext "U.S. Government Publishing Office" monograph 2011 "H. Rept. 112-319,Part 1" P "To revise and codify the nationality laws of the United States into a comprehensive nationality code. Hearings before the Committee on immigration and naturalization, House of representatives, Seventy-sixth Congress, first session, on H.R. 6127, superseded by H.R. 9980, a bill to revise and codify the nationality laws of the United States into a comprehensive nationality code. January 17, Fevruary 13, 20, 27, 28, March 5, April 11, 16, 23, May 2, 3, 7, 9, 13, 14, and June 5, 1940." trevinaesin fulltext "Washington: U.S. Govt. 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