publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume mongraph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id Preceding_publication_title_id access_type frequency "1897, Compiled Laws of New Mexico in Accordance with an Act of the Legislature, Approved March 16th, 1897" Victory comlawnm fulltext monograph 1897 P "1988 Supplement to the Swiss Federal Code of Obligations" Goren suswissfc fulltext "Littleton: F.B. 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P "German Draft Penal Code E1962" Ross gerdpec fulltext monograph 1966 P "German Imperialism and International Law: Based upon German Authorities and the Archives of the French Government" Dampierre germbac fulltext monograph 1917 P "German Law Establishing General Terms of Business Contracts (A.G.B. Gesetz)" Goren gerishterb fulltext "Littleton: F.B. 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P "Habeas Corpus Rights: Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Kingdom, and Yemen" hbcrgh fulltext "Washington: Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Center," monograph 2009 P "Hague Convention on International Child Abduction: An Analysis of the Applicable Law and Institutional Framework of Fifty-One Jurisdictions and the European Union" hgcnv fulltext "Washington, DC: Law Library of Congress," monograph 2004 P "Hague Court Reports Comprising the Awards, Accompanied by Syllabi, the Agreements for the Arbitration, and Other Documents in Each Case Submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbitration and to Commissions of Inquiry under the Provisions of the Conventions of 1899 and 1907 for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (Photo reprint 2004)" Scott hcr fulltext monograph 1916 "Photo reprint 2004" P "Hague Permanent Court of International Justice - Series A" 1923 1 1 1930 3 haguea fulltext serial P "Hague Permanent Court of International Justice - Series A/B" 1931 1 1 1940 4 hagueab fulltext serial P "Hague Permanent Court of International Justice - Series B" 1922 1 1 1930 2 hagueb fulltext serial P "Hague Permanent Court of International Justice - Series C" 1922 1 1 1939 88 hpclip fulltext serial P "Hague Permanent Court of International Justice - Series D" 1926 1 1 1932 6 hag fulltext serial P "Hague Permanent Court of International Justice - Series E" 1922 1 1 1945 16 haguee fulltext serial P "Hague Permanent Court of International Justice - Series F" 1922 1 1 1922 1 haguef fulltext serial P "Hague Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire de La Haye de Droit International" 0167-6660 1988 2017 hagyrintl P3Y fulltext "Brill Academic Publishers" serial P 1 "Handbok i Svensk Privat Internationell Ratt" Reuterskiold hkiskpt fulltext "Uppsala & Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri," monograph 1907 P "Handbook of Foreign Legal Procedure: Legal Relations in Europe (4th ed.)" hflprd fulltext "London: Stevens and Sons," monograph 1924 "4th ed." 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P "Handbook of Patent Law of All Countries: Addendum, June 1903" Thompson hbplad fulltext "London: Hazell, Watson & Viney," monograph 1903 P "Handbook on Commercial Dispute Resolution in the Russian Federation: A Guide for Businesses on Navigating the Russian Legal System for Resolution of Business Disputes" Reynolds hdcdsp fulltext "[Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Eastern Europe, Russia, and Independent States," monograph 2000 P "Handbook on the Protection of Trade-Marks, Patents, Copyrights, and Trade-Names in China" Allman hptmp fulltext monograph 1924 P "Handbuch der Internationalen Nachlassbehandlung mit Besonderer Rucksicht auf das Deutsche Reich und die Einzelnen Bundesstaaten Einschliesslich Elsass-Lothringen" Bohm hbingmbr fulltext "Angsburg: Verlagsbuchhandlung von Gebruder Reichel," monograph 1895 P "Handy Book on the French Law of Bills of Exchange, Cheques, and Negotiable Instruments" Argles hybkofhlw fulltext "London: Effingham Wilson," monograph 1878 P "Hibernian Law Journal" 1393-8940 2000 1 1 hiblj fulltext "Law Society of Ireland" serial P 1 "Highlights of Current Legislation and Activities in Mid-Europe (2nd ed.)" "Mid-European Law Project" hicurlac fulltext monograph 1953 "2nd ed." P "Histoire de la Diplomatie Argentine" Antokoletz hrdldtan fulltext "Paris: A. Pedone," monograph 1914 P "Historia Legis Salicae" Grimm htalgssce fulltext "Bonnae: [s.n.]," monograph 1848 P "Historical Summary of the French Codes with French and Foreign Bibliographical Annotations concerning the General Principles of the Codes Followed by a Dissertation on Codification" Seruzier hlsyotefhcs fulltext "Littleton, Colorado: Fred B. Rothman & Co.," monograph 1979 P "History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to Which the United States Has Been a Party" Moore hdi fulltext monograph 1898 P "History of the Laws and Courts of Hong-Kong, Tracing Consular Jurisdiction in China and Japan and including Parliamentary Debates, and the Rise, Progress, and Successive Changed in the Various Public Institutions of the Colony from the Earliest Period to the Present Time" Norton-Kyshe hlchk fulltext "London: T.F. 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P "In re the World Court; The Judgment of the American Bar as Expressed in Resolutions of National, State and Local Bar Associations, 1921-1934" ireworc fulltext "American Bar Association" monograph 1934 Hudson P "Income Tax Practice in South Africa" Barnes intxprsa fulltext "Johannesburg: Hortors Limited," monograph 1919 P "Index to Latin American Legislation, 1950-1960" idxlamceg fulltext "Boston: G. K. Hall & Co.," monograph 1961 P "Inheritance Laws in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: France, Germany, United States" inlwntn fulltext "[Washington, D.C.]: the Law Library of Congress," monograph 2014 P "Installment Sales in Foreign Law: British Empire and Latin America" Everett lmlw fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gov't. Printing Office," monograph 1925 P "Installment Sales in Foreign Law: Continental Europe, North Africa, and Asia" Everett llwsf fulltext "Washington: U.S. Gov't. 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Darby intribu fulltext "London: J. M. Dent and Co.," monograph 1904 "4th ed., enl." P "International Arbitration, International Tribunals: A Collection of the Various Schemes Which Have Been Propounded; and of Instances since 1815 (3rd ed., enl.)" Darby inartbu fulltext "London: J. M. Dent and Co.," monograph 1900 "3rd ed., enl." P "International Law FORUM Du Droit International" 1571-8042 1999 1 1 2005 7 intlfddb fulltext "Brill Academic Publishers" serial P 5 "International Community Law Review" 1871-9740 2006 8 1 2017 19 intlfddb P3Y fulltext "Brill Academic Publishers" serial P 5 "International Court" Lindsey iaoncot fulltext monograph 1931 P "International Court of Justice; Its Role in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security" Lissitzyn rolein fulltext monograph 1951 P "International Court of Justice; Letter and Memorandum of January 12, 1914, to the Netherland Minister of Foreign Affairs, in Behalf of the Establishment of an International Court of Justice" Scott icmneth fulltext monograph 1916 P "International Court of Justice Yearbook" 0074-445X 1946 2018 unicjy fulltext "[The Hague] : International Court of Justice (ICJ)" serial P 1 "International Courts of Arbitration (4th ed.)" balchth fulltext monograph 1912 "4th ed." Balch P "International Criminal Court: Introduction to the Study of the Rome Statute Provisions and Its Domestic Implementation" iccintsr fulltext "Chicago: International Human Rights Law Institute," monograph 2005 P "International Criminal Court: Observations and Issues before the 1997-98 Preparatory Committee; and Administrative and Financial Implications" intccoibp fulltext "Chicago: International Human Rights Law Institute," monograph 1997 Bassiouni P "International Environmental Policy: From the Twentieth to the Twenty-First Century (3rd ed., rev.)" Caldwell itlevnlpy fulltext "Durham: Duke University Press" monograph 1996 "3rd ed., rev." P "International Extradition: United States Law and Practice (5th ed.)" Bassiouni intexusl fulltext "Dobbs Ferry: Oceana," monograph 2007 "5th ed." P "International Extradition: United States Law and Practice (6th ed.)" Bassiouni intextuslw fulltext "New York: Oxford University Press," monograph 2014 "6th ed." P "International Instruments on Human Rights" Bassiouni intihrg fulltext "Cairo: Dar Al-Shorok," monograph 2003 P "International Labor Rights Case Law" 2405-688X 2015 2017 intlrcl P3Y fulltext "Brill Academic Publishers / Martinus Nijhoff Publishers" serial P 3 "International Labor Standards and Global Economic Integration: Proceedings of a Symposium" inlbrstd fulltext "Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs," monograph 1994 P "International Labour Law Reports" 0168-6526 1978 2017 inllrep P3Y fulltext "Brill Academic Publishers" serial P 1 "International law : the importance of extradition : hearing before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, first session, May 13, 1999." intliex fulltext "Washington: U.S. G.P.O.," monograph 2000 P "International Law: a Restatement of Principles in Conformity with Actual Practice" Stowell ilrespi fulltext monograph 1931 P "International Law Analysis of the Major United Nations Resolutions concerning the Palestine Question" Mallison ilamunpq fulltext "New York: United Nations," monograph 1979 P "International Law and Custom of Ancient Greece and Rome" Phillipson ilcagr fulltext monograph 1911 P "International Law and Diplomacy in the Spanish Civil Strife" Padelford inladsp fulltext monograph 1939 P "International Law and Diplomacy of the Russo-Japanese War" Hershey ildipruj fulltext monograph 1906 P "International Law and State Behaviour in Cyberspace Series; Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar: Conference Report" intcybsem fulltext monograph 2015 P "International Law and State Behaviour in Cyberspace Series: Eurasia Regional Seminar: Conference Report" stbhvser fulltext monograph 2015 P "International Law and the Middle East Crisis: A Symposium" intlwmdl fulltext "New Orleans: Tulane University," monograph 1957 P "International Law and the Preemptive Use of Force Against Iraq (RS21314)" "David M. 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Fisher Unwin; William Clowes," monograph 1905 P "Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations Reports of Conferences" 1876 4 1 1893 16 ilarc fulltext "International Law Association" serial P 1 "Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations Summary of the Proceedings" 1875 3 1 1875 3 ilarc fulltext "International Law Association" serial P 1 "International Law Association Reports of Conferences" 1873 1 1 2018 78 ilarc fulltext "International Law Association" serial P 1 "International Law Association, Reports of the Executive Council" ilarcrep fulltext "International Law Association" monograph P "International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied by the United States" Hyde ilciaus fulltext monograph 1922 P "International Law concerning the Conduct of Hostilities: Collection of Hague Conventions and Some Other Treaties" intlwchsto fulltext "Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross" monograph 1989 P "International Law in Connexion with Municipal Statutes Relating to the Commerce, Rights and Liabilities of the Subjects of Neutral States Pending Foreign War, Considered with Reference to the Trial of the Case of the Alexandra" Hamel intlmuns fulltext monograph 1863 P "International Law in South Africa" Baty intsoua fulltext "London: Stevens and Haynes," monograph 1900 P "International Law in Vertical Space: Air, Outer Space, Ether" Verplaetse intverspc fulltext "South Hackensack: Fred B. 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US Naval War College" 2375-2831 1901 45 1 ilsusnwc fulltext "U.S. Naval War College, Stockton Center for the Study of International Law" serial P 12 "International Law: The Conduct of Armed Conflict and Air Operations" "United States" conarmo fulltext monograph 1976 P "International Law with Materials for a Code of International Law" Levi ilmatcoi fulltext monograph 1895 P "International Legal Status of the Kwantung Leased Territory" Young intlskwt fulltext "Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press," monograph 1931 P "International Negotiation" 1382-340X 1996 2017 intnegb P3Y fulltext "Brill Academic Publishers" serial P 3 "International Organizations and the Law of the Sea: Documentary Yearbook" 0920-7767 1985 2002 nilosyb fulltext "Coverage is from volume one. Based on the contract with this title, HeinOnline must delay the release of new content by two complete volumes." "Brill Academic Publishers" serial P 1 "International Patent and Trademark Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, October 6-31, 1958" "United States." interpatrcon fulltext monograph 1959 P "International Problems and Hague Conferences" Lawrence hagco fulltext monograph 1908 P "International Taxation of Cloud Computing: Permanent Establishment, Treaty Characterization, and Transfer Pricing" "ISBN-- 978-2-88954-031-0" Weisser intxcld fulltext "Geneva: University of Geneva," monograph 2020 P "International Terrorism: A Compilation of Major Laws, Treaties, Agreements, and Executive Documents" intltrrsm fulltext "Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office," monograph 2000 P "International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Yearbook" 1389-6288 1996 2017 intrlwsy P3Y fulltext "Brill Academic Publishers" serial P 1 "International Tribunals: Past and Future" Hudson intrpafu fulltext monograph 1944 P "Internationale Finanzrecht: Eine Systematische Darstellung der Internationalen Finanzrechtsnormen" Lippert itlfnctes fulltext "Triest: Verlag M. 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