Volume Full-Text Word and Phrase Search
The Volume Full-Text Word and Phrase Search will allow you to perform full-text word and phrase searches on the volume you are currently viewing. Searches are performed against the uncorrected OCR text that was generated from the page images for the volume. You perform a Volume Full-Text Word and Phrase Search by using the Search Volume dialog box that will appear in the left-hand frame when you are viewing a volume. The dialog box will appear as follows:
Search 1 Harv. L. Rev.
To perform a full-text search of the volume you are viewing, type your search argument into the input field and press the “Go” button.
Enclosing search words in quotation marks (") will perform a Phrase Search; otherwise a Word Search will be performed.
Searches are not case-sensitive.
Once you press the “Go” button, you will be presented with a Search Results list containing every page in the volume with the word(s) or phrase for which you are searching. Each item on the Search Results list will contain a link to view the page and show the context where the word(s) or phrase were found on the page. If the word(s) or phrase appear on the page more than once, the context for each occurrence will be shown in the Search Results list.
For a Phrase Search, the Search Results list will contain every page in the volume that has the phrase at least once. Search Results lists for phrase searches are presented in page number order.
For a Word Search, the Search Results list will contain every page in the volume that has any or all of the words in the search argument. The Search Results list will be ordered by the total number of words on the page that match the search argument from highest to lowest denoted by “Score”. Within each 'Score', the pages will be listed in page number order.
To look at any of the volumes listed on the search results list just click the link of the journal or to preserve your original results list do a right-click on the journal link and choose "Open in a New Window." Once you do either of these options, you will be presented with a volume search results list with every page in the volume that contain the word(s) or phrase for which you are searching.