United Nations Audio Visual Library of International Law

Catherine Kessedjian - Selected Works

29 Melb. U. L. Rev. 765 (2005)
Sir Kenneth Bailey Memorial Lecture: Dispute Resolution in a Complex International Society [comments]
Kessedjian, Catherine

2 Int'l L.F. D. Int'l 145 (2000)
Recurring Themes/Themes Recurrents
Internet - Introduction [comments]
Boele-Woelki, Katharina;Kessedjian, Catherine

32 Int'l L. 977 (1998)
Symposium on Jurisdiction and the Internet
Dispute Resolution On-Line [article]
Kessedjian, Catherine;Cahn, Sandrine

1 Int'l L.F. D. Int'l 65 (1999)
Recurring Themes/Themes Recurrents
Prevention des Differends, un Besoin Reel de la Pratique ou une Invention de Juristes, La [article]
Hill, Richard;Kessedjian, Catherine

5 Int'l L.F. D. Int'l 5 (2003)
Recurring Themes/Themes Recurrents
La reparation/Reparation [notes]
Cisse, Catherine;Kessedjian, Catherine

4 Int'l L.F. D. Int'l 176 (2002)
Work in Progress/Travaux en Cours
Table Ronde sur Governance and International Legal Theory [article]
Kessedjian, Catherine

3 Int'l L.F. D. Int'l 193 (2001)
Work in Progress/Travaux en Cours
XIXeme Session Diplomatique de la Conference de la Haye de Droit International Prive [article]
Kessedjian, Catherine

2 Unif. L. Rev. n.s. 675 (1997)
Vers une Convention a Vocation Mondiale en Matiere de Competence Juridictionnelle Internationale et d'Effets des Jugements Etrangers [article]
Kessedjian, Catherine

33 Tex. Int'l L. J. 477 (1998)
First Impressions of the Transnational Rules of Civil Procedure [article]
Kessedjian, Catherine

8 Eur. J.L. Reform 93 (2006)
Keynote Addresses IACL Congres
De Quelques Pistes pour l'Encadrement Procedural de l'Intervention des Amici Curiae [article]
Kessedjian, Catherine