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1 Tryal of Thomas Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon an Impeachment of High Treason by the Commons Then Assembled in Parliament, in the Name of Themselves and of All the Commons in England 1680

handle is hein.trials/ttesll0001 and id is 1 raw text is: THE
Thomas Earl of Strafford
Lord Lieutenant of IRELAN D,
Upon an
jmptadijment of Iglttraton
The C o m mo  us then Affembled in
In the Name of THEMSELVES and of
,11 tp Commons of tuglanb:
Begun in Wefminfer-Hall the 22th of March 1640.
And Continued (before Judgment was Given) until the ioth ofMq 1641
Shewing the Form of PA RL IA ME NTAT Y Proceedings
To which is Added
A fhort Account of fome other MA T T E R S of FACT
Tranfa&ed in Both Houfes of P AR L IAM EN T,
Precedent, Concomitant and Subfiquent to thefaid TR, TA L:
With fome Special Arguments in L A W
RelatingtoaBILL of-ATTAINDER.
Faithfully ColleFJed, and , Impartialy Pubhed,
Without Obfervation or Refle&ion,
By   0 FI N XVS H W 0   TYI of Lincolnes-Inn, Efq;
PritedforL 0 X\ ~D       05(
Printed for John Wright at the Crown on Ludgate-Hill, and Richard
Chifwvell at the Refe and Crown in St. Pauls Church-Yard, x 68o.


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