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1 To His Majesty George the Second, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith, and So Forth: The Humble Address of Persons, Inhabitants of His Majesty's Plantations in North America [i] (1755)

handle is hein.statecon/mjgeoii0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

    To his Majefty G E 0 R G E the Second, by the Grace of

          God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, KtNG

          Defender of the Faith, and 1- forth.

    'The Humble Addrefs uf                              Perfons, Inhabitants of his Majefty's Plantations
        in North America.

          May it Pleafi your Maj. #y.
     E the Subfcribers being of the Number of your Majely's m6ft Dutiful and Loyal Subjeafs, Inhabiting the britils Plan.
     tations in North .4merica, beg Leave with the utmofl Humility to approach your Majefty's Prefence, by this Token of
     our Duty and Regard, which we are encouraged to lay at the Feet of our Sovereign, not only tiom the Ideas we entertain of
     its being at all Times agreeable to your Majeltv to recieve Affurances of the Loyalty and Affecdion of your good Subjeds,
     but alfo from an apprehenfion that fuch Proofs of fincere regard to the fubftantial Ihterefts of your Crown and Kingdoms,
     from Thoufands of your good People of America, as we have now to lay before your Majefly, will afford a more fohd Satis-
     fafion (at a Time when all your American Dominions are threatned either with prefent or future Ruin) than the mot pom-
     pous Profeflions of Duty and Loyalty unaccompanied with correfponding Aetions; Emboldened by this confidence1 we
     Deg leave to affure your Majt fy, that we behold sith Horror and Indignation, the Schemes which have long been fecret-
     ly laid (and which our perfidious Neighbours at length are openly executing) for the Ruin and Dfruetion of all your Majef-
     ty's Dominions in Amerca : We are affected with equal Horror and Deteftation at the ProfpefL of that Slavery to an Arbitrary
     Prince and Popsfh Church, which the completion of thofe Schemes wou'd neceffarily bring upon us, and our Poiterity, with
     a proportionable Gratitude, we behold your Majefty's Paternal Care in fending Fleets and Armies for our Proteftion when oe
     are unable to Protect ourfelves, and when it is out of our Power without fuch aid to prevent that Mifery that feems to be
     breaking in upon us like a Flood, and which if not feafonably prevented would deluge the whole Land in Ruin In fuch a
     fituation as this, we should think ourfelves snexcufeable if we were e,ther infenfible of your Majelty's Kindnefs, or unwilling
     to contribute our Mite towards repelling the common Danger ---- Being Bound then by the double Ties of Duty and Gratitude
     to your Majefty, and by that regard to the Dignity of your Crown, to our Country, our Pofltenty, and our Holy Religion, that
     ought to fill the Brealls of every Friend to Liberty and the Proteltant Caufe, we are now come with the deepeft Humiihty
     to offer our Service in fuch a way as we verily believe will (if your Majefly is pleafed to accept thereof) Promote the Inter-
     efts of your Crown and Kingdoms, and contribute to the fafety of your Amrcan Plantation. in the molt e~dfCtual Manner
     -A ithin the Compafs of our Power The Service that we humbly offer, and of which we Pray your Majefty's Acceptance, is that
     of laying (as far as in us Lies) a Foundation for preventing the Encroachments of the French, and for extending your Do-
     minions in America, by removing with our Family's, and Fortunes, to the New Colony beyond the Alkghevy Mountains,
     which the Scheme that is now laid at your Majelty's Feet propofes,  f it fhall be found agreeable to your Royal Pleafure, to
     order fuch Settlement, and gracioufly to grant fuch Aid to the Defign, as will be neceffary for carrying it into Execution,---
     And as the wife and feafonable Mealures which your Majelty, at a valt expence, has been pleafed to take, for the Security of
     your American Dominoni, affords the mol unqueftionable Proofs, of your Majefty's Regard for their fafety, fo we doubt not
     your Royal Wifdom and Penetration, has difcoverd the neceffity and importance, of lettling ftrong and numerous Colonies
     in the Neighbourhood of Ohio, and Mqfipp , as well for the fecuring thofe important Parts, of your Dominions, as for doing
     it, in a manner the lealt Burthenfome, and the moil Advantageous, to your good Subjefts of Great Britain, and America.

        O U R molt Humble Prayer therefore is, that your Majefly will gracioully be pleafed, to grant fuch Countenance and AffMR,
.y-.----    to tht prefent Scheme for fettling a New Colony, as will be neceffary, for the Encouragement of a People, on whofe
      Fidelity, your Majefty may, with the utmoft Confidence rely, and who at the fame Time, efteem thenfelves bound by the
      moft facred and indiffoluble Ties, to hand down the Bleflings of civil and religious Liberty, inviolate, to their Pofferity.
      And will our gracious Sovereign be pleafed to permit us to hope, for that Favour, from his Royal Benignity, whsch our
      Zeal for his Sirvice, and our Country's Caufe, inclines us to wifli.
        H A V E I N G chearfully m:(de a tender of our befl Service What now remains is, to offer up oar Humble and
      Fervent Prayers to Almighty GoD the Sovereign Ruler of the Univerfe, by whom Ksng's Reign, and Princes Decree
      Judgment, that he would be pleafed to Crown your Maeflty's Arms with Succefs, that your Enemy's may flee away axd
      return no more, that your Majefly's Life, may long be continued a Bleffing to your People, and full of Happinef to
      yourfclf, that when Death puts a Period to your Reign on Earth, your Majefty may receive a Crown of immortal Glory, and
      that there never may be wanting one of your illuirious Race, to fway the Bntifh Scepter in Righteoufnefs. The¢ then may
      it pleafe your Majefty, are our Willics, and thefe 1hall b, our Prayers.

           Dated at Philadelpha,
             7M/ z4th, 1755.

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