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1762-1766 384 (1762)

handle is hein.ssl/ssva0292 and id is 1 raw text is: 384          Anno Regni fecundo GEORGII Tertii Regis.
A. D. 276%.
FRANCIS  At a GENERAL           ASSEMBLY        begun    and   held    at the
Er'   e       CAPITOL, in the City of f illiamsburg, on Tuefday
the 26th of May, in the ift Year of the Reign of
our Sovereign Lord GEORGE 1Il. by the Grace of
GoD of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King,
Defender of the Faith, &c. and in the Year of
our LoRD       176r,     and from      thence continued, by
feveral Prorogations, to Tuefday the 3 oth of March,
1762, in the fecond Year of his Majefty's Reign,
and then held at the CAPITOL, in the City of
I' ,illiamsburg,     being   the third Seflion      of this Ge-
neral Affembly.
CH     A  P.   I.
An AEa to amend an AU intituled An AU/ to explain the Charter
and enlarge the Privileges of the Borough of Norfolk, and for
other Purp/es therein mentioned; alfo one other AH, intituled
An AF/ for enlarging and afeertaining the Limits of the Borough
of Norfolk, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned.      (a)
I.       H I-1 E RE A S by an At of Affembly, made in the twenty fifth Year of
the Reign of his late Majefty King GEORGE the fecond, intituled
An ARl to explain the Charter and enlkrge the Privileges of the Borough of Norfolk,
andfor other Purpofies therein mentioned, the Court of the County of Norfolk, and
the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, of the faid Borough, or the major Part of
them, were invefted with. full Power and Authority to build on, or let, a certain
Lot or Parcel of Land therein mentioned, which at the laying off the faid Borough
had been fet apart for the Ufe of a School for the Benefit of the Inhabitants of
the faid Borough and County of Norolk, and to provide and agree with an able
Maiter for the Iaid School, capable to teach the Greek and Latin Tongues, which
faid Mafter, before he thould be received or admitted to keep School, thould
undergo an Examination before the Mafters of the College of William and Mary,
and the Minifter of Elizabeth Parifli for the Time being, and produce a Certificate
of his Capacity, and alfo a Licenfe from the Governour or Commander in Chief
of this Dominion for the Time being, agreeable to his Majefly's Infirudions.
11. A N D whereas, in Purfuance of the faid Ad, a Schoolhoufe hath been
built on the ftid Lot, but by Reafon of the Variety of Opinions frequently hap-
pening b    cteen the Jufices of the Iiid County and the Mayor, Recorder, and
Aldermen, of the ftid Borough, in the Choice of a Mailer for the faid School,
(a) SeC 1o. CC, 2. (1736) Cap. 6. with tWe Nutes fubjoined.

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