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1784 3 (1784)

handle is hein.ssl/ssva0171 and id is 1 raw text is: A                C. T                           S
PA8SED              AT       A
OF       THE          COMMONWEALTH                             O-
May    Seffion, J 781'
CtiA            P. 1
ir AM T fir further conti,nihg a Ad, i,stituled,  A'  Aa to afrereiat te /o fe dud hijur.e fraflazrw4'
from the depredations of the ene ,y 'viehi( thij Coemon'eath..          '
Stc~T  r, 1T    HEMEAS the Aa of AffeeMlhy, Oali'd In tfie yd-sr one thoufand fevch hundred and eighiy
W- /  twov intituled, tAVn A& totr fcrakin the loffes arid ilhjsne  fufaliedl from, Ohe depida
tions of tbc nemy within this Commonwealth,' which was tontiiued by fevei-al fubfequent Ads, will c*-
pire at th nead of the prefent effion of Affembly, and it is expredient that the fame fhould be further coiinud
SEcT. 2. Be t1 tbere)Jre enalledi That the A&, intitulcdi I An Ad to a-ertain the ioA'1es and injuriei
futlaitied from the depieditions of the enemy within this Cc'mnionwealth, flhall continue and be in fdrce,
from and aftfr the expiration thereof, until the end 6f the next leflion of.Affensblyi and no longer.
C   H   A   P.    I l
'n Ad d T for firhe con tlnuifsg a'n Atl, i titukd,  An .da concernhtg penfloner.
SECT. t. I'THEREAS the Aa of Aflembly, paffed in the year one ihoufand feven hund'red and eighty
VW two, intituled,  An Act concerning penfioners, which was continued by feveral fubfe-
queit Ads, will expire at the end of the prelent feffion of Affembly, and it is expedient that the lanse Mhould
be furthdr continued
I SECT. 2. Be it th'erefore enalled, That the A&, intituled,  An A& concerning penfioners,'0 fhal con-
tinue and be in force from and after the expiration thereof, 'until the end of the next fefflon of Affeznbly,
and no longer.
C   H   A   1.   111.
An A C T to conrfirnit ta 4ouwe and Margaret Rofe their freedom and intoefl widtr the will of Walter
Robertfon, deceafed.
Sz   ,  '7HIEREAS Waiter Robertfon, late of Halifax County, being noffcMflod of P nepr,  woman,
W    named Anne Rofe, and her child, named Maifaret Rofe, -did, by his laft  ,ill ad't, fta
ment, direft, that the fail Anne Rofe, for her long and faithfNl feryices, fliould immediat It, on Iis death,
bc put into poflflfion of all his real and perfonal cftate, for the ufe and benefit of the Laid Anie and hlr daui'
.  . ....                                                          : tee,

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