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1782 156 (1782)

handle is hein.ssl/ssva0167 and id is 1 raw text is: At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun and held at the Public Buildings
in the Town of Richmond, on Monday the 6th day of May, in
the Year of our Lord 1782.


C    11  A    P.        1.

'emprdrr,  An aHt Siving further tinte to pay taes in certain enerated eamoditiem and pttying the adlowasers to Mea
azueos, parnets, and finilie of joldieri.
SH     A   P.     Ii.

See May 12,83,
ch. I r.
Trrsarer to keep
djflinS accounts of
the revnume

A at for apbropriating the puhlic re-t'enue.
r.       HtIEREAS in a ju1t appropriation of the revenue of the fi ae, the put!c fNith will be heft pre*
XAT[[ rerved, its-credit fupported, public inconvenience avoided, and the quantum of fupplies fur-
VY     ififbed for the ufe of the United States more certainly afcertained:  Beit thtrefore ea ded
the General 4#embly, that the Treafuirer of Tis commonwealth Shall raifo and ftate an account upon his
books for the amount of all monies received for every fpecies or fubje of taxation fpecified in the adt for
afcertaining certain taxes and duties and for eftablilbing a permanent revenue; in which accounts, except
the one for the land tax, Shall be diftinguilhed the articles commutable for the Lame, the amount of thr
receipts paid into the treafury therefor, and the places were depofited.
IL AD be it enailed, that a fufficient tum arifirg from the land tax, As alfo upon all other taxable ar-
ticles except as hereafter excepted, fhall be fet apart and applied to the Cole purpofe of payirg off and
ditcharging all turns of money due to the feveral officers of civil government, including the members of
congress and of the General Affembly, and the officers of every denomination attending thereon; alfo
that the (um of ten thoufaud pounds be applied to the ufe of the Executive, to enable them to defray the
contingent cf6'.r'es of government; and the refidue, if any there be, fhali be appropriated to the pay-
ment of the inte:d which (ball he come due on the feveral emiffions of paper money called in and funded
under the adt for calling in and funding the paper money of this Rate; and a further furn which may be
fufficient for the payment of the intereft as aforefaidl fl all alfo be fet apart and applied to the (aid
lls   OND be it .fither ,naRed, that all fnms of money which Thall be received into the treafury for
taxe  1pob all taxable articles, except as before direded, and as here'atrr excepted, fhail be appropri.
ted td continental purpofes, anti thall be applied to the credit of this commonwealth- upon the rcqui.
fitons of congress of the fourth day of Oaober, one thoufand feven hundred and eighty one, retaining
to much money or fpeelifcs only as fhall be fofficient to difeharge certain debts now tlue from the State
Agent for the purpofes of his department; and alfo the funi of hftecn thoufand pounds to difchairc
tuturc expendhurea in the militaiv department of the Rate,
IV. AND be it further mailed, that the money arifing from the taxeS payable in certain f(ccific art?-
ties agreeable to the at for laying taxes in certain enumerated commodities, .hall be appropriated by
th2 Treafurer, in aid of the other appropriatiors herein bi.fore dirt' dd, towards the credit of this Iate
upon the repliti.tions of C€ongrefs, :et:i::.xig the finn of live thout ud pounds for-the payment of penrifns
die to %-*-,-unded or difabled foldiers, agrucablc to anv a-t or refolutions of the General AIteanbly, or of
pexffiv;-m or allowancts to woundcd or difabled offict.s, or  .he widows or clmdrcu of any officer or

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