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1944 1 (1944)

handle is hein.ssl/ssms0062 and id is 1 raw text is: ADVANCE SHEET
Extraordinary Legislative Session

Senate Bills
S. B. No. 1
S. B. No. 2

House Bills
1H. B. No. 1
H-I. B. No. 2

C. i.
C. R.
C. R.
C. R.
C. R.
C. R.
C. R.

Published by WALKER WOOD
Secretary of State
Afhssissu-i,i 1942.
4213. Acts of Legislature-distribution of to countles.-Upon any act of
the legislature of a geicral nature becoming a law tile sEcretary of state
shall, within fifteen (Iays after the law is filed in his office have a sufficient
nua'ber of copies thEreof printed and shall send a copy thereof to tile clerk
of the chancery court of each county in the state, or as many copies as
there mqy be separate judicial districts in any county.
4214. Chancery clerk to preserve same.-The clerks of the chancery
courts of the several counties in tile state, upon recelpt of the said copies,
shall forthwith securely so paste or bind the same' sucL. '.ely as received
In some suitable book or form, so as to secure said laws from loss and
shall keep and retain the same in his office as such clerk for convenient
access and inspection of the prople of the stale during the office hours of
said clerk Pt Pl reasonable times and mntil replaced by the complete bound
volume of laws.

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