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1 Michael Hawke, The Grounds of the Lawes of England [i] (1657)

handle is hein.selden/grolafol0001 and id is 1 raw text is: The GROUNDS of the
Extraded from the Fountaines of all 0-
ther Learning : And digefted Methodically
into CASE S, for the Ufe and Benefit of all
With a Commixtion of divers fcattered
Grounds concerning the reafonable
Confiruftion of the L A W
major hrreditas venit unicuiq3 nofirum a vre or legibus,quan ab i,
a quibus illa bona reliEll foIrn :Nane t perVenItat ai nos fundus,
teflamento aliculus feripotefl : ut retineamus qt:od nop;umfachm
ef0, fne jure civiliferi nonpotef . Ciceropro Cetinna.
The Conmmon Law is the befl, and comlion Birth-right that the
Subje& hath,for the fafeguard and defencemot only of Goods,
Lands,and Revenews, but of his Wife and Childi enhis body,
fame, and life alfo, coIe Com.f I42.
By M.,H. of the Middle-Temple.
L 0 ND 0 N, Printed for H.Twyford, T. Drin , 7o.
Place, and r. Place, and are to be fold at their Shops in Vine-
Court Middle-Temple,at the George in Fleetflreefat Fur-
nivals,and Grayes-lnne Gates in Holborn, i 6 5 7.

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