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1 Exact Abridgment of the Commentaries, or, Reports of the Learned and Famous Lawyer, Edmond Plowden, an Apprentice of the Common Law, concerning Divers Cases and Matters in Law, and the Arguments Thereupon; in the Times of the Reignes of King Edward the Sixth, Queen Mary, King Philip and Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth, with the Exceptions to the Pleadings, and Answers Thereunto; the Resolution of the Matters in Law, and All Other Principall Matters Arising upon the Same [i] (1659)

handle is hein.selden/exabcorfl0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AN EXACT.
The Commentaries, or
RLeports of the Learned and Famous
An Apprentie of the Common Law.
Concerning divers Cafes and Marters
in Law, and the Arguments thereupon;in
the times of the Redgnes of KingEdward the Sixth,
Queen Mary, King Philip and Queen Mary, and
Queen E   i.a betb~whh the Exceptions to the pleal-
ings, and Anfwers thereunto; the Refrdution ofhc
Matters in Law, and all other princ-pall batters
arifing upon the fame.
Digeteieby Sir fohn ' ialtei Knight, late Lord Cheit
Baron of the Court of Exchequer.
Engli'ed by Fabian Hicks of the Itvr'I'em-
pie Lonidon, Efq;
Traaant fabrilia fabri.
Loxdon, Printed by 1. Streat for VIeny Twiford, and
k     are to be fold at his Shop irk Vinc-Court in the
Middle Tempie, i

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