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15 Eur. Company L. 101 (2018)
Conference Report: 'Cross-Border Mergers Directive: EU Perspectives and National Experiences'

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Conference Report: 'Cross-Border

Mergers Directive: EU Perspectives

and National Experiences'


The Research Promotion Foundation of the Republic of Cyprus is
funding a research project on the regulation of takeovers and
mergers at EU and national level. (Research Project: 'Takeovers and
Mergers in European, Cypriot and Greek Company Law'
KOULTOURA//BP-NE/0514/18), whose Coordinator   is Dr
Thomas  Papadopoulos, Lecturer in Business Law at the
Department of Law of the University of Cyprus. The Host
Organization is the University of Cyprus. This research funding
accompanies the Cyprus Research Award for the Best Young
Researcher of 2014 (category of 'Social Sciences & Humanities'),
which Dr Papadopoulos was awarded from the Research Promotion
Foundation. In the context of 'the dissemination of results' of this
research project, the international conference 'Cross-border Mergers
Directive: EU perspectives and national experiences' took place on
Saturday 7 October 2017. This event was funded by the Republic of
Cyprus through the Research Promotion Foundation. This confer-
ence, convened by Dr Papadopoulos, aimed at scrutinizing the 10th
Company  Law Directive on Cross-border Mergers (Directive 2005/
56/EC, now Articles 118-134 of Directive (EU) 2017/1132; herein-
after 'CBMD'). The Conference was held at the University House
Anastasios G. Leventis at the premises of the University Campus of
the University of Cyprus. The event was attended by leading aca-
demic scholars and law practitioners from Cyprus and other
European states as well as representatives of legislative and regula-
tory institutions. The conference was divided into four parts; the
first two panels provided for a macro-analysis of the topic, exam-
ining the CBMD and Cross-border Mergers (hereinafter 'CBMs') at
an EU level, whilst the following two panels offered expert insight
on the CBMD's  application and importance at Member State
(hereinafter 'MS') level.
   The Welcome  Addresses were delivered by Professor
Constantinos P. Constantinou, Vice-Rector of the University of
Cyprus; Spyros Kokkinos, Registrar of Companies and Official
Receiver, Republic of Cyprus; Professor Constantinos Kombos,
Vice-Chair and Associate Professor at the Department of Law of the

University of Cyprus; and Dr Thomas Papadopoulos, Lecturer in
Business Law at the Department of Law of the University of Cyprus
and Coordinator of the Research Project. Professor Steef Bartman,
Professor of Company Law at the University of Leiden, Netherlands;
Attorney-at-law, Bartman Company Law, Netherlands; Co-mana-
ging director of Centre for European Company Law (CECL) and
Editor-in-Chief of European Company Law (ECL) Journal (Kluwer),
delivered the keynote speech, offering some valuable observations
on the CBMD  with special emphasis on EU Corporate Law Border
Protection and Minority Shareholders' Rights. As he noted, setting
the ground for the ensuing presentations, CBMs are a means of
corporate migration and immigration. He explained that the ability
to conduct CBMs defines the 'company law border' which, in many
respects, differs from the physical borders. However, this requires
safeguards to be placed by national law, particularly on control of
entry, yet there is no initiative (at EU level) known at the moment.
Moving to the topic of minority protection, he focused on share-
holders' exit rights. He noted the latter (fundamental minority)
rights' absence from the CBMD, in stark contrast to the
Shareholders Directive. The introduction of Article 10 (3) to the
CBMD,  in 2009, did not encourage the provision of such protection
within the EU either. According to Article 10 (3) of the CBMD, as
he emphasized, the procedure to compensate minority members
only applies if the other merging companies (of MSs which do not
provide for such procedure) explicitly accept the possibility for the
members  of that merging company to have recourse to such pro-
cedure. Therefore, he explained, shareholders are often unable to
invoke the protection offered by their domestic law. The adverse
effects of this situation would be felt more intensely in closely-held
companies than listed ones.

The opening panel, chaired by Constantinos Kombos, Associate
Professor, Department of Law, University of Cyprus, offered an
overview of the implementation of the Directive by EU MS and its

* Email: georgioszouridakis@yahoo.com.

Zouridakis, Georgios . 'Conference Report: 'Cross-Border Mergers Directive: EU Perspectives and National Experiences. European Company Law Journal 15, no. 3 (2018): 101-106.
9 2018 Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherlands

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