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9 Woman's J. 1 (1878)

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VOL. IX.                                                          BOST                 SATURDAY, JAN. 5, 1878.                                                                                  NO.L
                                                                                                             F   -------  -  -  -. --------- -NO.---:-

  AN                   SNasedevey O RAy.In
    Doaodvoted  tel  inet   f  oa-o hr
 educational industrial, legal and political Equality,
 ad especially to her right of Saffrage.
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          COBNELIA .   CHISHOL.
              BY MARY CLEMMER.
        And do we dream we hear
        The far, low cry of fear,
        Where in the Southern land
        The masked barbaric band,
        Under the covert night,
        Still fight the coward's fight,
        Still strike the assassin's blow-
        Smite childhood, girlhood low!
        Great Justice! canst thn see
        Unmoved that such things b?
        See murderers go free,
        Unsought? Breised in her grave
        The girl who fought to save
        Brother and sire. She died for man.
        She leads the lofty van
        Of hero women. Lift her name
        With ever-kindling fame.
        Her youth's consummate flower
        Took on the exalted dower
        Of martyrdom. And death
        And love put on her crown
        Of high renown. * * * *
        Cense, bellsoffreedom, cease!
        Ilush, happy songs of peace!
        If such things yet may e,
        Sweet land of liberty,
        In thee, in theet
   Changes in thie current of popular feeling
 show themselves not only in things that are
 done, but in criticisms made when  things
 are not done. There is the question of lit-
 erary dinners, for instance. When the Bal-
 lantynes gave a dinner to Sir Walter Scott,
 and a chapter of the next Waverly   novel
 was read from advance sheets, did anybody
 ever complain in the newspapers that Miss
 Edgeworth was  not summoned  from Ireland
 to attend? Nay, in the early days  of the
 Atlantic the contributors had  monthly
 dinners at the Revere House, at which no
 woman  over  appeared; these dinners were
 often described in the newspapers, but no-
 body inquired whether  the contributors
 were all masculine and why  the rest were
 not there. On  one occasion, some eighteen
 years ago, when  Mrs. Stowe was going  to
 Europe, site was invited to a special enter-
 tainment; wine and tobacco  were abjured
 and guests  of both  sexes were  invited.
 Holmes  and Lowell  were at the. head and
 foot of the table; Whittier and Longfellow
 were there, and many  others; but after all
 only two  ladies accepted the invitation-
 Mrs. Stowe  herself and Harriet Prescott,
 then a timid girl and known   only as the
 promising author  of In a Cellar. I re-
 member  that some  one proposed  that the
 young  lady should  send  down  into her
 cellar for some wine, as Mrs. Stowe would
 permit none above stairs. For the want of
 this, or for some other reason, the dinner
 was not found  to be an  eminent success.
 But now  such a  dinner would be attended
 by many ladies if tthey had opportunity; and
 the fact of their absence on a recent oc-
 casion has occasioned general remark, most-
 ly unfavorable.  This shows  a change  ih
 public sentiment, within a period quite re-
   Again, in regard to the losition of women
 on School  Committees.   Just  before the
 late city electiorn in Boston, a scrap went
 the rounds  of te  country papers  to the
 effect that the experiment of putting women
 on the Boston School Committee had failed
 -or rather, th statement took that fact for
 granted and went on  to assign the reasons
 why it had failed. Then came  the election
 itself; the only woman nominated  for re-
 election was the only person named on all
 the tickets, and she had finally more votes
 than any other candidate. Thus a course of
 action which o:iginally cost angry discus-
 slon and solicitors' opinions and legal enact-
 ments and heated public meetings, has re-
 iiewed itself at last with the general acqui-
escence of all voters. This certainly shows
great progress.

-.Mm   Samphommalolft MaksmILMAN    I


   The  successive editions of Mr. Sewall's
 pamphlet on  the Legal Position of Women
 in Massachusetts shows a steady advance in
 the laws of that State; and in other states
 there is aii organized effort, this very year,
 to secure the same reforms. It is perfectly
 true, as opponents of Woman Sutffrage say,
 that our legislators generally correct the
 disabilities of women when their attention
 is called to these; but it is also trie that it
 often takes very long to get their attention,
 whereas the ballot would be a  very short
 road to it. We  must  always hold to this;
 that all other facilities are imperfect, all
 other guarantees insecure; nevertheless all
 that can be got even by means less effective
 is to be held and secured if possible.
   The usefulness of always  asking for all
 that one can easily demand, and leaving on
 others the responsibility of cutting down
 your demand,  was never better shown than
 in the late petition for the admissionof girls
 to the Latin School. Had   the petitioners
 merely asked the city, humbly, to fit girls
 for college at the public expensie, the de.
 mand  would  probably have been almost as
 stoutly resisted as the more ample demand
 actually made.  But  by boldly asking for
 the whole, the petitioners secured at least
 half without a struggle; the city will not
 grudge the expense  of fitting girls for col-
 lege, if the cherished Latin School can only
 be kept pure from this dangerous society of
   What  can people be made of, who do not
 see that the movement  towards equalizing
 the position of the sexes Is advancing as in-
 evitably as the march of the seasons? You
 can no more undo it than you can re-convert
 1878 into 1877. The final possession of the
 ballot is just as sure as any of the other
 steps, and the only question is as to the pre-
 cise digits that tell the year when it shall be
 enacted.  Most people do not  see what is
 coming; because  the trees groi' green in
 spring they suppose that the buda are not
 formed till spring; but the buds are on the
 boughs tall winter, nevertheless, and for
 those who have eyes to see the buds are the
 sure guarantee of the yet distant summer.
                               T. W. T.
   I have just come upon a sentence of Vic.
 tor Hugo's Les  Misrables  which  illus-
 trates what was said in the last number about
 the tendency of separate education to pro-
 duce the very evils it seeks to cure. Rien
 no prpare  i.o jeune fille pour les pasion
 cotmm le couvent. Le couvent tourne la pemn-
 sc dut cold det P' inconait. . . . Le ovuent eat
 une compressionquti pour tri-ompher duitcoeour
 hunain dottuer  toue la vie. (Part IV. B.
 III, § 4.) Which may be  freely translated
 thus Nothing educatesayoung  girl for the
 passions like conventual education. The
 convent turns all thoughts in the direction
 of the unknown  . . . The convent is a re-
 straint which in order to conquer the htit.
 man heart should last the whole life long.
                               'I. W. mI.
  On  Tuesday  the  morning  journals an-
nounced   that that would   be Woman's
Day  in the  Senate.  The  announcement
in the journals was made with dignity and
without  comment.   In the Senate the peti-
tions were presented without dignity, and,
with  a  few  exceptions, with  comments
which  reflected deep discredit on those who
uttered them.  It isa disgrace to the United
States Senate which cannot  be wiped out,
that it will not receive a petition coming
from  thousands of honorable women  in the
land without laughter, ridicule, and sneers.
No  matter what  the personal opinion of a
senator may be, the honest petition of any
citizen, black or white, man or woman, is
entitled by that citizenship to his respect-
ful consideration. At  least, he should be
gentleman  enough   and  have  self-respect.
enough, if lie have ever so little for time pe-
titioner, to present her petition with the
manner   and in the  tone of a' gentleman.
If we needed any added proof to the already
too evident fact that, as an aggregate,.the
Congress of the American  people toes not
consist of gentlemen, we  have it in their
tones, words, and manners  when  they pre-
sent a woman's petition. Judging by these,
you must  believe that nothing on earth is
quite sofunny   as that a tax-paying citi-
zen-often  the widowed   head of a family,
an intelligent, educated,.thoughtful being-
should ask that she have some voice in the
laws that govern  her; that she should, at
least, be free to give that consent of the
governed on  which even  the man-framed
Constitution declared all just government
rests, which is not denied the lowest creature
that crawls, if so be he happens to crawl in
the shape of a  man.  A  woman   of great
nature could afford to pity the men, Sena-

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tors  of the United  States, who  that daiy
made   themselves look so small. Had   she
not  been  sure that, as a creature of Gotd,
she  was greater than they, she might well
have   bowed  her head  in humiliation and
covered  herself with sckclothi anid ashes,
that more  than  ten thousand  women,  her
peers, have  come to sue at such it court as
that.  Is the caste of sexso all-pervading,
so  omnipresent, thata man cannot read even
the  petition of a woman  without at once
dissolving into ancering laughter and inane
   In autocratic Russia to-day a woman sits
 regent on  the imperial throne, while her
 husband  and  her four sons,  beyond  the
 Danube,  fight the battles of their religion
 aid  their race. The third volume  of the
 Life of the Prince Consort, just issued in
 London,  refutes forever a favorite assertion
 of mien that the Queen of England is Inst a
 puppet in the government of her vast realm,
 In pouring light upon the general manage-
 ment  of public  business in England,  it
 shows  us in unerring outline the Queen,
 from the beginningof her reign to this day,
 for forty years, attending personally with
 the minutest attention to the routine busi-
 ness of departments,  carefully studying
 and weighing every subject, small or great,
 which affects in the slightest the well-being
 of her  people. Let  the women   of  the
 world arise and bless her, that she, a wo.
 man  pre-eminent in station, has for forty
 years proved herself equal to her opportu-
 nity. Not only wife, mother, woman among
 the best, but every Inch a queen.
   Prince Albert, writingof Napoleon Third,
 said: le seemed  astonished when  I told
 him  that every dispatch went through the
 Queen's hrnia and was read  by her; as he
 only received extracts from them, and, in-
 deed, appeared to have  little time or in-
 clination generally to read. When   I ob-
 served to him that the Queen would not be
 content without seeing the whole  of  the
 diplomatic correspondence, he replied that
 lie found a full compensation in having per-
 sons -in his own confideque who  reported
 directly to him. I could'not but  express
 my sense of the danger of such an arrange-
 meit, to which no  statesmani in England,
 at least, would  consent. Again  Prince
 Albert writes from  Paris  to the Queen:
 The Emperor   told me one of tme deepest
 impressions ever mmadhe upon hin was when,
 after having  gone  from  France  to Rio
 Janeiro, and thence to the United States, Ihe
 arrived in London shortly after King Wil-
 liam's death, and saw you,  at the age of
 eighteen, going to open Parliament for the
 fI-st timme.
   Charles Sumner, in wriing  of the same
 occasion, confesses that hi.prejudices were
 all against the youthful Qiteen; but she won
 him completely, not mor  by the womanly
 trembling of her hands than by the splendor
 of her elocution, which, 1 Ideclared to his
 friend Hillard, lie had never heard equaled.
 It was the elocution of allwoman, at eigh-
 teen a queen, upon an occision as august as
 the earth could show. Ntaman lived   that
 would not have felt hono ed to come with-
 In hearing of that perfect nice. All this is
 possible in Europe-to a   oman.  It is in
 America that even the plition of Woman
 is a thing to be laughed At and scorned by
 her highest lawgivers. I is in the sweet
 land of liberty alone tha- It is supremely
 ridiculous for a woman t stretch forth her
 hand to touch even the h!rn of the garment
 of the state.
 Forty  Senators present~ petitions, signed
 by thousands  of men' a4women, asking
 for a constitutional amen ment enfranchis-
 ing women.   A  few rea  the petitions as
 they would  any other,  likh dignity and
 without comment; but ti  majority seemed
 intensely conscious of  lding  something
 unutterably funny  in tlrir hands. They
 appeared to consider it huge  joke.  The
 entire Senate presented tl1 appearance of a
 laughing school  practicing side-splitting
 and  ear-extended grilso3  Mr. Wadleigh
 leaned back in his chalmmu and shook with
 laughter, after portrayin.to his next neigh-
 bor, Pinkney Whyte, of iaryland,  the ap-
 parition of Pinkney's ladhlady descending
 upon the polls like a wolf on the fold, to
 annihilate Pinkney's election-an avenging
 landlady, of terrible repate for executive
 temper, who,  it is declared, imprisoned
 Pinkney in his own parlor, and barricaded
 another descendant of a signer of the Dela-
 ration of independence,' Hiester Clymer,
 till,to save him from starvation, food was
 lifted tohim from the street, on poles. The
 heir of' the Pinkneys leaned. back, int his
 senatorial chair and quaked at this:lsion of
 the coming woman,  while Wadlelglh laugh-
 ed and laughed at the mental havoo he had
 created. Oglesby, ert warrior of Illinol,
spake with such endearing gallantry of his
'dear  constituents, whom lie did all his

wit  could do  to make  ridiculous, till the
whole  Senate   laughed, and even  Roscoe
Coukling, who   never condescends to sneer
at a  woman  in public, turned and listened
and  smiled his most sardonic smile. Then
Thurman blow   his  loudest regulation blast
-sure  portent of  approaching battle-and
rbin and moved  that the petitions be refer-
red to  the Conuipittee on Public Lands, of
which  Oglesby Il.chairman.  At this prop-
osition-intended  to be equally humorous
anti contemptuous-the  whole Senate laugh.
ed  aloud.  There  was  one Senator,  man
anough   and gentleman  enough  to lift the
petition  from  this insulting proposition.
It  was Senator Sargent, of California, the
husband  of the woman  who, though  a Sen-
ator's wife, is brave enough to be tto treas-
urer of the Woman's  National Suffrage As.
sociation. le  turned to Mr. Thurman  and
demanded   for the petition of more than ten
thousand  women,  at least the courtesy that
would   be  given, to any  other  petition.
WhCrlpon Thurman, with a flippancy of
which  I would not have believed him capa-
ble, if I had not seen it, blow his nosoenew,
and declaredthat lie only wished the peti-
tion referred to the Committee  on Public
Lands  thAt the  women   might  have  two
strings to their bow Then the craven
Senate declared the motion,  which  was
only an insult, carried. Let It be recorded
of  the Senate of the United States of the
Forty-Fifth Congress, that the one petition
which  it received as a preposterous joke, and
treated with  utter contempt  and outrage
was the petition of tens of thousands of the
mothers, daughters, and wives of the land;
that the one petition which they  received
and  dropped  with utter indifference was
the petition against intcmperance-the pe-
tition that seeks to lighten the heavy load
of degradation, misery, and murder that lies
upon  the land and most  heavily upon the
hearts, the lives, the homes of women.
  In its unmncing   utterance, The Capita
of Sunday  was  perfectly correct when  it
said:  The  ladies managing  the business
managed  it badly.  If they had employed
the fenale lobby or sent In a delegation of
pretty Treasury clerks, the venerable So-
Ions would have softened, and thrown open
their doors as readily as their hearts. It
seems  an ungraielous thing to sayj bu It is
the truth.  The  woman  who  wins her way
with  the majorityof   1te*-e mien Is hIotthle
plain, earnest-eyed woman,   with a  small
knob  of native hair at the back of her head.
It is theilren of the gallery and the mite-
room, wlie~nds   in her card and her nvita-
tion to the seiator at his desk. She never
talks of rights. She cares for no cuse
but her own  cause of case and  pelf. She
shakes  her tresses, hanged and  usally
blonde; she  lifts.her alluring eyes, and
nine times out of, tei makes him do as site
  No  wonder,  whon' the earnest appeal of
honest  women   reaches his hands, lie has
neither response, honesty, honor, or justice
to  give it. The Graphe's. Poleg Arkright
was  quite right when he wrote:,
       As long as men are bossee,
       Thogos  reason to declare,
       womin's work will be a problem
       Still of lips and eyes aind bair.
We   can wait-as   the stars wait'hin their
spheres;'as God waits.
  One  hundred  years from now,  if I may
come  back from  sonic distant world'to this
little eath, I shall not find upo 0 oeo sn of
woman   willing to believ J1,t1 biliotef 'eI
back there lived a ma, n u'nwillig' Unit his
sister should have' an ecul   hane   41)h,
himseilf;:a man who    c       w
offered indignity,' traday; Ijais'did  the
guise of protcl0i4*tq   one daughtel  or,'
mother  of the.,race.*
  Has  woman   nothing'to d  i vli'*hI  s'e
  result?, Evorything. MIn to-day is what
a longline of weak, inglorlos women  have
made  him.,  Remember  that, thou woman,
in the humblest home. .You  are themoth-
er of a son; you lay your.mhand  upon  the
dome  of thought  to shape the mind  of a
man.   Shape It. to something  larger.and
finer than the mind  of the best man  you
know.   It will be your fault if that man
lives to, sneer at the sex that gave him lis
   'I Qaeen  awake to, thy renown,,
     Requirewhat 'tis man's wealth to give,
   And comprehend anmd wear the cro'tan
     Of thy despiped prerogatival
   I who in Manhood's name at length
   With  glad songs eonic to abdicate
   The grossregaltyof strength
     must yet In this thy praise abate,
   That trottgb thie erring hmItnbleness,
   And   disreard of thy degree,
   Mainly, ha man beo  much less
     Than te his fello wwith thee.
   BiIghthoghts had sh   e foolish brow,
   'The coward hadgais  he hero's swrd,
   1The vilet had bee h, liadt thu,
     Just totqfI        uth'i reward.
     r    ltrier, in N. Y. Independent.


   MAlE. Esmiro- Ihas been  engaged to give
 forty concerts in Germany.
   Mins. EMMA MoLoY is  at her homein Elk
 hart, Indiana. Shie apeaks dutringthe niontli
 of February for the National Prohibitioni Al
   MIN.  JULIA  WUnaEL, of Shieboygan,
 Wis., has  devised  a  new  Dress-Pattern
 Chart, which  is quite simple, and . which
 furnishes a guide for any size or style of
 cutting. Its use is quickly learned.
   SARAI   BERNHARDT, the dlstinguishied
 French  actress, has proved her right to a
 high position mis a sculptor so fully that the
 French Government  has given her ani order
 for a marble bust of F61icin David, for the
 Museum  at Versailles.
   Mine. L. Woamen, one  of the wealthiest
 summer   residents of Newport,   has just
 bought the celebrated painting, HolyFam-
 ily, by Knauss,  pitying therefor twenty
 thousand  dollars. . This painting was or-
 dered by the Empress of Russia, but declined
 by her because of the threatening war. -
   Miss ALcE  WILLIAMS  and Miss M. FmE-
 IiIKA PERRY  are graduates of the Universi-
 ty of Michigan, and not of Oberlin College.
 Mss  MARY   MASTON,   another graduate of
 Michigan  University, Is at present teacher
 of Greek  in 'Wellesley College, and MARY
 D. SH1ELDON IS at the head of the Histori-
 cal Department.
   Mhus. TEuY   and MISR SAWYER,  Of New
York,  and  MnS. RIcuAnDsoN,  of New   Or-
leans, were the first ladies that ever reached
the summit   of the peak Popocatpet, in
Mexico,  which is 17,880 feet above the level
of the sea, and 214  feet higher than Mont
Blanc.   This feat has now been accomplish-
ed agin  by Mrs. Skilton, wife of the United
States Consul General  to Mexico, andl Miss
Berth   Read, of Missouri.
   Mss   IIELEN MAGmIL, daughter of Presi-
dent Magill, of Swathmore  .College, Penn-
sylvania,  went through  the  entire Latin
school course, and afterward gradated with--
honors  at the  Bostoni Urivorsity,   She
studied  Greek,likcwhlos Sauscrit beme  a
proficient in both, and ieither lost health noi
womidisitess, nor became  involved  in anmy
scanidal,aindshe Stands to-dty ai unanswerhi-
ble argumenit In iuvor of co-education, anmd
an  undsputable   refutition of  the argu-
ments  employed  against it.
   Miss MARY  G. WAnn   has. an. adirabule
 article in the Neo Jrmsaenm g  otAe.,
 the prevention of crimeA0song women,  ant.
 much  of her philosophy a0plies equallyjt;
 to men.  The number of   criminlsin   our-
 prisons liasdoubled in ten years, anid this,
 outflow of crime does,notcome   from  the
 generation:which foughti the.war,' but from
 their children. Mrs. Ware thinks there Is a
 great defatilt in our inorlt tmaling; iftel-
 Ihciunal' edcation, we' givei, tbit iot morld,
 and she proposes to relieve thir ghlessness
 of the common  schools, not by tatting in-
 the Bible, as the Catholhipriest does, but- by
 teaehing manual skill.
   Asn    mauRAN  LAG.:PIImac, Of &Sn Fraui-
cico,  Cal., has Illustratid by her life what-
a woman   camndo,  She1piarted  out, thirty
years  ago, as a 1eacher, aad;has held high
positions  in that, prfessli. .More,  thaa
twenty  years agoshelofther native  tate of'
Maine.  and, became principal of ayoupg 14-
dies' school in Vickbnrg,  Miss,,reidigg-
there some years.  Subsequentlyto this, si
organized tho Young LadiesIuomoInstitutq,
aboarding-school  in Portland, Maine,.wh)#~I
*bucame a well-known aind  flourishing Insti-
fa1tom, of learning for niany years.The
.great fire in Portland, In July, 180, so dam-
aged  this school that iss Prineabandoned
it, and seized the opportnityo,  gratjfy
long-cherished, desireto  visit the iPa*
coast   ;Here she againm established a HomIA',
Instituitefor young ladies, in Sam;Franieco,lt-
which  became, a paying successa ang111fromim
whichshe  retired atfewmopthessine.. After
a  few years of teachfgp(tis  pchool,;iles
Prince  puirchased land,;in the city,,at $80 a
frot  foot, and ercgdda  large.huse  for  
boarding-school.  At   ieltimethititerest
ont: the hired capital, whicl, her actyonet-
*,rprise led.,her to employ,'was nohess thaji
thrdclollars ,a day;,ani, yetehe carriedtlis
lod  and sustained her school, paid her debts,
and  to-day she iresides on aconmfpor iblp cal-
petenoy.  'In addition.to thmeabore achicyp-
ments,,an aged'father mnd mother dre, thei
supportfor years  largely from beald  and
that  of her sister Mary.,  Thelatter  ias
been  a companion for Miss Bell, and assist-
ant teacher, during e part of the abo Oex-
peiience; and both have done  and continue
to do, many  deeds of love and kidness to
'needy. people, to which  benevolent work
th!,y linai'c a natural devotion.

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