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7 Woman's J. 1 (1876)

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VOL. VII.                                                    BOSTON, SATURDAY, JAIt A Y1876.NO1

THE      WOMAN'S JOURNAL.                  gmgid  i te  am  igtmtol: u it   ,u ' ton
              A Weeklheaded it), Lucrelitia evttsia.utday II
   W   Nvmd voe t tsiis twrp sLe m   uau rat It r  sui,  A  B iolisollii A kIot  ,  Oliv er' Joh inson.
 kdicatiii iIndustrial, legal adilitili Eiality, Chales K. W hipple, Abby K. Foster, Ei-
 %IA etwecsily to lhe rigt.tof itlage.      iet   .Saioi    ndmisl.I        loii
 JULIA WAXtD IOW                          ie...Stnon id.t.s..Itasoik
 LUVY 1MT'NE.......      ..EtITdlis.      cluded ome oni ,  ltiolit flow less devoted
 UM.NtY R11. UAK WELL.......
 W  K.)tUOI)Y .... ............... ('liLISHImL .to this an'tiCulIl' lafigitation,lire i neaig~d
 T. W. (IIUGiNSUN ... ... EiinImOIA1 OTI BUTOR ter.ovc   ~ls  o  a'is   sklo   ;o
 MARlY A. LIVEHlit.      .il hi                   onitoss       il-atsknw;o
      ftot  i25  lyar., iavll iteWi. Single copy,ts,  this clas Weidell Piliss1is On, find it
         A   D V ICT S    ii R TE, S io. m a y lie infer rd from life above p as ag

               Z, ... 11  4leiay Chaniiing in Luglaid is, I spppse,
                            m131(0li           e'.
  BIaNISS NOTlicK4, Set uniformnly illeladed rinmpi.  It is fIteresing to notiectat ill sixteen
  rell, with ia fll.routi sie , coilld o one u i l'cases-lnmiking fiiiall tirty-two lesos,0r
  Want, Lil page, it) cents pr runig lie eactilaser.
  fioL Altll 11IHICLImiotil rehitiig to tavctsinents nearly' one-third of tie Whole nuber, this
  should b addresed Ito W. K.NIUOJY, 3 Treuiuit(!cll is signed by hulsbads and11 wives coi-
  unustm- cope one yar, $,50; 10   copis  jointly. This  refutes the theory that it
  Otouiar, $a.W                           originated, hereabouts t least, in ity eog-
                                          iiZcdtl igoiSl   betWveeti the SeXeS. BLt
             PC)E11,11  V.                the most noticeable poit that Ocuris, ill
                                          redig   (le list, is te act that ai theeiiittle-
           For the Wunin's Journal.       t3' ind iille tilt'Safel' lie il the Selte Of'
           TO THEE,  MY LOVE.             the fold s ii31r. Sankey's hymiin. Thler
                Iy S. .4. 0.               ire names not otherwise colsicuol, ind111
     Wounil that I were a iltie brl       whose  preset   ittitude Is to fie unknown.
     I'd fly far over thi Nt'te,          But  nlot One Of the mionber lits ver, so far
     And bigati bak tithoilye,  its I am aware, Viblicly recated the opi-
     Ali(] bring tiltil back to tice m  laeios which fled to that Cl.   Iti ny  oft
     I'd treasure utilile rich perfamle   them  have relly caged their   position,
     Fronti Per'sin glrdeto fai,      they have folded their   tentls like the Arabs.
     DitIlled by Eastern dews laid still, After tweny-ive  years of increased light
     Alid] unto ntie would bear.~y oe     upon the suject not one-so far s t know
     A'hidweetet oltht onl m'. l-liar, oenly or avowedl' withdrawni adhec-
     Or bird onl airy wing,              So   rmti      oeet
     I'd catch uponulifehumiiverling air,  Th'le stuidet of history will find tat the
     And littlo thee wouldi bring, Iy love,Oterfomofhadyfildvy              ic-
     Amid[into thee, would bring.          ohrrfrso        ht013   ae    e3   ifr
     Inae brightest smie that cer adormid  dty.  Ti   ra    oiirt    gtto     hc
     Theo face ot graious (leeh,          had lately beenuttrcting to Itself far more
     I wuld elllirile imi casket rare,    attemntion than te desised    ''Wonn's
     And bear to tnie, unse,illy love,  idits'   movemlent  di, 11ilts)ton since tis-
               And bar t Ilne Uilt'Cll    iappeare, leaving only at few memorials, fi
     I'd seek ie dell where fairies dwell, the simipe of omntinists or ssociationists
     T'ieir sylvan immmtus explore;ortorrfr              rs  bin.'l0tele-
     I'hir airy graces I'd o'mlbali,orabreorirsbhnd                  Tetmp-
   * Amd brimng to thee lin tore, iy lo-e, alce movement his seen sme of te  samei
      And bring to thee fit Store,        men arently  ulitating, fin successive years,
    The Sweetest thougt that eer Spran    for amd agist  tte prohibitory law. The
      profit heart of ciidood platle.altisvrymvnntteftidisap-
    The mrolmla o iitems prayer,          nisaeymv         etislfidisap-
    I %voulmd for the sen re, lily love,   Iites oi to the vr im~ ue of (le warn, ald
      I swoulfor- timc scure.              tow coul  We   Xect  thatlte  Wonan's
      Whre foot of niorsI mneer truid     Suffrage movement   should  fai to have
      I'd wi., lily eager flight;         tem?   Thlit it hs mot hid the-or   hs
    Tgtheestc umimdeofligtlly seek,  imt!noie thlt was cosictous-sstmtht e
    To  give the mmclw dlighimyio         have beemm Spared the pain of fiding in the
    Bt far mwmre rae, more pure, nore sset, opposing raks those who have formery
      Art thou,air coot, to fie;         $food  hby our sid-ttis is mt great satisfac-
      Aye, rie, fiie or lrcomsgilms  tion.  And it is also  am Proof Of thic Vitait'
    Arcmot so dear'is 1hee, 11iy love,      111ernmec      ofti'eeprsada
      Are 1not so der as thee.           fn    emnneo        ueiepie        n
Bolt^ , Mas.                              thought of encoragmcent to carry with us
                                          ito the New Year. T. W. .
                                                 WOMEN IN JOURNALISM.
            BY ,'JXAs IUE.
                                            'Tic folowing facts relate not so much to
      Grand Is the leisure of the arth;'  the position of the women of to-my fimi Jour-
      she gives her happ~y iyriads birth,  aism as to the pmrt they have taken lim its
      Amd fter imrvest fears not derti,
      But  goes to sleep In iow-sreals dim, past istory. To-day their positiol is rec-
      Dread is the leismre tip abae,      ognizd   mnd weh-secureo; and   journmals
      Tle  while ie SitN sho im nis  Love,  pubised, cotrolled, edited and managed
      &lid waits, ats Noath did tle dos-, by woniei stand second to none in order of
      Toraileeif pshe sswuld t ltbn.
      lie waltts for s swhile, linsels tinigs,  aiity andl typographica appemrance. La-
      *we beat abiut withm brised wIng,   dies stand prominent everywhere as iterry,
      Oil ie dalrk flood lid water sprtg- theatricmalmnd mutsicmal reviewers, as poiticalh
      * Tie ralimed word, ie desolate se, corresodents  from tle  nationmal capital,
      Witl openswimdoss (onitthelrlime,asfshinrptesro               th   erooi,
      A)mllgit, all dmy, lieo sats ulimlm, asfhinrptesro       temtool,
      Unto the ftillnes of the ttne       an  as writers on social subjects from and
      Dereed  fromt liii eternity,        between all the hirger cities.  Ftrther than
                                          ths, they ie found its reporters of mill ni-'
           TESTED  BY  TIME.              tional oit-door gmes4, of races-its well of
  In Mr. Emersoi's new and delightful vol- toeb     ae   sb    mn;at h      etmm
ume  of essays, it is leaslilt to read, in his thority in New York city to-day upon mat-
address before the Harvard College ,pil   ters of ive stock is a lady reporter.
Beta Kappa  Society (Juy 18, 1807,) a Pas- But by nmany this is regarded is a special
sage which sems  to r-otriin his old atti- feature of the jourini'ihsm of today, and
tude on the Woman  Suffrage questiom. lie mny  of thi friends of ie WOMAN's JouR-
says, at tilbebgimiing of the vcy second  NAL Point to its etmbishiient Witi pride as.
           paragaph:ti- inaugration of a newv iea fill miwspa-
  Observe  the marked ethcal grvity  of   Ieroom. Oi  thi contraiy, the connection
tie innovmtiois ured or do~tedl. 'ie new  of womemi withi jornaism is s olt as the
claim of wouln   i tm politicali status is it- history of jornaism itself, and tht. paper
sef  an honorable tesinoly to the cviiza- referred to is, but its atest oeveopeent,
tion whichnktms givumi ter mt civih stmtus new  prfecteoacortngtothe progression of the
fi history. Now  that, by aniicreased tI'i- ae. The folowing facts will bear out the
inanity of ltaw, sie controls her property rtho    urmserin
she inevitably takes ttic next Step) to her
share in power, Emerson's ''Lettc',sau- Credit   is due to Queen Elizabeth for the
c~uu Aim, p. 11:11.                       first printed nwspaper, the English 1fc'-
  After readingft this, I fotundl nyslf turn- curie, pubishelJuy 23, 1588. Te frst
ing, back to the list of shiiers to thin calt for dmiy newspaper pritei imt the English an-.
the first National Woman's  hRights Con- goig, the  i.iy Courant, was established
vention, held at Worcester, in 180.  So  by Elizabeth Mmilet, in Lomdon, in 1702.
little dlid the signers to tat cll apreciate This was in the reign of qteen Anne, by
its historic interest that neither te call whorn the eterprise wvas encouraged. Te
itself nor tie list of signers were publishied first regtulmr newspaper printed in France,
in the pamphlet report, though both were  the Gazette de 1-ance, 163, wis sold In lte
preserved in ant appemdix to the report of streets principally fly womn;and to-a', in
the  following year. There were  ninety  Paris, nearly aill the kiovzes, where thet,'dti-
and  nine of these signers, comprising thir- ly newsalpers are sol., are presided over
ty-three from  Massachusets, eleven from  by women.   Even Iin our civi larger cities
Rhode  Island, sevemteen from New  York,  women  landl girls myle  fsen  acting as
eighteen   from  Pnnsylvania,   one from   newspaper venoers or, as all nmales of fie
Maryland  and nine from Ohio. The list in- sme  profession, whlatever their ge, ar
luded  some  who have  since passed awrimy.nws-boy,  I suppose we Should SaLy news-
88 Gerrit Smith, SauelJ.  May, Charles  .  girls. In Lpper Canda this is ratter. thic
IloveYJAntes  Altt  and Harrit  K. Hfunt.  rue thamifte exception. During the con-
It Included others who ar still actively en- finementin the fllory of Benjamin Ilmiris,

il Elmut'l, uiboum 100, for pub ishiimi m
Protesmnt  Petit im, hIs 5ie ctolilli(  i Ils

   L'poni the detln of ,almies Frin ~, both-
em' of Utljiiiill lFrnnlim, In M1.5, his i-
len, tilie hiode islanditl auzcte, pub ishitt
Newpor,   Wis coniduitel by his siovtii-
Il  atsomi beominihg of ago ssmimied osse-
Sion m mint11rol. hmd imig t(liedutlt is of he
postiom m or'e'arduos t hntihle hd exect-
Mt, tIsI,,mItei' Franklihi sddetnl 'left hoe,
wihen ihis mowagel  mohlen' iimeitel'
moved  againm to thle hed, andio issie tiel mb'
len'r e tmalry AS before. 'rhis iy is tul,-
Scribed by tike cronmiclers s being mItIo-
ililuh Of Vastt emey, imids r', aud grat ex-
perience.(George  Webb, w  1hnobl isheha
paperO'l'co~nte'mmporarny''With Bhl'juuII mmFrnk-
il's flus t hi ler~n, ecive  fomn  m so-
untill lie f'iihio (ii lihzso' iini,, t'frntIls
emuployers is well is to st aliishi his aler.
'Thethirdm nlewspampe'!ilt le AMoeica colo-
ies, tie' Alauric-mn hie/dy.lh''rlr, was co-
ducited fou' several years jliv Mrs. Bradford,
tie w iow  Of its ist pldmt islo.CMlene-
fij lil  pmul )1blisheti le uGa-ttiiVi r'inin
1773; 11110 the same ppe, ome of the oly
t55o  eshpers estmblishel!iiViriniia
pri'or' to the(,,commenlemenet Of tie  evoli-
tiOm, svaQ, mf te' IIM), conucmted by AtiUIS-
tine IDuviS mid Johnm Clrkso. Thle Bostoi
Neiett.httc,, fouinide in 1704, when Bostomi
tiid a poptulmtiomi of bitteight thousn, te
first sheet of which ws  tkem  from the
press by Chief Justice Sewmalh to show to
presidemt Wilard, of Harvard Uiverity,
as mt womderf ul ctriosity, was pubise andmo
coniduocte by Mrgmret Drpr from 1771
to 1,70, upon (le oethi of Calmu'es rouch,
who1 establishiedh the Gazte ami o (dryi
JOU')Iit it Chimrleston, S. C., in 1780, Mry
Crouch, his widow, retoved wiithi the tp
to Sinten, MISS., tid there started m Gazt'
which,  we believe, is stilt imi eistemice.
Elizmabethi hfot pblished the New York
Juraltin  178-, holding it the ame time
the positionm of piniter to te State. After-
wmards Thomas  G reenlemf ptrchased this
pmaper, ammot after Iseth in 178, his sid-
owv published both i diil' and srniwecky
editioni foi' some tme.
  Imi 1821 the New Yok Ueasr  was estb-
lisheditm(t Freoniin. 'h'e enterprise t thin
first seemed likelt' tjfiil, is the'e ws]o
way of geting. the weeky mi   amiil hws
from Ba illo to (lit city. 'Tle road over
which it mast come ws  romghiunol mihos
impassmble, amd could Ile trmvled oly oii
foot or oli horseback. Bt in mmee'getic
persom itws found, who engaged to ctrry te
miiis through once a week, and did so until
t rerular mil  was  established in 1823.
'This was mm wommn.ihi. le Lowevllhl ffring
wmts establishiedl ht 1840, titt Lowell, Mass.,
by the factory girs of thmt city; mid was
filled exclusively wiithm thiir owmi produi-
tions. 3Mss Corneli I.  Walter hd   edi-
torial charge of tie Boston rIWaacript in
1842, and Lydia Mara  Child was  one of
the lemding editors of the Anti-Slarry Stad-
ard dluring tie smme yer. Before lhat, this
attrlImdyhal  been one of the fiest wri-
ters onth(loston  orier. The first person
mdvertisedl to write for the Nw  York
Ledg,'wmsMrs.   Sigourney, in 183;aid
Fmiiny Fern, iIMi1,  gve  this omper its
fist pushi towards prosperity. Mrs. M.
Elizabeth Green ws for Trany years,  no
for maught we know to the cotrry,  may
still be eitor and (wo) inaiigr of theQuin.
cy (Mmass.) PRi44,
  Miss Piney W. Forsythe, with two sisters,
all practical printers, im 1868 succeeded her
fther aseditor amd proprietor of the Liier-
ty (Mass.) Advocte.  J]vpe's  lBazarfis
been, sine its iception imi 1807, under te
mamnmumt of   Miss Mry  L. Boot,.  'rs.
Jtane G. Swishcis ome of te odest
journlists in this Coutry,   and Fmlimny
Wrighuit was mm Tummy 1hall1Politicmal
neMvSplulem' witer in 182!). An invittioi of
the New  York Press Clumhb, under date of
Nov. 12. 1869, is signed with tle wnmies of
Alice Cmry,  Jemnie C.  Croly, lmmry L.
Booth, Mry   Kyle  Dala,  Shirey Damce,
Mary Ccminmer  Ames, Lucia G.  Cahon,
andl Chalottce.   Wilbour,  along  witi
Whitelaw Hldi, Oliver Johnson  .on fins-
sell Young, James Partoni and others.
  T[he lte Frederic Hudon,  to whom we
are indebted for many of these fcts, sys,I
in his History of Jouraisn, that the art
of printing choice historicl engravings aid
tie excellent specimens seen upon namy of
the -Nationa lmank Bills (by3 those so fortu-
nate its to obtain gimpses Of tem) received
its first inpulse and encourageent fron
thle steel mud colored engrving and fashioi
plates of tie earlier ,tdies' Mguzines.
A  gentleman who was for many yers  ei-
tor of the New York jirld  ano   mm recog-
nized authority upon jourmalismu sai, peak-
ing of a cass of newspapers Of which le
took the WDMAN's  Jo~NAL   a a rprese-

tll iSO-' 'IIu~ tak 1Ithe Mtl'mill ins.  I'iVY
mie  mttive mill111lpesistn-t Workes, ull of
poetmry al u tiverly, b olneiss mimiil bomnIy,
illeplo-lihien- miand i iimliuiotmo', 11111pi nt  id

fturi bofometile oUSIIl' ICi .''
   tintlpresenhting tese fatO s,  cl Itl fromo
 iimny3, wse haive but el'iv'eto [ilthot' tli
 unciitposit ivso'that Could lbei a id, rl'omemmi-
     11,111,l 01hre u's liminore Ilu111 ll'lost'ii.
     Fourii ii i iiZzvlllit as tour  lSil
 butt We thin k t hit COiulu havehbeen  gi-eli
 to proveu, thnat -loen  hivoevel- hem , etll
 is they'' iuflo Ie, foriiirm n  upi mhlig',anl
 exlemido th t dm ne'elliml andi proild ss
 ofh' '(li mmm iime1rsat ivof ilar .

   'lie loe'(of nmoney lill igthave beli lit
 ouot (ftitll evil swhendmPalI iv Ililt'1 1110-
 t hy fromm t uiodicem.fil Iut II inkmttif' Pmiul w e
 here, W i-timngtromi Colorao to(ileIli o-
    MA'S.oeaNALi, It(! woud  be oiged to le-
 kiosvlge!that t ie ove of, lid 1t1Vne -roii
 for gol[d imiColormdo lid ticun prducitiv'of.
 both higoomi anioevil.
   No oliemumn conic hiere mind m-d11-  I m-ouighn
 these W ildl emimnos, With  towering 11111i-
 taInuisoi citheidek, ithouitmufeeing  if
 grmatitude towmrd tosemen who left Mivll.
 zutiomi behindmo, crossed  thin bimrmem plais,
 mfind plungeintoiitml ontaiis id gorges
 ini search of gold. 'h'le'opee ilthewiy
 for overs of namture to comie fter and en-
 jo3' the beauty mnl gruulr of the moun-
 tainiscenery. 'ThIey lemrmidot hattinpre
 til' of thse mountins wiotih(l cre diseisd
 lummgs mafter til knownmireedishalml fie.
 Everyw~her one  meets peoli h so would
 never hiave eft luxumious homes but foi
 tile hope of regtriing hedth, or' t leost, of
 scourinlg-a longer lease oil lif.
   Ome Imdy tWilIe Sie hdmto iI ehoe   f
 livimng to remc t heterrit oy whnmisinlet
 her Easterni ]ionic; bll, for the ske of it
 dear cliil a li 3' fantheless, shin esi veo
 to maike te elort , 1nd, t o-dhmu3,lifte' two
 years mresidtence litmi(Iis climna e, Ae sems
 stromlg anmutliml (11, mid is doingmior' lsi'
 11(15 thianiutility mon wivl)o do0 ot0Illrfss5toi
 be inivalids.
   Nothimmg short of thin ove of goid ando
 lie hope if secri1mg i,sould ever  Il-i
 built roads inm such fearful pacs, mmmd have
 HMIiaLethese miintim lis mecssililtoInviamimdis
 ummiol elisne-seekers.  1'le sadohst sightsolin
 sees lure aire tte evioemes ohf ilreand1(
 disappointment. It meeds mo tonge to ell
 the story ofniies that wereinemver r-lize,
 of fortunes spent itim the vi desire for moe.
 Not only i(  rude cbih of the mci,  but
 arge amid expemsive muil, built iii recless
 amd extrmIVlugmiut haiste, ie hoY abndon~he
 amd useess.
   I askedl a gentemn, who oited   mit
one  of the largest iills I hud seen iiithe
mountains   s tie gulf im whichn his fortuine
was  swmalowed up: 'Wily do youm suffr mill
this MuchimerytoIleIle? Wily uot re-
nmove it to seat(,-pace wher the mnues mire
paying wehil 't'' ' 'h ''lie tti, 'Whyot?
that is where thic troube lies. It is utterly
worthless brought here, wen  it cost thou-
sanmds of dollmars to traunspo- t It rOSs te
pltains, Just because We Were i snohm Wi[
haste to get rich thalt we novel' stoppet to
tfind out whimt we wanted.
   Oi the other handui, there is 110dolut bit
 tmany rich llilimies hve (en(eeoet, laii
 mmany memmihve nade fortumes lure. New
 towns  ire stringimgill)hIere find there.
 We visited (il, only i3er mnitmmlint]f ol;
 in that shovrt tme eighut r nime mmes of
 road, ind iol u built thmoghg, over, ull
 arouindlliemoutins  ; tilh it'maeililfor
 buiildingptrposes, is iwell mits househol
 goodts, hprovisins mnd everythihg mcesuir3
 to comnufortable iving,hau beenu drwn oer
 that roaudh; mand now tnnlnmve iu town of
 more thnman ive't' Ii illInhbitamhm nts, with i
 schioolhiotse, useul ilso for mt chnrhlid umit
 new fil[, opend  tor te fist t ime ti the
 public oih ie occmasionm(f my lecture. Let
 mo  ady suppose  this W14usilmo it-tf-tie-
 wiy pace  to go to give i lectur, for the
 latest style of pinneo-bik  odreses limi
 reached there lng before i, ;id the fashi-
 iomll magmzine hmy ihilt~e totl mble.  It is
lijust pos~uble sommenofiur flay spemkers
might   lhave lnomglt tie rtughnwmlls amd
rougher seals of the hll rter uinviting,
but they were soon forgotteni in contemplmt-
in,  the audience hbefore ie. It IWas iy
fhirt appermnc  in mimiigtw, aid I
hldexpectei   (lintsome roughm jspecimens of
hiummauity night iein  ittendnce but I ws
escortedh to the  all limits getlemnly a
manner.  and introduced to s iteligent ini
audience, in as wel'hosen  language, s if
it hnad been ma New Englind town amd our
model  presiding offer upon the patfor.
   lkentrr, LoMroa.           V. W. C.


  Muis.           I'll i: x~n x, youngest. daugh-
lei of 'i'lacktray, ded ol Sunday, thke 2th
  NmuIa haN  oln, liltiEnglish lecureir and
advocate (of Womian  Siitrage, is conlig

  qUEEIN VICTOI'~A  lpersonaly ondizts a
oundiny sehool for the children conneted
with Windsor Caste.
  N is. 31, V. lDuminuy,of Milwaukee, Wis.,
is [lie editor of at newspaper named ?'l
.5'liedn0Seoje, ill Iht iti  i .
  M i, F loo, Of Abmi a(, Mtchsbe
left it fortunie of $00,0) bIy a ich English
relativ le.
  ,rhe Iii(k5    Ali   it   os i1(t acoti-
p1 islih ed i       n 1111 ot 0only' i coying
thie work Of'othrs, 1b11LIl designig work
(it ]ltierown, .Sie is abtsoe it Iiiher art
studies al thle dty lton.
  M.IiSS ROSA IIUiLiL.ANDit  h'IiteIri-131
atit hoi, has wri n en 'The story of Jesus-
Pri'nce and Saviohur,' which is highly coi-
mended.   Theli book is illust rated witi
twelve senes in our Saviour's life,
  51.II s, ailt necentric  0old womn of
Fort Lee, N. J., who ad  ot allowed any-
body  to enter' her haol. for realy ears, has
jlut (died, leaving an estate of $2 ,000, for
which lit heir Is wntd.        6
  MRoS. SCuINaI., Of PenIl~YVaiii, is 103
years old, and rememnbers seeing, Washing-
l1, il 1,90, looking lit groind for t national
Capital, anti Seeinig, ii 1711, i 5Snow Stoeri
which was  so deep that people rode over
ile topls Of houses.
  MISS F'ANNia  i-, otm5erv, tile womn
evanigelist , os elosti her hbor lt Waillig
fordi, where sixty persons have been eoii-
vertedl unider hler preichiing. Shec has benx
presented by the people there with at 29
Bible and *12Th inmoney.
  Al ISM LUCY EVANS, Of tie Senior Acaden-
ic eiss, Iowni Sle University, mrsideit of
West  Libierty3, is promni(enty3 niet ionud its
It eand ite or tle positionm of engrosing
clerk lit tie ower branch of the( Legislature,
which  mee!ts tit s Moines next mlothf.
  MsINSMAti' CAPCTivaRSlo kis   tsig hr
-goodi work I n md il. She Iteds estabidill
Ing ft-11i11IC (AliiCttiOniml ilIi t ttiois at Kra-

tihroughi Sout hern Indii for educat ioial
purpIose, thence through the Norhwesteri
Provine-returning   to Bonibay in Mar.
)Miss Carpenit er Is certainilly iiefAugabl lii
tier woik, anmd seems to be one of those wh
have a genlius fey' doing good.
  Mas.   ClaUasErNINA  ErniiLY lAltmlsoN
writes to the Mt;4c from   Est  Blerglolt
Lodge, Stiff olk: I am Informed by Miss
CAROoINP  BLACK,  01113daughter of Byron's
'Maid of  Athecn,' that (le demth of ter
mother has left her witout the nmeans of
livlihiood. By making  this fiict publily
kniown, could not tle int~rest that has been
felt for the moi~ter be trinferrd to the
(lisgl er, so that ste might lie relieved fron'
the resIposibility Of tie rent of(ile house
Si, now )ccupies, and whichitis left ol her
  hlMI. SUSAN 1'. BOWEN,  lit CIHiir~tleso,
S. C,,ia few 11113' since; closed iotworty
life. Thie (illigltel'of James L e igri,
onie of tie eiding citizens of South Croli-
li, haml fia centuinry ago, ste marrid IHery
Kiing, represen tat ive of anothter prominlent
('niurlest on fimit, land( wis long one Of tle
leaders (if Society. But (ile rebellion, ani
hier father's and usband's (death, reduced
her to poverty, md ste sought woiklin one
of the (tIpartient s lt Washi ngton. Here
('ongresgnian IBowen of South Carolina fll
in love wit hi er and nirried er, thoughi
Inhe 1( halot her wife Iiving, 1nd(1tle creni-
st lmnnoeqs Of tle llglist's leaving Congress
to avoid expulsion will be recalled. tHer
flimii3' hieae estringed fromter (luring
this 1eiiodl, hit they were rcolcilei before
tier death.                     w~  t:
  KATrE COFFIN, a cillrer  wclknowii  to
  Newliuryport IICopI, hiis just (tied tit ie
alnisliouse where sie had ben for thirty-
seven  yearstier   fatter Leuel  Colin,
wis fii revolutionary Soldier, and wasin tie
body-guard  of Cell. Washinmgtn. lie ws
mi wealthy  hoe-dealer, after the war, and
him dingter was the belie f tlic South (.kil
But  tile palrents (id, the fortune was lost,
andi tile beautiful girl, not knowing how to
work  ind hodiig Dr. Holland's thory that
every woman  ougit to  le upported, mdo
tine trange eloiCe Of throwing herself Upon
thle charity of thle toiwj. Thus she bas
livedt until the age of eighty-three, receiving
ciallers with the air of a lady, which chanam-
ed  all, evenlit ]er old age. Her cousi,
Capt.  Abel  Coli,  brought the Sami
twins to this country.

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