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5 Woman's J. 1 (1874)

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VOL. V.                                              BOSTON, CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS, SATURDAY, JANUARY_3, 1874.                                                                                                 NO. 1.


A Weekly Newspaper, published every Saturday, in
Boarox and CEalaGo, devote. to the interests of Wo-
maan, to her educational, Industrial, legal and political
Equality, and especially to her right of Saflage.
JULIA  WARD  HOWE...............
LUCY  STONE......................EDITORS.
HENRY   B. BLACKWELL..............
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   All communtoations for the WoxAN's JonvAL,
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         IN WOMAW'SJOURNAL,DBO.   13.
              BY MRS. 0. B. LBOW.
      le marveled that his words should wound,
        For men too often fail to see
      That in lite's smallest things 'tis found,
        The truest love will thoughtful be.
      She hid the pain within her breast
        And grieved in silence and alone,
      For women hold this truth confessed
        That lov, is thoughtfl of its own.
      One other troth shall make il clear
        And save the hurt, the doubt, the blame,
      Though each the other holds most dear,
        Love cannot lookto both the same.

              LOVE UBOUGRT.
            .Y  H. W. LONGELLOW.
     Like Dians kiss, unasked, unsought,
     Love gives itself, but is not bought;
          Nor voice, nor sound betrays
          Its deep impassioned gaze.
     It comes-the beautifll, the free,
     The crown of all humanity-
          In Silence and alone
          To seek the elected one.
     Oh, weary hearts! Oh, slumbering eyes!
     Oh, drooping souls, whose destnies
          Are fraught with fear and pain,
          Ye shall be loved againl
     No one is so accursed by fate,
     No one so utterly desolate,
          But ome heart, though unknown,
          Responds unto his own.
     Responds,-as if with gsen wings,
     An  angel touched its quivering strings;
          And whisperin its song,
          Where hast thou stayed so long?

                   BY B. H. W.
         If time be heavy on your hands
         Are  there no be rs at our te,
         Nor any poor ab your lands
                     -J d   Claera Vere do Vere.
       There are no beggars at my gate;
       The  public schools take all the scholars,
       Machinery turns the spinning wheel
       And   stitches all the cuff, and collars.
       Old Harvard turns her back on me,
         And, thoughl'm Urighterthan my brother,
       She bids me stay at home and be
         A healthy wife and happy mother.
       Reekly I fold my hands and wait,
         Read doctor-books and watch the weather,
       The coming man Il rather late-
         The husbands and the happy father.
         1 can't read novels, for Bret larte
         Has shown what comes of that vocation:
       In love with Luke? For my own part,
         'Twere worse than too much*cerebration.
         I sit like Hannah binding shoes-
         Like Hannah looking out to sea;
         The world before me where to choose,
         But where the lover to choose ne?
         Minerva, once, was counted sage,
         And great Diana held in honor;
         Minerva in our nineteenth age
         Has all the doctors down uponher.
         They will not own hr as a peer;
         They say her brsin is not so bulky
         As their's. Perchancethe doctors fear
         She'll try to rm a doctor's sulky.
         The time is heavy on my hands;
         I wishI'd entered a profession,
         Had been a clergyman in bnds,
         Hiad held a post, or had a mission.
       I've no domestle hearth to cheer;
          I board at number sixty-three;
        I've wished a dozen times a year
          I'd studied Trigonometry.
   -Proridence Jure.

             THE  NEW   YEAR.I
  I do not see how any believer in the equali-
ty of the sexes can begin this year with any
feeling but one of encouragement. Of course
this remark applies only to those who have
enlisted (or the war. Those who have enlist-
ed for a few years only,-who suppose that the
Inequalities of ages are to be remedied In
months-may well be in despair. But it is
fortunate for this agitation in America that it
fell among  descendants  of revolutionary fa-
thers, who went  to war for a principle, and
among  the successors of the Abolitionists, who
expected to die without conquering and who
lived to succeed against their expectations.
In such  ands, the cause of woma's equality
should be firmly and patiently, as well as reso-
lutely held.
  It is hardly to be expected, in this country,
that Woman   Suffrage will be established by
the action of the general government, though
it would be a great comfort if this should ever
happen.rThis   not being  theocase, the states
and  territories must do* it, one at a time.
When   a single one has done It, the first step
towards  realization has been taken. Leaving
aside  Utah  as exceptional, the example  of
Wyoming   has thus far been all that we could
ask, as a pioneer experiment.  By the strong
testimony of governor and judges; the measure
has been a signal success, for the period of four
years-a   very satisfactory term. It will cer.
tainly be admitted by the thost cautious, that
this puts the whole measure in a far more fa-
vorable light than when the arguments In Its
favor were all theoretical. If Wyoming  were
aState, its experience would be no more valua-
ble than now;  but its action would be more
permanent.   The  only drawback  to the satis-
faction we can take in the action of this pio-
neer  Territory Is the fact that it is, after all,
governed   from a distance, and that Senator
Frelinghuysen   is still plotting mITschief at
Washington. If woman suffrage can only be
left to those who have seen it tried, it is safe.
   So long as wmansuffrage is not actually
 adopted in the different states, all tht need
 be looked to, by patient reformers, is that the
 agitation in those states should be healthy
 and unabated.   This I believe to have been
 eminently  the case, takng  one  state with
 another, this year. We know  that in no pre-
 vious year have memorials  been brought  be-
 fore so many  different Legislatures or been
 discussed so generally. This has been notably
 the case in  Maine, Pennsylvania  and  some
 other States, where local advocates, hitherto
 unknown   to us, have argued the cause most
 ably, as members of Legislatures and Consti-
 tutional Conventions.  Of  coursrliscussion
 seems  to do little good, scrlong-as final action
 is defeated; but to Ignore its importance, dur-
 Ing this intermediate period, ise s if a man
 should deny that the tide is rising, merely be-
 cause it is not yet high-tide.
   It shows  how   surely prejudice vanshes;
   when the Ice is once broken, that the appoint-
   ment of women to the official supervision o
   schools,-once considered as objectionable as
   any thing else In the way of The Rights oi
   Woman,-is  now  becoming the  settled poll.
   cy of large cities and states, from New Eng
   land to Illinois. But the reform cannot stop
   there, for It opens at once those broad ques
   tions of common sense and consistency which
 the iiasses readily co.prehend. It seems ab
 surd  that women should be able to be voted
 for and  yet not  to  voe; since commonly,
 among   men, the class of persons eligible for
 office is more restricted than that of voters
 Again, if women  can  serve on School Com
 mittees, why not as Overseers of the Poor, and
 so on, step by step? To  concede these officee
 is logically to concede woman suffrage.
    There isa steady, quiet advance in the open
  ing of industrial avocations to women; and in
  some of the higher departments, as literatur
  and lecturing, there Is now absolutely no dia
  tinction of sex in the rates of pay. The ten
  dency of the introduction of machinery isev
  erywhere In favor of women, as I have mor
  than once shown, because all machinery con
  verts trades into arts, in Napoleon's phrase
  -making less   demand   for  rude  strength
  which  is the great advantageof man, and mor
  demand  for quickness and lightness of touch
  which  are the attributes of woman. On  th
  whole, therefore, the outlook is certainly grow
  ing more favorable for woman, as to employ
    As  to education, the steady prosperity of co
  leges for women and of joint institutions ge
  erally, has nearly abolished most of the old o
  jections; as is shown by the zeal with whic
  those who  oppose-equality in education hav
  tae up the opinions of Dr. E.   H.   Clark
  t   I have  already tried to show, his boo
  deems besty, exaggerated and  anything   hit
  scientificin its spiritor structure; but it h
  the merit of siftig   the grgument onR  e
  grounds and tfinai  grounds.e   we  can on
  so organize ear ollges as to evade his sped

points of objection,-and the whole tendency,
under  the elective system is certainly that
way-I   do not see what  other objection will
be left. The  whole case of the opponents of
higher  education, must then  go  by default,
and  they will find that they have made a fatal
mistake  in accepting so sincere a man as Dr.
E.  H. Clarke for their spokesman. In regard
to our high-school system, greater difficulties
are  doubtless presented, since a prescribed
course is more necessary there, On the other
hand   our  high-schools for girls are pretty
strongly established, and there is more danger
of  their heeding  Dr. Clarke's counsels too
ittle than too much.
   The WosAN's   JOURNAL   may  therefore be
 gin the year withigood courage. It has already
 lived longer, I believe, than any organ of this
 reform has ever lasted; and may it live until,
 like the Liberator, it is made superfluous by
 the final triumph of the cause which gave it
 being.                            T. w. H.

   Don't be frightened, DEAR JOURNAL,  at Iny
 heading, for I am not going into a criticism of
 Dr. Clarke.  But I merely wish to place my.
 self if possible a little nearer right before your
   T. W.  H., in his article week before last,
   calls me by name, as one of the many who
   have mistaken the meanings  of that writer.
   I sincerely hope it may  be  so, and  that
   no other woman will for a moment suppose,
   (as many are doing now, especially theoppos.
   ers of Equality of Educational Privilege for
   the Sexes,) that Dr. Clarke throws his intin-
   ence against that measure, when he so gravely
   decides that girlscannot endure equal mental
   and physical exertion with boys.
   I have a feeling (perhaps it's old fogyism)
   that when a manor woman   assumes to teach
   society a better wisdom than they have been
   using, on a particular subject, they should
   make their ideas so plain that the reader or
   hearer, even an old woman, need not err as to
   their meaning. Now let Dr. Clarke go.
   I  sincerely deprecate every sentence I read
   or hear that is calculated to impress upon the
   minds of people the idea that women are weak
   naturally,and that they must th fore be de-
   pendant. That  women,  as civi       ssty
   now places them, have less physe force than
   men, is true.  That  nature Intended, they
 should  be in part protected by the stronger
 limbed  male, is also apparent. But a girl and
 boy,  born of the same  parents, clothed and
 fed  alike, allowed the same opportunities for
 healthful  play and rest, will grow into man-
 hood  and womanhood,   in most cases, prepar.
 ed  to walk side by aide in all life's essential
 cares and  duties, with equal endurance, ease
 and  comfort.
    A certain canal contractor of huge proper
  tions, and noted for his health and strength,
  once found it necessary to nurse for a day and
  a hafa sick, cross cil', who weighed eighteen
  pounds.  I found him at night, cmpletely ex-
  hausted, declaring thathe would rather work
  in the water  up to his neck  all day lifting
f stone, than nurse that fellow. It would not
  tire him half so much.  I saw a girl a few
  years ago, five feetten in hight finely propor-
  tioned, and weighing  one hundred  and fifty
  pounds, and heard her call on her gray-haired
  father of three-core and ten, to lift a tea ket
  tle off the stove for her. She had never prac
  tised' ifting tea kettles, and the canal man
, had  never nursed babies.
    What  I wish to be understood to say Is, tha
  we  need strong, well women, for the menta
  and  physical work of the race, and that, in
  order to so 'have them, they must be traine
  to exertion and effort from the first hours o
  life to adult years. Only this will bring ou
  the real power of the man or woman,
    Far  be it frops me, to assert, that a weak, in
.  experienced girl, corset-bound, and flounce
-  hung, with seventy-five dollars worth of hal
  or jute piled on her precious head, to be puffe
,e and frizzled, braided and curled every morn
-  noon and night, can compete  with a brothe
  who  has run theatreetsjumped  fences, swan
,  rivers, and played base ball, every day of hi
  life,  But she will most likely get on as we
,  as her other brother who  has been delict
e  been kept in doorswrapped In furs, petted an
.  pilled, and worked Into dyspepsia by candleu
and sweatmet , etc. I hve aknown istac
  where   she did better, so have'you If you wi]
l- think a little. If women are weak, leteus in
-  quire whether it is natural or aquired weak
b. ness?
h    Do  not statistics show us that girls and boy
e  are-born in pretty equal numbers?  Do  th
e. same  statisticsehow us that girls are more ap
k  to did in Infancy than boys?'Aretheir nu
t  be   not about equal at maturity?  Are w
s  men  not often in this country foundoIn pr
w  ponderance  at middle life? I ask for infor
ly Atlol.
   a Mark  me, I don't say girls are as strong a

boys, as the world now goes. I don't say they
are  equal to boys.  But I do  think, that if
schools  and colleges are opened  by govern.
ment   to the latter, they should be to the for.
mer.  And  if we find, (as Ihave to my sorrow)
that our  boys fall and die young, or are ren-
dered  useless for life, and girls do the same,.
then  let us ee to it that neither boys or girls
are ever more murdered In  this way. Do  not
write  it down for the discouragement of all the
sex, that girls are weaker naturally than boys,
and  need more  watching and care, and there.-
fore must  be discouraged from effort, and left
to  lament, through all coming years, that they
are women.
   Blame  custom, habits, law, ancestors, what-
 ever you will. But remember,  that God said,
 Let us  make  man  in our own  image, after
 our likeness, and let them have dominion over
 the fish of the sea, etc. So God created man
 in his own image, in the image of God created
 he  him, male and female created he  them.
 Not  a word of a weaker vessel needing Adam's
   I would  say, farther, that I see no need of
 either girls or boys being compelled to study
 more  than they can bear In any given space
 of time.  If three or four years will not suf-
 fice, take six or eight, or lengthen out the
 study to a lifetime.   FRANCEs  D. GAGE.
    New York, Jan. 2, 1874.

             ANOTHER WIDOW.
    EIrons   WOMAN'S   JOURNAL:   -  Apropos
  of Mrs. Lilley's experience, Is one  lai my
  neighborhood.  A family of five persons were
  all stricken with small-pox except the wife
  and mother.  As  is usual in such cases, this
  woman  nursed these children and her husband
  in this loathesome disease, apparently indiffer-
  ent to her own safety; and evidently consid-
  ering it of secondary importance.  One   by
  one the husband and children were all taken
  away, and this childless widow was left alone.
  During all this illness no one dared to go near
  to comfort and assist this faithful wife, save
  hired persons who were paid  to perform the
  sad duties, and so far as the nelghborsor the
  public knew, there were nc relatives
    But just as soon as the premises were disn-
  fcted, two able-bodied brothers of the hus-
  band  turned  up;  the magnet   being , some
  property.  These precious specimens of Wo-
  man's Protectors wanted their share of their
  dear  brother's estate, even though this al-
  ready crushed woman,  would be turned out of
  doors to accomplish it. The crowning  insult
  was the reason assigned for their claims, viz.,
  that there were no children left.
    It was not  enough  for this heart-broken
  mother  thatshe had ten children lying beside
  their father, but It was used as an argument
  why  she should not have the few  paltry dol-
  lar she had helped to earn.
    I knew  that, for years, this woman not only
 Sreared and nursed these children, but oy her
 needle, helped her husband to build the house
 where,  in so short a time, husband and chil-
 dren  were afterwardastricken down.
    It does seem as  though  no human   being
  could doubt thejusticeof allowingthis widow
  the melancholW pleasure of owning or occupy
.  lug this desolate home. But  no! this free
  country sanctions the turning  out of doors
  of helpless women,  in  order that property,
.  which is hers already by every consideration
.  of justice or decency, may  be  divided be-
   tween male relatives of her husband.
                          LIZZIE A. DODGE.
    t Washington, Dec. 25.
              A   OOD   REPORT.

d    The following letter is from a man,  now
o  well stricken with years, whose friendly help
f  was always given to the cause of the  slave
  and  now, when  the years press upon him, he
  is still helping in the broader work for W1-
-  man.  Hisjudgment   is worth somethingas to
-  whether women   want to voi.
    Mas.   Lucy  SToNx.-Dear   friend:-I  car
  red  round your petition and gave all the men
  and  women  that-are of age, an Invitation to
r  sign it, and the result Is,ts far as I wen
n  ( wih  i only a small par of the town,) Out
   of 51 women  asked  to sigr the petition 42
   signed it, nd I believe, if I could have gone
l  over the whole town, the  result would hae
a, been about the same. I did not see as man
4. men as women, as it was in the day tie, ad
a  they were away, but about two thirds of those
   I saw signed It. I think it would be proved
if   the whole State could be canvassed, hata
II large majority of the women want  the righ
,  to vote, and- that a majority of the men ar
   willing they should have it.  -
   Among the names on the petition are Dr
   Colamoe  and wife, and the Rev. M. Dagget
s    d  andwife. I do Io:know but others in thu
e  town  have this   tition. I hope they have
   and wish I coul have  gone longer, but I ca
   not go evenings, and must be about my wor
a- In the day time,
     I was very muc lased   with  your tea pt
 a.ty and wish we souI  have been tere. is
e  do not expect to live to see Woman have the
   Sballot, yet I hope and ray that youmay.
                       s   Is MCLAUTLIN.
as   Pembroke, De,  20, 1873.

  Mrs.  E. D. Cheney   preached  on  Sunday
last, for the Parker Fraternity.
  Mrs.  Elizabeth K.  Churchill  lectured in
Providence, last evening on The Home Guard
of 1776.
   Mr. and Mrs. Lee (Miss Neilson) registered
 at the Grand  National Hotel, Jacksonville,
 Fla., on the 14th.
   Mrs. George W. Deners  has sold the Inter-
 est of her late husband in the Albany Veening
 Journal for $30,000.
   Mrs. Thompson,  daughter of the poet Burns,
 died at Crossmyloof, near Glasgow, recently,
 eighty-four years of age.
   A New  Swedish  Nightingale Is said to have
 been discovered in the person  of a servant
 girl named Martha Ericson.
   Miss Nellie Grant  has been  prsented  by
 Colonel Steinberg with  a collection of rare
 birds from the Navigator Islands.
   Miss Flora Searles plunged into the river at
 Lewisburg  the other day, and rescued a boy,
 Wilham  Greasinger, from drowning.
 Rev.   Phoebe  A. Hanaford, of the New  Ha-
 ven  Universalist church, accepts her call to
 Jersey City, but will not leave till April.
 , Mrs. York,  of Michigan,  and  Mrs. Hart-
 sough, of Iowa, have  both been licensed to
 preach the gospel in the Methodist Episcopal
   Miss Lucy  M. Follansbee of Salem, In her
 will gives the town of Newburyport   $10,000
 to be appropriated to various charitable pur-
   Miss  Savita  Brady, of  Washington,  has
 given up a position In the Treasury to accept
 a position on the editorial staff of the Chicago
   Baroness  TurdettCoutts  contemplates  the
   erection of several squares of compartment
   houses in Dublin and Belfast for the poor,
   which are to be paid for In Installments.
   Jenanie Collnsthanks  the Boston  press for
   its valuable support of her efforts in behalf of
   the working girls of the city. She frther
   says that there has not been a Aingle com-
   plaint against the servants furnished to fai-
   lies from Bodlin's Dower.
   Mrs.   Caroline R.  James,  of Weymouth,
   preached her first sermon in Rev. Mrs. Fe!-
. som's pulpit, at Weymouth, a  week  ago last
  Sunday.  She  Is a woman   of high culture,
  and Is at present engaged in writingsa book on
  Primitive Religions. She contemplatesen-
  tering the ministry.
    Miss Harriet L. Ladd, one of the  eachers
  at Chauncy Hall School, was presented with a
  beautiful gold watch and chain Wednesday,
  by the pupils of the upper classes. Miss Ladd
  Is a universal favorite in the school, and the
  gift was a genuine surprise to her, and also to
  all except the pupils who managed the affair.
    Miss Ella M. Noyes, of Abington, a graduate
  of Mount   Holyoke  Seminary  in  1872, left
  home  recently for Tahlequah, the capital of
  the Cherokee  nation, where  alo Is to  take
  charge of the Park  Hill Female  Seminaty,
  which was  closed during the war, but which
  has now re-opened  with good promise of sue-
    George  SandAs the wealthiest authoress In
 the  world.  Forty  years ago almost on  the
 brink  of starvation, she has now an annual
 income  of over 100,000 francs from her copy-
 rights and life contracts with French publish-
 ing  houses, &ad her maglfient   country seat
 at  Nohant  could not  be bought  for 500,000
   The   lecture by Mrs. Houghton, in the India
   street course, Portland, last Friday evening,
.  was an earnest and eloquent discussion of the
  Woman   question; she thought that inanial
  equality should precede the suffrage question,
. and  argued that' Woman  in married life per-
  forms her share of the work and consequently
  one half of the common   property shuld. be-
  long to her as a right; she earnestly contend-
  ed  that Woman   is the Intellectual equal of
  man  and should be placed t'sasoaltequallty
  with him;  Mrs. HoughtoIt Is a yong  woman
  of fne appearance, and se  held the close at-
  tention of her audience.
    Mazzini's  lady friend and  ally, Carlotte
  Bettini, is dead. She began her  political e-
e reer asbaly   as 1833.  When  she  was only
  twenty-one  she was arrested, with two co-
  panions, for writing and distributing revol-
  tionary docaments,  and threatened with Wv.
,  tue and  death.  Her  fellow-prisoners  aere
n dragged to execution before her eyes,.bt she
  held firm, and in k year got out  -jall  I
t. 1849she fought a La 4 'wsaise t  hard-
0 cades in Genoa.  Twice  she  id  Nauslal II
Sher  house.   When  he was awrsisner at Gaeta
   in 1870 she hastened to attend him.   htal9
   free considered her a heroine.

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