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48 Woman's J. & Suffrage News 1 (1917)

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i   VOL. 48.NO.        1

R'SIDEN                   WONON



    Ana[ys's of Woman Vote Indicates They
      Were Actuated by Candidate's Past

      Performances Rather Than Promises

      , ouch has been written and said
    vil oitho woman vote by others than
    tiho; - v,'ho did the voting, that the N--
    ,.i:al American Woman Suffrage Asso-
    cm.ton considers it of interest and profit
    toS -mir some  test inony   from  the
    woninL t voters themselves. Among the
    repr- sftt'ions claimed as conclusively
    irovt d i,y tht woman vote, the chief has
    it- a    tht tihe western woman is indiffer-
    erji: her eastern sister's enfranchise-
    ,lim' afs, ho-un by her predilection for
    :0r. Wi son in spite of Mi. Hughes's pro-,
    rtoD'I conmmtmeint in favor of the
    cl'dta] :ftrage amiendment. It is in re-
    .rd fo this parlitiular aspect of the
    pmtti c  ';i (!iat  ho  testimiony  on  file  at  the,
    n .':'(: afl'a'- :m adquarters is of par-
    t i':Jat j t ! i-[est.
      Thb  iL-:zimoty cornes fron every suf-
    ft----',n Sm,'  in  the  nion,  and  from  it
    le'   h#- salient insistence that, which-
       ,pt v, tye  voted, the women were
    a,;. !jm lwir-m wn conviction, turning a
    co, ' hiidttriupon the Federal suffrage
    am,     ti dnt.  Some voted  for Hughes,
    som 'i ')r Wilson. but it would seem that
    it: ,it ing up chants, so far as the
    o.- 'ttidmrtt xas  concerned, the wonan
    ve, ,rIh'sio', ,d adisposition to rest hlr
    faim  o i i  i:hiovement rather tian on
    pro    . 'M :-. Hughes had come out for
    t -' :iad1  nt. but he was appraised as
            nimro utt Mt. 1Wilon's earlier P  a
    ct'.' too to suffrage and actual vote
    It:;- :If'ragZO 1ad  coatul grip on his party
    ,   '' ,t  h,avily  inl  his favor.
         1' it ~lvas  iman 01010 ums St the indica-
    l,:i 'Qws: 'Mlat  o Of oir women voted
    for 'Wiltaon because he voted for suffrag
    Ji .New orsey and because, ift'elected for
    asecond term he could do more for stt- _-Mauric(
    fr, ni .' n in the fi-st when his party
    ha,l bcvt sm OIposod.i
      This  conviction  that Wilson  could
    handle a reluctatt party better than it
    coiild jh handled under a Republican ad-
    .t:lta':'iaot, itself not committed to na-
    tioti-;vide sttffrage as a party measure, is  of athe su
    '- iojd b an Illinois woman also: Some
                                             see shinii
     uommet( Republican) and some Demo-     we mays
     cu-atc snffragists thought if the Repub- frage cau
     lican1 arty insisted on a Democratic stf-  especially
     fri  ph    Wilson could put it through  spite of tl
     a I W4111  as  R epu blican s.   o:  gists on t
       id again, from  WashingonI     Mr.
  11 'Wilson voted for suffrage in New Jer-    rinduties
    sf,,:\. Air, -Hughes, as far as we could
    letni, hal not. voted for anything in ten
     y        'ars, 'he Democratic platform prom-
     Sl, ( it it+- as imuch for suffrage as did  VOe of s
     ito'' te, lm plican platform.          country t

   %n Oregon wonian declares that she
 w,''rked for' the return of President Wil-
 sor, a. hard as sh  could and I never
 f',i' d to emplha size on every occasion
 thL t risident Wilson voted for suffrage
 and ltbat I heard him  say in Atlantic
 City thar in the end we would not quar-
rel about m-'thod.  1 for one shall be
, catiy   disappointed  i( the  Federal
.i'uTh'd:nent does not pass during the
lo >t admiiistration.
   +'romn  my personal interviews with
1v-ottn all over the State. writes a Nc-
  v;!di wo:atu, I can honestly say that
  I'   ot,,for-Wilson was not an indica-
  ii , that the women do not care about
  .t  Fedo-ral amendment   Women here
  ir- rejoicing over having cast their first
  ballot ud are moire anxious than ever
  th:,ti   al women should have the same

  -A nt! a California woman who voted
      g lhes points out that It is a signal
    0t tht in only one State could th-3
    :nun's vote be separately counted, and
  in teat State they voted for the candi-
  xdAN who was outspokenly in favor of
  the\',deral amendmentL
    Wha. au Idaho woman says about the
  fear of reactionary forces behind Hughes
  is voiced by not a few. As many Re-
  nadica.n me   ,as Republican women vot.-
  dthe Dem1ocratic ticket this year for
  lh    osole purpose of 'getting rid of the
  g .n . The political pot needed cleans-

   In a pointed analysis of theoWoman
 veto. te iss Anna Louise Strong, one of
 ti:-o rewresentative women of the Pacific
 cc . L known far and wide for her vivid
 concern iu advanced social and Indus-
 trial :'rograms. in a r6sum6 of reasons
 why she voted for Mr. Wilson summar-
 izes considerations that weighed with
 the western woman voter as follows:
   The Democratic platform was prac-
 tically identical with the Republican,
 and the character of the two candidates
 differed 'only in that one had   been
--broadened by four years' experience In
t'e Wbite House, and the other bad
Ima;seO those years in the ultra-conserva-
' ,' atmosp'ere of the Supreme Court.
Their utterance showed this difference.
, chose Wilson.
   - Iy belief in woman suffrage and my
 Lope of a. Federal amendment had 'also
 much to do with my vote., I undeo.-
     '   (Continued on- nD tL) ,

the Cnan
time to t


iBallot for French

Women Who Represent

          Deceased Male Relative

e Barre's Bill Would Confer Suffra'ge on Female Rela-
ive of Dead Soldier-Objections to Plural Voting
             -Opinions of French Press

;i -',euci' nomen cannot- yet
mselves with the bright hopes
ffrage that our English sisters
ing befofe them, nevertheless
say that In France too the suf-
se has made serious progress,
in the last 'few months, in
he intentional silence of suffra-
the subject since the war, ab-
they have been by more press-
Maurice Barre's Bill
e aBrrds' Bill to preserve the
oldicrs who have died for their
has never been'brought in In
nber; It is talked about from
ime, but It has not much vital-

The Union Frangaise pour le Suffrage
les Femmes has no intention of using
ts influence to oppose this scheme, but
it will tak6 no part in it. It arises from
poetic and patriotic impulse, but in
no way stands for the principle of wom-
en's votes. It would have the one ad:
vantage of accustoming people to the
sight of women voting. As it would in-
volve plIral voting, the vote of the dead
not being reserved exclusively for wom-
en, It would meet with great opposition
in the Chamber from certain parties.
  Possibly, after all, it will never be
brought in, for we are happy to say that
the celebrated author, MaurIce BarrZs,
is in process of development, as Is
shown in the following passage in an ar-
ticle in the Echo de Paris of Nov. 13,
1916, called Amongst the Widows of the
  The wives and mothers whose home
is bereaved deserve to Inherit the civic
legacy of. those, whom they' fae lflIp'ed
with' all their energy to save France,
Before the warI - had never gfven my
-mind -to the claims of women, or rather,,
I felt repugnaiee-t0 them, and saw no
reason for them. Today a series of facts,
the whole experience of' the war, have.
persuaded me. ' Our soldiers; in'- the, great-
majority of cass,- hare received from
their homes, fronm- their ; mothers, and
from   their wIves, powerful. suppot.
barge numbers of i'omen 'are work ing
on the land, ti'    itions, |ficeh, in
field' hospitals. - It seems to- me, just and'
right that those who: have collaborated'
in the national defence should 'toimori'ow-
be closely associated with the 'whole life
of France. I am' ready from today to
join with them in this claim. - - -
  The-Echo_ de Paris is much, 'read In
  certain circles-which are still out of sym-
  pathy _with woman. suffrage, and the
  opinion- of Maurie Barrbs may -- lave
  conideralile to . uence I n these Iqua rbersf'
  The president'of, the ynloA iZni 43sa
  therefore wrote to_ thank him' for havirll
  given public expression to- his change   f
  opinio . utS
  Suffrae Billo- MRoullux Dttgage.
  -Another -propose ,ie rsa l5  u!s
  law his beem i~d:nte~bi
- of D0vep ds by'* loleftu1~l     I

o represent women and children, an-.imn-
portant part of the population which at
present is unrepresented. 'he bill would
give a personal vote to unmarried.wom-
en, but would not allow it to married
women: the father would vote for wife
and children. A widow would regain
her right to vote, and would exercise it
for her children. The bill involving as
it does plural voting, would meet with
great opposition in the Chambef, and
as it does not recognize in any way the
right of the married woman to vote as a
responsible person, but classes her with
minors, we are not concerned In any way
with the proposal.

The Suffrge Bill of MM. Buisson and
  The President and General Secretary
of the U. F. S. F. have, on the other
hand, taken various'ts-eps with regard
to the suffrage bill:It[roduced in the
Chamber in June, 1914,by M. Ferd~iand
Buisson, and1 the dilcussion of which
was arrested by the Oar.
  M. Ferdinand   Buisson  not having
been re-elected deputy, the bill has beer
entrusted to a new' deputy, and we ma:
hope that the bill introduced by Al
Etienne Flandin will come 'before th
Chamber before the end of the ydar.

              The Press
  A passage by. Monsieur de Waleffe an
  another by Monsieur-Urbain Gohier ai
peared in the Journal, one of the mos
widely read papers:
  In view.of the happy manner !
  which he has conducted-European 'a!
  fairs, dare the European male presum
  to claim a monopoly of good sense
  Women are deficient in genius? Agreed
  All great discoveries-have been mad
  by men? Be it so! But, to reconstru
  the- France of tomorrow, we shall nee
  above,all laws concerningthe birthrat
  care-of-children, tuberculosis, 'alcoho
  i:ni, goodmfiuiance,' wise economy. In ou
homes the qualities of , men and wome
balance each other :. Why-do we destro
the. natural balance'+in the -home Stai
franc ae? In a yae,even-scepti(
adrit what the result' of government' b
- man alone has been in the world. 1'
r'ik nothing by associating-woman wit
him. . Even If- she does no better, I del
her to do',worse! -Mauree do Waleff
   'The woman voter ,would- mean
 end of ai cobolism;-. it:would meanh.
 gleeat, school,,in- the workshop,In ii
 factory,    the farm; ,1t .-would mea
 equal' pay for equal work, piotectlon
 cured for cbildren, for -warorphani, fi
 all orphans. h   *er which, seemed-
,1piovtde- An a 0      9k,4*j* t we
         -~ ~ ~ ~   ~   ~~~o - ..,Ih 0im,,fli t.

      PUBLISHED 47
       THE WORLD

I A X 7 TTA n%7 a IAI'7 THRFF CFNT.q

- , -         ' .    '' 1Founded in 1870 by Lucy Stone and Henry B. Blackwell.



Party Allegiance So Close Miss Rankin
       May Be Necessary for a
             Bare   ajority

   Independent members of the in om- c
 ing House of Representatives are plan- 1
 ning an organization to work apart from
 both Democrats and Republicans with
 the avowed purpose of enforcing radical
 changes in the rules.
   Conferences have proceeded quietly,
 usually on the floor'of the House. Par-
 ticipants are disinclined to talk, for
 both Democrats and Republicans arc,
 eagerly seeking their favor as the speak-
 ership situation daily becomes more
 doubtful.  Representative Randall of
 California, a Prohibitionist, indicated re-
 cently, however, the nature of the im-
 mediate plans.
   We are anxious that the rules be
 amended so that the people may know
 what their representatives are doing,
 he said. The present system of voting
 in the -committee of the whole, makes
 it possible for members to frequently
 conceal their votes on very important
 proposals.  I think if we cai remedy
 this situation and make some changes
 in the method of reporting bills from
 committees, an 'independent organiza-
 tion will be worth while.
   Four   independents, Representatives
   Shell of Minnesota, and   Martin  of
   Louisiana, Progressives; Randall of Cal-
   ifornia, Prohibitionist, and London of
   New York, Socialist, are in the present
   House.  They hope that Representa-
   tives-elect Fuller of Massachusetts, and
   Kelley of Pennsylvania. and Rankin of
   Montana will join them. Messrs. Ful-
   ler and Kelley were elected as indepen-
   dents. Miss Rankin is a Republican,
   but hope of her independence is based
   on the fact that she was opposed by the
   Republican organization in the primary.
   The personnel of the  coming  House
   still is In doubt. Both Speaker Clark
   and Republican Leader Mann declare,
   that their respective sides would have at
   least 218 votes, a majority, on  the


   Christian Women of Jananese City
      Make Publik Protest Against
            Vicious Quarters

    Headed by    Mrs. Kaji Yajima. the
    eighty-two-year-old president of the Jap-
    anese Woman's   Temperance   Society,
    the Christian women of Osaka, J&pan,
    recently marched .tn a procession pro-
    testing against licensed quarters for im-
    Last April a new permit to open a
    seventeen-acre quarter within a short
    distance of the great play-centre of. the
    city, stirred up strong opposition among
    the citizens; and the contest has been
r  waxing so great that, according to the
   Northfield Record of Christian Work, it
e  may lead to the break-up of licensed
d  vice all over Japan.
h    The protest of the women was pre-
   sented in  petition form to Governor
   Okubo, -who is a Yale graduate.     A
n  Tokyo   publication, The  Far East,
y  quoted by the Literary Digest. says that
.   the women were nfilable to see the Go-
e   ernor, who was busy, and were.re-
    ferred to the chief of police.

-- ' S



  In the twenty years from 1S70 to 1890i
women were given municipal suffrage
in  Kansas, Scotland, New    Zealand,
South and West Australia, Tasmania,
Iceland, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova
Scotia, Quebec, British Columbia and
the Northwest Territory; school stf-
frage in Michtgin, Minnesota, Coloradoj
New Hampshire, Oregon, Massachusetts,
New York, Vermont, Nebraska, North
and South Dakota, Montana. Arizona,
New Jersey and Oklahoma, and full suf-
frage in the Isle ot Man. In Montana,.
tax-paying women were-glven a vote
upon all questions submitted to the ta*
  In the twenty years from 1890 to 1919
women were given full suffrage in _P*
   ordo-d*. Utah,'Norwa   FflInfids
New z'Zealand, South -and W'est Anls
tralia,: Tasmania, Queensland, VictotiS
and New, South Wales; municipal ,sour-
frage in Ireland, Denmark and the pro!. -
'ince of Vorarlberg (Austrilan Tyrol)' mnd
school suffrage In   nols, Connecticut,
Ohio, De awai*e  and   Wiseonsin.  In
Louisiana, in- Michigan,. and In all the
towns and villages of*New York Stat  -,
,tax-paying womfien were given a vote- OU
questions of'local taxation.  i lwto&
and Kansas women, were given a-vot      -
on bonding propositions, and In M ne.
sota a-vote for library_ trustees. I5
France women engaged in tradewe-re
given a vote fdr judgeafsof the tribunas'
of commerce-, In Belgiun . women wen
given a vote for the Consells des iPru&
hemmhes..                           -
   In the seven years from 1910 to_1910.
 inclusive, women% have been given f1in
 suffrage In Wasington, Californtia, KaW '
 sas, Oregon, AriZona; MontanMNevzda    -
 Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan, BI BrI
 ish Columbia, Alaska, .Deannark, DBoa%
 and  Yucatan;, municipal Suffrage 'to
 South Africa,-in LalbAch (Austria), Bb.
 roda (India), and Bcllze (Honduras)-,
 and scheol suffrage in-New Mexico. 1.
 Kingdom of Wurtemnberg. gave womes
 engagedip..agri.lture a-vote for n -
 be s of the - Chamber of ApIeuitip -
 and -local. rights,ofuffrage were extend-
 ed to women In a number of cities,s nag-
 Ing from Cfanada'to the 'Gulf.
   Full. suffrage,for.womenbshii-msf.t
 miore progress during the last sevM'
 years, than' during the previous sevent*.
 Equal sufrage los not merelycomning. 7V
 A large extent It has aleady come..
   The Wo-an's Journal as wellLas tbl .-
 suffrage cause enters- upon the year 191
 with the brightest outmok In its history,-.
 In the past-ceven years ts' circuatin
 has increased more than tenfold, and.-the
 646ld of'Its Influene  and'usefuluess copr.
 tinually widins. T:hisyear we
 cured  the exlert assfstance of,
 George- Brewster Gallup, ando   pi*
 ay be expected to become venb
 ard mnore JunterestIng than, In the
 Let all our readere unite to make t*
 the best year y   ..t!

 RICHMOND 1a09E Uggfj
       -      -     TIEB ALLOT'

   -The annual         ofmtnt 0e I;00










  All that woman asks through this
movement Is to be allowed   to  prove
what she can do; to prove it by liberty
of choice, by liberty of action, the only
means by which it can be settled how
much and what she can do.-Wendell


     The Woman's Journal takes pleas-
   ure in -announcing; the appointment
   of Mr. George Brewster alhp as
   business manager and publisher.
   Mr.Gallup comes to the Journal a
   thoroughly experienced isewspaper-
   'man as Well as a life-long advocate
   of equal. suffrage. Ris newspaper
   experience includes contiection wita
   the Albany Argds, New York World.
   YVew York Trutlthe Metropolitan
   Magazine   and ,cCosmopolitaa
   Magazine.    _1.ci c and .mtnicipal
   affairs, Mr. G(llup.is recognized as
   one of the. leading authorities of
   New England, and many readers
   of., the Journal wilt feel-personally
   acujinted uith him through.his
   speeches upon city planning a.
   kindred subjects. His select ion as
   publisherof the Wortan4 journal
   ame alter a          .lon, nd m xhistitw
   S.rch an thepalt of the- diretort,
   and his auni9JW qvaliict~il#for
   the post promise*scf or 06-Mt-


Montana Voters Elect

                           Two Women to House

  There will be two women sitting in   affatr. It was so clean and so free from
the next Montana House of Represen-    unpleasant personalities on both sides.
tatives. They are Mrs. Maggie S. Hath-  I have lived here 27 years and every-
away of Stevensville and Mrs. Emma     where we went, I met with friends and
A. Ingalls of Kalispel. Both were faith-  acquaintances. At the general election
ful suffrage -workers in the Montana  I received a splendid vote (next to the
campaign. Mrs. ingalls was president    highest), which, considering the fact
of the Equality Club of Kalispel. Mrs.  of the newness of women in this field, I
Hathaway was prominent in the lobby     very much appreciate.
which secured the enactment of the bill
submitting the suffrage amendment to     sithega          tenwornetes
the voters of the State, and helped ma- sian, the things that men can do better
terially, in the following successful cam-  th.U I  will be-left t0'tiient -I'  dt 't9
   h         -      h -inform myself and cast my vote and any
                                        influence I may have on the right side.
  In this campaignsb   spoke for both   M    w    okwl       eaoghlai
                        -               My own work will be along humanl--
 temperance and suffrage, In the effort tarian line
 to secure equal political riihts for wom-
 en she spoke in every county in the      M'rs.' Ingalls is interested in farming
 State, and her speaking tours have giv- and, with her son-in-law, operates one
 en her a wide acquaintance' in the State.  of the most productive farms in the
 She expects to introduce a numdber of  Flathead valley. She has two children.
 measures in the interest of women in   Mrs. Hathaway, also, has devoted much
 the coming session of the, House.      of-.her tim9 fo agripulture; especially in
   In speaking of her campaign, Mrs. In- the summers when suffrage activities
 galls said:                            were at the minimum..She i the. owner
   The campaign was really a pleasant  of a farm in the Bitter Root valley.


Miss Rankin Gives Few Interviews
   -Kept Away from Moving Pic-
   ture Man

 Since Jeannette Rankin's election to
 Congress, much has been written about
 her which existed only in the imagina-
 tion of the writer. As a matter of fact,
 according to the   Absarokee (Mont.)
 Enterprise, she has remained quietly
 at home and has given interviews to
 practically no one. It is true she has
 been besieged by moving picture men
 until it became a 'serious annoyance to
 the family and this is the story of how
 she at last consented to be featured for
 the movies.
   Perhaps Miss Rankin   was not - so
 averse to being caught by the camera,
 but she felt that the manner of featur-
 ing the film woud not add to the dig-
 nity of her position and she steadily re-
 fused to pose for the movie' artist. As
 the camera man had evidently received
 orders to stick, the-affair resolved itself
 to a real siege, and Miss Rankin was
 obliged to cancer all her social-engage-'
 ments because it was quite Impossible
 for her to-leave hot home.
   Not only that, but. tue students at
 the university in Missoula f91t as though
 they were entitled..to a visit from their
 distinguished towunswoman and untvers-
 ity graduate, and they wished-to receive
 hei on the university campus with all
 the pomp and enthusiasm which college
 itudents the world over are wont to
 display on even less important occa-
   It remained fr.,Mrs. K. W. jameson,
 dean of women-at the university, Ct find
 a happy, solution of the 'whole difficulty.
 For Dean Jameson argued that Tiow Miss
 Rankin belonged to 'the 'whoe State,
 and that if the movipg picture man was
 so antious to feature the new ongress-
 woman, he should be allowed to do so,
 but with a stage-setting: which   was
 worthby'of the -oceasiol and wita would
 bring real pretige -o the I'university.-
   So-she proposed that Miss R.kin be
 nllowtd to cometo the campu ano-
 lested and the camera man should   -
 tract to take 100 ,et'o film how
 Mhe universiti buildifai&, - the splesidid

in the distance. Perhaps no other unt-
versity-in the'world has more magnifi-
cent natural :surroundings than has the
college at Missoula and to show. this on
the screen would not only be a very
effective advertisement for the -Univers-
ity. of Montana, but a source of, great In-
spiration and pride to all the citizens of
the State.            _
-And so, on the campus of her own
Aima Mater, Miss Rankin was finallyl-
photographed, while addressing 'the
whole body of students, assembled there
to do her honor, and thanks to Dean
Jamescn, the first inovie of the con-
gresswoman will not only- be of great
interest to the millions who see It but
It will be of great educational and in-,
'spirational value to-the-State of Mon-

            SHELL FIRE         - -

 British Columbia Soldiers Wtntt to-
    Improvised Polls in- Ruins of
            French Homes

   Pr9bably the most- plcturoOque elec-
 tion in which suffrage had ever- been
 voted upon -was found-in the recent pol ha
 of the British  Columbia men -at the.
   Polling booths were established in th'
 shell-wrecked houses-- of the' ruined-
 I French villages just behind the f'rnt-'
 line, and the men:came in from-the-
 trenches in osquads- of*enty or thirty.
 Shells and bullets whistled. aroud them
 as each soldier mareis     -ballo' tand
 placed, it inan envelope on 'which ,he
 wrote his rank, company and battAon
 number, his home 'address and forimei
 votig -place.
    4     -.      ..              . +


   Figures compiled bsy Deth 3., C. !Wat-
 son, showing the comnprat'ive grades

in, the last seuiter, . biv - tb - the
women*%' sohlantfr vemvas

Digitized from Best Copy Available





Prominent Citizens Act as Critics and
          Express Opinions

 Just as this anniversary number of
The Journal was about to go to press,
few expert critics Iand friends gath-
ered to judge the changes. They ex-
pressed their opinions, which were put
into type and inserted below at the last
Frank A. Black, Advertising Manager of
  William Filene's Sons, asid Member
  Executive Committee Assogiated Ad-
  vertistng Clubs of the World:-
  A paper that thinks, intended for peo-
ple who think, with efficiency magnified
greatly by the new ' dress.
William Lloyd Garrison, Jr., Investment
  The appearance of The Woman's Jour-
ual in this new garb is merely another
iece of contemporary evidence of the
persistent advance of the suffrage move-
ment, the success of which is inevitable
because of the element of juctice which
inheres in woman's claim to citizenship.

F. N. Barbour, Treasurer Johnson Edu-
  cator Food Co.:-
  The idea of equality between mqn and
women needs a progressive exponent-
here it is.
Perry Walton, of Walton Advertising &
  Printing Co.:-
  The Woman's Journal, in make-up and
subject matter, is now a real newspaper.



            WOMA N SUFFRA GE

Victories for the Cause Have Been Coming Thick

        and Fast During Recent Years-Present

                Situation-Historical Resume

      The year 1g7 opens with the brightest outlook for equal suffrage that
 the cause has ever had. For the first time, the rational platform of every
 political party contains a plank declaring that women ought to vote. For
 the first time, a woman has been elected to Congress. For the first time,
 the women of twelve States have taken part in a great national election,
 and have been an important factor in the result. The Federal Amendment
 for woman suffrage, wIich six years ago was looked upon in Coqgress as
 wholly negligible, now commands the most senoas attention from the lead-
 ers of all parties, and all clear-sighted persons realize that its passage
 through Congress cannot be permanently delayed.
      The suffrage movement has already won 87 substantial victories. At
  first they were few and far between; of late years they have come thick
  and .ast.
      Ninety years ago women could not -vote anywhere, except at municipal
  elections in Sweden and a few other places in Europe.
      In the forty years from 1830 to 1870, women were given full suffrage
  in Wyoming, municipal suffrage in England, Finland, Victoria and Nw
  South Wales, and school suffrage in Kentucky, Kansas and Ontario.

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JAINUARY 6, l917

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