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32 Women's J. 1 (1901)

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Vol. XXXII.                                                        BOSTON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1901.                                                                                              No. 1.

The Woman's Journal
  A Weekly Newspaper, published every Satur-
(lay in Boston. devoted to tihe interests of wo-
man-to ter educational. industrial, legal and
political equality, and especially to her right of
     H. It. ILACKWELL.
  BOSTON OFFIO  No. 3 Park Street. where cop-
ios are for sale ant subscriptions received.
      H. E. TuRnER, Business Agent.
 J. it. MoitasoN, Business Manager Adv. I)ept.

Editorial Notes ..................................  1
Licensed Vice In the Philippines ...............1
Twentieth Century Fund for Colleges, A.S. It... 1
The N xt Fortrightly, Mary A. Livermore ..... I
Another Kidnapping Case, A. s. 11.............. I
Our  Young Women .............................2
William Morrir on Woren Councillors........2
A Modern PI rtia ................................  2
A Voter at 83 ....................................  2
Teachieg the Doukbobors ......................-
Women in Architecture ....................... 2
Tie Twentieth Century Wonan ..............2
State Regnlation of Vice in Austria ...........'2
Character Counts ................................  3
Children's Column ..............................  3
A Twentieth Century Sautatory, if. i,.i ...... 4
Progress of Equal Siffrage, A. s. i............4
Belated Professor Wendell, if. n. it...........4
Peace  Notes .....................................
Women in the Churches ........................ 4
Women of the Press, F.A l. A .................... 4
With Our Exchanges, F. M A ................... 4
Mirs. J. Ellen Foster on Women Voters........4
College and Alumina.....................4
Henry  Villard's  Will .......................... 5
W0otntn's lPlacer in the State................ 5
Our New Vork Letter ...........................5
In Meruoriam ....................................  5
The Ugly Man, Mabel Ellery Adams...........6
Soe Questions of Dress ...................... 6
We men's Clubs and Club Women..............8
State Correspondence- Maryland--Nebraska
  Georgia-S,.uth Carelina-New York-3Mon-
  tana-Calirornila-Wisconsin ............. 6, 7, 8
  Massachusetts Clubs and Leagues ............ 8

            A WINTER STORM.
            BY W. 1'. FOSTER.
 From my hill-circledhome, this eve, I heard
 The tempest singing on the windy height-
 The first wild storm of Winter in its flight
 Seaward--as though some mighty arctic bird
 Had left its snowy nest, and on the flirred,
 Steep mountain summit passed one boister-
      ous night
 To fill the valleys with its fierce delight.
 Ali ree I thought, how every pine is stirred,
 Till all its deep storm music is unbound;
 How   every waving bough gives forth its
 And the firs shout as though some harper
 Laid his great hand upon the hills around,
 And drew a loud hymn forth, a voice to
 Far, far away, beyond the world's dull
      shore I


   A noteworthy sympositm on the wo-
 man question appeared on Dec. 30, as a
 syndicate article in a number of promi-
 nent papers. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster wrote
 on Women's Power In Politics, Mrs.
 Harriet Prescott Spofford on Women in
 Trade, Army, and Politics, Mrs. Belva A.
 Lockwood on Women in the Profes-
 sions, Mrs. William Tod Helmuth on
 Evolution of the Club Woman, Ellen
 Spencer [ussey on Possibilities of the
 Red Cross, .Mrs. Russell Sage on The
 Place Held by Women without Fads (it
 is instructive that they chose a suffragist
 to treat this subject), Jeannette L. Gil-
 der, No More Men Journallsts; Mrs.
 Kate Tannatt Woods, Woman's Future
 Judged by Present; Susan G. Walker,
 Tie Coming College Woman; Grace
 Greenwood, Woman an Active Worker
 in  Church;    Lillie  Devereux   Blake,
 Woman to Become the Peer of Man;'
 Edith Griswold, The Law and the Lady;
 Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Give Woman
 her Rightful Place; Mrs. Donald McLean,
 Her Patriotic Influence; Mrs. Carrie
 Chapman Catt, Suffrage, Past and Pres-
 ent; Annie Russell, Woman and the
 Stage; Izora Chandler, What She Has
 Done in Art. A few of the headings are
 silly-probably the women who wrote the
 articles did not choose the titles-but
 some of the articles are exceedingly good.
 Mrs. Chapman Catt wrote:
   The women of the year 2000 will be
 voters. Not alone will this be true in the
 United States, but it will be true In all
 the civilized nations of the world. No
 one who carefully observes the trend of
 civilization and the growth of sentiment
 toward democratic government will doubt
 this statement for a moment. When the
 position of women in the year 1800 is con-
 sidered in comparison with that they
 occupy in the year 1900 it requires small
 gift of prophecy to foresee that if the
 same degree of change is maintained in
 the 20th century therb will be perfect
 equality of rights and opportunities be-
 tween the sexes when another hundred
 years has rolled around. The prejudice

which is common to-day will have been
swept away before the convincing testi.
mony   of tile  actual achievements of
women in every walk of life. Women will
then be eligible to every position in tie
State, and patriotic political service will
be regarded as one of the most sacred
duties of the true woman. Qualification,
not sex, will be the guide to choice of
officers. If in that day a woman shall
appear whose fitness for tie position
seems greater than that of any man, the
public will have no hesitancy in placing
her in tire President's chair because sHie is
a woman. Qruedns have occupied thrones
of great nations and rave received the
homage of their people, since reverence
for royal power was great enough to over-
come sex prejudice.

  Mrs. Helen Campbell is at Hotel Belle-
vue, Boston, for the winter. Site is at
work on another book to follow her novel,
Ballantyne, which has just gone to the
press of Little, Brown & Co. She is giv-
ing a course of lectures in Cambridge, and
is open to engagements at other points.
In mid January she will speak in Port-
land, Me., on Woman Suffrage in Colo-
rado. Mrs. Campbell has lately returned
from Denver, where she made her home
for nearly three years.

   In France a favorable report has been
rendered by tire parliamentary committee
to which was referred M. Rend Viviani's
bill proposing to make the fathers of
illegitimate children responsible, in cer-
tain cases, for their maintenance. Up to
this time the French law has forbidden
any effort to as.zertain the paternity of
such a child. Under the bill proposed by
M. Viviani, no action can be taken by the
child's mother if the alleged father is
under eighteen and sie is herself above
that age. Otherwise, under certain re-
strictions, irhe father may be made re-
sp)usible. If the bill passes, it will be a
great improvement upon the present law.

   The Georgia Legislature ras lately voted
 down three bills that had been earnestly
 asked for by the women of Georgia, one
 raising tie age of protection for girls from
 ten years, one prohibiting the labor of
 children under twelve In factories, and
 one admitting young women to study in
 the State textile school. The defeat of
 tlese measures has made suffragists of
 hundreds of Georgia women who never
 before desired the ballot. An able article
 on the subject by Mrs. Ottley, of Atlanta,
 will be found in our State correspondence.
 She says: I sometimes think that the
 Legislatures of our Southern States are In
 league witt tie equal suffrage associations.
 Such votes as tre above are the best suf-
 frage-breeders I can imagine. They are
 not confined to the Southern States. The
 Vermont Legislature has just voted down
 a bill strongly urged by the women's
 clubs of that State, asking that women be
 Ilaced on the boards of prisons and insane
 asylhms where women are confined-and
 the Vermont women, like those of Geor-
 gia, are drawing the logical inference.


   Tire following letter from Dr. Alice B.
 Condict, a Methodist Episcopal missionary
 in Manila, dated Oct. 28, 1900, was read at
 a Congressional hearing on Dec. 6, before
 tre Committee on Insular affairs of the
 U. S. House of Representatives:
   Several missionaries here have recently
 received letters from home Inquiring as to
 the truth of accounts published in tire
 United States of the licensing of houses of
 prostitution for tire benefit of our United
 States soldiers. I have accordingly been
 making inquiries, and find to my chagrin
 that these shocking reports are only too
 true. I am forced to write it. Our United
 States Government officers have estab-
 lisled here regular houses for prostitute
 women, exarmining them every week and
 giving each a certificate, with her own
 photograph on it, to securely identify tire
 girl who holds it. The reports are that
 after the election is over in tire United
 States, the military authorities think of
 having this system of prevention of disease
 more systematically carried out here.
   This, of course, is simply the iniquitous
 plan of men wro regard the army simply
 as so much fighting material. Tire Idea of
 right and wrong has not been considered
 at all, therefore tie dark deeds have be-
 come tre military law. It therefore be.
 hooves Christian America to rise and
 assert itself. Especially is it the province
 of Christian women to come to the front,
 and I fully expect and believe that they
 will be found fully equal (with God as
 their leader) to rise and put an end to this
 horrible evil.
   Ex Consul Genoral Pratt fully confirms
 Dr. Condict's statements.
   At the same Congressional Irearing was

read the following letter, dated Juno 1,
1900, from Rev. F. I. Morgan, a mission-
ary of tire Methodist Episcopal Board Inr
Singapore, Straits Settlements, who, tin.
able to believe the reports which had
reached him that there was legalized pros-
tituition under our fIlag, went to tie island
of Sulu and personally investigated the
matter. Rev. A. B. Leonard, D. D., secre-
tary of the Methodist Episcopal Board,
vouches for the absolute trustworthiness
of this missionary. Mr. Morgan writes:
  The colonial expansion which has taken
place in our country has brought in its
train certain evils which we have never
met hitherto. Great Britain and the con-
tinentrd powers have set the pace in many
things which are not altogether acceptable
to Christian sentiment at home or abroad,
anl one of the evils which they have fow-
tered, but from which we have hitherto
been free, Is tire pandering to the vice of
soldiers. It is a fact not probably knownt
at home that the inlqlitous contagious.
diseases acts, formerly openly, and at
te present time, it is clained, secretly,
enforced in the cantonments of India, are
now   in effect in our new possessions.
The subject was brought to my attention
a few weeks ago, but, unwilling to jump
at conclusions, I have waited until I couhl
confirm the statement tnen made that in
Sul, and If there, doubtless in other
plares, there is a quarter sot off by the
commanding officer, General Kobbd, mas
the recognized resort of prostitutes; that
these   women,   mostly   Japanese,   are
brought there with the knowledge and
consent, if not the approval, of the atr-
tlhorities; that they tire segregated and
only soldiers allowed to consort with
them; that sentries are posted at the en-
trance, to keep peace and order and pro.
vent the entrance of natives or the escape
of the toomen, and that it is a recognized
institution of our military occupation.
The officers rave full knowledge of it, but
have yielded to the sophistry so common
among military men that you can't pre-
vent the men doing such things, hence it
is better to safeguard them as nuchi as
   Do our Christian people at home realize
 wrat this means-that their sons are
 taken from Christian homes in Christian
 America and brought to the Tropics, with
 all the seductive itrIurences prevalenrt there,
 and under the sanction of their officers
 find everything made as easy as possible
 for them to live lives of impurity and vice;
 that our CrrIrtian Government, through
 its representatives, provides every facility
 for such sin, and says, by actions, if not
 by words, that it Is necessary, and that a
 young man can not be continent and pure
 away from home and mother?      The can-
 teen is evil, but this is infinitely worse.
 Ought not the matter to be investigated
 and the seal of disapproval set upon it by
 the united Christian sentiment of our
 land? We want pure men to guard tlese
 outposts and to set the native races an ex-
 ample. The reports which came to my
 ears were confirmed by tie Sultan of Sulu
 himself In an interview which I recently
 had with him.
   Where Is the sense of exclaiming against
 the polygamy practised by tie Sultan of
 Sult, an uncivilized ruler who knows no
 better, while our own military officers
 are allowed to license, sanction, and offi-
 cially supervise an elaborate system of
 polyandry for our young American sol.


   It is proposed to celebrate the opening
 of the Twentieth Century by raising a
 fund to place the WOMAN'S JOURNAL in
 the reading room of every college In the
 United States.
   A number of the men and women now
 most active in the work for equal rights
 were converted by reading the WOMAN'S
 JOURNAL In tIheir college days, ten, twen-
 ty, or thirty years ago, and they now re-
 fer gratefrlly to the fact. At many differ-
 ent times during the past thirty years,
 generous friends have contribrted to send
 the paper to various colleges in which
 they were interested, and this has borne
 ricr fruit; but it is felt that a more sys-
 tematic effort ought now to be made in
 this direction.   In every respect tie
 methods of the new century should be an
 advance upon those of the past.
   This field is of especihl importance for
 two reasons. The colleges ind urniver-
 sitics are now educating the future leaders
 of thought. Those who are to stand
 hereafter at the head of every profession
 are taking their preliminary training now.
 To-day they are young, open-minded, full
 of generous impulses, ready to be Inter.
 ested in new ideas. Their minds will not
 be half as receptive when they are middle-
 aged men and women, absorbed in family
 cares or In the keen struggle for fame
 and fortune. Now is the time to convert
   Human beings follow their leaders much
 like sheep.  Get the leaders, and you will
 have nine-tenths of the flock. Therefore

toney spent in converting those who are
to be tire intellectual leaders tf timrecv
century is trebly well 4pent.
  The WOIAN'S' JOUItNAL will be sent to
tile reading room of ary college or lmiver-
sity for half prce-$.25-and in every
suroh reading room it will be accessible to
scores of stndents. Who will start tire
T'wentieth Century College Fund by srb.
scribing to send tire paper to a hndred
colleges?                       A. S.nIt.


  The next neeting of tire Fortnightly
will be hel in thie parlors of tire Wo-
MAN'S JOURNAL, 3 Park Street, on the
afternoon of ''resday, fair. 8, at three
o'chck. Miss Mary Currier, professor at
Wellesley College for twenty.five years,
will lecture o Tire Negro In tire Twen-
tieth Centtry.
  Sinc te her retirement from Wellesley,
Miss Currier hims set fihe winters at the
South, studying its colred peopio ald
familiarizing herself with their helps and
hindrances, and i seeking to answer the
question, What is our dty-tthe duty of
womenr-in reference to this great prob-
lent which lils come before tire twentieth
century for solution? Sie lhas visited the
great schools at Tuskegee and Atlana,
and those less prrominent in other locali
ties, and site ias been tile guest of emo-
nent white Southernr'rs, Home of them
favorable to tire rplifting of tie negro
race, and others bitterly opposed to it.
Sire is to Spend tire month of January at
the North, lecturing It tire interest of tire
colored people, and then site will again
return to the South, to work for and with
them. The public is invited to hear Miss
   All who are not members of the Associ-
 ation will be expected to pay an admission
 fee of 15 cents at the door. At tire close
 of the lecture light refreshmments will be
 served, and there will be tire usual socal
 reunion.   MArtY A. LIvlieItEou, Pres.


   Tihe pmpors annorunce that Sydney Miller,
 a seven year-old boy, has been kidnapped
 by his mother, and recovered by his
 legal owner, the father, after an exciting
 chaise through three or four States. Tile
 entire police and detective forces were
 called in, tile mother was tracked like a
 hunted deer, and was finlly discovered itn
 Lawrence, Kar., at three o'clock in tire
 morning, asleep with her child, who
 was promptly taken from her. A despatch
 to the Indianapolis Sentinel says:
   Is it kidnapping whenI take my own
 child? sime asked. Hiaven't I an equal
 right to him   with my huisband?     Mr.
 Miller and I separated seventeen montrs
 ago. It wa with tile rnderstanding then
 that the boy was to be with me half tire
 time and with him half (rf tire time. I
 kept him three months; tie father hus
 had him fourteen nronths. I was amsrzed
 when Mr. Miller told me that I could not
 have him any more. I have been defeated
 in this attempt to get my child, but I am
 not discouraged.  The proverb says we
 are wiser after we are defeated. I have
 tire consolation thiatomes from that, and
 also the consolation that comes from the
 fact that I was engaged in a thororghly
 righteous cause.
   Samuel D. Miller, son of ex-U. S. At-
 torney-General W. If. H. Miller, married
 Miss Harriet Karchner, of Pittstown, Pa.,
 nine years ago. The cause of their sepa-
 ration is not mentioned.
    This case calls attention anew to the
 fact that there are only eight States in the
 Union where the father anrd mother are
 joint guardians of their children by law,
 as they are by nature. In all tire others
 tire iusband is the sole legal owner of tire
 child rntil a cort decrees the contrary.
 He line tire right to separate the children
 from  their mother entirely, and even to
 send them where she will never see them
 again. Thus tire courts of a neighboring
 State upheld the right of a Chinese hus-
 bnund, married to an Irish wife, to give
 their three-days'-old baby to his brother
 to be taken away to China and brought
 up there.
    Most men are better titan the law, and
 few husbands use the extreme and tyran-
 nical power that, the law gives them. But
 there the law is, all ready for any bad
 husband to take advantage of it.
    And yet we are assured that tile laws
 are more than just to women; and the
 Massachusetts Association Opposed to
 the Extension of Suffrage to Women has
 published over its official imprint a leaflet
 defending the present law whichr gives the
 husband thre sole right to the children.
                                 A. 8. B.


  CLARA BARTON lae laccd with a flrn
at Kittrll, N. C., an order for 1,000,000
strawlerry ilants, to be distributed among
tire frumit growers of Texas who sriffered
so  severely fromin tie great September
  MRS. SAnAlt I)AVls, of Finirero, near
Buckingham, Eng., is sad to be tire old-
est school teacher itt thi worldu Iliactive
service. Sire regularly teaches tire pupils
of tire National School Ini that village.
Iher ago is 8.1, andl site has taught tie saume
school for more thn fifty years.
  VnRGINnA A. GALAO IErt, of Newport,
Ky., hae invented it little contrivance for
tire locking of tire window blind iooks,
after they have been Inserted Itn tire
notched phrtes, to keep tire blinds closed.
It Is a common Iractice for housebreak-
ers to open    the shuttere by renching
through from the outsido with tie flugers.
'rhis lock Is designed to prevent tire open-
lug of tire siutters I that wily.
  MIss KArE MAnItI, who has for several
yors been ttie efficient. clerk of the South
Carolina State Board of Penoins, and
who has done much to keep tire ier-
oners hit tihe right road and save then
trouble, wits releeted at tire meeting of
tire board, a few days ago. Miss Maier
Is desc-ibed s one of tire most efficlent
clerks In the State [louiose, and one whose
place woul be hard to fill.
   Mis. S. T. Ronutri, tire famous teacher
 of cooking, hau never had a headacie, and
 is tire pictatre of health. Yet shIe is onto
 of tie Irislest women in the United
 States. Besides her editorial work for
 tire Ladies' Hoine Journal, which Involves
 answering several thosand letters a year,
 sHie conducts a large cooking school It
 Philadeliahr, anl lectures almiost con-
 stantly during the season, travelllng all
 over the country.
   Mir. E. J. BAtTOr,, In an address before
 tire Now Centtry Club of Pliladellla,
 recently, tol( of tire Maori women of New
 Zealand. Mrs. Bartol tos twice made a
 tour of the world, and while it New 7elt-
 land visited many of tire rentote native
 villages. It is an Interesting incident oin
 an election( day, site says, to find a baby
 carriage outside tire irhs, and tire hus-
 sand and wife Both inside voting. Within
 tie memory of people now living these
 women have ben transformed      from
 frowzy squaws into intelligent voters.
   MRS. MARIETTA HARMON, of Syracuse,
 has secured tire highiest rating ever given
 by tire New York State Board of Phar-
 riracy Ii an examination for a llcense as a
 registered pharmacist. Her paper was
 almost perfect. Mrs. Harmon is a teacher
 in one of tire public schools of Syracuse,
 and tire proprietor of a drug store on
 Almond Street. The store was left to lier
 when lier husband died, three years ago.
 Sire tried to sell the business, but the
 offers she received were so low that she
 decided not to make the sacrifice. In-
 stead, sie hired a licensed clerk and set
 out to run tie business with is assist-
 ance. Every spare moment out of school
 hours Idus been spent in the store and In
 the study of pharmacy. The result of her
 hard work Is seen i the good slowing
 sire made Inn irer recent examination and
 in tire success of her business.
   Mns. SERAr'iIINA PINSKO, for the past
 eight years presilent of the Jewish Chari-
 ties Association of Denver, Col., has re-
 signed ier position to devote herself to
 raising funds for the National Hospital
 for Comnsumptives in that city. Sire Is
 travelling In tire Interests of this work,
 and tire rabbis of various cities allow her
 to occupy threir pulpits on Friday even-
 ings to present the subject. Mrs. Pisko
 has just visited New Orleans. Th.e Picay-
 une says: She is a very beautiful and
 Interesting woman, and her good heart
 speaks from lier eyes. She says Denver
 was overrun with consumptives, many of
 them   absolutely destitute.   They had
 managed to git as far as Denver, when
 their means failed and they were left de-
 pendent on charity. The Jewish com-
 munity raised $40,000, and built a hos-
 pital, which was opened about a year ego
 with 00 patients. Now it Is desired to
 extend the accommodations to 150. Con-
 surmptives are admitted without distinc-
 tion of creed, and the hospital has pa-
 tients from all parts of the country. It
 receives only those who are actually des-
 titute. It is situated in the most beauti-
 ful part of Denver, on the crest of a hill
 overlooking the city park. All the sur-
 roundings are bright, cheerful and In-

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