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21 Woman's J. 417 (1890)

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No. 1.

-    -                     -~     ~      - -__-__                                  - - -                 -     --.------- ------ ---- ---.- -- -- -                         -

   The Woman's Journal.
    Weekly Newspaper, published every Saturday
   BOSTON devoted to the interests of Woman-
   her educatIonal, Industrial,.legal and political
   uslity, and especially to her right of Suffrage.
          LUCY STONE,
          H. B. BLACKWELL,
    JULIA WARD Bows,
    MRS. H. M. T. CUTLER,
    MRS. A. M. DIAZ.
             SUSAN C. VOGL,
    Business Manager Advertising Department.
 T.ERns-$2.50 a year; to a new subscriber for first
   r, $1.50, in advance; 5 ots. for single copy.
   CLUB RATES-5 copies one year, $10.
   Sample copies free.
   BOSTON OFFICE-No. 3 Park Street, where copies
   e for sale and subscriptions received.
   The Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association at
   hiladelvipa, 1601 Mt. Vernon Street.

   With the beginning of this new year,
   ill not every subscriber make 1890 a goqd
   ,ear for the WOMAN'S JOURNAL by paying
   h. or her subscription in advance?

   A recount by the Boston aldermen gives
   )r. Elizabeth C. Keller, for the School
 loard, a majority of fifty-three over Mrs.
 sabel C. Barrows. In other words, it
 hows the election of the entire ticket
 ominated by the Women's Ward and
 ity Committee, the Loyal Women of
 ,merican Liberty, and the Committee
 f One Hundred. This is the most ex-
 raordinary election ever held in Boston.
 [eretofore, any candidate who secured the
 mot nomination of Republicans and Demo-
 crats was sure of election, and a candidate
 rho was on neither the Republican nor
 he Democratic ticket had no chance.
 'his year Mr. Wellington was on both
 the Republican and the Democratic tickets;
 o was Mr. Macdonald; yet both of them
 were defeated, 'because they lacked the
 support of the great body of women vot-
 1rs. On the other hand, Dr. Elizabeth
 Keller and Mr. Daniels, who were on
 neither of the regular party tickets, but
 ho were supported by the majority of
 he women, are elected. While we regret
 hat Mrs. Barrows was not elected as well
 s Dr. Keller, there is no denying that
 this year and last the women voters have
 roved themselves the dominant factor in
 he election of the Boston School Board.

 Among the different colleges and univer-
 ities, contestants for the honor of having
 een the first to establish co-education are
 oming into the field. But the credit will
 orever belong to Oberlin, in Ohio. In
 833 Oberlin College, at Its very begin-
 ing, opened its doors to women, and de.
 lared that neither color nor sex should be
 disqualification for adnission.

 Our Kentucky correspondenti in another
 olumn, gives at considerable length her
 teral construction of some lo'l4ed Bible
 assages. The discussion of Bible-inspira-
 on Is not germane to ourcolumns. What
 e say is that upon the theory of Bible-
 spiration woman's equality is plainly in-.
 ulcated. The unwisdom of contrasting
 he condition of Hindoo and Christian
 'omen, to the disadvantage of the litter,
 s clearly shown by a letter from Pundita
 Ramabal, copied elsewhere this week In
rour columns.

  It is a rare thing for a Virginia court
to receive an application from a lady for a
license to practise law. Recently such an
applicant, although fully qualified, was
refused a ce'tificate by the Circuit Court
of Plttsylvania. The judge held that in
the law the word person used in descri57-
ing those to whom licenses could be
granted meant men only. To cure this
defect a bill has been introduced in the
Virginia Senate to allow women to be ad-
mitted to the bar. The despatches say:
  The ladywho was rejected by the Pitt-
sylvania court, and in whose behalf
especially it is proposed to amend the
law, has for years been assisting her hus-
band in the preparatiou of some of his
most complicated legal cases. There are

not less than four or five of the most
brilliant society women in the State who
an prepare briefs. One wrote out opin-
ions equal to those of some of the best
lawyers at the bar.
   Mlle. Popelln, who was refused admis-
 siqn to the Brussels bar on account of her
 sex, appealed to the Cor de Caeasaion,
 which has confirmed the adverse decision
 of the lower court. The death of preju-
 dice is slow, though sure.

 The New England Woman's Press As-
 sociation held its annual meeting at the
 Parker House in this city, Jan. 1, and
 elected the following officers for 1890:
 President, Mrs. Salile Joy White; Vice-
 Presidents, Mrs. Allie E. Whitaker, Mrs.
 Isabel C. Barrows; Corresponding Secre-
 tary, Miss Belle Grant Armstrong; Re-
 cording Secretary, Miss Edith K. Perry;
 Treasurer, Miss Helen M. Winslow; Audi-
 tor, Mrs. Susan C. Vogl; Executive Com-
 mittee, Mrs. Marion A. McBride, Mrs. E.
 Addle Heath, Miss Grace W. Soper. Mrs.
 E. M. H. Merrill, the secretary, declined a

 *The Albany Times, which has just been
 made the State paper for New York, is an
 outspoken advocate of woman suffrage,
 and has been so for many years. Surely
 the world moves!

 A private letter from a friend in Eng-
 land gives this amusing account of the im-
 pression which the weekly story in the
 WOMAN'S JOURNAL has made upon her
 servant's sweetheart:
 I have never told you how young Elliot,
 our Maggie's 'young man,'Iobjects to the
 WOMAN'S JOURNAL. He declares that all
 the tales are written for his benefit ex-
 pressly, to enforce 'equal rights.' He is a
 real good fellow, and believes in equal
 rights; but, as he likes tales, he thinks he
 gets a little too much dosed on this one
 point, as he does not need it!

 The Pall Mall Gazette thus describes
 some of the good results that have come
 to the English agricultural laborer through
 the suffrage:
 Lord Spencer's plea for village councils
 was one of the most useful speeches of the
 recess. It is quite true, as he says, that
 nothing can be more important than to
 infuse life into our villages, to vivify the
 intelligence of the poor people In them,
 and to create among them a feeling of re-
 sponsibility. But until the agricultural
 laborer had a vote, no one cared for him.
 He was merely like manure in the State.
 Now he has become the pivot round which
 our whole system revolves. The change
 In his status, of which Lord Spencer's
 speech is the latest illustration, is an im-
 mense incentive to renewed zeal in the
 cause of the enfranchisement of women.
 In politics, the interests of the unrepre-
 sented are ignored. Not until your name
 is on the electoral register do statesmen
 remember that you exist. Nothing can
 be more obvious than the truth of Lord
 Spencer's observation: What could be
 of greater interest than the sanitary con-
 dition of the cottages of a village to the
 poor people who live in them, or the man-
 agement of the schools, or the water sup-
 PIT, or the proper management of the
 vilage charities But this truism was
 ignored by everybody until the day when
 the poor people who lived in the cottages
 of our villages were admitted within the
 pale of citizenship. As it has been with
 Hodge, so it will be with women. Let
 them seek first admission to the electorate
 roll, and all other things will be added
 unto them.

  Ah effort will be made this winier to
amend the New York statute providing
for the appointment of police matrons. In
New York City, despite, frequent applica-
tions and remonstrances, the law has not
been carried out.
  At the meeting of the county conven-
tion of the Women's Christian Temperance
Unions, held in that city recently, Mrs.
Howard, chairman of the committee on
the city prison and jail work, gave in her
report the reasons why the law Is a dead
letter. In her efforts to discover the cause
of the delay, she was referred from one
official to another. In the bill that passed
the Legislature last year, it was provided
that when the board of estimate should
make an appropriation for this purpose,
the police commissioners were authorized
to appoint two police matrons for each
station-house in the city. The board of
estimate have made no appropriation, con-
sequentLy the police commissioners have a
valid excuse for not making the appoint-
menits. Mrs. Howard finally wrote to the
mayor, and received for reply:-
  I presented your communication rela-
tive to an appropriation for female at-

tendants in the various police station-
houses to the board at the meeting this
day, while they were considering the es-
timates of the police department for the
coming year, and in view of the fact that
the police commissioners would not advo-
cate it, the board refused to act.
   In Brooklyn, also, the law has been in-
 operative.  A delegation from  several
 women's organizations has interviewed
 Mayor Chapin, and asked his support for
 the new measure, providing for an ade-
 quate number of matrons and making pro-
 vision for their salaries. The Brooklgn
 Times, in commenting upon this visit to
 the mayor, pointedly remarks:
   The law providing for the appointment
 of police matrons in Brooklyn has never
 yet been carried out. It has simply been
 ignored by our local authorities. If a like
 number of appointments providing fat
 sinecures for voters were at the disposal
 of the Board of Aldermen, we presume
 they would not be vacant very long. But
 a number of appointments to places which
 require hard and disagreeable work, and
 which will have no political influence
 whatever, seem not worth bothering about,
 even if the law, seconded by an equally
 imperative public necessity, demands that
 they be filled. Yet the places ought to be
 filled. It is disgraceful and discreditable
 that they have been left vacant so long.
 It is an outrage that in the treatment of
 women prisoners, their arrest, their im-
 prisonment, even in the searching of their
 persons, men only are employed. Many
 women might be helped or reformed under
 wiser and more delicate treatment than is
 accorded them in this city of churches.
 We need a new women's jail. We need
 police matrons. Let us have the latter
 immediately, and the former as soon as

       WASHINGTON, D. C., JA. 1, 1890.
 Editors Womans Joural :
   A happy New Year to you and all your
 readers! If prosperity means happiness,
 and deserving It means getting it, then
 the JOURNAL has plenty of joy before it.
   Washington is alive once more. Few
 people, outside of the regular residents,
 have any idea of the difference between
 the summer life and the winter life of this
 city. People from all over the world
 come here during the season, and go
 away with the impression that the National
 Capital is the gayest place in the world;
 when, in actual truth, a place more abso-
 lutely quiet and devoid of excitement
 from the time Congress adjourns till it
 convenes again, it would be hard to find.
 But Congress is In session once more; the
 men are all back again, and the women,
 too. Consequently Washington is inter-
 esting. Miss Anthony is at the Riggs
 House, where Mrs. Jane H. Spofford has
 kindly placed the spacious parlors of the
 Riggs at the disposal of the District Suf-
 frage Association. This fact alone was
 sufficlent to call out a large attendance,
 for every one was eager to greet the
 tried friends. Miss Anthony gave an in-
 esting account of her recent Western trip.
 The number of lectures given, and hun-
 dreds of .miles travelled, were quite suffi-
 cient to convince her hearers that Susan
 B. is a long way from being laid on the
  Miss Cousins is here trying to convince
the Government that injustice has been
done her and her father before her, during
their terms of office as U. S. Marshals.
As usual, Uncle Sam is mulish, and does
not try to understand; but Miss Cousins is
equal to giving him a plain exposition of
the facts. Mrs. Colby Is also here with
her bright paper, TAe Woman's 2Wbune,
and Miss SaraWinthrop Smith is assisting
her. Mrs. Colby is full of zeal and enter-
prise, and her paper never fails to strike a
blow for women and their cause. Kate
Field has come with her Wasiugon, a
weekly magazine, and if Miss Field will
devote it to the true interests of humanity,
it will be what she is capable of making It,
a success. But Kate Field is a good deal
of a shooting star, and there is no telling
where she or her magazine will hit when
they light next time. Lawyer Ada M.
Bittenbender, of Lincoln, Neb., is here-
again, looking after the Legislative inter-
ests of the W. C. T. U. She was recently
entertained at The Fredonia, a new
hotel opened by Mrs. S. D. La Fetra
(president of the District W. C. T. U.), to-
gether with Mrs. Bateham, of Ohio, Na-
tional Superintendent of Sabbath Obser-
vance; also Msj or and Mrs. J. A. Pickler,
from South Dakota, who are ardent pro-
hibitionists. At its next monthly meeting
the W. S. A. will elect its new officers, or re-
elect its old ones, as the case may be. One
and all are looking forward with interest
to the coming National-American Conven.
tinn.            ELLA MARIE MARBLE.

           SALINA KAN., DEC. 23, 1889.
 Rditors Woman's Journal:
   I have just returned from a short trip in
 the State, and find no abatdnent of Inter-
 est in our cause. I spoke for the W. C.
 T. U. at Marion and Clements, and found
 these Unions, as is generally the case in
 Kansas, permeated by suffrage sentiment.
 And yet, what timid and inconsistent souls
 we   are, notwithstanding   our   moral
 strength and power after we get into the
 struggle! We can fight, and do fight
 bravely enough when we must; but how
 we do fence about and temporize, lutting
 off the beginning of the fight! At one
 point on this trip, where I had been en-
 gaged to speak for the W. C. T. U.-being
 State W. C. T. U. Superintendent of the
 two departments of scientific temperance
 instruction in the public schools and of
 social purity-I had but just stepped off
 from the cars when I received a message
 requesting that I speak on temperance in-
 stead of woman suffrage, because that
 town had never had a suffrage lecture, and
 they feared It might not be a popular sub-
 ject. Now, feeling that woman's enfran-
 chisement is the main root of the temper-
 ance reform, I could not be persuaded to
 use up my small stock of strength in coax-
 ing little buds and branches to grow, when
 I could be sinking the roots deeper and
 deeper into soil that would give vital
 strength and everlasting life. So I dis-
 coursed on the suffrage question, and
 showed how the resubmission wave now
 sweeping across our State would dash in
 unavailing fury against the adamantine
 wall of woman's ballot. The doctrine
 was evidently well received. At the close,
 the lady who had sent me the timorous
 message said, It wasn't a bit like what I
 thought a suffrage lecture would be.
 At Halstead I found the auxiliary
 which I organized just a year ago, and for
 which I feel a motherly solicitude, strong
 and active, and its members imbued with
 such self-respect, and respect for their
 own sex, as filled me with delight. I hold
 that women need to cultivate self-respect.
 It seems to me that while women are suf-
 fering from the presumption of no brains,
 and the presumption of no rights that
 either individuals or churches are bound
 to respect, women must not, even for
 the sake of peace, accept whatever humili-
 ating conditions individuals or organiza-
 tions may capriciously put upon them;
 but always remember to conduct their
 own side of the case with wisdom and dig-
 nity, so as to make the untoward and un-
 comfortable episode, whatever it be, re-
 dound to the honor and profit of the cause
 and the glory of womanhood. It seemed
 to me that the work of this auxiliary had
 brought the rich blessing of growth to its
 members, and this should be the case with
every such society. In this organization
is Grandma Ingalls, eighty-five years old,
and full of earnestness and zeal. It was
an inspiration to see her at both meetings.
  At Anthony was held the Harper
County Annual E. S. A. Convention...lt
was an interesting meeting. There .br,
nine organizations in this county, due to
the energy of Mrs. C. L. Denton, ofif L.:
tica. Mrs. Edith Gaines, Mrs. Val,4da.
Mrs. Sallie Denton- are leadingA.I1its in
the county. On one of the mdsi1%s We
had a curious little symposium o ezpeP
ences in church work; and it showed tht'
nearly every woman present was heavily
burdened with labor for raising church
funds, and that each woman gave of her
substance and her strength-even leading
women in the suffrage work -twenty
times as much to the church as she gave
to the work for her enfranchisement, and
this in the face of the fact that each be-
lieves that she could further the cause of
temperance and morality with the ballot
faster than by any other means !
  I am glad to tell your readers that we
are to have Rev. Anna Shaw with us in
March, beginning on   Feb. 26.   Miss
Shaw's work has been wonderfully useful
to us in this State. So popular is she here
as a speaker that I always have more invi-
tations for her than she can accept. There
was great disappointment when her illness
made it impossible for her to fill her
engagements here last spring, and now
there is much rejoicing over the fact that
we are to have her in our State this March.
Her unselfishness, her devotion to the
cause, breathe through all her work and
strengthen her eloquent words. Most of
her dates are now filled, and I wish to fill
the rest before Jan. 6. Those desiring
her lectures will please address me at once.
                     LAURA M. JOHINS.


   MADAME CARNOT gave a Christmas
 party to four hundred poor children at
 the Elys~es in Paris.
   MISS MARIA PRATT, now residing In the
 City of Mexico, is translating the Bible
 into Span ish.
   MRS. JULIA WARD HOWE will fill five
 lecture engagements in Kansas on her
 way home from California.
 known contralto singer of this country,
 long resident in England, has applied for
 admission to the Society of Friends.
   Miss MARY STOCKELL Is stenographer
 for the District Court of Tensas Parish,
 La. She lately distinguished herself by
 ta'.,Ing 180 pages of evidence in two days.
   MRS. ELLA HAGGARD, mother of the
 author of She and King Solomon's
 Mines, has just died, aged seventy. She
 was a good musician, and the author of a
 number of poems.
 Vassar Girls has reached its eightieth
 thousand, is going abroad again in the
 spring-this time to Ireland-to catch the
 local color for a new story.
   ABBY ButGEss, now Mrs. Grant, has
 had charge of the Matinicus Light, north
 of the Penobscot River, for twenty-eight
 years. She was at first employed as as-
 sistant, but was given full charge in 1866.
   Miss SuSA   B. ANTHONY Is taking ac-
 tive steps to raise money toward the ex-
 penses of the National-Americai Annual
 Convention to be held in Washington next
 February, and has issued an appeal for
 funds. Contributions may be sent to her
 at the Riggs House, Washington, D. C.
   MRS. BENTLEY, the wife of one of the
 best-known African missionaries, is teach-
 ing telegraphy to some black boys on the
 Congo. The last time she was in Europe
 she learned telegraphy for the purpose of
 training native operators. She hopes to
 have them ready for service by the time
 the Congo railroad is laid.
   MISS PHI LLIPA FAWCETT, daughter of
 Mrs. Millicent Garrett Fawcett and the
 late Postmaster-General of England, is a
 very bright girl, and Is making Cambridge
 men look about them. The Wegisser
 and Lambeth GazeWe says: Thos iwho
 are going in for mathematics are trembl l
 lest their laurels should be wrested froi
 them and the honors carried off by a
 FRAu     Lixk Moaw sEN, Deutac
 Hausfrous aeituag, Berlin, W. Lutzow.
 platz, Nr. 14, has Issued two volumes of
 The Women of the Nineteenth Century,
 a very extensive work, of which there will
 be one more volume. Though It Is writ-
 ten in German, she asks women In all
 civilized lands to aid her by sending bio-
 graphical notices of women whose lives
 belong in this collection In honor of their
 ;.fps. %~iOzOIA A. Psix has had the ex-
 4f.i-ve.Vitorlal charge of the Boston Cor-
 ssorneefilth since March, 1886. She is, we
 tbpel ve,.thejsole exception to the rule that
 ...i .     t a daily or woekly newspaper
l 20oft xappt the woman suffrage and
tampqrMo. 'phpmr whose managing editor
• j.g *e dI. 'hut the Boston Common-
       .his been for more than twenty
 years an outspoken advocate of woman
 gave an address on womaq suffiage at the
 Sanitarium of Dr. James C. Jackson, at
 Dansville, N. Y. Mrs. Stanton and her
 two daughters hav been passing a few
 weeks at this institution, and they found a
 great need of enlightenment on the sub-
 ject. Mrs. Stanton has presented about
 fifty books to the library of the Sanita-
 rium, including a good deal of equal rights
 colored lady, has been appointed principal
 of the Agassiz SBhool at Cambridge,
 Mass. Miss Baldwin is a daughter of the
 late P. L. Baldwin, who was for many
 years connected with the Boston post-
 office. She graduated with honors from
 the Cambridge High School, and later
 from   the   training-sehool. She then
 took a position in Chestertown, Md., but
 in October, 1889, returned to Cambridge,
 at the request of the school board, and
 was put In charge of the- ninth primary
 grade of the Agassiz School. Here she
 performed such admirable service that
 she was successively promoted to the
 eighth and seventh grades.

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