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10 Woman's J. 1 (1879)

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VOL. X.                                                            BOSTON, SATURDAY, JAN. 4. 1879.                                                                                               NO. 1.

  & Weekly Newspper,.published everY Saturday. in
avs, dQ evted to th .t8    o Wom    -   her
and  elieWlea eal andpocalEquality,
IUl . WARD HOW      .......I
JJVCY STONB   ....   ......I Ner.  a
. W. HIGOINSON....Eini       , Co  umuo..
SLAZY . LIVERMORE                  .
Ynu-02.5 Oayvar, g., for six month., 5 cents
for three month., cents foral ie copy, a odas.
   S  .15 ....per solianonpauH une, 1Insertion.
     1.00 ...           .5 ig
     11o ....               s     
   isssMmanos, set uniformly Inladed nonpa.
ll, with a full-face side head, confined to one col-
ra, so casta per runni line each insertion.
  Boavo, 9  ioI.-NO. 4. Park Street, where cop-
  es ae for sae and subscriptions received.
  Onus aRais--0 copies one yea, 30.00.
  Speamen copies sent on receipt of two cent stamp
for Postage.
  For ale and subecrptions received by Ta New
  3|eL&A1' News Co., 41 Court St.. Bo ton.
  p151ul3L531a u  On.--Room  of the Pennsyl-
    rans Sciey, 00 rch St.
  S.o           .-Mr. J. M. Dutro, 58 North 3d
  it. LosVu Me.
  SAN     CocAIoI50 Oio-H. snow's Book atore,
  go. 819 Keary Street West side.
    Pheneuyvants W~oman Suffrage Association at
 PhiladelphiA, c00 Arch Street, have copies of the W.
 tAx' JousuAL for sale.


           For the Woman's Journal.
              ONLY A LAF.
              Br Loual v. 3oM.
  Only a leaf, but it grew for me
  At the homestead old, on the gateway tree;
  Vhrough lovely spring time and summer fair,
  Lightly it waved in the mountain air;
  And when autumn came like a misty dream,
  Soft purpling over each hill and stream,
  O'er this fragile leat swept a pasionspell
  Where a wordless story Is pictured well.
  Rich-veined and spotted with gold so bright,
  And It tips illumined with crimson light;
  'TIe Apollo's signal, in dot and line,
  Displaying the Prost Rings counter-sign.
  But its tale is not of the Aelds of blue,
  That the fair and tar-off stats look through,
  From a rogion of blessednem &Ad bliss
  Exceedlng the happiest hopes of this.
  The story for me, leads through memory-ways
  And the shadows of long-gone yesterdalys,
  And sweet is the thought that the grief of then
  Ca never approach my heart again,
  And I smile serenely to And the trth,
  That, in place of the vanishing visions of youth,
  The joys of life's autumn have come to be
  Like the picture fair on the leaf I see.
  Where the flush of the spring time that passed away,
  The glow of the summer that would not stay
  Shine peerless now;-they'were not dlayed
  'Till the fitting page should be ready made,
  And spring time's blossoms and summer's green
  Be over-matched by the autumn sheen.
  My life, I know, on the Infinite Shore
  Is a flattering leaf, no less, no more;
  But 'tis something, at lest, for there Impressed
  It keeps what of all It has found the best;
  For joy has left traces, aspure gold bright,
  And faith shows the streaklngsof dawning llght,
  And the fragile leaflet traced line by line
  Waits calmly the death-angels counter-lgn.
  Dubint, Way  To., 11,

         A NIW TZA '| s    le TING.

   Many readers of the WoMArN's JOUIAL
   ust have sen with surprise, as I did, last
   wek, the announcement that this publica-
   tion now enters on Its tenth $ear. Ten
   ears is commonly reckoned a long life for
   reformatory periodical; and it is'far be.
 Yond the longevity attained by any previous
 organ of this particular movement. This
 must of Itself be counted a success. Ellery
 Channing says of human beings
    IThe greatest yet is he who still lives on.
  And this Is emphatically true 9f newspapers.
  Dne is often struck with the Interest inspir-
  d by even the earlier volumes of any per-
  dical that is still published, as compared
  bth the dust which soon gathers over all
  e series of one that is discontinued. A
  bound volume of theOi'aqi or the RivrsWd
  agasine for instance, seems already much
  remoter than a bound volume of the Atfa-
  *i Monthly for the same year; and yet were'
  the Atlantia discontinued or merged, thf
  rame atmosphere of distance would soon
  gather round that.
    It is something, therefore, that the Wo-
  KAx's JoUmui. now     enters on its tenth
  'ear. With what constant labors and cocca
  tional sacrifices this result has been achlev.
  d, the public does not know; and indeed
  ny personal share in them    has been so
  mall that.I hardly know    the' details for
  myseltf 'But the public may rest'asured
  hat no ordinary amount of energy and pa-
  ient purpose has gone into the life-blood of
  he WoMA'¢s JoumAL; and. there have
  een times whenJ hands weaker or les
  teady would have let Rt fall. This can prop
    rly be said here, for I have never been, for
    single day, one of the editors of the Jous
    ALe, and my sole personal connection with
    ,beyond an occasional suggestion, ha
    sen in these weekly editorial contributions
    i these, to be sure, I have had many 0

  the satisfactions of editorship, with few of
  its pains.
    A public speaker, if a sensible person, likes
  an occasional response from his audience,
  even if only of dissent; for this proves, first,
  that they are awake, and secondly, that lie
  himself is. It has always been claimed as a
  merit in Dr. Clarke'sSex in Education that
  so many books were written in reply to it;
  and some of my articles that have given me
  most satisfaction have achieved this by
  bringing out public and private dissent. Not
  that this proved them either right or wrong
  but it proved them to have been carefully
  read, and by intelligent and wide-awake crit
  Ia; and this is the great desideratum. Con.
  sidering the haste with which these editorials
  are sometimes written-haste Is never a de-
  cent apology, in case of a book, but it is
  sometimes inevitable In journalism-I am
  glad to have been so rarely convicted of se-
  rious unfairness or misstatement.
    Perhaps the most important testimony
  given, by these papers to the cause they ad-
  vocate may be found, after all, in their
  number and their unbroken continuity. It
  certainly never occurred to me, at the be-
  ginning, that either they or the JonjRxAL
  itself would last so long. That I should
  with so little effort find material for nine
  years of weekly writing; should almost al-
  ways be furnished with several subjects in
  advance; should never find myself, so to
  speak, pumped dry, this seems to me a very
  strong argument in favor of what is called
  the Woman Movement. And I do honest-
  ly urge those who regard the whole agita-
  tion as abnormal or ephemeral,-and those
  who know me to be, In the other affairs of
  life, a person of ordinary common-sense-
  to consider the importance of this testimo-
  ny. An eminently successful lawyer, with-
  drawing from practice in his prime, once
  gave it to me as his reason that law was a
  mere system of traditions and that there
  was not in it enough of food for thought to
  occupy an educated intellect for a single
  hour. I never supposed his view to be cor-
  rect; but it certainly is some proof of the
  fertility of a theme when one can write
  upon its various aspects, week in and week
  out, for nine successive years. 1 know that
  the fertility does not in this case lie in the
  brain itself, for I have often applied that
  organ to subjects which seemed at first
  sight quite as promising, and have found it
  in the condition of a squeezed orange in a
  tenth part of the time.
    Every year it has seemed to me that after
  another year I should retire; but this has
  never been from.any prospective exhaus-
  tion, but from a very different cause. I
  have had two different fears; one of repe-
  tition,-a thing which is inevitable after
  such long writing, and must simply be for-
  given ;-and the other of growing opinion-
  ated and arrogant, and of laying down the
  law. This Is the besetting sin of the edi-
  torial writer as of the sermonizer In pulpits;
  and whoever is thorqughly convicted in his
  own conscience, on that subject, ought to
  stop writing. There is also the danger of
  unconsciously falling into a patronizing tone.
  In the delightful burlesque of Pinafore
  the admiral cautions the captain; Do not
  patronize; I trust you never patronize the
  British sailorI If amen, writing editorials
  on the rights and duties of women, is ever
  betrayed into doing them, individually or
  colleciively, injustice, he may be forgiven;
  but if he ever is betrayed into patronizing
  them, they ought to deal with him in the
  gradation of discipline provided by the old'
  Harvard    College statute-book - First,
  friendly caution and warning; second, sol-
  emn admonition; third, Expulsion.
     The readers of this JOURNAL will admit
  that i have taken up very little time, these
  nine years, with anything In the way of per-
k  sonal controversy, and have especially avoid-
'ed prolonged debates, and replies to rejoind-
   era to' remarks. I have in return to -thank
   them for sparing me the need of such con-
   troversy and for fortifying me with facts,
   suggestions, illustrations and reproofs. None
   of these can come too abundantly, so long
   Alit is not required that they should be
   :answered in print. Careful critics will oh-
   serve that I have often availed myself of
   their counsels, long after receiving them;
   and have sometimes touched a matter indi.
r  rectly where It was not handled directly.
   After all, the bewt reward of a reformer is
i In the conscious sympathy of other reform
   ere who hold up isi hands. If he bas this
e  constant support, he can easily wait with
6,patience for positive successes. Miss Mar
-  tneau tellsaus that Sir Samuel Romilly, who
r  reformed more abuses than any man of his
- day, yet voted in the minority three times
h  out of four; and we must all be prepared,
as as ,reformers, to pay for a few great finn
  .victories by a great many preliminary do
)f feats.                           . w.E.


   Among the treasures of our library we
 count a file of Sanitary Commission Bulle-
 tins, from December 1803, to August 1885,
 Inclusive. 1 like to pull them over occa-
 sionally, refreshing mymemory of the good
 work done by the women of the North in
 those sorrowful but heroic years. As I turn
 the pages a slip of paper flutters to the floor.
 It isclosly printed on one side, and is one
 of the monthly reports of the New England
 Women's Auxiliary Association, signed by
 the ever-honored name of Abby W. May.
   In the closing address of the Central Com-
 mittee to the branch aid societies, we find
 this: It is not too much to say that the
 army of' women at home has fully matched
 in patriotism and sacrifice the army of men
 in the field. But patriotism and a readi-
 ness to sacrifice herself for her country,
 doea not entitle Woman to a share In its
 government. It seems that she alone may
 vote who can fight. If those citizens only
 may vote who are able to back their vote
 with' a gun (or whatever warlike utensil hap-
 pens to be in vogue) it follows that those
 who can thus tight, are entitled to vote.
 There are then women ii the United States
 who may claim the ballot upon this ground.
 Their names figure in the police reports.
 They can back any proposition they choose
 to make, ei et armAs. There is not a shadow
 of doubt that they are good fighters.
    Among the illustrations in' Stanley's
  Through the Dark Continent, i. one'of
  the Emperor Mtesa drilling his Amazons.
  They stand erect, shoulder to shoulder,
  soldier-like. Should Uganda ever become a
  republic, certainly these women should vote.
  Must we begin to learn our lesson back-
  ward? Is physical courage mightier than
  moral courage? A thousand times not
      -'Heroic males the country bears,
      But daughters give up more than sous;
      Flags wave, drums beat, and unawares
      You flash your souls out with your guns
      And take your heaven at once.
      But we-we empty heart and home
      Of life's life-love I we bear to think
      You've gone-to feel you may not come,
      To hear the door-latch stir and click
      Yet no more you-
    There is No. 37, with its black lines in
 mourning for our good President .
    I was just thinking',said the soldier, list-
  lessly whittling by the brookside, that I
  never knew before how much I loved our
  President. A type of our frail humanity
  that so often forgets to listen while it may,
  for the few voices, and watch for the few
  lamps, which God has toned and lighted,
  to charm and to guide us, that we may not
  learn their sweetness by their silence, nor
  their light by their decay.
    In this number we meet the six little girls
  who originated the Little Acorn Fair
  which netted four thousand dollars to the
  commission. And all through the Bulletins
  we catch glimpses of single figures out of
  that grand army of little folks, who sup-
  plemented with such charming abandon the
  work of their elders; the little girl who
  gave her dried butterflies; the three sisters
  who gave up sugar for the soldiers; the
  sunny, unkempt Matches with his gift of
  dirty scrip, and the curly-headed Dot who
  confided to the visitor at Garden Fair that
  they had dot twenty-fee dollars.
    Bless the childrenI I was about to'say,
  but I pause, dismayed-Alasl they are no
  longer children, They are hopelessly grown
  up. Let us hope they retain their generous
  enthusiasm. What a pity to think, said
  James Elia, while looking at the Eton boys
  at play, that these fine vigoroussiads in a
  few years will all be changed into frivolous
  members.of Parliament!
    In No. 3, we find the account of the great
  North Western Fair, of which it is impos-
  sible to read to-day with eyes undimmed.
  But the part fullookof interest to me is that
  which tells us of the Lake County delega-
  tion of farmers. They brought one hun-
  dred wagon loads of farm produce, and,
  runs the story' in parenthesis (many of
r  these men had their wives with them on the
loads)-We may be sure that the women
  on these farms did their part faithfully, fom
  do we not read in No., 1(, how certain farm-
  er's wives in Wisconsin, having exhausted
  their own stores in giving, begged wheat o
  the farmers for twenty or thirty miles
9  around, until they had nearlyflive hundred
,  bushels for the granary of the Commission?
0    The farmers' wives of the great North
i  west and of New   England are akin, and
  they come of right royal stock/l Mrs. Liv
Sermore tells us, in Bulletin No. 12, how shO
a  found them working in the fields; so many
men bad joined the army there were nu
  enough left to gather in the harvest. Tihf
d reminds one of a passage in the lotters o
- Abigail Adams, wherein she writes her busi
   bnd that if many more men are drafted

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the women will be obliged to harvest, and
though she thinks she may succeed very
well with the 'orn, she should make a very
poor figure at digning potatoes.
   It was my fortune to be in a farming com-
 munity of less than five 'hundred inhabit-
 ants, at the time when the women formed
 their Aid Society, and I was present at the
 first meeting. At the hour named in the
 call, over fifty had gathered in the Town-
 house. Most of these women had done a
 hard forenoon's work, cooked the family
 dinner and washed the dishes before com-
 ing, and many of them had walked a mile
 or two. They promptly organized, and
 worked till the close of the war, sending
 their contributions regularly, and overcom.
 ing obstacles with a quiet persistent purpose.
   There were not wanting sad hearts among
 them. I remember well, one bright Sun.
 day morning as I walked down the aisle of
 the little church, Mrs. S. met me with out-
 stretched hands and a burst of heart-rend-
 ing sobs. The news of the death of her
 only son in the hospital had reached her the
 night before. Butshe was a woman of kin-
 dred spirit to the mother whose only son
 was a prisoner at Andersonville. She went
 down to Annapolis one day, when there was
 to be an arrival of prisoners, to find him:
   Have you seen my George? she asked
 of a comrade.
   Yes, was the reply, I saw George
 carried out of Audersonville prison dead,
    -'Oh, not George can't-be dead[ My
 George can't be dead I' cried the unbeliev.
 ing mother-heart.
   And as the ghastly, ghostly company
   crept feebly by, she eagerly scanned each
   face; but she found not George.
   Then, as the dead were borne on, she lift-
   ed the sheet from. each quiet face, but still
   she found not George.
   At last, turning away, she said, Well, It
   is no matter. They are all Georges to me,
   and instead of grieving and lamenting I will
   go into these hospitals and take care of
   them, just as I would of George.
   Was there a braver heart in the Union
   Army? What were shot and shell to the
   memory of a son starved at Andersonville?
   I never expected my boys would return
   to me unharmed, said another mother,
   but I never dreamed one of them would;,
   be starved to death.
   And here, attached to Bulletin No. 21, is
   a plan of Andersonville, that accursed spot,
   with its fetid swamp, its dead line, its brist-
   ling cannon without, over whose entrance
   might well have been placed the Inscription
   Virgil saw upon Dante's hell.
        All hope abandon, ye who enter In I
    The very memory sickens, as it recalls
  the vile, the nameless horrors of the place-
  the legitimate fruit of barbaric slavery.
    During all these years at which we have
  glanced, Woman's work was not limited to
  the fireside. She was busy in fairs, in con-
  cert-rooms, In a variety of public entertain.
  ments whereby to raise funds for the Com-
  mission. She was found at sanitary'rooms,
  in hospitals, by te battle-fieldsin tents,
  waiting with supplies as the trains of
  wounded were carried by.: At Annapolis
  to greet the returning priiner;: pleading in
  crowded houses in behalf of the 'Isldieri
  everywhere where a good word 'was to:be
  spoken, or a good deed l done, Womn'   as
  found, and we catch n'hint that she was
  out ofplace. It has been r6eeved, for alter
  time, when these women have'asked for a'
  share In the government of the country they
  helped to save, to admonish them to keep
  to their special domestic duties, and' to ad-
  vise them, through aspiring youngsters as
  well as white~haired sages, of the limits of:
  feminine delLcacyI
    Experience hal long since proved that
  participation in public affairs does not un-.
  fit women for domestic life. Commonsense
t suggests that It gives added zest to the
  sweet security of home.
    Harriet Martineau Is an apt Illustrationof
  this truth. Rarely has there been a woman
  fwhoIhastakenamoreactivepartin questlint
r folating to the science of government; and
yet aitd all the stir and brilliant successof
r hen' loig life, sh cluNg to her home-e.e
- We know all about The Kno11, from the
I  buying f tle field to the day when she en-
  tered in with her 'faithful handmaidenS.
S She keenly enjoyed tfle details of 'domestic
i life; its very monotopy was dear to'her.
She writes understandingly of domestic ser-
- vice, sad is heartily interested Inthe'weight
I  of her pigs, and the welfare'of her chicia,
    Neverthe4)e, 'the very next opponent of
  Woman Suffrage I ieet, willtell e
y  utterly irreconcilable is the performance'r l
tpublic duties (voting more es'pecialtl)' With
i' the special ends-(giving a list of ,iVdse.ond
  as they are flied In lilaor herind) to,
  - which 'Woman was created--Ebeul
  Meilrveme, Dee. 27.             F. A. u.

   MRS. HELEN Rici, of Brasher Falls, is
 lecturing In St. Lawrence Co., Nw York,
 on Temperance.
   M  S H. 0.  0ouO wN   gave  a reception
 for Miss Celia Thater at her residence In
 Cambridge, Friday evening of last week.
   MADAMua AnDRItSON, who is walking in
 Brooklyn, has completed 1044 of the 9700
 quarter miles she is trying to walk in 2700
 quarter hours.
   MIss NELLIV. BALL, of Emat Cambidge
 Mass., was organist at the solemn High;
 Mass celebrated in the prison at Concord o
 Christmas Day.
   Miss MARY L. BooTs has receptions
 every Saturday evening at her new home en
 Fifty.ninth Street, New York, and acholeev
 literary set may usually be found there.
   MRs. WOLoor, widbw of Gen. Wolcott.
 at one time Attorney General of Oio, and.
 only sister of the late Secretary of' War,
 Edwin M. Stanton, is to, receive a cletkahip.
 in the War Department. She is an' age
   MIsS MAY COL, the eldest daughter of'
 Jennie June, a pretty girl 6f nineteen; made
 her debut at the Flfth-Atemuu Theater Isr
 Monday night as Meenle in Ai a4 Wm,
 kle. She appeared well, and had, . T-
 markable reception for a young girl.i, su hi
 a subordinate part.
   Mnu. HAnDT, of Boston,. lectured'before,
 the Cambridge Womanta Union, on Friday.
 December 20, on the subject of VoioeoCul-,
 ture. She presented the subject Ina6ery'
 interesting manner, and at the close gave hw
 recitation. The ladies of theUnion pro.
 pose to form a class, with Ms. Hardy-as-
 teacher, for the purpose of studying the
 physiological culture of the voiceW
   Miss EunstA Lawis,. the wellknown
 colored American sculptor, was given a. re-
 ception by the colored citizens of Ne* Yrh,
 in Shiloh Presbyterian Churh, Thuriday
 evening. She unveiled a life-size bust of
 John Brown, her own work. the bust being
 presented to the Rev. Henry Highland Gar-
 net, the veteran colored abolitonist. 'Mim'
 Lewis will Soon return tq her work In'R mie.
 *Miss SAaAhI.O aLUtl, the artiatf.-slepm of:
 Rev. James Freeman Clarke, baa given his
 Sunday School a painting of the great
 gnarled old tree, beneath which Mary'.n said
 to have rested, In the flight Into ,Egypt. -It
 is one of the rather dreary eastern,.: it4-
 scapes, but painted, with te sentiment that
 such scenes need,.rand a more charming
 Christmas present could not have been made
 to them.
    MIss MAn    A. PmL5Ps recently made
  application for admission into the chief'
  Methodist Episcopal school of Theology in
  the Northwest, at Evansville, Ill.- The r&,
  fessors looked with disfavor, upon her, bit
  she has proved herself so much of a atudent,
  and has given so much promisethat they
  havedecided to allow her to'graduate,hih
  she is nearly ready to do; she .1 d'to, b
  the first of her sex to. take n-wdee..0 ins,
    Mae A. J. .DvNwAY,, visiting the fonti'o,'
  v,,iges0g!of far-off Oregon, fmum he usual
  quotA of men-supported women, in'fei
  Ia Wa1,i engaged i nma ioig iP d6 ,
  'two~ rNsJMllcas Mi 11y              Mrs.
  BleImett are among' the dress-makers, and
  Mrs. Wilson and&Mis. Schnebly deatlIn
  milllnery(the latter quitb e tensvnek), In
  addition 'o their work inthe des-tiig
  line, in which theyeachkeep agoBdly num-
  ber Of lales employed as day laborers. MfS
  J. Bauer, one of the most Intelligent 1448,
  she ham' ever;'m et anUy here, h4,s
  classes inFrench and othor branobe' 'with
  which she is ucceeding'admlW ny '.
  ladies grekeeplug boarders iid1lodgers, and
  many others'aredoing pai swi  !o ek
  outthilr incomes and' t'  littleept diK
  money ndepoendevtlY;'                 ,
    Mm. A, T. STAziT baa recently uini--
  fested her kind   o'ng towardbthe ews by
  off ering o sendtwo sums f$00each, an,
  one of W,,. to'three of the Jewihb chart' -
Sble instil tlnso rf N'Y Y   It s pA P ht,
*' did ne       perOnly, O~  n d t ef a g_o

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