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22 Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L. 1 (2019-2020)

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3D Challenges: Ensuring Competition

        and Innovation in 3D Printing

                            Michal  S. Gal*


       Not  often does a general-purpose  technology  disrupt numerous
markets   and  significantly affect social welfare. 3D  printing  is an
exception. This  technology promises  to improve  the quality of certain
goods and  to greatly increase the efficiency of their production processes.
More  importantly,  it holds potential to reshape entire supply  chains,
including    the   design,    manufacture,    assembly,    distribution,
warehousing,  and  marketing of some goods, potentially even eliminating
some  parts  of such  chains. By  changing   the Coasean   tradeoff, 3D
printing  also reshapes   relationships between  market   players. This
Article  reviews  the potential  disruptive  effects of 3D   technology,
analyzing  the ways  it impacts market  dynamics  and  social welfare. It
then  considers  the policy and   institutional responses that  may   be
required as 3D printing  comes into its own, focusing on regulatory tools
that foster competition and  innovation. Finally, this Article identifies
three  main regulatory tasks that are affected by the unique
characteristics of 3D printing technology.

                         TABLE  OF  CONTENTS

I.    INTRODUCTION                          ...........................................2

       Professor and Director of the Forum for Law and Markets, University of Haifa, Faculty
of Law; President, International Association of Competition Law Scholars (ASCOLA). I would like
to thank Ziv Belfer, Horst Eidelmueller, Tali Gal, Jorge Padilla, Oren Sussman, and participants
in the Oxford Law and Finance Colloquium and the ASCOLA annual conference for their
immensely helpful discussions; Marco Corradi, Andy Gavil, Inge Graef, Wolfgang Kerber, John
Newman, Roy Rosenberg and Dan Rubinfeld for excellent comments on previous drafts; Eviatar
Alcoby, Ilana Atron, Saar Ben Zeev, Ran Chapman, Chen Komisar, and Lior Frank for their
tremendously helpful research assistance; and the editors of this journal for their invaluable
editing suggestions. This research was supported by the Center for Cyber Law and Policy,
University of Haifa. Any mistakes or omissions are the Author's.


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