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13 Va. L. & Bus. Rev. 75 (2019)
Fiduciary Duties in Activist Situations

handle is hein.journals/valbr13 and id is 75 raw text is: 

VOLUME 13                   SUMMER 2019                NUMBER 2


                       By Hon. J. Travis Lastert

I. IN T R O D U CT IO N   ................................................................................................ 76

II. To WHOM Is HE A FIDUCIARY? ................................................................... 77
    A . T yp es  o f  Sto ck  ........................................................................................ . .  80
    B . T ypes  of  Stockholders?   ...........................................................................  82

III. WHAT OBLIGATIONS ARE OWED? ............................................................ 84

IV. THE QUESTION OF BREACH ....................................................................... 87

V . T HE  A CTIVIST   SCENARIO     ............................................................................... 92
    A .  S tag e  O n e  ................................................................................................ . .  9 2
    B .  Stag e  T w o  .............................................................................................. . .   9 3
    C .  Stage  T h ree  ............................................................................................ . .   95

V I.  C O N C LU SIO N   ..................................................................................................  99

   Vice Chancellor, Court of Chancery, State of Delaware. Vice Chancellor Laster presented
   a version of this speech as the keynote address to a conference on activist stockholders
   held at the University of Virginia School of Law on February 1, 2019.

Copyright © 2019 Virginia Law & Business Review Association

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