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11 Nat. Resources L. Newsl. 1 (1978-1979)

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            TERM AS CHAIRMAN

During the present ABA year, major activities of the
Section have been:
  MEMBERSHIP. A major drive to increase mem-
bership was launched and con-
tinues. We apparently will fall
short of the goal of a 20 percent
increase, but by August, 1978 ,i
anticipate a membership ex-
ceeding 5,500.
GRAMS. Primary emphasis of
the Section has remained on
sponsorship of continuing legal
education programs in all sub-  Carroll L. Gilliam
jects of natural resources law. Conferences,
workshops, and institutes held during the 1977-1978
year were: Air Quality, Washington, DC, October,
1977; Joint Conference with the American Society of
Foresters, New Orleans, Louisiana, November, 1977;
Geothermal Energy, San     Francisco, California,
January, 1978; Environmental Committees Seminar,
Keystone, Colorado, February, 1978; Clean Water
Act Amendments, Washington, DC, March, 1978;
National Institute on Energy Development and the
Environment, Houston, Texas, May, 1978; Joint
Seminar with   American   Statistical Association,
Washington, DC, May, 1978; Regulation of Natural
Gas Producers, San Antonio, Texas, June, 1978; and
Clean Air Act Amendments, Denver, Colorado, June,
  Planning has begun on a National Institute on
Energy Users' Alternatives, scheduled for September,
1978, and for conferences and workshops on Solar
Energy, Forestry Law, and Toxics Substances Regula-
tion scheduled for the Fall of 1978.
  PUBLICATIONS. The Section has continued ef-
forts to improve its Newsletter and the quarterly
Natural Resources Lawyer. The improved quality and
wide use of the Natural Resources Laiyer have been
the subject of deserved compliments for the present
Editor, John Hicks, who has declined reappointment.
The Section has been fortunate to obtain the services
                            (continued on page 2)

           J. 0. TERRELL COUCH

Natural resources law is at the focal point of the
economic and social future of the country. A realistic
and effective energy policy must be formulated and
implemented. Reasonable and
achievable protection of the en-
vironment must be more clearly
defined, sought and attained.            .,
The pervasive and    complex
statutory and regulatory regimes
which attend the attempts of
governments to achieve those
ends demand the best effort we
lawyers can give to bring sense
out of confusion, prevent in-   J.o. Terrell Couch
justice and encourage honorable compliance. As
members of the Section of Natural Resources Law we
can help in those endeavors more than we do. Par-
tisanship can be put aside without abandoning per-
sonal convictions held in good faith. As your Chair-
man I consider it an honor and a privilege to en-
courage and direct Section activities toward such
goals. Ongoing activities will be continued. Addi-
tional opportunities will be considered and selectively
pursued. During this critical year, we as members of
the Natural Resources Law Section can and should
make an effective contribution to the solution of the
many legal problems which exist and continue to arise
in natural resources law.
  To facilitate communications within the Section,
during this ABA year, September 1, 1978-August
31, 1979, a pull-out section of this Newsletter lists,
with addresses and telephone numbers, the officers,
council, committee chairmen and vice-chairmen and
others holding positions of responsibility in the Sec-
tion. Look over the list and identify the lawyers who
are active in areas of importance to you. Send them
any constructive comments you may have about work
being done in the Section or projects you believe
should be undertaken. To become a member of one of
the substantive committees or to change your
membership from one such committee to another,
write to the Chairman of the committee, specify your
                            (continued on page 4)

Copyright © 1978 American Bar Association

Produced by the ABA Press

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