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47 Rutgers L. Rev. 11 (1994-1995)
Offshore Asset Protection Trusts: Having Your Cake and Eating It Too

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Elena Marty-Nelson
Amid questioning by the United States Senate Judiciary
Committee over his controversial writings in support of limits
on freedom of speech, Judge Robert Bork quipped, Sometimes
I wish I had confined myself to writing about spendthrift
trusts.. . .' For over a century, U.S. spendthrift trust law has
indeed led a fairly quiet existence.2 Judge Bork might be dis-
* Assistant Professor of Law, Nova Southeastern University Shepard
Broad Law Center. J.D., Georgetown University Law Center, 1983; LL.M.
(Tax), Georgetown University Law Center, 1986. The author wishes to
acknowledge with gratitude Professor John Sanchez for his thoughtful
and helpful comments on an earlier draft of this Article. In addition, the
author wishes to thank Professor Angela Gilmore and Professor Catherine
Arcabascio for their suggestions and Lisa Torelli, Elena Minicucci, Daniel
Grissom, and Erika Esan for their tireless research assistance.
1. The full quote reads: As a professor, I am paid to speculate, and
I do speculate; sometimes I wish I had confined myself to writing about
spendthrift trusts, but I speculated in that area, and I think the concept
of neutral principles suggests those results. Nominations of Joseph T.
Sneed to be Deputy Attorney General and Robert H. Bork to be Solicitor
General: Hearings Before the Committee on the Judiciary, 93d Cong., 1st
Sess. 12 (1973) (statement of Robert Bork, candidate for Solicitor Gener-
al). Judge Bork's articles again were the focus of intense review in 1987
when he was nominated by President Reagan as a United States Su-
preme Court Justice. Edward Walsh, In the End, Bork Himself Was His
Own Worst Enemy, WASH. POST, Oct. 24, 1987, at Al.
2. The seminal case establishing spendthrift trusts is Broadway Na-
tional Bank v. Adams, 133 Mass. 170 (1882) (validating the spendthrift
trust). The caveat that the spendthrift trusts' birth and development have

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