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15 Nat'l Mun. Rev. 394 (1926)
Congestion de Luxe - Do We Want It

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           SOME  CRITICISM
  It should not  be inferred from the
foregoing that Dever has no  foes and
no  critics among enlightened and in-
dependent   citizens. Some  of  these
think that he has not been sufficiently
stern or aggressive; that he has dele-
gated  too  much   power  to  George
Brennan,  the  Democratic  leader, or
boss, of Chicago and  the rest of the
state; that he has not saved as much
money  for the taxpayers as he might
have saved by more  rigorous retrench-
ment,  economy   and   reorganization;
that there are still not a few sinecures
and  parasitic hangers-on in the City
Hall, and  that Dever  ought to. have
done  what  Mayor  Jackson  of Balti-
more  did-invoke  the aid of business
men  and  civic organizations and au-
thorize them  to employ efficiency ex-
perts, overhaul the pay-rolls, and make
a clean sweep in all the departments.
  However,  even these critics heartily
commend   the  mayor's  integrity and

complete  freedom from  selfish ambi-
tion or partisan prejudice and bigotry.
The  sins they charge him with are sins
of omission, not of commission. They
complain  of his temperament, not of
his character or his ideas.
  Chicago is said to be one of the most
lawless cities in the country, but in
combating   crime and  criminal vice
team  work  is necessary-the  earnest
and   effective co-operation of city,
county, state and federal authorities.
Chicago  has not been fortunate in its
state's attorneys, its sheriffs, its jailers
and its inferior judges. A mayor can-
not do the work  of grand juries, pros-
ecutors, courts and trial juries in ad-
dition to his own.  The  fair-minded
give Dever credit for what he has done,
for what he has endeavored to do, and
for the standards he has tried to live up
to despite pressure, antagonism  and
temptation.  His  reputation  in the
country is deserved, and his record, if
far from perfect, is quite exceptional
in some respects.

                             BY C. A. DYKSTRA
             Efficiency Director, Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles

      Last month Daniel Turner wrote on the vicious circle of rapid transit
      and  congestion with special reference to New York  City.  This
      month  Mr. Dyketra discusses the same problem from the standpoint
      of Los Angeles' experience. And the east and the west have met, for
      without any collusion or conspiracy the two authors have arrived at
      virtually the same conclusions.

  CONFONTING City fathers in all   of
our rapidly growing cities is a problem
that  is insistent and yet, under our
prevailing philosophy of city planning,
seemingly  impossible of solution. It
is the fact of increasing and ever in-
creasing congestion, congestion de luxe.
The  physical result of this congestion

is the slowing up of all transportation
facilities and the consequent tying up
of traffic. Any trucking concern will
furnish astounding figures as to the
time it takes for the delivery of ma-
terials in the built-up sections of our
large cities. The human   and  social
problems raised by this fact of conges-



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