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17 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 855 (2016)
3D-Printed Food

handle is hein.journals/mipr17 and id is 871 raw text is: 

3D-Printed Food

Jasper   L. Tran*

I.    What  is 3D-Printed Food?...........      ............. 857
      A.  3D-Printed Food's Endless Possibilities ................. 857
      B.  Implications of 3D-Printed Food ......   ....... 860
          1. Solving the Food Scarcity Problem ....   ...... 861
          2. Eliminating Malnutrition      ................ 862
          3. Reducing  Climate Change      ................ 866
          4. Eliminating No-Longer- Necessary
             Businesses      ................................... 867
          5. Solving the Problem of Supplying Food on
             the Go ............................. 868
II. Issues With 3D-Printed Food    ......................... 869
      A.  Safety Issues  ...................   ............... 869
          1. Short-Term:  Food Poisoning ........     ....... 870
             a. Scenario 1: Food Allergy ...................... 871
             b. Scenario 2: Batches of Ingredients
                 Containing Contaminations.        ............ 872
          2. Long-Term:  Changes  to the Human  Body......... 874
      B.  Labeling Issues ....................... 875
          1. Scenario 1: Foodprinting the Majority of the
             Package  Food to Sell to the Mass Population ... 877
          2. Scenario 2: Foodprinting a Small Portion of
             the Package Food  to Sell to the Mass
             Population   ................................. 877
          3. Scenario 3: Foodprinting in Front of the
             Customers  Before Selling.....      ............ 878
          4. Scenario 4: Foodprinting a Meal at Home......... 878
III.  Conclusion         ...................................... 879

C 2016 Jasper L. Tran
    * Humphrey Policy Fellow, Google Policy Fellow. I am grateful to Ralph
Hall for helping me develop this topic. Sincere thanks to Hari Osofsky and
June Carbone for their helpful feedback and to Vinita Banthia, Nia Chung,
Emily Harrison, Kirsten Johanson, James Meinert as well the editors of
Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology for inviting me to write for
this symposium. All views are mine alone, not that of my employer, sponsor,
or other affiliated institution. Contact me at tran4r@gmail.com.

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