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7 Logos Universality Mentality Educ. Novelty Sect.: L. 30 (2019)
A New Perspective on Safety Measures Imposed on Mentally Retarded Criminal Offenders

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Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Law
ISSN: 2284-5968 1 e-ISSN: 2458-1046
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2019, Volume 7, Issue 2, pages: 30-44 I doi: 10.18662/lumenlaw/25

A New Perspective on
                                  pecrsonI who( committed' aI11111 crimin l fece fromII so)Ccty, w\ithl
Safety Measures                    he  pps& of prtcting citizens, and at he same    I

Imposed on Mentally               fr    oo for the           prtrator, against whom the

Retarded Criminal                  m   ar      t measustae         from  o   the pn   f

Offenders                         their parr     it      n           the  categories of
                                  Iprtrtrs to) whom)I1 safetyr mea'sures are' addrecssed, tho(se'
IuIia     U    1, Tatiaaa I I  5I a Ic2  with mentarert represent a specific ,cgory In that,
SinFa Iia AMIAN3,                 unlike    t   psychic   Il    e       their degree of
    Noa AR i     4                peci     ing tecnqucsofhir aIctin       anI ld trw n
    ~ tfiN    NG5.                guilt Is ext remly low\\, an1d somet1cimeis it is evenI impo (ssible' forI
    )ian        T_ ~  I  I'IESCU6 themI to uInderstaInd the, sigifican1ce, of their own\I deeds. ThIe
                                       presnt rtile imsto ighlight tHie specificelens of safes-
I Ph.D student in Pathophysiology at the  mears imposed oI m  tl    rtaecr
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr.  fri a t       persp  c   aing he concepts Gf
T. Popa Iasi, Romania; MD in Forensic dce  and   delinquency bs                   with
Medicine, Institute of Legal Medicine Ia§i,
Romania. zamisnicu.iliana a  ail.corm
2 Ph.D, University of Medicine and Keywords:  Sf,          ;    /a!   r  dao     oede
Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa Iasi, Romania;
MD in Forensic Medicine, Institute of
Legal Medicine Iasi, Romania          Ho to cite: Hunea, I., Iy T  Dai1n, SI., Irlescu, ,
3 Chief of Scientific Works PhD, University  J   A. & B    -I   u D
of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa
Iasi, Romania; MD in Forensic Medicine,  on Safety MesrsIpsed on Metll1eare       1riia
Institute of Legal Medicine Iasi, Romania.  On
simona.damian(Tumfiasi.ro (coresponding  7()-44. doi:1O.18002/Lumenlaw/25
4 Ph.D student in Forensic Medicine &
Assistant Professor at the University of
Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa Iasi,
Romania; MD in Forensic Medicine,
Institute of Legal Medicine Iasi, Romania.
nona gi scu(ayahoo.com
I Associate Professor PhD Faculty of
Medicine, University Gr. T Popa, Iasi,
Romania & Faculty of Law of Al. I. Cuza
University from Iasi, Romania; MD in
Forensic Medicine, Institute of Legal
Medicine Iasi, Romania.
to         & ahoo.com
6 Professor PhD, Faculty of Medicine,
University Gr. T Popa, Iasi, Romania &
Faculty of Law of Al. I. Cuza University
from Iasi, Romania; MD in Forensic
Medicine, Institute of Legal Medicine Iasi,
Romania. bulgaruIiaThahoo.com

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