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2017 Law Rev. Kyiv U.L. 1 (2017)

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Ukrainian scientific and theoretical periodical

in October, 2001


4 times per year

          Kyiv University  of Law  of the NAS   of Ukraine
V.M.Koretskyi   Institute of State and Law   of the NAS  of Ukraine

Yuryi Shemshuchenko
Editor-in-Chief  deputy
Yuryi Boshytskyi
Editorial  team
Olga Andriiko,
Oleksandr Batanov,
Volodymyr  Horbatenko,
Oleksandr Kostenko,
Pavlo Kulinich,
Volodymyr  Lutc',
Mykola  Onishchuk,
Natalia Parkhomenko,
Kostiantyn Savchuk,
Igor Usenko,
Tetiana Khodakivska (editor),
Olena Chernetska

Editorial team  foreign
Rainer Arnold (Germany),
Bohuslav Banashek  (Poland),
William E. Butler (the USA),
Arnold Warenwald (Germany),
Andras Torma  (Hungary),
Adam  Makharadze  (Georgia),
Herbert Schambeck  (Austria)

Recommended   for publishing
by Kyiv University of Law
of the NAS of Ukraine
Academic  Council
(protocol No 5, 2017/04/25)
and by VM.Koretskyi  Institute
of State and Law
of the NAS of Ukraine
Academic  Council
(protocol No 5, 2017/03/23)

Subscription index

ISSN 2219-5521

  Onishchenko N. General publicity and information: the need for social or personal needs ..... 4

Outstanding  Ukrainian Lawyers
  Andrusyak T Mykhailo Drahomanov - a key figure in Ukrainian legal thought
of the nineteenth  century  ........................................................................................................... .  8

State and law theory and history. Philosophy of law

  Antoshkina V Legal nature of results of interpretation of civil law abstract ...................... 14
  Kabanets 0. Values and legal principles of modem democracy .......................................... 20
  Kakhnych V Some  aspects of Lviv University Law Faculty activity (1920-1930-ies) ........... 25
  Kostenko I. The role of educational institutions of Ukraine in building European
standards of education (XVI-XVIII cent.) .......................................................  30
  Tytko A. Conceptual approaches to the definition of defamation in the common
law d o ctrin e  ..................................................................................................................................  3 3
  Gonchar D. International standards for legal aid and its impact on the national order .......... 37

Constitutional law and process in Ukraine

  Demidenko V Principles of municipal right as fundamental basis of municipal
reform in U k raine  .........................................................................................................................  40
  Zhuravlyova H. The constitutional principle of non-discrimination and reasonableness
different attitude  to  the  person  ..................................................................................................  44
  Korniyenko P. Remedial activities of advocacy as an effective way to prevent arbitrary
sta te ...............................................................................................................................................  4 9
  Martjanova T Direct action of constitution as a condition of independence of courts .......... 54
  Mykolenko V European experience of improving the organization and activities
of the prosecutor's office in the context of constitutional modernization .............................. 57
  Podorozhna T The supremacy of the constitution as a component of the rule of law:
the problems of the constitutionalization of the legal order .................................................... 61
  Prokopenko I., Doronin V Protection of rights and freedoms in Russia and Ukraine ............ 64
  Dubas V European Standards of constitutional complaint (the positions of the Venice
C om m issio n)  ................................................................................................................................  67
  Spodynskyi 0. The acquisition and termination (withdrawal) citizenship: past and resent .... 71

State governing and administrative law issues. Financial law. Information law
  Hedziuk 0. Concerning income qualification that influences alterations in person
of declaration  property.  ................................................................................................................  75
  Karpuntsov V Problematic issues of differentiation of procedural competence of the head
of the prosecution authorities and the prosecutor of the public prosecutor's office
in cases of administrative  offenses  ------------------------------------------------------........................................  79

 Kviv  University of Law of the NAS of Ukraine, 2017
SV.M.Koretskyi   Institute of State and Law of the NAS of Ukraine, 2017

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