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22 J. Transnat'l L. & Pol'y 29 (2012-2013)
New Proposals for Human Rights Treaty Body Reform

handle is hein.journals/jtrnlwp22 and id is 35 raw text is: NEW PROPOSALS FOR HUMAN
As the perceived usefulness of attaching the label 'human right'
to a given goal or value increases, it can be expected that a
determined effort will be made by a wide range of special interest
groups to locate their cause under the banner of human rights.
Thus, in the course of the next few years, UN organs will be under
considerable pressure to proclaim new human rights without first
having given adequate consideration to their desirability, viability,
scope or form.
- Philip Alston, 19841
I.     INTRODUCTION                       ...................................... 30
FOR STATES PARTIES           ...............   .................. 32
A. Treaty Body Development....................... 32
B. Functions of the Treaty Bodies             ................... 33
1. Proper Role of Treaty Bodies: Back to Basics......... 34
III.   TREATY BODY MANDATE CREEP...........                .......... 48
A. CEDAW- Treaty Bodies and Regulatory Capture......... 49
1. The CEDAW Committee Mandate.......             ....... 49
2. Substantive CEDAW Provisions and Their
Implementation by the CEDAW Committee .......... 50
3. Regulatory Capture of the CEDAW Committee:
The Example of Glen Cove..............      ........... 54
B. The CERD Committee: Institutional Self-Promotion
and Pressuring States Parties.........         ........... 57
1. The CERD Committee Mandate           .    ............... 57
2. Substantive CERD Provisions and Their
Implementation by the CERD Committee........... 58
C. Committee on the Rights of the Child ...       ............ 63
1. CRC Committee Mandate        ...............  ...... 63
2. A Broad Textual Mandate      ...............   ..... 64
3. CRC Overreach                    ......................  66
4. Overview                       ................................. 68
*  Associate, Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC. J.D. 2010, Columbia Law School.
** Legal Fellow, Center for Legal & Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation. J.D.,
2010, New York University School of Law. This article was written while both authors were
fellows at a human rights organization under the auspices of the Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC) at the United Nations. The authors would like to thank Terrence
McKeegan for his thoughtful editorial assistance.
1. Philip Alston, Conjuring up New Human Rights: A Proposal for Quality Control,
78 AM. J. INT'L L. 607, 614 (July 1984) [hereinafter Conjuring].


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