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18 J. Gender Race & Just. 289 (2015-2016)
Strict Scrutiny for Undocumented Childhood Arrivals

handle is hein.journals/jgrj18 and id is 299 raw text is: 

  Strict Scrutiny for Undocumented Childhood


                             Scott Stottlemyre

I.  IN TRO D UCT IO N  ........................................................................................... 289
II. B A C KG RO UN D  .............................................................................................. 29 1
  A. Development of Equal Protection Jurisprudence .................................. 292
  B. Equal Protection, Suspect Classes, and Their Levels of Review ............ 292
  C. Foundations of the Three-Level Review Scheme in Equal Protection
      J urisp rud ence  ......................................................................................... 29 3
  D. Equal Protection in the Context ofAlienage ........................................... 296
  E. Provisions of the DREAM Act and a Brief History ................................ 300
  F. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) .................................... 302
III. A N A LY SIS  ................................................................................................... 304
  A. Congressional Impasse, Executive Prosecutorial Discretion, and Level
      of Judicial  R eview   .................................................................................. 305
   B. Undocumented Aliens' Fulfillment of the Requirements for Scrutiny as
      a Susp ect  C lass  ...................................................................................... 306
      1. History  of Invidious Discrim ination .................................................... 307
      2. Shared  Im m utable  Characteristic ......................................................... 308
      3. Political Pow erlessness ........................................................................ 309
      4. Shared  Characteristic Not Limiting   ..................................................... 309
   C. Eligibility for the DREAMAct Providing for the Constitutional
      Irreleva n cy    ................................................. ......................................... 3 10
IV . C O N C LU SIO N  .............................................................................................. 3 11

                             I. INTRODUCTION
    Nearly a century ago, toward the end of his tenure as President, Franklin
Delano Roosevelt counseled that the United States as a nation would do well to
[r]emember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are
descended from immigrants. While the people Roosevelt spoke of are now
several generations removed from their immigrant roots, the American people's
heritage remains grounded in immigrants to the same extent. Furthermore,
successive waves of immigration into the United States have continued. In 2011,
more than 1,000,000 people gained permanent legal residency in the United
States, and the same was true for each year prior, dating back to 2005.2 With

Franklin D. Roosevelt, XXXII President of the United States, Remarks to the Daughters of the
American Revolution (Apr. 21, 1938), avaliable at http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=15631.
IMMIGRATION STATISTIcs 5 (2012), avaliable at http://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/
immigration-statistics/yearbook/201 I /ois yb 2011 .pdf

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