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34 GPSolo 4 (2017)
Traveling Companions: iPad Pro vs. Surface Pro 4

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By  Jeffrey   Allen

    n my previous column, I focused on
    a comparison between the Mac OS
    X and Windows   10 operating sys-
    tems-I  still can't help but wonder
    if Microsoft skipped Windows 9 as a
marketing tool, putting them at version
10 to match Apple's OS X. Oh, well, that's
not relevant to this column's topic-the
iPad Pro versus the Surface Pro 4-just a
random  thought that marched across my
brain as I wrote that column.

Anyway,  for those of you who have not
read my previous comments   about the
iPad Pro, let me summarize them for you
briefly. (For purposes of simplicity, I will
refer to the 9.7 iPad Pro as the smaller
and the 12.9 iPad Pro as the larger.)
I like the smaller iPad Pro as a traveling
companion.  It has lots of power, lots of
uses, and comes in what I consider the
perfect size. While the larger iPad Pro has
a slightly faster processor and a bit more
RAM,   I do not consider it as useful as a
traveling companion owing to its larger
size and greater weight. In truth, I have
not noticed much difference in perfor-
mance  speed between the two versions,
despite the differing specifications.
   The two versions both use the same
version of the iOS, come in the same
memory configurations, and have
Retina displays. To create the Retina
presentation the larger iPad Pro comes
with a higher resolution than the smaller
one, but you do not see the difference.
Another  significant difference relates

Jeffrey Allen (jallenlawtek@aol.com, jallenlawtekblog.
com) is the principal in the law firm of Graves &
Allen in Oakland, California. A frequent speaker on
technology topics, he is Editor-in-Chief of GPSolo
magazine and GPSoIo eReport and a member of the
Board of Editors of Experience magazine.

Apple iPad Pro (left) and Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (right)

to the camera,  as Apple created the
smaller iPad Pro with a better camera
(12-megapixel iSight versus 8-megapixel
iSight). The two iterations of the iPad
Pro have a few other differences that
will likely fall into sync in the next up-
grade. You can compare  the specifica-
tions in detail on Apple's website (apple.
   Perhaps the most significant differ-
ence from a usability perspective relates
to the relative sizes and weights of the
two  devices. Without a case (or key-
board) the smaller iPad Pro measures
9.4 x 6.6 x 0.24 and weighs  0.96
pounds (0.98 pounds for the WiFi + cel-
lular models). The larger iPad Pro (also
without a case or keyboard) measures
12 x 8.68 x 0.27 and  weighs  1.57
pounds  (1.59 pounds for WiFi + cellu-
lar). The weights with Apple's keyboard
case come to 2.33 pounds for the larger
and 1.73 for the smaller. That makes the
larger version slightly larger and heavier
than the 2.03 pound, 11.04 x 7.74 x

0.14/0.52 MacBook and about the
same size and almost as heavy as the 3.02
pound, 11.97 x 8.36 x 0.59 MacBook
Pro (13). So, you are taking up just
about the same space in your case and
carrying almost as much weight with the
larger iPad Pro with keyboard case as
you would  for an excellent laptop com-
puter. Given this choice, I would likely
opt for the MacBook Pro in most cases
over the larger iPad Pro owing  to its
substantially greater power for a slight
increase in weight; but if I did not need
the laptop, I would likely opt for the
smaller iPad and save the 1.3 pounds of
extra weight. In truth, I prefer using a
laptop when  I write, so if I have seri-
ous writing to do (other than simply
e-mails), I generally will bring a laptop
along instead of the iPad.
   In practice, the smaller iPad Pro
has joined my Kindle eReader and my
iPhone 7 Plus as the tools that come with
me  on virtually every trip and accom-
pany me  in most of my daily activities.

GPSOLO  I March/April 2017

Published in GPSOLO, Volume 34, Number 2, March/April 2017 © 2017 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion
thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.




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