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3 Glob. Sports Pol'y Rev. 1 (2023-2024)

handle is hein.journals/gblspr3 and id is 1 raw text is: Global Sports Policy Review                                                       (Summer 2023)
Volume 3 Issue 1                                                             ISSN (O): 2582-8886
www.g-spr.com                                                                         Pages: 1-23
'Raison d'ttre'of Popular Indian Sports Culture- A Socio-Legal Perspective
Sonal   Sinha,  Law    Scholar,  Symbiosis   Law    School   Hyderabad,    ORCID     ID:
Sports history is a fundamental key to understanding a Nation's political process, nationalism,
and colonial culture. Bengal's unique sport standing leads one to a discursive outlay of its radical
imperialist-nationalist policies against the British with pride and purpose. All people made their
own contributions, some as distinct as bhadraloc, whose education led them to recreate
vernacular sports journalism, attacking an ongoing English regime of the British. It gave a new
genre to sports history. However, in the later part, good-humored Europeans saw through
sentiments of resistance and subversion in their ideological colonial struggle. An attempt is made
to recreate the Bengali solidarity regime through their unique mass-gathering Bengali sports
journalism, the role of organized sports, and the subtle ideology of colonialism and game ethic.
In this article, the author discusses how Indian Sports grew as a popular culture in the first place.
Why cultural perspective is a mere undertone? Does culture form the superstructure for a
broader bureaucratic gridlock or judicial intervention? How has judicial development turned out
post-independence? Has journalistic writing in vernacular and English held any significance in
helping realize the popular sports culture? Lastly, how effective has language or journalism been
in creating a national foundation or international stronghold and goodwill temperament between
India and the world nations?
Keywords- Culture, sports journalism, colonial history, resistance, subversion, vernacular
I. Introduction
A. Sports Diplomacy: Choosing boycott over diplomacy
Sporting, sport loving, or by whatever name you call it, has remained a prime discussion among
sport-loving spectators, and the more its momentum increased, its incentivizing tendencies
towards political opportunism bloomed. Not long before its origin, its decisive influence as a
medium of foreign policy took shape back in the 1980s. (Roller, 2008)'. Notable remarks from


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