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11 Fam. L. Newsl. [i] (1969-1970)

handle is hein.journals/flwnwsltr11 and id is 1 raw text is: The
Family La
qw         (formerly The Family Lawyer)
Annual Meeting
Harry X. Cole of Chicago, Chairman of the Practicing Lawyer
Committee, concluded the Annual Meeting program on The
Distorted Image of the Family Lawyer by noting that we
should remember that lawyers are now and historically have
been leaders in all community service areas, and persons to
whom others turn in time of trouble. Consequently, we should
enhance our image by being more aware of the professional
responsibility to uphold the dignity of man under the
protective aegis of the law .. 
In conjunction with the ABA Committee on Economics of
Law Practice, the Family Law Section participated in a
program entitled Economics of the Family Lawyer-How to
Increase Efficiency and Income. Mrs. Louise B. Raggio, of
Dallas, Chairman of the Liasion Committee, distributed
questionaires to those in attendance. Of those who responded,
the vast majority were in general practice but some came from
almost every area of specialization, including taxation. In
general,, the program received ratings of excellent and good,
largely the former, and most respondents felt it had helped
them with their particular management problems. Those
responding also requested the American Bar Assocaition and
the Family Law Section to present more programs and publish
more articles on this subject.
The panel for the program Modern Trends in Adoption
Procedures: Agency Vs. Non-Agency planned and moder-
ated by Felix Infausto of New York, discussed in a compre-
hensive and interesting manner all aspects of the merits and
weaknesses of both agency and non-agency adoptions.
Judge George E. Bowles of Detroit, Chairman of the
Interprofessional Cooperation Committee, moderated a panel
representing several disciplines through a lively session con-
cerning the value and means of counseling not only for the
purpose of a possible reconciliation but also with the idea of
helping people to adjust to being divorced.

Vol. XI No. 1
October 1969
Whole No. 35
Section of
Family Law
American Bar Association

Welcome to New Chairman
What better way to face the dawn of a new year for the
Section than the luncheon on August 12, 1969 in Dallas when
William T. Gossett, President of the American Bar Association
.  -                    addressed the Family Law Sec-
tion on the subject, In the
SKeeping of Lawyers. After con-
gratulating Neva B. Talley of
Little Rock upon her election as
first woman Chairman of a Sec-
tion of the American Bar Associ-
ation, he further commended
the Section for its rapid growth
in its eleven year life, stating:
Today   your membership
President Gossett congratulateshas more than doubled, and you
first woman Section Chairman,.
Neva Talley.              issue four fine publications, per-
haps the most notable of which is the Family Law Ouarterly.
Through significant articles in that publication, through your
annual meeting programs and through your sponsorship of two
ABA National Institutes, you have effectively kept abreast of
developments in the always changing fieldof family law.
Committee Reports
And Activities
At the Annual Meeting in Dallas, Norman J. Kalcheim of
Philadelphia, Chairman of the Committee on Legal Problems
of the Aging, created in January, 1969, presented the
Committee's first annual report. The Committee had done
considerable research on problems facing the aged in our
society. It suggested that studies be done to determine if Legal
Aid programs are adequately helping the indigent aged, and to
determine the affect of or necessity of requiring tax exemp-
tions, ren.t control, employment discrimination, consumer
(continued onl page 2)

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