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33 Experience 4 (2022-2023)
Smartphone Buyer's Guide: Apple Edition

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Smartphone Buyer's Guide:

Apple Edition

What  to know  if you're deciding whether  to buy the latest-
and-greatest  iPhone or a nearly-as-good older model.


The smartphone is one of   the

      pieces of technology that's
      most often found in people's
 hands these days.
   Smartphone manufacturers are
continually striving to expand
the functionality and desirability
of these devices. You have a long
list of manufacturers and models
to choose from, but most smart-
phones use Apple's iOS or Google's
Android operating system.
  If you want an Android phone,
you have numerous manufacturers
and many models to choose from.
If you want a phone running iOS,
you have one manufacturer and
several models to choose from. In
this buying guide, we look at your
current options for Apple iOS. In a
later article, we'll look at the An-
droid operating system..

To start, should you buy the new-
est model, a new earlier-generation
model, or a refurbished model?
This will ultimately boil down to
your preference. If you want (or
need) the latest and greatest fea-
tures, the only way to get them is to
buy the latest and greatest model.
  On the other hand, manufac-
turers and certified resellers have
come a long way, and you can get
great value buying a refurbished

phone from a quality seller. Some
reputable places to purchase refur-
bished iPhones include:

   Apple Certified Refurbished
   Gazelle [buy.gazelle.comj
   Amazon  Renewed [https://

  It's worth noting that neither
Gazelle nor Amazon Renewed
products are Apple certified, but
both have internal technicians who
renew and review their devices.
Both also offer up to a one-year
warranty if the device fails to per-
form, and both have high reviews
for user experience.
  We've put together a cost com-
parison to help you understand
your options. To standardize the
review, we took the cost of the
baseline model-the one with the
least memory storage-both new
and refurbished, if available.
  We also looked at the end-of-life
expectancy for each model. Since
models aren't supported forever,
this will give you an idea of how
long a certain model will continue
to receive 10S support.
  The pricing model steps down in
a way that makes the average cost
per day standard. So your decision
may come down  to how often you


want to go through upgrading your
phone or how often you'd like a
new-to-you phone experience.
  As you can see, newer models
have the longest life expectancy,
and this makes their cost per
day about the same as the previ-
ous generation. Purchasing newer
phones will cost more up front,
but not having to worry about
your phone no longer having sup-
port until 2029 lowers your cost
of ownership. On average, iPhones
are supported for seven years.

What makes your smartphone
work like a palm-size computer is
its operating system. Like a com-
puter, your OS gets updated from
time to time.
  The latest iteration of iOS is
iOS 16. If you currently use i0S
15, the switch to iOS 16 shouldn't
create any serious surprises, but
there are some changes. As always,
upgrading to the new OS will kill


image: Apple

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