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32 De Jure i (1999)

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                              DE JURE

JAARGANG 32                         1999                         VOLUME I

INHOUDSOPGAWE                                                 CONTENTS

Professor Kobus van Rooyen: Professor Emeritus, Universiteit van Pretoria ............... iii

Financial Resources and the Patient's Right to Health Care: Myth and Real-
  ity by Ferdin an d  van  O osten  .............................................................................  1
Die Toepassing van Res Ipsa Loquitur in Gevalle van Mediese Nalatigheid
  d e u r  P A   C arste n s  ....................................................................................... . .......  19
The Refusal to Recognise Same-sex Marriages - A Pandora's Box of Ine-
  qu alities  by  D ivya  Singh  ...................................................................................  29
Unified Insolvency Legislation in South Africa: Obstacles in the Path of the
  Unification Process by  David  A  Burdette ........................................................  44
To Unify or Not to Unify Insolvency Legislation: International Experience
  and the Latest South African Proposals by Andrew Keay .............................  62
Corporate Administration: A Proposed Model by AnthonyJ Smits ...............        80
Commorientes in Hero6nskou deur MC Schoeman ............................................  108
Consent to Adoption: Some Perspectives by Anne Louw ..................................  124
Experimental Use as Defence in a Patent Infringement Action by APS van
   d e r  M e rw e   ......................................................... ...............................................  1 3 8

 Aantekeninge/N otes
 Some Ideas on the Legal Aspects of a Code of Conduct for Learners in Pub-
   lic  S ch o o ls  b y  PJ  V isse r  ......................................................................................  14 6
Some Legal Aspects of Capacity Building for Public School Governors:
   Thoughts on Content and Strategy by JL Beckmann and PJ Visser ...............     152
Some Thoughts on the Constitutionality of the Employment Equity Act 55
   o f  19 9 8  b y  B P S  v a n  Eck  ....................................................................................  160
Die Verweer van Lokvinkbetrapping: Watter Misdaadelement word Uit-
  geskakel? deurJM T Labuschagne ....................................................................  168

Onlangse regspraak/Recent case law
Pawlicki v City of Ithaca 993 F Supp 140 (NDNY 1998)
   d eu rJM T  Lab u sch ag n e  .....................................................................................  174
Property Girl BK vJoubert [1999] 1 All SA 20 (T) byJJ de Gama .......................  177
Hoge Raad 5 Junie 1998, NJ 1999, 129 deur A van der Linde ............................  181
S v Jonas 1998 2 SASV 677 (SOK); S v C 1998 2 SASV 721 (K); S v Nom-
   pumza (Ongerapporteer - Saakno CA+R57/98 (Ck) 1998-11-16) deur
   D J L   K o tz 6   ........... .................... .......................... ............................ ...................  1 8 8

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