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60 Case & Com. [xxv] (1955)

handle is hein.journals/cscmt60 and id is 1 raw text is: 
          JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1955

Case and

      The lLawyers' Magazine-EstablghQd, .9j

                IN THIS ISSUE

The Place of the Lawyer in Labor Relations - - -
                       Wisconsin Bar Bulletin 3

The Lawyer's Deduction for Entertainment of Clients
              American Bar Association Journal 10

The National Association of Legal Secretaries - -
                          Dorothy J. Boston 16

Trifles Light as Air - - - The Alabama Lawyer 20
The Lawyer's and Accountant's Area------
             Boston University Business Review  24

American Bar Association Section  - - - - - - 32

Simple Will Has Everything, But Who Named
  It Simple?
     The  Commercial Appeal, Memphis (Tenn.) 36

Among  the New  Decisions -  -------
     American Law  Reports, Second Series and
       U. S. Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers'
       Edition ---     -------------40

Volume 60, No. 1-Copyright 1955 by The Lawyers Co-opera-
tive Publishing Company and Bancroft-Whitney Company
     Digitized from Best Copy Available

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