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4 Correction 1 (1934)

handle is hein.journals/crecton4 and id is 1 raw text is: VOLUME 4                     ELMIRA, N. Y. ~ JANUARY, 1934                NUMBER 1

HE American Bar Association is seeking to en-
list the aid of bar associations throughout the
country to find out why the criminal law has
broken down and to take steps, legislative and other-
wise, to correct weaknesses in its enforcement.
Questionnaires have been sent to 1,350 bar associa-
tions requesting them to appoint committees to con-
duct local inquiries, and, when feasible, to indorse
the recommendations of the committee before trans-
mitting them.
The investigation is part of the national bar
program adopted at the Association's last annual
meeting. Leaders of the bar will be asked to assume
responsibility for such needed changes in the law
and its administration as are disclosed by the in-
The queries under separate divisions of the
questionnaire are designed to expose every un-
healthy condition in criminal law enforcement and
with whom the responsibility lies, it was said.
Nine problems are covered. They are:
Relation between politics and crime.
Efficiency of prosecuting officials and agencies.
Police activity in prevention of crime and de-
tection and arrest of criminals.
Operations of unethical criminal lawyers and
the extent to which unethical practice interferes
with enforcement.
Interference of the racketeer in legitimate busi-
Prevalence of kidnapping and k idnapping
threats and the punishment of kidnappers.
Codes of criminal procedure and their conform-
ity with the model code of the American Law Insti-
The relative efficiency of the local and Federal
courts in disposing of criminal cases.
(Continued on Pand 8)

G OVERNOR LEHMAN has appointed a Commis-
sion for the Study of Educational Problems of
Penal Institutions for Youth. The chairman of the
Commission is Dr. N. L. Engelhardt, of Columbia
University. It is the announced object of the Com-
mission to further the development of the new edu-
cational program launched last year at the Elmira
Reformatory by the State Department of Correction.
In announcing the appointment of the Commission
the Governor said the program already has attract-
ed favorable attention in other. states although it is
still in its formative stage. The program is in charge
of Walter M. Wallack, Director of Education for
the Department.
The Commission is composed of Dr. Herbert D.
Bruner and Dr. Edmund de S. Brunner, both pro-
fessors of education at Columbia University; Ed-
ward R. Cass, General Secretary of the American
Prison Association and Secretary of the Prison As-
sociation of New York; Dr. William E. Grady, As-
sociate Superintendent of Schools, New York City;
Miss Julia K. Jaffray, Secretary of the National
Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor; Dr. Frank-
lin J. Kellar, Director of the National Occupational
Conference; Dr. Daniel J. Kelly, Superintendent of
Schools, Binghamton, N. Y.; Sam A. Lewisohn,
member of the State Commission of Correction and
former chairman of the Commission on Prison Ad-
ministration and Construction; Dr. J. Cayce Morri-
son, Assistant State Commissioner for Elementary
Education; Dr. Goodwin Watson, Associate Profes-
sor of Education, Teachers College, Columbia Uni-
versity; Dr. Jesse F. Williams, Professor of Physical
Education and Prof. N. L. Engelhardt, Professor of
Education, both of the Teachers College, Columbia
University; Dr. Lewis A. Wilson, Assistant State
Commissioner for Vocation and Extension Educa-
tion, State Education Department; Miss Jane Hoey,
(Continued on Pane 4)




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