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7 Cornell Law Forum (Student ed.) 1 (1954)

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Our Own First Lady          WillcoxTo Direct Dean Stevens Retires:

S esPast And Future Research Study

At Cornell 1919-19 54

-            -                     -. .... .Professoi Bertram F. Willcox, '17, -          ..       .  ...
Undoubtelyyther  wul s  relativelymfew readwill direct a broad survey of the ad-                     By Franklin Lehmeier
Undoubtedly, there would be relatively few readers of The Forum who ministration of the law in the United  George Jarvis Thompson, Edwin H. Woodruff Professor of
woma. h    er the   rofesor thalumn, std ent an         isa S States. The funds will be made avail- Law, long an associate of Robert S. Stevens, writes:
woman. However, the professors, alum, students and associates of the 'I able from an endowment of $35,000   In the retirement of Dean Robert S. Stevens, we of the Cornell
Cornell Law School have long since become cognizant of Mrs. Stevens' smn' bequeathe  to theUnvesiy  ...il
cere interest and assistance along side that of her husband, Dean Stevens; beqathe. M t h  nety   Law School family lose a loyal, inspiring teacher, friend and leader.
and who would fail to herald the fact that behind Mr. Stevens was a truly la schol n1895-6nandtpracticed His thirty-five years on the faculty and his seventeen years as dean
'First Lady of the Cornell Law School-his wife.                     law in Peoria, Ill. for many years are unexcelled in length of service and in significance of contribu-
Shortly after their marriage in                                    prior to his death in 1950. Professor tion in the history of the school.
1940, the Dean and Mrs. Stevens ar-                                  Willcox will hold the first Mcnob-                              >     As longtime New York State mem-
rived in Ithaca, and since that time                                 ert's Professorship in the Adminisra-                                                          Uniform
she has taken a vital interest not only                             I     f Law.                                                         StatesLawsia d   t      of the Uni-
ion ofLaw.State Laws, as draftsman of the Uni-
in the student body and the school in                                  Unlike most previous studies of the                                form Corporation Law, and as author
general, but in each individual in par-                              law, the McRobert's endowment pro-   ...ls of a leaC                              og text and atleles i the
ticular. Mention need only be made                                   vides that the Cornell project shall                                ifields of Corporations and Equity, he
of her greeting each new student at                                  attempt to analyze its acutal admin-                                 not only brought national prestige to
the Dean's Tea as an old acquantance,                                istration -from the viewpoint of the                                 the Law School and to himself but set
nd the sincerity and extent of her in-                               layman and the public. The will also                                an inspiring example to faculty and
terest is immediately evident. How                                   provides that the results of the study                             students.
many law students were amazed when                                   shall be used to inform law students,                                  All within the Law School circle
Mrs. Stevens called him by name up.                                  legislative bodies, bar associations                                 will miss the genuine interest, help-
n their first meeting!                                              and the public of the most successful                                fulness and hospitality of Dean and
With the exception of about three                                  areas and methods in public adminis-                                 Mrs. Stevens. Our best wishes go
years since 1940, Mrs. Stevens has                                   tration of justice.                                                  with them.
been a resident of Ithaca. In 1942,                                    Recently returned from  England                                                 *  *   *
both the Dean and Mrs. Stevens left                                  where he studied the effect of nation-                                 Retirement is such a normal event
for California where the Dean was to                                lalization on labor relations as a Ful-                               in our academic and business life that
take his sabbatical leave, It was soon                               bright scholar. Professor Willcox has.                               we accept it as a telephone bill; not
thereafter that both went to Washing.               >been on the law school faculty since:                                                with any outward happiness but with
ton, D.C., where the Dean was called          &irs. Stevens          1 19-16. He has taught courses in com-                               resignation to the inevitable. When
into governmental service.                                          imercial transactions and in labor law.        D                      Robert Sproule Stevens, one day last
Upon completion of that assign- LANKLER       APPOINTED           'He received his A.B. from Cornell in                                 spring, announced his retirement as
ment, the Stevens returned to Ithaca                                 1917 and his LL.B from    Harvard                                    Dean of the Law School, thus ending
and Myron Taylor Hall where they TO     HIGH    STATE POST           Iwhere he was editor and chairman of Keeler Wins Prize               the active side of a thirty-five year as-
have been since.                     A   Cornell alumnus, 26-year old I the Harvard Law Review in 1922. A               Student          sociation, there was,indeed, no out-
Although  during the next few Alexander M. Lanker of Brooklyn member of numerous fraternal and                                        ward happiness. From the faculty of-
months, Mrs. Stevens will be involved has been appointed confidential law professional clubs including Phi Beta  The Boardman Prize for 1954-55 fices to the classrooms there was a
in making  plans for their trip to assistant to the governor's counsel, Kappa and Sphinx Head, Professor has been awarded to Charles Addison loud echo of stunned surprise and
Europe cmmencing March I and in George M. Shapiro.                  Willcox has served as a hearing of- Keeler, Jr. The Prize, in memory of hopeful disbelief. The inability of
visiting their son's family and chil-  He was named to the $5700-a-yea- ficer for the New York State Labor Judge Douglas Boardman, fitst Dean Myron Taylor Hall to absorb with in-
dren in Rochester, she intends to keep post by Governor Dewey Friday to Relations Board and was a public of the Law School, is awarded an- evitable resign the Dean's retirement
in touch with her many friends in the suceed Milton S. Heath  who has member on the appeals committee of nually to the student who has, in the lies in the simple realism that thirty-
that she may continue to be invited  joined the staff of the Tennessee Val- the National War Labor Board dur- judgment of the faculty, done the best five years of creative brilliance and
to ley Authority.                      ing World War II.                  work to the end of his second year.  warm devotion cannot be estranged
attend the coffee hours and functions                                                                                                     by a single proclamation when those
of the school which she considers the                                                                                                    very qualities are firmly fixed in the
most stimulating institution I ever                                                                                                       foundation and the life of the build-
knew. That she has found it so and                                                                  .   .g.
has enjoyed being associated with it
is a fact in which the entire school                                                                                                                   Early Life
takes pride.                                                                                                                                Dean Stevens arrived in. Ithaca in
Although no longer officially con-                                                                                                      1919 as a lecturer on law, immediate-
nected with Myron Taylor Hall, the                                                                                              Z         ly after he had completed military
gracious manner, the amicable con-                                                                                                        service in the first World War, asid
versation, and the personal interest in                                                                                                   but for the three years between 19-42
the student body of The Lady behind'                                                                                                     and 1945 when he served the govern-
the Dean will long be remembered                                                                                                         ment in a civilian capacity, he has re-
and appreciated. To her the student                                                                                                       mained in the Law School. In that
body extends its heartiest wish for,                                                                                                      time some eighty per cent of the Cor-
many pleasant years ahead.                                                                                                                nell Law School Alumni have bene-

Cornell Graduate
Elected Governor
Running roughshod over tradition
and overwhelmingly odds, Edmund S.
Muskie defeated Governor Burton M.
Cross of Maine by 25,000 votes dur-
ing the Stepmber 13 elections in that
Muskie who came from Bates Col-
lege in 1936, was graduated from
Cornell Law School in 1939. Follow-
ing his graduation, Mr. Muskie was
associated with Muskie -and Glover, a
law firm in Waterville, Maine.
By no means a stranger to the polit-
ical scene in the home, state, Muskie
held the post of Democratic National
Committeeman. During the war emer-
gency period he also achieved public
renown as head of the Office of Price
In becoming the governor-elect of
Maine, Muskie crashed through two
longstanding barriers: he became the
first Democratic governor since 1934
and the first Democrat since 1914 to
defeat a Republican governor up for
election to a second term.

Seated: jonn rsenappi, nlarmIon Iuuge, ..y -
Standing (I. to r.) :Art Bergner, Andy Gleenst4
Franklin, Gil Henoch, William Ferguson, Seymour
Steven Kaye, Joe Dunne.

Levien, C. Addison Reeler, Joe r
sIn, Ken Bay. Dave Goodstein,
Eilenberg, Bernard Bergaman, B

Quarterly Competition Open
As a result of their excellence in  Marc Franklin, Martin Rubashkin,
scholastic achievement, fourteen new Joy Levien, Lee Beck, David Good-
competitors haev been added to the   stein, Gill Henoch, Steven Oppenheim,
staff of the Cornell Law Quarterly for I and John Shea round out the list of
the coming year.                  this year's competitors.
Included among this select group   Although there is no precise math-
of students who were honored by the ematical system for determining how
faculty with invitations to compete many students will qualify for Quar-
are five returning war veterans. This terly competition, the number arrived
impressive array of ex-servicemen is at usually encompasses the top 10%
composed of Steven Kaye, Thomas of the previous first year class.
Cashel, Paul Szasz, Bernard Berko.   During the one year or more com-
witz, and Arthur Bergner.         peting period, each student is re-

!itted from one or more courses with
Dean Stevens, including our own Pro-
fessor Whiteside who was a first year
student in the Law School in 1919.
and Professors Farnham, MacDon-
ald, Freeman, Morse, Pfann, Curtiss.
Warren, Ward, Fricke, Henn and
Pasley. From where did this brilliant
and contributive career spring forth 9,
Robert Stevens was born in 1888 in
the tiny upstate village of Attica, New
York. But, indeed, he was born in a
Perillo, Fat Fox.                  house whose previous owner was none
John Shea, Martin Bubashkin, Ma   hr t
ernard Lalone, Paut Szasa. Tonms el, other than Judge Thomas Cooley,
author of celebrated books on consti-
tutional law and torts. Young Rob-
ert's father was a New York State
To       Fourteen               Senator as well as a banker, and win-
tertime led the Stevens family to
quired to submit three notes (case an- Washington, D.C., where Robert at-
alysis) or one note in addition to a tended grade school and had for con-
comment. Furthermore, the compets stant companions, Theodore, Jr., and
are called upon to perform some min- Kermit Roosevelt, the sons of the
isterial functions such as working in President, with whom he spent many
the Quarterly book store,         hours at play upstairs in the White
Upon the successful completion of House. Dean Stevens completed his
the prerequisites, the respective com- secondary education at the Hackley
petitors are eligible for election to the I School in Tarrytown, New  York,
Board of Editors. Despite the fact from  where, in 1906, he started off
that this is not an automatic election for seven important years at Harvard
precedure, few compets, if any, fail University. As an undergraduate at

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