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11 Copp's Land Owner 1 (1884-1885)

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VOL. XI.         WASHINGTON, D. C., APRIL 1, 1884.  No. 1.

Washington, D. C., as

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Editorial Notes-Index to Vols. 1 to 9-Valentine
Scrip-Land Personals-40 Acres for Sale-
Youthful Fairbank-Soldiers' Additionals for
Sale ..................................................  1
Instructions-Moylan C. Fox-Englandvs. Libby. 2
Alexander Moore et a-Brown vs. Alexander-
CleWell and  Marsh .................................  3
Wight~ts. Tabor (On Review) .......................4
George G. Brewer-Thorp Williams et at .........4
George W. Sheppard ..........................5
Clarence  Larabee et at ..............................  5
Goyne  vs. M alhoney ..................................  6
Lewis vs. Hy      ................................  7
Andrew C. Milne .............................7
Hughes vs. Tapton ............................ 8
Talbert vs. Oregon & (alifornia R. R. Co. et at ....  9
Turner vs. Atchison, Topeka & Santa  F   R. 1. Co. 10
Shorey vs. Southern Pacific I. R. Co. Branch Line
-Central Pacific (Successor to Wtesaern Pacific)
Railroad  Company .................................  11
Estella J. Richardson-S. L. Bergan-Fort Thorn
Military ReerVaLiOlI, - New Mexico-John Lowe .   12
Rowland vs. Clenens-C. A. Lhnsusroin ............ 13
U. S. Circuit Court, District of Colorado; Terri-
ble Mining Co. vs. AigenLine Mining Co-Su-
preme Court of Calit'ornai; Sacramento Valley
Reclanation Company vs. CooK ................... 1
A.National Arbor Day-Lo! the poor Congress-
m an  ................................................  15
Mineral Patcnts Issued ............................ 15
Cash Patents Issued .............................. l1
Homestead PatenLts Issued ...................... 16
PROFESSIONAL CARjj6.                PAGE
Curtis & Burdett, AVashinglon, D. C .............   I
Capt ohn M     lnan, Siji rancisco & Washington.
D. H. Talbot, Sioux City, Iowa .....................  I
Ellery C. Ford Washington, I). C ................   I
D. K. Sickels & Co., Washington. 1). C ..............  I
C. W. Holconb. Washington, D. C ..................  I
W. J. Jobnston. Washington, D. C ................  I
L. C. Walsh & Co., Washington, D. C ............. I
Henry N. Copp, Washington, D. C ...............     I
P. 11. Scymour, Washington, D. C..     ............ IV
Chas. & William  B. King, Wa'shington, D. C ...... IV
Walter H. Smith, Washington, D. C ............ IV
H. J. Frost, Washington, D. C ................... IV
Riddfe, Davis & Padgett, Washington, D. C ...... IV
Land Directory    ..............................Ii
Americai Setter's Guide ......................... III
Copps Land Owner-Bound .................. III
Copp's U. S. Mineral Lands ..........l
CoppbR American Mining Code ................11l
V. L. Griggs, Kirksville, Me ....................... IV
arestn, Ren & Co., Chicago, Ills ................. IV
John Cross, Liverpool, Florida .................... IV
Generpl Price List ................................ IV
Copp's Public Land Laws ................... IV

Entered at the Pest QOice at
second-class matter.

THis paper furnishes more valuable law informa-
tion for less money, and is read by nore land attor-
neys and real estate dealers, by more homestead,
pie emption, and other land claimants, and by more
mine owners, engineers, and superinten dents, than
any other publication in the United States.
This book is now ready for delivery.
It contains 203 pages, price $2.00. The
Table of Cases takes 52 pages; Acts of
Cong-ress cited and construed, 10 pages;
Circtlar Instructions, 4 pages; Court De-
cisions, 3 pages; Homesteads, 7 pages;
Laws of Congress, 5 pages ; Lodes, Mines,
and Placers, 7 pages; Patents, 4 pages;
Pre-emptions, 5 pages; Railroads, 4 pages;
Surveys, 6 pages; Timber Culture, 4
pages; Widow, Wife, and Woman, 2 pages.
1000 acres for sale.
F. A. HYDE, 623 Commercial St,
San Francisco, Cal.
THE decisions ifi the case of Maid of
Erin Lode vs. Vanderbilt Lode (Wigit vs.
Tabor), published in this issue, and in the
March 15 LAND OWNER, are very clear and
forcible expositions of the points of min-
ing law involved. Secretary Teller has
the reputation of being one of the ablest
mining lawyers in the country.
their labors much lessened if every land
attorney could be persuaded to buy Copp's
Public Land Laws, and subscribe for
from  Florida, apparently luch benefited
by his brief excursion. He reports gen-
eral prosperity, and says he found it diili-
cult, to rsis t the tenuttation to nilrehase

an orange grove.                        WE have for sale Lester's 2 volumes of
GEN. ELLERY C. FORD, land and mining Land Laws, $12.50; and Lewis' Leading
attorney, of this city, was on the winning Land Cases, $10.00.
side in case of the Maid of Erin Lode vs.
Vanderbilt Lode (Wight vs. Tabor), the  ARE you not making a serious mistake
decision wherein was published in March in fitling to purchase Copp's Public Land
15 LAND OWNER, and the review decision Laws? See advertisement on 4th page of
in this issue. He considers this contest cover.
among his hardest fought battles.
ALONzo L. PATCmN has been confirmed   Tit Western Land Exchange, organized
as Register at Oberlin, Kansas.       to buy real estate, lease or colonize the
CAPT. E. A. KREIDLE't, Rgistel' at Miles samo, to mino coal, iron or other minerals,
City, Montana, has - sitcd Wasliutm, has t.lel a c2rtficate of incorporation in
on a leave of absence. His former co- New Y orli city. Capital, $2,000,000. The
laborers in the General Land Off-ce Lave ot.hcs of the New York branches are in
him a warm welcome.                   London, Eng., and Denver, Col.

LAWYERS will find it a good advertise-
ment to give away Copp's Settler's Guide
to every client whose declaratory state-
nlent they file or application papers they
prepare. The Guide is furnished at about
17 cents wholesale.
Soldier's additional homestead certifi-
cates : three of 120 acres each, and one of
80 acres.  Send your highest bids to
Adolph Munter, Montgomery, Alabama.
The new city of Fairbank, on the Mis-
souri river, in Sully county, Dakota, is
 booming  right merrily. The first lots
were sold last autumn; and in spite of
wintry weather the town has grown rap-
idly, until now it is quite a place, with
two newspapers and various adjuncts of
It is the prospective terminus of the
Redfield and Fairbank extension of the
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, and
is adnirably situated for future growth.
With the opelling of spring a grand rush
of immigration is expected in this part of
Dakota, and Fairbank lot-owners will re-
joice accordingly. 1. W. Cavanah, of St.
Paul, Minn., is the financial nanager, and
F. M. Heaton, of Huron, is a stockholder
in the town colpany.
One for 2T1,%0- acres, will take anything
under 56 acres.
One for 5,%% acres, will take, anything
under 11 0 acres.
One for 14-2U0- acres, will take anything
under 28 15 acres.
One for 40 acres, and one for 120 acres.
Address, Editor of LAND OWNER.

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