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30 Colo. Nat. Resources Energy & Envtl. L. Rev. 171 (2019)
Hydraulic Fracturing, Radioactive Waste, and Inconsistent Regulation

handle is hein.journals/colenvlp30 and id is 183 raw text is: 

           Hydraulic Fracturing,

           Radioactive Waste, and

           Inconsistent Regulation

                    Hella B. Zelleke*

                      Table of Contents

IN TRO D U CTION  ..................................................................................... 172
      A. Oil and Gas Production and Radioactive Waste ................. 173
      B. What is the Waste, How Much is It,
          and W here is the W aste Going? .......................................... 176
      C . Exposure and Risk  .............................................................. 180
  II. REGULATION (OR LACK THEREOF) ............................................ 182
      A. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ........................................ 182
      B . A tom ic  Energy  A ct ............................................................. 184
      C. Environmental Protection Agency Regulations .................. 185
          1. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act .................... 185
          2. Safe Drinking  W ater Act .............................................. 188
          3. Clean Water Act and Other Regulations ....................... 190
      D. Current Regulatory Scheme and State Survey ...................... 191
          1. Pennsylvania  ................................................................. 193
          2. C olorado  ........................................................................ 194
          3. N orth  D akota ................................................................. 195
  III. PROPOSED REGULATION OF TENORM ..................................... 196
      A. Regulation of Hazardous Waste Under RCRA ................... 196
      B. Regulation of TENORM Under the SDWA ....................... 200
C ON CLU SION  ......................................................................................... 203

*J.D. Candidate, 2019, University of Colorado Law School. The author would like to thank
Travis Weiner and Alula S. Mazengia, without their invaluable feedback and support
publication of this Note would not have been possible. Additional thanks to the Colorado
Natural Resources, Energy & Environmental Law Review members for their hard work in
reviewing and preparing this Note for publication.

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