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68 Can. Tax J. 835 (2020)
The Case for an Annual Net Wealth Tax

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Policy Forum: The Case for an

Annual Net Wealth Tax

Andrew Jackson and Toby Sanger*

Le public et les decideurs politiques montrent un intret renouvel6 pour les imp6ts sur la
fortune comme  reponse possible au probleme de l'inegalit6 de la richesse. Cet article
decrit la tendance recente a l'augmentation de l'inegalit6 de la richesse, et les facteurs qui
y contribuent dans les pays developpes, y compris le Canada. Les auteurs font valoir
qu'un imp6t annuel sur la fortune pourrait et devrait contrer cette tendance, et qu'un tel
imp6t est a la fois justifiable sur le plan &conomique et realisable sur le plan technique. Ils
affirment que l'imposition du revenu du capital ne resout pas adequatement le probleme
de l'accumulation de grandes fortunes en grande partie en franchise de l'imp6t, et qu'un
imp6t annuel sur la fortune est preferable aux imp6ts fonciers, qui excluent l'imposition
des actifs financiers et sont preleves sur le patrimoine brut plut6t que sur le patrimoine
net. L'article repond en detail aux principales critiques concernant un imp6t annuel sur la
fortune, en faisantvaloir qu'un tel imp6t est necessaire pour parvenir a une repartition
plus equitable de la richesse tout en generant des recettes supplementaires.

The public and policy makers are showing a renewed interest in wealth taxes as a
possible response to the problem of wealth inequality. This article describes the recent
trend of rising wealth inequality, and the factors contributing to it, in developed
countries, including Canada. The authors argue that an annual wealth tax could and
should counter the trend, and that such a tax is both justifiable on economic grounds and
technically feasible. They assert that the taxation of capital income does not adequately
address the largely tax-free accumulation of large fortunes, and that an annual wealth
tax is preferable to property taxes, which exclude the taxation of financial assets and are
levied on gross rather than net wealth. The article responds in detail to major criticisms
of an annual tax on wealth, arguing that such a tax is needed to achieve a more equal
distribution of wealth while raising additional revenues.

  *  Andrew Jackson is senior policy adviser at the Broadbent Institute (e-mail: ajackson
     @broadbentinstitute.ca). Toby Sanger is executive director of Canadians for Tax Fairness
     (e-mail: toby.sanger@taxfairness.ca). We thank Kevin Milligan, Alan Macnaughton, and
     Daniel Sandler for their helpful comments on an earlier draft.


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